Saturday, January 05, 2013

Et tu, Google?

Another day in America, another mass shooting. This one was in a place that experienced a mass killing in what was supposed to be a safe place: the movie theater. Folks, please remind me to stay away from Aurora, Colorado.

So anyway, most of you know that I actually use a Google platform for my blog. I have been with Google for seven years, and I have visited their offices in D.C. and even met with some players for the company. Having said that, I got some disturbing news about Google recently and, as a result, I have to put them on blast.

"More than 7,700 people have slammed Google for hosting in its Google Play store the “Make me Asian” and “Make me Indian” apps. Asian-American groups and online users are urging Google to remove the racist apps from Google Play and stay true to its “Don’t be evil” motto.
Click here to view the petition.

Although Google has a Diversity@Google section on its website and a Diversity and Inclusion Annual Report including lots of “Googley” images and anecdotes about scholarships and internships and community philanthropy, we can’t assess its commitment to diversity and inclusion. Despite annual invitations, Google has never participated in The DiversityInc Top 50 Companies for Diversity in the 13 years the survey has been in existence.

The free apps allow Android smartphone users to edit photos by adding “humorous” stereotypes that vary by app: They can darken skin color, change eye shape to an “Asian” slant or add ethnic accessories like an American Indian headdress. “Compare the results with your friends and laugh heartily!” writes app developer KimberyDeiss. “In few taps you can transform yourself and your friends in the real Indians, using different effects and settings.”
Both apps have been downloaded between 50,000 and 100,000 times.

Despite the “Make me Asian” and “Make me Indian” apps’ blatant use of offensive stereotypes, Google has refused to remove them from its Google Play store. The apps do not violate the company’s policies, Google told CNN.
Google’s hate-speech policy for developers states that it does not “allow the promotion of hatred toward groups of people based on their race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, or sexual orientation/gender identity.” Because the apps are not “deliberately” offensive, they do not constitute a violation.

Washington, D.C.–based pastor Peter Chin, an Asian who was offended when he downloaded the app, launched the full-scale petition in reaction to Google’s inaction.......Chin says that “by choosing to allow these apps to proliferate on their branded Google Play store, they are implicitly normalizing these characterizations.”

Now he’s urging others to flag both apps as inappropriate and to tweet the following to Google Executive Chairman Eric Schmidt: @ericschmidt Take the racist Make Me Asian and Make Me Indian apps off @googleplay NOW! #makemeasian

Additionally, users are voicing their outrage on the apps’ User Review pages: “What’s is fun for this app? I do not understand… It’s fun for white?” writes Hiro Tsukihiji. “Extremely racist app. I’m sure hipsters love this thing. I for one feel it’s racist. What will they come out with next a black face app?” writes Aaron Bollingmo." [Source]

Yes, Google might have some issues. A very well respected advocate for minority media  participation recently let it be known that Google has "many issues with minorities". As of last year they had zero minority editors.

Also, "equal employment opportunity was listed in their internal policies guidebook as one of six minor items, another of which is that it is a dog company not a cat company. And it was just a sentence or two.

And the big one: redlining in the provision of high speed broadband in Kansas City. The excluded neighborhoods were low and middle income minority neighborhoods ... This after getting large subsidies from KC MO and KC KS. They don’t even provide service to schools in those neighborhoods, putting the school boards at risk for violating the equal facilities mandate in Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act if they take the service that’s limited to schools in non-minority areas."

Google is a huge company, and the perception is that they are progressive when it comes to social issues. Personally, I am starting to have second thoughts.

Please send your suggestions about a good blogging platform to 



  1. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Field, do YOU know of a Corporation in America that is not racist? My entire career was spent in corporate America and I can honestly say there is no such corporation that is not racist or at the very least, insensitive to POC.

    Let us ALWAYS keep in mind that we live in America. There is not ONE American who has not been impacted by racism. It is a disease that cannot be cured, only treated. Google is no different, maybe worse.

    But is Apple very similar? I have been in a number of Apple stores and still have yet to see a black employee. Maybe as a race we are just lagging behind in knowledge, education and are not qualified?

