Saturday, November 03, 2012

What we did not cover this election cycle.

It's almost over folks. Just hang in there for a couple of more days.
My prediction: This election will be very close. The winner will be the one with the better organization working the ground game.

We will soon see if America will kick the "black man"out of the people's house and put in the robot with the Etch A Sketch heart.

It seemed that this election season went on forever. Four debates and billions of dollars to elect someone who will basically keep the status quo. You gotta love America.

Anyway, I know what (or who) we did not cover during this election season.

 "So far, I have watched all three of the 2012 Presidential and Vice Presidential debates. Each debate lasted approximately 90 minutes. All three moderators were white. The final debate is on Monday. Again, the moderator will be white. The last debate will focus on foreign policy. During these debates, the candidates have discussed important issues such as the economy, taxes, education, women’s rights, health care reform and terrorism. However, none of the debates discussed race or affirmative action.

Race is still a major issue in America. The U.S. Supreme Court is considering whether the University of Texas’ affirmative action policy is constitutional. If the Supreme Court strikes down UT’s affirmative action policy, the doors to higher education will be closed to many African American young people. Universities and colleges will become more and more segregated. However, that issue was not important enough for the debate moderators.

Moreover, the moderators failed to raise the problem of racial profiling. New York City’s racist stop-and-frisk policy has been a major issue in the civil rights community. In New York and many cities around the country, young, innocent black men and women are constantly stopped, harassed and humiliated by police just because of the color of their skin.

Another example of racial profiling is the tragic Trayvon Martin case. This year, self-appointed neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman hunted and shot down Trayvon Martin just because he was black. After great struggle and massive protests, Zimmerman was finally charged with murder.

In addition to racial profiling, mass incarceration was not raised during any of the debates. As explained in Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow, the so-called War on Drugs has led to the mass incarceration of black people. Due to the mass incarceration problem, a disproportionate percentage of African Americans have been reduced to second class citizens even after they leave prison. In most states, they lose the right to vote and other precious rights.

In this mythological post-racial era, none of those issues matter. Unfortunately, the debates are fixated on issues that mainly impact white, moderate, middle class, undecided voters. As far as the presidential debates are concerned, black people are invisible and our concerns are irrelevant.

These debates have taught me one thing. In the eyes of the debate organizers and most of the viewers, the plight of Big Bird is far more important than the plight of my people. “Binders full of women” are more important than prisons full of black people." [Source]

That was a well written and very on point essay from my man Anson Asaka.

Anson, in three days all this might not even matter. If the robot wins there will be no talk of a post racial America. Everyone will go into their respective corners and play pretend. Folks in the majority population will get to pretend that they are living in the greatest country on earth, and the folks in the minority population will get to pretend that they are a part of it.  

*Pic from Jack & Jill Politics


  1. Barack Carter7:51 PM

    "We will soon see if America will kick the "black man" out of the people's house"

    You know, it's really hard to fire a black person these days, no matter how poor their job performance is. Everytime you do, some shyster lawyer like Whitey sues you. That's how people like Reine keep jobs. It's cheaper just to work around them and look past the theft then to try to get rid of them.

    But with Obama, well the cost is in the trillions. The dude has just got to go. Let's all just focus on the fact that he's half white, and escort him off the premises.

  2. Anonymous8:10 PM

    "Anson, in three days all this might not even matter. If the robot wins there will be no talk of a post racial America. Everyone will go into their respective corners and play pretend. Folks in the majority population will get to pretend that they are living in the greatest country on earth, and the folks in the minority population will get to pretend that they are a part of it."

    The talk of a post-racial America ended with Obama's first term. For Whites America IS the greatest country on earth: FOR WHITES.

    As far as Blacks pretending we are a part of it, that is nothing new for us. Just look at how we have made excuses for Obama treating us like crap....And we still rave about what a great man he is. Negroes who can do that, can certainly pretend to be part of a color-blind society where opportunity is equal for everyone.

    But that has been the pattern of my peeps. We just can't talk about the truth and our position in this country which is last as citizens(if you can call us that).

