Monday, October 01, 2012

Zingers and punches.

I am looking forward to the debates on Wednesday. Mitt is practicing zingers to throw at Obama, but honestly, he needs to tell us what he will do to improve our condition, and what his plans are for making the country better.--- Like, for instance, how he plans to pay for the trillions of tax breaks he plans to give away and all the money he will pour into the military.--- He can save the zingers for Leno's sofa.

As for Obama, I had a law professor like him back in the day, and I absolutely hated to go to my man's class. Booorrring! O is that dude who you never want to ask for directions on a street corner. "Sir, how do I get to Main Street?" "Well.....first, you have to understand, you are driving in a motor vehicle, and motorized vehicles run on gas, and so...." let me stop before you Obamaholics get all over me. But you get the point: O has got to cut to the chase scenes much quicker than he has a tendency to do.

Tune in folks, it should be fun.

Finally, I see that a member of Philly's finest got himself into some hot water . You all know damn good and well that if the officer involved with this incident was "Mr. Charlie" you would be more upset than you are. But sometimes we just have to call a spade a spade. (No pun intended.) This officer was one of my cousins, and his actions were wrong. (He was a part of our elite highway patrol unit.Watch, I will get a ticket tomorrow.) You can't just go knocking down women in the street who aren't a threat to you and who aren't resisting arrest.

Just remember Mr. Po Po, there is always a camera watching you. The person holding it might have been Spanish, but those "thousand words" do not need to be translated.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Rawmoney's donor base is leaving him for downticket races.
    That's a presidential campaign's deathrattle

  3. Anonymous10:10 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Rawmoney's donor base is leaving him for downticket races.
    That's a presidential campaign's deathrattle

    Whiteys confusing the sound he makes sperm gargling with Mitt winning the campaign.

  4. Anonymous10:16 PM

    Mitt no doubt will lay out the plans he has to improve the economy.

    A couple things, the taxes you speak of are peanuts, just talking points made up by Obama to divide and conquer. Rich already pay 70 of the income tax in this country and if we took 100% of their income it would fund the governement for 8 days.

    Next - It isn't your money or the governments to "give away" someone else earned that. So spending is the issue, that and fraud and waste.

    What you should want to hear is given the disastrous job Obama has done, what will he do to change or is he just asking for four more years to spend another 5 trillion with no relief in site and continue to break the law issuing executive orders?

    We have already seen what increased regulation and taxes do to the economy, just wait until taxmaggedon coming in January if Romney should lose. You don't pay for taking less of someones money through taxes, you pay for spending. The liberal doublespeak is silly. Call it what it is.

  5. Anonymous10:21 PM

    There is a corrupt moron in the whitehouse depending upon media to keep the truth away from his idiotic constituency.

    Just what how will all that wasted spending be handled when In Jan another 200k jobs are gone?

    Due to Obama's failure to lead and craft a solution to the debt crisis, the Department of Defense is slated for massive cuts.

    These cuts mean massive layoffs in both the DoD and affected industries.

    200,000 or more layoffs.

    The law requires that companies which know they're going to lay people off provide advance notice of this.

    But Obama doesn't want those notices going out before the election.

    So he's warned contractors to not comply with the law.

    And if that weren't illegal enough, he's also promising to waive the fines the law says they must pay due to failure to notify.


    The White House on Friday told government contractors worried about fiscal cliff spending cuts to hold off on warning employees about possible layoffs.

    The government said it would cover legal costs if contractors are forced to slash their payrolls because of the looming $109 billion in automatic cuts next year and are alleged to have violated the WARN Act.

    The federal WARN Act requires businesses with more than 100 employees to notify workers at least 60 days in advance of a mass layoff or plant closing. Some states require more notice.

  6. blind leading the blind10:32 PM

    field wonders:

    he needs to tell us what he will do to improve our condition, and what his plans are for making the country better.

    Slow learners -- pay attention.

    Oil is $90 a barrel. We import about 40% of our daily consumption of 20 MILLION barrels. That's 8 million imported barrels PER DAY. $720 MILLION sent out of the country -- per day. Over $260 BILLION per year.

    Every barrel we pull from US territory puts $90 into the US economy. As you should realize, drilling and producing MORE oil here means MORE jobs here, MORE tax revenue here, LESS invovlement with the middle east.

