Friday, October 19, 2012

Onward Christian Slave owners.

I will be the first to admit that even though I am the son of a preacher I am not too up on my religious teachings. Still, even a theological neophyte like myself knows that we had to be farther from God during slavery than we are now. At least I thought we were.

"We strayed away different times. Andrew Jackson's time was not a great time; different times slavery was a blot on our existence," Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas) said this week, adding, "But the trouble is we have never as an entire nation overall been so far away from God’s teaching." Speaking on a conference call with far-right pastor Rick Scarborough, he warned that the much-worse-than slavery sins going on today could lead the nation "toward the end of [its] existence." [Source]

"Much worse than slavery sins"? Hmmm, let's see now, slaves were murdered, raped, and forced to work for free; what could be worse than that?

But this kind of rhetoric barely gets noticed in our country these days.  Americans are either too embarrassed or too willfully ignorant to let these reminders of just how backwards we are get into our collective psyche.
Poor Rush Limbaugh and Ann Coulter can't even shock us anymore with their verbal antics. When elected politicians are telling us that we are more sinful now than when we held human beings as our animals, what could those two (and others like them) possibly say to get our outrage meters up?

Finally, I know that my wingnut friends are trying very hard to suppress the vote of...ahem ahem....certain people, but I sure hope that the rest of the country is keeping their eyes on people like Colin Small. [That's Colin in the pic. Doesn't he just look like a little angel?Not! ] It seems that Colin and his peeps have been busy trying to make sure that we don't have a close election this year.
The Rockingham County Sheriff’s office arrested Colin Small, a 31-year-old resident of Phoenixville, Pennsylvania, after receiving a report from a Harrisonburg store manager who says he saw Small throwing eight voter registration forms into a nearby dumpster, just before the Monday filing deadline.

Investigators say Small works for Pinpoint, a company hired by the Virginia GOP to register voters. The Sheriff’s office said there doesn’t seem to be a widespread case of voter form destruction and that the incident may not have been politically motivated.

Chairman Pat Mullins, of the Republican Party of Virginia, called Small’s actions “a direct contradiction of both his training and explicit instructions given to him.”
“The Republican Party of Virginia will not tolerate any action by any person that could threaten the integrity of our electoral process,” Mullins said. “The individual in question was fired immediately after we learned of his alleged actions.” [Source]

Mr. Mullins, I think your nose is growing.


  1. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Field, "Still, even a theological neophyte like myself knows that we had to be farther from God during slavery than we are now. At least I thought we were."

    That's where you are wrong, dead wrong. Yes slavery was terrible, but don't think there aren't worse things human being can do...there is no limit to the devil's sin.

    For instance, during the days of slavery there were hangings, rape and overt killings of Blacks. Today, the number of Blacks killed in 3 years topple the number killed during the entire time of slavery.

    And who's killing most of the Blacks today-in these post-modern times?

    FYI: the Bible says things will get worse as we near the end of the world. YOU really ought to read Revelations because you are weak when it comes to NOT knowing that these times are far worse than slavery.

    WAKE UP!

  2. I thought that you might write o the ripoffiklans' voter registration fraud tonight. Here in California, the parties still pay a bounty for registrations, and a lot of professional political operatives use it as a bread n butter part of their operations by collecting bounties from their opponents as well as their allies. I suspect that carries through in some form across the country, so anyone in it for $ would seem to be throwing $ away by throwing cards away (on top of committing a felony) and that makes it much more likely a conspiracy than a mistake or a lone wolf.

  3. Lt. Commander Johnson12:47 AM

    Hmmm. Field, do you remember the "Huttarees", which you advertised so well? (And, which you DIDN'T make a remark about when they were found innocent, except for one goober who had a felony, which kept him from owning a weapon?)

  4. ""Much worse than slavery sins"? Hmmm, let's see now, slaves were murdered, raped, and forced to work for free; what could be worse than that?"

    Bothering the white collective conscience about events that happened ages ago. Those blacks just can't seem to get over those generations of rape, murder and forced labor, geez...

    "For instance, during the days of slavery there were hangings, rape and overt killings of Blacks. Today, the number of Blacks killed in 3 years topple the number killed during the entire time of slavery.