  2. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I am a lawyer and I want to offer a joke that gives good reason why lawyers live the good life:

    "A doctor, an architect, and an attorney were dining at the country club one day, and the conversation turned to the subject of their respective dogs, which were apparently quite extraordinary. A wager was placed on who had the most intelligent dog.

    The physician offered to show his dog first, and called to the parking lot, "Hippocrates, come!" Hippocrates ran in, and was told by the doctor to do his stuff. Hippocrates ran to the golf course and dug for a while, producing a number of bones. He dragged the bones into the country club, and assembled them into a complete, fully articulated human skeleton. The physician patted Hippocrates on the head, and gave him a cookie for his efforts.

    The architect was only marginally impressed, and called for his dog, "Sliderule, come!" Sliderule ran in, and was told to do his stuff. The dog immediately chewed the skeleton to rubble, but reassembled the fragments into a scale model of the Taj Mahal. The architect patted his dog and gave him a cookie.

    The attorney watched the other two dogs, and called "Bullshit, come!" Bullshit entered and was told to do his stuff. Bullshit immediately sodomized the other two dogs, stole their cookies, auctioned the Taj Mahal replica to the other club members for his fee, and went outside to play golf."

    Attorney Field, would you like to own a dog like that? You can buy from "Dogs for Lawyers" online @ Anon Inc provided you know the password to enter the site.

  3. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Does Obama know you are hatin On Google? They gave him a fortune and made sure to arrange search algorithms to protect him from all the scandals, in turn for some serious tax breaks and corporate welfare and to avoid being forced to hire some doorstops, because of their skin color and affirmative action quotas.

    "Months of review show internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo were paid millions of taxpayer dollars to secretly direct web-based inquiries about health care to a Regime friendly site designed to sell the American public on the benefits of Obama’s unconstitutional takeover of the health care system."

    Google needs the most qualified, intelligent, creative and developed. Those talented possessing analytical skills. Not the "it's always someone else's fault" entitled.

    Or do you think they picked people with lower skills because of skin color?

    The entire tech industry has very little Black presence, mainly because of intelligence requirements/critical thinking skills that haven't been overcome with Affirmative action quotas.

  4. Anonymous10:29 PM

    "Another day in America, another mass shooting."

    There were only four killed this time. I don't think the killing of "four" constitutes a mass shooting. It seems to me that it takes a killing of a lot more than 10 people to be considered a mass killing in America these days.

    So please, let's not make this more than what it is. It's bad enough...BTW, no other media outlet has used the word mass killings other than FN.

  5. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Field, why aren't you posting comments tonight? It's Saturday night! I count on FN to keep my sanity and you are ignoring what's important about your blog. This shit has to stop. I have a lot of emotional investment in FN. I remember the days you would be at the computer on Sat. Night with the boys and now you just disappear at night. What the hell is going on?

  6. There were only four killed this time. I don't think the killing of "four" constitutes a mass shooting. It seems to me that it takes a killing of a lot more than 10 people to be considered a mass killing in America these days."

    The new normal. *Shaking head*

    "Does Obama know you are hatin On Google? They gave him a fortune and made sure to arrange search algorithms to protect him from all the scandals.."

    Where do you people come up with these theories?

    "Let us ALWAYS keep in mind that we live in America. There is not ONE American who has not been impacted by racism. It is a disease that cannot be cured, only treated. Google is no different, maybe worse."

    I need to pay them another visit.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Lt. Commander Johnson10:55 PM

    Hey. If Negroes could shoot more accurately, they would hit their targets, in stead of the "innocents".

    With all the military trainend blacks coming back from these wars, I hope so.

  9. Anonymous11:17 PM

    Anonymous GrannyStandingforTruth said...

    Django was a black hero too. He had the courage to stand up for his woman against his enemy and risked his life to save her.

    Five minutes into the movie I started laughing at how dumb Tarantino's audience is expected to be. "Aint never seen a nigger on a horse" .

