Wednesday, October 10, 2012

The Andrew Sullivan's suicide watch, and a new political low.

Poor Andrew Sullivan has been absolutely unhinged since president Obama played nice Negro at the last debate with Mitt Romney. Andrew has been in a state of perturbation ever since. (I might have to stop following him on twitter. The guy makes me want to call the suicide hot line for him every time I read one of his tweets.)

"The Pew poll is devastating, just devastating. Before the debate, Obama had a 51 - 43 lead; now, Romney has a 49 - 45 lead. That's a simply unprecedented reversal for a candidate in October. Before Obama had leads on every policy issue and personal characteristic; now Romney leads in almost all of them. Obama's performance gave Romney a 12 point swing! I repeat: a 12 point swing.
Romney's favorables are above Obama's now. Yes, you read that right. Romney's favorables are higher than Obama's right now. That gender gap that was Obama's firewall? Over in one night....
Look: I'm trying to rally some morale, but I've never seen a candidate this late in the game, so far ahead, just throw in the towel in the way Obama did last week - throw away almost every single advantage he had with voters and manage to enable his opponent to seem as if he cares about the middle class as much as Obama does. How do you erase that imprinted first image from public consciousness: a president incapable of making a single argument or even a halfway decent closing statement? And after Romney's convincing Etch-A-Sketch, convincing because Obama was incapable of exposing it, Romney is now the centrist candidate, even as he is running to head up the most radical party in the modern era."

Calm down Andrew, let me explain what it is like to be a high profile black man in America when you want white folks- whose natural inclination is to be afraid of you- to see you as something less than threatening. You smile a lot, --even when it is forced. You retreat with your body language, you try not to argue or be snappy with your answers, and you do not raise your voice. Romney can act like Mel Gibson on a coffee binge, Obama, on the other hand, could not. (Head down, no eye contact)

What I am explaining is a political strategy that Barack Obama used to get elected. It worked for him because he was new, and every American was searching for that Magic Negro. Well the Magic Negro has been in power for four years, and suddenly he is not so magical anymore. Now his supporters want a fighter. They want someone to look Mitt Romney in the eye and tell him that he is a lying SOB. It's why Andrew Sullivan and others like him are so upset with his debate performance. They wanted Richard Pryor and he gave them Bill Cosby.

Now, of course, we have to see if president Obama understands the dynamics of the American electorate. They don't want an angry black man, but they do want someone who is passionate and can defend his record. Mr. Obama told black folks today while talking to Tom Joyner. (Whoops, maybe I shouldn't have said that. I know how it is when you Negroes talk to each other.) He said that he was too polite during the debate. I guess that was his wink/wink to you Negroes that he is going back to being himself, and if he comes off as angry well then so be it. We will see.

I am sure Andrew will be watching. Let's just hope that he isn't close to a very high bridge. If Obama loses again the poor guy might jump. 

Finally, will someone please tell Mitt Romney that it's not cool to score cheap political points with dead American heroes? Clearly Barbara Doherty seems to think that he needs to be told.

 "The mother of a former Navy SEAL killed in the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. embassy in Benghazi, Libya is criticizing Mitt Romney for using her son as a political "football" and is questioning Romney's account of his meeting with him.
Barbara Doherty spoke with KIRO Radio's Ross and Burbank Wednesday morning. "I'm just upset that Mitt Romney is using this for his political gain and I don't think it should be a political issue when four young men have died," she said from her home in Woburn, Mass. 

   Doherty said her son never mentioned meeting Romney, saying it most likely "wasn't too meaningful."

She's not the only one questioning Romney's account. A close friend of Doherty's told The Ron and Don Show Glen had a much different recollection of the meeting. "He said it was very comical," Elf Ellefsen said in an interview with producer Libby Denkman. , "Mitt Romney approached him ultimately four times, using this private gathering as a political venture to further his image. He kept introducing himself as Mitt Romney, a political figure. The same introduction, the same opening line. Glen believed it to be very insincere and stale."Ellefson said Romney's use of Doherty for his campaign "makes him sick." [Source] 



  1. Anonymous8:16 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Anonymous9:07 PM

    Field, "Calm down Andrew, let me explain what it is like to be a high profile black man in America when you want white folks- whose natural inclination is to be afraid of you- to see you as something less than threatening. You smile a lot, --even when it is forced. You retreat with your body language, you try not to argue or be snappy with your answers, and you do not raise your voice. Romney can act like Mel Gibson on a coffee binge, Obama, on the other hand, could not. (Head down, no eye contact)"

    Field you are the typical excuse-making Negro for being a loser. It's always the white folks who are afraid.

