Thursday, November 29, 2012

The cliff gets closer.

While the VP shopped at Costcos and O finished up his I love America tour, there was Timothy Geithner visiting the GOP with a message from the president: This is our one and only offer; take it or leave it, b*****s. 

Of course, as is to be expected, the tan man and his people were not pleased.

“Listen, this is not a game,” Boehner said. “Jobs are on the line. The American economy is on the line, and this is a moment for adult leadership. Campaign style rallies and one-sided leaks in the press are not the way to get things done here in Washington.”

Well Mr. Boehner, one person whose job is not on the line is one Barack Obama. You see, sir, he was the guy who actually won the last election. Not the guy he had lunch with today. (I wonder how that went. Nice to see you again, Barack. Oh, just so you know, I don't eat fried chicken.) I am left to wonder why you would call his offer a "non-starter". I think the majority of Americans want to do it his way: Extending the Bush tax cuts to folks who make less than $250,000.00, and not messing with those entitlement programs

"Republicans are also insisting on significant reforms to entitlement programs like Medicare and Medicaid, deep spending cuts and not raising tax rates for the wealthy. Democrats say their bottom line is simple: taxes on high-income earners must go up.

“Right now, all eyes are on the White House,” the speaker said."

No Mr. Speaker, "all eyes" are on all of you.



  1. Not just yardbird, If I was O-Man I'd've had to have a full on soul food buffet for the mittster. That's me though, I'd make Willard squirm. Obama's much more a gentleman than I am, he's the kinda guy whose personal assistant probably has standing orders to find out guests likes and disses well ahead of time.

  2. Let it Burn9:17 PM

    "Democrats say their bottom line is simple: taxes on high-income earners must go up."

    Because it doesn't matter that the economy is going to tank, or even that the taxing the rich act is merely symbolic and will do nothing to address any fiscal problems.

    You are right, Obama won and Boehner is a fool for trying to stand in the way of disaster. The American people voted to go off the cliff, and off the cliff they should go. Let the democrats have their way, but make them put their name on it.

    This is one Affirmative Action hire that the American people are going to regret. Especially black America.

  3. Empty Chairman Mao9:28 PM

    Our incompetent clown of a President now asks Romney what he should do to create jobs?

    Romney should have told him to stuff his fried chicken up his half-black ass.

    If Obama cared about jobs, he would have voted for Romney.

    Motherfuck this country.

  4. They want to destroy the economy and blame B. Not rocket scientry.

  5. Anonymous10:08 PM

    You really can't be this dimwitted can you?

    How the hell can you be president of the US and facing the economic problems we face and have your one and only thought be...ok we will raise taxes on those who make 250k and above, thats all I got, we will talk about everything else later.

    Do you know what his tax hikes will get us? Do you? I mean really do you have a clue?

    $82 billion a year. Since the federal government is spending well over a trillion dollars more than it takes in each year, that won’t put much of a dent in our fiscal problems.

    But what exactly does $82 billion in new revenues each year buy? Not much. Here’s a top 10 list of what $82 billion pays for:

    8.5 days of federal spending ($3,540B annual budget)
    Food stamps for about one year ($81 billion)
    The budget of United States Postal Service for just over a year ($70.6 billion annual budget)
    The US intelligence budget for about one year (75.4 billion annual budget)
    The costs of Hurricane Sandy recovery for New York and New Jersey (current est. $71 billion and growing)
    Just 4 months interest on the debt ($258 billion in 2012)
    Just under one tenth of the 2009 “stimulus” (about $830B)
    6.6% of our Social Security/Medicare costs in 2012 ($1231B)
    7.5% of the deficit ($1.1 trillion) – essentially prevent one month of borrowing per year
    One-third of the annual new cost of Obamacare coverage expansions (about $240 billion annually by the end of the decade)

    In other words, taxing the rich does not get us very far, yet that is the ONLY thing Obama has planned. Still no budget, still no mention of what waste, fraud and corrupt spending cuts will be made. Just class warfare.

