Friday, November 16, 2012

Roger the comedian and Charlie has a Negro problem.

It's hard to cut and paste this next article because I am laughing so hard. But I am going to give it a try.

"Fox News President Roger Ailes spoke to TVNewser about the network’s election night coverage on Friday — also going on to elaborate on their self-proclaimed “fair and balanced” approach. While no one seems to agree with him, Ailes said, the network has “no agenda.”

Asked how the next four years will play out, Ailes told TVNewser, “It’s day-to-day for us.”

“We don’t — I know no one believes it — we have no agenda,” he added. “If he (Obama) runs into a burning building tomorrow and saves four kids, he’s gonna be the biggest goddamn hero Fox News ever saw. But if he leaves four guys behind on the battlefield but can’t explain it, then he’s gonna have a problem with Fox News.”

“I don’t mind praising the guy, and I don’t mind questioning the guy,” Ailes said. “It’s day to day.”

Doubtlessly, many are bound to disagree.

" But if he leaves four guys behind on the battlefield but can’t explain it, then he’s gonna have a problem with Fox News.” Hmmm, I wonder why W didn't "have a problem with Fox News". 

I really want to give Fox the benefit of the doubt when I see stories like this, but we all know the real deal about Roger and company. Fox is not a real news organization. Fox is to the left what MSNBC is to the right: a news station to be avoided at all costs. 

Finally, speaking of Fox News, their number one anchor seems to have a problem with how we vote here in Philly.

"Bill O’Reilly brought on Megyn Kelly tonight to react to the surprising news that Mitt Romney received zero votes at fifty-nine Philadelphia voting divisions (about three percent of its total divisions) in last week’s election. O’Reilly found it… odd, to say the least.

O’Reilly said Romney should have gotten at least one or two, but Kelly explained the same thing happened to John McCain four years ago. Kelly disputed the idea that any “shenanigans” were going on, saying that the divisions with the unanimous Obama votes have large black, inner-city populations.

O’Reilly said the odds are just too high to imagine this being mere circumstance, but Kelly continued to insist that there was nothing particularly odd about that. She pointed to precincts in Utah that ended up having unanimous Romney support, even though there were only a few dozen voters in that instance." [Source]

Unfortunately for Bill he doesn't seem to get out much. There is nothing unusual about a ward in Philly going almost 100% D. If wingnuts weren't so caught up in listening to winngut radio and watching Fox News in the run up to the election, they would have realized that Philly got 600,000 votes for O back in 2008, and that the the dems were mobilizing hard on the ground here.

As for that story from Maine, I am not going to touch this one. I personally don't know any black folks in Maine, (shout out to my favorite Maine blogger) so when Charlie Webster says that you black folks were cheating because he saw black votes from rural Maine I have to just leave it alone.

"Maine Republican Party chairman Charlie Webster is doubling down on his suggestion that there were "improprieties" at the Maine polls last week, insisting he received complaints from candidates in small towns across the state that "new people came to vote" and "I believe that that's questionable."
Webster has been the source of some controversy after suggesting in an interview with WCSH-TV this week that "In some parts of rural Maine, there were dozens, dozens of black people who came in and voted on Election Day."
"Everybody has a right to vote, but nobody in [these] towns knows anyone who's black," Webster told WCSH-TV's Don Carrigan. "How did that happen? I don't know. We're going to find out."
Reached on his cell phone by, Webster refused to provide details regarding the specific towns in question, the number of "new" voters to whom he was referring, or the percentage of those people who were African-American. Megan Sanborn, a spokesperson for Secretary of State Charlie Summers, told the office had not received any complaints or accusations of voter fraud from the past election, and that there had been no noticeable uptick in African-American turnout in the state."  [Source]

Come on Charlie, we need names.



  1. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Dear Brother Field, I am sure you have heard the Negro saying, "As Maine goes for the Negro, so goes the rest of the country."

    Brother Field, I have heard that Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire love Negroes! They have no racial problems there, unless it is between the Jews, Poles and Germans.

    I have heard that Blacks are like Gods there. There must be some mistake or misunderstanding what Charlie Webster was trying to say. You know how those Republicans are. They tend to speak out of context to the extent no one knows what they are talking about.

