Monday, November 05, 2012

Rosie Lewis will be voting, will you?

None of the presidential candidates or their VPs are talking about poverty, but one of them is talking about religion and values.

"CASTLE ROCK, Colo. -Paul Ryan squeezed in time on a four-stop, five-state day for a conference call with evangelical voters Sunday evening, issuing a warning about a second Obama term saying the president is putting the country on a "dangerous path" that compromises "Judeo-Christian, Western civilization values."

Evangelical leader Ralph Reed's influential group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, hosted the call and Reed said "tens of thousands" of Evangelical Christians were listening in.

The GOP vice presidential nominee said in the "critical battleground states" it will make a "big difference" if people "are worried about…whether or not we're going to go down the path the president has put us on."

"It's a dangerous path," Ryan said on his opening remarks on the call, which has been rescheduled at least once. "It's a path that grows government, restricts freedom and liberty, and compromises those values, those Judeo-Christian, Western civilization values that made us such a great an exceptional nation in the first place."

Ryan talks about his Catholic faith frequently on the trail, but this evening he went into more detail when a caller from Florida asked him how his faith has given him and his family courage throughout the campaign. Ryan said it "sustains us on a daily basis" and "we pray throughout the day," noting he keeps a rosary in his pocket.

"It keeps us, keeps us humble, it keeps us strong, it keeps us in a great place, it gives us peace of mind," Ryan said. "First prayer I say every morning is the serenity prayer."

"Prayer"?  Doesn't this guy worship at the foot of Ayn Rand? The last time I checked Rand was an atheist. Besides, good "Judeo Christians" do not lie about their marathon times , nor do they take away the safety net from those in need.

Still, politicians who talk about values scare me. Are they going to force their values on me? My values might not square with what their idea of "traditional" values should be.

Anyway, tomorrow is the day of reckoning. It's going to be a long night for some of you folks. If O wins I will watch FOX 24/7 just for laughs. If the  robot wins, I will be here for you Obamaholics to vent. I have broad shoulders; you all can come right here for a good cry. But take heart, just think of all the fun we will have for the next four years. 

One person who won't be happy if Obama losses is Rosie Lewis. Rosie will be voting for the first time. Rosie, bless her soul, is 99 years old. Yes, 99!

"A 99-year-old, Obama-loving Fort Myers, Fla., woman voted for the first time in her life after skipping 24 presidential elections, NBC 2 reports.

Rosie Lewis filled out her mail-in ballot in her modest Fort Myers home last week in her favorite chair with her Bible near by. Given that Lewis was 7-years-old when women were granted the right to vote in the U.S. under the 19th Amendment and was in her 50s when Jim Crow laws were abolished, her long wait to cast her ballot comes with a few historical explanations.

But now that she is voting in this crucial election, Lewis is making no secret of who she wants to win. “I love Obama,” she said." [Source]

So do a lot of other Negroes Miss Rosie.

Folks, regardless of who you vote for; just make sure that you go out and vote tomorrow. It's important to make your voice count before money (and those with it) renders you totally insignificant.  

I won't tell you who I am voting for, but I will be crip- walking to the voting booth. :)

*Pic from News One.




  1. CASTLE ROCK, Colo. -Paul Ryan squeezed in time on a four-stop, five-state day for a conference call with evangelical voters Sunday evening, issuing a warning about a second Obama term saying "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!."

    Evangelical leader Ralph Reed's influential group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, hosted the call and Reed said "tens of thousands" of Evangelical Christians were listening in.

  2. in the long run, we're all dead8:37 PM

    So 99-year-old Rosie Lewis is about to vote in her first election?

    She's quite the feminist. Quite the civil rights activist. Has she got Alzheimer's?

    What's the old bag been waiting for?

    She loves Obama? Okay. What does she think of Biden?

    Does she remember the news about Hurricane Katrina and the failures of FEMA?

    Does she know FEMA fell down on the job even more egregiously during the past week, with Obama as president?

    With enough half-wits like Rosie mailing in ballots, Obama may win. But if he does, that old bag won't be around to the extent of damage he can inflict over four more years.

    As a soon-to-be-deceased voter, she couldn't care less what happens next.

  3. atlas mugged8:43 PM

    field asks:

    Doesn't this guy worship at the foot of Ayn Rand.

    Something tells me you've never read a word of Ayn Rand's work, and therefore have no idea what she's shared with readers.

    Here's a clue: It's not her fiction that spells out her philosophy, though that's what poseurs say.

