Sunday, January 06, 2013

The new Nationalist, and a coach lies.

"The National Socialist German Workers' Party (German:Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei, abbreviated NSDAP), commonly known in English as the Nazi Party, was a political party in Germany between 1920 and 1945. Its predecessor, the German Workers' Party (DAP), existed from 1919 to 1920. The term Nazi is German and stems from Nationalsozialist,[6] due to the pronunciation of Latin -tion- as -tsion- in German (rather than -shon- as it is in English), with German Z being pronounced as 'ts'.
The party was founded out of the far-right racist völkisch German nationalist movement and the violent anti-communist Freikorps paramilitary culture that fought against the uprisings of communist revolutionaries in post-World War I Germany.[7] Advocacy of a form of socialism by right-wing figures and movements in Germany became common during and after World War I, influencing Nazism.[8] Arthur Moeller van den Bruck of the Conservative Revolutionary movement coined the term "Third Reich",[9] and advocated an ideology combining the nationalism of the right and the socialism of the left.[10] Prominent Conservative Revolutionary member Oswald Spengler's conception of a "Prussian Socialism" influenced the Nazis.[11] The party was created as a means to draw workers away from communism and into völkisch nationalism.[12] Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric, although such aspects were later downplayed in order to gain the support of industrial entities, and in 1930s the party's focus shifted to anti-Semitic and anti-Marxist themes.[13]

I just thought I would give you, the reader, some information from Wikipedia about the Nationalist movement and its origins.

I also felt a need to educate you about the Nationalist movement in this country because of the recent pronouncements of a prominent conservative.

Michael Savage,conservative radio host, told host Aaron Klein Sunday, “We need a nationalist party in the United States of America.” The Tea Party, he said, isn’t cutting it: “They need to restructure their party. They need a charismatic leader, which they don’t have.”

Savage went on to underscore the notion that the Tea Party isn’t as strong as it could be because of a lack of leadership. “When you say Tea Party no one knows who the leader is because there is no leader,” he said. “No man has stepped forward who can lead that party.”

Unfortunately for Savage, he doesn’t think he could take the helm. He believes the role will require “enormous resources and enormous energy,” which he doesn’t have at his age.

The new party, he said, needs to be united:

Somebody has to bring them all together, unite them like King David did the ancient tribes of Israel. And there is no King David out there. Who’s the King David? Tell me who is going to do it?”

Saved blasted the current Republican party, calling it an “appendage of the Democrat machine.”

“It’s a game being played against the American people,” he said. “You’ve got the drunk Boehner on the one side, and the quasi-pseudo-crypto Marxist on the other, who is really just enjoying the ride in Hawaii right now, representing his factions.” [Source]

Someone should tell Mr. Savage that there is a nationalist party in America. He is upset with the Tea Party because they lack a "charismatic leader", but everything else is in place.

Still, I predict that the Tea Party will die a slow death after 2016. Why?Because Barack Obama will no longer be the president of these divided states. Sadly, I think that we all know what drove Tea Party passions over the past four years.  

The Nationalists know what drove it (the passion) as well.

So I am watching the Deadskins Seahawks playoff game, and I swear that Washington's coach is going to get RG3 killed. Dude is taking hit after hit and he is still in the game on bad wheels.

Now that we know that this same coach lied about RG3's condition and sent him into a game earlier this year, watching him lie there on the field just makes me kind of shake my head.

One thing we do know, with RG3 being the "good guy" that he is; we will not hear a single complaint from him.


  1. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Did you read what you pasted?

    "Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric, although such aspects were later downplayed in order to gain the support of industrial entities, and in 1930s the party's focus shifted to anti-Semitic and anti-Marxist themes"

    With the exception of Anti-marxist you are talking literally about today's far left democratic extremist party. Only they evolved to worship Marxism joining their love for lenin/stalin/Mao with Nazi socialism.

    Read up on the Weimar republic and Nazi Germany, the economics and such. You will be eerily surprised how many similarities today's leftists and our dear leader have with Nazis. Leftists are Nazi's they want to run everyone else's life, typically exempting themselves from the nighmares they try and impose.

    The tea party is not violent - all the violence comes from the left.

    The tea party beleives in fiscal responsibility and Everyone contributing to society - the left things everyone should contribute to their retirement.

    The tea party believes in the constitution and the rule of law. The left beleives in the end justifies the means and ignores all evidence of failures trying to run everyones life.

    Leftists are socialists as were the Nazi's. Free men and the rule of law are not Nazi's, that is solely the domain of leftists.

    Who else lives and dies by the motivation of race for everything they do, just like the Nazi's Lefists.

    Who is the party who demonizes a specific race attempting to marginalize them and make them the evil demons and responsible for the way you choose to cross the street? that Nazi like propagandists need? Leftist's.

