Monday, January 28, 2013

Swiss Tina, tower of hate, and a new delicacy in North Korea.

Before I start this post let me just say rest in peace Leroy "Sugarfoot" Bonner. "Skin Tight"! Whaaat? Some of you Negroes don't know nothing about that.

The funk will never be the same. 

So anyway, speaking of funk, it looks like Tina Turner has renounced her American citizenship and is now a citizen of Switzerland.

"Turner has been living in the Zurich suburb of Kuesnacht since 1995, after moving to the country with her longtime manager, German record executive Erwin Bach. "I'm very happy in Switzerland and I feel at home here," Turner told the German newspaper, Blick. "I cannot imagine a better place to live." A representative for Turner told Switzerland's Zuerichsee-"

Oh lawd Tina, what will the good folks of Tennessee think?

Still, I can't really say that I blame her now that we know what lies in the hearts of our fellow  Americans. Take for instance this latest story out of New York.

"Welcome to the 1,776-foot tower of hate.

Shocking Daily News photos show bathrooms throughout 1 World Trade Center rife with repugnant graffiti — appalling scrawls that range from the N-word to sexist slurs and ethnic insults.

“Whites only,” reads a Jim Crow-era taunt over the urinals in one bathroom of the 104-story building.

Other anonymous offenders target President Obama — who visited the construction site just last June: “Where’s Obama’s birth certificate!!!!”

The soaring symbol of American resilience now bears the markings of lowlifes.
“It’s filthy, it’s shocking,” said Marie-Anne Sanchez, 37, who was visiting from Paris with her fiancé. “This is a holy place. People died here. I don’t like this. It makes me sad.”

A worker at the site told The News it’s difficult to walk into 1 WTC, commonly known by its previous name, Freedom Tower.

“We’re all supposed to be there as one, the whole 9/11 thing,” the worker said. “When you walk through the gate, you get a strong sense of pride.

And then this is what you see. It’s so negative. It shouldn’t be on these walls.”
The plywood men’s rooms, spaced every five floors in the $3.8 billion building, bring racism and sexism to new heights — and lows.

Edgar Aguilar’s jaw literally dropped when a News reporter showed him photos of the filthy language.

The most vile comments are near the top of the gleaming structure that will have 15,000 window panels when it opens in 2014. There, the breathtaking view is tempered by the vile commentary, the insider told The News.

“Most of it’s racial,” said the insider. “Most of it — I mean, there’s a lot of stuff with the N-word. But pretty much every race is covered: Spanish people, Irish people, Jewish people, women.”
The N-word, he added, “is written all over the place, to be honest with you. That’s a big deal. It’s there.” [Story & Pictures]

The animals who attacked us that day are laughing from hell.

Oh well, as bad as some of our neighbors are here in America let's all be thankful that we don't live in North Korea.

"News out of North Korean in notorious unreliable, but food shortages in the country have gotten so bad and people so desperate that there are now reports of men murdering their own children for food. These startling reports were compiled by independent reporters commissioned by Asia Press, a independent press agency focusing on Asia, and were published by the Sunday Times. And here's one of the most disturbing thing you'll read this morning:
The source said: "While his wife was away on business he killed his eldest daughter and, because his son saw what he had done, he killed his son as well. When the wife came home, he offered her food, saying: 'We have meat.'
"But his wife, suspicious, notified the Ministry of Public Security, which led to the discovery of part of their children's bodies under the eaves."
And another from Gu Gwang-ho, one of the Asia Press's citizen journalists said:
"There was an incident when a man was arrested for digging up the grave of his grandchild and eating the remains."
The big question here is whether this is all true or new urban legends. Considering this is North Korea and taking into account the country's propensity to keep secrets and publish propaganda pieces—we'll likely never get real confirmation from their end. But Asia Press has worked with citizen reporters in the famine-struck regions of North and South Hwanghae for the past year, and The Independent considers their reports credible.
RELATED: North Korea Has Found a Secret Unicorn Lair, Apparently

