Friday, November 30, 2012

O in Philly and "true negroes" in Minnesota.

His Oness was at a toy factory just outside of Philly today, and he was telling the workers that if the republicans in Washington don't come around to seeing things his way we could be heading for a long fall over a very steep cliff.

Mitch McConnell was laughing at Obama's offer, but most of us do not think that there is anything funny about this standoff. Just thirty two days to go before we might have to march on Washington and "throw the bums out".

And finally, we have this:

"In something straight from the “this-is-too-foolish-to-be-offensive files,” we take a look at two college girls who had quite the time during a recent homemade spa treatment.

University of Minnesota Duluth students Rachel Cooper and Jessica Heid (both pictured) decided the dark facial masks they’d put on made them instantly Black.

So they posted a YouTube video calling themselves “true negroes” who “come from the Black hood.” A few seconds before that, though, they chose to wax poetic about their newfound “ghetto” roots.

Yo, what up homie!” one of the girls say. “I’m from the 421!” Not to be outdone, her friend quickly adds, “I’m from the 612, b*tch. N*gga, I beez [sic] from Brooklyn, New York!”

Other golden nuggets of true, authentic Blackness include: 1. “We need some “f*ckin fried chicken. I need some fried f*ckin chicken.” 2. “Girl, you know mama’s makin’ some fried chicken tonight!” and 3.”We got some f*ckin backup n*ggas for us, you n*ggas!”

Oddly enough, when asked about the clip, both girls seemingly rejected their “Black” debut, “We were doing facials and it happened to have been a brown facial mask,” Rachel Cooper told a reporter, according to The Root. We had to leave it on for 12 minutes. During that 12 minutes, we horribly decided to make a video that we regret and are not happy about.” [Source]

*Yawn*. Frankly, this has become so commonplace that I don't even know why I am posting about it.

Apparently we are still a long way to go before we get over ignorant stereotypes in America. Is what two young clueless girls from Minnesota post on You Tube *symptomatic of a larger problem here in America? That was a rhetorical question. of course it is.

But hey, they are "not happy about it". That should count for something.  


  1. "Apparently we are still a long way to go before we get over ignorant stereotypes in America."

    Yeah. Maybe around the same time greasy bigots don't have websites devoted to the color brown.

    A long way indeed.

  2. Anonymous7:44 PM

    "Apparently we are still a long way to go before we get over ignorant stereotypes in America. Is what two young clueless girls from Minnesota post on You Tube systematic of a larger problem here in America? That was a rhetorical question. of course it is."

    Field, they are only imitating what ignorant Blacks say all the time on public transportation, on the street and in rap music. So what's the big deal?

    If you want to stop it, look to our own ignorant peeps who AREN'T stereotyping but acting real life n*ggas. They are the ones who make me sick.

    Why don't you post about how we perpetuate the stereotype, then get pissed when Whites show us what we sound and look like.

  3. Anonymous8:21 PM

    Dear Mr Field, the family of the dead 17yr old black teen in FL has made it clear that the shooting by the white gun collector was NOT racial.

    I just wanted you to know that the teen's own family has said it was a hate crime, and not based on race. So you and your FN Negroes can now shut up. The gunman is not a racist.

  4. Anonymous9:15 PM

    Caucasians aren't wrapped too tightly in the head. We've been existing around these Caucasus Cave peeps for 500 or something (too long) years. Every single day these "people" act up racially against us. It's because they're RELATED to us through ole massa and it's hard to fathom; for us and for them. Too bad, too sad. So many things are against the law, fornicating should have been one of them. Tired of these fools now, all of 'em, makes no difference the so-called "color". Tired, tired, tired!!!!!

  5. parvenu9:34 PM

    Concerning your post about the two white broads from the U of Minnesota doing their minstrel show YouTube bit - this is just feedback from shit put out there over the years by a host of black rappers. It is a classic example of white racist stereotypical imagery framed in biased white impressions of rap black vocabulary, articulated by a pair of idiots.

  6. Chairman Soetoro10:04 PM

    His Oness was at a toy factory just outside of Philly today, and he was telling the workers that if the republicans in Washington don't come around to seeing things his way we could be heading for a long fall over a very steep cliff.