    Let me tell you a well-known secret about Negroes. We are a fearful race, and that is why Obama kept his head down and did not challenge Mitt. Not even the obvious about the 47%...which a 4th grader would have done.

    Obama was frightened shitless. That's why his mind was blank. All that BS about losing because of Whites fear of angry black men doesn't play well to anybody, BLACK, BROWN OR WHITE.

    Field, you are just like Obama--Full of Shit. I swear, FN Negroes like you are incapable of being honest with themselves.

    Obama is done. Romney is our next President, thanks to Obama who DID throw in the towel a few weeks before the election. That's nothing but FEAR of the white man by the name of Romney. Of course, Obama has shown that terror before with the GOP....DEPRESSING.

  3. Anonymous9:19 PM

    This post shows fear the bm has of the wm more than anything else. Obama displayed everything unwanted by America of a President: weak and fearful. He abdicated his position as President and was doormat for Romney.

    Obama's behavior in that debate was absolutely weird....A President who kept his head down to Romney. He let everyone know how depressing it is to be Black in America.

    Weird, just weird.

    depressed Negro

  4. Sully's a drama queen. Always has been, always will be. It's part of what makes his blog so interesting; he writes with deep passion along with abundant intellect.

    This overreaction, and your response, illustrates that for all of his Touquevillesque understanding of his adopted country, he still doesn't get American racism and its dynamic. Even the know-nothingist deliberately-blinded to racism white American understands it better than Andrew, and why not? After all, we took it in with mother's-milk while he learned it at Harvard. Other than that, he's ok and he'll come around.

  5. more Man9:46 PM

    Sullivan is right. It's over for Obama. That debate exposed him as the empty chair he his.

  6. Big Bird is a Birther!:

  7. Phony Soetoro9:50 PM

    Obama didn't lose because he was too "nice", he lost because he was just not smart enough.

  8. Obama’s Organizing for America is directly facilitating voter fraud:

    Is that enough evidence for you?

    Do you think the "lamestream" media will cover this?

  9. Not Anonymous10:50 PM

    You lying hick!

  10. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Now that everyone knows it's over for Obama, I wonder what will happen to FN blog? With no black hero left, Field, PC, Granny, dumb Dr. Reine and PilotX have nothing and no one left to look up to.

    I am very sorry your Obama failed you. It must be very painful for black Obamaholics like some of you FN Negroes to go down so quickly with no warning. But hey, that's politics

  11. will apologize for votes11:17 PM

    Obama is incapable of seeing Islam for what it is. What a tragic fool he's become.

    Taliban thugs fear this tiny teen! Fanatics shoot 14-year-old girl in head


    October 10, 2012

    The bearded Taliban gunman strode up to the school bus filled with adolescent girls heading home in Mingora, the main town in the battle-scarred Swat Valley of Pakistan.

    “Which of you is Malala Yousafzai?” he demanded.

    One of her schoolmates pointed to the courageous 14-year-old, who has become a national symbol of resistance to Taliban tyranny.

    Malala knew since the spring that she had been marked for death — when the terrorist group publicly added her name to its assassination list.

    She had since stopped wearing her school uniform. Her father, who ran one of the last remaining girls’ schools in the region, stopped taking the family out after sunset.

    Now, face to face with the gunman, Malala denied who she was.

    So he shot both girls — hitting Malala in the head and neck — and walked away, according to police.

  12. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Sully's a drama queen. Always has been, always will be. It's part of what makes his blog so interesting; he writes with deep passion along with abundant intellect.

    This overreaction, and your response, illustrates that for all of his Touquevillesque understanding of his adopted country, he still doesn't get American racism and its dynamic. Even the know-nothingist deliberately-blinded to racism white American understands it better than Andrew, and why not? After all, we took it in with mother's-milk while he learned it at Harvard. Other than that, he's ok and he'll come around.

    You certainly would know all about racism and Queens. You take every opportunity to show yours. Amazing how you hate yourself so, it has transposed into hate for anyone that looks like you.