    I guess no one ever thought quickly that Blacks never domesticated animals to this day and rode none, let alone domesticated, learned how to obtain, train, break horses add to that a slave being able to hop on a horse and ride with ease. Nonsense he would have been jostling around like a old lady trying to squat on a hedghog and doing nothing but crying about his chafed thighs and bruised testicles.

    No way no townspeople would have not said a word or just watched as a Black man rode by on a horse, not in those days, they would have pulled him off, no blacks owned or had horses. The first time he killed a few whites they would have hunted him down and killed a couple hundred slaves to boot to make sure the message was sent.

    Anyway, it is a fantasy and entertainment. Love the way flesh explodes like a bomb hit it when they shoot somebody, cool effects. Let's see how funny the rest is compared to the first few minutes.

  10. Ram Amandeep11:29 PM

    field negro said...
    There were only four killed this time. I don't think the killing of "four" constitutes a mass shooting. It seems to me that it takes a killing of a lot more than 10 people to be considered a mass killing in America these days."

    The new normal.

    There were more people shot to death in Chicago this year than in all the mass shooting in America over the past 50 years.

    The new negro normal. *Shaking head*

  11. Jeffrey Solindra11:35 PM

    "Google is a huge company, and the perception is that they are progressive when it comes to social issues. Personally, I am starting to have second thoughts."

    Grow up, you big baby.

    You pout about a harmless app, but ignore the fact Google avoids paying taxes on 10 billion in profits by moving them offshore.

    But that's your gig right? Protecting the Obama-supporting Google by distracting attention away from its criminal tax avoidance by making a big deal over nothing.

    You are nothing but a democrat whore, you slavecatcher you.

  12. Anonymous11:36 PM

    Field, You had better be careful during the year 2013. The number "13" has unlucky significance for Blacks. Not that the other numbers don't also.

    However, it seems that whomever we vote for in overwhelming numbers they turn out to be bad for us, very bad for us. It happened in 2009, but obviously we didn't get enough. We WILL this time, for sure.

  13. Anonymous11:38 PM

    Question: Why does California have the most lawyers, and New Jersey the most toxic waste dumps?

    Answer: New Jersey got first pick.

  14. Anonymous11:49 PM

    Dear Mr Field, "It was so cold last week that I saw several attorneys with their hands in their own pockets." LOL

    Dear Mr Field, "When a person assists a criminal in breaking the law before the criminal gets arrested, we call him an accomplice. When a person assists a criminal in breaking the law after the criminal gets arrested, we call him a defense lawyer." LOL

    Dear Field, "A man went into the Chamber of Commerce of a small town, obviously desperate. He asked the man at the counter, "Is there a criminal attorney in town?" The man replied, "Yes, but we can't prove it yet." ROFL

    Come on, Field. You know those jokes are funny.

  15. Anonymous12:20 AM

    " Maybe as a race we are just lagging behind in knowledge, education and are not qualified?"

    " The excluded neighborhoods were low and middle income minority neighborhoods ... "

    This might explain why some are "lagging" behind.

  16. Anonymous12:48 AM

    Field u let the trolls take over your blog and run good people away.,,,it sucks now and I blame u for letting it happen,, u should just shut it down because its on life support

  17. Anonymous6:30 AM

    Compared to others this blog sleeps too much. It functions an hour or so in the AM and PM. That's a shame. It could be much more dynamic with a little more effort.

  18. Anonymous6:36 AM

    A man walked into a curio shop and began to browse. He was attracted to a brass rat on a shelf behind the counter. He asked the shopkeeper for a price, and was told to make an offer. Presently they agreed on a price, and the brass rat changed hands. The shopkeeper warned the customer as he took the money, "This sale is final. If you leave the shop with the brass rat, I won't take it back under any circumstances." The customer agreed and left with the rat. As he walked home, he noticed that a live rat came scurrying out of an alley and began to follow him. Soon there were more, all following him and milling about his feet. The man began to run, but the rats kept up, and more joined the procession. After a few minutes, thousands of rats were chasing after the man. The man ran frantically for the river, and threw the brass rat into the water. The live rats followed the brass rat, and soon all had drowned. The man returned to the curio shop, and on seeing him enter, the shopkeeper shouted, "I told you, the sale was final! You cannot return the brass rat!" The customer replied, "That's no problem. I just wondered if you had a brass lawyer in stock."