    Liberals are not only insane they don't have a clue what is happening.

    When your wife has spent every penny you have and put you in debt for the next 50 years, do you think getting more credit is the answer - don't worry bout that we owe shit daddy gone go out and get us whatever we need cause he owe us. Well the U.S can't claim bankruptcy and make someone else eat it, the world doesn't work that way.

    The only bitches are Obama and his supporters who will ultimately go hungry because they somehow think someone else is going to pay the bill for their completely out of control spending, not showing one ounce of competence or sanity in actually managing the economy and playing the "it's all someone else's fault and responsibility" game.

    Every entitlement is way out of funds and we are broke. We cannot borrow anymore, we are printing money and walloping poor people with inflated costs of food and energy. If you don't believe me, look at the prices at the grocery store. Prices don't go up like that in a sludge economy, they go up like that because of inflation and printing of the dollar and making every penny we have worth less for each voter Obama tries to buy.

    Are you seriously telling me you are intelligent enough to be a lawyer but not understand how a president who has not produced a budget EVER....will not talk about economic responsibility or the fact that every program is crashing
    is not good for the country? Do you really envision a situation where it all falls apart, but you have someone White to blame so all will be well? Or that 16 trillion in debt can be waved off until its 26 trillion When Obama is out of office?

    Do you really think this is going to work out well this way and it's just some crazy conservatives worrying about something stupid like credit that is the only obstacle? Do you know what the debt ceiling means? It isn't a moral thing, it's money we owe other nations, bondholders - people who bought our debt. Or money that we printed to buy our own debt and make the dollar seriously decline in value.

  6. Anonymous10:12 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Not just yardbird, If I was O-Man I'd've had to have a full on soul food buffet for the mittster. That's me though, I'd make Willard squirm. Obama's much more a gentleman than I am, he's the kinda guy whose personal assistant probably has standing orders to find out guests likes and disses well ahead of time.

    It's called Civilization dumbass. A civilized person acts correctly and with decorum at all times. You seem surprised or utterly astonished that someone who is president has more class than a piece of White trash like you.

    Besides, Obama needs Romney - He was asking him for help on Jobs, even though his tax raising scheme will kill another million on top of the already existing 12.3 million unemployed.

    I would hate to be on disability and or welfare like you, it isn't' going to be very strong in the next year or two and you might just wind up begging from those people who you hate.

    Can't happen here? Uh-huh that's what Greeks and Italians thought.

  7. Turkey Chili. Cant get much more Mormon Meetinghall Potluck than that. Probably had a jello mold for desert too.

  8. Well, Mitt certainly wasn't offered any White House beer. Me, I'd say, "I appreciate meeting you Mr. President, & the lunch, but to tell the truth I really want to meet Mrs. Obama."

  9. Anonymous7:01 AM

    i bought guns,gold and land so lets see what my gold is worth compared to your benny bucks.

  10. "Do you know what his tax hikes will get us? Do you? I mean really do you have a clue?

    Oh I certainly do have a clue, you on the otehr hand, certainly do not.

    Raising the top tax rate on the top 1 percent of earners to 67 percent (which is 3% less than it was in 1980) would raise about $4 trillion over a decade. That’s a decent start.

  11. Mark Hall8:44 AM

    Bob said...

    Well, Mitt certainly wasn't offered any White House beer. Me, I'd say, "I appreciate meeting you Mr. President, & the lunch, but to tell the truth I really want to meet Mrs. Obama."

    Too late, it won't make the news Astronomers already found the biggest black ho in the universe.

  12. Never knew your trolls were such economic experts. Too bad they're not using their skills to get out of the trailer park. Such a waste of talent.

  13. Hank My Johnson8:57 AM

    PilotX said...

    They want to destroy the economy and blame B. Not rocket scientry.

    It sho nuff not be rockety whiz bang "scientery"

    Me personally I think they can save money by pulling out troops from Guam, it will also save it from tipping over and make sure we dont make the seas rise by puttin to much weight on the Island.

