Thursday, October 11, 2012

Will Joe be like Jayson tonight?

Watching the Nationals play the Cards before the debate. These D.C. fans aren't used to baseball in October. I hope they enjoy it, because they won't be playing this late in the season again for awhile.

Anywhoo, it's almost debate time. I think I will be live blogging it with the folks at KCRW in Los Angeles. I am not a big fan of live blogging, because I like to think before I say certain things. It's so easy to get in trouble these days.

This debate should be fun. Uncle Joe is the underdog (as he should be) and there is no telling what he will say. We know Paul Ryan will run away from his record in congress, and he will try not to beat up on the old guy and get Uncle Joe sympathy from the AARP crowd.

If Uncle Joe is smart he will always refer to Ryan as congressman. Americans hate congress. Joe should make sure that Americans remember that Paul Ryan is a member of congress.

I can't wait for the spin after this one. The dems need it more than the repubs, but even if Uncle Joe wipes the floor with Eddie Munster in a suit, it won't matter much. A point here or there in the polls and that's about it. The big show will come when the guys at the top of the ticket square off again. Obama and his team really needs that one. Romney, on the other hand, just has to maintain....

Holy crap! Former Phillie, Jayson Werth, just went yard for the Nats.
Raul last night and now Werth. WTF has gotten into these former Phillies?

Lord I hope they don't get used to this October thing. There will be a game five.

Folks, I will holla at you after the debate.


  1. Anonymous8:48 PM

    The Democratic President/VP duo is pathetic. Neither has the brains to take on the Republican challengers.

    Nevertheless, expect Joe Biden to do much much much better than Obama. Recognize that that's not saying much. A kid on a Junior High debate team could have done better than Obama in the first debate.

    It's unbelievable that Obama attended Law School at Harvard and got humiliated, crushed and beaten like a dog so badly that he looked like a 'total' loser.... It was shameful and embarrassing.

    That won't happen to Biden. He has too much pride and self-worth. He will hang tough all the way.

  2. The debates only prove what EVERY educated Black professional in America knows all too well. When it comes to getting angry in public, you'd better leave that to the white guys, otherwise be labelled an "angry Black man." Of course the flip side is what the President is dealing with now, being seen as "soft" for not being angry enough, the proverbial catch 22.

    But it's okay, VP Biden is allowed to be angry because he's white and will make up the ground the President lost.

    So far, he's doing a pretty good job.

  3. Biden is bailing Ryan out too much. He should let him talk and dig a hole for himself. Maybe a tad too aggressive. On that question about Iran ands what else they would do Ryan was about to screw himself but Biden bailed him out.

  4. Sullys 1st post in his debate liveblog:

    8.57 pm. First up: yes I was a bit of an hysteric last week...

    I propose a drinking game every time Paul Ryan tells a whopper. I will abstain until the end, and then drink them all at once.


    I still have to help a grandkid with homework tonight, not to mention an early deposition tomorrow, so no shooters whenever a klanner lies for me.

  5. "Screech Ryan" expressions are so special!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. I likes me some joe.

    and like Dr.Reine said...

    "The debates only prove what EVERY educated Black professional in America knows all too well. When it comes to getting angry in public, you'd better leave that to the white guys."

    Yeah, angry black people just send white people on ammunition buying binges. Angry white people on the other hand, hell isn't that redundant? Angry white people?

  8. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Angry white people on the other hand, hell isn't that redundant? Angry white people?

    Speak for yourself bagel boy.

  9. Anonymous10:01 PM

    Dr Reine said, " Dr.Reine said...
    The debates only prove what EVERY educated Black professional in America knows all too well. When it comes to getting angry in public, you'd better leave that to the white guys, otherwise be labelled an "angry Black man." Of course the flip side is what the President is dealing with now, being seen as "soft" for not being angry enough, the proverbial catch 22."

    Bullshit. Quit making excuses for the shellacking Obama got. At least Biden is calling Ryan on his lies. Obama did NONE of that. He stood there like a frightened little boy.

    Face it. Obama lost the election that night, as it should be.