  4. Anonymous8:57 PM

    Field said, "Judeo Christians" do not lie about their marathon times , nor do they take away the safety net from those in need."

    Good people, regardless of religion or spiritual discipline, LIE. It's human nature to lie, esp out of fear. Field, you have proven again and again that you are a big liar. So lay off Ryan, you hypocrite! Besides, what the hell do you know about the Judeo-Christian religion?.... NOTHING.

    Field said, "Still, politicians who talk about values scare me. Are they going to force their values on me? My values might not square with what their idea of "traditional" values should be."

    People like you who worship the devil are always afraid of human values, and universal moral values. Hell, you can't even see any 'value' in the 10 Commandments as guides to a more wholesome way of living. As far as you are concerned there are NO values to follow.

    Being a Buddhist, even the Buddha talked about moral values 'common' and 'traditional' to the good of the survival of humanity.

    But you are from Philly where people don't even 'value' lives. So who gives a shit what the Buddha said or ANY religious or spiritual Precepts or Commandments? You need Jesus, Mr. Field because your moral compass does not work.

  5. Anonymous8:59 PM

    Field, your ignorance of Ann Ryan is astonishing.

  6. "None of the presidential candidates or their VPs are talking about poverty"

    A bald faced lie. The maggot Brakabama is intentionally driving people into poverty and Romney IS talking about it. But if you've whored out your integrity for the sake of color, a lot of stuff escapes your attention apparently.

  7. When rump limpo, glob beak and all of the rest of the tklanosphere are bellyaching like the python who ate the gator on Wednesday, just remember that every consolidated tracking poll has had Obama winning since Romney became his opponent. He never even threatened Obama electorally except for the 6 days following the 1st debate in Denver. This is only a close race in hopeful tklanner fantasies and media spin, and then only by ignoring the profoundly skewed popular/electoral vote weight because of the block white vote in the neo-confederacy. If they voted like the white people in the rest of the country do, Romney would already be visiting his millions in offshore banks with Lovee instead of pretending that he really has a shot.

  8. Anonymous9:21 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    CASTLE ROCK, Colo. -Paul Ryan squeezed in time on a four-stop, five-state day for a conference call with evangelical voters Sunday evening, issuing a warning about a second Obama term saying "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!."

    Evangelical leader Ralph Reed's influential group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, hosted the call and Reed said "tens of thousands" of Evangelical Christians were listening in.

    Whitey - you won't notice. Most leftists don't have the capacity to understand hypocrisy, nevertheless others have noticed you are the ONLY one shouting "nigger" incessantly.

    YOU might be for Obama because he is Black. I am against him this time in spite of that fact.

    What will you do tomorrow when everything (as it always has) that you have said proves you are nothing more than a wet fart bubbling out of someones arse?

  9. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Hey Field,
    You better tell Rosie Lewis to stay away from the fe-mail caregivers with funky names like Taquita Lashay Watson

    P.S love how you trot out the old woman as some sort of prop for democrats.

    Too bad no one taught her in the past fitty yeuhs that she coulda dun voted in this hear country. Kids are on the earth longer than she was eligible to vote and they know. Poor thing.

  10. Suffrin' Suffrage9:38 PM

    At 99, Rosie probably won't have to live with the consequences of an Obama reelection. For those of us with a stake in the future, pray for a Romney victory.

  11. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    CASTLE ROCK, Colo. -Paul Ryan squeezed in time on a four-stop, five-state day for a conference call with evangelical voters Sunday evening, issuing a warning about a second Obama term saying "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!."

    What a strange world Whitey inhabits.

    I'll bet even the black people whose approval you so cravenly beg for give you wide berth.

    After the election is settled, please skip the murder part of the murder-suicide thing, and just go right to the part where you blow your brains out. We'll all think a little better of you.

  12. This election is very important for white people so they will come out in droves. If B wins this will show a blah/brown coalition where the white vote was trumped. We all know this day is coming but they're hoping it's somewhere in the future. The feeling if B wins will be akin to the feeling many southerners had when they lost the civil war. Difference is now they can't intimidate us by riding around wearing bed sheets. We may see the day they all fear, the day their irrelevance began.

  13. I didn't know you worshipped the devil Field.

  14. Anonymous11:31 PM

    I did not know that Judeo-Christian meant wites only. Must be Mr Ryan has a different Bible than my well-read King James...or the others I own.


  15. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Bullshit Mountain will suffer some severe melting tomorrow..


  16. Field,

    What is it it about you that brings out the crazies? They obviously would be better served reading the Drudge Report, so why bother Trolling?