    I also think we need to amend the constitution to avoid free speech I don't like that tells the truth.

    You know I be earning my 175k a year salary as a Democrat.

  14. Anonymous9:19 AM

    Solution to this spending problem is simple.

    Extend everything status Quo for one more month to Feb 2013.

    Then Obama is legally required to actually do his job and present a budget and put his "plan" in writing.

    The Democrats have not passed a budget as required by law since Obama took office - years. Harry Reid Scrapped Obama's budget with every single senator voting not to vote on it or bring it up for debate, that is how bad it was.

    Why won't they produce a budget? Are things that bad?

    So now that he can't blame the guy before him as he IS the guy before him, he can do his job and put the budget together for the American People to see what exactly his plans are. No need to campaign and play games, it's time to manage he already won the election. So now manage, first he should put out his plans and then he can start talking with those who have the legal power to approve or request changes in HIS PLANS, the other third of our government... congress.

  15. Anonymous11:14 AM

    reps = dems

    designer poverty is that rabid banskter hobama's very own global weapon of choice

    ask his peer at jp morgan who own all lucrative ebt cards


    the ruthless tacky opulent hobamas will be freely vacationing on 4 MILLION tax dollars

    while the rest of us will be freefalling over the fiscal cliff

    what a gd shame on the sheeple!!!!!!!!!!!

  16. Anonymous12:22 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Do you know what his tax hikes will get us? Do you? I mean really do you have a clue?

    Oh I certainly do have a clue, you on the otehr hand, certainly do not.

    Raising the top tax rate on the top 1 percent of earners to 67 percent (which is 3% less than it was in 1980) would raise about $4 trillion over a decade. That’s a decent start.

    Silly Man. You are clueless aren't you.

    Do ask yourself - self, what has happened in nearly every single case in history globally with tax projections? Has the revenue the government calculated ever materialized or did actual revenue seriously drop off because people don't like being robbed and the economy was throttled? Obama spent 6 trillion in 4 years and you think generating 4 in ten, which won't happen and which will create at minimum another million job losses and cause a global recession is the solution?

    Forcibly taking 7 out of every ten dollars someone earns to give to someone who has not won't hurt the economy?

    Commies like you seem to have no ability to think critically and can never apply cause and effect logical thinking. Explains why every facet of your beliefs causes pain, misery, poverty, blight and death.

    With this you have the nerve to say despite detail someone else does not know what these ridiculous communist socialist repeated failed policies will do.

    Go take some critical thinking and math classes before you engage in things way outside of your spectrum. You are more suited for bullshit than hard cold reality.

  17. Hammond Beanes12:40 PM

    The Purplish-black Cow said...
    "Raising the top tax rate on the top 1 percent of earners to 67 percent (which is 3% less than it was in 1980) would raise about $4 trillion over a decade. That’s a decent start."

    A decent start to what? Negative GDP growth? The tax / revenue relationship is not static. If you imposed a real 67% tax rate that couldn't be circumvented through loopholes and subsidies, the taxable base would plummet, as the rich moved their money somewhere else (as has happened in Britain), or as a certain percentage of ventures now became unprofitable due to the impact of losing 2/3 of the investment return to taxes.

    And if you don't address the loopholes for favored consitutencies, then the rate doesn't matter.

    Regarding the glorious boom times of the Carter adminstraiton, how good was the economy doing in 1980? That's what you are advising us to return to? I remember economy of the 70's. Things sucked.

    We already have a ridiculously skewed progresive tax system, where the top 1% pays more than the bottom 80%. How much more progressive does it need to be before it's "fair"?

    The lessons of history are as clear as they are consistent. Punishing wealth creation and subsidizing poverty results in less wealth and more poverty. The President obviously thinks it is better that everyone be poorer in the interest of "fairness". That is as evil as it is stupid.

  18. Anonymous12:47 PM

    PilotX said...

    Never knew your trolls were such economic experts. Too bad they're not using their skills to get out of the trailer park. Such a waste of talent.