  10. Anonymous10:07 PM

    the first time the moderator doesnt shut down ryan and ask biden a real question he is lost

  11. Same questions asked of Bush and Ferraro in '84.

  12. Biden won this easily.

  13. Martha Raddits "what makes you special" question is the "What kind of tree would you be" of this debate.

  14. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Biden won this easily.

    Nah, he just showed how dirty he can play, Ryan clinched it with the closing. We already know how dirty Obama and Biden are.

  15. Now Eddie Munster is worried about more takehome pay for workers. Sorry but he is not qualified to talk about workers when all they've talked about was "job creators". Puleeeze man, you oppose unions which give workers more pay and benefits. He wants a "job creator" in the WH, ie a rich guy.


  16. kudos to biden!

    who knew biden was smarter than hobama???

    he did much better than i expected!

    but ryan still won!!!

    go ryan!!!
    go mitt!!!

    nobama 2012!

  17. ps:

    biden was very rude!!!

    he kept interrupting ryan and that hobama nazi raddatz let him do so!!!


  18. My 1st impression and my last were both of a smart-assed Eddie Haskell calling Mr. Cleaver "Ward" because he could temporarily get away with it. I wonder how that's gonna go down with Biden's fellow "silent generation" cohort and their "boomer" kid siblings.

  19. Ryan had nowhere near Rawmoney's lies. I counted 6 more or less, what did Mitt have, like 25? I hope someone else kept a better count.

  20. Anonymous11:12 PM

    Ryan had nowhere near Rawmoney's lies. I counted 6 more or less, what did Mitt have, like 25? I hope someone else kept a better count.

    10:54 PM
    Romney had 32 lies, exactly. But it didn't matter because he had an empty chair that couldn't call him on one. However, Biden called Ryan on EVERY lie. It's too bad Biden can't step in for Obama for the next Presidential debate.

  21. Wesley R11:19 PM

    Eddie Munster got the slim kicked out of him. Just in time for Halloween

  22. Ever so slightly off-topic, but do you remember the Obamaphone lady in Cleveland?

    Well guess who is profiting from that scam?

    Mexican billionaire making millions from American government program that gives poor free cell phones
    By Daily Mail Reporter
    10 October 2012

    I don't know much about the history of the late 19th century and Theodore Roosevelt's decision to bust the trusts, but I just can't imagine that a Leland Stanford or a John D Rockerfeller could hold a candle to these guys - has the USA ever before been even remotely so corrupt?

    By the way, Carlos Slim also owns The New York Times.

  23. Smirkin' Joe11:32 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Ryan had nowhere near Rawmoney's lies. I counted 6 more or less, what did Mitt have, like 25? I hope someone else kept a better count.

    How many did you count for Biden? How about the one where he said the Libyan embassy never asked for more security? Or how Romney wants to cut taxes by $5 trillion? Or how Medicare can stay solvent by doing nothing? Or how the Obama economic policies haven't been a disaster?

    Biden did nothing but lie.

    And all that mugging turned America's stomach.

  24. I called it when Flipper beat O in their debate. I am calling this one for Uncle Joe.

    Ryan gets a C+, Uncle joe gets an A.

  25. Anonymous11:47 PM

    Field, don't you wish Joe could step in for Obama in the debates against Romney?

  26. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Yeah, that's really How Obama has been surviving. He has other people in the party speaking for him. Joe Biden, Bill Clinton, and Axelrod. I wonder if Obama has done anything, including his speeches? I read somewhere of a young guy on his staff who writes his speeches for him. All Obama has to do is read it from a teleprompter.

  27. Anonymous11:57 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    I called it when Flipper beat O in their debate. I am calling this one for Uncle Joe.

    Ryan gets a C+, Uncle joe gets an A.

    I think he blew it. The only people Biden will appeal to is the far left/Obama voters and very low info idealogues. The majority of americans know its the debate game to one up someone so expect the lies he threw around but he did it in an unprecedented, rude, nasty and arrogant way. He is like an idiot lapdog, you know he was coached to attack and try and make up for the lack of any success in the last four years and personalize it to overshadow Obama not being able to take one fact to task. He went to far, he lost votes I am sure. Chris Matthews and his type will love it, the rest of America not so much - especially being that he thinks they are stupid and don't knwo what's going on with Benghazi and the military and the economy and jobs and lack of budgets and being bankrupt.... A lot of "snap" polls put Ryan ahead something like 53-48; some far left ones had Biden whalloping Ryan - translation - same momentum will continue for Romney Biden lost voters for Obama and Romney will take him to the woodshed next week because he will not allow a liberal moderator to shut down his debate and cover for the flailing democrat.