  19. Anonymous7:53 AM

    "Does Obama know you are hatin On Google? They gave him a fortune and made sure to arrange search algorithms to protect him from all the scandals.."

    Where do you people come up with these theories?

    Obama hasn't found away around Freedom of Information act yet, well excluding executive privilege and sealing of all records. So things do get out he doesn't want others to know..for now.

    On March 23rd, Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information lawsuit against the Health and Human Services Department. The more than 2300 pages of documents the public interest organization received include internal HHS correspondence and “…communications with representatives of the Ogilvy Group, the public relations firm hired by the Obama Administration to manage the ObamaCare campaign.”

    Months of review show internet search engines such as Google and Yahoo were paid millions of taxpayer dollars to secretly direct web-based inquiries about health care to a Regime friendly site designed to sell the American public on the benefits of Obama’s unconstitutional takeover of the health care system.

    “Using ‘Pay-per-Click’ advertising tools such as Google Adwords, HHS purposely targeted for influence people searching the term ‘ObamaCare’ …” reveals Judicial Watch.

    According to an Ogilvy budget summary, the Obama Administration paid Google and Yahoo $300,000 per month for advertising campaigns designed to redirect those entering keywords such as “affordable health care”, “health care reform”, “government health insurance” and the like to an Administration approved ObamaCare site.

  20. These lawyer jokes are actually funny. I have heard quite a few of them, but, I must confess, you trolls gave me a couple of new ones. :)

    "Field u let the trolls take over your blog and run good people away.,,,it sucks now and I blame u for letting it happen,, u should just shut it down because its on life support"

    Actually, this blog is getting more hits and is more popular than ever before. Most of those "good people" still read it. They just don't spend time in the comments section with trolls like you. Honestly, I can't say that I blame them. :)

  21. Anonymous10:22 AM

    It must be hard being white. Nobody likes you. You don't even like yourself. You are haunted by your need for love but must never let your guard down fearing that you'll be exposed.
    What a pathetic existence. Like america google finds itself living a lie espousing a byzantine set of racist beliefs and myths in support of your self absorbtion with trying to convince others of your racial and social superiority. I believe you must convince yourself this is true in order to hide just how fragile you are,especially now that your make believe world is crumbling around you. I mean if I set the rules and referee the game how can I lose? How dare you say that's unfair. Google by redlining minority neighborhoods is surely complicit in maintaining some children of color as second class citizens. That is truly american. I feel sorry for those who internalize this conflict...self doubt vs narcicism. No wonder that they are starting to crack under the pressure. There is no place safe in america.
    I believe this app is confirmation that whites are really not happy with who they are. I mean really,fantasing about darkening your skin, changing the shape of your eyes, lip injections and other plastic surgeries...that's some sick stuff.

  22. Ironomous12:18 PM

    "I believe this app is confirmation that whites are really not happy with who they are."

    Now why might that be? Maybe 50 years of cultural attack on "whiteness" makes many whites anxious to disassociate their identitities away from the one group it is politically correct to hate.

    And how is it that the group that supposedly "sets the rules" is the one group the rules allow discrimination against?

  23. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Someone who needs some help and love said...

    "It must be hard being white. Nobody likes you. You don't even like yourself. You are haunted by your need for love but must never let your guard down fearing that you'll be exposed.
    What a pathetic existence. Like america google finds itself living a lie espousing a byzantine set of racist beliefs and myths in support of your self absorbtion with trying to convince others of your racial and social superiority. I believe you must convince yourself this is true in order to hide just how fragile you are,especially now that your make believe world is crumbling around you. I mean if I set the rules and referee the game how can I lose? How dare you say that's unfair. Google by redlining minority neighborhoods is surely complicit in maintaining some children of color as second class citizens. That is truly american. I feel sorry for those who internalize this conflict...self doubt vs narcicism. No wonder that they are starting to crack under the pressure. There is no place safe in america.
    I believe this app is confirmation that whites are really not happy with who they are. I mean really,fantasing about darkening your skin, changing the shape of your eyes, lip injections and other plastic surgeries...that's some sick stuff."

