Tuesday, January 01, 2013


After working tirelessly through the night, the United States senate, with a little prodding from the Vice President, came to a compromise on a deal to save 90% of Americans from having their taxes increased.

But, alas.....

"A hard-fought bipartisan compromise passed in the Senate early Tuesday to spare all but the richest Americans from painful income-tax hikes teetered on the edge of collapse as angry House Republicans denounced its lack of spending cuts.

While House Speaker John Boehner considered whether to bring the Senate-passed measure to the floor for a vote Tuesday, Majority Leader Eric Cantor told fellow Republicans in a closed-door meeting that he opposed the legislation negotiated by Vice President Joe Biden and Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and passed by the Senate 89-8 shortly after 2 a.m.

Cantor told the group he could not back the bill in its current form, according to two officials in the room, which could leave open the possibility of an attempt to modify the package and send it back to the upper chamber. But Democrats there have signaled that changing the compromise risks killing it.

A report released by the Congressional Budget Office Tuesday complicated matters further still. The nonpartisan group "scored" the Biden-McConnell compromise as likely adding nearly $4 trillion to the federal deficit over 10 years, hardening opposition among many Republicans seeking further spending cuts.

The country technically went over the “fiscal cliff” at midnight, triggering across-the-board income-tax increases and deep, automatic cuts to domestic and defense programs. Taken together, those factors could plunge the still-fragile economy into a fresh recession. Financial markets were closed for New Year’s Day, potentially limiting the damage from the partisan impasse in dysfunctional Washington at least until Wednesday." [Source]

I have a question: Who voted for these people?



  1. Ace Freeley8:07 PM

    So what the GOP would get from the tax only deal is keeping the current rates for people under $400,000/year but getting tagged as tax hikers for anyone above that. Then Obama gets to come back and force the GOP to agree to the liberal idea that "tax cuts" (which they aren't, it's just continuing the rates as they have been for 12 years) have to be "paid for".

    Of course the GOP will have no more leverage in two months than they do now, so it's very possible that the GOP loses its "tax cut" brand AND sees trillions added to the debt.

    Obama never wanted a deal. This isn't about taxes and spending, it's about destroying the GOP. Unbelievably, it's an open question as to whether the GOP will continue to take part in it.

  2. Very ignorant voters put these wing nuts in office. In my own state of Alabama, it is crazy how people turn out in droves to vote against their own self interest by voting for our Republican Senators and Representatives. A State where we receive more Federal money than we pay in. Many of our Republicans are the Jim Crowe Democrats of the past. The racism came flowing out of the sewers when President Obama was elected. God help us all.

  3. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Clueless in Philly.

    First of all, it is a huge spending omnibus bill. Spending money we don't have and spending 45 dollars for every dollar "saved" Adding another 4 Trillion dollars to the debt/deficit, how do you raise taxes and LOSE MORE MONEY then in the history of this country? When you are already at the maximum you have wasted and borrowed and set to go into a crash in 2 months?

    Second of all, you really have to read up on what democrats are doing and have done to this country. Know what else is in the bill the Obama media isn't telling you?

    1. There's a provision extending a tax policy related to Puerto Rican rum.

    2. And a tax credit for 2- and 3-wheel electric vehicles. Like we haven't pissed away enough money on all these fake electric cars companies.

    4. An extension of some special rules for the film and television business. Obama's pravda friends.

    5. A gift to the car-racing world.
    This one is puzzling, some contributor of Obama's must have needed a billion dollar tax break.

    6. Help to asparagus farmers.
    Some Senator demanded this or he wouldn't have voted yes.

    Why aren't the senate democrats being impeached for not passing a budget and KNOWING precisely what they are doing with our money and where it is leading for 4 years as required by law. WHY??? Why do they not have a clue what is being spent, where we are at, yet demand more and more and spend more and more?

