Monday, October 22, 2012

More voter intimidation, and if corporations are people they are the bullies.

The GOP's quest to suppress the minority vote continues. This latest case of the GOP's attempt at voter suppression might be the worst of all.Thankfully, they  were not successful because the person (or persons) bankrolling the campaign didn't have the courage to tell America who they really are.

"The 140 billboards warning residents of inner-city neighborhoods in Wisconsin and Ohio that they could go to jail for committing voter fraud are being taken down Monday. The move comes after the private family foundation funding them declined to make its identity known.

Civil rights groups criticized the ads as an attempt to intimidate voters in primarily low-income, minority neighborhoods by associating voting with jail time. The billboards show a large gavel and the text "Voter fraud is a felony! Up to 3 1/2 yrs & $10,000 Fine."

Clear Channel, the company that put up the advertisements, said the foundation funding the signs was mistakenly allowed to remain anonymous when it bought the billboards, a violation of the company's policy against accepting anonymous political ads.

"We reviewed the situation and in light of the fact that these billboards violate our policy of not accepting anonymous political ads, we asked the client how they would prefer to work with us to bring the boards into conformance with our policy," Clear Channel spokesman Jim Cullinan wrote in an email. "The client thought the best solution was to take the boards down, so we're in the process of removing them." [Source]

Hmmm, I smell a rat with a big R. 

We might as well get used to money influencing elections. Now that the supremes have declared that corporations are people, big corporations now have carte blanche to fire people who don't vote for the candidate of the corporations choosing.

Mitt Romney, bless his sneaky soul, has been taking advantage of this very issue.

"Newly-discovered audio from a conference call in June captures Mitt Romney asking business owners to urge their employees to vote for him.
Romney, speaking on a call to the very conservative National Federation of Independent Business, tells a group of business owners that they should “make it very clear” how they feel about the candidates. The audio, discovered by In These Times, also captures Romney telling the business owners to “pass… along to your employees” how their jobs might be affected by who wins in November:
I hope you make it very clear to your employees what you believe is in the best interest of your enterprise and therefore their job and their future in the upcoming elections. And whether you agree with me or you agree with President Obama, or whatever your political view, I hope — I hope you pass those along to your employees. Nothing illegal about you talking to your employees about what you believe is best for the business, because I think that will figure into their election decision, their voting decision and of course doing that with your family and your kids as well." [Source]

But Mitt isn't alone. His supporters all seem to be on the same page with him.

"As a contentious election season enters its final weeks, a flurry of communication from corporate leaders to rank-and-file workers strongly implies that voting for Obama could imperil their jobs and their financial stability.

Employees of a paper company owned by the outspoken billionaire Koch brothers received a mailing warning that they could “suffer the consequences, including higher gasoline prices, runaway inflation, and other ills" if they voted for candidates not supported by Koch-owned companies or its political fund-raising arm.

The company also provided workers with a list of those candidates it supports. At the top: Mitt Romney, according to media outlet In These Times, which broke the story. “The packet also included an anti-Obama editorial by Charles Koch and a pro-Romney editorial by David Koch,” it said.

This is in no way an attempt to ‘intimidate’ employees,” Greg Guest, senior director of corporate communications at Georgia-Pacific, said in a statement on the site" [Source] 

Welcome to the new America, where plutocrats rule the day, and corporations really are people. Oh, and just in case you were wondering if this type of employer employee voter intimidation is legal, in my humble opinion- unless you live in a strong union state like California- it probably is. Employers have free speech rights as well, and many employees (especially in Southern states) are working under "at will" conditions, so yes, your boss can probably   suggest that you vote for the candidate of his/her choice in order for you to keep your job. 

The good news is,of course, that they can't go in the voting booth with you. Although if you happen to be a person of color living in certain neighborhoods, you might not even make it to the voting booth. If the billboard doesn't stop you, the overzealous poll worker will.    

Enjoy the debate.





  1. sharon in ct8:36 PM

    Defense contractors have been asking their employees to contribute to the company PAC for many years. They use the money to play golf and attend fancy dinners with congresspeople who control the "defense" budget purse-strings, and I guarantee the corporations keep track of which employees contribute and which do not, and how much of their salary they contribute.

  2. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Hi field negroe, thanx for being a voice in the wilderness speaking truth.

    Luv ya man. :)

  3. Romenisa is stuttering a LOT!!!

  4. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Dr Reine, you are right. Obama has been stammering and hesitating as if he is trying to recall an answer he practiced on.

    Obama has lost this election. Glad you are seeing the handwriting on the wall.

    your brother in kind

  5. Wesley R10:13 PM


    President Obama and Romney prepped all weekend for this bullshit?

    Romney looks like Obama did in the first debate. He looks super tired.

    Did you hear about the case in Louisiana were a African American lady jogging wearing a Obama shirt was attacked by 3 guys who burned her (90 percent of her body is burn) and sprayed KKK on her car?

  6. This is like watching a seasoned old professor debating the president of the college ripoffliklans. Answers with depth and understanding verses made up facts and talking points.

  7. Anonymous10:23 PM

    "Did you hear about the case in Louisiana were a African American lady jogging wearing a Obama shirt was attacked by 3 guys who burned her (90 percent of her body is burn) and sprayed KKK on her car?"

    Dr Reine, did you hear about this? You had better be careful while jogging. I hear the KKK is very strong in DC.