    As for me - Fuck you and your apologist type. If you want to deal with me like a man - maybe. If you want me to bend over and kneel before we start the race to prove I owe you something - Again fuck you. My immigrant parents had nothing to do with any historic wrong doings and I owe you and the kind you panderate to nothing. I apologize not one bit for struggling and tyring every day to be the best that I can be; when someone makes excuses or blames their lot in life or their weaknesses on some historic event, I piss on their leg, spit in their face and walk away.

    Now stand up when you talk to me or go stick your head in the toilet where it belongs you weak slimy opportunistic exploiter.

  13. Whitey doesn't hate himself, he hates the goys.

    His whole shtick is about using black people as a weapon against the white Christians he despises, and making money off of it.

    Truth is, he despises his black clients even more.

  14. And Justice For All12:17 AM

    Doherty said her son never mentioned meeting Romney, saying it most likely "wasn't too meaningful."

    She's not the only one questioning Romney's account. A close friend of Doherty's told The Ron and Don Show Glen had a much different recollection of the meeting. "He said it was very comical," Elf Ellefsen said in an interview with producer Libby Denkman. , "Mitt Romney approached him ultimately four times, using this private gathering as a political venture to further his image. He kept introducing himself as Mitt Romney, a political figure. The same introduction, the same opening line. Glen believed it to be very insincere and stale."Ellefson said Romney's use of Doherty for his campaign "makes him sick."

    Field, The liberal media is horrible. You can't trust anything they spin. I don't expect you to check the daily Democratic talking points, such as the one about Romney and the Seal but apparently you were "beclowned" yet again.

    The Killed Navy Seal did know Romney, did admire him and also said right before he was killed in Afghanistan that he needed a new president.

    The wife said it is "the greatest honor of her life when Romney mentions her husband and how they met and his story.

    In fact there are photos of Horton and his wife with Mitt and Ann Romney in this article.

    Amazing how pathetic the US liberal press is to literally lie and omit any portion of a story they feel doesn't serve Dear Leader. The Pravda press it is.

    Soon, liberals will come to the realization no one trusts anything you say anymore because of continual lies and disinformation.

    The despicable party; any low is ok if it furthers the agenda.

    Now maybe you could talk about how Obama lied to America on the ambassador and other seals/Americans who were killed due to the incompetence of his administration. No - due to his incompetence in that he refused to send aid during the four hour attack in Benghazi and is still lying about it today.

  15. Anonymous12:23 AM

    So, all Christians should be judged by the Akins and FLDS and Dominionist/Reconstructionists?

    Might be that Mr Obama is quite tired from doing his Day Job...and Mr Romney is less tired out as he is but a moocher on the publick purse all the livelong day.

    Mr Romney needs some political theatre covering his...and all of his sons...never, ever serving. Like most chickenhawks, they will be sometime acquaintances of the more combat long as it serves their purposes.


  16. Anonymous1:00 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    So, all Christians should be judged by the Akins and FLDS and Dominionist/Reconstructionists?

    Might be that Mr Obama is quite tired from doing his Day Job...and Mr Romney is less tired out as he is but a moocher on the publick purse all the livelong day.

    Mr Romney needs some political theatre covering his...and all of his sons...never, ever serving. Like most chickenhawks, they will be sometime acquaintances of the more combat long as it serves their purposes.


    Careful - that Akins diet is good to lose weight but messes up your heart with to much fat and cholesterol. I guess you could eat chicken or hawks on it, never really heard of anyone eating a hawk, but if it's got wings - you and some hotsauce will make it work.

  17. Mitt's a chickenhawk. His sons are chickenhawks.

  18. Mitt was doing the Paris thing during Nam. But don't worry, he will make up for it by starting a war with Iran.

    To Anon above, just remember, I started this blog when W was in power. If Mitt wins I might quit my day job and blog full time.

    Depressed Negro you might want to join Andrew on that bridge.

  19. Anonymous7:16 AM

    "Depressed Negro you might want to join Andrew on that bridge"

    Hey, I am not the loser who will vote for a bm who cares nothing about Blacks and has waffled on his love for gays. It makes more sense for you and Andrew to hold hands and jump together. I suggest the Golden Gate Bridge. The weather is great for jumping.