  17. Quotes 'Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel' yesterday...

    "Yes it has proved that Obama is a lying coward who left Americans to die for fear of making a political splash. Personally watched the attack real time in the situation room and personally ordered all forces, drones, aircraft stand down for the seven hour attack."

    No Cletus, he did not.

    You have to learn to differentiate between the pseudo-reality as reflected by America's right-wing, racist hysterical echo chamber, and ACTUAL reality as reflected by things that happened in the real world (i.e. things you can touch, see, record and measure).

    You'll find there's a big difference between what happens here on Planet Earth and what happens in your vivid imagination.

  18. Ernesto4:49 AM

    Obama will win and the wingnuts will blame mythical "illegal Somalians" for it. You watch.

    Field, when they gonna blow up the Iggles? Man, they looked terrible the last two games.

  19. "Field, when they gonna blow up the Iggles? Man, they looked terrible the last two games."

    Yep, I have my hand on the dynamite.

    "What is it it about you that brings out the crazies? They obviously would be better served reading the Drudge Report, so why bother Trolling?"

    Fear is a powerful motivator.

    But you are from Philly where people don't even 'value' lives. So who gives a shit what the Buddha said or ANY religious or spiritual Precepts or Commandments? You need Jesus, Mr. Field because your moral compass does not work."

    You are lying. I bet you don't even know what Buddha teaches. Your comments seem too angry and strident.

    You are a wingnut.

    And, the only thing I need right now is some Blue Mountain coffee and my morning paper.

  20. You know what they charge for Blue Mountain round here?

    £72 for 500 grams !!

    That's about $115 for just over a pound weight in your mickey-mouse units.

    I can only afford to drink it at christmas.

  21. philly sleaze-steak7:40 AM

    Voting Is Already a Mess In Philadelphia

    A conversation with election watchdog Zack Stalberg.

    By Victor Fiorillo 11/05/2012

    Voting in Pennsylvania — and especially in Philadelphia — has the capacity to be a perplexing and intimidating task. To make your Election Day life a bit easier, I checked in with Zack Stalberg, the head of the Committee of Seventy, a non-partisan election watchdog group that will have 800 volunteers on the phones and streets to try to make sure everything is on the up-and-up.

    Yesterday, I started hearing complaints that people were getting robocalls indicating that their polling places had changed when they hadn’t. Are you hearing similar things?

    There is a whole range of complaints already, and the closer we get, the more they tend to be about misinformation or disinformation. As with any other big election, there are signs of people either innocently making a mistake or really trying to get bad information out there to confuse people.

    So how do I know for sure where I have to show up to vote?

    Anyone with a doubt can just give us a call at 866-OUR-VOTE. There are other avenues, but your best bet is not the city or the state or any website. Over the course of the day, we’ll have 120 people answering the phones here and another 700 people out on the street. Also here are the correct authorities. We’ll have representatives from the District Attorney’s office and the city’s Law Department.

    It seems that all we can do is report bad behavior. It’s hard to stop or prevent.

    There’s no way to stop a lot of it. Most of it is anonymous and unattributed. Late last week, there was a lot of stuff having to do with straight ticket voting. It suggested that if you voted for the entire Democratic ticket, you would invalidate your vote for president.

    What kinds of polling place problems should people be on the lookout for?

    The biggest problems tend to be innocent in nature. The polling places are often understaffed, people haven’t received training in a long time. Most often, the problem we hear about is that someone’s name is not in the registration book. Or there’s campaigning going on too close to the polling place.

    How close is too close?

    The standard for that in Pennsylvania is stupid. It’s ten feet. That’s pretty close. Campaigners can hand you sample ballots and do political work, but if it’s any closer than ten feet, give us a call.

    I’m ashamed to admit that I’m still confused on voter ID. Is someone going to ask me for ID tomorrow or not?

    Yes. They are supposed to, because the law is really in effect but it hasn’t been implemented yet. The polling place workers are being instructed to ask for voter ID. If you don’t have it or choose not to show it, they are supposed to let you vote on the machine*. But you don’t want to get offended if someone asks you. They are supposed to ask you.

    * Note: While most voters will not be required to show ID, people who are voting for the first time ever or the first time in a new district will have to produce valid ID.

  22. sadly, loser Obama can win...7:46 AM

    the purple udder wrote:

    You have to learn to differentiate between the pseudo-reality as reflected by America's right-wing, racist hysterical echo chamber, and ACTUAL reality as reflected by things that happened in the real world (i.e. things you can touch, see, record and measure).