  8. "Democrat senators", cmon Mitt. Are there any grown ups in the GOP?

  9. Anonymous10:35 PM

    Romney stood tall in this debate. Overall, he came out on top. He won all three.

  10. Blount10:36 PM

    Things have come to a pretty pass when liberals can say with a straight face that it is “intimidation” to remind people that voter fraud is still technically against the law.

    No one anywhere suggested that it was a crime for qualified citizens to vote once. What Obama is counting on is for illegal aliens to vote, and for others to vote multiple times.

  11. "Romney stood tall in this debate. Overall, he came out on top. He won all three."

    Oh shut up, Tagg! :)

  12. Wesley, I saw that story. Sad stuff. :(

  13. Anonymous11:15 PM

    Boy! Leftist progressives like Field are such sore losers. Face it. Romney is by far smarter than Obama. Romney knows his stuff and can beat Obama any day of the week. That's a fact.

    Mr Field, and FN Negroes prepare your selves for the next new President of these UNITED STATES....MIT ROMNEY!

  14. Anonymous11:17 PM

    field negro said...

    Wesley, I saw that story. Sad stuff. :(

    Careful Field, she was not wearing an Obama shirt and the media is NOT reporting on the race of the three men, normally this means they are blacks.

  15. If the Clear Channel position is to not take political ads from unknown individuals why did they do it? My guess is they only took it down because there was monetary pressure. I know I know, water is wet.

  16. Wesley R11:31 PM


    When they don't say the race of someone who committed an offense that means they are White not Black. I answered this B.S. for you Field.

    CBS Poll 53% Obama 24% Romney.
    CNN Poll 48% Obama 40% Romney.

  17. Anonymous11:39 PM

    Those polls are dead wrong. It was at the very least a "tie" but Romney took the debate...PERIOD

    Wesley, you are being selective in order to make Obama look like he won. But it won't work. By the end of this week Romney will be way ahead in the polls.

  18. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Mr Romney is a consummate sales what is he selling? Mr Obama was a Professor...and still speaks like one.

    It does seem our faux-aristocracy wants to be actual Lairds. Maybe they should...and discover why so few French, British, Russian, et al are still with us. ;)


  19. I thought Obama really solid. But if and only if you can completely ignore the last four years of abysmal failure – both foreign and domestic. It was like the last four years never happened in the debate tonight concerning Obama.

    Getting Osama doesn’t offset failure after failure in my book.

    If I could use two words to describe Obama’s performance tonight, it would be Petty and Small (very small).

  20. The administration lied about the nature of the Benghazi attack because Obama approves Islam, sees himself as the defender of Islam, and cannot admit that Muslim democracy equals Muslim jihad. But Romney also does not admit that Muslim democracy equals Muslim jihad. He separates Islam from jihad. He has shockingly said that jihad is “an entirely different entity” from Islam. So he is hamstrung in pointing out the meaning of the Benghazi event and its cover-up by the administration. Yes, he is capable of pointing out that Obama said untrue things, but he is incapable of explaining why this matters and why Obama did it, and thus he is incapable of nailing Obama to the wall on the issue, because (along with most mainstream conservatives, neoconservatives, and Republicans) he shares Obama’s non-critical view of Islam.

  21. the chairman11:54 PM

    There is no one left who still believes in Barack’s brilliance. It’s fascinating because, for all these years of the Age of Obama, right up until the first debate, there was never any shortage of liberals and conservatives who would, no matter what their disappointments or disagreements with him, ooze about the man’s remarkable brilliance. His recovery in the second debate was a recovery of energy and toughness, not of brilliance. Is it possible, then, that the myth of Obama’s mental gifts is permanently dissipated, and that public opinion generally, and not just on the dyspeptic right, will now see him as the empty black suit he is?

  22. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Mr Romney is a consummate sales what is he selling? Mr Obama was a Professor...and still speaks like one.

    It does seem our faux-aristocracy wants to be actual Lairds. Maybe they should...and discover why so few French, British, Russian, et al are still with us. ;)


    Are you from Pock-e-stan as Obama would say? You sound as if you are just learning English.

  23. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Neither of these guys know who they are supporting in Syria.. Yet they want to support civil war without knowing how many rebel factions there are; or what the agendas are.

    Repeating Bin Laden all over again

  24. Sorry but the biggest failure was electing a Republican president. Let's not make that mistake again.

  25. NTacoma12:26 AM

    Motherfuck Syria.

  26. Barry O'Negro12:29 AM

    PilotX said...
    Sorry but the biggest failure was electing a Republican president. Let's not make that mistake again.

    Are you daft man? Obama is a democrat!

  27. stuffing the ballot box12:32 AM

    field confabulates:

    Employers have free speech rights as well, and many employees (especially in Southern states) are working under "at will" conditions, so yes, your boss can probably suggest that you vote for the candidate of his/her choice in order for you to keep your job.

    Yeah, sure. Your boss follows you into the voting booth and marks the ballot for you.

    Meanwhile, if you work in the shipyards of Newport News, Virginia, your employer might say it's smart to vote for Romney because Romney says he wants to spend more money building ships for the Navy.

    But Obama says we need fewer ships, which means there may be job cuts in Navy shipyards if he's re-elected.

    Seems like good advice. But field's the kind of guy who wants to see widespread economic failure among whites, and we know the defense contractors are run and staffed by loads of whites, so seeing those companies fail suits field.