    Brother Field, please say it ain't so. If this is true, I might as well move to Philly and hang out with you. I know you have some women stashed away you can share like a good general.

    Damn, I have been planning to move to Maine and settle down as a respectable prized black God. Do you think Charlie would mind as long as I only vote once during elections?

    Brother Field, would you please get some clarification from your shout out about this matter in Maine. I mean, this can't be true. Please say it ain't so.

  2. Anonymous12:17 AM

    You know there is no doubt FOX is conservative. But honestly when I watch them, I still hear both sides. In fact it is obvious they are most times painstakingly making sure to mention the side they don't agree with probably in efforts to ensure they are showing both sides.

    When I tune in to MSNBC I get baffled as to who their audience is and what type of people would like to be lied to and have people who are supposed to be intelligent playing cheerleaders and trying to tie in some obscure race reference to everything that happens.

    In example tonight Rachel Maddow opened up dialogue about Israel and Gaza. She said:

    "Trouble in the region, Here is Israel striking targets in Gaza. We are not sure what sparked the trouble in the region but we know that Hamas has been firing rockets in retaliation for Israels aerial bombardment.

    I had to rewind it and listen to it twice and still could not figure out what the left's end game is. Everyone knows that Hamas fired a couple of hundred rockets into Israel, destroyed homes killed at least three Israelis and Israel warned them if it continued they would strike back. Hamas continued so they took out the head of Hamas and warned them again, they fired another hundred rockets with some going into Jerusalem.

    Why would Maddow purposely say she doesn't know what started the fighting when anyone who sees news anywhere is aware that Hamas has set up actors to show fake injuries, started the rocket bombardment of Israel and is using footage of Syrian dead to claim Israel just killed them in Gaza.

    Regardless of your views, why the propaganda?

  3. I saw this today and I mean to say are they serious?

  4. I'm wondering how much you'd have to pay a black person to go to rural Maine & vote illegally. I'm wondering how it could be done at.

  5. "Dear Brother Field, I am sure you have heard the Negro saying, "As Maine goes for the Negro, so goes the rest of the country."


  6. Quote Anony 12:17

    "You know there is no doubt FOX is conservative. But honestly when I watch them, I still hear both sides"

    Oh do fuck off, you tedious litte liar.

  7. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    Quote Anony 12:17

    "You know there is no doubt FOX is conservative. But honestly when I watch them, I still hear both sides"

    Oh do fuck off, you tedious litte liar.

    I used to think you were a nasty little cunt, now I know your just a pathetic losing runt.

    Imagine going through life with beliefs that fail so tremendously they bring about misery, famine and death. Watching them unfold time after time and the only tool in your box is your blackened soul.

    No wonder why you are suicidal.

    "Leftists side...invariably with evil over good, wrong over right, and the behaviors that lead to failure over those that lead to success."

    Evan Sayet

  8. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Obama knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack. He tried as incompetently as he does everything to hide from his sheeple the fact he did nothing, voted present, in fact told all generals who wanted to help to STAND DOWN. Africom General removed from Command - Patreus blackmailed into lying about a the man who he invoked executive privilige to hide his gun running incompetence that got another american killed never told him for months his CIA director was in a sex scandal.

    Now Harry Ried wants to fight an investigation because it's a partisan attack....uh-huh...only not as bad as attacking Romney from the senate floor right Harry?

    Democrats are evil and corrupt!!!

    All to cover up that the commander in chief is useless and weak and cares nothing about anyone but himself.

  9. "Imagine going through life with beliefs that fail so tremendously they bring about misery, famine and death."

    Yeah cuz as every slack-jawed yokel knows,Sweden, Denmark, Holland and Barbados are just riddled with misery, famine and death (!)


    "No wonder why you are suicidal."

    Don't they teach even the basics of correct grammatical usage in America any more?


    "“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.”

    Hélder Câmara

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson4:01 PM

    I'm glad to see field admit that MSNBC is as biased towards Democrats, as Fox is biased towards Republicans. Maybe he can refer to MSNBC as "faux" news too?