    I see you have your Media Matters/DNC talking points down like a good apparatchik. This "cliff" we are heading for is all the Republican's fault. The party that controls the White House and the Senate, the one that hasn't even allowed a vote on a budget in three years, has nothing to do with it.

    The country cries out for a leader, and all we get is a fucking punk.

    The worst. President. Ever.

  7. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Maybe this spa-mud-blackface is some new trend. Just last week, a story broke about and IDF officer who daubed some Dead Sea mud on his face. Took a picture and put it up on his Facebook account with the caption "Obama Style.' (

    Could this be one of the reason why Stevie Wonder decided to back out of IDF gala that was supposed to raise funds for the IDF? Who knows, but I am glad he did...signed, sealed and cancelled. (,0,3910155.story)

  8. Reggin Esaelp10:14 PM

    FN: "*Yawn*. Frankly, this has become so commonplace that I don't even know why I am posting about it."

    Well duh, because it's your job to find anything you can, no matter how trivial, to get racially offended over.

    FN: "Apparently we are still a long way to go before we get over ignorant stereotypes in America. Is what two young clueless girls from Minnesota post on You Tube systematic of a larger problem here in America?"

    Maybe. But it pales before the much larger problem of systematic black on white violence here in America, an epidemic that has soared since Obama's election.

  9. Those girls are no different than your ignorant trolls or for that matter most internet posters. Maybe I need to make a few youtubes about ignorant whites.

  10. Anonymous10:26 PM

    Obama is a joke. You don't run a campaign saying you want a balanced budget after YOU yourself spent more than all presidents in history combined and then do nothing but double your demand for raising taxes to 1.6 trillion not counting EPA regulations, Obamacare, inflationary printing, Energy supression AND add more whopping spending. No one can be that stupid, he is doing it deliberately.

    Whats today's debt?

    Total public debt subject to limit Nov. 29 16,283,989

    He want's the economy to burn as it is. Cloward Piven baby. Only he forgot that once the welfare system was overloaded and there was 1 person on welfare for every one working - it crashed and clinton had to pass welfare reform.

    Statutory debt limit 16,394,000
    Total public debt outstanding Nov. 29 16,306,713
    Operating balance Nov. 29 16,370
    Interest fiscal year 2012 through October 24,637
    Interest same period 2011 24,675
    Deficit fiscal year 2012 through October 119,995
    Deficit same period 2011 98,466
    Receipts fiscal year 2012 through October 10,804
    Receipts same period 2011 7,558
    Outlays fiscal year 2012 through October 304,311
    Outlays same period 2011 261,539
    Gold assets in November 11,041

  11. it is that ruthless bankster hobama's blackish face that vexes me

    and the black hole of his very own designer poverty that will push us all over his fatal fiscal cliff

    and the hobamas' black hearts as they enjoy their 4 million dollar HI vacation as we dive over said cliff etc

    shame on the fooled fleeced sheeple!!!!!!!

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson3:57 AM

    Whether you be a Democrat, or Republican, SOMEONE MUST realize what we are facing:

    If, you "progessives" think this is an error, PLEASE explain why. Don't piss & moan about it. If you want Socialism in the US, say so. And explain how a country benefits frrom Socialism...(looking at the House of Cards crashing down in the EU).

  13. "Field, they are only imitating what ignorant Blacks say all the time on public transportation, on the street and in rap music. So what's the big deal?

    If you want to stop it, look to our own ignorant peeps who AREN'T stereotyping but acting real life n*ggas. They are the ones who make me sick.

    Why don't you post about how we perpetuate the stereotype, then get pissed when Whites show us what we sound and look like."

    You make an interesting point.

    "Maybe. But it pales before the much larger problem of systematic black on white violence here in America, an epidemic that has soared since Obama's election."

    Self defense.

    "..So you and your FN Negroes can now shut up. The gunman is not a racist."

    I will be the judge of that.

    "If, you "progessives" think this is an error, PLEASE explain why. Don't piss & moan about it. If you want Socialism in the US, say so"


  14. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Is what two young clueless girls from Minnesota post on You Tube systematic of a larger problem here in America?

    You meant "symptomatic." You aren't paying your proofreader enough, field.

  15. "Yeah. Maybe around the same time greasy bigots don't have websites devoted to the color brown."