    Psychological projection or projection bias is a psychological defense mechanism where a person subconsciously denies his or her own attributes, thoughts, and emotions, which are then ascribed to the outside world, usually to other people. Thus, projection involves imagining or projecting the belief that others originate those feelings.

    Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them.

  24. Rufis1:28 PM

    A lack of diversity with regard to decision making is the reason these apps were released.

    I seriously doubt that if an Asian or Indian were involved in the decision making, that these apps would have been released.

    These types of insensitive actions occur when there is NO diversity in decision making.

    After the decision is made, they use technicalities such "it doesn't breach company policy" or "we don't condone hate" to defend their decision.

    How about not supporting humiliations?


  25. Anonymous1:31 PM

    So I had a conversation with a fellow attorney today about the movie, Django Unchained. (I still haven't seen it.) She happens to live in a very white area of the burbs and she told me that she took her teenage daughter to see it. The crowd in the movie theater, she said, was almost all white. She then told me that she walked out in the middle of the movie because she just could not take the constant laughter from the crowd every time the "N- word" was used.

    I saw the movie and have to say. It is a literal comic-book revenge fantasy. I found myself laughing at the campiness of it all. Tarantino simply made a Blackpoitation film with intent of appealing to the average teen-like intellect of some of today's modern adults.

    Either he has some excellent advisors or is a genius. He knew a ridiculous movie about a slave with all the talents he gave him running "buckwild" across the west might get the nominal black audience who would buy it on the racial vengeance component, but how do you get the white audience? make it stupid and throw in Nigger, Nigger, Nigger where it became glaringly obvious it was just being said to say nigger.

    He got the formula right. It's so ridiculous Whites laugh at it for the "comic-book" fantasy that it is.

    The Whites your lawyer friend heard laughing were probably laughing at the campiness and outright comic book fantasy dialogue, action and story-line. I was laughing my ass off throughout the whole movie...all of a sudden we have a slave who could read, ride horses and was the best marksman in the west ( he had to be in order to kill men at a half mile from a mountain top and 3 dozen at a clip and he had the best pair of sunglasses on I ever did see even if they weren't invented until 1930 for that campy cool-look.

    Amazingly no-one has yet caught tarantinos reference to black culture today - where he starts playing some gangsta rap right as Django begins a killing spree. It was hilarious knowing that some would eat it up and never see the how he is telling you black/rap/violence are cultural.
    I loved how hardly any of the slaves had fro's they all had relaxed or treated hair and so much more.

    Anyway, great movie really, really funny as hell. Lots of unrealistic scenes with a ridiculous premise, but that's what comic books are.

    Rates right up there with tarantinos machete where he has illegals killing whites and the one where the girl substitutes the stump of her leg with a machine gun.

  26. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "And how is it that the group that supposedly "sets the rules" is the one group the rules allow discrimination against?"

    Dr. King was the first person in my lifetime to answer this question. Some of those who live cloaked in the armor of white privilege wrongly assumed that just because they were white that they had an advantage,nothing to fear. Dr. King warned them that those who "set the rules" had set in motion a plan to expand their power.
    Now we see the middle class is under attack...a lot of them coming from the "faux white privileged clan." As it turns out they weren't impervious to class discrimination which is what is bringing this country down.They fell for the banana in the tailpipe this case racist ideologies...mere distractions...when all the while the powers that be did the old end around play.
    So, to answer your question those who set the rules haven't been discriminated against as they maintain an existence above the fray.

  27. Anonymous2:20 PM

    "Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them."

    Great point...if I'm hearing you correctly,some whites try to ascribe negative attributes to blacks because of their feelings of inadequacy and failure in creating their new world order.