  28. Paul Kersey12:34 AM

    The history of America, post the implementation of Civil Rights in the 1960s has been this: white people abandon an urban area to blacks, flee to suburbs, creating prosperity in the process wherever they go. Meanwhile in the city whites abandon, black people elect a socialist black government that redistributes the dwindling tax revenues to create an artificial black middle through public employment; business and outside capital for investment in the city dries up; black people leave the city because of lack of job creation and head to suburbs.

    Rinse and repeat (with the added of bonus gentrification by whites into the urban misery created by black rule, mysteriously making the city livable again).

  29. Blah Peeble12:40 AM

    That blacks will cast 96 percent of their ballots (as they did in 2008) for Obama is a good start; that black people have cast 95-99 percent of their ballots when a black person runs for mayor of places like Cleveland, Atlanta, Birmingham, Newark, Gary, Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, Baltimore, Memphis, or Houston should provide more evidence of the extreme racial cohesion blacks have in this democracy.

    Mayor Coleman Young of Detroit, the first black mayor of that late, great city, put it best when he said, "I'm black first, a Democrat second."

    Black people view themselves as black people first; Africans second; and American third, if at all

  30. springtime for hitler12:42 AM

    Romney nailed Obama for his Apology Tour of Islamic nations, and Romney also mentioned that while Obama was dropping by to give speeches to muslims, he skipped Israel.

    What did Obama do? He retorted with some gibberish about how -- as a candidate in 2008 -- he visited Israel and went to Yad Vashem, the Holocaust Memorial.

    Figures. Just like a black man. He pretends he's doing something about troubles in the present by recalling troubles from the past.

    Obama recalled the Nazis to show his Jewish chops. As if the world is at risk from Nazis running rampant through 30 or 40 nations.

    Obama did not see the irony of his own comment. We beat the Nazis by bombing them back to the Stone Age, not letting up until there was a total surrender.

    Moreover, Obama acted as though the killing of bin Laden was equal to the killing of Hitler.

    But, of course, since bin Laden's killing, nothing has changed for the better. No surrender of al Qaeda. No collapse of Islamic terrorism. Nope. We're still half-stripping at the airport.

    So destoying Nazi Germany was a sound military policy. But we have no similar policy in place for destroying Islamic terrorism and its purveyors.

  31. Angelo Dundee1:00 AM

    The debate tonight was like a Muhammad Ali fight. Romney let President Obama punch himself out. Obama was repeatedly swinging for the knockout, but failing to connect, while Romney rope-a-doped most of the time, smiling and inviting more punches, but declining to get into a brawl. At the end, Romney came on strong, like Ali, and won the fight.

  32. Sheila R.1:04 AM

    I think the body language told a lot about the debate, particularly when the camera showed the candidates while the other was speaking. Romney came accross as affable and looked bemused when Obama was talking without being smug. At times he almost looked like he had pity for Obama as one would have for a bumbling, malicious child frustrated and in over his head. Obama, on the other hand, came off as boastful and arrogant (I've never heard a candidate use the words "I" and "me" so much and I almost expected to yell "I put a cap in Bin Laden's ass") and looked angry throughout the debate, especially when Romney criticized him or scored points against him. He clearly comes accross as a man not used to being challenged or criticized. And it was not the look of a strong man's righteous indignation at unjust criticism either. Rather, it was the look of a catty and petulant aging homosexual wanting to hiss at someone who displeased his delicate sensibilities. I can't imagine this goes over well with most viewers, male or female. I was also struck with Obama's delicateness and effiminacy. Every time he would waive his hands around I couldn't help but notice how gracile his wrists and hands are. Under the padding of his suit he's positively a scrawny little man. What do you think he weighs? Maybe a buck thirtyfive on a 6'1.5" frame? Not an alpha male.

  33. I see the racist trolls forget to mention the nice middle class neighborhoods where many of us blah people live and the Appalacian hell holes and funky trailer parks his fellow red necks live. Oh well, carry on.

  34. Manhatten Transfer1:43 AM

    In college I somehow got mixed-up in the conservative movement... The main targets of campus conservatism were political correctness, relativism and multiculturalism. Nowadays everyone has some idea what these are but in the early nineties we were still discovering them.
    The conservatives countered political correctness with a vigorous support for academic freedom, free speech and free press. The best argument of the proponents of political correctness was that political correctness didn’t exist, that it was a figment of right-wing paranoia. This was defeated through endless anecdote—it’s hard to maintain something doesn’t exist when every few weeks a new example became a national scandal.

    The conservatives countered relativism with what the left called “ethnocentrism” but the right considered moral universalism. The proposition was that the values of the West might have arisen historically in the Europe but were universally applicable to humans because the Creator or Nature had endowed all men with certain rights and obligations. You can see the appeal of this way of thinking for a conservative—it combines patriotism with a certain kind of high-mindedness. Our ways are the best but not because they are ours but because they are everybody’s.
    This was related to the fight against multiculturalism, with its emphasis on the rights of minority groups. In various ways, the Left’s emphasis on valuing the perspectives and protecting or advancing the status of minorities was presented as a rejection of the American tradition of moral universalism, equality before the law, and individualism. The left wanted a society keenly attuned to the differences and diversity of our people; the right wanted color-blindness, merit-based promotion and an emphasis on both our national unity and individual accomplishments. In the mind of a campus conservative, we wanted a society of character while the multiculturalists wanted a society of race and gender.