    Here you have a perfect example of the Obama Nation, bless their poor souls.

  19. Anonymous1:30 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Do you know what his tax hikes will get us? Do you? I mean really do you have a clue?

    Oh I certainly do have a clue, you on the otehr hand, certainly do not.

    Raising the top tax rate on the top 1 percent of earners to 67 percent (which is 3% less than it was in 1980) would raise about $4 trillion over a decade. That’s a decent start.

    Oh My, we have another Obama Genius with us.

    OK, let's take this slowly.

    Did anyone you know in the last few years do something like this?
    Anyone close to where you live that impacts you? That if you had the slightest idea what you were talking about as you claim you do you should be aware of? What happened when they did it? Did it work - no really this time - did it work?

    Didn't Britain do the same thing in 2010? They stuck it to those evil rich people and increased top tax rates from 40 percent to 50 percent. What happened? Really what happened that you think this will work and is a good idea for another country despite California and every other liberal US state as well as every single socialist country ever in history horribly failing, to the point where people are now suffering greatly because of your policies and beliefs?

    Oh, well let's see Britain just announced it lost 2/3's of it's millionaires and 7 billion in tax revenue so they plan on dropping the rate down to 45% now. Get that genius? 7 billion in lost tax revenue - no increase as they said there would be.

    Maggie was right yet again, socialism works until you run out of other peoples money.

    Oh and that National healthcare you have over there is really awful. Seems like that aspect of socialism is also a nasty failing thing as it is in Canada, Sweden and everywhere else they run out of other peoples money. Aside from the poor health care provided, interminable waits, path to life death squads for the elderly. Now they are dehydrating and starving infants and teens with cancer. Imagine so you can pay some third world muslim welfare and have open borders so he can prepare for Jihad, you let a 14 year old boy with cancer die horribly from thirst because prolonging his life and or comfort is expensive.

    Leftists are insane.

    Now sick babies go on death pathway: Doctor's haunting testimony reveals how children are put on end-of-life plan

    • Practice of withdrawing food and fluid by tube being used on young patients
    • Doctor admits starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in neonatal unit
    • Liverpool Care Pathway subject of independent inquiry ordered by ministers
    • Investigation, including child patients, will look at whether cash payments to hospitals to hit death pathway targets have influenced doctors' decisions


    One doctor has admitted starving and dehydrating ten babies to death in the neonatal unit of one hospital alone.

    Writing in a leading medical journal, the physician revealed the process can take an average of ten days during which a baby becomes ‘smaller and shrunken’.

    The LCP – on which 130,000 elderly and terminally-ill adult patients die each year – is now the subject of an independent inquiry ordered by ministers.

  20. Tranny Squatting on the Truth2:04 PM

    The Liberal agenda can be described thusly: If desire is the standard of the good then all desires of all agents are equally desires and equally deserve satisfaction.

    Liberalism says that there is no moral truth that should have authority over us, and therefore that people should be equally free to pursue their various desires.

    But what if the thing that people desire is the good? Liberalism will not allow THAT desire, because if you desire the good, that means you will not treat all desires as equal.

    It would be the same with the desire of a person to cease being homosexual. To desire to cease being homosexual implies that homosexuality is not good and that heterosexuality is good or better. Which means that not all desires are equally good. Therefore the desire not to be homosexual cannot be honored.

    Thus liberalism says that all desires are equally good, except for those desires which imply that all desires are NOT equally good. Such desires are prohibited or at least disapproved.

    Anything goes, except saying that it’s not true that anything goes.

    Liberalism is at war with reality.

  21. Anonymous2:25 PM

    I wonder if these videos will make the news? I have been watching MSNBC to see if they are reporting on such a big happening, nothing yet.

    Should be interesting that there is tribal conflict in America. Amazing study in tactics: Mayhem, no coordination attack in packs, pregnant girls walking around wheeling babies, jumping in the tribal attacks.

    Interesting culture, can we pay to be just like it?!