  28. Anonymous11:58 PM

    Blogger Dr.Reine said...

    The debates only prove what EVERY educated Black professional in America knows all too well. When it comes to getting angry in public, you'd better leave that to the white guys, otherwise be labelled an "angry Black man." Of course the flip side is what the President is dealing with now, being seen as "soft" for not being angry enough, the proverbial catch 22.

    But it's okay, VP Biden is allowed to be angry because he's white and will make up the ground the President lost.

    So far, he's doing a pretty good job.

    If you have a brain in civilization you don't need to scream shout and carry on to get a point across. If you do then perhaps your point isn't worth much and you aren't the educated professional you think you are.

  29. Anonymous12:16 AM

    Biden lied and again will only appeal to the far left Chris matthews types.

    If the intelligence community is at fault for Obama and the Ambassodor telling us for weeks it was a video tape, what did Obama know and when did he know it? State department says he is lying.

    If the recession was caused by 2 wars and drugs for seniors and joe was against it, what happened to Obama suing bank to make risky loans or face discrimination lawsuits, fannie freddie and the democrats and why did Biden vote yes for ALL THREE and then say on TV he was there and was against it?

    He blew it. When all is said and done he has lost a ton of votes.

  30. Anonymous12:32 AM

    CNBC Poll: Paul Ryan Smokes Biden At Debate, 56% – 36%…

    Well there you have it, even with Sharpton/Maddow happy as clams and Chris spitting all over his tingling leg even MSNBC viewers know Biden wasn't very good and the most disgusting person probably ever seen in a vice presidential debate.

  31. Joe Biden was smug and condescending and a bit obnoxious, just like a typical Northeasterner but we know this because this is what we are. Tonight was the push back. Obama, should show his "Southside" and don't give a (bleep) what the media says. This administration has been afraid to be big city democrats for way too long. Fight back because the GOP is just running on pure hate and hot dogs form 7 eleven. Speaking of 7 eleven, i think I'm hungry.

  32. Anon@11:57pm, your comments seemed somewhat reasoned until your last line. You almost had me, but your swipe at the moderator proves that you are a wingnut.

    It's what the FOX crowd was crying about last night: the moderator let Uncle Joe get away with too much.

  33. Anonymous6:02 AM

    No Field. Anon@11:57p is an Independent. See? You leftist Dems miss it every time.

    Prepare yourself for Tuesday. If you thought Obama got an ass-whipping in the first debate, you ain't seen nothing yet. Romney is far too smart for Obama.

  34. Anonymous6:12 AM

    field negro said...

    Anon@11:57pm, your comments seemed somewhat reasoned until your last line. You almost had me, but your swipe at the moderator proves that you are a wingnut.

    It's what the FOX crowd was crying about last night: the moderator let Uncle Joe get away with too much.

    It wasn't a swipe it was a clear observation. Biden interrupted 82 times at least three the moderator cut off Ryan mid answer after he was interrupted and switched topics to cover biden. Biden was a mess and she should have shut down his constant interruptions not encouraged them by changing subjects after she interrupted Ryan. I expected no less from the debate though, it's meaningless other than showing the Democratic ticket to be the showman's they need to be not having anything to run on, including the last four years.

    No crying here. Ryan made a calculated choice. He could go toe to toe and is sure as heck not intimidated by Biden the giggle clown. Ryan has stood up to presidents and literally picked them apart. He chose to keep it at a higher level and not descend into the gutter with Biden, it is/has will hurt the Obama ticket. Fact checkers will dither about the facts until next week but everyone will remember how uncouth and nutty Biden is while Ryan remained cool, collected and reserved while debating two people.

    Biden actually hurt the campaign, the number one topic during next weeks presidential debate will be foreign policy and the gaffes Biden made. Now we get to see Obama explain How the CIA misled the white house for two weeks despite knowing it was a terrorist attack within hours as Biden said, how the embassy didn't ask for security, when there are letters/emails showing they did. How Obama sent rice out on talk shows five days after saying it was a tape that caused it and not terrorist attacks, when the state department said they told him that night. A cover up is understandable right before an election - one of this type is treasonous, men were killed and the situation was all over the middle east.