  20. obama grovels for votes7:46 AM

    field flatulates:

    Mitt was doing the Paris thing during Nam. But don't worry, he will make up for it by starting a war with Iran.

    Clinton was in England, lying to his draft liaison officer about being in school.

    Clinton is a true draft dodger, of the illegal kind.

    Romney abided by the rules of draft deferments.

    Clinton lied about pretty much everything. Smoking pot. Having sex with that woman. Whitewater. Paula Jones. Gennifer Flowers. Vince Foster. Islam. Welfare.

    Despite his incessant lying, his legacy as president is not so bad.

    Jimmy Carter, a different kind of liar, looks worse and worse and time goes by.

    Romney, on the other hand, isn't hiding anything. But the panicked Obama-loving liberal media is making up stuff every day, or going ballistic over some off-hand comment he might have made in high school.

    I wonder if the Hollywood SEAL movie about killing bin Laden will show Obama training with Team 6?

    For all the jabbering about Romney's lack of military service, it's remarkable that Obama gets a free pass.

    In this election cycle there are two types of candidates:

    1) A candidate who was old enough to get drafted into the Vietnam War but wasn't due to legitimate deferments and a high draft lottery number that took him permanently out of the draft pool.

    2) A president/candidate who hates America and its global power, in part because he was raised by America-hating people and in part because he lived in an Islamic nation that detested freedom and equality, all of which led to him concluding there wasn't a chance in hell he would serve in the US military.

  21. Anonymous8:05 AM

    "For all the jabbering about Romney's lack of military service, it's remarkable that Obama gets a free pass."

    Yes, I have wondered why Field, and PilotX never mentioned Obama's lack of service. But they sure as hell talk about Mitt not being in the service. They are so dishonest, unfair and prejudiced.

    To vote for their candidate(Obama) is to vote for dishonesty, and prejudice. Both qualities have no place in our country.

  22. obama says allahu akbar8:54 AM

    The story rings true:

    by David Lev

    According to a news story on the respected Worldnet News Daily (WND) web site – with an accompanying array of photos as evidence – U.S. President Barack H. Obama has been wearing, since his days in college, a ring on which is inscribed the Shahada, the main Muslim prayer.

    The report quoted Egyptian-born Islamic scholar and author of five books on Islam, Mark Gabriel, as saying that based on the photos, Obama, if not a Muslim, had a very close connection to the religion.

    There can be no doubt that someone wearing the inscription "There is no god except Allah," the main feature of the Shahada, has a very close connection to Islamic beliefs, the Islamic religion and Islamic society to which this
    statement is so strongly attached," Gabriel said.

  23. Anonymous10:16 AM

    this pm may be the most comical debate ever!!!

    mitt slew the inept teleprompterless empty suited hobama

    ryan will slay the senile retarded joe biden

    and that will be more mojo for mitt


    go mitt!!!

    go ryan!!!

    that failed felled bankster/global warlord hobama's selection 2012 may not be so shovel ready after all!!!

  24. Anonymous10:36 AM

    hobama is a lazy liar and a cheat

    the moderator is a hobama nazi

    but ryan will STILL slay biden

    research trumps radddatz

    go ryan!!!

    memo to lazy overconfident hobama:

    take notes u bumbling bamboozling bankster

  25. Anonymous10:43 AM

    memo to biden:

    take hell
    never mind!

    go ryan!!!
    go mitt!!!

    It is true that Barack Obama didn’t have his act together when he went up against Mitt Romney, last week. In fact, he seemed to drop his Democratic act entirely, showing his true political self: a corporate politician who is in general agreement with his corporate Republican challenger. “Obama was caught unprepared and unable to state plainly how he differs from his opponent, mostly because he doesn’t differ very much

    Unlike Romney, Obama is a very good politician. He excels at garnering support from voters by telling them what they want to hear while simultaneously doing things those same people wouldn’t want him to do. The public and pundits alike were surprised that the president’s performance veered between being lackadaisical and flat-footed or strangely discordant with boring anecdotes about his grandparents which didn‘t even answer the questions being asked. The president momentarily forgot the source of his popularity. He has spent so much time agreeing with Republicans in private that he forgot he was in public with more than 60 million viewers who were under the naive impression that the two parties are very different.