    Yeah, from a man that has what appears to be a picture of Thelma and Louise flying off into a canyon with a MItt Romney logo in a corner of the picture. The words "Inspired" on the photo just adds to the stupidity of it all.

    Actually I LOVE the analogy, so why don't you and your ilk, join the Republican party and commit suicide, lol!

  16. "Those girls are no different than your ignorant trolls or for that matter most internet posters. Maybe I need to make a few youtubes about ignorant whites."

    ANY history book will do the same, though the phrase barbaric comes first to my mind.

    "Why don't you post about how we perpetuate the stereotype, then get pissed when Whites show us what we sound and look like."

    This is a DUMB ASS point. Why? Because just as Honey Boo Boo doesn't represent ALL white people ( except the ones that live in southern Red states), that ignorant "commentary" by those second rate university attending white college students about Blacks, only represents SOME, but certainly not all Blacks.

    You've simply been brainwashed by white folks to think otherwise, read a book on famous Blacks in history, and free your mind!!

  17. Anonymous9:44 AM

    "Maybe. But it pales before the much larger problem of systematic black on white violence here in America, an epidemic that has soared since Obama's election."

    Self defense.

    Oh, I get it now. That's why they typically gang up on those victims and try and catch them unaware when they attack, self defense. Maybe this is why they wait until they are sleeping and invade some homes, so they can catch them offguard and really protect themselves.

    I see now, your bar is low categorizing attacks and violence as pre-emptive self defense. Well you know other people, they don't throw out a good idea just because someone of another group came up with it (I know this is hard to grasp with you being a Moonbat) but, great Idea.

    So now you can get off the gun collector who shot the kid in the van. By your own standards it was self-defense Negro style. Although, me..under conservative laws and rules I would put him on trial for attempted murder no matter what the skin color involved was, but hey, time we all had the same rules.

  18. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Hillary Clinton doesn't fancy rice, she prefers wet noodles instead. I knew she was racist not picking the Black person!

  19. This country has already embraced socialism and has for decades. There is no such thing as pure capitalism. Maybe you guys who don't like US style socialism can move somewhere more to your liking.
    As far as Barack running up the debt I guess we forget there was a president before him that put two wars off the books onto the credit cards and an unpaid medicare expense. In conservoworld W never existed.

  20. Reggin Esaelp10:46 AM

    "Maybe. But it pales before the much larger problem of systematic black on white violence here in America, an epidemic that has soared since Obama's election."

    Self defense.


    Remember that facetious answer of yours when the pushback results in a million Trayvons.

    No justice, no peace.

  21. "You meant "symptomatic." You aren't paying your proofreader enough, field."

    LOL. Actually, to be honest, "systematic" works as well. But your point is well taken. :0 "symptomatic." it is.


  22. "Yeah. Maybe around the same time greasy bigots don't have websites devoted to the color brown."

    "Does the Village of Stormfront realize it's lost its idiot?"

    Just sayin....

  23. Dr. Conan12:29 PM

    Ms.Reine said...
    "Those girls are no different than your ignorant trolls or for that matter most internet posters. Maybe I need to make a few youtubes about ignorant whites."

    ANY history book will do the same, though the phrase barbaric comes first to my mind.

    Those barbarians actually invented books. Your ancestors never developed a written language, never even accomplished anything to have a history worthy of writing about.

    You will never be admitted to medcal school. Not even in the Affirmative Action black person credential factory that Black Run America has become could you ever be trusted to collect a urine sample, let alone write a prescription.

    You will never be a doctor.

  24. Anonymous1:14 PM

    Blogger Dr.Reine said...

    "Those girls are no different than your ignorant trolls or for that matter most internet posters. Maybe I need to make a few youtubes about ignorant whites."

    ANY history book will do the same, though the phrase barbaric comes first to my mind.

    "Why don't you post about how we perpetuate the stereotype, then get pissed when Whites show us what we sound and look like."

    This is a DUMB ASS point. Why? Because just as Honey Boo Boo doesn't represent ALL white people ( except the ones that live in southern Red states), that ignorant "commentary" by those second rate university attending white college students about Blacks, only represents SOME, but certainly not all Blacks.