Sadly, this isn't the first time we've heard reports of cannibalism from North Korea. Back in 2003, during another food shortage there were refugee accounts that people in the country began killing and eating their children and then selling their children's corpses. The Telegraph's Mark Nicol reported at the time:
Aid agencies are alarmed by refugees' reports that children have been killed and corpses cut up by people desperate for food. Requests by the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP) to be allowed access to "farmers' markets", where human meat is said to be traded, have been turned down by Pyongyang, citing "security reasons".
And then there's the fact that we know North Korea was devastated by storms and flooding in the summer of 2012. You can't hide a tropical cyclone. Thing have grown so desperate, that they almost took South Korean aid this September, which is a big deal considering the rocky relationship between the two countries and the North's fierce pride of independence. Reports of previous famines have been well documented and Asia Press claims that as many as 10,000 people may have died because of the "Hidden Famine" this year." [Source]

For once I am speechless.







  1. Well, the right wants to go to war with NK and we do have a good propaganda machine here.
    On another note NYC unions are 90+ percent white so that is no shock.
    Lastly the father in law lived next door to the Ohio Players back in the day and used to tell them to keep it down all the time. RIP

  2. too, Field.

  3. SpartacusLaw7:32 PM

    Dang. Sad to hear about Sugarfoot. REAL music!

  4. RIP Sugarfoot. A true original and innovator. How many soul singers copied his signature growl? Lionel Richie, Larry Blackmon, Maurice White, Sugar Bear from EU, and a whole lot more.

  5. North Korea practices the kind of collectivism Obama wants to bring here. They even have there own Dear Leader who can do no wrong, just like us.

    Take a look at the difference between communism and capitalism on the Korean peninsula:

    If our Dear Leader gets his way and bankrupts all the coal plants, things will get a lot more like North Korea.

  6. Oh Lawdy! Someone done wrote them some nasty bathroom graffitti! I'm gettin' the vapors! Oh, Glory Hallejuah!!!:

  7. RIP Sugarfoot. A true original and innovator. How many soul singers copied his signature growl? Lionel Richie, Larry Blackmon, Maurice White, Sugar Bear from EU, and a whole lot more.


    Ditto! I think I need to update my 70's playlist!

  8. Anonymous10:08 PM

    PilotX said...

    Well, the right wants to go to war with NK and we do have a good propaganda machine here.

    Better yet we could just ship you and other Obamabots over and kill two birds with one stone; you get the socialist society you want and they get a potential food supply .

    Socialism is great aint it?

  9. Wesley R10:14 PM


    Go on Youtube. Find the song 'Heaven Must Be Like This' by The Ohio Players. If you start listening to music like this maybe America won't be a Majority - Minority country in a few years. And you guys will learn why Black and Brown folks have been reproducing faster than you. Our music is better.

    Ohio Players are legends in the funk game. Much respect and RIP Brother, job well done. You touch millions of us Funkateers.

  10. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Anonymous Aunt Esther said...

    Oh Lawdy! Someone done wrote them some nasty bathroom graffitti! I'm gettin' the vapors! Oh, Glory Hallejuah!!!:

    Halp me Gee-Zus - halp me they said the N word on a plywood wall in a cun-struk-shun site.....lawdy...lawdy and its just like Jim Crow even though they talk about Romney and Jews and Irish.....;.wuz the jews friends of Jim Crow?

    I bet you they said fuck more than once too those bad bad men!!!!!!

    “It’s filthy, it’s shocking,” said Marie-Anne Sanchez, 37, who was visiting from Paris with her fiance - But Marie-Anne would not share with us why she was in the male construction workers bathroom and where her Fiance was at the time.

  11. Anonymous10:44 PM

    Tina can live wherever she wants but why renounce American citizenship?

    OMG they're building another financial tower at the site? I guess money talks and the memorial walks!

    I would be wary of anything written about North Korea ;) but, as Kahlil Gibran wrote " a thirsty man drinks even of dead waters"

    Also there's always the crazies in every society.