    I am sick of this mess that leaves us with no dignity. The pathetic part is that we do it to ourselves...quite sad and depressing.

    I wouldn't vote for Obama if he were the only one in the race for the WH. There is nothing more untrustworthy and evil than a black man who treats his people like shit.

    Dpressed Negro

  3. Anonymous8:15 PM

    Barack Carter said...
    "We will soon see if America will kick the "black man" out of the people's house"

    You know, it's really hard to fire a black person these days, no matter how poor their job performance is. Everytime you do, some shyster lawyer like Whitey sues you. That's how people like Reine keep jobs. It's cheaper just to work around them and look past the theft then to try to get rid of them.

    But with Obama, well the cost is in the trillions. The dude has just got to go. Let's all just focus on the fact that he's half white, and escort him off the premises.

    7:51 PM
    OUCH!! This was written by a brother...not written by white person. I can tell.

  4. Bill Maher makes it obvious that American liberals are absolutely terrified of blacks. Their purported anti-racism has nothing to do with color-blindness and everything to do with fear-based appeasement:

    "If you're thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, I would like to make this one plea: black people know who you are and they will come after you"

    I get the impression that Maher doesn't actually know very many black people. Most of the blacks I know have been more conscious of whites and actively afraid of white racism than the average white individual is even willing to admit to being cognizant of racial differences.

    I'm as familiar with the actual crime statistics as anyone, but you have to remember that blacks are taught that whites are out to get them from the time they are children. Fear is seldom based on an accurate view of reality.

  5. Anonymous8:44 PM

    Field, why have you been silent about how Obama has treated Blacks as if they are invisible?

    One would think a big-time R chaser like you would be highly insulted to know a brother makes it to the WH then acts as if Blacks don't exist.

    How in the world could a FIELD NEGRO like yourself stand that?

  6. The white race suffers from "race fatigue ". They are tired of it because in their minds they have given enough. When a "giver" gives--- he/she determines what is enough and they expect desired actions. That the problem--the African Americans Did not "take" their freedom by virtue of President Lincoln "freed the Negros" and President Johnson did his thing in the 60s after years on us begging to. Be treated with dignity and respect..that was two chances whereby we should have taken what was needed. Now it is be careful what you pray for. This time with the election of President Obama we are again on our own. Dem pebbles tired.

  7. Don't vote out of revenge, vote for love of country:


  8. Field,

    The only way the Repubs will win this election is if they steal it like they did in 2004.

    Personally, I just wish the President would have made history, then gave Hillary a shot. Just as I did in 2008, I really worry about him living until the end of his second term.

  9. Really, and maybe this is just my "friends" network on Facebook working my nerves, but this is the first time in my adult life (wink) that I have been more afraid of the electorate than the candidates. Both sides are blinded by partisan ideology.

    As to Mitt, he will not be blind to Black people, he has already put together a consulting team of minorities to advise him. All conservative republicans of course. Conservative Republic Black people. Do I need to type that again? He has found .09% of 14% of the population to explain "Black issues" to him...

  10. Reality is we can't discuss race honestly or maturely. One side would be villified as pandering and the other has to kowtow to southern white sensibilities who didn't see any problems the past 150 years. In this polarized environment how can we even start to talk about race matters? Maybe in the next few decades we'll be there but we're not there yet.
    As far as Barack ignoring blah peoples' issues the reality is he has to work covertly or risk losing the election because whites in Ohio and Pennsylvania would run to Mittens if they got even a whiff of a racial preference. Hell, he's already being accused of hating white people and being racist so can you just imagine what would happen if he overtly showed an interest in blah people? A second term for the prez would be MUCH better than a R-money administration for all working people, B knows that which is why he avoids obvious traps like the conservatives who are trying to bait blah people into abandoning for a perceived slight.

  11. Hey Field, I think I just saw some of your trolls. New show on Discovery, "Moonshiners".

  12. Anonymous1:26 AM

    Dear Mr field, I have been hoping that you would provide some night time action with comments. You have been closing FN very early every evening. FN used to be the blog to come to for late night comments, but no more. It's becoming a real drag.