    What do we have left? CNN? They're not biased?

    As far as Purple Cow is have NO opinions worth listening to in our affairs. Take care of your own. Your "country" is screwed-up enuff all by itself.

  11. Dear Lt. Commander Johnson,

    The day clueless American neofascist twunts such as yourself stop posting totally idiotic fucking drivel about Europe - that's the day I'll stop discussing America.

  12. Anonymous5:36 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Imagine going through life with beliefs that fail so tremendously they bring about misery, famine and death."

    Yeah cuz as every slack-jawed yokel knows,Sweden, Denmark, Holland and Barbados are just riddled with misery, famine and death (!)

    oH gEEZ, Barbados is a third world teeny little island filled with very nice people totally dependent upon nice White people coming and spending tourist dollars, completely and totally market driven. Are you daft? No - don't bother answering that. Although I would take Barbados over your hell-hole of a country any day, Begians are very nice people as compared to your type of arrogant, needy and demanding people of the asswipe class.

    As for the rest of the extremely White Nordic countries, where you obviously got a lot of free stuff at some point in your life.
    You might want to update your views about Sweden and such, they are no longer a cradle to grave welfare society. They went extremely capitalistic and privatized and deregulated most things; you see it just wasn't working - never has never will. You are obviously thinking of the Swedish experiment around the 70's that had to be changed to pure capitalism after your kind immigrated so often for the free stuff.

    Socialism is a theory inconsistent with human nature and is therefore doomed to fail. No matter how hard you wish for Unicorns to exist they are not real and never will be.

    Without competition, centrally planned economies do not have an incentive structure. Without incentives the results are a quick descent into poverty and misery. Why because Socialism always drives inefficiency and failures, instead of incentivizing people to improve and reallocate resources. Look at how far Britain has come since attempting to shrug off the good years after thatcher. Amazing how so many useless Brits have entire multi generational families who have never had a job. Useless.

    As you know - being useless causes mental illness and suicidal tendencies.

    Hey, I always wondered - If Socialism is so good, how do you explain the vast abundance of materials abundance in Russia yet fail of your beliefs? Why did so many need to be exterminated to understand just how good socialism was?

    Why do Haitians go to the U.S.A instead of Cuba which is right around the corner?

    Why are you such a miserable prick?

    Read up on your hometown Bubba; a little bit of history entitled

    "Tragedy of the commons".

    "No wonder why you are suicidal."

    Don't they teach even the basics of correct grammatical usage in America any more?

    Sure - you... fuck yourself sideway that be homey - Yo-Yo?


    "“When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why the poor have no food, they call me a communist.”

    Hélder Câmara

    Why and who are you asking why the poor have no food? Why aren't you feeding them or arranging a charity to do so?

    Priests like Helder Camara did wonderful work and lived up to their callings as organized beggars. That's what charities do. Under socialism - everyone except the leaders are beggars.

    Why aren't you instead of asking someone else to handle the problem teaching them to become capable of feeding themselves so they don't need to depend on some loudmouthed middleman like you in the future but can be independent.

    Communists always know how to demand someone else help someone else, but are rarely willing to reach into their own pockets.


  13. Anonymous 5:36 p.m.

    Christ but you're a boring bastard, you took up all that space to say sweet fuck all?

    You're the king of denial, and blessed with an astonishingly short memory, it was Socialist methods that saved your economy from the brink of destruction in 2008, after unregulated capitalism had brought your economy to its knees.

    How quickly they forget...

    If you are such a fan of unregulated, unbridled capitalism, why don't you go live in Russia or China? Let me know how you get on there...

  14. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Perhaps if folks use cold cream at night, from puberty on, it will help them not to look like bulldogs past the age of 55. Cheeks fall down, chins fall down. What's up with that??

  15. sharon in ct11:05 AM

    What kind of fools does Charlie take us for? People waltzed into the polling place and didn't have to give a name and address? No one checked their name and address off the official registered voter roll? No one came in later that day and also claimed the same name and address? That's the way we do it in Connecticut. What kind of lame voting operation are Mainers running?