    But such a simple, straight-forward, tax-free solution seems to elude our muslim-in-chief and his empty-headed followers who stick to him like a school of fish.

    --- Like, for instance, how he plans to pay for the trillions of tax breaks he plans to give away and all the money he will pour into the military.-

  7. where ma colt 45?10:38 PM

    field wonders:

    Like, for instance, how he plans to pay for the trillions of tax breaks he plans to give away and all the money he will pour into the military.

    It's remarkable that people who believe it's smart for taxpayers to hand over tillions of dollars to people who have no jobs, few options and not much of a future are angrily opposed to spending taxpayers' money to pay highly educated people to design and build military equipment as well as pay members of the military to learn the skills needed to operate the equipment and defend the nation.

  8. Anonymous11:59 PM

    Before I agree with the idea the officer was wrong, I would like more information.

    st reagan did "zingers"...and they made up for his lack of knowledge, his idiotic policies, and the plethora of criminal cronies. Still, he did sell poverty to the working class...and they enjoyed every moment. A truly great Salesman.


  9. It's still about the dog in the cage on the car roof. It's always been about the dog. That's why Mitt hasb't been able to make it about the President. A man who mistreats his dog is a man who can't be trusted. Even Mitt's supporters know this. & a man who mistreats his dog & doesn't even know it? What is he? A sociopath, probably. Every off-the-cuff remark, every smirk, is a reminder that Mitt put the dog on his car roof, & we're all like that dog to Mitt - the 47% plus 52% of the other 53%.

  10. Anonymous1:22 AM

    Blogger Bob said...

    It's still about the dog in the cage on the car roof. It's always been about the dog. That's why Mitt hasb't been able to make it about the President. A man who mistreats his dog is a man who can't be trusted. Even Mitt's supporters know this. & a man who mistreats his dog & doesn't even know it? What is he? A sociopath, probably. Every off-the-cuff remark, every smirk, is a reminder that Mitt put the dog on his car roof, & we're all like that dog to Mitt - the 47% plus 52% of the other 53%.

    Not all of us, just liberals. You do belong lashed to a roof.

    Why do liberals persist in attempting to poorly dissect things they haven't the slightest clue about. Get a dog, go on the highway, do 65-70 open the window, on really open it wide - leave just about 6 inches up so the dog doesn't jump out, see what the dog does and for how long.

    Now, ask yourself if a man can eat a dog ,using your logic how much of a nutjob- anti american is this man? Go ahead...

  11. NSangoma2:47 AM


    Ladies and gentlemen, it is not that Willard Mitt Romney sucks, and sucks hard, its

    ...the nation, ... seems especially reluctant not to give up on the first African American president. ...


  12. I bet "where my colt... doesn't pay any taxes.

    Mold , the officer claims that the woman spilled water on him. He has an IA review coming up, so he will have a chance to tell his side of the story. But watch the reaction of his fellow officers on the video.

  13. civilian brutality8:58 AM

    The Philadelphia cop video:

    Yeah, maybe the cop over-reacted. From the video, it looks like he caught her with a sweeping swing. Not a straight jab to the chin.

    Meawnhile, was the woman injured?

    The interview of her by Philly TV news showed that she had NO marks on her face. When asked about her injuries, she showed her elbow, where there was a scab, probably a result of hitting the pavement.

    However, stories like this one take the attention away from the outrageous murder rate in Philly.

    Yeah, it's always better for the delusional liberals to pretend that having cops around is why the crime rate is high.

  14. Anonymous10:54 AM

    u r actually demanding that mitt explain what he will do???

    but hobama does NOT have to explainb what he has done/how he has failed????



  15. Anonymous11:09 AM

    lupe is an eternal warrior rebel

    and like all in chi

    he knows that hnic hobama!!!!



  16. The Late Night Horror Movie11:32 AM

    Oh Lawd. The Creature from the Black Lagoon is back.

  17. This debate will be like all the others. Both guys will have talking points about how they care about and will save medicare/SS ect. I will watch it though.

  18. Anonymous11:54 AM



    unlike mitt

    hobama has already PROVEN just how ruthless and uncaring he is...

    therein lies the dif

    goldman sachs is prez
    jp morgan is veep
    that will not change

    but hobama nazis will change indeed!!!
    they have already demanded more of mitt in mere mos than they have of that racist bankster hobama in 4 yrs!!!

    go mitt!!!