    Is this your way of 'trying' to help Obama by blocking sensible comments for Romney that could cause a landslide for Romney? You must be really scared. Heck, you ought to be scared if Obama wins.

    FYI: Obama is pretty tough on Blacks while Romney is pretty soft. IN FACT, Romney will see to it that Blacks will have good paying jobs instead of NO JOBS under Obama.

    Think about it, Mr Fields. Wipe the fog from your glasses so you can see and think clearly. And please pass the word to all of your left-winged black and white brothers. I know you want to be on the winning side. That side is most definitely Romney.

  13. Great essay on political whiteness and white psychosis in Slate today

    Money quote:

    "Romney is speaking fluent White. In white people's political English, "personal responsibility" is the opposite of "handouts," "food stamps," and particularly "welfare," all of which are synonyms for "niggers." This was Ronald Reagan's rallying cry, and it was the defining issue for traumatized post-Reagan white Democrats. Like George Wallace vowing not to be out-niggered again, the Democratic Leadership Council and the New Republic and Bill Clinton made Ending Welfare as We Know It the policy centerpiece of the 1990s."

  14. Anonymous1:44 AM

    " However, none of the debates discussed race or affirmative action."

    Time it ends don't you think. Complete and total fairness. May the best and most prepared applicant/candidate be awarded a spot.

    Race is still a major issue in America. The U.S. Supreme Court is considering whether the University of Texas’ affirmative action policy is constitutional. If the Supreme Court strikes down UT’s affirmative action policy, the doors to higher education will be closed to many African American young people. Universities and colleges will become more and more segregated. However, that issue was not important enough for the debate moderators.

    Lets look at the root cause, why if scores aren't lowered do Blacks do so poorly and what can be done about that? Lowering standards doesnt' do anything but lower standards. Are we barking up a tree trillions later and over a half a century there no closing the achievement gap?

    Moreover, the moderators failed to raise the problem of racial profiling. New York City’s racist stop-and-frisk policy has been a major issue in the civil rights community. In New York and many cities around the country, young, innocent black men and women are constantly stopped, harassed and humiliated by police just because of the color of their skin.

    Horrible - especially when you consider wherever you go in the U.S (hell the world) the lions share of crime is committed by Blacks. What can be done to meet that problem at the root instead of attacking the "man" trying to deal with it.


    Another example of racial profiling is the tragic Trayvon Martin case. This year, self-appointed neighborhood watchman George Zimmerman hunted and shot down Trayvon Martin just because he was black. After great struggle and massive protests, Zimmerman was finally charged with murder.

    And after research it was found Trayvon was a typical yooof. Getting high on lean, smoking weed, dealing, fighting, getting suspended three times and savagely attacking someone, unfortunately this time the someone was armed.
    Why do yoooofs have no respect for property, laws and why are they so violent? What can you do about that huge problem plaguing civilization?

    ----------------------------------------------------------------------In addition to racial profiling, mass incarceration was not raised during any of the debates. As explained in Michelle Alexander’s book The New Jim Crow, the so-called War on Drugs has led to the mass incarceration of black people. Due to the mass incarceration problem, a disproportionate percentage of African Americans have been reduced to second class citizens even after they leave prison. In most states, they lose the right to vote and other precious rights.

    Has anyone bothered to notify Blacks that if you committ a crime, you will go to jail? When will you address, family, value, honor, pride, integrity, hard work...don't blame the cure - who is spreading the disease.

    In this mythological post-racial era, none of those issues matter. Unfortunately, the debates are fixated on issues that mainly impact white, moderate, middle class, undecided voters. As far as the presidential debates are concerned, black people are invisible and our concerns are irrelevant.

    Obama Agrees.

    These debates have taught me one thing. In the eyes of the debate organizers and most of the viewers, the plight of Big Bird is far more important than the plight of my people. “Binders full of women” are more important than prisons full of black people."

    Obama Agrees. Values and change starts with the home, with the family, extends to the community to the neighborhood, to the city to the state. Get started!! because no one else, can will or should fix what you refuse to.