    If they had issued conservative movement cards, I certainly would have been a card-carrying member. Nonetheless, I could not persuade myself that there wasn’t something wrong with the conservative ideology. It insisted that diversity wasn’t an important fact about our country or the world, when all my life’s experiences taught me the opposite. When they did speak up for diversity conservatives insisted that they stood for a different kind of diversity—diversity of ideology rather than ethnic or sex diversity. But this is one of the least interesting kinds of diversity in the world. Which three women would you rather be stuck in an elevator with: A Stalinist, a neoconservative and a feminist or a Brazillian, a Norwegian and a Thai? What’s worse, no-one mentioned religious diversity, although this has since proven to be extremely salient.

    At some point I started to look at the campus wars of the nineties with a jaded eye. The rhetoric of both sides seemed to conceal what was really going on. The left was engaged in a strategy of subversion in which political correctness, relativism, multiculturalism and feminism were tactics to undermine traditional rules and modes of behavior in American life. The right had adopted what was essentially leftist rhetoric of the early twentieth century—equality and universalism—in an effort ameliorate the effects of the subversion. In other words, the right was trying to use moderate leftist rhetoric to combat extreme leftism. What's worse is that the right hadn't persuaded many leftists but had persuaded themselves--they had adopted their own rhetoric as an ideology.
    I wasn’t any sort of leftist. In fact, I was well on my way to becoming a decadent reactionary. The pursuit of whiskey, women and wealth seemed to me honorable ways of stooping below the struggle between the forces of leftism past and leftism future.

  35. Sailer1:51 AM

    I think the overclass is reasonably pleased with how things are going, especially how the triumph of globalist and diversitarian ideology allows them to push policies cutting themselves free from the broader fate of the American people. Thus, the Big Money swings back and forth between Obama and Romney and Obama. If you are on the Forbes 400, it's all good.

    For those interested in their fellow American citizens' welfare, however, we need to recognize that Malthus's insights still apply to some extent, but more relatively than absolutely. Malthusian theory was largely invented not by Thomas Malthus in 1798, but by Benjamin Franklin in 1751 who framed it in happier, more American terms: the Franklinian Theory is not about starvation, it's about affordable family formation. In empty America, people can marry more universally and more youthfully than in crowded Europe. Therefore, Franklin argued, immigration should be restricted.

    Few are hungry in today's America, but the steady growth in population, mostly driven by immigration of highly fertile Third Worlders, means that it is increasingly a struggle for average and, especially below average, Americans to attain the basics of middle class respectability: a stable job that pays well enough to afford to marry and a house with a yard in a decent public school district.

    Is this really too much to ask?

  36. Sidney1:59 AM

    @ Sailer:

    No, that is not too much to ask. One wonders why Black Americans cannot ask that of their Democratic representatives.

    Oh, that's right, the Democratic Party is too busy importing new voters. Oh well, poverty is but a small price to pay for victory.

  37. Anonymous2:11 AM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    I see the racist trolls forget to mention the nice middle class neighborhoods where many of us blah people live and the Appalacian hell holes and funky trailer parks his fellow red necks live. Oh well, carry on.

    The total population of Appalachia is less than 2000 doohhhhhhhh!!!

    Negors i s only 13 % yet they destroy entire cities

  38. Quote: An Idiot Upthread

    "That blacks will cast 96 percent of their ballots (as they did in 2008) for Obama is a good start;"

    African Americans have voted more than 90% for every single Democratic Presidential candidate since WW2.

    That's because they don't see the point in voting for people that hate them.

  39. Anonymous5:10 AM

    Val said, "I thought Obama really solid. But if and only if you can completely ignore the last four years of abysmal failure – both foreign and domestic. It was like the last four years never happened in the debate tonight concerning Obama."

    What about four years of refusing to acknowledge the existence of Blacks? He has been the President of all Americans except Black Americans. Black unemployment is nearly twice the national average. NEVER has a race of people experienced such destitution since the days of slavery.

    Field thinks Obama is the lesser of two evils. I disagree. For AAs, we will have nothing to lose and a lot more to gain in jobs and recognition than Obama.

    One thing for sure, opinions that Obama is a brilliant man has been dissipated. He tap dances for Whites, LGBT, Latinos and throws Blacks under the bus. But Blacks still love him.... Stupid!

  40. Anonymous5:19 AM

    PC, "That's because they don't see the point in voting for people that hate them."

    3:54 AM
    And you think Obama and the Dems like Blacks? ROFLMAO....British-minded Negroes are so very out of touch with reality. LOL. Tell me another joke--you are a good comedian.

  41. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Field loves facts. So here are some facts for you:

    There are some intelligent Blacks who are quite angry at Obama because of the position he has put Blacks, economically and racially. They will not bother to vote for him.

    Of course, Mr Field fails to acknowledge this fact. He is very selective about his facts. And that is a fact.

  42. Wrong Angelo, Mitt looked more like "Smokin Joe" when he went up against George Foreman in Kingston back in 1973. Look it up.

  43. "Oh, that's right, the Democratic Party is too busy importing new voters. Oh well, poverty is but a small price to pay for victory."

    "Poverty" is a relative term.

  44. vote early and often8:37 AM

    field shares his paranoia:

    The good news is,of course, that they can't go in the voting booth with you.