    You've simply been brainwashed by white folks to think otherwise, read a book on famous Blacks in history, and free your mind!!

    Yes, all those famous Blacks who fought for the right to partake of White society, culture and all it's derivatives. Not one serious inventor a handful of scientists and a man who invented a squirt gun. Anyone can fight to take what someone else has, but can they make their own?

    I love how the African calls Whites in History barbarians. Have you looked at your genetics lately? I mean not only through history but today, now real time?

    white civilization affords you the opportunity to be supported despite your being loud, crude, rude and ignorant. In any of "your" countries you would be shitting on a beach drinking dirty water eating mud pies and waiting to die from aids while you killed each other. Or complaining about how White countries oppressed you into being a shit society.

    Oh and don't think we don't know that your genetics follow you everywhere. Black enclaves are known to be seriously barbaric and ghetto. In example you can send one to school for lifetime, wave them through with lowered standards and they still can't help but sounding like a ghetto slut hoochie momma with an IQ of 65. That has been talking about doing things for years but hasnt done a thing yet except take grant money to live.

  25. Anonymous1:21 PM

    PilotX said...

    This country has already embraced socialism and has for decades. There is no such thing as pure capitalism. Maybe you guys who don't like US style socialism can move somewhere more to your liking.
    As far as Barack running up the debt I guess we forget there was a president before him that put two wars off the books onto the credit cards and an unpaid medicare expense. In conservoworld W never existed.

    Hardly - Bush existed but in your world what you do never matters.

    Don't you feel less than a man always needing someone else to blame or another excuse to make to have to forego looking reality in the eye and taking responsibility for the choices you make in leaders, culture and lifelong practices? Imagine having a president so incompetent and unqualified that even coming in to his second term you can't face what he does and what he cannot do, you still talk about another president.

    In the real world if I made you a leader and asked you to work on something if all you had to say for progress was the guy before you sucked - I would fire you on the spot for being worthless, weak and clearly not a leader.

    Maybe you guys who love the idea of having some other people work and support your deviant life choices can move to another country that supports it, like North Korea and Cuba. We on the other hand will rebuild it once it has been destroyed and not forget those who destroyed it who will then have outstretched hands.

    Socialism has never worked, never will and will always wind up culling off the ones who wanted it most the weakest and least self sufficient.

  26. Anonymous1:24 PM

    field negro said...

    "Yeah. Maybe around the same time greasy bigots don't have websites devoted to the color brown."

    "Does the Village of Stormfront realize it's lost its idiot?"

    Just sayin....

    Does the nation of Islam and do the Black Pampers thank you for all the racist efforts and hatred from your side?

    Same thing to me - Racist Bigots in opposing directions that's all.

  27. Nope, the stormfront village idiot also thinks there is a huge blah on white violence even though the vast majority of crime is intra racial. Facts don't matter to these fools. White victim mentality at its finest. To top it off these imbeciles want to correlate it to Barack's re election. No different than their ignorant ancestors who created the klan because they made the same false analysis of blahs being elected to congress after the war of northern aggression. Different fools same stupid, the more things change........

  28. NSangoma3:43 PM


    Who the fornicate is Helly Hansen, and what the FUGG does a $450 designer jacket be looking like:

    Is this an ignorant stereotype,
    field booty?:

    Chavez Tyrek Myers

    Arrested: Nov. 17, 2012
    Age: 17
    Gender: Male
    Race: Black

    Suspected in the Nov. 17, 2012, death of Olijawon Emmanuel Griffin.

    Olijawon Emmanuel Griffin

    Died: Nov. 17, 2012
    Age: 18
    Gender: Male
    Race: Black
    Cause of death: Stabbing


    Chavez Tyrek Myers

    Olijawon Griffin graduated from high school and took a job at the National Institutes of Health as a driver while thinking about college to study sports medicine. He used one of his first paychecks to buy a black Helly Hansen jacket.

    D.C. police said the 18-year-old was robbed of that designer jacket early Saturday while out in Adams Morgan and was fatally stabbed less than 90 minutes later in the Woodley Park Metro station after seeing a youth wearing his jacket.

    You got your million man hoody marching shoes on, field booty?


