Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Bob versus the NRA.

I am no fan of Bob Costas, in fact I thought his comments about Idi Amin- when the Ugandan athletes came out during this past summer's Olympics- was one of the most ignorant things ever said by a person covering sports.

But I am going to have to side with him in his fight with the NRA. Maybe he should have chilled with the editorializing during an NFL game, but when you agree with someone's message it's hard to rip him.

So more on that message: Costas quoted from another guy who is not going to be on my Christmas list, Jason Whitlock, who basically said that the NRA was the same as the KKK.

“Handguns do not enhance our safety. They exacerbate our flaws, tempt us to escalate arguments, and bait us into embracing confrontation rather than avoiding it.”

On Martin’s podcast, Whitlock compared the NRA to the Ku Klux Klan, reports Dailycaller.com. Whitlock also said that he did not believe the Chiefs wanted to play Sunday, after the Saturday tragedy, but the team's owner wanted the game to proceed.

Whitlock said: "You know, I did not go as far as I’d like to go because my thoughts on the NRA and America’s gun culture, I believe the NRA is the new KKK. And that the arming of so many black youths, uh, and loading up our community with drugs, and then just having an open shooting gallery, is the work of people who obviously don’t have our best interests [at heart].”

“I think it’s obvious if you’ve traveled abroad, and traveled to countries where they have legitimate gun laws, that we don’t have to have what we have in America, where people somehow think a gun enhances their liberty, and that people somehow think a gun makes them safer."

“It just doesn’t. A gun turns some kids listening to music into a murder scene. And uh, you know, if you don’t have a gun, you drive home. You know, kids listening to some loud music, you don’t like it, you go home and complain to your wife. But when you have a gun, you open fire, potentially, and take the life of a child.” [Source]

I feel you there Jason, although Mr. Belcher was not a good dude. If he didn't kill that poor woman with a handgun he might have beaten her to death. Still, I do believe that the people in the NRA are a bunch of pimps, and that they care more about lining their pockets than the 2nd Amendment. But "loading up our community with drugs"? That's not the NRA. And, let's keep it 100% with each other; at some point more personal responsibility has to come into play. Those NRA dudes aren't splitting young black buck's wigs over a bad drug deal.

Now Costas is feeling the heat, and Costas being Costas, well... he is walking back some of his comments.

"He first told Patrick that the feedback he had received had been “tremendously positive,” but that there had also been “considerable backlash,” and attributed some of it to “the gun lobby.” He explained to Patrick that the reason the situation had even taken place was because he had been told he’d receive “about a minute and fifteen seconds” to address the Belcher tragedy, and that he felt the best way to “come at” the situation from a different angle was to try to point out issues that hadn’t been addressed.
He went on,
“For a long time, I’ve been wanting to get off my chest my disgust with this idea that every time something tragic happens, no matter what it may be, that in any way touches sports, there’s a chorus of people saying, ‘you know, this really puts it in perspective.’ Which is a bunch of nonsense, because if that was true, we wouldn’t have to have that perspective adjusted every time the next tragedy occurs. It’s a bunch of nonsense. And what I was trying to say was, that if you want some perspective on this, there are a number of issues related to this that we could begin to talk about and think about.”
Although he called his comments a “mistake,” Costas cited lack of time as the primary reason he was targeted for criticism, telling Patrick, “My mistake is I left it open for too much communication.”  [Source]

Maybe critics like Mike Gallagher ( who on his radio program today said that Trayvon Martin got what he deserved and that black radio commentators basically get a free pass in America because they are...wait for it, black.) will debate Costas on this issue. Although somehow I doubt that this is what the folks on the right and the NRA supporters want. Keep in mind that these are the same folks who cry that they can't debate black folks and liberals on issues like racism and gun control. Oh the irony.

It always takes a high profile tragedy to bring the gun control debate to the forefront of our consciousness. Sadly for all of us, we will have another chance to debate it really soon.     



  1. Anonymous8:46 PM

    You should have used Belcher as the house negro of the day. What he did to his girlfriend and the mother of his child was horrible and cowardly.

  2. Anonymous10:15 PM

    You should have used Belcher as the house negro of the day. What he did to his girlfriend and the mother of his child was horrible and cowardly.

    8:46 PM
    No way should Belcher be in Field's sidebar. If he did that he would have to make a Negro a House Negro everyday because Blacks are killing each other everyday.

