Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Bury your children and shut up.

You gotta love those gun nut folks. I still can't believe that they heckled the father of a six year old child who was slaughtered at Newtown.

"Parents of children killed in the Newtown school shooting called for better enforcement of gun laws and tougher penalties for violators Monday at a hearing that revealed the divide in the gun-control debate, with advocates for gun rights shouting at the father of one 6-year-old victim.

Neil Heslin, whose son Jesse was killed in last month's massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary, asked people in the room to put themselves in his position as he questioned the need for any civilian to own semiautomatic, military-style weapons.

"It's not a good feeling. Not a good feeling to look at your child laying in a casket or looking at your child with a bullet wound to the forehead. It's a real sad thing," said Heslin, who held up a large framed photograph of himself and his son." [Source]

And speaking of guns, I need to know just WTF is going on in Chicago? Eighteen murders over the first ten days of the year and five murders this past weekend alone. Last year you hit the 500 murder mark in the windy city. It couldn't be because the Cubs suck. They have sucked for awhile now, and you all weren't shooting each other like the city is one big f*****g violent video game until recently.

Over at my man Rippa's website he has the story of a woman who lost four children to gun violence. FOUR! Mr. Obama, you should be crying with that lady at a press conference in the White House. You are from Chicago, maybe the knuckle heads there will listen to you, because they sure as hell ain't listening to anybody else.

Anyway, we need to come up with some serious answers to these killings taking place in some of these cities across America. (And I don't mean the dumb s*** that racist conservatives like Bill O'Reilly like to say. Bill doesn't think that it's bad parenting, poverty, easy access to guns, or any of those issues that is causing the uptick in gun violence. No sir, Bill believes that it's because "white people stopped buying drugs in the hood". Brilliant!)

Hopefully we can find some solutions quickly, or places like Chicago will be ghost towns before we know it.

*On a personal note, I will be on the aforementioned Rippa's blog cast tomorrow night talking about gun control and the issue of urban violence. I don't like to do blog talk radio, but Rippa and I go way back, so it's all good.

Just this once, yawdie.


  1. Wesley R8:25 PM

    O'Really? just got his ass handed to him by Colin Powell.

    Chi-Town is at 40 murders already.

  2. You lying leftist scum, repeating this vile hoax!

    A guy giving a press conference demanded an answer and, after waiting for an answer for five seconds, received an answer. This was portrayed as being monstrously "heckled" by cruel right-wingers.

    It's all propaganda all the time for the Lamestream Media.

    Instead of counting on MSNBC, which blatantly edited the video, watch the undedited version:


    The money shot of the video is at 15:20, when the guy -- a grieving parent of a son murdered at Newtown -- demands to know what possible reason anyone could offer that AR-15s should be legal.

    At first you might think this is a rhetorical question; the audience in fact takes it as rhetorical, and doesn't answer. Then he scans around the room, looking for someone to answer, and, as everyone's silent, concludes, as he'd intended, that no one has a good answer.

    At that point, people realize that their respectful silence is being taken for assent, and they begin chiming in "The second amendment."

    What is completely clear when watching the whole video, Heslin was not heckled. Gun rights advocates in the audience indeed voiced their support for the Second Amendment — after he asked why anyone would need “assault-style weapons or high-capacity clips.” You’d never know based on the MSNBC version, which completely cut out the footage of Heslin’s question.

    Anderson Cooper has already deleted his tweets expressing outrage over this issue. What's the matter, didn't you check your inbox for your latest Media Matters instructions? Or do you just figure your target audience is low-information enough they'll believe anything?

  3. Anonymous8:56 PM

    As I read your post I see that you could just as well be talking about the situation here on the island.

    Just yesterday they buried a young man who was shot in a neighborhood game of basketball because called a foul

    And another young man was shot last night point blank because he had "disrespected" another during an argument.

    It's like the wild west here right now. :(

    Super and sadly scary...

    Please tell what time it will be and enjoy yourself on the cast and I hope I can get to listen on the device or hear the recorded replay sometime,

  4. Anonymous8:59 PM

    "You gotta love those gun nut folks. I still can't believe that they heckled the father of a six year old child who was slaughtered at Newtown."

    That's good you can't believe it because you shouldn't' MSNBC once again deliberately doctored the tape to make a story that is not true a propaganda tool.