  2. D Lincoln9:21 PM

    Wayne the dipstick has forgotten about the ANC (African National Congress), the black NATIONALIST party of South Africa.

  3. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Politics is so scary...

  4. Anonymous10:00 PM

    Field, WHY do you have a photo of George Wallace in your post? He was not a Klansman or a Nationalist. He was a Governor that stood in defiance of Blacks entering the University of Ala, that is all. In other words, he played his role as Gov of Ala to please his white voters and black voters, believe it or not.

  5. Anonymous10:13 PM

    The partial comment is from the previous thread:

    "Maybe YOU are on 'life support' and are conflating yourself with FN? Have you let yourself get run down?

    You are a very unhappy person. You make Depressed Negro look ecstatically happy!...(no offense to depressed Negro)"

    2:29 PM
    Field did you read or even note the last statement of the above comment? Some sorry ass troll had the audacity to imply that I the most depressed Negro on the planet....And THEN had the bullshit nerve to say, "no offense, Depressed Negro".

    Now Field, you know about my depression and you 'knew' I would see this and not feel good about what that ass said. So WHY did you post it?

    I mean, WTF?

  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

    Question: Why are lawyers buried in deeper graves than other folks?

    Answer: Deep down, they're much nicer people.


  7. Victor11:00 PM

    Field: Do you really believe that anti-Tea Party propaganda, or do you just repeat it because that's what you are supposed to do?

    There is absolutely nothing racist about the Tea Party, and nothing "Nationalist" in the blood sense that the Nazi's meant it.

    America's national identity was built on a commitment to the ideal of indvidual liberty as articulated in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. The left has attacked traditional America by delgitimizing that ideal, primarily through defining it as racist. They gave the Tea Party the Alinsky treatment, and you fell for it.

    We are no where near a situaiton where a white nationalist movement would gain any traction. White people today cannot even make the merest expression of pride or make a positive statement about white identity without being called a Nazi.

  8. Wow, well said, Anon 1. I agree totally. And who disarmend the Jewish population and kept lists of gun owners?
    That our own "free" press has begun this dirty work is astonishing.

  9. Please... I usually agree with you, but in this case you are reading too much into word choice.

    A nationalist is someone pro- (insert name of nation or wannabe nation). Just because you are a nationalist doesn't mean you are a Nazi. A Jamaican nationalist would root for the Jamaican track team. I have friends who are "South Cameroon" nationalists; they believe the already small nation of Camaeroon should split along linguistic lines. Really they are Anglophone Cameroonian nationalists.

    Savage's comment that we need a nationalist party COULD mean we need a party that puts the USA first.

    However I think Savage is nuts-- he is parianoid fool and could be racist, so your conclusion may be right...

    But just becasue someone is a nationalist doesn't mean they are a Nazi or even conservative...

  10. StillaPanther212:00 AM

    Brother Field,,,,during the game I was yelling at the TV..."take the colored boy out and put the white boy in".Why would you have RG3 in when it was plain that he could not produce. Cousins has produced in the past and he would have had time to get in a rhythm. Bad decision by the coach today. The transition of the QB position from a tall and slow guy to a mobil and speedy guy will be painful due to the amount of hits that will come forth. The NFL is/will be very protective of the current status. You people is wanting too much too fast. The Bradys and Mannings will be pushed as the main product of NFL. I look at football thru a racial lens and I know pro football operates on a racial basis. Too bad there are not enough tall/not sloooow/smart white boys down the pipe line, buuut there is hope with the coming of Johnny Football. I agree about the coming of the Tea Party. I have seen bitter looking whites for half a century plus a decade. They need need a guy that is married to a "sistah" and don't look like he chews "tobakkie"

  11. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Those who fail to learn from History are doomed to repeat it.

    ....we heard Hitler speaking in Germany. Germany had full employment. They had law and order and we had riots in the streets, and in Germany, people had a high living standard. They all drove the Volkswagen, you know, the little Beetle car and there was never anything said that anyone was being persecuted.

    So when we had that unbelievable unemployment and the people were getting so desperate, they petitioned the government for a plebecite for an election, and that’s when we elected Hitler by a 98% of the vote by means of the ballot box. So we got a new government, National Socializm, Nazi goverment. Of course, we had not idea what that would be. We just thought we were all going to live a high-standard of living like Germany.

    Hitler promised us that within weeks we would have full employment, and he would feed the poor people. The Red Cross came in. Everybody was being fed. Everybody got something, and we were so grateful. We thought Hitler was our savior.

    Oh yes, he was a very good orator. He gave very good speeches and haven’t we heard that here too? Haven’t we?

    When we got the new government, nobody was elected anymore. Everybody was appointed, from the school board, the county commission, the city commission to the legislature and to the governors.

