Friday, October 26, 2012

"Niggergate", and Sununu "backs away".

I used to see "Screaming A. Smith" around town from time to time when he worked for our local paper, The Inquirer. All that I remember about fam is that he wore some ugly Steve Harvey type -five button- suits, and that he had a messed up hair cut.

Now my man has blown up. ESPN, NBC, books; you name it. Hell he is even being parodied on SNL(It doesn't get any bigger than that.) Sadly, however, it seems that Stephen A. Smith (his real name) has gotten himself into some hot water. It's what one of my twitter mates is calling, "niggergate".

"Stephen A. Smith's mouth seems to have gotten him into trouble again on ESPN's "First Take" on Thursday morning. This time it wasn't any inane point that he was trying to make or illogical argument that he was staging with Skip Bayless. Rather, it sounds a lot like Smith let fly with some inappropriate language.   
While discussing Kobe Bryant's foot injury, Smith scoffed at the notion that the five-time NBA champion would sit out for the season opener and may have accidentally dropped a racial slur.

Here's what it sounds like Smith said:
"Opening night. Kobe Bryant is going to miss it because, 'my foot is sprained?' Are you crazy, nigga please," Smith may have said.

The Big Lead wrote "may have said" it in its headline for a post about the video clip. BuzzFeed Sports believes Smith "definitely" used that phrase.
Perhaps the most ridiculous part about this incident is that it would mark the second time in less than a year that Smith "may have" said the n-word live on ESPN. In December 2011, a frustrated Smith "may have" used it while talking about how LeBron James should be more like Kobe.
Smith denied saying it then on Twitter. He hasn't denied Thursday morning's incident yet. [Source]

I honestly don't know what to say about this one. I mean, unlike some folks, I can take the word when it is used in its proper context, or when used to express some form of artistic expression. I loved, for instance, when TourĂ© used the word to describe how Mitt Romney and some of his surrogates wanted to paint the president. (BTW, dude was right. Have you seen how John Sununu has been acting lately? More on him later) But if Smith did use the word in that context with his white co-host sitting across the table from him, he was definitely out of line. (Double standard alert!) Had his co-host been black he might have gotten a pass from the kid. But "nigger please" isn't cutting it with me when you are in a heated discussion with your white co-host about sports.

Stephen, I know that you are denying it, but if you did use that word, you might want to check yourself. Save the word for when you are in the comfort of your home throwing some back with your boys from Winston-Salem State.

Finally, I am glad that John Shamu is backing off his comments about Colin Powell. Maybe, at last, he has reached his lunatic tipping point.

"A top adviser to Mitt Romney is backing away from his suggestion that fellow Republican Colin Powell endorsed Barack Obama because both men are black.
Former New Hampshire governor John Sununu issued a statement late Thursday night saying Powell is a friend and he respects the endorsement. He said he doesn’t doubt that Powell’s backing of Obama is based on “anything but his support of the president’s policies.”

Appearing on CNN earlier Thursday, Sununu said he wondered whether Powell had “a slightly different reason for preferring President Obama.”

Host Piers Morgan asked what reason that would be.
Sununu said, “Well, I think when you have somebody of your own race that you’re proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”'
Mitt and company must realize that this is not the time to play the race card. That was for the primary. Time to put away those dog whistles. You already have the single digit IQ vote. You don't want to piss off moderate Americans by throwing race into the mix. (Again)



  1. Anonymous7:19 PM

    "Nigga please" is an everyday phrase now and has been for years. We are an uptight nation though, so when people are not feigning selective outrage it's ok for Smith to "save the word for when you are in the comfort of your home throwing some back with your boys from Winston-Salem State." And best believe white boys do the same and believe friends in mixed company do the same. And you know what? So what. It's not racist when used in this context. It's a little too late to put the N word bag in the bag. Can the N word be used in a racist context? Absolutely. But 99% of the time, sorry, it's just not. Move along, nothing to see here.

  2. It seems to me that both stories could be headlined: "Nigger!"......."I didn't say nigger!"

  3. the chairman9:06 PM

    Field, didn't you insinuate the same thing as Sununu just yesterday in your blog post on Powell's endorsement?

    "This is interesting. Is it just a case of you Negroes sticking together?"

  4. Anonymous11:47 PM

    believe me folks, negroes have never stuck together, not even during mlk's time.

    take obama, for instance: he can't stand negroes and has pretty much shown by his behavior toward blacks.

    no matter, obama will carry the majority of blacks anyway. aa's just don't know any better. but neither do the jamaicans.