  19. Anonymous11:56 AM

    cc this to the MORE than 47% whom that global warlord bankster hobama has alrweady slain!!!...



  20. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Mitt will win ONLY if he sticks to hobama’s miserable 4 yr record…

    And if he forces that liar hobama to do the same


    7 wars
    Mx gun running
    Libya lies

    Go mitt!!!


  21. Anonymous12:11 PM

    URGENT memo to mitt:

    lose the class


    fry hobama's dirty evil ass!!!

    Go mitt!!!


  22. Anonymous12:14 PM

    URGENT memo to mitt:

    Channel your newt


    Torch hobama the teleprompterless empty suit!!!

    Go mitt!!!


  23. Frustrated Negro12:27 PM

    ab... Dobnt succumb to the Raw Money vote... You were doing fine exposing O, but Raw Money is just as despicable....

    This notion about drilling here , and now to reduce gas prices is dishonest. 10 +yrs for any of the oil we pull out to have an affect on gas prices... Cannot drill our way to stability.

    Wahhhh... Dept of Defeense Cuts ... Wahhhhh...

    Those bulky miltary contracts need to be sliced , and diced as well as the DEA's budget for upcoming years... Too bad O doesnt have the guts to cut whats really needed.

  24. Creature From The Black Lagoon12:30 PM

    Hey! Don't be comparing me to that Bigfoot!

  25. Anonymous12:38 PM

    i have never endorsed mitt

    i know that he will be a kinder gentler less racist clone of hobama

    just as gwb was


    hobama has robot nazi drones
    mitt will have actual critics
    as he does already

    that is fine by me


    i said long ago

    i will never ever vote again

    selections = reps = dems...



    GO MITT!!!!!!!

  26. Anonymous12:45 PM

    Blacks will FARE far better under mitt…bet!

    ONLY because THEY will demand FAR more from mitt!!

    Most racist black fool sheeple have spent 4 yrs demanding NOTHING more than tees and photos from hobama

    And most of hobama’s rabid illiterate blind black fans are satiated by free trinkets like cell phs and ebt cards

    Mitt will NEVER be allowed to chant as hobama has done incessantly:

    “ I am not your prez and you black mongrels better not ask me for a thing…and vote for me!!!”



  27. Your comments about President Obama being boring. Hilarious. But I'm convinced it needed to be said.

    Do you ever get the feeling that Mitt Romney hardly believes anything he says? I'm still wondering what possessed him to choose Paul Ryan as his running mate?

    Not that Joe Biden was the selection of the century.

    Like yourself, I'm looking forward to the debates. Here's a video of some of the greatest presidential debates ever:

  28. Anonymous3:07 PM

    Anonymous Frustrated Negro said...

    " ab... Dobnt succumb to the Raw Money vote... You were doing fine exposing O, but Raw Money is just as despicable....

    This notion about drilling here , and now to reduce gas prices is dishonest. 10 +yrs for any of the oil we pull out to have an affect on gas prices... Cannot drill our way to stability."

    Uh-Huh. How is the economy in Dakota? Go look it up. Gas prices can drop immediately - but more than likely the government will just increase taxes. People like you get angry that oil companies have a 4% profit but don't care that government taxes gas 15%. Do the math and plan.

    Wahhhh... Dept of Defeense Cuts ... Wahhhhh...

    Those bulky miltary contracts need to be sliced , and diced as well as the DEA's budget for upcoming years... Too bad O doesnt have the guts to cut whats really needed.

    You don't have a clue, not at all.
    The military is a tiny piece of the budget yet a strong america provides stability in the world.
    Weak america will cost a lot more and even with that aside, when the economy creates 95k jobs a month, what do you think will happen to us already in a recession with losing another 200k?

    All so government can keep making the corrupt payments and wasting money?


  29. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Don said...

    Your comments about President Obama being boring. Hilarious. But I'm convinced it needed to be said.

    Do you ever get the feeling that Mitt Romney hardly believes anything he says? I'm still wondering what possessed him to choose Paul Ryan as his running mate?

    Not that Joe Biden was the selection of the century.

    When it comes time to run the country, we will actually have somene that can do things instead of say silly things and blame others. What did Biden say today?

    Biden in NC says that the “Middle Class has been buried over the last four years.”