  29. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Dear Field,

    I feel sorry for these two young women whose lives are so empty that they think it's cute to use a twelve-minute break to disrespect some one else.
    Gambler 2 in california

  30. A non said...

    "Field, they are only imitating what ignorant Blacks say all the time on public transportation, on the street and in rap music. So what's the big deal?

    Thats bullshit, you can't judge any group of people by what its degenerates do. That kind of thinking ultimately leads to murderous license like "stand your ground" laws.

  31. "Actually I LOVE the analogy, so why don't you and your ilk, join the Republican party and commit suicide, lol!"
    Yeah. People who aren't bigots should kill themselves...according to shit-eating Klansmen like "Dr" Rind.

    Keep being you, shitbag.

  32. "Does the Village of Stormfront realize it's lost its idiot?"

    Those people are filthy racists like you, you Field Bigot. You're proud to be a shit-eating Klansman just like they are. You're all the same pieces of garbage. Klansmen are all alike. Race is irrelevant.

    Nice job aping the words of others, though. It's nice when a thoughtless dumbass exists as one proudly. Why bother with pretense, right Field Bigot? Embrace what a racist piece of shit you are. Just as your fellow bigots at Stormfront do. You're all in the same club.

  33. "Pushback will result in a million Trayvons". These klanners have been trying to justify their desire to kill us for centuries. Damn shame. No son, the days of lynching blah people as sport is over.

  34. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Dr. Conan said...
    Those barbarians actually invented books. Your ancestors never developed a written language, never even accomplished anything to have a history worthy of writing about.
    Actually I believe the first known alphabet invented as well as writings on Papyrus, were discovered over 5,000 years ago in Egypt. After that they were also discovered in Persia, the Middle East and of course the "Medina" also known as the "Cradle of Civilization" or what is now known as Iraq.

  35. Reggin Esaelp9:16 PM

    PilotX said...
    "Pushback will result in a million Trayvons". These klanners have been trying to justify their desire to kill us for centuries. Damn shame. No son, the days of lynching blah people as sport is over.


    You are right about that, the next time will be all business.

  36. So tell me Chucky, are you Thelma or Louise? And what does that make your wife, Bubba?

  37. One of my high school acquaintances relocated to Minnesota so he could blather on about all the types of people he despised without actually having to encounter many of them. Except those crazy white liberals from St. Paul.

  38. Dr. Conan12:28 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Actually I believe the first known alphabet invented as well as writings on Papyrus, were discovered over 5,000 years ago in Egypt. After that they were also discovered in Persia, the Middle East and of course the "Medina" also known as the "Cradle of Civilization" or what is now known as Iraq.

    You are substantially correct, although it was in Sumeria where evidence of the first written records were found. However as Ms. Reine is descended from Sub-Saharan Africans, she has no connection, either cultural or genetic, with the Semitic cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia.

    She is a racist cretin who assuages her fragile ego by calling white people "barbarians" or "rednecks" and disparaging poor people who haven't been handed affirmative action goodies their whole lives.

    And she will never be a doctor.

  39. "So tell me Chucky, are you Thelma or Louise? And what does that make your wife, Bubba?"

    That photo really must have touched a leftist bigot nerve. Tell me, Klansman, what has Brakabama ever done for you? Hell, what has he ever done for anyone other than himself? Name an accomplishment that improved anyone's life.

    Or is there no need? Just be a color.

  40. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Five year stalking assnon said:
    "However as Dr. Reine is descended from Sub-Saharan Africans, she has no connection, either cultural or genetic, with the Semitic cultures of Egypt and Mesopotamia."

    I usually try to not talk to shit, but with this comment I had to make an exception.

    How in the hell would you know WHERE in Africa a small number of my ancestors were from? I say small because my genetic profile indicates that most of MY ancestors are not only NOT from mother Africa, they are pretty evenly divided between Europe and America (before the mass murderer Columbus "discovered" America and killed a significant number of them off).

    So now where does this leave your trifflin', almost FIVE years with your nose in my ass, stalking non existent life, wanna be educated and well off but CAN'T, pathetic little self? Swimming around in a toilet waiting to be flushed, ya' piece of shit!

    In the meantime, I continue to make daily progress toward my Dr. title.


    Dr. Queen's alter ego

  41. "I usually try to not talk to shit"

    Thanks so much for the effort.