    Hitler said, the best people are being appointed. We only pick the best people and we trusted him. We had no more elections – none whatsoever.

    We also had “Regionalism.” Regionalism is to centralize the government. Centralization is Socialism. So Hitler said, we have to merge our 7 states into 4. That will save money and we would only have 4 governors. We thought “that’s a good idea.”

    As a lobbyist in South Dakota, I found a bill – three times – to consolidate our 66 counties into 15. That’s centralization. That’s Socialism. Take away LOCAL CONTROL.

    With our new government, we got a lot of new laws. We got the Equal Rights Amendment, a very good law, we thought. Equal Rights for women. Haven’t we heard that here too?

    The Equal Rights Amendment had two components – economically and socially. Economically, to redistribute the wealth of the country, and socially, to get all the women, the Moms, out into the workforce, into employment.

    Hitler got a lot of chops, political appointments, hundreds and hundreds of bureaucrats, and of course, he bought the Autobahn, the freeway.

    The Moms were in the workforce. What do you think happened to the children? Hitler had an immediate remedy: child daycare centers so the State raised our children.

    By economically redistributing the wealth, we had massive, massive welfare, because we had a guaranteed income. The government required that everybody be equal. Those who worked hard paid 70% taxes, [and those who didn't] were getting the equal income like those who worked hard. That’s called Socialism.

    Also, education was socialized – quickly, literally overnight. I was 12 years old. I was in 6th grade. I walked into my public school classroom – we had an excellent school system. We prayed in public school and we also had religious education twice a week. That all stopped overnight.

  12. Anonymous3:35 AM

    I walked into my classroom March 13, 1938. The crucifix was gone and there was Hitler’s picture, with the Nazi flag on each side. Our teacher said, “today we don’t pray anymore, we sing Deutchland, Deutchland Uber Allas” [Germany, Germany Above All] – the National Anthem, and she said, “we don’t have religious education anymore either we have physical education instead.” And on Sundays there would be National Youth Day and that would be compulsory – everybody had to attend. If our parents wouldn’t send us the first time, they would get a very stiff letter of warning; the second time they would pay a fine of the equivalent of $300 and the third time we didn’t attend, meant jail for our parents.

    We couldn’t go to church anymore. The first two hours we had political education. Today I call it Political Indoctrination. We were being told not to listen to our parents. They were old-fashioned, didn’t understand the youth – only Hitler did. We were being totally indoctrinated. The rest of the day we had sports. We got all the equipment free. We got tennis rackets, golf clubs and the boys of age 16 got motorcycles so they could form a motorcycle squad. They were taken out to the airfield to fly gliders.

    You can imagine, at the end of the day we went back and told our parents how wonderful Hitler was…We argued with our parents all the time. We said, “look you don’t know anything. You are old-fashioned. You don’t understand us. They put a ridge between us and our parents.

    My good mother, when my next school term came around, announced that she would take me out of these horrible public schools. She would enroll me in a private school with an excellent curriculum, but no fun. She packed me off and as we arrived at that big school with the 8 foot wall around it, and an iron gate, I bid my mother goodby and I almost hated her. She was a wise woman. She said, “one day when you grow up you will realize what I am doing for you.”

    Needless to say, if my mother had not done that, today I would be a radical Marxist. On holidays I would go back home and visit my friends, and I did not like what I saw. Girls of age 16 were pregnant – to have babies for Hitler. Oh, Hitler wanted lots of babies. The lifestyle was very, very loose.

    Hitler also gave us free radios and then he nationalized our radio station. We were told that if you listened to a foreign radio station it was a capital punishment [offense]. You don’t turn on Swiss radio or BBC. We only had one voice – the government.

    Newspapers were censored before they hit the street.

    Hitler also looted the Jewish banks and then he nationalized our banks.

    Then he nationalized our only car industry. Austria produced a little car, a little bit bigger than a Fiat. Hitler said we don’t need a Fiat, we have the Volkswagen.

    He also nationalized our healthcare system. Before Hitler, we had an excellent healthcare system, privately insured. We had good doctors, good hospitals. We had a lot of good research. That all stopped. It was free for everybody. I remember my brother-in-law was a family physician. He told me that when he would go to office at 8 am, 40 patients were waiting for him to care for. People went to the doctor for everything and anything. He said it was like practicing medicine on a conveyor belt. He could take enough time for some patients because he was totally government controlled.

    The government took away free enterprise, salaried the doctors and the hospitals, and many, many doctors left the country, because if you would need elective surgery, no emergency, you waited 18 months for a hospital bed. Many doctors, including my own husband who did not want to practice medicine like his own brother had to, came to the United States. He marvelled how wonderful our health care is, how wonderful our research is and how wonderful and modern our hospitals were. He said, “I hope [the U.S. system] it will never end up socialized medicine.