  35. Anonymous6:17 AM

    There was a VP debate last night? I tuned in but all I saw was a set of really white dentures placed on an empty chair - the wind up kind clacking away. They were playing some lame laughtrack from a 80's comedy show so I tuned out, did I miss anything?

  36. Anonymous9:46 AM

    biden was rude and evaded libya and echoed hobama's lies...

    ryan was calm, polite, and factual on hobama's HORRID FAILURES!!!

    kudos to ryan!!!

    go mitt!
    take the new mojo and slay hobama even MORE than before!

  37. Anonymous9:49 AM

    even cnn = hobama tv's polls admit ryan won


  38. Anonymous9:53 AM

    memo to that lazy cheater bankster hobama:

    like u

    your planted rude co-debater raddatz has FAILED!!!!!!!

    kudos to ryan!!!

    go mitt!!!!!!!

  39. Frustrated Negro10:27 AM

    Joe treated Ryan like a school child last night. When he pressed him on what else Obama could do regarding Iran

    "You want to Go to War ?"
    Ryan sheepishly answers No, but...

    They both are War Hawks , but Joe did a excellent job as portraying Obama as someone who isnt as "War Hungry" as a Romney /Ryan ticket would be.

    I waited all night for the Joe Biden Gaff that never came... Kinda dissapointing , but I loved seeing Ryan get called a liar implicitly, and explicitly about Romneys foreign policy stance.

  40. Anonymous10:39 AM


    wwiii looms regardless
    as eternal war is america'ska;s ONLY real jobs plan

    ask hobama in iran

    see nostradamus
    hobama = mabus = bragamus
    who wages wwiii

    massive layoffs loom NOW
    hospitals closing
    doctors quitting
    olive garden

    all to evade hobamacare's fees/fines/taxes



    more proof that hobama nazis are blind and insane!!!

  41. Anonymous10:46 AM

    biden did have one great punch

    re: swindleus funds requested by ryan

    more proof that reps= dems

    and they all FLEECE the sheeple!

  42. Anonymous10:50 AM

    memo to hobama:

    the debate stats should not be the stats u fret


    go mitt!!!

  43. Kingnut11:10 AM

    I have to admit I thought Biden "won" the debate, if winning means getting your message out most clearly. He may have damaged himself by acting like an asshole trying to show disrespect of Ryan, and he told a few whoppers that the Obama camapaign is going to have to deal with over the next week, but he didn't come off as the clueless idiot he often does.

    I thought his strongest position was on foreign policy in the Middle East, where my thoughts align a little more with the current administration. I am done with that whole situation, and do not want anymore troops over there. However, it's hard to trust an administration who went to war with Libya by circumventing congress, and whose inept policies have handed over North Africa to the Muslim Brotherhood.

    The real issue this election is the economy however, and the Obama-Biden ticket has no credibility left on that one.

    In any event, the VP debate gave Romney a good preview of the new moderator style that will be in place for the next debate. After what happened to Obama during the first one, there is no way they are just going to let these guys talk like two adults. At least Romney has a game plan he can prepare for now. I don't think he will let himself be interrupted and cut off like Biden and Raddatz did to Ryan. It could get nasty.

  44. Anonymous12:08 PM

    ryan won per AP too

    kudos ryan!!!
    go mitt!!!

  45. Anonymous12:16 PM

    hey vdlr:

    r u kin to this tree u prickly reeking ratchet baldheaded trick?

  46. Anonymous1:19 PM

    dear ab, you continue to slay many who try to take you down.

    please have mercy on the ignorance of those who do not know the power of your intellect.

  47. Anonymous1:25 PM

    "please have mercy on the ignorance of those who do not know the power of your intellect."

    I agree. These fn Obamaholic fools have no idea what they are doing, or who they are messing with, or the consequences when they attack you.

    They should fear you. Instead, they rush in where wise men fear to tread... TNB on FN. Field should throw the fools off.