  15. So no change here then, still a bunch of racist 'concern-trolls' trying to pretend they aren't white. Nothing ever changes in wingnut land.

    Though I'm sure things will turn a good deal nastier on Wednesday morning when they wake up to the reality of four more years of the O-man. Then their true innate nastiness will be here for all to see.

  16. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Well at least you field negros will be safe during the zombie apocalypse. Not a brain among you. And look at your resources. You'll have a pilot, a nurses aide, a British envoy, and a couple of ambulance chasers. You even got Whitey to lead you. You can rebuild the world as you envision it. Only who's money can you redistribute ?

  17. "Well at least you field negros will be safe during the zombie apocalypse. Not a brain among you.."

    Seeing as how you wingnuts like to eat people I am glad to hear that you will leave us alone.

  18. "will get to pretend that they are living in the greatest country on earth"

    Hating America. The best reason to vote wee Lord Brak.

    Name a greater country, twerp. Whenever you're ready if you have the guts.

  19. "Name a greater country, twerp. Whenever you're ready if you have the guts."

    There are no countries, wingnut. We are all citizens of the earth, which I unfortunately have to share with the likes of you.

  20. Word games. What a gutless coward. No wonder you're supporting a fellow invertebrate.

  21. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Field, why won't you say SOMETHING about Obama's treatment of Blacks? Why do you ignore this?

  22. Donald Hump11:12 AM

    PilotX said...
    As far as Barack ignoring blah peoples' issues the reality is he has to work covertly or risk losing the election because whites in Ohio and Pennsylvania would run to Mittens if they got even a whiff of a racial preference

    In other words, lie to white people about his racist agenda. At least we agree on something.

  23. Kingnut11:34 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    "Romney is speaking fluent White. In white people's political English, "personal responsibility" is the opposite of "handouts," "food stamps," and particularly "welfare," all of which are synonyms for "niggers."

    Typical, condescendingly racist liberal.

    Personal responsibility is not a "white" concept, it is a universal concept.

    You associate handouts and welfare with black people because those programs exist to buy you the moral absolution of shouldering the white man's burden and to calm your fear of blacks by trying to buy them off, cheaply.

    Conservatives know that personal reponsibility knows no color, and that it is the mark of a fully adult human being. Conservatives know that a life of dependency is a stunted existence where people never achieve their potential and are in fact slaves to their entitlements. The hand that gives is always above the hand that takes.

    Liberalism exists to make white weasels like yourself feel good about themselves at the expense of the minorities that function as props in your morality play. Good intentions mean nothing when the results are so evil, but I doubt even your intentions are good.

    “I’ll have those niggers voting Democratic for the next 200 years.”
    —Lyndon B. Johnson to two governors on Air Force One -

    Leftism is an ill intentioned ideology. It always ends badly. The further we go down that road, the worse that ending will be. We should stop right now.

  24. "the so-called War on Drugs has led to the mass incarceration of black people."

    No. The criminality of the so called "black community" is responsible for that. Only a bigoted fool could claim to not understand that. The victims of these criminals? Black people, but who cares? We gotta do our part for the corrupt democrat party.


  25. "Field, why won't you say SOMETHING about Obama's treatment of Blacks? Why do you ignore this?"

    Because you are a fraud pretending to be black and you really don't care about the plight of blacks. You have a political agenda to bring down Barack Obama.

    I have addressed this issue before. --Here and in other forums-- I won't do it to feed into your BS.

  26. Chuck said...
    "the so-called War on Drugs has led to the mass incarceration of black people."

    No. The criminality of the so called "black community" is responsible for that. Only a bigoted fool could claim to not understand that. The victims of these criminals? Black people, but who cares? We gotta do our part for the corrupt democrat party.