  13. Anonymous3:36 AM

    The un-elected bureaucrats were writing all the rules and all the regulations. That’s socialism. A lot of it applied to the farmers. The bureaucrats would go onto the land and tell the farmers what to plant, and how much he had to harvest. They counted livestock and determined how much had to be turned into the government because our food was being rationed. God help the farmer who butchered a pig for himself – would surely go to jail. Bureaucrats counted the chickens and decided how many eggs they had to lay. That’s socialism.

    Hitler wrote a book, My Struggle, Mein Kampf. Very few people read it. Had we read it we would have known what was coming, but the people were so busy with sports (that was everything – atheletic events were everything), but people did not read, and they did not read his book.

    We had a lot of abortions, which were highly illegal as Hitler wanted a lot of babies, but if both parents were not 100% Aryan, you know, the Master Race, the mother was selected to have an abortion. Can you imagine being forced to have an abortion?

    We also had gun registration. The Austrian people all had guns, but the government said, “guns are very dangerous. Children are playing with guns. Hunting accidents happen and we really have to have total control – safety. We have to trace criminals and the only way is by the serial number of the gun.” We dutifully went to the police station and we registered guns.

    Not long after registering our guns, they said “no, it didn’t help. The only way we can prevent accidents and crimes is for you to turn-in your guns at the police station, and then we won’t have any crimes or any accidents.” If you didn’t turn in your guns – capital punishment. So we turned in our guns.

    Hitler also nationalized our churches. He said those beautiful cathedrals need a lot of upkeep and restoration and there’s not enough money coming in by private donation on Sunday, so we have to have a church tax. When you paid your income tax, you paid a 2% church tax. Hitler controlled the churches. No pastor could speak out anymore.

  14. Anonymous3:38 AM

    Dictatorship didn’t happen overnight. It took 5 years, gradually, little by little we escalated up to a dictatorship.

    In February 2009 I was driving through Washington, D.C. as a lobbyist and I heard President Obama say anyone who is criticizing him should be reported to the White House, the Snitch Program. So be careful what you say.

    Our borders were being closed. Nobody could get in. Nobody could get out. We were sitting ducks. That’s what happened to us. In November 1985 I had the opportunity to go to Switzerland to attend the Summit Conference between President Reagan and President Gorbachev. My job was to accommodate the American women who went to support President Reagan. My other mission was to infiltrate the Communist Peace March. I went in disguise as a horrible looking hippie. I marched with Bella Abzug, the late Congresswoman, Jesse Jackson and Barbara Boxer. As we arrived at the Hotel Hilton for a press conference, I saw a group of people there who were not at the Peace March. I walked up to a woman and asked why she wasn’t at the March. She said, “well, we are all members of the German Communist Party and we couldn’t get legally into Switzerland, so we went over the mountains. Hence, all their muddy boots and torn jackets. I asked her to tell me more about what she was doing there. She said “we are supporting Premier Gorbachev. I asked her what her goals were. She said, “first we take Nicaragua, Honduras and then we go into Mexico.” I asked why Mexico – such a poor, corrupt country? She said that is our major goal, to take back what America stole from us, California, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas. I said that will take a lot of people. It sounds like a Revolution.

    She said: “You Americans are so naive. Your churches are doing the work for us.” It hit me like a ton of bricks – the Sanctuary Movement. There are a lot of churches who are bringing in illegals. I said to her, “tell me, when is this event supposed to happen?” She said, “it all depends on who your President is. Probably 2004 but most possibly 2008.” Look at our President and look what is happening to our borders.

    When I saw on television in Los Angeles, when they marched and they carried the Mexican flag and they trampled the U.S. flag, I realized, they are here.

  15. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Happening here/happening now/happening today.

    "He also nationalized our healthcare system. Before Hitler, we had an excellent healthcare system, privately insured. We had good doctors, good hospitals. We had a lot of good research. That all stopped. It was free for everybody. I remember my brother-in-law was a family physician. He told me that when he would go to office at 8 am, 40 patients were waiting for him to care for. People went to the doctor for everything and anything. He said it was like practicing medicine on a conveyor belt. He could take enough time for some patients because he was totally government controlled.

    The government took away free enterprise, salaried the doctors and the hospitals, and many, many doctors left the country, because if you would need elective surgery, no emergency, you waited 18 months for a hospital bed. Many doctors, including my own husband who did not want to practice medicine like his own brother had to, came to the United States. He marvelled how wonderful our health care is, how wonderful our research is and how wonderful and modern our hospitals were. He said, “I hope [the U.S. system] it will never end up socialized medicine.