  12. Anonymous10:46 PM

    ghost town

  13. North Korea's dictators have made it impossible for people living there to thrive. This isn't the first time famine has killed many thousands. South Korea needs to do more to help its brothers, and the West has to help S. Korea.

  14. Anonymous10:54 PM

    Brother Field, I am from Tennessee and I can tell you I am not happy about Tina becoming a citizen of Switzerland. I mean, America has done a lot for Tina-even made her rich.

    Tina hated being Black in America, which a lot of our peeps hate to be also. However, that is NO REASON to abandon your peeps here in America suffering immensely under Obama. It just isn't right. But as an AA from Tennessee, many of us would like to live abroad, esp in Switzerland or Sweden.

  15. In Chinese famine lore going cannibal is known as eating "long pork"

  16. Anonymous10:58 PM

    Graffiti on the walls of sacred ground in America is symbolic of a how low and demonic we have become--and some of us don't even know it, and others don't care.

    What have we become, Lucifer's disciples? It sure looks like it. Even on FN, Field looks down a religion that aspires to be with God. How ungodly!

  17. Coal? What will we ever power or ships and trains with if there's no coal?

    1. Anonymous12:54 PM

      PilotX coal burning power plants generate 57 percent of all electricity produced in America . Other sources are natural gas and nuclear powered electric plants. Coal is dirty, natural gas is cleaner but involves hydraulic fracturing in its production . Atomic energy scares me is rather take my chances with climate change. Also coal hasn't been used as a power source for ships or trains for quite some time.

  18. Anonymous6:01 AM

    R.I.P. Sugarfoot. There might (*might*) have been a band that could get next to the Ohio Players, but there was not one that could get ahead of them. E Pluribus Fopp.

    (Wrinkly Old Redneck Man)

  19. Lt. Commander Johnson9:57 AM

    LOL It's funny when you Negroes RIP a dead Negro, but when white folks die, you're just glad they're dead.

    1. Why is that funny? We actually like each other and don't need permission to show respect among ourselves. Thanks for noticing.

  20. Fake Pilot Wrecks11:06 AM

    PilotX said...
    Coal? What will we ever power or ships and trains with if there's no coal?

    Try turning the lights on, dumbass.

    Most electricity in America is produced by burning coal.

  21. Anonymous11:12 AM

    (Wrinkly Old Redneck Man)

    6:01 AM
    I knew it! ;)

  22. PilotX said...
    "Coal? What will we ever power or ships and trains with if there's no coal?"

    Obama's policies having the desired effect:

    The only thing I've said with respect to coal, I haven't been some coal booster. What I have said is that for us to take coal off the table as a (sic) ideological matter as opposed to saying if technology allows us to use coal in a clean way, we should pursue it.

    So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can.

    It's just that it will bankrupt them.

    - Barack Obama

  23. The Players' finest hour...

    ...featuring Walt 'Junie' Morrison on lead vocals, who went on to be one of George Clinton's Funkadelic sidekicks. Which is a shame cuz Junie was at least as brilliant as Clinton, arguably more so

    Bonner played lead on this track.

  24. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Dear Desertflower, re:Home Depot and other "American Companies" this article is for you. Note that in America no one wants to admit the truth about our capitalistic system as 'implied' in this article--which has been a "consistent" story since America's birth:

  25. Anonymous12:32 PM

    "I'm very happy in Switzerland and I feel at home here," Turner told the German newspaper, Blick. "I cannot imagine a better place to live." A representative for Turner told Switzerland's Zuerichsee-"

    If you have ever spent time in Switzerland, then you know it is one of the best places to live, esp if you are Black and can afford it.

    Good for Tina Turner! She is smart not to come back to this deteriorating doomed mess in America. It's better to watch it go under from a neutral country with good people than to be in the mist of mean-spirited-sick- angry-gun-toting people.

  26. I see the genius trolls still don't know the difference between socialism and communism. And this is supposed to be the master race? Ha! I love ignorant trailer park type, they prove white supremacy is a myth.