  4. Who voted for these people?

    These people:


  5. Van Blount9:53 PM

    The $3 and $2 in spending cuts for every $1 of higher taxes Democrats promised under Reagan and Bush 41 never materialized. Neither will the $1 of spending cuts for every $41 of higher taxes promised under Obama, who could just as well have promised Republicans significant reductions, since they will never happen anyway. But that would have wasted an opportunity to utterly humiliate the GOP by forcing its “leaders” into abject capitulation, lest the media blame them for the recession this tax hike makes inevitable. Obviously, the media will blame them anyway.

    Meanwhile, as taxes skyrocket and national bankruptcy becomes increasingly certain, Obama just used an executive order to give a raise to federal employees, including the socialist apparatchiks comprising the House and Senate.

    Like Detroit and California, the USA is now a single-party system. We have entered the Democrat Death Spiral, so that the worse Democrats deliberately hobble the economy, the more certain they are to be reelected by an increasingly government-dependent and consequently morally degraded populace.

    Already there is no meaningful opposition to their agenda, despite Republicans holding the House. Having betrayed those who elected them by failing to resist Obama’s Cloward-Piven policy of orchestrating crisis through explosive government growth, they are unlikely to hold it past 2014. There is no reason for Boehner et al. to exist. A viable third party could put the GOP out of its misery in 2016.

    Congrats, libs. You’re winning. You get to be kings of the collapsing pile of trash you have turned our country into. For now.

  6. Anonymous10:17 PM

    "I have a question: Who voted for these people?"

    We the people did. I remember in Nov 2010 when the American voters voted them in. We also voted in a President who rarely keeps his word to the American people. It's the voters that's the problem. The politicians only mirror our votes and who we are as a nation.

    Not only have we gone over the fiscal cliff, but we have gone over the psychological and spiritual cliff as well. I wondered last night at midnight why everyone was so excited to see 2013 when it's shaping up to be far worse than 2012.

    I suggest we pray as a nation for sanity.

  7. Anonymous10:20 PM

    Club for growth...Koch Bros.....the usuals.


  8. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Listening to the debate on the bill in congress and what is amazing is no one democrat has qouted one single set of numbers. Everything is rhetoric, everything is extreme language, nothing describes what they have in the bill, what is entailed and what impact it will have on the economy to take more from some, borrow and spend a lot more and add another 4 trillion to the debt.

    Who voted for these people?

  9. Anonymous10:49 PM

    2013 is going to be a depressing year. I am so depressed. I can't stand Cantor. As a matter of fact, I can't stand the entire GOP. Those people are the devil's right hand disciples.

    Obama and Biden are angels sent from above. And I thank God for that. Can I get an Amen?

  10. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Field 77% of Americans have a payroll tax increase now thanks to dimmiecrats. Obama needs the money
    add another 2%.

    Oh and aside from the 7 new Obamacare taxes going into effect anyone making more than 100k (the majority of small businesses) will have their taxes raised an additional 2,000 k Obama needs the money

    It's only just begun.

    What in the hell makes them think spending more when you are broke and taking more from the half of this country that actually supports the rest isn't going to cause an economic explosion?

    We never left the recession; fictionalized Obama numbers are bullshit. Look at the unemployment rate, the real inflation rate resulting from printing and the unfunded liabilities. Oh about 85 Trillion just for entitlements.

    It's over.

  11. Anonymous11:02 PM

    Mr Field, did you know that America will set the record as a world power with the shortest reign in the history of nations on earth? History will record America as a "flash in the pan" because of America's two party-system coupled with its philosophy of materialism. How sad.

    History will also ask, "What were those Americans thinking?"

  12. Anonymous11:14 PM

    Would you consider any group burning and destroying 1,200 cars newsworthy and pretty outrageous?

    What doesn't the US Media linked to the Obama Administration not want you to know by blacking out this world news?

    Interior Minister Manuel Valls said Tuesday that 1,193 vehicles were burned overnight around the country. Clashes between police and offenders in the New Year’s Eve took place in the Muslim majority districts in the city of Strasbourg and Mulhouse. About seven police officers were attacked New Years eve night.