    The un-elected bureaucrats were writing all the rules and all the regulations. That’s socialism. A lot of it applied to the farmers. The bureaucrats would go onto the land and tell the farmers what to plant, and how much he had to harvest. They counted livestock and determined how much had to be turned into the government because our food was being rationed. God help the farmer who butchered a pig for himself – would surely go to jail. Bureaucrats counted the chickens and decided how many eggs they had to lay. That’s socialism."

  16. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Field, "Someone should tell Mr. Savage that there is a nationalist party in America. He is upset with the Tea Party because they lack a "charismatic leader", but everything else is in place."

    What do you mean by, "but everything else is in place."? What is everything else?

  17. Anonymous5:40 AM

    This is a horrible post with no meaning whatsoever. Just a bunch of historical gibberish with hardly any meaningful nexus to the Nationalist party in America.

  18. Anonymous5:42 AM

    I just thought I would give you, the reader, some information from Wikipedia about the Nationalist movement and its origins.

    I also felt a need to educate you about the Nationalist movement in this country because of the recent pronouncements of a prominent conservative.

    Michael Savage,conservative radio host, told host Aaron Klein Sunday, “We need a nationalist party in the United States of America.” The Tea Party, he said, isn’t cutting it: “They need to restructure their party. They need a charismatic leader, which they don’t have.”

    Wait - so you mean the National Socialist Party had nothing to do with socialism and was actually those tea party people who stand for the constitution and rights of free men against the socialist tyranny of Barack Obama?

    Hmmmm....who knew. Up is down, right is left and sideways is forward.

    Wonder what is happening that suddenly makes liberals like you all of sudden try and twist reality to say it's the tea-party that are the socialists and dangerous and not Democrats.

  19. "Field: Do you really believe that anti-Tea Party propaganda, or do you just repeat it because that's what you are supposed to do?

    There is absolutely nothing racist about the Tea Party, and nothing "Nationalist" in the blood sense that the Nazi's meant it."

    If you keep repeating it you will believe.

  20. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Field, when will you post about the pathology and PTSD and the daily killings of our people today--most of which are done by us? Why do you ignore us like Obama does?

    The Nationalist Party or the Tea Party isn't going to amount to a hell of beans compared to the rate of black on black crime. Why is it that NOBODY is talking about this lethal epidemic tragedy?

  21. StillaPanther26:37 AM

    Let talk about football so we can bury the 2012 football season for the Redskins. Talking about events with such passion seems to usually miss the mark when you were not there and only looking at separate event and tying them into a movement for today. America-USA- is not 40s Germany yet, nor will it be . The Germans had an unique demographics that USA can't duplicate. It will be hard to corral enough dissedents to control the Army without massive resistance. China will not allow it. We are her "cash cow" for now. Now back to football----if RGIII is the franchise, why let him play? Letting an immobile QB play against the best defense in NFL is athelecide (my word). Did the team want a way (getting rid of RGIII) out? Washington Nats did not allow Steven Strasburg to pitch during their stretch run....for fear of hurting their "future". Maybe poor "ole III" could be bumped so the fresh face Cousins could be our future. I know in the day players used to gut it out, todays' defenders are biggger and much fassster than in the day. RGIII was raw meat out there...just wondered if he was thought of in the future.

  22. StillaPanther26:46 AM

    Let talk about football so we can bury the 2012 football season for the Redskins. Housecleaning for!me!.... Talking about events with such passion seems to usually miss the mark when you were not there and only looking at separate events and tying them into movements for today. America-USA- is not 40s Germany yet, nor will it be . The Germans had an unique demographics that USA can't duplicate. It will be hard to corral enough dissedents to control this government without massive resistance. China will not allow it. We are her "cash cow" for now. Now back to football----if RGIII is the franchise, why let him play? Letting an immobile QB play against the best defense in NFL is athelecide (my word). Did the team want a way (getting rid of RGIII) out? Washington Nats did not allow Steven Strasburg to pitch during their stretch run....for fear of hurting their "future". Maybe poor "ole III" could be bumped so the fresh face Cousins could be our future. I know in the day players used to gut it out, todays' defenders are biggger and much fassster than in the day. RGIII was raw meat out there...just wondered if he was thought of in the future. If you think President Obama has the ability to take over USA....I am sadden that the demise of USA was taken sooo quietly. You mean the Tea Party, WPP and al are such weaklings? I hope not because one day somebody got to get China out our backs.

  23. Anonymous7:52 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "Field: Do you really believe that anti-Tea Party propaganda, or do you just repeat it because that's what you are supposed to do?

    There is absolutely nothing racist about the Tea Party, and nothing "Nationalist" in the blood sense that the Nazi's meant it."

    If you keep repeating it you will believe.