    Slate retracted the story on this.

    MSNBC fake editing of Zimmerman tape, Fake editing of Romney campaign and oh so much more, what a sleazeball sharptonized outfit they have become.



  5. Anonymous9:12 PM

    "Anyway, we need to come up with some serious answers to these killings taking place in some of these cities across America. (And I don't mean the dumb s*** that racist conservatives like Bill O'Reilly like to say. Bill doesn't think that it's bad parenting, poverty, easy access to guns, or any of those issues that is causing the uptick in gun violence. No sir, Bill believes that it's because "white people stopped buying drugs in the hood". Brilliant!)"

    First of all, O'Reilly was right. Most of the killings are gang related and they are fighting over drug turf that's shrinking due to the economy. Their big customers have always been Whites. Well, Whites are buying as much because of poor economic conditions.

    Hence, things are a little tough for the Disciples and their competitor. They are going at it for control over a shrinking market. Mr Field, you don't know shit. O'Reilly might not know a lot, but he knows more than you. Hell, any brother from the hood would tell your ass the same thing that O'Reilly knew.

    You need to step outside your White neighborhood and learn a thing or two about the hood in Chicago. Of course, you are an Obamaholic while the brothers in Chicago ain't too crazy about him....never have been. But you have to be from Chicago to know that.

  6. Anonymous9:21 PM

    "Hopefully we can find some solutions quickly, or places like Chicago will be ghost towns before we know it."

    You probably meant "or places like Chicago will become like Detroit".
    Ninety percent of all the violence in Chicago is perpetrated on the south and west sides. Any idea who lives there? I'll give you one guess.

  7. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Field, re:comments on previous thread, what's up with all the attacks on PilotX? The trolls were literally beating the shit out of him. I guess they are sick and tired of his hateful bullshit and decided to unload on him.:)

    I see Purple Cow laid low while the trolls went into action. Coward. LOL

  8. Field, re:comments on previous thread, what's up with all the attacks on PilotX? The trolls were literally beating the shit out of him. I guess they are sick and tired of his hateful bullshit and decided to unload on him.:)

    I see Purple Cow laid low while the trolls went into action. Coward. LOL

    Concrete proof that folks with mental issues, (like responding to your own posts as if you're 2 people), and barely restricted guns laws, will always combine to contribute to gun violence.

  9. Desertflower said...
    As I read your post I see that you could just as well be talking about the situation here on the island.

    Just yesterday they buried a young man who was shot in a neighborhood game of basketball because called a foul

    And another young man was shot last night point blank because he had "disrespected" another during an argument.

    White people don't do that.

    There is a cultural problem, and it's not the gun culture.

    Obama is using the Newton tragedy to try to disarm white America, when the actual gun mayhem is taking place in non-white areas.

    He is the biggest piece of Marxist shit on the planet.

  10. Wesley R10:13 PM

    Regarding Chicago, A Chicago Police Officer called in a talk show I was listing to one day and said 1,200 Officers retired. Emanuel has only filled 200 of those positions. So they are minus 1,000 who should be patrolling the street. A couple of years back the feds came in and shut down Chicago's Gang Task Force because they were whipping ass and take the gangbanger's money. The murders shot up after that.

  11. Enbrolio10:21 PM

    "Field, re:comments on previous thread, what's up with all the attacks on PilotX? The trolls were literally beating the shit out of him. I guess they are sick and tired of his hateful bullshit and decided to unload on him.:)

    I see Purple Cow laid low while the trolls went into action. Coward. LOL"

    Purple Cow just cuts and pastes from the Guardian - he doesn't even know what he is posting. He should stick to things he does know about, like soccer and fat blonde white women.

    PilotX is similar, except his source is MSNBC. His style is to call white people dumb trailer trash, brag about his AA salary, and wait for a pat on his wooly head from Field.

  12. "Attacks"??? Ha, you mean ignorant rantings from imbeciles that don't know the difference between communism and socialism. Yeah, I'm so wounded how will I ever carry on.

    Anyhoo, we know why there is violence in Chicago. The same reason there was violence 70 some years ago, a lack of opportunity and an underground economy fueled by prohibition. We can deal with it and B should legalize certain drugs to take out the illegal profits which might help in the short term but longterm we need better schools and a real rehabilitation of ex-offenders.