    I think he got so caught up in the liberal finger pointing scam that he forget he has been in charge for the last four years and we agree with him.

  30. Anonymous3:17 PM

    Now Obamas campaign is saying vote like your p**ssy depends upon it.

    Time to kick this trash to the curb.


    Scooter at 3:07 says

    "The military is a tiny piece of the budget yet a strong america provides stability in the world"

    Your PREVIOUS so called Weaapons of Mass Desstruction ; Freedom Peace Mission ... FAILED

    our current President is now on some Democracy Drone Mission..


    Continue with the military bases , and subjugation of foreign countries , and expect more , and more blowback..

    Of course thats great for defense contractors , and whatever name BlackWater decides to call itself this week.

  32. Not Anonymous4:05 PM

    Will this 1 same anonymous asshat shut the fuck up with the repukelickin'
    comments already? Nobody believes this shit but a few other vampiric moonbats like yourself. You are annoying and detract from otherwise normal discourse.

  33. Anonymous4:22 PM

    cc this to the MORE than 47% of hobama nazi sheeple whom hobama has already fleeced!!!




    cLeTuS @ 4:05 said:

    Will this 1 same anonymous asshat shut the fuck up with the repukelickin'

    Ok... trollie.. I wont spill any more Truth on you...LOL I know it burns.

    Heres to hoping Mitt wont use any of the Lame talking points youve used here...

    He's certainly going to need some good Zingers to go with his plan to
    "Let Wall St regulate itself" ....

    Like that worked out so swell the last time....

    1. Not Anonymous10:20 PM

      Fuck mittens, and too you stupid klannie

  35. malcolm x-president obama6:32 PM

    This oughta be good:


    The photo on the Drudge Report site shows an Obama looking an awful lot like Louis Farrakhan and Malcolm X, so something tells me he was spewing the same stuff as his heros.

    It's not likely he was pleasantly acknowledging that 47% of voters prefer one candidate over the other.

    1. Not Anonymous10:23 PM

      You use drudge as a reference, and you expect people to take you seriously?

  36. oil and obama don't mix6:41 PM

    frustrated negro wrote:

    This notion about drilling here , and now to reduce gas prices is dishonest. 10 +yrs for any of the oil we pull out to have an affect on gas prices... Cannot drill our way to stability.

    Hey bonehead. Driving energy prices down is NOT the goal of drilling in US territory.

    In fact, drilling here is even more important and more beneficial if prices rise.

    Like I said, drilling HERE means PAYING American workers high wages, GENERATING Tax revenue for the US government coming from both individuals and corporations, AND -- bonus time -- weakening Islamic dictatorships without firing a shot.

    By drilling HERE we increase GDP -- that's Gross DOMESTIC Product. Get it?

    You want infrastructure projects? The ones we need are Oil and Gas Pipelines, especially more pipelines for natural gas.

    Imagine, all of it without a DIME of taxpayers' money. But that's not Obama's way.

  37. Anonymous7:20 PM

    All the world's a stage,
    & all the men & women merely players:
    They have their exits & their entrances...

    7 Deadly Vices explain the past/ future of Amerikkka....

    PRIDE; is an excessive belief in one's own abilities.

    ENVY; is wanting what others have, be it status, abilities, or possessions.

    GLUTTONY; is the desire to eat or consume more than you require.

    LUST; is a powerful craving for such as sex, power & money.

    ANGER; is the loss of rational self-control & the desire to harm others.

    GREED; is the desire for material wealth or gain.

    SLOTH; is laziness.....

    PROVERBS 6:16-19
    These six [things] do the LORD hate: yea, seven [are] an abomination unto him:
    A proud look, a lying tongue, & hands that shed innocent blood..
    An heart that deviseth wicked imaginations, feet that be swift in running to mischief..
    A false witness [that] speaketh lies, & he that soweth discord among brethren.

    PEACE to the field..

  38. I grew up with a dog. 12 years, from first grade through my senior year, when I left for college, same dog, named Susie. Susie always got an open window in the car. We had a family of six & Susie made seven & she sat on anyone's lap she wanted except my Dad's, who was driving. You don't strap a dog on the car roof you f*cking pathological asshole any more than you'd strap a brother or sister up there & say, "Sorry, can't ride with us." Don't tell me about dogs.

  39. Anonymous3:18 PM

    bongo is toast,it is back organizing gang banging community.