    We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." (Speech of May 1, 1927. Quoted by Toland, 1976, p. 306)

    Adolf Hitler or Barack Hussein Obama?

  24. e Lincoln8:42 AM

    I notice that Wayne never has an intelligent rebuttal to anything, just the usual platitudes.

  25. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Well, this blog is pretty much dead because of the moderation and also the outright censorship. Brainless move on your part, Wayne.

  26. Anonymous9:43 AM

    hobama has proven that the tea party was far too reticent and kind

    cc ndaa/fiscal cliff hoax/wwiii/fema camps/dhs ammo etc

    when will the blacks' tea be brewed belatedly?????

    shame how hobama has scalded his deaf blind fooled fleeced tealess agendaless black fans

  27. Anonymous9:47 AM

    how much less tea can most americans now afford to buy with their chopped pay checks?

    cc that bankster hobama and his designer poverty

    he has just begun to axe the incomes of all of his poor nazis


  28. stillapanther 2 said...
    "I look at football thru a racial lens and I know pro football operates on a racial basis."

    Which is why the players are 70% black? The only colour the NFL cares about is green.

    Blacks are so racist. RGIII isn't legit because he speaks standard English, has a white girlfriend, and hasn't been arrested. WTF?

  29. Desertflower said...
    Politics is so scary...

    Which is why women shouldn't vote.

  30. The Big Lie of the late 20th century was that Nazism was Rightist. It was in fact typical of the Leftism of its day. It was only to the Right of Stalin's Communism. The very word "Nazi" is a German abbreviation for "National Socialist" (Nationalsozialist) and the full name of Hitler's political party (translated) was "The National Socialist German Workers' Party" (In German: Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei)

  31. >Field, when will you post about the pathology and PTSD and the daily killings of our people today--most of which are done by us? <

    The federal Bureau of Justice Statistics reports that for the 30 years from 1976-2005, there were 276,000 African-American homicide victims, 94% of them murdered by other blacks.

    But who cares about a quarter of a million murdered black people? What matters is tearing down whitey.

  32. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Anonymous TR said...

    Desertflower said...
    Politics is so scary...

    Which is why women shouldn't vote.

    But they make good sangwitches. Bring me a beer with that will ya honey and I'll let you rub my feet when you git back.

    Field got in trouble today, a judge demanded order in the court when one of his clients got refused government support and was causin a ruckus.

    He ordered a ham sandwich and some cowcod soup.

  33. Anonymous12:58 PM


    re: that foolish floozy fantasia

    who is a boomerang fleeced tricked humped and dumped homewrecker and a bastard baby turbo breeder hypochristian ETC!!!

    as she dares to bash gays...



  34. Anonymous1:37 PM

    e Lincoln said...
    I notice that Wayne never has an intelligent rebuttal to anything, just the usual platitudes.

    8:42 AM
    It's true. It's been that way forever. Nevertheless, he has managed to post interesting stories and comments from others despite his own reticence.

  35. Wayne, isn't the point of your article a nationalist movement in AMERICA?

    If so, why are idiots commenting about the African National Congress?

    These idiots will make the most fantastic of leaps.

  36. I wonder when the "arrogant negro" comments directed at RG3 are going to start.

  37. Anonymous6:09 PM

    In the beginning, God said "Let there be light!" And a lawyer like Field said, "What color?"

  38. Anonymous6:14 PM

    Poor Field, it appears that lately you have been the butt of several jokes.

    A woman is going to see her doctor about a rather unusual occurrence. "You see doctor...well, this is awfully embarrassing, but last night, well, my husband, he....I mean, I.....well, we had anal sex." "I see. Do you find it painful?" "No, actually, it was quite different. Are there any special precautions we need to make?" "No, as long as you make sure not to get pregnant" "Of course - wait, I can get pregnant from anal sex?" "Of course my dear, where do you think Lawyers come from?"

  39. "Wayne, isn't the point of your article a nationalist movement in AMERICA?

    If so, why are idiots commenting about the African National Congress?"

    ????? Right along with you.

  40. I actually like some of these lawyer jokes.

    "I wonder when the "arrogant negro" comments directed at RG3 are going to start."

    They won't be coming. RG3 seems to be a "good Negro." :)

  41. Anonymous7:31 PM

    field negro said...

    I actually like some of these lawyer jokes.

    "I wonder when the "arrogant negro" comments directed at RG3 are going to start."

    They won't be coming. RG3 seems to be a "good Negro." :)

    There you go, the first arrogant Negro comment.

    Don't bother trying to figure this out Queenie Queefa the ironic subtlety is way above the level of your I.Q.

  42. Anonymous7:32 PM

    "I wonder when the "arrogant negro" comments directed at RG3 are going to start."