  5. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Field, I am offended by the N-word. It is a very nasty ugly word, that many bm were hung over. It is so very inappropriate. The noose and the N-word are historically linked together.

    Why do you so-called Field Negroes continue to use it? Are you that dumb, insensitive and ignorant?

    It's very depressing.

    depressed Negro

  6. Anonymous1:46 AM

    "All that I remember about fam is that he wore some ugly Steve Harvey type -five button- suits, and that he had a messed up hair cut. "

    Are you saying Steve Harvey's suits are ugly? He pays a lot of money for his suits. His suits cost more than any suit you have.

  7. "Are you saying Steve Harvey's suits are ugly? He pays a lot of money for his suits. His suits cost more than any suit you have."

    Yes I am. Sometimes the man has to make the clothes.

    And no, all of his suits DO NOT cost more than mine. Just sayin.:)

  8. Anonymous10:47 AM

    look at these big crowds -it's cold out there in O-high-O

  9. Wesley R10:57 AM

    Steven A. is a fan of Klannity so I'm no fan of his.

  10. Anonymous11:06 AM

    "Yes I am. Sometimes the man has to make the clothes.

    And no, all of his suits DO NOT cost more than mine. Just sayin.:)"

    Steve Harvey is a man of impeccable honesty, generosity, charity and integrity. He has even written a book about how to be a man. YOU SHOULD READ IT.

    I know your jealous ass won't believe what I just wrote. Field, you need Jesus. Please repent before it's too late.

    Brother Field, don't be jealous of Steve. Yes, he is a great man, but so can you IF you try.

  11. Anonymous11:39 AM

    "Mitt and company must realize that this is not the time to play the race card. That was for the primary. Time to put away those dog whistles. You already have the single digit IQ vote. You don't want to piss off moderate Americans by throwing race into the mix.(Again)"

    Brother Field, 'when' IS the time to play the race card, if not now? I mean, if Mitt has 'single digit' IQ voters maybe he can pick up more to add to the increasing 'double-digit' IQ voters coming his way and they aren't all White. Heck, as Nov 6 closes in, he even has been picking up 'triple digit' undecided IQ voters and they all aren't White.

    Hmmmmmmm. This could be a landslide. Mitt gets 88% of the American votes and Obama gets 12%(AAs who vote Black no matter what...those bean-heads he insults and ignores).

    Mitt keeps picking up more and more votes everyday. Field, I bet that's how this election is going to turn out. If it doesn't, I will run down Broad Street naked.

    BTW, where are all the big mouth Negroes that use to visit and comment here? I bet they see the handwriting on the wall and it doesn't look good for Obama. That's why they aren't here...TNB.... When the chips are down they disappear...the Hallmark of Negroes.

    Brother Field, it looks like you are left by yourself, AGAIN. I tried to tell you that you can't count on AAs, but you just wouldn't listen. Anyway, as Obama would say, "keep marching."

  12. Anonymous11:58 AM

    "Host Piers Morgan asked what reason that would be.
    Sununu said, “Well, I think when you have somebody of your own race that you’re proud of being president of the United States, I applaud Colin for standing with him.”'

    Throughout the history of this nation, Whites have always known what Blacks think and how they feel. They think and feel that we are thinking and feeling what they are thinking and feeling. Yet, they don't even notice that it is THEIR thoughts and feelings.

    Isn't that amazing? They enslave and discriminate others in an effort to assuage their own thoughts, feelings and fears which operate at an 'unconscious' level. It is for this reason racism and discrimination won't ever be eradicated 'unless' people 'awaken'. But if you are in power, it's nearly impossible to wake up.

    I say this because John Sununu is no different. He is the garden variety white person who is asleep. He is not stupid, just ignorant of his 'own' thoughts and feelings.

    However, there are some Whites who recognize themselves in Blacks. They are the threat to racism...the hope to the ending of racism. Unfortunately, there are less of them than their white counterparts.

    This is depressing for America.

    depressed Negro

  13. On Bill Mahr's show last night, Nate Silver, polling prognosticator extraordinaire, said that Obama has reelection in the bag unless something big happens in the next week and bumps Romney above 50 %.

    Silver, who correctly predicted the winner of 49 of the 50 states (the only state he missed was Indiana, which went for Barack Obama by 1%.) also correctly predicted the winner of all 35 Senate races that year.