    And that ends the discussion about the limits of influencing voters.

    Although if you happen to be a person of color living in certain neighborhoods, you might not even make it to the voting booth.

    Certain neighborhoods? High crime neighborhoods where a voter might feel there's no safe route to the voting center?

    Are there any voting districts in the US where, in an election, the majority of votes went to a Republican when the majority of voters were black?

    If the billboard doesn't stop you, the overzealous poll worker will.

    This insane claim implies that white poll workers stop blacks from voting.

    Anyone got a video to back up the claim? Everything else has made it to YouTube. Why not this?

  45. Anonymous10:02 AM

    field negro said...

    "Oh, that's right, the Democratic Party is too busy importing new voters. Oh well, poverty is but a small price to pay for victory."

    "Poverty" is a relative term.

    Yeah but not all your relatives are in poverty.

  46. Liberal Hypocrites10:03 AM

    Damn straight we should be worried about voter fraud. Perhaps some of you liberals with Obama's balls on your chin would care to explain how THIS could happe:

    If it had been the other way around, and CBS had called the race for Romney, field and his chorus of howler monkeys on this blog would be crapping their pants.

  47. Anonymous10:26 AM

    good by bongo and don't let the door hit you in the ass.

  48. Anonymous10:32 AM

    Anonymous @ 9:06 PM: I second that!

    The worst from what I consider "reliable sources" is that employers can now force you to campaign on company time for the candidate they support. We need to re-examine Citizens United, which apparently legalizes this practice, which can be overturned by a less reactionary court, which we probably can get with another Obama term, when older justices retire...

    I should be making phone calls to swing states...


  49. Anonymous10:50 AM


    have u ever penned one word about how that undocumented worker hobama/acorn etc stole the 2008 election???

    have u ever penned one word about how hobama's corp SCITYL will count all of the 2012 votes electronically?


    more proof that reps = dems

    cc hillary


    mitt was way too tame re: libya/green corp scams etc

    mitt won again!!!


    facts trump lies always!!!

  50. Anonymous10:55 AM

    that lying inept bankster hobama is a war criminal and a thief!!!

    kudos to mitt!!!

    3 for 3 beats 36:

  51. Simone11:01 AM

    us said...
    field negro said...

    "Oh, that's right, the Democratic Party is too busy importing new voters. Oh well, poverty is but a small price to pay for victory."

    "Poverty" is a relative term.

    Yeah but not all your relatives are in poverty.

    Four more years of Obama, and they will be.

    Poverty will no longer be relative, it will be universal.

  52. Anonymous11:14 AM

    real love trumps a real beard

    cc that scripted liar michelle

    go mitt!!!!

  53. Yeah Field, why don't you write about those highly intelligent blah people backing Rawmoney, oh that's right you've already done that. Romnesia is spreading among conservatives. Carry on.

  54. Anonymous11:34 AM

    obamanesia makes romnesia look like ESP

    cc osama's 9 lives/libya/rezko/larry sinclair/solyndra/ndaa/africom etc


  55. Anonymous11:55 AM

    "Oh, that's right, the Democratic Party is too busy importing new voters. Oh well, poverty is but a small price to pay for victory."

    "Poverty" is a relative term.

    7:22 AM
    Field, you are exactly right. Poverty in the secular world IS relative. However, 'poverty' when it comes to the Spirit it is the same: Humans are "Poor in Spirit".

    Until humans recognize the poverty that lies within themselves--which is a 'fact'-- there is no good reason why the rich should give anything to another human being in a materialistic society such as America.

    The battle between the rich and the poor, the Democrats and the Republicans, the Blacks and the Whites, the Arabs and the Israelis, the heterosexuals and the homosexuals, etc--everything--in this dualistic world goes on ad infinitum.

  56. Anonymous11:59 AM

    hobama nazis are wilding = more proof that mitt has won all 3 debates

    michelle's late shameless tacky begging = proof the hobama are scared

    kudos to rebels in NC!!!


    donald is a drama king
    but this should be good!

  57. Anonymous12:10 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  58. Anonymous12:19 PM

    bob was the best of 3 moderaters

    but he still favored hobama

    he asked mitt to have mercy on hobama
    he interrupted mitt MUCH more

    mitt still won as always...kudos!!!!!!!

    bob was the best of 3 moderators

    but he still favored hobama

    bob asked mitt for mercy on hobama
    and he interrupted hobama more

    mitt still won as always!

  59. Severn12:24 PM

    I think there's a pretty strong case to be made that Obama has been, very literally, the worst President in US history. I admit to feeling "enthusiasm" at the prospect of kicking him out of office.

    Under Carter we merely had Americans taken hostage in Iran. Under Obama we had the US Ambassador to Libya murdered. And Carters economy was vastly better than Obama's.

  60. O.K. but how about this fraud in Florida?

    "ORLANDO, Fla. -
    Officials in Florida have issued a warning about a new trick trying to prevent voters from going to the polls.

    Voters are getting letters that look like they are from local elections offices, questioning their citizenship. But Local 6 has learned the letters are fake, and they are going out across Central Florida and other parts of the state."


    "Officials said the voters who have received the letters thus far are white, registered Republicans who consistently vote in elections.

    "This is a major concern," said Seminole County Supervisor of Elections Mike Ertel, who received a letter from a voter mailed from Seattle with no return address. "You should not expect a letter from your elections office saying, 'You're not registered to vote, please don't go to the polls.' That's ridiculous."