  13. Ha! "Literally" beating the shit out of me? Field, your trolls are dumb.

    Thanks for your concern anonotroll but I'm fine.

  14. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Field, re:comments on previous thread, what's up with all the attacks on PilotX? The trolls were literally beating the shit out of him. I guess they are sick and tired of his hateful bullshit and decided to unload on him.:)

    I see Purple Cow laid low while the trolls went into action. Coward. LOL

    9:22 PM
    Mr Field, I can't believe you posted anon's comments about PilotX and PC for them to see. It hurts them.

    I am sure Anon did not plan on that. Why O Why did you post that comment? PilotX has enough fucking problems dodging bullets on the Southside of Chicago than to have this shame laid on him.

    And poor, poor PC doesn't deserve this either. He doesn't even live in America. He renounced his American Citizenship a long time ago in order to become a Brit. Hey, I just realized that PC and Tina Turner have something in common. And they also married White, too.

    The GOP sends its blessings with: "You Negroes made a good move. Please send for your relatives, and Pleeeeze don't come back."

  15. Anonymous2:18 AM

    O'Reilly really raked Colin Powell over the coals!


  16. Anonymous2:48 AM


    Please watch O'Reilly cream Colin Powell if you FN Negroes can take it.

  17. "I see Purple Cow laid low while the trolls went into action. Coward. LOL"

    So you want me to get out of bed at 2 a.m. in the morning to defend him?

    Sorry no can do, he's the man as far as I'm concerned, but my devotion only goes so far.

  18. Yes Pilot X does a pretty good job of slapping around trolls all by himself.:)

    I saw that clip of Powell on with the racist Irishman. Now I really do think wingnuts are insane.How could they think that OLiely got the better of Powell in that interview? It's his show and Powell still made him look like the petty, ill-informed, megalomaniac that he is.

  19. Anonymous7:12 AM

    The Purple Cow said...

    "I see Purple Cow laid low while the trolls went into action. Coward. LOL"

    So you want me to get out of bed at 2 a.m. in the morning to defend him?

    Sorry no can do, he's the man as far as I'm concerned, but my devotion only goes so far.

    I guess if he is the man that makes you the woman. But we kinda knew that already puddin.

  20. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    Field, re:comments on previous thread, what's up with all the attacks on PilotX? The trolls were literally beating the shit out of him. I guess they are sick and tired of his hateful bullshit and decided to unload on him.:)

    I see Purple Cow laid low while the trolls went into action. Coward. LOL

    Concrete proof that folks with mental issues, (like responding to your own posts as if you're 2 people), and barely restricted guns laws, will always combine to contribute to gun violence.

    Just remember everyone who has ever known you came out of a vagina screaming in fear.

  21. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    Yes Pilot X does a pretty good job of slapping around his head with the trolls 8===D

    There fixed that for you.

  22. Enbrolio9:32 AM

    field negro said...
    Yes Pilot X does a pretty good job of slapping around trolls all by himself.:)

    There's that pat on his woolly head I was talking about!

    Good boy, PilotX!

  23. "After writing a series of articles documenting the discrepancies and outright lies in the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting, Professor James Tracy of Florida Atlantic University shot to international attention when the establishment media began covering his work. Now, Dr. Tracy is left trying to explain the misinterpretations, lies and soundbites that the mainstream media is using to discredit his work. Find out more in this week’s GRTV Feature Interview."

    The Sandy Hook Controversy — James Tracy on GRTV with James Corbett:

    See: http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/01/29/the-sandy-hook-controversy-james-tracy-on-grtv/"After writing a series of articles documenting the discrepancies and outright lies in the official narrative of the Sandy Hook shooting, Professor James Tracy of Florida Atlantic University shot to international attention when the establishment media began covering his work. Now, Dr. Tracy is left trying to explain the misinterpretations, lies and soundbites that the mainstream media is using to discredit his work. Find out more in this week’s GRTV Feature Interview."

    The Sandy Hook Controversy — James Tracy on GRTV with James Corbett:

    See: http://memoryholeblog.com/2013/01/29/the-sandy-hook-controversy-james-tracy-on-grtv/

  24. Fields, It is all over the net, there are a bunch of nuts claiming the Newtown school was a fake that didn't happen but was an act put on by Obama so he could bring up gun control.
    people are crazy and there are a lot of crazy people running around besides the naked man climbing on the bus in Philly.

