Saturday, October 27, 2012

A party "full of racists"?

"All republicans aren't racist, but all racist are republicans".

I am sure you have all heard that before. I am actually starting to think it's true.

Still, some racists must vote dumbocratic, but given the direction of the dumbocratic party, I am sure that they (the racists) are leaving it in droves.

But hey, don't take my word for it; read what a republican insider says:

"Wilkerson, who is white, didn't mince words on MSNBC'sThe Ed Show Friday night. "To say that Colin Powell would endorse President Obama because of his skin color is like saying Mother Teresa worked for profit," he said. And although he gave Sununu a bit of a pass, blaming his statement on an "unfortunate" choice of words, Wilkerson had much harsher words for the GOP as a whole.
"Let me just be candid," he said. "My party is full of racists. And the real reason a considerable portion of my party wants President Obama out of the White House has nothing to do with the content of his character, nothing to do with his competence as commander in chief and president, and everything to do with the color of his skin. And that's despicable." [Source] 

It's not only the republican party, it seems like all of the folks in the majority population are starting to be a little....well, less tolerant as well.

"Four years after electing our first black president, the United States is somehow more racist than it was before, according to an online poll by the Associated Press: A majority of Americans (51 percent) now hold "explicit anti-black attitudes" — up from 49 percent in 2008 — and 56 percent showed prejudice on an implicit racism test. Yes, Republicans tend to score higher on the explicit metric (just ask Colin Powell's former chief of staff, Lawrence Wilkerson, who said the party was "full of racists" on MSNBC on Friday night), but Americans' unspoken racist tendencies are apparently nonpartisan — and may ultimately cost Obama about two percent of the popular vote. As one political scientist put it, "President Obama's election clearly didn't change those who appear to be sort of hard-wired folks with racial resentment." Mind electricians of America: you have a lot of work to do. " [Source]

OK Negroes, so white folks (especially the ones who vote republican) don't like you. Please do not let that affect how you live your lives. What is really important is the following: Your family, your environment, and your personal happiness and self-fulfillment. White folks might not like you, but they will not harm you, and they will do a very good job of pretending to like you when you are in their company.

If you are on the East Coast, be careful out there, Sandy is on her way.


  1. NSangoma8:06 PM


    Barack Obama for Re-Election

    The president prevented a depression, expanded the safety net and promoted sensible
    foreign policy, despite Republican opposition.


  2. And water is wet. How long until we get the inside the bubble take about blah people being the "real" racists? White folks in the south in the 60's didn't think they were racists so why would this generation of them be any different? Thing is like you said, we just go on about our lives like everyone else and ignore it.
    Not sure how accurate the statistic is but 80 percent of people of color are backing Barack while 60 percent or better are behind R-money. Predictable and real. My guess is that as darker peoples become the majority we will become more divided so maybe this is the new normal.

  3. "Four years after electing our first black president, the United States is somehow more racist than it was before, according to an online poll by the Associated Press: A majority of Americans (51 percent) now hold "explicit anti-black attitudes" — up from 49 percent in 2008"


    I think thats supposed to be "A majority of white Americans (51%)" which also sounds about right. Half of you crackers don't have a lick of self-worth that isn't all wrapped up in being better than black people.

  4. "All republicans aren't racist, but all racist are republicans".

    Crying racist is the last refuge of scoundrel, especially one who is about to lose his reelection campaign.

    Wilkerson is no "insider", he is not even really a Republican. His ridiculous slander of half the country shames only himself.

    How about:

    "All democrats aren't race-baiters, but all race-baiters are democrats".

  5. To further underscore your post, please read this Salon intervew w/ Frank Rich expanding on the GOP's future. His arguments are all too believable.

  6. Anonymous5:27 AM

    "Four years after electing our first black president, the United States is somehow more racist than it was before, according to an online poll by the Associated Press: A majority of Americans (51 percent) now hold "explicit anti-black attitudes" — up from 49 percent in 2008 — and 56 percent showed prejudice on an implicit racism test."

    Field, this proves what I have been saying all along: "It's very depressing to be Black in America."

    However, like a typical FN Negro, YOU actually believe that we are not affected by this shit. The fact and the reality is that as human beings, we are afflicted psychologically, emotionally and spiritually. To deny this is to deny that we are human beings.

    NO ONE wants to be Black in America, including many Negroes. It just isn't mentally and emotionally healthy.

    And you got the nerve to talk about being happy? That is bullshit. We live in constant emotional pain. This survey hurts, knowing that America just doesn't like us. That means 'every' black person has to be on hyper-alert ALL of the time in this anti-Black society.