  48. Not Anonemous1:30 PM

    Damn bitch, will you shut the fuck up already??!!??!??
    You are the only nutjob besides the A-non that makes 15 posts in a row, carrying on a whole conversation with yourself.
    You stupid slavecatching lawnjockey teabagger!

  49. Anonymous1:31 PM



    hobama is the most evil and corrupt prez ever

    his blind deaf racist demonic nazis prove that herein daily

    hobama has been selected until 2016...

    but god is on our side

    may god bless us all

    go mitt!!!

  50. Anonymous1:36 PM

    hobama nazi morons major in the minor

    they count my posts

    while i count hobama's racist banskter deeds

    go mitt!!!!

    cc that bs to hobama who incessantly chants to his adoring coons:

    "i am not your prez u mongrels...stfu and vote for me!"



    why do these blogless haters want u to get less hits?????


  51. Anonymous1:44 PM

    hey bitch coon assnon:

    u hobama loving nigs better brew some black tea asap!!!


    go mitt!
    spew hot tea and scald hobama again in round 2!

  52. Anonymous2:03 PM

    kudos to andrew and mike hickabee and noah r


  53. Anonymous2:22 PM

    ab, "cc that bs to hobama who incessantly chants to his adoring coons:

    "i am not your prez u mongrels...stfu and vote for me!"


    Yes! Yes! that is what I have been saying all along. Yet most of these FN Negroes continue to worship Obama who doesn't give a damn about them.

    They don't seem to care that Obama insults, degrades and "ignores" them as if they are NOTHING.

    Why are so many of us so-called FN Negroes like this? Why? I have been asking Field, PilotX, Mack Lyons, PC and others this question and they NEVER answer.

    Somebody please explain this Black FN Negro phenomenon to me.

    Mr. Field, PLEASE, PLEASE CLARIFY "WHY" a weak condescending Obama 'deserves' our vote.

  54. Anonymous2:45 PM

    ield negro said...

    Anon@11:57pm, your comments seemed somewhat reasoned until your last line. You almost had me, but your swipe at the moderator proves that you are a wingnut.

    It's what the FOX crowd was crying about last night: the moderator let Uncle Joe get away with too much

    Field well looky here. The MSM is tilted far left, so someone else does the reporting. Only for some reason several networks are breaking out of the liberal pact and starting to report the truth.

    CNN/CBS and other reporters have called Maddatz the third debater.

    Besides Obama attending her wedding to her ex husband, she visited Biden's Residence and also visited the white house.

  55. muhammad ali2:50 PM

    How to score the debate?

    If being a rosiest, reddest rectum is the sign of "winning", then Joe's it.

    If being reasonably polite and respectful of rosy, red rectums is "winning", the Ryan gets the win.

    But, if seeming to dominate the discussion is the measure, then it goes to Biden.

    The two of them could have been arguing over lite beer.

    Less Filling!

    Tastes Great!

    Biden understood the game. Interrupt. Laugh like a hyena. Show no deference or respect. Call the other guy a liar.

    Ryan should have smartened up during the bout. Instead, he rope-a-doped his way to nothing.

  56. Timothy2:56 PM

    Ryan got his ass kicked and handed to him last nite. Same will go down next Tuesday for the 2nd Presidential debate.

    Repub/Teabaggers are a brand that's killing itself off. Facts speak and Ryan's facts are bullshit.

    Mittens got a good jump at the last debate...let's see what the draft dodger does in this 2nd debate.

  57. Uncle Joe Is A Disaster3:24 PM

    Well, well....

    Gosh, I thought the Republicans did all the lying!

  58. Anonymous3:33 PM


    3 of 3 above....rushing as always!

    Why will Biden’s behavior be the take away from last night’s debate or will there be a more substantive exchange that voters settle on as the defining moment? Ask yourself, what is the take-away line? Was there one? Or, was it like the first presidential debate – that there was a general tone, a demeanor that will form the lasting impression for voters.

    The night’s most tweeted line (as metrics go, that one is admittedly lacking) was Joe Biden interrupting Ryan while he explained that a number of prior presidential administrations have cut tax rates to spur growth and arrest recessionary trends. Among those administrations that opted to cut taxes to generate growth, Ryan cited John F. Kennedy’s presidency. “Oh, so you’re Jack Kennedy now,” Biden interjected, recoiling with feigned revulsion.