    And who's killing most of the Blacks today-in these post-modern times? "

    By logical extension, anyone reading this would have to say "other blacks," thereby pivoting the discussion away from white-on-black injustice to black-on-black crime, thus allowing you to advise blacks to clean up their own act before they dare venture back onto the original topic.

    And that, ladies and gents, is how derails are done.

  5. Hmmm. Field, do you remember the "Huttarees", which you advertised so well? (And, which you DIDN'T make a remark about when they were found innocent, except for one goober who had a felony, which kept him from owning a weapon?)

    Being found innocent in a court of law does not equal total and complete absolution.

    Look at it this way: O.J. Simpson was found innocent in a court of law... ;)

  6. Anonymous2:01 AM

    Mack Lyons, OJ WAS innocent! What makes you think otherwise and what makes you so high and mighty that you can look down your nose at the law and OJ?

    I knew you were an uncle tom a long time ago. Your attitude toward OJ, an innocent man, proves that you are nothing but a slave catcher.

  7. Anything coming out of a Rethuglican's mouth, especially louie Gomert, is bound to be extremely stupid. The GOP loves stupid.

  8. Alright, this is too funny...

    It's time to bring out the Big Gun!



    These GOP clowns this year are going to lose a few seats. Ha. Ha.

    Steaming pile of idiots. I wonder if FN enjoys C-Span as much as I. It's a clown show. Very funny.


  9. "By logical extension, anyone reading this would have to say "other blacks," thereby pivoting the discussion away from white-on-black injustice to black-on-black crime, thus allowing you to advise blacks to clean up their own act before they dare venture back onto the original topic.

    And that, ladies and gents, is how derails are done."

    Thank you Mr. Lyons. This explains a lot.

  10. Jersey McJones, I love C-SPAN.

  11. Anonymous7:41 AM

    ..."a direct contradiction of both his training and explicit instructions given to him.”

    Yeah, we explicitly told him not to get caught!

    What is it about that denial that's totally unconvincing? That stops far short of the "reasonable doubt" mark? As a lawyer, Field, you've gotta have a nose for this stuff, but even I can smell it.


  12. Anonymous7:51 AM

    AL GORE ON SUICIDE WATCH? Yet another academic paper shows temperatures were warmer 1,000 years ago. Oh. And 2,000 years ago.

  13. Anonymous8:33 AM

    speaking of suicide watch...a probability?

  14. Anonymous8:56 AM

    90% of all slaves went south of the border and only about 2-3% of our population owned slave.750,000 whites died to end slavery in this country while ragheads and negroes in africa still pratice slavery.what are you negroes doing about that? i think that after 150yrs we can put that to quit your whinning get off your dead ass and find a job.

  15. I wonder how many of those 750,000 whites died to defend slavery. If there hadn't been slavery here in the first place or if certain whites had peacefully ended slavery we wouldn't have had to have a civil war.
    Also wonder if that admonition to get off their asses and find jobs applies to whites.

  16. Nice to see some people, bet they vote Republicon, are defending slavery. Well, at least we know these tards are still out there.

  17. sick of it11:21 AM

    Slavery wasn't that bad, no worse than industrial workers and miners had it back then. In fact, in many ways it was easier. Besides, no one alive today was ever a slave.

    Get over it already.

  18. Hey Pilot Wrecks, just what exactly does a black politician have to do to not get reelected?:

  19. Anonymous11:27 AM

    PilotX said...

    I wonder how many of those 750,000 whites died to defend slavery.

    ummmm.....each one of them.

  20. Race of Beggars11:40 AM

    Slavery was the best thing to ever happen to Africans. Seriously, where would black people be without white people? Today, white people support all the black people on the planet. Everywhere you go, blacks live by holding their hands out to white people. Their clothes, their food, their houses, even their cell phones - all given to them by white people, If there was no one to beg from, they'd all starve.

    Thank God for White people.

  21. You can take the "girl" out of the ghetto, but you can't take the "ghetto" out of the girl:

  22. Damn, we get the stormfront rejects. Just like most racist whites, they tend to be the most ignorant and unemployable. No wonder meth is so popular in the trailer parks. We need to see Depressed white guy because it sure seems to be depressing in white amerikkka.