    You tklanners are so attuned to dogwhistles that you don't even hear normal human communication anymore. You damm black folks for loyally supporting the (far from perfect on "black" issues but at least interested in them) Democratic party over the ("nigger!, nigger!, nigger!") Republiklan, at the same time that you sneer at black people as substandard, second rate, childish-at-best, perpetual wards, and then blame "reverse racism" for the resulting overwhelming phobia that all of the non-"old white male" voting demographics have for your politics. Fantastically, almost pitifully, you think that if you just keep trotting a few tokens out on stage against a sea of white faces in between dogwhistles, sooner or later you'll fool them and they'll vote for you. But then you've been intensely trained your whole lives to ignore facts and swallow stereotypes about non-white people; it should hardly be surprising that you've perfected it to such a degree.

  27. sandy says...looting is fun for the whole family...1:37 PM

    the moron wrote:

    Moreover, the moderators failed to raise the problem of racial profiling. New York City’s racist stop-and-frisk policy has been a major issue in the civil rights community.

    Hey boneheads. In NY City over 90% of violent criminals are black or hispanic. Crime defines itself by race and ethnicity. And it's pretty much that way everywhere in the world.

    If cops weren't stopping and frisking blacks, the murder rate would rise a lot -- because without the stop and frisk, there'd be a lot more punks on the street with guns in their pockets.

    Stop and frisk DETERS punks -- blacks and hispanics -- from carrying guns.

    You can tell this is true by the fact that murders in NY City will tally around 500 this year -- down from 2,240 in 1990.

    In New York and many cities around the country, young, innocent black men and women are constantly stopped, harassed and humiliated by police just because of the color of their skin.

    Yep. And if it weren't for the fact that 95% of all murder victims in NY City are black or hispanic the cops could handle crime in a different way.

    However, if cops started spending all their time stopping and frisking whites and asians -- who account for 5% of NYC murders -- killing among blacks by blacks would skyrocket and blacks would complain the police department doesn't protect them.

    Someting tells me field is among the knuckleheads desperate to believe that blacks are no more criminally violent than whites or asians. To argue that stop and frisk is unfair to blacks you have to believe the unbelievable, the untrue.

    But we know field is bemused. Troubled. Silenced by reality.

    Otherwise field would have a suggestion about how to conduct effective policing without stopping and frisking.

    However, as we know, he hasn't got the slightest notion of what can be done to reduce violence, substance abuse, illegitimacy, fatherlessness and low academic achievement among blacks.

  28. Nobama2:36 PM

    The honesty is refreshing. Obama's "Divide and Divide" strategy has done nothing to help the black community in Chicago - and elsewhere.

    I don't want a President who feeds resentment of others and who demands people vote for "Revenge".

    I want a President who will work to frame policies that encourage and uplift people who aren't afraid of hard work and seek to be independent and chase their own personal vision of "freedom".

    The union trained carpenter who can't get work is an unacceptable byproduct of the Obama strategy.
    She would be much better off in a Right To Work state.

    I'm not voting "for" Romney, I voted "against" Obama. There's a difference.

  29. the war on drugs is really a war on the constitution and the dea should be disbanded along with about a 100 other usless agencies.when ever any one tells fn the truth he puts his fingers in his ears and humms.your racist president will loose big because of benghazi and what that coward did about it.what we speak in america is standard english,not ebonics.if you are having trouble under standing words use a dictionaqry that will clear up any wrong thoughts.leftism is a mental disease that makes you stupid.fn you don't want to be an american so why don't you get out,go to africa where i am sure they need a lawyer like you. don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

  30. Nobama3:44 PM

    Another Media "Blackout".
    La-la-la-la, we can't hear you!
    This was a peaceful protest.
    This was a legitimate protest.
    The "Broke Party" is rallying to demand that they be treated as stakeholders in their own community.
    Nobody is asking for a "handout".
    They want to work, and they want to be part of the solution.
    And yet .... their peaceful and legitimate requests are ignored.
    h/t to Legal Insurrection blog.

  31. Nobama3:57 PM

    Quote: "...the doors to higher education will be closed to many African American young people."

    No - the doors to higher education will be closed to unqualified and academically unprepared black young people. Fixed it for ya.

    Strong academic black students who are well prepared for rigorous college study will still be matriculated to institutes of higher learning.

    What it means though is Affirmative Action showponies like Michelle Robinson Obama would not be admitted - and rightfully so.