    Currently, Silver's 538 at, forecasts Obama to win 295 Electoral votes to Romney's 243, with Romney taking Florida and Obama running the rest of the battlegrounds. Silver also forecasts Obama to get a 50.3% majority of the popular vote to Romney's 48.6 and avoid the electoral/popular vote split that (along with the 5/4 partisan Supreme Court split) so delegitimized GWB in 2000. He has

    Silver said that the polls showed momentum on Romney's side for a little over a week following the first debate, but that since then it's shifted solidly back to Obama with the numbers back to where they were in mid September before Romney's now forgotten near melt-down threatened an Obama landslide. He dismissed the possibility of a split popular/electoral result as "less than a 7% probability" and the media's tied-horserace as product self interest.

  14. "My party, unfortunately, is the bastion of those people -- not all of them, but most of them -- who are still basing their positions on race. Let me just be candid: My party is full of racists, and the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander-in-chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin, and that's despicable," - Laurence Wilkerson, former chief-of-staff for Colin Powell.

  15. stele2:44 PM

    Laurence Wilkerson is despicable for slandering millions of people who oppose the President over legitimate differences on policy and vision. He is also despicable for ignoring the millions of people who support democrats primarily out of their hatred of white people, people like you Whitey.

  16. the chairman2:54 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    On Bill Mahr's show last night, Nate Silver, polling prognosticator extraordinaire, said that Obama has reelection in the bag unless something big happens in the next week and bumps Romney above 50 %.

    Romney already is above 50% per Rasmussen and Gallup. And everyone's numbers are moving that way.

    2008 was an easy election - everybody got about 49 out 50 states right because it wasn't that close.

    Silver is obviously letting his partisanship influence his predictions. I would say right now Obama clings to a slim advantage where he might eke out a victory with 271 electoral votes. However things are rapidly moving Romney's way. I will bet you Silver is headging his predictions by early next week.

    Romney will win with 295 electoral votes.

  17. Anonymous3:19 PM

    America is racially insane. Someone needs to inform these faux Europeans that there are billions of people on this planet that are not albinos. Too bad they went to the darkest continent to kidnap slave labor. They should have enslaved their own gang. Then the problem would have been solved, before it even began. You can't kidnap the people with the most melanin and then complain. It's no one's fault but your own. Pay us about a trillion dollars and we can go somewhere where we'll be appreciated on our yachts. Thank you very much. When ya gonna pay us????? Blacks with yachts sounds good to me.

  18. Three states form the base of Democratic political power in the United States: California, New York and Illinois. All three states are locked in an accelerating economic, demographic and social decline; all three hope that they can stave off looming disaster at home by exporting the policies that have ruined them to the rest of the country.

    The French say that behind every great fortune lies a great crime. But it is also true to say that behind every great failure lies a great blunder. Late 20th century American liberalism is wrong about the way the world works. It doesn't understand cause and effect very well. It cannot feed itself. Given full power it cannot design and implement policies that advance the causes it honors. Modern American liberalism can only win Pyrrhic victories, because liberals in power take steps that advance their decline.

    This is not to say that conservatives and Republicans have all the answers. Sometimes, they aren’t even asking the right questions. What will happen to the African-American middle class if government employment continues to be cut, the USPS is allowed to reform, and the Supreme Court further restricts the use of race preferences in higher ed? If liberal policies are increasingly failing African Americans and the poor more broadly, what can be done?

  19. A non said...

    "Romney already is above 50% per Rasmussen and Gallup."


    Indeed, as Nate [pointed out last night and on his blog, these two polls alone show Romney winning. 40 others show Obama winning. Both are also factored into his predictive model which discounts such extreme outliers whatever the direction.

    "everyone's numbers are moving that way."


    Sorry little tklanner, but they don't, they all range from a tie to Obama + 3 with a mean of about Obama +1 since Romney's brief lead (from about Oct 6-13) slowly evaporated. In fact, all of the movement since Oct 19th has been in Obama's direction. Romney peaked too soon, but he has to act like he's winning to keep the base from catching on and staying home in order to stave off a late September like collapse while hoping for a miracle. After all, he's been told his whole life that he's the white-horsed "One bold and true" so a miracle isn't even that far-fetched is it?

  20. Anonymous1:54 PM

    whitey did not go to africa to catch a nigger by the toe because sand niggers did that for him.that's right, mohamadams revived the dying slave trade and it was they who inslaved you.they still do.dum asses.

  21. Play the race card? WHAT A FUCKING FARCE. Brakabama's entire fucking existence is a race card. There's nothing else about him but a goddam color. Nothing.