  23. Anonymous12:05 PM

    It must be hard being white. By your own measure you are genetically inferior to people of color. Black people possess dominant genes. Yellow people have higher IQ's. Brown people have a greater sense of community. Watching you people self destruct more than anything else I can think of pleases me.

  24. Racist black supremecist anon said...
    "Brown people have a greater sense of community"

    That's "special".

    You can't comprehend what it is that your are actually "watching".

    In general, blacks are not held responsible for their behavior, due to the soft bigotry of low expectations on the part of our liberal rulers. But as the country becomes more unstable due to impending economic collapse and the relentless stoking of class and race envy by Democrats, it will be wise for them to keep social unrest within safe parameters:

    Don't push it, Lavonius. You don't how good you have it.

  25. “Ideologies aren’t all that important. What’s important is psychology.

    “The Democratic constituency is just like a herd of cows. All you have to do is lay out enough silage and they come running. That’s why I became an operative working with Democrats. With Democrats all you have to do is make a lot of noise, lay out the hay, and be ready to use the ole cattle prod in case a few want to bolt the herd.

    “Eighty percent of the people who call themselves Democrats don’t have a clue as to political reality.

    “What amazes me is that you could take a group of people who are hard workers and convince them that they should support social programs that were the exact opposite of their own personal convictions. Put a little fear here and there and you can get people to vote any way you want.

    “The voter is basically dumb and lazy. The reason I became a Democratic operative instead of a Republican was because there were more Democrats that didn’t have a clue than there were Republicans.

    “Truth is relative. Truth is what you can make the voter believe is the truth. If you’re smart enough, truth is what you make the voter think it is. That’s why I’m a Democrat. I can make the Democratic voters think whatever I want them to.”

  26. I'm still voting for Obama, maybe three or four times!

  27. The funniest part about this is that some folks have the cojones to wonder why blah people don't support the GOP. This party supports fools like Gohmert that send signals to the stormfront crowd, as evidenced by support for him by that exact racist type, and then uses charged language like "plantation" to try to shame us into supporting them. Here's a novel concept, stop supporting imbeciles like this and maybe we"ll take a look at you guys but until then good luck getting any blah support because as Lindsey Grahm wisely pointed out the GOP can't survive long with only the support of southern whites.

  28. Anybody wanna bet that quote supposedly from JC is bullshit? Conservatives are dumb enough to believe anything they read on the internets.

  29. Lt. Commander Johnson1:21 PM

    " PilotX said...
    Damn, we get the stormfront rejects. Just like most racist whites, they tend to be the most ignorant and unemployable. No wonder meth is so popular in the trailer parks. We need to see Depressed white guy because it sure seems to be depressing in white amerikkka."

    Pile of who never flew anything in his life:

    I notice you never address the issues that people ask you about....such as, "if slavery was so bad, do you really think you would be a commercial pilot today"?
    (my question)

    No, your great-great Granddaddy & Momma would have been steaming lion or crocodile turds.

    "Trailer Parks" & "Meth" is all you got.

    Lord help me, because every day I drive by that trailer park on the way to work, and all I see is little niglets waiting on the bus, shucking & jiving, probably with dope, crack, and guns, in their Obama Approved backpacks. I smile, thinking about your stupid rantings.

  30. First off you know my standing rule, if someone posts as anon I don't respond. Ah sometimes I do but as a general rule I don't. Secondly that is a dumb fucking question. Let me understand the gist of what you're implying, because I'm an airline pilot in 2012 that somehow conditions for blah people were somehow good 150 years ago? I know racist whites are dumb but holy shit man, with that type of stupid you shouldn't even be able to walk upright. Then again that is true of most stormfront types.

  31. The (all-white) staff at my local diner comped my breakfast this morning because they liked my "Crackers for Obama" t-shirt. Of course, I left it as a tip anyway. I get more compliments on that shirt...

  32. Anonymous2:00 PM

    PilotX said...

    First off you know my standing rule, if someone posts as anon I don't respond. Ah sometimes I do but as a general rule I don't. Secondly that is a dumb fucking question. Let me understand the gist of what you're implying, because I'm an airline pilot in 2012 that somehow conditions for blah people were somehow good 150 years ago? I know racist whites are dumb but holy shit man, with that type of stupid you shouldn't even be able to walk upright. Then again that is true of most stormfront types.


