Saturday, November 17, 2012

No to Obama but yes to the Twinkie.

You republicans are such sore losers. There really isn't any need for this type of behavior on your part. I know that it was tough to see Obama get reelected, --especially when everyone was telling you that he would lose-- but honestly, you have got to let those hard feelings go.

"The owner of the Southwest Shooting Authority took out a full page ad in a local Pinetop, Ariz. newspaper that read "if you voted for Barack Obama you're business is not welcome."

Just to make sure the point got across, owner Cope Reynolds also posted a sign on the store's front door.

"If you voted for Obama, please turn around and leave! You have proven you are not responsible enough to own a firearm."

My choices of places to visit in America are getting smaller every day. Please count Arizona as another state that I will only be looking at  from an airplane window in the future. America needs a serious IQ upgrade.

Now, to be fair, you dems have been rubbing it in a little too much on my repub friends as well. There is no reason for these types of videos showing O giving haters "the gas face". You dems need to learn to win with some class.    

Finally, some of you have been lamenting the death of the Twinkie after many years on the American scene. You are blaming the unions for Twinkie's owner shutting down and putting over 18,000 Americans out of work. You are even calling for a "Twinkie bailout". So I have to ask, is this really such a bad thing? Just one less product in the market place to clog your arteries and give you Americans a heart attack. I mean look what Twinkies did to poor Governor Christie for crying out loud. The poor guy is still mad about that.
"Hostess Brands will move promptly to lay off most of its 18,500-member workforce and focus on selling its assets to the highest bidders.”
New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie declined talking about it in a press conference Friday. The Republican governor told reporters he didn’t even want to mention the word.

“I am not answering questions on Twinkies,” Christie said, as reported by “It’s bad that I even said the word Twinkies from behind this microphone.”

No more Twinkies. But, don't worry America, the last time I checked, there was still a Dunkin Donut and Krispy Kreme store on every corner.




  1. Anonymous8:54 PM

    And here I thought it was the $4 loaves of nutritionally void garbage they tried to pass off as bread that lead to their demise. My bad.

  2. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Field, I went to see Steven Spielberg's "Lincoln". Great for education on the history of the birth of our nation. There is no doubt in my mind that it is an academy award winner...Everyone should see it. The actors were the best yet I've seen this year..

  3. Anonymous9:22 PM

    "Now, to be fair, you dems have been rubbing it in a little too much on my repub friends as well. There is no reason for these types of videos showing O giving haters "the gas face". You dems need to learn to win with some class."

    Let's face it. When it comes to class, neither party has any. In fact, when it comes to sleazy behavior there is no difference between Dems and Repubs.

    Dems are just as ugly, heartless and sickening as better, no worse.

  4. Anonymous9:26 PM

    Field, FYI: Twinkies has been a staple in the hood for decades. It has been an important part of our diet. And you have no sympathy for us? What kind of a Negro are you?

    Gov Christie didn't talk about twinkies because he is a Krispy Kreme man. So he could care less what happens to hostess. But let Krispy Kreme start to close their stores and you will hear from him.

  5. Man, Chuck D told you about Arizona back in the 90's.

  6. Anonymous12:02 AM

    How does voting for a candidate make one ineligible to own a firearm? Or does the owner want to TELL people who to vote for?

    Seems rather Entitled and Arrogant. Oh well, there are many, many gunshops willing to take my money.


  7. One less product? Some other company will buy the brand names; Little Debbie & Tastykakes (the latter always popular in Philly & South Jersey) will fill in empty shelf space. There are businesses in America making much more dangerous products than Twinkies. $18,000 laid off, that's real healthy.

  8. Anonymous4:23 AM

    Who is Chuck D?

  9. Anonymous4:29 AM

    The loss of Twinkies is a serious blow to America. Field, your lack of sensitivity to the millions who eat twinkies on a daily basis is quite astonishing. You need a lot of help in "feeling" for your fellow man.

    In addition, the holidays are here and you are being mean. My God, man what are you becoming? Go see "Lincoln", that should humble your black ass.

  10. "The loss of Twinkies is a serious blow to America. Field, your lack of sensitivity to the millions who eat twinkies on a daily basis is quite astonishing. You need a lot of help in "feeling" for your fellow man."

    I live in Philly. See what Bob said about Tastykake. Let the free markets rule. Isn't that what wngnuts said when GM was going under?

    "Who is Chuck D?"

    Who is Elvis?

  11. Anonymous said...

    "Who is Chuck D?"

    What? They don't have Google where you live?

    I know some of these trailer-parks are lacking in amenities, but Jeeze...

  12. It's typical that they're blaming the union when the truth was it was bad management. If you look at the history of Hostess, they've been lurching from one bad decision to another for the last decade. Think they've been in bankruptcy at least twice in the past six years and have paid outrageously high fees to consulting firms who obviously gave them bad advice.

    It's also pretty typical of a US business to suddenly discover it's insolvent and needs to go into bankruptcy when a union contract is up for negotiation. The company liquidates, the workers are screwed, and not long after the company is back is business under a slightly different name and with a much cheaper workforce.

  13. Government Motors could buy it, put some batteries on it and it would fly right into your mouth.

  14. Bite The Twinkie Tower11:27 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Anonymous said...

    "Who is Chuck D?"

    What? They don't have Google where you live?

    I know some of these trailer-parks are lacking in amenities, but Jeeze...

    Is there an echo around?....

    Chuck D - For those who don't fart dust is a guy who couldn't sing - Too lazy or lacking any vocal talent like Michael, unwilling or unable to spend years learning to play an instrument. So in true standards of affirmative action a new genre is affirmed. Steal music someone else created, repeat it endlessly and mindlessly in a monotonous fashion and call it sampling. Slang ebonics over it throw in a ton of yeahhss....and uhhhs and lordy me weez been mistreated by the man and other guttural grunts, sprinkle with a gold toofed idjut wearing hats sideways with big clocks around his neck and there you have it - Black Culture.

    Get your bling-bling out and smite the power to pee.

  15. Chuck D is a successful blah man who graduated from Adelphi University and is a regular lecturer at colleges and universities around the world. Our anons wouldn't know this because like typical billies they frequent meth labs not institutions of higher learning. And there you have it- white culture, envy of the successful and educated blah man.

  16. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    Anonymous said...

    "Who is Chuck D?"

    What? They don't have Google where you live?

    I know some of these trailer-parks are lacking in amenities, but Jeeze...

    Oh I would hazard a guess those trailer parks have better amenities than your government supplied barn does. They are in America and not the fallen British Empire that has become a third world state after all.

  17. Dear 'Bite The Twinkle Tower,

    You sir are an imbecile of the very highest order.

  18. Shooting yourself in the foot, I call it.

  19. It's ok to call them Tribe so I guess it's ok to call him Cow.

  20. Anonymous3:17 AM

    YiF htJI u fuPG TzJ unAD b bwMB [url=]クロエ 財布[/url ZvS u faAQ BlP y pfMO [url=]クロエ 財布[/url] YhI nwSF f fgJY ObP oaRN d zzCI [url=]セリーヌ バッグ[/url] NrH v wbAG KiK s dbCK [url=]セリーヌ 財布[/url] NdN g zpUL SqG a aaZY [url=]セリーヌ ラゲージ[/url] UvN nuGP t bmRI KqI sqKG j gpZA [url=]セリーヌ アウトレット[/url] PpU jqQC t dsWV RiO osFA o kfNA [url=]セリーヌ 財布[/url] KeP bpDE s jmHL GnA biKP m jpVT [url=]chloe バッグ[/url]