    It's fucking depressing. One thing for sure, you leftist black Dem worshipers can no longer deny that the Democratic Party doesn't like your asses either. So now I suggest you STFU about racist Republicans and look at your own damn party who doesn't give a damn about you either.

    Isn't that why Obama insulted and ignored us during his first term? And you are encouraging folks to go vote for Obama and the Dems? GET REAL.

    It's depressing to be Black in America.

    depressed Negro

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. "All democrats aren't race-baiters, but all race-baiters are democrats".

    The last time I checked John Sununu was a republican.

  9. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Maybe as a (white) former college professor I can condense my insight here. Just as I learned that women who are truly liberated (Margaret Mead was a colleague) force you to deal with them as 100% equals, I learned that black students from the Caribbean had a different attitude from those born here that yielded close to the same result. Something about being from islands in which their ethnicity was in the majority, maybe, vs. here, where their counterparts had to continuously live lives apologizing for their difference. So where my locally-grown students would try to obliquely flatter and b.s. me to raise their grades, Caribbean (and African) students would confront me with their sense of injustice and make demands, looking me square in the eye. No inferiority feelings in sight.

    If you'll meke the logical leap with me, I don't think it's a mere coincidence that the two best blogs by black writers IMHO are written by sons of the Caribbean, field's and Oliver Willis's. He was born in Jamaica, I believe. In New York we have big Caribbean populations, totally ready to meet whites on an equal footing, without the psychological damage of centuries of minority-think. I think as this islander attitude sifts down into the rest of the black American population, it can only help. Second-class status needs agreement on both ends to sustain itself for very long.

  10. Anonymous8:40 AM

    (I don't think this was saved; I'm re-entering it)
    Maybe as a (white) former college professor I can condense my insight here. Just as I learned that women who are truly liberated (Margaret Mead was a colleague) force you to deal with them as 100% equals, I learned that black students from the Caribbean had a different attitude from those born here that yielded close to the same result. Something about being from islands in which their ethnicity was in the majority, maybe, vs. here, where their counterparts had to continuously live lives apologizing for their difference. So where my locally-grown students would try to obliquely flatter and b.s. me to raise their grades, Caribbean (and African) students would confront me with their sense of injustice and make demands, looking me square in the eye. No inferiority feelings in sight.

    If you'll meke the logical leap with me, I don't think it's a mere coincidence that the two best blogs by black writers IMHO are written by sons of the Caribbean, field's and Oliver Willis's. He was born in Jamaica, I believe. In New York we have big Caribbean populations, totally ready to meet whites on an equal footing, without the psychological damage of centuries of minority-think. I think as this islander attitude sifts down into the rest of the black American population, it can only help. Second-class status needs agreement on both ends to sustain itself for very long.

  11. Dr. King, ostensibly in response to the criticism that civil rights legislation would not change white peoples' hearts and minds -- "We may not be able to make you love us, but we will stop you from lynching us."

  12. Anonymous10:36 AM

    bongo and jarrett are great at foreign as long as you are not an ambassordor in a raghead country.these two ass holes watch for 7hrs while americans were being killed and refused to send help.bongo is toast he will end up in the bath house taking it up the cozoo.all those white racists but your'e not?what will you negroes due when you out number whitey because there will be no jobs at the door,no money for welfare or hand outs and food production will plummet.what will you do,steal from whitey like starving nogs in zembobway.negroes can not manage a crack house let alone a country as bongo has shown us. stupid negroe.

  13. Anonymous11:51 AM

    If I may, Marcus Garvey -another Carib islander- untainted by "minority-think", actively promoted black self-help during times that violently and methodically cultivated "second-class" citizenship.
    And, if I may again:
    SO THE F__K WHAT if most white Americans don't really like black Americans??!! Where's the news in that? Sometimes I don't like my cousins either. We can ill-afford the luxury of worrying about what white Americans think about us; perpetually seeking their acceptance. Woven into the mosaic, the fabric of this nation is the (legislated) belief that Negroes are less than human; that we are to be forever feared as well as "dis"liked".
    I wanna know: What are we African-Americans -the direct descendants of "Original Man" - gonna do? We need to tell white America, "F--k you"!! Maybe then we can get on with the tremendous task of liberating our minds and asses. Maybe then we can "Lift" ourselves up and improve our economic, social and moral lives. GOD IS BLACK AND SHE IS PISSED (and tired of waiting)!

  14. "Something about being from islands in which their ethnicity was in the majority, maybe, vs. here, where their counterparts had to continuously live lives apologizing for their difference."

    Or maybe there's something unique about growing up in a country where people constantly insist you're inferior and have done so for as long as your ancestors were forcibly brought here??