  28. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Field u let the trolls take over your blog and run good people away.,,,it sucks now and I blame u for letting it happen,, u should just shut it down because its on life support

    12:48 AM

    I enjoy FN and believe it is more popular today than ever. I also think Field is a creative genius. FN is 'unique', unmatched by no other blog in the blogosphere.

    Maybe YOU are on 'life support' and are conflating yourself with FN? Have you let yourself get run down?

    You are a very unhappy person. You make Depressed Negro look ecstatically happy!...(no offense to depressed Negro)

  29. Got some GREAT comments by an Anon today!

  30. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Feild @ 12:48 a.m. that was my first comment one here..,,I have been reading your blog for six months and have told people. good things about your blog and you call me a troll?????!!

  31. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them."

    Great point...if I'm hearing you correctly,some whites try to ascribe negative attributes to blacks because of their feelings of inadequacy and failure in creating their new world order.

    If that is what your suspiciously limited intellect got from that, so be it. We can bring you to the school but we can't give you the brain-folds to be able to apply critical thinking.

    As for New World Order - is that the fast food place you work at? I'll have a New World burger and a new world chili dog. Make sure you wear your gloves don't want to catch anything now and No I don't want fries with that.

  32. Anonymous4:40 PM

    At Field: Reminder Please, do not visit Aurora, Colorado.

    Thank you

  33. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Anonymous said...

    "Projection reduces anxiety by allowing the expression of the unwanted unconscious impulses or desires without letting the conscious mind recognize them."

    Great point...if I'm hearing you correctly,some whites try to ascribe negative attributes to blacks because of their feelings of inadequacy and failure in creating their new world order.

    By negative attributes do you mean
    abilities such as 8,000 whites to gather and buy guns in an orderly civilized fashion with not one fight or shooting happening and no muh-dick rapes or police needing to be called, actually taking numbers and waiting in line as opposed to Blacks shutting down the entire mall of lousiana with 200 "yoofs" fighting and brawling?

    Now which "negative attributes" are you referring to and who do you think is projecting? And who is trying to bring about the New World Order you mention but clearly don't understand a whit about.

  34. "Feild @ 12:48 a.m. that was my first comment one here..,,I have been reading your blog for six months and have told people. good things about your blog and you call me a troll?????!!"

    Anon, don't so sensitive, without a handle it's hard to tell you apart. :)

  35. Remis7:21 PM

    Rufis said...
    A lack of diversity with regard to decision making is the reason these apps were released.

    Well, only white people are smart enough to make those apps.

    Affirmative action mandated diversity can only do so much.

  36. Anonymous11:15 AM

    will it even matter if google is racist when that racist blackish hobama takes over/censors/price hikes the internet?

    so what if most poor/jobless/homeless/people cannot even afford a pc/isp?

    will ebt cards ever cover isps?


  37. Anonymous3:59 PM


    cc hobama's cispa/sopa etc

  38. Rufis4:22 PM

    Rufis said...
    A lack of diversity with regard to decision making is the reason these apps were released.
    Remis said...

    Well, only white people are smart enough to make those apps.

    Affirmative action mandated diversity can only do so much.

    7:21 PM

    Sorta like the WWII argument, white have a monopoly on bravery, or the pro football argument only whites are smart enough to coach and play quarterback.

    Exclusion, then chest thumping about doing something that is exclusively done by whites isn't saying much.

    I surmise that if more non-whites showed an interest in application development, they would take that over too.

    You decades are numbered. :-)

    Oh, one last thing. White are the biggest benficiaries of preferences.

  39. BARBBF7:45 PM


    This past week, my city achieved a melancholy landmark: 500 murders have occurred here this year. 87% percent of these murders, or 435 of them, were committed with guns. Chicago, which has racked up more murders than any other American city this year, has been called “the murder capital of America” (though, to be pedantic about it, it does not have the country’s highest murder rate. New Orleans enjoys that dubious distinction). The violence here is getting steadily worse; the murder rate is a stunning 19% higher than it was in 2011. A total of 2,400 shootings have been reported to Chicago police this year.