    The supervisor of elections in Collier County said some residents there have also received hoax letters."

  61. Severn said...
    And Carters economy was vastly better than Obama's.

    The country that put Armstrong on the moon -- assuming you believe he went there -- does not exist anymore. So I'm not sure about comparing the economy today with what existed under Carter. You can't have a first world economy and standard of living with an increasingly third world population. Unless you pile on debt...until you're not able to do that anymore.

    So I don't hold Obama responsible for the bad economy -- the 'not enough there there' aspect of it, e.g. its tilt toward FIRE, has been ongoing for some time.

    Obama is effeminate and possesses a kind of superficial verbal intelligence. He has no idea how to create wealth, and was elected by dopes with dopey dreams of 'social justice'. The Drudge item on Sandra Fluke attracting fewer than a dozen listeners in Reno was perhaps apropos of nothing, but I found her background somehow illustrative: She graduated from Cornell University's Program in Feminist, Gender, & Sexuality Studies in 2003. Typical Obama supporter.

    Obama is extremely un-presidential. Per his remarks on the Gates and Trayvon Martin cases, he's also a big-mouthed, impulsive racial demagogue of the worst kind. On that, to me there is not a lot of difference between Obama and Sharpton.

    All in all I strongly dislike Obama. But I absolutely despise him for leaving American troops in Afghanistan to be shot in the back.

  62. Anonymous12:48 PM


    fl 2012 + acorn 2008 = more proof that reps = dems

    and fraud is universal in all selections

    even the beloved heroic last real prez jfk cheated at the IL etc polls
    that is why rfk was so hated by the mafia and killed etc...

    cc jfk/chi mafia

    1- The Kennedy family were/are members of "the elite" (players in international high finance circles) since the early days of Joseph Kennedy. John F. Kennedy was elected to office through monetary power and with the help of the Mafia. Without the total support of other members of "the elite" - he would not have become President.(2)
    2- JFK and his brother, RFK, attacked organized crime in an effort to expose the Mafia to the public and curtail its power. JFK and Chicago mob boss Sam Giancana shared the same mistress, Judith Campbell Exner. Giancana helped JFK win the election in Illinois and on the east coast.(3)

  63. Anonymous12:52 PM

    how can hobama NOT be blamed for
    his SOLO


    billion dollar green corp scams

    23 trillion dollar to banksters in his swindleus etc

    7 wars



  64. Anonymous12:56 PM

    i hate hobama because i hated gwb

    i hate that ruthless bankster hobama because he is a crueler/more racist/amoral/inept/elitist/LYING!!!...
    cia hoaxed hologrammed clone of gwb

    i hate that racist warmonger hobama MOST for posing as mlk

    cc africom/no black agenda/black bamboozled bilked hobama nazi sheeple/CHiraq etc


  65. Anonymous1:04 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  66. Anonymous1:13 PM

    PilotX said...

    Yeah Field, why don't you write about those highly intelligent blah people backing Rawmoney, oh that's right you've already done that. Romnesia is spreading among conservatives. Carry on.

    How old is this poor child?

  67. Anonymous2:10 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  68. Anonymous2:25 PM

    oj wants 5 mil

    cc the goldmans

    he owes them 33 mil!!!


  69. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    I see the racist trolls forget to mention the nice middle class neighborhoods where many of us blah people live and the Appalacian hell holes and funky trailer parks his fellow red necks live. Oh well, carry on.

    The total population of Appalachia is less than 2000 doohhhhhhhh!!!

    Negors i s only 13 % yet they destroy entire cities

    2:11 AM
    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    Quote: An Idiot Upthread

    "That blacks will cast 96 percent of their ballots (as they did in 2008) for Obama is a good start;"

    African Americans have voted more than 90% for every single Democratic Presidential candidate since WW2.

    That's because they don't see the point in voting for people that hate them.

    Oh, surely that must be the point.
    wordsmithing foo.

    Actress Stacey Dash Casts Vote For Romney, Left Goes Ballistic: “Die Bitch,” “Hope You Get Shot Uncle Tom”…

  70. Some facts for you Tklanners:

    "The reality in the states – regardless of how close the national polls may make the election seem – is that Obama is in the lead. At the Huffington Post, Simon Jackman notes “Obama’s Electoral College count lies almost entirely to the right of 270.” Sam Wang of the Princeton Election Consortium recently put the election odds “at about nine to one for Obama.” The DeSart and Holbrook election forecast, which also looks at the current polls, places Obama’s re-election probability at over 85%. Romney would need to move opinion by another 1%-2% to win – but voter preferences have been very stable for the past two weeks. And if 1%-2% doesn’t seem like much, consider that Romney’s huge surge following the first debate was 2%, at most."

    Please proceed to howl about or ignore them at your leisure.


  72. Anonymous2:37 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  73. Anonymous2:53 PM

    does that celebutante prez hobama know that celebs and banksters do not carry the vote???


  74. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Some facts for you Tklanners:

    "The reality in the states – regardless of how close the national polls may make the election seem – is that Obama is in the lead. At the Huffington Post, Simon Jackman notes “Obama’s Electoral College count lies almost entirely to the right of 270.” Sam Wang of the Princeton Election Consortium recently put the election odds “at about nine to one for Obama.” The DeSart and Holbrook election forecast, which also looks at the current polls, places Obama’s re-election probability at over 85%. Romney would need to move opinion by another 1%-2% to win – but voter preferences have been very stable for the past two weeks. And if 1%-2% doesn’t seem like much, consider that Romney’s huge surge following the first debate was 2%, at most."