    As a person with ancestral ties in both the Caribbean and the US, I'm able to comment on this perspective intelligently.

    Descendants of people who had their families, culture, and traditions taken away, people who are descendants of women who were routinely raped, pass on a very different sense of self than people who never routinely experienced such atrocities. So this ends up being a "people thing" that unfortuntely just happens to be indicative of the "Black experience" in the US.

    The joke in my family is that my "degree collection" is a reflection of my Trini ancestry. And while there's some demonstrated proof of that among others from the Caribbean, I know plenty of US based Black families that have the exact same history.

    So I get your point, I simply feel you expressed it much too simplistically, omitting pertinent details which changes the connotation of your entire argument.

  15. NTacoma12:13 PM

    Mitt Romney for President

    President Obama extended a recession, expanded the debt, and turned over North Africa to the Muslim Brotherhood, despite his party controlling both houses of congress for two years and controlling the Senate for his entire term.

    He continues to blame his predecessor and the Republican congress for his failures. Anybody but himself.

    We should have been out of this recession three years ago. Instead of spending the trillion dollar stimulus on infrastructure, he blew it on public sector union payoffs, sweetheart green energy deals for campaign contributors, and Obama phones. He has added more to the debt in 4 years than Bush did in 8 - exactly the wrong thing to do when debt is crushing the economy.

    Now the terrorists he put in charge of Muslim countries are predictably turning on him, leaving dead Ambassadors in their wake.

    Following Bush should have been the easiest act in the world. If he had spent the first two years getting the country's fiscal house in order and focussing on job creation, his party would still control congress and he would lead by 30 points in the polls right now.

    Instead, he ruled as a hyper-partisan liberal, ramming through Obamacare and redistributing billions of dollars to his political allies. His Chicago brand of crony capitalism stinks to high heaven.

    Obama's story is one of wasted opportunity, a man put into a position that he had not prepared himself for. He should have finished his Senate term, served a couple of terms as Governor of Illinois, and then run for President. The Presidency is not a good first job for someone to start their working career in.

    He can waive his little pamphlet around all he wants. It's too late, he should have been worried about job creation 4 years ago, not two weeks before the election. It's time to put the adults back in charge.

  16. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Re "anotherbozo" @8:36AM; And don't forget Marcus Garvey, another Caribbean Negro who urged black Americans, "Up you mighty race" during the peak of white America's lynching campaign.
    If I may: SO THE F--K WHAT if most white Americans have "explicit anti-black attitudes"!!? F--k 'em! We need; been needing to "Lift up" ourselves morally and socially; and I believe we have the capacity to lift ourselves up economically - AFTER - we unshackle and free ourselves of self-hate; the hype re "second-class" status; and the superstition about "heaven and the hereafter"... So-called, "God" is black and she is pissed (and waiting, black folks)!

  17. ritzcracker1:22 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Four years after electing our first black president, the United States is somehow more racist than it was before, according to an online poll by the Associated Press: A majority of Americans (51 percent) now hold "explicit anti-black attitudes" — up from 49 percent in 2008"


    I think thats supposed to be "A majority of white Americans (51%)" which also sounds about right. Half of you crackers don't have a lick of self-worth that isn't all wrapped up in being better than black people.


    I would guess that the number of black Americans holding "explicit anti-white attitudes" is significantly higher than 51%, but that's the crackers fault too, right Whitey?

    Maybe, just maybe, this isn't about how evil and mean white people are, maybe this influenced by reality, perhaps disappointment in how Hope n' Change played out, maybe in response to a Justice Department that refuses to prosecute civil rights cases where whites are the victim, prosecutes disparate impact cases in a direct attack of white working class interests, and to an epidemic rise in black-on-white violent crime since Obama's election.

    Many white people thought electing a black President would make things cooler, instead blacks seemingly feel empowered to abuse whites. The politics of revenge never ends.

    We will never get to "post-racial" as long as we make racial identity the basis of all political power. You can thank the democratic party for that. If our government treated everyone the same, race would resume its path to irrelevance.

  18. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Field, IMHO the following sentence should be modified:

    "OK Negroes, so white folks (especially the ones who vote republican) don't like you."

    Please insert "some."

    I'm white, and do not feel I am in way, shape, or form better than my fellow human beings who are black! I LIKE black folks!


  19. Looking down the road past Pres. Obama's increasingly probable reelection, The tklanners aren't about to honor the democratic compact and accept the result and him as legitimate. In fact, many of their opinion leasers, in anticipation of just such an eventuality, are already plotting out state resistance strategies. Some are even predicting/proclaiming "de-facto secession" of the red states via "massive resistance" to the federal government.