  27. BTW, why would I leave the US? There is a generous dose of socialism right here. Depending on how the mix is calculated the amount of socialism is somewhere between 30-40 percent. Sorry fools but socialism is already here and it has been here for a while. It didn't start in January 2009.

  28. Peter Swallows2:34 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    In Chinese famine lore going cannibal is known as eating "long pork"

    We all know what eating "long pork" means to you.

  29. At least your trolls are smart enough to figure out ships and trains don't use coal anymore. Then again they aren't smart enough to figure out some of us have solar panels to turn on our lights and they don't know which state uses the most nuclear energy. Oh well, I didn't expect the trailer park crowd to be too smart.

  30. Trailer Park Test Pilot4:04 PM

    PilotX said...
    I see the genius trolls still don't know the difference between socialism and communism. And this is supposed to be the master race? Ha! I love ignorant trailer park type, they prove white supremacy is a myth.

    How typical of Obamerica: PilotX self-righteously spouting racist ignorance while calling others ignorant racists.

    The goal of socialism is communism.
    Vladimir Lenin

    "We must hate," said Lenin. "Hatred is the basis of Communism."

    Look at America today. Isn't it obvious that hatred is the basis of socialism?

  31. So sorry to hear about "Sugarfoot" I grew up with his music-played decades later because the rich base and stellar vocals cannot be matched today! Rip Mr. Leroy Bonner, Love and prayers to your family. (I still stop everything when FIRE comes on)

  32. Over the weekend, in an attempt to appear like a regular guy, Barack Obama said he "shot skeet all the time". However, when asked for a picture of the President shooting skeet like he often does, the White House couldn't come up with one.

    Well, for all those who thought Obama might have been lying, a picture has been produced:

    Take that doubters!

  33. Trailer park...I think the hatred is coming from the angry white men such as you.

  34. Sooper Genie-us PilotX said...
    "At least your trolls are smart enough to figure out ships and trains don't use coal anymore. Then again they aren't smart enough to figure out some of us have solar panels to turn on our lights and they don't know which state uses the most nuclear energy. Oh well, I didn't expect the trailer park crowd to be too smart."

    PilotX thinks his solar panels provide all of the electricity he uses everyday! How precious!

  35. Anonymous6:20 PM

    PilotX said...

    I see the genius trolls still don't know the difference between socialism and communism. And this is supposed to be the master race? Ha! I love ignorant trailer park type, they prove white supremacy is a myth.

    Somebody help this man stop proving that there is an education gap and it has nothing to do with the education system.

    Also you have got to be getting really embarrassed repeating the same line over and over.We know whites in trailer parks are less than others. Why do you think they live near you? :)

    "North Korea, dominated by the Communists in China and the old Soviet Union, adopted a Stalinist, totalitarian Socialist model. "

    Stalin was a socialist, Lenin was a communist -
    While over in American leftists have merged them all into the Democratic liberal progressive, communist, Marxist party.

  36. I spent five days in Switzerland visiting a friend. Longest five days of my life.

    If you want to organise a house party with more than four guests in your own home you have to get a license from the police.

  37. Anonymous6:34 PM

    PilotX said...

    At least your trolls are smart enough to figure out ships and trains don't use coal anymore. Then again they aren't smart enough to figure out some of us have solar panels to turn on our lights and they don't know which state uses the most nuclear energy. Oh well, I didn't expect the trailer park crowd to be too smart.

    Why do you keep talking about intelligence as is if you actually have some. The trailer park crowd you got to know, lives by you. Funny you know so much about them isn't it?

    Are you smart enough to figure out that ships/trains switched over to oil products or electricity created by coal because the energy ratio was so much more efficient and economical?

    Are you smart enough to figure out that your solar panel pipedream has never materialized, surely you aren't thinking you can run freight trains and ships on solar panels.

    Are you smart enough to figure out that there is no alternative energy as efficient as oil products that drove the change from coal that will now drive us from oil?