    The president floundered uncharacteristically because he forgot that his audience wasn’t made up of the Republicans he is so anxious to please, but voters who dared to think they were going to hear why he should remain in the Oval Office instead of Romney. As the Democrats have moved ever more to the right and become more dependent upon corporate largesse, Obama and other Democrats have gone along with their program even as they pretend to be an opposition. Obama was caught unprepared and unable to state plainly how he differs from his opponent, mostly because he doesn’t differ very much.

    Unfortunately, most Democrats still refuse to admit what happened right before their eyes. While criticizing the president’s debate performance they were not willing to admit that the Obama who stood on stage is the real Obama. Stripped of a script he was laid bare before the world, an empty suit devoid of any conviction except the desire to stay in office.

    The first presidential debate between Barack Obama and Mitt Romney proved a very simple fact about human nature. Most people will reveal their truest, most fundamental self when in the midst of a stressful situation. Both the president and his challenger did just that.

  26. Fields P.J's11:07 AM

    Under the Bus: Obama Campaign Calls Liberal Bloggers the ‘Tinfoil Hat Crowd’
    Posted by Jammie on Oct 11, 2012 at 8:11 am

    Hey, useful idiots always have a limited shelf life.

    The Obama campaign referred to several major liberal bloggers as the “tinfoil hat crowd” in a statement to Fox News Wednesday. The campaign was responding to the cable channel’s request for a comment on an Internet conspiracy theory many of them had promoted.

    Shortly after the presidential debate last week, a number of liberal bloggers including ones at Daily Kos, FireDogLake, Democratic Underground, and the Daily Beast’s Andrew Sullivan, among others, began posting items suggesting that Mitt Romney had cheated during the debate.

    The theory was that, as some video of the event appeared to suggest, Romney slipped a folded piece of paper out of his pocket and onto his podium just before the debate started. The bloggers suggested this was a “cheat sheet.” The theory was pretty clearly debunked. The paper was in fact a handkerchief … that Romney was shown later in the debate mopping his brow with.

  27. Anonymous11:09 AM

    memo to mitt:

    focus on libya and round 2 will be an even easiER SLAY!

    that vapid inept bankster hobama has failed and lied HORRIDLY!!!

  28. Anonymous11:18 AM

    how many BRAZENLY impeachable offenses will hobama dodge?????????


    perhaps this is why he is so bamboozled about his own teleprompter dependency???


    poor bubba

    he was nearly impeached for consensual hoing!

    illegal drones trump adulterous bjs!

  29. Anonymous11:44 AM

    hey silly blogless envious hater assnon:

    thank u so very much for your compliments!!!!
    u inspire me!

    kudos to matt drudge!!!!!!!


    hobama and his nazis call his stellar rebel blog "trash" too...(lioness grin!)

  30. parvenu12:13 PM

    Field it is still tough coming here to leave a comment. It's like walking through a field of cow turds just to get over to the highway! Here I am and I would like to complement you on your observation concerning Obama's behavior as he lost the first debate. I have posted a similiar analysis over a year ago on DKOS after Obama had exasperated libs and Democrats for not getting tough with the House Republicans over raising the debt ceiling. The advantage WE have over these white liberal Democrats is that WE know what white people will ACCEPT versus what they will TOLERATE. For example white folks would never ACCEPT a Jesse Jackson presidency, but they would TOLERATE a Jesse Jackson presidency.

    This is the reason why Fox News broadcast their mini campaign which branded Barack Obama as a "angry black man" just before the first presidential debate. Fox was definitely co-ordinating with the debate strategy developed by the Romney campaign which was why they showed on the eve of the debate a 5 year old video of an animated Barack Obama speaking to an audience of black ministers. They planted in the minds of the Obama campaign the fear of Obama appearing to be an angry violence prone black man attacking "poor defenseles white" Mitt Romney in front of 70 million TV viewers. As a result the Obama campaign over reacted an effectively presented a truckled shuffling head hung down Obama. The Republicans (Fox and Romney) had created political theater for themselves which succeeded beyond their wildest dreams.

    There are two things that I still am highly critical of Obama for saying in the debate, which are: (1) that he agreed with Romney's position on Social Security - WTF!! - and (2) He agreed with Romney that HE (OBAMA) had not been a perfect president! WTF WTF!! Obama better get his head on straight concerning these two issues, that's all I've got to say...