    Oh. So, inasmuch as your comment was in response to Obama's tragic inaction in Libya, it seems you're claiming the four dead Americans are not dead. And perhaps you believe they weren't attacked by organizaed Islamic terrorists.

    The reality of the past four years is a reality made of numerous presidential failures that were the result of a president who's driven by a corrupt ideology that mixes his socialist tendencies with his willingness, his desire, to appease Islamic leaders everywhere.

  23. Anonymous10:14 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    Quotes 'Cletus the Slack-Jawed Yokel' yesterday...

    "Yes it has proved that Obama is a lying coward who left Americans to die for fear of making a political splash. Personally watched the attack real time in the situation room and personally ordered all forces, drones, aircraft stand down for the seven hour attack."

    No Cletus, he did not.

    You have to learn to differentiate between the pseudo-reality as reflected by America's right-wing, racist hysterical echo chamber, and ACTUAL reality as reflected by things that happened in the real world (i.e. things you can touch, see, record and measure).

    You'll find there's a big difference between what happens here on Planet Earth and what happens in your vivid imagination.

    The drooling suicidal idiot not having anything else to offer provides vacuous invectives sprinkled with the obligatory charge of racism.

    You really are worthless and weak.
    Useless, no wonder why you are a Marxist.

    Maybe next time it will work, if only...

  24. Anonymous10:28 AM

    field said..

    "And, the only thing I need right now is some Blue Mountain coffee and my morning paper."

    And a lot of ballot stuffing voter fraud for Obama to win, only this time the law abiding citizens of this country are not taking it. This is not Jamaica.

    Court-appointed Republican poll inspectors are being forcibly removed from voting stations in some Philadelphia wards and replaced in some cases by Democratic inspectors and even members of the Black Panthers

    Despite the high number of officials who were allegedly booted, the
    dispute itself is not uncommon for Philadelphia. Fred Voigt, legal
    counsel for the city commissioners, said these kinds of face-offs happen
    "with regularity" in the City of Brotherly Love.

    "It happens all the time," Voigt said. He said court-appointed
    Republican officials typically show up on Election Day and end up
    squaring off against stand-in officials at the polling sites filling in
    the open seats.

    "There are no cool heads here," Voigt said.

    The on-site election officials are responsible for verifying the
    identity of voters, and monitoring for signs of fraud or

  25. another white guy10:40 AM

    This may be the last time in a long time that we get the chance to vote for an African American for President of the United States. Four years from now I suspect I'll be voting Green Party. But today my vote was cast for the incumbent POTUS and, among other Democrats, for Willie German Jr. for Michigan's 2nd congressional district (who, like the Green Party, probably has no chance of winning).

    Good luck, Mr. President!

  26. Anonymous11:00 AM

    CASTLE ROCK, Colo. -Paul Ryan squeezed in time on a four-stop, five-state day for a conference call with evangelical voters Sunday evening, issuing a warning about a second Obama term saying "NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!."

    Evangelical leader Ralph Reed's influential group, the Faith and Freedom Coalition, hosted the call and Reed said "tens of thousands" of Evangelical Christians were listening in.

    8:31 PM
    Whitey, could you provide a link to what you claimed Ryan said? That is NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER, NIGGER?

    I find it somewhat incredulous that Ryan would say such a despicable word in his speech and the MSM not run with it.

    If you are lying, it just goes to show how desperate, fear-based and racists you liberal leftists are. That includes Field and the rest of his crazy followers who are busy calling everybody else crazy. You folks really have low IQs, but you think you are smart...Ignorance is bliss.

    This is certain to scare some of you so-called FIELD NEGROES:

    "Obama is going to lose...COUNT ON IT!"

  27. Anonymous11:26 AM

    impeach hobama asap!!!!!!!!

    that racist bankster hobama has lied and failed!!!!!

    if hobama was not inept and deluded
    even HE would vote for mitt

    go mitt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    But the final reason Obama should be praying for a Romney win tomorrow, is that a scandal looms large on the horizon. Libya is not going away. In fact an Obama victory would ensure that House Republicans on the Oversight committee, like Darrell Issa and Jason Chaffetz, push even harder on the administration's bungling of the Benghazi attack. The only way Obama escapes the brunt of upcoming investigations is if he loses, and Republicans refocus their lasers on the State Department.