    His name was Lt Commander Johnson you really learn a few lines and stick to them over and over

  33. Let's not even think about certain other facts such as there are airlines on the continent that shockingly employ pilots, there are pilots that go overseas to fly so even if my ancestors stayed "home" I very well could still be in the same position. The thought that only American blahs are able to become successful is an overwhelmingly ignorant mindset. Add to that ignorance is the thought that only blah people who are descendants of slaves can become successful. To top it off this fool has to wonder why I don't answer their stupid questions.

  34. PilotX, you are right, those Carville quotes are complete bollocks.

  35. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    The (all-white) staff at my local diner comped my breakfast this morning because they liked my "Crackers for Obama" t-shirt. Of course, I left it as a tip anyway. I get more compliments on that shirt...

    Where can I get a "Niggers for Romney" t-shirt? I bet that would get a lot of compliments, although probably not as many free meals.

  36. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    The (all-white) staff at my local diner comped my breakfast this morning because they liked my "Crackers for Obama" t-shirt. Of course, I left it as a tip anyway. I get more compliments on that shirt...

    Of course the all-white staff served you, they were probably the owner/family and working. You won't find them sitting at home collecting saying they get more from the gub'ment then the jobs they actually are qualified to do.

    You don't expect us to believe that you went into a diner and somebody humoring you likes your racist shirt (white people do that, they don't go all ghetto, they will humor you) said something then you took it off smelly and all and left it as a tip?

    Holy Negro behavior. What do you think would have happened if someone white went into a diner with a shirt that said niggers for Romney?

    You are fucked in the head.

  37. Dr. Livingston2:10 PM

    @ PilotX: The point is, that if whites had not brought your ancestors over here, you would be eating bugs and worshiping the planes that flew far above Africa.

    Slavery was the best thing that ever happened to blacks.

  38. Anonymous2:14 PM

    CBS News has been told that, hours after the attack began, an unmanned Predator drone was sent over the U.S. mission in Benghazi, and that the drone and other reconnaissance aircraft apparently observed the final hours of the protracted battle.

    The State Department, White House and Pentagon declined to say what military options were available. A White House official told CBS News that, at the start of the attack, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Martin Dempsey and Defense Secretary Leon Panetta “looked at available options, and the ones we exercised had our military forces arrive in less than 24 hours, well ahead of timelines laid out in established policies.”

    But it was too late to help the Americans in Benghazi. The ambassador and three others were dead.

    So we knew in real time what was happening and did nothing. We know that Chris Stevens pleaded for help on the day he was murdered and did nothing. Then Team Obama commenced with a coverup that is now falling apart and still nobody is accountable. But Obama takes “offense” when Mitt Romney dares to question him about it.

  39. Anonymous2:17 PM

    How insane was it for these faux "Americans" to go to Africa to KIDNAP the inhabitants to turn them into slaves in the first place? That was beyond insane. Then to rape them and produce children by them and sell them all over the south, there are just no words. We're all related now. Sick as fluck and related, hating each other all the way. The "less than humans" and the "most intelligent folks in the world", related. The African "Hatfields" and the European "McCoys". That's some hilarious crap. I hate you and you hate me and I'm stuck in this joint. Damn!! For the record, the only "Americans" are the NATIVE AMERICANS. The rest of us are just "shucking and jiving". Have a nice Saturday.

  40. I'm downright shocked PC. And even more shocked that our resident genius conservatives fell for it and took the time to post it. Ah, conservatives and their "facts".

  41. Great Slavings2:48 PM

    "How insane was it for these faux "Americans" to go to Africa to KIDNAP the inhabitants to turn them into slaves in the first place?"

    Never happened. Most were brought here by slave traders before America was a country. And they weren't kidnapped, they were purchased from Arab slavers or directly from their black brothers.

    Ignorance is a bitch, ain't it negro?

  42. Professor Gramsci3:08 PM

    Using the standards applied by liberal academics, the Carville quotes are true enough, as they reflect the actual sentiments of democrat operatives.

  43. Lt. Commander Johnsonl3:09 PM

    Oh. So Answer this with a Yes or No.