    Please proceed to howl about or ignore them at your leisure.

    Another Dumbcrat moonbatter citing Huffpost. Didn't every article they have published on the election so far being wrong teach you yet? Oh and about that 2% surge being ehhh...

    RASMUSSEN: R 50% O 46%...
    GALLUP: R 51% O 46%...

    This isn't counting the millions of voters who just don't want to deal with the insane rabid moonbats like you and will simply pull the lever privately for Obama.

    See Ya.

  75. more black failure3:03 PM

    Another daily example of black dispute resolution: Get the gun, shoot the offender.

    Pair busted after fatally shooting man on B'klyn corner


    October 23, 2012

    A man was shot to death by two gun-toting thugs in East New York yesterday.

    The 38-year-old victim was standing on the corner of Blake Avenue and Hemlock Street at 10:30 p.m. when the two opened fire, cops said.

    He was struck several times in the head and chest, police said. The victim, whose identity is pending family notification, died at the scene, police said.

    Both suspects are in custody and awaiting charges, police sources said.

  76. man in the moon3:14 PM

    EAH said:

    The country that put Armstrong on the moon -- assuming you believe he went there -- does not exist anymore. So I'm not sure about comparing the economy today with what existed under Carter.

    Carter was president in 1979.

    Neil Armstrong went to the moon in 1969.

  77. 1979 was between 1969 and now

  78. The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Tuesday shows Mitt Romney attracting support from 50% of voters nationwide, while President Obama earns the vote from 46%. One percent (1%) prefers some other candidate, and two percent (2%) are undecided.

    Other than brief convention bounces, this is the first time either candidate has led by more than three points in months. See daily tracking history.

    Also linked at Drudge is an e-mail from Obama to his supporters in which sounds distinctly like a candidate who does not expect to win. I’m not talking about the part of the e-mail which The Weekly Standard and Drudge put in their headlines, “Michelle and I will be fine no matter what happens,” as that was in the context of saying that he’s concerned not about himself but about the country. I’m talking about this, in the P.S. of the e-mail:

    “I don’t know what Election Night will hold, but I’d like you to be a part of the event here in Chicago.”

    That’s a peculiar way for a candidate—particularly a tough, hard-nosed candidate like Obama—to talk, two weeks before the election in a tightly fought race. Has he seen internal polling which is much worse than Rasmussen and Gallup?

  79. "All in all I strongly dislike Obama. But I absolutely despise him for leaving American troops in Afghanistan to be shot in the back."

    Then you must really hate the guy who went to France to hide instead of serving in Nam and who has five grown ass boys who have never even been close to a military base.

    Carry on, wingnut.

    "Also linked at Drudge...."

    You lost me right there.

  80. Anonymous4:15 PM

    field negro said...

    "All in all I strongly dislike Obama. But I absolutely despise him for leaving American troops in Afghanistan to be shot in the back."

    Then you must really hate the guy who went to France to hide instead of serving in Nam and who has five grown ass boys who have never even been close to a military base.

    Carry on, wingnut.

    "Also linked at Drudge...."

    You lost me right there.

    Ignorance is bliss?

  81. Anonymous4:16 PM

    4 PM
    Anonymous duh said...

    1979 was between 1969 and no

    and knwo whats between your ears ? Nuffin

  82. They get all their info from Druge, Rush, Fox and the Daily Caller. No wonder your trolls are so well informed.

  83. "Ignorance is bliss?"

    It can't be. Wingnuts always seem so miserable.

  84. "Ignorance is bliss?"

    It sure is. The only way for a liberal to maintain their ficticious reality is to ignore all information that might challenge their worldview.

    So, be like PilotRex and work hard to stay ignorant my peeps! Vote early and often for Barack!

  85. Old Man River4:22 PM

    Wow, Michelle Obama posts on this site. This is quite the plantation you have here, Field!

  86. Damn right, very early and very often. Chicago style politics will beat Salt Lake City style everytime.

  87. And yes be like the X man, gainfully employed in the top 2 percent and not living off the government in a doublewide doing meth. And keep all your teeth like him too.

  88. Blah Peeble5:15 PM

    PilotX said...
    Damn right, very early and very often. Chicago style politics will beat Salt Lake City style everytime.

    Because that's what the new Black Run America is all about. Honesty and fair play are outdated "white" concepts.

    If you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin'.

    Hellz no we don't need no voter ID laws messin' with our fraud!

    Zimbabwe, here we come.

  89. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Voter fraud? What voter fraud!!!???

  90. This comment has been removed by the author.

  91. somebody start snitchin6:27 PM

    Imagine. A black guy commits an utterly senseless murder...

    LI cop fatally shot while chasing suspects from Cross Island Parkway accident


    October 23, 2012

    A lunatic shot and killed a Nassau County cop -- then killed another motorist as he made his getaway, law-enforcement sources told the Post.

    Artie Lopez, an Emergency Services cop, was killed shortly after 11 am after he pulled over a vehicle by a Mobil station on Jamaica Avenue near 241st Street that matched the description of a hit-and-run driver in Nassau County, sources said.