    Progressive Democrat Matt Stoller, in Salon of all places, alludes to this, asking why the left is defending Obama's terrible record, and argues that continuing to ignore reality jeopardizes the credibility of the progressive movement. He's not talking about drone strikes or extrajudicial killings, either. He's talking about Obama's economic policies:

    "Obama defenders for the most part simply do not address the core moral question in evaluating the role of any political leader, which is whether the lives of their constituents have improved during that leader’s term and whether society is more just. And the outcomes for Americans under Obama – a historically higher student debt burden, deleveraging of debt occurring only through defaults, larger banks than existed before the crisis, a crushing foreclosure crisis, higher inequality, and a falling median net income – suggest that for most, the answer is no. What people care about – whether their lives are better overall – is basically irrelevant in their calculus."

    By defending Obama's inaction and protecting his legacy, all his supporters are doing is jeopardizing it. The more cover he's given, the less likely he is to take the kind of leadership stances he'll need to to seriously address poverty, inequality, unemployment and stalled growth. These aren't small issues, but small issues are where Obama's preferred to live, choosing instead to tinker with short-term immigration solutions and roll back DOMA and Don't Ask, Don't Tell. The success of his two biggest contributions -- the stimulus and the Affordable Care Act -- is ambiguous to say the least.

    In short, another four years would be a nightmare -- not just for the electorate, but for President Obama himself. It's hard to categorize where we are right now as a "high note," but if Obama were to go out on one, the best thing for his career might just be a Romney victory tomorrow.

  28. Anonymous11:36 AM


    all people of all races who are awake know how important this election is...

    and they also know hobama was selected in 2008 to remain in ofc until 2016


  29. Anonymous11:47 AM

    bongo left americans to die inorder to preserve the myth of ragheads spring.for that he will be impeached and i hope he will be tried for treason.

  30. A non asked....

    "What will you do tomorrow?"


    Well, tonight is going to shake all of the nuts loose of their trees. So, I'll be busy keeping an eye on tklanistan. You fuckers scare the shit out of me, and you need to be monitored from the inside.

  31. Anonymous12:21 PM

    wtf is wrong with racist fools in philly!!!!!?????

  32. Lee Atwater,
    a bare knuckles campaign advisor to both Bush bastards, explained the evolution of explicit racism this way:

    Psychosis said ...

    "What a strange world Whitey inhabits."


    “You start out in 1954 by saying ‘Nigger, nigger, nigger.’ By 1968 you can’t say ‘nigger’ – that hurts you. Backfires. So you say stuff like forced busing, states’ rights and all that stuff. You’re getting so abstract now that you’re talking about cutting taxes, and all these things you’re talking about are totally economic things and a byproduct of them is that blacks get hurt worse than whites.” -Lee Atwater, Chairman, Republican National Committee


  33. Anonymous12:35 PM

    funny that you would do gang drag at the polls today fn

    because hobama's bilking of the poor has just begun

    and gangs will be walking and wilding all over all of us all over the usa asap!!!

    go mitt!!!!!

    save us from hobama's gang banging banksters/jobless depression/fema camps/poverty...asap!!!

  34. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Blogger Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    A non asked....

    "What will you do tomorrow?"


    Well, tonight is going to shake all of the nuts loose of their trees. So, I'll be busy keeping an eye on tklanistan. You fuckers scare the shit out of me, and you need to be monitored from the inside.

    You were never on the inside, that is why you are such a societal reject. All you had to do was wash, brush your teeth and loose 100lbs.

    Look at how batshit crazy you are, you think you are a clandestine agent posing as a black woman living in a white mans body who thinks anyone white is the enemy even though he is white and that he can be a sooper secret double agent and find out the tricks they are really pulling when blacks aren't looking......whatta run on sentence for an utterly looney toon. You are the Democratic party - nucking futs and dependent on the people you hate.

    News for ya, it isn't going to work out well no matter the outcome.

  35. Anonymous12:41 PM

    coming soon near u:

    more proof that that pissy bankster hobama and his pissy martial laws are WORSE than gwb's!!!

    get used to this...


  36. Anonymous1:01 PM

    I hope you are doing something to get out the vote in you your town. If Philly does not go big, POTUS will lose PA., and will lose the White House. Yes, seems too simple, but it comes down to that...

  37. Anonymous1:04 PM

    that petrified pissy bankster hobama and his spooked sheeple nazis are extremely infectious

    go mitt!!!!
    evade the contagious hobamabots!

  38. Voter Suppresion My Azz1:10 PM

    Godd Grief, field! I've never seen the likes of the voter intimidation & suppression that's going on in just Philadelphia.

    Can you believe this mural:

    I thought you said you and about 300 of your legal comrades would be
    monitoring the voting.