    Around 1,200 cars were burned by rioting Muslims on the New Year’s Eve in France, where the mass burning cars in the national holidays are kind of tradition among Muslim residents of the disadvantaged suburbs of immigrants.

  13. Anonymous12:13 AM

    Blogger Paul said...

    Very ignorant voters put these wing nuts in office. In my own state of Alabama, it is crazy how people turn out in droves to vote against their own self interest by voting for our Republican Senators and Representatives. A State where we receive more Federal money than we pay in. Many of our Republicans are the Jim Crowe Democrats of the past. The racism came flowing out of the sewers when President Obama was elected. God help us all.

    Oh grow the fuck up with your mindless talking points. Idiot democrats like you never realize just how infantile you sound repeating the same mantra word for word despite anyone with half a brain knowing what a bullshit artist you are.

    Did you call your daddy a racist when he told mommy she couldn't' afford everything you were demanding she buy you petulant little twit? Maybe you told your daddy he was just like Jim Crowe when he told you to stop eating 3 gallons of ice cream a night as it was making you fat lazy and stupid.

    If you think voting for more spending just because you get more then you give is going to work out for you in the long term, then you belong to the democratic party.

    What do get with your type of irresponsible completely ignorant thinking? Or should I say emoting because anyone who has to use Jim Crow and racism to talk about spending isn't' capable of a lucid thought - you get the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S history - Jefferson county.

    Your policies, your gimme some free stuff, take what you can get, spend it all and call those who might stop the gravy train stealing from other people in the country who had the money taken from them racists are a democratic staple and they destroy any city or county they run. Every single one.

    There is no more other peoples money to get, you have done sucked all the nectar out of that fruit. Short sightedness is ignorant isn't it, or are you just a racist trying to enact some Jim Crowe laws and through extortion make someone else in the country sweat to pay for your fuckups and idiocy?

  14. Black Angus12:32 AM

    Black people have a number of reasons to celebrate life in 21st century America. A president has been re-elected - receiving more than 98 percent of the national Black vote - that looks like them (although he doesn't sound like the majority of Black people).

    Black people have countless organizations that work to support and augment Black people in their pursuit of happiness, from the NAACP, the United Negro Fund, 100 Black Men, and well, hundreds of organizations dedicated to Black peoples advancement in the United States.

    Black people live in nation that gives them everything; has created a system of racial preferences to promote Black people over other racial groups; they live in a nation that does not tolerate discrimination in any form - from hiring practices, to firing practices; and how government contracts are awarded.

    Black people get preferential treatment in applying to colleges and even have a program dedicated only to enhancing developmental talent in highly Black people populated areas for bringing more Black people in baseball - called Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities or "RBI".

    Black people at the NAACP manage a “diversity community council” that has met semiannually for the past four years with News Corp. company executives to manage how Black people are portrayed on Fox News.

    Black people will never be happy with just being the "diversity gatekeeper" over FOXnews, or even President of the United States. They want to be in charge of everything, not just the United States Post Office, Department of Labor, NASA and the Surgeon General, Attorney General, etc., etc., of the United States (all of the those mentioned are run by Black people).

    Black people in America live a wonderous life that their fellow racial comrades in Africa could only dream of and yet, Black people will always be resentful of being "Black in America". They cannot be satisfied. Someday we will have to stop trying to.

  15. Small balled Paul said...
    "Many of our Republicans are the Jim Crowe Democrats of the past. The racism came flowing out of the sewers when President Obama was elected."

    I'll bet you pound carrots up your ass and think of Obama.

    You are one sorry son of a bitch.

  16. Looks like we may finally see some compromise.

  17. Anonymous7:09 AM

    The socialist systems under which we currently toil continue to survive only by leeching off of a dwindling number of productive citizens. This is unsustainable — eventually these systems must collapse. The decision of productive individuals to Go Galt will only serve to accelerate the inevitable. When these corrupt governments collapse, generations of humans who have no experience in providing for themselves will be left to steal, beg, or starve.