    When colleges and universities are so highly subsidized, it is only proper that taxpayers demand that the subsidies be provided to those that can make best use of them, and have worked the hardest to get there.

    The majority of black students in upper tier schools today do not meet that threshold. They are there because of the "protests" and "sit-ins" of the 60's where the current race appeasement policies were brokered. They are not there because of merit. The lowered standards for black admission and the gaming of the recruited athlete admission affirm this.

    The few blacks who are there because they deserve to be have long stated they don't need AA policies. They are willing and able to compete on the same footing as white and asian students.

    Ending AA policies is the first step to bringing back dignity and sense of pride based in real achievement.

  32. "fn you don't want to be an american so why don't you get out,go to africa where i am sure they need a lawyer like you. don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out."

    Nope, I think I will stick around for a few more years. My wife is one of you, and I am sure that her ancestors had more to do with making America what she is than you and yours did.

  33. Anonymous8:18 PM

    Political language. . . is designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable ~George Orwell

    President 44??

    Hollywood made a movie called Murder at 1600...


    Way to much Abraham Lincoln propaganda out now..

    Pay attention, 13 colonies stole the country in the beginning & 13 is the real tear of change..

    PEACE to the field negros

  34. BARBBF10:09 AM


    Among other things since becoming president, Barack Obama has:

    Signed the NDAA into law - making it legal to assassinate Americans w/o charge or trial.

    Initiated, and personally oversees a 'Secret Kill List'.

    Waged war on Libya without congressional approval.

    Started a covert, drone war in Yemen.

    Escalated the proxy war in Somalia.

    Escalated the CIA drone war in Pakistan.

    Maintained a presence in Iraq even after "ending" the war.

    Sharply escalated the war in Afghanistan.

    Secretly deployed US special forces to 75 countries.

    Sold $30 billion of weapons to the dictatorship in Saudi Arabia.

    Signed an agreement for 7 military bases in Colombia.

    Opened a military base in Chile.

    Touted nuclear power, even after the disaster in Japan.

    Opened up deepwater oil drilling, even after the BP disaster.

    Did a TV commercial promoting "clean coal".

    Defended body scans and pat-downs at airports.

    Signed the Patriot Act extension into law.

    Deported a modern-record 1.5 million immigrants.

    Continued Bush's rendition program.

  35. Frustrated negro1:27 PM

    Vote Principal..Not Party...

    Things will sort themselves out....

    There are too many that cant seperate the two...
    It all boils down to this WWE mentality .... Cheering for a new Emperor of Imperialism....

  36. no your wife is not one of us because she is a communist traitor like you and bongo who will soon be looking for a job come wed.i knew you would never leave america because there are no jobs by the door for you in africa.what i rally don't like about you and bongo is that you promote policies that have destroyed the black push black racism but never bother to look at what this has done to run schools are a disaster 50%drop out 50% WHO DO GRADUATE ARE ILLERATE.WTF are you doing about this?


  37. You tklanners are so attuned to dogwhistles that you don't even hear normal human communication anymore.

    No, you shit-eating bigot. You just described yourself. YOU are the one who sees nothing but race. You're nothing but a fucking klansman...and you've been trained to be proud of your bigotry.

    Hell awaits you.

  38. Bacopa11:31 PM

    I totally agree that the War on Drugs along with selective enforcement and biased plea bargains and convictions amounts to a new Jim Crow.

    My parents grew up in a Sundown Town, which was kinda odd because black folks were plenty active in their county and had a lot of political clout. My mom worked down in Angleton at the county records office alongside a few black folk, but drove back to her Sundown Town.

    I know Jim Crow from my parents. They told me how their whiteness gave them opportunities to boss black folk. And I learned that the whole point of segregation and Jim Crow was to enforce the idea that you negroes were ritually unclean. They raised me mostly to not think that way.

    But what was the Republican message this election? It was all code and dog whistles, but it was not much more that Negroes are ritually unclean. I am pleased it didn't work. Hell, even my parents never reverted to the conditioning of their Sundown youth and voted for his O-ness twice.