    Apparently, they're "monitoring" it, to ensure Obama gets elected, the hell with legality.

  39. Anonymous1:15 PM

    hobama is sad and scared

    biden is elated and stoked

    karma is real!!!

    poor people have been sad and scared since 2008

    could it be that biden knows that he will soon be prez by default
    as hobama's impeachment looms???

    may god bless us all!!!!

  40. "Court-appointed Republican poll inspectors are being forcibly removed from voting stations in some Philadelphia wards and replaced in some cases by Democratic inspectors and even members of the Black Panthers"

    Round here we call that "getting your excuses in early"


    Quote Cletus-the-Slack-Jawed Yokel

    "The drooling suicidal idiot not having anything else to offer provides vacuous invectives sprinkled with the obligatory charge of racism. "

    Wow! obligatory! That's a five syllable word - you've been practicing your new big words, now ain'cha, Cletus...? Must be a very quiet time down on the trailer-park.

    I note that you haven't even attempted to back up your hysterical nonsense with anything that looks like evidence. Do you have anything like evidence for this story of yours? Or have you simply plucked it from your fat, wobbly white ass?

    (And by evidence, I mean something from a reputable news source rather than from FauxNews or one of your white-supremacist buddy's blogs.)

    You're such a LOSER, Cletus.

  41. Anonymous2:01 PM

    the dems in philly chased away the republican poll watchers but they all came back with sheriff deputies.they are watching you fn because you can't help but to try and cheat.

  42. Anonymous3:35 PM

    did mo send any orders to the new BPP thugs in philly?????


  43. Here's as good a description of white voting patterns vis Obama as is out there right now.

    It illustrates my repeated point here and elsewhere that white people, outside of old dixie, are about evenly split on Obama, but in the south they go 66/27 against him (coincidentally or not that's about the split between migrant and native white southerners region wide.) The Democrats aren't losing white people electorally, (except in the south) but the GOP IS losing everyone else overwhelmingly.

    It's the logical outcome of Nixon's "southern strategy' launched a generation ago in '67 -a regional "severely conservative (accent on severe) "solid-south/solid-white' GOP and a national Democratic coalition of minorities and urban/educated whites. The problem for the GOP over the next generation or so is that in the interim, the non-white population exploded and is soon due to become an electoral majority while the southern/rural whites of the GOP are projected to proportionately shrink. That solid-south electoral block that used to be a powerful threat, isn't going to return them to the whitehouse -ever again.

    So their choice for the GOP seems to be -reverse the southern strategy and become far less ideological, or content themselves with permanent executive exile.

  44. Anonymous4:03 PM

    if your progeny will only be indebted paupers/serfs

    does it/will it ever really matter that that bankster hobama is/was half black????


    go mitt!!!!

  45. “I feel good,” he said. “I think we’re gonna win this race if we get our voters out…I think we feel good about what we’re seeing so far.” Virginia, considered a must-win state for Mitt Romney, will be a leading indicator, he added. “We’ll look at all nine of these states, but some of these will close early. Virginia closes early. They’ll count their vote quickly in Virginia. I’m not gonna say we’ll know quickly [the result of the election]. We’ll have an indication of where we are in Virginia quickly.” -Robert Gibbs 11/6/12

    That's what I've been saying for about 5 days now, here & elsewhere. Romney has to have Virginia, Obama can do without it but if he loses it significantly he'll almost certainly lose enough other states to lose. The Presidents' State closes it's polls at 730pm EST (3.5 hours from now).

  46. Anonymous5:22 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    Aus Deutschland, one of the best things I've read on this election.

    HAr-Har the loser wants to see the country he envies lose. Aint gonna happen clamydia Jones, aint gonna happen. Germany will soon stop bailing out the rest of the failed Socialist states and they all fall down.

    All the U.S needs to do is stop propping up the UK and EU and keep just those funds at home and we will see how you can fill the gap you haven't had in many a decade.

    Now again Piss off and worry about the failed UK economy - failed EU socialist state - we in America will carry on and lead the world as always. Because we ARE the best country in the world.

  47. Anonymous5:24 PM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "Court-appointed Republican poll inspectors are being forcibly removed from voting stations in some Philadelphia wards and replaced in some cases by Democratic inspectors and even members of the Black Panthers"

    Round here we call that "getting your excuses in early"

    Of course you communist admire law breakers. Around here we round them up and want them arrested tried and convicted.

    You really are a P.O.S in every sense of the phrase, not just your lack of morals.