    BTW Field, your Killadelphia counter is low. I know it is difficult to keep up with all the black on black killings. They are happening so fast. Nevertheless, try to keep up, brother. Your FN readers want an accurate and timely count.

  3. Belcher was no "House Negro", he lived the Field Negro life to it's ultimate conclusion.

    I think the lesson is clear: Gun control for black people.

  4. Chaco the wacko said:
    "I think the lesson is clear: Gun control for black people."

    And BIRTH control for white trash like YOU!

  5. Anonymous10:51 PM

    excellent post very provocative.

    Look at this:

    Chicago Shootings Spike 49% In November Despite Strict Gun Laws

    There were 192 shootings in Chicago throughout the month of November - a 49 percent increase from a year earlier - according to police records obtained by the Chicago Tribune.

    Despite having some of the strictest gun laws in the country, Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel plans on restricting gun ownership further by banning individuals with a violent misdemeanor conviction from getting a gun permit for five years. The mayor also hopes to ban convicted felons from ever owning a gun.

    Please tell me what am I missing that liberals like the Mayor seem to get. If you have any violence in your history, especially domestic violence, if you are a convicted felon you can not legally carry a gun and will not get a permit anywhere.

    Chicago has the toughest gun laws in the nation, it isn't the law abiding citizens who are shooting each other. So why would anyone think more laws will do anything, especially when we have living proof of policy in all the blue states? All more laws do is infringe upon law abiding citizens rights to protect themselves from these criminals, WHO will think twice when they know a normal populace is armed.

    So how will more laws make the criminals obey them when they don't obey the existing laws? What's the secret thinking? If you post a No guns sign, isn't that just telling the criminals the residents are easy pickings?

  6. The issue with gun control proponents is that although many claim they don't believe in bans, they usually use language that is quite supportive of bans.

    Also there is the fact that overall violent crime is down to levels not seen in 40-50 years even though there are more guns in private hands than ever before.

    But ultimately there is no way to distinguish ahead of time between someone like Belcher who apparently had no disqualifying mental or criminal record for legal purchase and anyone else out there who purchases a handgun and never fires it at another human being.

  7. "BTW Field, your Killadelphia counter is low. I know it is difficult to keep up with all the black on black killings. They are happening so fast."

    I see the family reunion/date night ended a little early last night.

    Anon@10:51 PM, and Shady, I would love to debate you too one day on this issue. You both seem like smart reasonable people.

    "Chaco the wacko said:
    "I think the lesson is clear: Gun control for black people."

    And BIRTH control for white trash like YOU!"


  8. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Chaco the wacko said:
    "I think the lesson is clear: Gun control for black people."

    And BIRTH control for white trash like YOU!

    10:32 PM
    I believe Chaco is Hispanic and wealthy, not White and poor. So what are you talking about? Why do you ALWAYS make statements unbecoming of a doctor?

    Can anybody explain why Dr Reine make such foolish ignorant statements while claiming to be a doctor? She sounds like she is from SE DC..SMH. What a shame....makes our race look bad.

  9. monistat6:25 AM

    Dr.Reine said...

    Chaco the wacko said:
    "I think the lesson is clear: Gun control for black people."

    And BIRTH control for white trash like YOU!

    Isn't this the thang who got rejected from Medical School because they asked her why she wanted to be a Dr and she told them she wanted to make bread from her vaginal yeast infection?

  10. Anonymous6:26 AM

    "I see the family reunion/date night ended a little early last night."

    Brother Field, what do you mean by this comment? It doesn't make sense.

  11. Wesley R7:21 AM

    Anytime Foxnews pays more than one day trying to discredit comments someone made that goes against their talking points, then those comments must be on point.

  12. Anonymous10:15 AM

    why do male whores demand that women be saints?!

    jb is a dead hypocrite killer whore...


  13. Anonymous10:26 AM

    re: the kind cop lawrence deprimo

    pookies rule the world

    they have ruined the world

    they can never be saved



  14. Anonymous11:56 AM

    and that selfish whore jb also slew his mom emotionally...

    who will now inherit his child as a generation of elders who have done the same
    though they should NEVER be parenting their grandchildren!

    their golden years are tragically stolen by the social/legal orphans of their own pookie seed!



  15. Lt. Commander Johnson1:11 PM

    Alicia, why don't you just sign your name Alicia, and quit using Anonymous?

    You trying to hide behind Anonymous is like a Bigfoot turd trying to hide behind a squirrel turd.