    Is your name "PilotX"?

    if not, you're just as Anonymous as any other.

    Plus, you never did answer the question about your steaming turd incestors.

  44. Anonymous3:32 PM

    "If Hillary gave up one of her balls and gave it to Obama, he'd have two."

    James Carville

  45. do blacks have a point?3:47 PM

    mack lyons posts and writes:

    "And who's killing most of the Blacks today-in these post-modern times? "

    By logical extension, anyone reading this would have to say "other blacks," thereby pivoting the discussion away from white-on-black injustice to black-on-black crime, thus allowing you to advise blacks to clean up their own act before they dare venture back onto the original topic.

    And that, ladies and gents, is how derails are done.

    Ole mackie the dummy shows us once again why blacks can't pass Logic 101 or form a basic argument.

    Seems mackie doesn't know that slavery -- and everything that went with it -- ended about 150 years ago. He's unaware that everyone tied to the existence of slavery is dead.

    Everyone who was ever a slave is dead, as are several generations of descendants.

    Moreover, owning slaves wasn't a crime, so there's no basis for compensating subsequent generations of blacks for the enslavement of forebears other than what's already been done -- the spending of trillions of dollars on housing, food, education and employment.

    Hence, no matter how badly blacks want to keep the issue of slavery alive, it's settled. Done.

    On the other hand, there is today's problem of murder among blacks -- occurring at almost 10 times the rate seen among whites.

    A rational person living today should want to see the murder rate among blacks drop. After all, murder is the leading cause of death for young black males.

    So when it comes to sending discussions off in silly directions, those doing the sending are usually blacks who don't want to face today's sorry truth, because if they did, they'd have to look inward at the sad state of black culture in America and the world, and they don't want to do that when it's so much easier to blame everything on a law that was repealed 150 years ago.

    That's black logic. Like Obamabots still blaming Bush for everything.

  46. With its response to Ambassador Steven's murder, the most corrupt, incompetent, lying regime in history has shown us once again how low it will go to hold onto power:

    Instead of considering whether or not we should reelect Obama, Americans should be considering how long his prison term should be.

    I say life.

  47. Margaret Sanger3:54 PM

    Truth is, many blacks would be better off as slaves. I think a majority could handle freedom, as long we get serious about enforcing Constitutional rights for non-blacks, but at least a third cannot support themselves in a free society.

    Bringing back slavery would be the humane thing to do.

  48. Lt. Commander Johnson3:55 PM

    AND you said:

    Anonymous said...
    PilotX said...

    I'm an airline pilot in 2012 that somehow conditions for blah people were somehow good 150 years ago? I know racist whites are dumb but holy shit man, with that type of stupid you shouldn't even be able to walk upright. Then again that is true of most stormfront typesMy Dad was a B-17 pilot over Germanay, but he only had to fly 17 missions, because the war in Europe ended. He had 14 crew-members killed in those raids, but, he didn't cry about it.
    He went back to the States, and was appointed Provost Marshall for Roswell Air Base.He qualified on the B-29 there, He resignend from the Army Air force, about a year before the "Roswell Incindent" Ocourred.

    Um Humhhhh. so, are you admitting that you ARE NOT a Commercial pilot today? What do you fly...cropdusters over the white man's fields? (look out for those power lines). Your waving a flag about flying is an insult to every aviator. So. Screw You, Anonymous.

  49. morons, clowns and knuckleheads for obama4:12 PM

    James Carville probably offered those words about moronic voters while speaking of Republicans -- as if it would matter which party he was discussing.

    The sentiment fits either way, and I have no doubt Carville thinks 80% of all voters are contempible fools.

    It's looking like Obama's going to feel a lot of heat from his bungling the press coverage of Benghazi and Stevens' murder on Monday night when he gets slapped around again.

    I'm sure we'll hear about how bin Laden was killed during Obama's time in office.

    However, it seems Obama and his loony supporters are the only people who don't realize that when he was killed, bin Laden had been retired for almost a decade.

    Killing bin Laden had as much effect on al Qaeda and Islamic terrorism as the death of Jimmy Carter would have on the US if he died today. NONE.