    They won't be coming. RG3 seems to be a "good Negro." :)

    6:33 PM
    What constitutes a good Negro? do you mean Whites love RG3 like they used to love OJ before his wife was mysteriously murdered?

    BTW, did they ever find out who did it?

  43. Anonymous8:15 PM

    @ TR, Anon, et al: Negroe please! That'll be the day when I bring you a sandwich! Au contraire, you'll be bringing me the sandwich AND tea;) and rubbbing my feet!

    Desert from the freaking mobile device ugh!

  44. field negro said...
    They won't be coming. RG3 seems to be a "good Negro." :)
    Actually Field it already has now that the story is he has tears in both the ACL AND LCL.

    So let the bashing of the arrogant "happy" negro who's single handily ruined the teams chances for winning a super bowl in the next 5 years, begin, LOL!!!

  45. Tea party racist? Cmon man, why would you think that. At a tea bagger rally I was assuered that less than one percent of tea baggers are racist. I sleep much better knowing that.
    I also learned here that Hitler was a liberal. Wow, if he were still alive I guess he'd be posting on Salon.

  46. Anonymous8:44 PM

    "@TR, Anon et al.,: Negroe please! Au contraire, you'll be the one bringing me the sandwich AND tea AND rubbing my feet!

    But you can dream;)

  47. In Jersey we have something like 600 towns. Many of these towns would do well to consolidate police, fire, public works & education services. They have an identity hangup, although a lot of them can't explain what makes them uniquely different from the towns surrounding them. I suspect the same applies to South Dakota counties. But socialism? From the South Dakota legislature? Really. Time for you to move on. Northern Idaho, maybe? Singing Fa La La all the way like those Anonymous songwriters of olde.

  48. Comparing Michael "Savage" Weiner to the Nationalist Socialist Germans is a freaking joke. The Germans were actually pro-German, and at least for their own people, and NOT to terroristic “foreign” entities
    Weiner is nothing but a fanatical, extremist zionist, neocon/ziocon Jew, who NEVER puts the USA first, but always puts the zionist, Jewish supremacist, terrorist state of Israel first, who happens to believe (like all traitorous to the USA, Israel first, neocon, zionist trash) that Obama is NOT sufficiently kissing Israel’s a**, sucking up to Israel, being militaristic enough against Israel’s alleged “enemies,” etc., even though Obama is nothing but a Jewish/zionist puppet and slave par excellence, and certified war criminal responsible for the killing and maiming of thousands of innocent civilians -- but to these neocon, zionist supremacists, in their eyes, he’s actually a freaking “pacifist” and not pro-Israel (a FOREIGN COUNTRY) enough!

    Same with the teocon/neocon so-called “Tea party.” They were several years ago infiltrated by Ziocon (neocon) Israel firsters, as 99% of them are also not really pro-American in the slightest, but pro-Israel, zionist supremacist 1000%, who want America to continue to become bankrupt, to continue losing countless AMERICAN soldiers all for the sake of Zion, attacking and killing and continuing to go to war against all of Israel’s alleged enemies, of course Iran being their next target, and for the (zionist controlled) “US” govt to continue to DESTROY the US Constitution -- signing off on the more NDAAs, more illegal spying initiatives, more extensions of the Patriot act, and every other, very anti-constitutional provision that completely trash the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, continuing to turn America into a Police State …. But these treasonous zionist, Teocon “Tea Party” Israel firsters NEVER complain about any of this (nor do the millions of Obama apologists and kool aid drinkers either, but that’s another story)

    Watch how these zionist/Israel first (NOT America first!) Teocon “Tea Party” activists are all getting their panties in a twist because Obama has nominated a man (Chuck Hagel) who actually said something slightly negative about a FOREIGN COUNTRY! A FOREIGN COUNTRY! (Even though Hagel has many times pledged loyalty to Zion and has waxed poetic about how he truly LOVES Israel notwithstanding) And in his comment he basically said that he would PUT AMERICA FIRST!!! Oh the freaking irony!!! And you have these same zionist/Israel first, zionist supremacists including Mr. Weiner and the Teocon party activists critiquing Chuck Hagel saying this, and then having the freaking gull and temerity to then turn around saying they are the REAL “American” Nationalists, or that they are going to start a new “American” nationalist party?!?! It would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad!

  49. Comparing Michael "Savage" Weiner to the Nationalist Socialist Germans is a freaking joke. The Germans were actually pro-German, and at least for their own people, and NOT to terroristic “foreign” entities
    Weiner is nothing but a fanatical, extremist zionist, neocon/ziocon Jew, who NEVER puts the USA first, but always puts the zionist, Jewish supremacist, terrorist state of Israel first, who happens to believe (like all traitorous to the USA, Israel first, neocon, zionist trash) that Obama is NOT sufficiently kissing Israel’s a**, sucking up to Israel, being militaristic enough against Israel’s alleged “enemies,” etc., even though Obama is nothing but a Jewish/zionist puppet and slave par excellence, and certified war criminal responsible for the killing and maiming of thousands of innocent civilians -- but to these neocon, zionist supremacists, in their eyes, he’s actually a freaking “pacifist” and not pro-Israel (a FOREIGN COUNTRY) enough!