  16. Marcus Welby, M.D.1:44 PM

    By the time Reine ever actually could become a doctor, they'll be deducting her student loan payments from her Social Security, LOL:


  17. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Sorry barrister you miss
    this one. Guns and Drugs should be in the same though.

  18. "I see the family reunion/date night ended a little early last night."

    Brother Field, what do you mean by this comment? It doesn't make sense."

    Sorry, inside joke. :)

  19. parvenu6:17 PM

    Hey Field, you have to separate out the critical factors when you deal with gun violence in America. First of all in response to the argument that people can be murdered by many other weapons beside firearms - I say this - Yeah but it generally takes a great deal more energy than the force required to simply make a momentary pull on a trigger. The U.S. Army used to require bayonet training in basic training, simply because it requires a tremendous amount of concentrated force to effectively kill a full grown man with one fixed bayonet thrust. The current statistics specify that a murder is more than 12 times more likely to occur in a home where a gun or guns are kept. The statistics provide proof that among humans it is a lot easier to kill by pulling a gun trigger in a fit of anger than it is to kill by any other method.

    Now to the other side of the gun controversy, namely "black on black murder". The heavily populated urban centers containing a majority of young African American (AA) men are simultaneously awash in guns. These guns are what I would term "back wash" weapons, simply because the overwhelming majority of these guns are RECYCLED weapons. What do I mean by RECYCLED weapons? These are guns that have been confiscated by some police department at one time or another, and although tagged and stored for destruction at some city junk yard they SOMEHOW survive and reappear and wind up for sale on the some inner-city street. The AA neighborhoods are flooded with these "back wash" RECYCLED weapons. The vast multitude of these RECYCLED guns on the street is the main reason that these weapons are SO DAMN CHEAP, so that any young black kid can easily afford to buy one. Many of these guns are selling for a fraction of the price of a new pair of Air Jordans.

    The TV shows have brainwashed the American public into believing that every black on black murder that occurs in the inner city is DRUG RELATED. They have programming this message for more than a half a century (five decades). This is pure bullshit and it was designed and propagated to suppress any public concern over the continuous high murder rate of these young children on our city streets. The overwhelming cause of these murders of AA children by other AA children is ... NO CAUSE!! Kids will shoot other kids for just "looking at someone the WRONG way"! If caught most kid shooters will say "I didn't like the way the m***f***r was looking at me". Another reason a kid shooter will often give is "I didn't want that MF talking to my woman!" Left to the age old method of resolving disputes, namely fisticuffs, these petulent children would rather instead just go home and spend the rest of the day pouting over their hurt feelings. But with the street awash in guns it is far easier to use a gun to act out your ruffled hurt feelings.

    The daily black on black murders will continue until AA parents rise up and demand that police departments in these large cities actually destroy all of their confiscated guns. Civilian observers be MUST present at and during these gun destruction operations so as to provide independent sworn certification that they witnessed the destruction of the police assigned batch of weapons. Such a demand on police departments will require firm positive leadership from within black communities across the country.

  20. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "I see the family reunion/date night ended a little early last night."

    Brother Field, what do you mean by this comment? It doesn't make sense."

    Sorry, inside joke. :)

    Does your fam know you are giving away secrets?

    Sorry couldn't resist your inside joke thing was just so "precious"
    Then again sometimes I talk so much people call me Gabby.

  21. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I believe Chaco is Hispanic and wealthy, not White and poor. So what are you talking about? Why do you ALWAYS make statements unbecoming of a doctor?

    Can anybody explain why Dr Reine make such foolish ignorant statements while claiming to be a doctor?

    With just a few words : Ghetto Rat Hoochie Mama No account lying trash. Just imagine her saying oh no you didn't and snappin her fingers while shakin her weave.

  22. "By the time Reine ever actually could become a doctor, they'll be deducting her student loan payments from her Social Security, LOL".

    Actually Marcus, between my government sponsored research fellowship and practicing "in da' 'hood", my education will be paid for by YOUR tax dollars!!!

    So allow me to thank you in advance! :)

  23. Gabby,shhhhhhh.:)

    Parvenu,I am going to set up a debate with you and Shady on this one. You made some good points.

  24. Anonymous7:30 AM

    belcher was a monster who liked to hurt people like his girl friend who he shot 9 times.i say good riddence this ass hole won't be missed but it is too bad that he didn't just shoot him self.wise up field,gun control has nothing to do with crime because it is about control and destroying the constitution.