  50. crash landing4:19 PM

    someone wrote:

    My Dad was a B-17 pilot over Germanay, but he only had to fly 17 missions, because the war in Europe ended. He had 14 crew-members killed in those raids, but, he didn't cry about it.

    If his squadron was hit that hard late in the war, you have to wonder about the fighters protecting the bombers.

    Were the fighter escorts those soon-to-be forgotten Tuskegee airmen?

  51. Mrs. Stevens4:28 PM

    Why is Obama lying about Libya?

  52. onward black christians and killers4:49 PM

    Here's one you don't read about every day. No. Actually you do.

    Yes. She's black. And, surprise, surprise, the news article includes no mention of the groom, nor the baby daddy. So, from that omission, we can conclude the two had a falling out that led one of them to kill the bride.

    Pregnant Brooklyn bride found stabbed to death


    October 20, 2012

    A pregnant Brooklyn woman due to get married this weekend was found stabbed to death inside her home this morning, cops and friends said.

    Vindalee Smith, 38, was found unconscious inside her 94th Street home in Brownsville about 9:30 a.m., police sources said.

    Smith had stab wounds to her neck, a police source said. She was eight months pregnant, according to acquaintances.

    Friends at the scene said they were going to hold a baby shower for her tonight. She was to get married tomorrow morning.

    Smith was a devout Seventh-Day Adventist at the nearby New Dimension Church.

    “When the church heard of her death, it was unbelievable — everyone was crying, everyone was at a loss,” said Sybil Samuel, 58, who went to Smith’s home with several members of the church.

    “Whoever did this must be the devil. He took the lives of not one but two people.”

  53. A non said...

    "You don't expect us to believe that you went into a diner and somebody humoring you ----left it as a tip?"


    No, I left the tab as a tip after they comped my meal.

    "What do you think would have happened if someone white went into a diner with a shirt that said niggers for Romney?"

    Depends on the diner I guess. You sound white, why don't you order one and try a few then let us all know? That'd be great. Thanks

  54. "Damn, we get the stormfront rejects. Just like most racist whites, they tend to be the most ignorant and unemployable. No wonder meth is so popular in the trailer parks.."

    I think they are out of moonshine. They tend to get mad when that happens.:)

  55. "Instead of considering whether or not we should reelect Obama, Americans should be considering how long his prison term should be."

    What an idiot.

  56. "Bringing back slavery would be the humane thing to do."

    It is already here. Most trolls like you are slaves to Wal Mart and FOX NEWS.

  57. Wow Johnson. Here's the point, I have a dedicated handle here on this blog so whatever I write can be traced back to a particular author unlike an anon. As far as your question I answered it. Now the other part about not being a commercial pilot how in the world did you come up with that one? (This oughtta be interesting).

  58. Nah Field, this is definitely a meth crowd.

  59. "Nah Field, this is definitely a meth crowd."

    You might be right.

  60. Anonymous5:46 PM

    Keep them out of bright light, don't get them wet and never, ever feed them after midnight.

  61. Anonymous5:48 PM

    Sorry Field...just to be clear...I'm referencing the trolls on this site.

  62. Feeled Kneegrow6:24 PM

    Oh, I thought you were talking about negroes. I think that's an actual reference from the Slaveowner's Handbook, 1844 edition.

  63. Ben Ghazi6:42 PM

    field negro said...
    "Instead of considering whether or not we should reelect Obama, Americans should be considering how long his prison term should be."

    What an idiot.

    Yes, Obama is an idiot, but that's no excuse for criminal incompetence, as in the case of Abassador's Steven's death and the subsequent shameful coverup campaign. We need a leader, not a someone desperate to cling to power by any means possible. As a nation, it will be important not just to remove Obama from office, but to prosecute him and his henchmen for the many crimes they have committed while in office.

    Justice will be done.

  64. If Bush Jr and St. Raygun didn't go to jail for their crimes and their negligence in getting Americans killed then Barack is cool too. Let's not start changing up rules now.

  65. Lt. Commander Johnson7:17 PM

    Like I said before...meth & trailer parks is all you've got, Pilot-nothing.

    I'm still wating, I'm sure, in vain:

    "Lt. Commander Johnson said...
    Oh. So Answer this with a Yes or No.

    Is your name "PilotX"?

    if not, you're just as Anonymous as any other.