    I didn't think so.

    Algae farming, Solar and Wind just won't cut it now will they.

  38. Um no Trailer Park, I think there has always been hatred in 'merica. Genocide against its indigenous peoples, slavery, segregation in the constitution itself, James Crow, ect... I don't think there is any more hatred today than at any other time. And once again you ignorantly mistake communism for socialism. Man you rednecks are dumb.

  39. Irony is lost on conservatives, Fox had Dick Cheney on talking about gun safety. Ha! You can't make this shit up.

    Also gotta love the pro-gun nuts who heckled the father who lost a 6 year old at Sandy Hook. Such grace.

  40. Trailer Park Test Pilot7:42 PM

    field negro said...
    Trailer park...I think the hatred is coming from the angry white men such as you.

    Right. Me and all the other objects of socialist hatred, "the 1%", "Teabaggers", "rednecks", "wingnuts" "trailer trash", "gun nuts", and "republiklans" whose sin is we don't want to live in a collectivist hell hole.

    But you are entitled to hate because you are a liberal. Liberalism is a form of antinomianism. If you believe certain things, that makes you a good person. If you are a good person, whatever you do is good, even in your hate.

  41. PilotX said...
    Also gotta love the pro-gun nuts who heckled the father who lost a 6 year old at Sandy Hook. Such grace.
    Another leftist media hoax: Guy Who Demands an Answer and, After Waiting for an Answer for Five Seconds, Receives an Answer, was Monstrously "Heckled" by Cruel Right-Wingers.

    Instead of counting on MSNBC, which blatantly edited the video, watch the undedited version:

    The money shot of the video is at 15:20, when the guy -- a grieving parent of a son murdered at Newtown -- demands to know what possible reason anyone could offer that AR-15s should be legal.

    At first you might think this is a rhetorical question; the audience in fact takes it as rhetorical, and doesn't answer. Then he scans around the room, looking for someone to answer, and, as everyone's silent, concludes, as he'd intended, that no one has a good answer.

    At that point, people realize that their respectful silence is being taken for assent, and they begin chiming in "The second amendment."

    What is completely clear when watching the whole video, Heslin was not heckled. Gun rights advocates in the audience indeed voiced their support for the Second Amendment — after he asked why anyone would need “assault-style weapons or high-capacity clips.” You’d never know based on the MSNBC version, which completely cut out the footage of Heslin’s question.

    Talk about "dumb", you fell for yet another leftist media hoax.

    What a leftist stooge you are. You'll parrot anything they tell you.

  42. Anonymous8:17 PM

    PilotX said...

    Irony is lost on conservatives, Fox had Dick Cheney on talking about gun safety. Ha! You can't make this shit up.

    Also gotta love the pro-gun nuts who heckled the father who lost a 6 year old at Sandy Hook. Such grace.

    Hey there you lip flappy Ghetto thug - The irony is you are so stupid you believe every tape MSNBC edits, no matter how many times they do it. You like being made a fool out of, if they don't tell you what to think, you just don't.

    " And once again you ignorantly mistake communism for socialism."

    Could you learn us po i'gnant folks sum den?

    Why do you think North Korea is communist even though they say they are socialist modeled after Stalin? Why do you think Stalin is communist if he said and analysis of history notes that he implemented socialism?

    What do YOU think. Don't just negate; back up your claims.

    Note they both suck anyway and have failed each and every time they were tried with the limited forays of socialism completely tanked in EU now that they have run out of other peoples money and the U.S is right behind with it's limited experiments.

    So tell us jean-yus. Why do you know better than N.Korea and the world? Mr lives next door to trailer parks.

  43. Trailer park educated trolls aren't smart enough to understand sarcasm and missed the question I asked. What state has the most nuclear power plants? If they can somehow find the answer they can figure out why the question is relevant and their dumb assed "attacks" will be shown to be moot. And these fools are supposed to be the master race?

  44. Oh and BTW dummy(s), socialism is already here in 'merica. Been here for decades.

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