  25. Frustrated Negro11:08 AM

    "Anyway, we need to come up with some serious answers to these killings taking place in some of these cities across America. "

    Geee... STEPHEN...

    I wonder why the commander in chief REFUSES to address the Drug War which fuels the tremendous profits (Hence The Vior the Private Prison Industry....???

    Maybe hes still afraid of what the scary Republicans might say....

    Maybe he doesnt want to draw the Ire from Wall St.... as much of their profits are tied up in illegal global money laundering....

    Either way....
    This SERIOUS conversation about the REAL reasons for this violence in inner cities can NEVER be discussed by a weak straddle the fence type of President....

  26. Watch this and tell me how black people's problems are Republican's fault:


    Honestly, it makes we want to cry for those poor children.

    Anyone living on government assistance should be on mandated birth control.


  27. How can you stand to read these hateful, ignorant bastards that post reich-wing Talking Points with only a reich-wing link to them??

    There is way too much hate & ugly in the world to put up with their arrogance & ignorance.

    I choose love.
    I love this blog, I often put up your posts on my FB page. But I shall not be reading anymore comments from ignorant, racist, mutha's!

  28. There are cash-strapped governments, and there are broke governments. And then there's Zimbabwe, which, after paying last week's government salaries, has just $217 in the bank. No, we didn't forget any zeroes to the end of that figure. Zimbabwe, the country that's home to some of the world's largest plutonium and diamond reserves, is literally as rich as a 14-year-old girl after a really good birthday party.


    Formerly known as the "Breadbasket of Africa" (when it was Rhodesia), Zimbabwe today is just a scaled up Detroit.

    Freedom has failed.

  29. Anonymous12:45 PM

    True, President Obama needs to go to Chicago and listen to the families who have lost loved ones. But he isn't. And the bigger question is "Why havent WE gone to Washington to demand that he do something about Chicago?" Why? Because we are too busy praying that this mess will stop. Asking God to bless these families. Telling each other to keep our faith. First they used it to enslave us, then they used it to steal our land. Christianity and our love of money and status has us on our knees. Shhhhh. Al? NAACP? Black Panthers? Mr Rich - T Jakes? Maya? Wives of Atla? Spike Lee? Sisterhood? LeBron? All the folks who wore "Hoodies" for Travon? All the Brothers and Sisters who were paid big money to perform at the white house recently? Why didn't they slip Obama a note? Just like all our music that calls women bitches and hoes, they arent talking about me - so why should I care? I don't live in Chicago. They aren't shooting at me - so why should I do anything about it? Besides, I make any waves and I might lose my job. How can I pay for my pagan Indian hair weave if I lose my job? Pay for those Jordens? My Preacher told me I can be as abundant as he is. Once we were Kings and Queens. We BUILT this country. And we don't have anything to say about an amendment (the 2nd one) to the constitution that insured white citizens had guns so they could put down Slave rebellions. There isn't a mason in Atla that is worth more than our world history.

  30. Anonymous12:52 PM

    HA! PC refused to get involved defending his folks. Now I see why he married White. He's a two-timing Negro. But I can't blame him. Who in their right mind would defend a Negro with a name like PilotX, who can barely fly a plane and lives on the Southside of Chicago?

    Let me stop. I'm sorry PilotX. I know you got a lot of shit to worry about without me slapping your weak ass around. PS. I know a good brother who does therapy on the Southside cheaply "if" you should ever "need" one. Correction: If you should ever humble yourself to go see one. Because everybody knows you need one.

  31. Damn Cow I only get protection til 2am? Guess I better break out the Troll Repellant TM.

  32. Well maybe instead of bragging about an "AA" salary I should sit in my trailer, drink shine and collect welfare like Inbreedio.

  33. BTW I'm not a white male so I didn't get to benefit from AA.

  34. Mary. B. Whinin1:23 PM

    I am an east coast Liberal Democrat who, sadly moved to TN under false pretenses. Now I am stuck here, having lost my job, am disabled and have no money to leave this God forsaken place. I would like to connect to people who are like minded as I am stuck in my home without a car or money. I figure the Internet is the best way.