  22. "Forcibly taking 7 out of every ten dollars someone earns to give to someone who has not won't hurt the economy?"

    well ask yourself this, did it hurt your economy in the 40's, 50's, 60's and 70's?


    "With this you have the nerve to say despite detail someone else does not know what these ridiculous communist socialist repeated failed policies will do."

    errrr what was that???????????

    Go take some critical thinking and basic English grammar classes before you engage in things way outside of your spectrum. You are more suited for bullshit than hard cold reality.

  23. Frustrated Negroe3:42 PM

    Well Mr. Boehner, one person whose job is not on the line is one Barack Obama. You see, sir, he was the guy who actually won the last election.

    "Doesnt It seem silly to even Frame the discussion this way?"

    Its not like Obama is saying that NO to Entitlement Cuts.. NO Cuts to the Social Safety Net

    He just wants us to know that there will be some cuts. Even though he soundly defeated Mitt Romney the Venture Capitalist Vulture he still has Entitlement cuts on the table


    Is he trying to be BIPARTISAN after winning a 2nd term without any worry of re -election...???

    Habitual, Pre emptive..Capitulater will be the summary of 8 years of Obama.

    Dont worry he will be rolling over soon enough telling the American People this
    "Satan Sandwich" is really tasty!

    In a bipartisan kind of way....

  24. I think Romney had turkey. How appropriate.

  25. These red blooded 'mericans must have hated living in the 50's when the top rates were 90 percent. America must have been run by true Marxists then.

  26. Wait a minute, we're supposed to take financial advice from conservatives that have been wrong about EVERYTHING? These same trolls promised us a Romney victory due to unskewed polls. As usual wrong again. Let's see if the world ends if tax rates go up a few points on the rich.

  27. Ray Sitzcracker7:44 PM

    Letting negroes run the economy is like letting a chimp drive a school bus - all laughs at first, quickly turning to worry, then utter fear followed by a horrific crash.

  28. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Wait a minute, we're supposed to take financial advice from conservatives that have been wrong about EVERYTHING? These same trolls promised us a Romney victory due to unskewed polls. As usual wrong again. Let's see if the world ends if tax rates go up a few points on the rich.

    Oh your brilliance is getting more profound. Political opinion polls and the irrefutable math of economics is the same thing to you? Yeah, I guess they are.

    As for the 50's - who cares? Other than using an Obama talking point that he throws out that is completely false to fool his economically illiterate supporters like you. There is way too much to explain to you, but just a couple things to help you understand. Things like what Obama forgot to mention in his silly talking points, or purposely hid is that in the 50', 60's and so on everyone paid tax, under 32k you paid 20%. Not like today where more than 50% pay no TAX and actually get a free ride and money from someone else. Especially if they are minority, single moms, illegals working off the books and so on.

    Additionally there was an 30% spike in Government spending since the 50's. In the 50's government spending was 16.4% of GDP and starting in 2001 it climbed to 21% now with Obama it is at 30% of GDP and climbing so fast we cant devalue the dollar and print more money quickly enough.

    So what's your point? Do you balance your own accounts or call someone from Acorn who is good at voter fraud to help you out?

  29. Anonymous9:23 PM

    President Obama, do you ever see how that Boehner dude looks at you??? Damn, that sucker looks evil as all get out. Every day I look at my television, I see Boehner has lots of company. If these Caucasian dudes ever smiled, their faces would crumble into dust. All that's ever on their minds is making money and killing folks. Dudes, it's not that important, you only have a few days to live on this planet. Give it a rest and give us one too, while you're at it. Your inner Klan is showing all over the place. Your tribe is scarier than hell!!!!!!!

  30. "No Mr. Speaker, "all eyes" are on all of you. "

    No, you drooling Klansman, right now all serious eyes are on what a fucking juvenile we have in the White House. But then, total collapse is what he and his fellow Marxist scum have wanted their entire, filthy lives.

    But hey, at least he's sort of brown looking. What else could possibly matter to a greasy bigot like you?