  31. Anonymous12:20 PM

    go mitt!!

    go ryan!!!

    nobama 2012!!!

    no hobama = no hobamacare! = saved jobs!!!

  32. Anonymous said...

    As for me - Fuck you, etc...

    11:32 PM

    You can bestow no higher honor on me than your antipathy a-non, so thank you.

    Anonymous Jewbaiter said...

    Whitey doesn't hate himself, he hates the goys.

    Truth is, he despises his black clients even more.

    Again, you can bestow no higher honor on me than your antipathy anti-semite a-non, so thank you. Thank you very much.

  33. I don't hate Jews Whitey, I hate haters. And you are a hater.

    What's more, you act on your hate in ways that materially make the world a worse place.

    So...Fuck You, Whitey.

  34. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Just wanna post my own personal peeves and beefs. Oh... You euro/white folks are excused; this concerns my afro/black cousins.

    #1: The epidemic of (preventable!!!) obesity plaguing our communities. Nothing more sickening than the sight of duck-walking/waddling knee-grows.

    #2: Our obsession with ANY/ALL organized religions. Nothing more tired and sickening than (handkerchief-headed) knee-grows praying, shouting and singing for - WHATEVER! We should know better; that ANY/ALL religions are, by definition, faith-based and therefore anti-intellectual; anti-scientific method; and anti-critical thinking for oneself.

    #3: Obstreperous rap music that defies creativity. Nothing more sickening and depressing than music(?) that worships materialism; glamorizes misogyny and "gangsta" culture and minstrelsy.

    Thank you very much,

    The "G" man hyah

  35. Pardon You1:26 PM

    parvenu said...
    I would like to complement you on your observation concerning Obama's behavior as he lost the first debate. I have posted a similiar analysis over a year ago on DKOS

    Well well, one dissembling rationalizer complementing another.

    Sorry, but no one is buying the Nice Negro excuse. In fact, everyone is quite sick of the crap we've been buying from the democrats. After buying into the phony Hope act for four years, the American people crave competence. Unfortunately for Obama's reelection prospects, competence is not his strong suit.

    Romney/Ryan 2012.

  36. Frustrated Negro1:49 PM

    Alicia NUT JOB Banks said:

    thank u so very much for your compliments!!!!
    u inspire me!

    I sincerely HOPE so..

    IF your blog was any good we would be there commenting on it ..and you would be moderating not filling in captchas. Got It?

    You are here though...

    People would probably comment, but all the comments are from U!!

    Get a Life , and stop stringing Hobama, and Nazi together... .

    Heres a link for some help

    You need it.... Carry on....

  37. Anonymous2:17 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Anonymous said...

    As for me - Fuck you, etc...

    11:32 PM

    You can bestow no higher honor on me than your antipathy a-non, so thank you.

    Anonymous Jewbaiter said...

    Whitey doesn't hate himself, he hates the goys.

    Truth is, he despises his black clients even more.

    Again, you can bestow no higher honor on me than your antipathy anti-semite a-non, so thank you. Thank you very much.

    Antipathy - Good descriptive word selection. No doubt you have been found by many to be utterly repugnant, including those who you claim to serve. Those who in some shape or form you are certain make sure know you are a martyr; just for them.

    In your mind someone deserving of at minimum acceptance in a world that has summarily rejected you for your self loathing psychosis. Those who are self loathing are typically impossible to be around as they are nasty, petty, vindictive, vile and eternally angry at life.

    Finding no other outlet where you don't immediately cause wrinkled noses and disdain, you are stupid enough to think an demonstrably monolithic culture really likes you and admires you, you have sacrificed everything after all.

    A culture that will organically attack anyone that says or does anything other than the accepted norm for group-think, you think they admire someone who is the antithesis of their foundation and are foolish enough to underestimate them not being able to realize you think you are superior in intellect and attributes, otherwise how could you deign to be the white knight you pretend you are.

    We all know the truth about who you really are.

    You are a small man with a threatened ego that has been driven into desperate flights from reality. One who at the end of the day is despised by all, because in order to cope with your failings you invented a persona where you hate yourself and reinforce this by finding others that hate those just like you; ergo you.

    So yes, to you someone hating you is a compliment. It is validation of your mental sickness and precisely what you set out to achieve. You have become a disingenuous self loathing white liberal who everyone despises; most importantly you.

  38. Say What2:28 PM

    parvenu said...