    I don't like to read things that don't conform to my rigid worldview. I can't conceive of why that might be. Hell, I can't even spell "politics".

    I should probably just die.

  35. PilotX said...
    Well maybe instead of bragging about an "AA" salary I should sit in my trailer, drink shine and collect welfare like Inbreedio.

    You'd be better suited for it. At least you couldn't crash the trailer on take off.

    Come on over, I got a jelly jar full of hootch with your name on it. It's almost time for Judge Judy.

    1. Nah man, if the hootch is good enough we can find a way to crash that trailer on take off.

    2. Oh yeah, for the record the pilots that ran the 737 off the runway on takeoff in Denver were white boys. Shocking huh?

  36. It really sucks how comments are only updated twice a day. There is no give and take anymore. The banter could be quite amusing at times. Are you really having to censor that many comments?

  37. Triple Dip Barry4:48 PM

    Now that Obama has been safely re-elected, the economic bad news can be released again:

    A stunner out of the BEA which just reported a Q4 GDP of -0.1% that was leaps and bounds below the 1.1% estimate, and a plunge from Q3's 3.1%. The factors: Private Inventories, Exports and Government Expenditures all of which contracted, by -1.27%, -0.81%, and -1.33%. The silver lining was in Personal Consumption Expenditures which added 1.52% to the negative print, most of it however driven by a surge in spending ahead of the fiscal cliff. Ironically, this was the biggest government-driven detraction from growth since Q1 2011, when GDP led to a -1.49% cut in the GDP, same in Q4 when government spending on defense fell the most since 1972. The solution is simple: print moar drones. Enter Mali. And since everything is now AMZN-ing, we can't wait for the spin that the GDP's margins were actually better than expected, leading to a 200 point surge in the DJIA.

  38. uptownsteve5:15 PM

    Bold move by Governor Deval Patrick. Today he appointed his former Chief of Staff, William "Mo" Cowan, to be the interim US Senator from Massachussetts.

    Guess what goobers. Cowan is BLACK.

    There are now 2 blacks in the US Senate for the first time in history.

  39. "Now that Obama has been safely re-elected, the economic bad news can be released again:"

    Relax wingnut, the DOW is almost at 14,000.00 and restaurants are still packed. You Mericans won't be eating your kids for awhile.

  40. Goober5:39 PM

    uptownstephen said...
    Guess what goobers. Cowan is BLACK.

    There are now 2 blacks in the US Senate for the first time in history.

    I couldn't be happier for the people of Massachusetts.

    BTW, the fact America is run by blacks doesn't change the fact that you are still a loser.

  41. Leonardo DeNegrio5:41 PM

    field negro said...
    "Now that Obama has been safely re-elected, the economic bad news can be released again:"

    Relax wingnut, the DOW is almost at 14,000.00 and restaurants are still packed. You Mericans won't be eating your kids for awhile.

    You sound like the Captain on the Titanic.

    I think I'll start edging over towards the lifeboats.

  42. Anonymous7:50 PM

    Field, "I saw that clip of Powell on with the racist Irishman. Now I really do think wingnuts are insane.How could they think that OLiely got the better of Powell in that interview? It's his show and Powell still made him look like the petty, ill-informed, megalomaniac that he is."

    6:10 AM
    You have got to be kidding. It is clear to anybody, Black or White that O'Reilly handed Powell his ass. Even your regular FN fans with ID's remain quiet about the interview because they know the truth.

    Mr Field, you are an extremist when it comes to race. Hence, your judgment is quite warped. Regardless, the fact is O'Reilly romped over Powell, which, I am sure, made you cringe inside.

  43. 2 brothas in the senate and we're running things? No wonder they tried to hold us down for so long, imagine if there were three blah people there.

  44. "Mr Field, you are an extremist when it comes to race. Hence, your judgment is quite warped. Regardless, the fact is O'Reilly romped over Powell, which, I am sure, made you cringe inside."

    The only thing that made me "cringe" was having to look at O'Reilly's mug during that clip.

  45. PilotX said...
    Oh yeah, for the record the pilots that ran the 737 off the runway on takeoff in Denver were white boys. Shocking huh?

    Not at all, as 100% of pilots that they actually let fly airplanes are white.

  46. cc the hundreds of black children killed in chiraq who have been brutally ignored by that racist bankster hobama!



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