    Plus, you never did answer the question about your steaming turd incestors.

    3:09 PM"

  66. Anonymous7:29 PM

    Whitey dumped by some trying to fit in somewhere said..

    "What do you think would have happened if someone white went into a diner with a shirt that said niggers for Romney?"

    Depends on the diner I guess. You sound white, why don't you order one and try a few then let us all know? That'd be great. Thanks"

    Whitey, are you trying to say that if a white guy did this he would not get a free meal as pilot x did from those nice clean civilized white folks? Why what is different between whites and blacks? Surely you don't think blacks who just like to get along would be you??

  67. obama lama ding dong7:37 PM

    Presidents are immune from prosecution.

    It's one of those perqs that comes with the big job.

    But, voters can fire the guy, and that just might happen in a couple of weeks.

    The Jimmy Carter two-step down Pennsylvania Avenue.

    Bush was haunted by Cindy Sheehan, the angry mother of a soldier who was killed in Iraq.

    Obama has just met his Cindy Sheehan -- Pat Smith, mother of Sean Smith, a technology expert killed at the US consulate in Benghazi.

    It's political. Obama and Hillary want to steer clear of this angry woman. But the media has the power to force some kind of communication between the president and Smith, who may well dedicate herself to unseating Obama if he continues to stonewall her.

  68. Lt. Commander Johnson7:40 PM

    I think it's against the LAW to say "Nigger".

  69. Lamestreamer8:35 PM

    Somehow, I don't think the media will spotlight Pat Smith like they did Cindy Sheehan. Just a guess.

  70. Ben Shapiro at TownHall says that the reason the administration lied about the nature of the attack in Libya was in order to cover up the fact that our “low profile” policy in Libya led our ambassador to go into Benghazi without a serious security team, despite the known threats:

    They didn’t care. They thought it was far more important to make nice with the native population than to keep our ambassador safe. They thought that the Arab Spring was a nice, happy little uprising, complete with gay bodyguards to apply to protect the ambassador. Really. An ad placed in Libya—Libya!—for the ambassador’s security team made it clear that members of a same-sex marriage would be accepted.

    No gay men applied. But the Libyan security team did tell the terrorist mob just where to find the ambassador. And now he’s dead.

    Astounding. Are Liberals really this stupid? This feckless? Yes, yes they are.

    Obama has no defense for this.

  71. Lt. Commander Johnson9:01 PM

    Mr. PilotX... I think the only "fly" you have ever seen was the zipper on your WalMart pants.

    You are a liar.

  72. Johnson, if you can't figure out if my given name is PilotX then we need to stop communicating pronto. But just to humor you my name is Rex but when I left the family business I assumed the name PilotX and now I watch my little brother's back as we fly the air race circuit.
    As far as the question about my ancestors let me fire up the time machine do a little tinkering in the past and get back to you.

    Dear god Field, seriously? When are you gonna do something about your trolls. Damn, they make Louie Gohmert look downright brilliant.

  73. The real contest here is not Romney vs. Obama, it is Television vs. Reality. We have to notice how everything changes utterly once it is put within the framework of a TV screen. The President looked “authoritative,” he was “confident,” he had “great answers,” he fought back with determination. Meanwhile back in the real world, without a script, this same man fails at every point. This TV Personality President has no grasp of reality as it actually exists. He does not stand outside his received opinions even for a second. He plays a “Great Leader” on TV but hasn’t the slightest understanding of the country he leads. At every point events defeat him, but he never learns. Nothing is corrected or modified, no amount of pain inflicted means anything. Instead he grows only more determined to defeat reality. Arab Spring can be a success if we will only sacrifice more. Islam is the Religion of Peace equal to Christianity, let’s not be distracted by the piles of dead. Social Justice is just one more tax, one more government program away from being realized. Universal Equality is the highest goal even if we have to destroy the economy and every human distinction to achieve it. Yes, Obama may win the TV debate, but as the glow of the screen fades, reality closes in, accompanied by a sickening dread.

  74. Lt. Commander Johnson11:00 PM

    belive you PilotX. Can you tell me the model(s) of the planes you still fly?

    I think that "plane course" is pretty bitching.

    Does that Super Sucarno rate?