    Considering the history of the region involved and its people's proclivity for political violence, we are virtually certain to see both "lone wolf" and conspiratorial violence escalate, especially against symbolic and high profile targets. We could easily see mass killings as in Norway or Bombings like Oklahoma city along with a tide of smaller scale demonstrative violence as a regular feature of American life.

    Expect nullification and other 10th Adt. arguments to assume a central role in the state-level resistance with tklan governors simply ignoring the supremacy of the federal government, (especially with highly symbolic causes) and forcing the president, as they did in the 50s and 60s to use federal personnel, (marshals, troops, etc) to enforce its writ.

    It's definitely going to be an interesting 4 years.

  20. tklanner3:19 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Looking down the road past Pres. Obama's increasingly probable reelection, The tklanners aren't about to honor the democratic compact and accept the result and him as legitimate. In fact, many of their opinion leasers, in anticipation of just such an eventuality, are already plotting out state resistance strategies. Some are even predicting/proclaiming "de-facto secession" of the red states via "massive resistance" to the federal government.

    Count me in on that shit.

    If America is corrupt enough to reelect Obama, then I am done with America. I like the prosperous, free, and strong America that existed before it was "fundamentally changed". I want nothing to do with the socialist, redistributionist soft tyranny being pushed by liberal America. Just like you don't want to live in an America that honors the individual rights enshrined in the Constitutution.

    Whoever wins, the country is too divided to continue. We need to break up. The sooner, the better.

  21. This Sandy is no joke.

  22. White Knight5:17 PM

    field negro said...
    This Sandy is no joke.

    Katrina redux,and you still don't know how to swim.

  23. Anonymous5:18 PM

    "OK Negroes, so white folks (especially the ones who vote republican) don't like you."

    This is dangerous and untrue. Please don't divide us all up by calling white folks haters. Some are, for sure, but please don'timply that all are.

  24. This Sandy is no joke.

    Out in California, about every 20 years or so, we have something similar happen when our predominant Winter low pressure cell pulls in a huge cold front ("Arctic Blast") from Alaska at the same time as it pulls a saturated storm ("Pineapple Express") from Hawaii. Of course, the story of California Winters is cold/drizzly storms alternating with warm wet ones, but when they merge, like I said, about every 20 years the cold/dry bands squeeze the warm/wet ones like dish spounges. 6 inches of rain in 6 hours is typical for these fast-movers, 9 not unknown. The real damage happens when all of that warm water lands on the Sierra snowpack and 20,000 square miles of levied land suddenly has the equivalent of anywhere up to a 20 inch storm's worth of water that the bathtub drain of the Golden Gate will take up to 6 tide cycles to clear. We're right behind lower Louisiana in catastrophic flooding danger; Sacramento, in the middle of the delta, could easily end up in the same position as New Orleans was in '05 in one of these storm collissions.

  25. "Katrina redux,and you still don't know how to swim.'

    White Knight, I am pretty sure that I am a better swimmer than you are.

  26. Why is this newsworthy? I wish that Obama had not tried. I knew that America was going to eat him alive - and why? The Republican strategy was to obstruct his presidency - and to me that is evil(.) I love America - not because, but in spite of; And if America wants Mitt, I say to hell with it; It will be worse than Bush; and he was the worse, to me, of all the Republican Presidents.

    I think African Americans are about tired of all the methods used to hold us back and keep us down; aren't you? I am. I don't think that most White Americans are racists. I know that there are many Racist Anti-Black Black people; and Anti-Black "so-called" people of color. The truth is Obama bent almost to breaking trying to appease HATE. That was his mistake. I think that it is high time that we let Racists deal with their own mental illn
    ess. If America wants to stay in it's hate - hell, Let HATE lead on! African-Americans have been here before; we will be here again; I say, let it lay where it is at; and keep moving; maybe if we stop letting ourselves be sidetracked by the issues of others we can use that 11 Trillion dollars we shovel into this economy every year... and use it more constructively. We are not victims. Each and everyday we get up and take our first breathe - we survive.

    Love yourself and maybe you won't need to stay stuck waiting for someone else to love you.

    Obama was an okay President. If there is one thing I do love about him and Michelle is; they are not sweating anyone's HATE; And they are not checking for Racists!

    Let the White House go back to White, as the Republican's mantra goes... LOL.

    Have a good Day.

  27. another white guy10:38 AM

    The Republican party is also full of grifters. Romney is part of the grifter wing of the party and he welcomes the racist vote.

  28. BARBBF4:50 PM

    Anyone you disagrees with or complains about Obama's policies is called a racist. If you voted for Obama the last time to prove you're not a must vote for anyone else this time to prove you're not an idiot.