    "The cop was walking toward the car. He got about five feet from the door and 'bam:' four shots," said Paul Walcott, 40, a music producer.

    "Then he just peeled off and got on the highway. Two cars went chasing after him -- not cops just regular people, witnesses."

    The driver had four blown tires, so he ditched his ride and car-jacked another vehicle near Hempstead Avenue and the Cross Island Parkway, where he fatally shot the driver, sources said.

    The driver ditched that car near 114th Drive and 223rd Street and walked about a half mile.

    An off-duty NYPD officer saw the perp and called in the description, but cops did not immediately respond, law-enforcement sources said.

    Multiple special units were seen swarming the area in search of the suspect, including MTA, NYPD and Nassau County cops, as well as FBI agents.

    MTA and NYPD cops in full riot gear were going door to door from Murdock to Hollis avenues between Francis Lewis and 112th Street. FBI agents and Nassau County cops were also on the scene.

    A Nassau County helicopter was buzzing the neighborhood.

    Lopez was taken to the New Hyde Park campus of North Shore Long Island Jewish hospital, where he was pronounced dead, sources said.

  92. obama wastes American lives6:42 PM

    field shows how little he knows about Americans and military experience over the last 50 years:

    Then you must really hate the guy who went to France to hide instead of serving in Nam and who has five grown ass boys who have never even been close to a military base.

    Hey field, never forget that Bill Clinton was a bona fide Draft Dodger, whose draft-dodging tactics were ILLEGAL.

    Keep in mind that 75% of those who served in Vietnam voluntarily ENLISTED in the military. Only 25% were draftees.

    Wake up and realize that Congress created the rules for draft eligibility, not the teenage males and others in their 20s who were draft bait.

    Romney followed the requirements for obtaining legitimate draft deferments until the point at which he was in the draft lottery, where his draft number was 300, which put him out of reach of the draft board.

    Clinton did NOT follow the rules. He lied to his draft liaison officer when he left school in England, which would have led to an automatic induction into the army if that fact had been known.

    But, Clinton lied and saved his hide. Maybe someone else went to Vietnam and died.

  93. You Tklanners relying on Scotty Rasmussen's ripoffiklan heavy "poll" are going to have an awful bad November 7. I guess I'll see you here then whimpering about how the election was stolen.

  94. Obama's desperate attacks on Romney make him look weak and petty. He must know he is going to lose.

  95. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    You Tklanners relying on Scotty Rasmussen's ripoffiklan heavy "poll" are going to have an awful bad November 7. I guess I'll see you here then whimpering about how the election was stolen.

    You are an idiot.

    Ramussen was graded the highest by an Intrade analysis following the 2008 election:

    Rasmussen having Romney above 50% is a death-knell for Obama's reelection hopes.

  96. Watch how disappointed Nora Odonnell and Charlie Rose are after hearing the reaction of undecided Ohio voters to the debate:

    The Lamestream Media's tears after the election will taste so sweet...


  97. beat me daddy7:58 PM

    one black man's idea of foreplay:

    Accused sex attacker asked police 'did I do something wrong' after alleged park rape


    October 23, 2012

    Was it something I did?

    Minutes after allegedly beating, stripping and raping a 21-year-old actress in Hudson River Park in TriBeCa, a sex fiend claimed he was zonked on Four Loko drinks and asked cops, "Did I do something wrong?"

    "Because I don't remember," claimed Jonathan Stewart as cops corralled him at dawn on Sept. 22 on a median at West Street and North Moore Street.

    Still, a week later, he was caught on a jail pay phone trying to worm out of parole violation charges -- the least of his worries -- by telling his parole officer, "All I did was touch her breasts and I made her take off her clothes."

    Stewart's statements were released today as he sat cuffed in a gray jail jumpsuit at a defense table in Manhattan Supreme Court and pleaded not guilty to predatory sexual assault, rape, sodomy and sex abuse.

    Prosecutor Alyssa Gunther said the DA's Office would agree to no less than 40 years prison for Stewart, who at 25 is already a convicted top-level sex offender with seven years prison under his belt for robbing and sexually abusing a female relative.

    "I just woke up," Stewart claimed as cops arrested him, according to his statements. It was just 20 minutes after the attack, and the terrified victim was already in an ambulance, about to identify him through the window, court papers revealed.

    "Why are you arresting me?" Stewart griped. "I did nothing wrong. I'm homeless. I'm schizophrenic. I drank four or five Four Lokos," he said, referring to a canned alcohol-caffeine drink.

    "Are you taking me to a shelter?"

    Once inside the First Precinct, Stewart told cops he'd been partying with friends at a club on 14th Street and at Baruch Houses -- and had consumed "five Four Lokos, Grey Goose Vodka, smoked marijuana and K2."

    A week later, he seemed more concerned with violating parole. "When are you going to serve me with my violation papers?" he asked his parole officer by telephone, the statements say.

    "So you know they reduced it to forcible touching," he said. "I think they're going to make it a violation because the doctor said the DNA came back negative."

    "I don't even know what I was thinking but at no point did I have intercourse with her," he claimed.

    Prosecutors say Stewart actually raped the victim twice -- putting her in a choke hold and dragging her off a bench and into bushes and violating her, then dragging her back and violating her again when she managed to break free and start to run away.

  98. Yo slappy, you might want to read up on the story of Brittney Woods before you go on your race rant.

    I hope this link helps. ;)