    There are two things that I still am highly critical of Obama for saying in the debate, which are: (1) that he agreed with Romney's position on Social Security - WTF!! -

    Oh you must mean when Obama said : “Social Security is structurally sound. It’s going to have to be tweaked the way it was by Ronald Reagan and Speaker — Democratic Speaker Tip O’Neill. But the basic structure is sound.”

    He was either incompetently wrong or he lied. The CBO advises Social Security is 20.5 Trillion in the red ( meaning we borrow to keep it running) By 2030 will pay out more than it takes in, not counting the areas politicians have raided SS funds for.

    Now what was it you wanted Obama to say on this?

    (2) He agreed with Romney that HE (OBAMA) had not been a perfect president! WTF WTF!! Obama better get his head on straight concerning these two issues, that's all I've got to say...

    Well, if you think Obama is perfect Have I got a great car deal for you.....What you saw at the debate for the first time was Obama needing to speak to his job performance and ideas without a media filter or someone propping him up. Of course he bombed, his entire agenda has bombed.

  39. Anonymous2:40 PM

    G man said, "#2: Our obsession with ANY/ALL organized religions. Nothing more tired and sickening than (handkerchief-headed) knee-grows praying, shouting and singing for - WHATEVER! We should know better; that ANY/ALL religions are, by definition, faith-based and therefore anti-intellectual; anti-scientific method; and anti-critical thinking for oneself."

    G man, Faith-based religions aren't against science, the intellect, or critical thinking. You can't have science without religion and religion without science.

    As Einstein said, "Science without religion is lame, and religion without science is blind." You see, science and religion should be compatible, not one against the other. No where in LIFE is such a thing as there must be "one or the other". Everything is interconnected but you, in your ignorance, think ONLY science knows what is going on....IT DOESN'T. Hell, people are dying in the hospitals from diseases that science knows nothing about, let alone able to explain LIFE or our existence. Science can't even offer pills to treat diseases without some side-effect, which, in some cases, is worse than the treatment.

    If you really think about it, Science is just as ignorant as you think Religion is. Science is WRONG over 50% of the time!

    Faith-based Religion, or any Spiritual Discipline is based on what's beyond this LIFE. In other words, Faith and God are trans-rational, trans-intellectual, trans-personal....God is the Transcendent. You see, Religion has an explanation for our existence and LIFE based on HOPE and FAITH.

    To try to live your life without Spirituality is a BIG MISTAKE. It's the only thing that makes sense about the mystery of our existence.

    The Buddha once said, "Bet on there being an afterlife, because there is. Just because your finite mind can't comprehend or see the After-life, doesn't make it so. A good-betting man would live his life as though there is one. That way, he has everything to gain, and nothing to lose."

    The so-called "intellectual" mind is adrift in a sea of ignorance. Don't be foolish and put all of your eggs in the basket of the so-called human mind because it knows nothing.

    Your way of thinking has not a drop of Spirit or humility in it. That is quite depressing.

    depressed Negro

  40. Anonymous5:52 PM

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  41. Anonymous5:56 PM

    poster fool assnon:

    thanks for letting me know my own technical genius


    it is so ironic that all of the fools who lament that they cannot post to my blog

    are the very same vapid mindless ignorant bastards who ruin other blogs and prove how wise i am by NOT letting them do the SAME at mine...

    classic coon bs!

    go ryan!!!!!!!

  42. The difference between Barack and Mittens is that one opposed a war while one demonstrated FOR a war he was unwilling to serve himself.

  43. Anonymous7:19 PM

    PilotX said...

    The difference between Barack and Mittens is that one opposed a war while one demonstrated FOR a war he was unwilling to serve himself.

    Was that the war that he illegally circumvented congress spent billions and Not that one?

    Pilot you sound like a 60's hippie.

    Lets see what you will say when Obama decides to pre-emptively strike Iran with Israel to try and jar an election he has already lost. Will the dog wag it's tail for Obama; even if he would actually eat it?

  44. Anonymous7:41 PM

    @anyone want to play Biden Bullshit Bingo tonight? Cards are below.

    The grand prize is a date with Whitey who will help you with all of your life's problems by showing you if he hadda he woulda coulda sortof, but someone else stopped him.

  45. You hear about the voter I'd laws being put on hold in SC and MS?