    Same with the teocon/neocon so-called “Tea party.” They were several years ago infiltrated by Ziocon (neocon) Israel firsters, as 99% of them are also not really pro-American in the slightest, but pro-Israel, zionist supremacist 1000%, who want America to continue to become bankrupt, to continue losing countless AMERICAN soldiers all for the sake of Zion, attacking and killing and continuing to go to war against all of Israel’s alleged enemies, of course Iran being their next target, and for the (zionist controlled) “US” govt to continue to DESTROY the US Constitution -- signing off on the more NDAAs, more illegal spying initiatives, more extensions of the Patriot act, and every other, very anti-constitutional provision that completely trash the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, continuing to turn America into a Police State …. But these treasonous zionist, Teocon “Tea Party” Israel firsters NEVER complain about any of this (nor do the millions of Obama apologists and kool aid drinkers either, but that’s another story)

    Watch how these zionist/Israel first (NOT America first!) Teocon “Tea Party” activists are all getting their panties in a twist because Obama has nominated a man (Chuck Hagel) who actually said something slightly negative about a FOREIGN COUNTRY! A FOREIGN COUNTRY! (Even though Hagel has many times pledged loyalty to Zion and has waxed poetic about how he truly LOVES Israel notwithstanding) And in his comment he basically said that he would PUT AMERICA FIRST!!! Oh the freaking irony!!! And you have these same zionist/Israel first, zionist supremacists including Mr. Weiner and the Teocon party activists critiquing Chuck Hagel saying this, and then having the freaking gull and temerity to then turn around saying they are the REAL “American” Nationalists, or that they are going to start a new “American” nationalist party?!?! It would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad!

  50. Comparing Michael "Savage" Weiner to the Nationalist Socialist Germans is a freaking joke. The Germans were actually pro-German, and at least for their own people, and NOT to terroristic “foreign” entities!

    Weiner is nothing but a fanatical, extremist zionist, neocon/ziocon Jew, who NEVER puts the USA first, but always puts the zionist, Jewish supremacist, terrorist state of Israel first, who happens to believe (like all traitorous to the USA, Israel first, neocon, zionist trash) that Obama is NOT sufficiently kissing Israel’s a**, sucking up to Israel, being militaristic enough against Israel’s alleged “enemies,” etc., even though Obama is nothing but a Jewish/zionist puppet and slave par excellence, and certified war criminal responsible for the killing and maiming of thousands of innocent civilians -- but to these neocon, zionist supremacists, in their eyes, he’s actually a freaking “pacifist” and not pro-Israel (a FOREIGN COUNTRY) enough!

    Same with the teocon/neocon so-called “Tea party.” They were several years ago infiltrated by Ziocon (neocon) Israel firsters, as 99% of them are also not really pro-American in the slightest, but pro-Israel, zionist supremacist 1000%, who want America to continue to become bankrupt, to continue losing countless AMERICAN soldiers all for the sake of Zion, attacking and killing and continuing to go to war against all of Israel’s alleged enemies, of course Iran being their next target, and for the (zionist controlled) “US” govt to continue to DESTROY the US Constitution -- signing off on more NDAAs, more illegal spying initiatives, more extensions of the Patriot act, and every other, very anti-constitutional provision that completely trash the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, continuing to turn America into a Police State …. But these treasonous zionist, Teocon “Tea Party” Israel firsters NEVER complain about any of this (nor do the millions of Obama apologists and kool aid drinkers either, but that’s another story)

    Watch how these zionist/Israel first (NOT America first!) Teocon “Tea Party” activists are all getting their panties in a twist because Obama has nominated a man (Chuck Hagel) who actually said something slightly negative about a FOREIGN COUNTRY! A FOREIGN COUNTRY! (Even though Hagel has many times pledged loyalty to Zion and has waxed poetic about how he truly LOVES Israel notwithstanding) And in his comment he basically said that he would PUT AMERICA FIRST!!! Oh the freaking irony!!! And you have these same zionist/Israel first, zionist supremacists including Mr. Weiner and the Teocon party activists critiquing Chuck Hagel saying this, and then having the freaking gull and temerity to then turn around saying they are the REAL “American” Nationalists, or that they are going to start a new “American” nationalist party?!?! It would be funny if it wasn’t so damn sad!