    Will that be the sound bite that gets played ad nauseam over the weekend and during the Sunday shows? Democrats may hope that it is, but they should rethink that. The sound bite reminds voters that Ryan is correct – the revered JFK did cut taxes and his administration did halt the recession of 1960-61 because of that policy.

  59. Not Anonymous3:33 PM

    Ms Stanks: A voice of sanity is always better than 15 posts of bullshit and propaganda nice try lawn jockey, you could be working off your bat wings, instead you languish all day on a liberal blognwith your teacracker rants. Your master must pay you really well for the amount of jigging you do you fat blind baboon!

  60. Anonymous3:42 PM

    it is my superior sanity that vexes dumb nigs like u

    i knew

    hey bumbling hobama loving bimbo vdlr:

    u manless mindless rank skank coons are hobama's ride or die hos

    good luck with that from now on!!!

    This is not to say that President Obama is not deserving of the Black vote. But it does say that Black America must cease to make itself into the political mistress of the Obama Administration. For a man whose loyalties lie elsewhere, the mistress is often the woman from whom he expects preferential treatment, but only offers second-class status. The love is often one of secrecy because he may be ashamed of the relationship and fear the reputational consequences of those who may judge him harshly.

    If Barack Obama were a white man, that would mean that there would be collective outrage over speeches like the one he delivered at the Congressional Black Caucus Convention, where Black people were told to “stop complaining” about the highest unemployment in nearly 30 years. It would mean that we’d expect the same things from President Obama that we would have expected from Bill Clinton or anyone else during their time in the White House. I would dare to say that if Black unemployment had risen to 17% under Clinton, he would be hammered by the Black community for refusing to consider targeted economic policy.
    This is not to say that President Obama is not deserving of the Black vote. But it does say that Black America must cease to make itself into the political mistress of the Obama Administration. For a man whose loyalties lie elsewhere, the mistress is often the woman from whom he expects preferential treatment, but only offers second-class status. The love is often one of secrecy because he may be ashamed of the relationship and fear the reputational consequences of those who may judge him harshly.

    The political argument is simple: To whom much is given, much is required. President Obama received unprecedented support from Black America in large part, because of the color of his skin. Had he been white, millions of Black folks would not have rallied for him, organized on his behalf or took time off to go vote for him. Therefore, it is only logical that those who went the extra mile for their president expect and demand that he go the extra mile for them. Going the extra mile means not just showing up when he needs something (notice the special attention Black folks have received since election season began), but having the same degree of integrity, faith and commitment in us that we are expected to have toward the White House. Yes, the Republicans are giving President Obama a hard time, but millions of Black people are being hammered by racism and they didn’t use that as an excuse for not showing up on election day.

    So, if the White House expects Black America to treat Obama differently from the way they would treat a white politician, it is only logical that we expect the same. One of the tenets of racial inequality is the idea that Black people should be complacent with being treated worse than others treat us: For example, whites are allowed to moan to President Obama all day about 8.1 percent unemployment, but Black people are told to “stop complaining” about nearly 17% unemployment. Do we realize how sick it is that we allow others to say and do things that we cannot do ourselves? So, when President Obama gives a speech before a group of white folks and says “stop complaining,” then I’ll be satisfied. But until then, we might want to reconsider accepting our role as President Obama’s political mistress.

  61. Anonymous3:52 PM

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  62. Marlin Perkins4:11 PM

    Bigfoot Alert!!!!

    AB is back.

  63. Anonymous4:20 PM

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  64. Anonymous5:11 PM

    memo to that global warlord hobama:

    god is not one of your drone sheeple nazis!!!


    god is watching you!!!

  65. Anonymous5:55 PM

    U wants to act like a man I treats you like a man.

    Is anyone proud of this?

  66. Anonymous8:27 PM

    It is a blessing to have ab back. No one is as up to date on politics and is as intelligent as AB. She teaches everyone, esp Obama FN Negroes who are clueless, blind and dumb to the reality that Obama has sold them out. and wouldn't lift a finger to help AAs. He is the President of all other groups and races--EXCEPT Blacks. And these fools are voting for him. Go figure.