    Here are a few steps you should be taking to prepare for the coming collapse:

    Stockpile water, food, and ammunition to prepare for coming shortages.
    Practice canning and dehydrating food for long-term storage.
    Invest in small amounts of physical silver and gold.
    Put together a good first-aid kit, including antibiotics, medicines, local anesthesia, scalpels, and suturing equipment.
    Train in basic health care to prepare for rationing.
    Train in self-defense and tactical skills.
    Fortify your home to protect your family against looters.
    Connect with like-minded individuals to prepare for the coming crash together.

    Look for herds of EBT card carrying Obamabots.

  18. Here are a few steps you should be taking to prepare for the coming collapse:

    "Stockpile water, food, and ammunition to prepare for coming shortages.
    Practice canning and dehydrating food for long-term storage.
    Invest in small amounts of physical silver and gold.
    Put together a good first-aid kit, including antibiotics, medicines, local anesthesia, scalpels, and suturing equipment..."

    Good morning Mr. Beck.

  19. Anonymous10:45 AM

    reps = dems

    who told u this was a done deal???

    how long will u mask and evade the evil deeds of that rabid lead dog bankster hobama?

    we are still diving over that cliff RIGHT NOW!!!

    cc your next pay/ssi/payroll tax/trillions taxed via hobamacare etc






  20. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Black Anus said...
    "Black people get preferential treatment in applying to colleges and even have a program dedicated only to enhancing developmental talent in highly Black people populated areas for bringing more Black people in baseball - called Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities or "RBI".

    Hey Black ANUS, you made that too easy, LOL!!!

    You start your paragraph with preferences in college admission, and end with preference in sports? DUMB ASS!!!


    PS- let's see how many words you can make from my new acronym.


  21. Auster11:04 AM

    In his short and seminal book, Nihilism: The Root of the Revolution of the Modern Age, Eugene Rose delineated four stages of Nihilism, defined by their ever-increasing indifference or hostility to truth. The first and mildest stage of Nihilism is Liberalism. The Liberal does not believe in truth, higher truth, absolute truth, or Christian truth. Yet he retains “the name of truth, and the names of those truths men once regarded as absolute.” The next stage of Nihilism is Realism (though I think a better name would be Materialism). The Realist aggressively denies all higher truth, he says that only the material, the physical, the lower, the purely deterministic, is true. The Vitalist in turn reacts against the unbearably meaningless and sterile world that has been created by the Liberal and the Realist. He seeks a revived meaning and vitality in life, but without challenging the Liberal’s and Realist’s assumptions about truth or seeking a restoration of the truths they have destroyed. On the contrary, since the truth offered by Liberalism is so weak and vague, and the truth offered by Realism is so deadening and depressing, the Vitalist rejects the very idea of truth:

    “The falseness of an opinion,” said Nietzsche, “is not for us any objection to it…. The question is, how far an opinion is life-furthering, life-preserving … ” When such pragmatism begins, Nihilism passes into the Vitalist stage, which may be defined as the elimination of truth as the criterion of human action, and the substitution of a new standard: the “life-giving,” the “vital”; it is the final divorce of life from truth. [Nihilism, p. 50].

    In the Vitalist stage of society, people deliver themselves over to an unending search for sensation and excitement, for the exotic and the experimental, for ever-greater freedom and satisfaction of desires, for the “riches of diversity,” for the transforming “energy” that is produced by a society in constant change and motion—and with all these things being seen as, even explicitly promoted as, a substitute for any inherent truth and goodness in existence.

    As Vitalism reaches its peak, the final stage of Nihilism starts to appear. This is the Nihilism of Destruction, “a rage against creation and against civilization that will not be appeased until it has reduced them to absolute nothingness.”

    We are getting there Field.

  22. Anonymous11:06 AM

    more proof that hobama is the most brazen evil bankster prez ever

    this mf has now resumed and extended his holiday HI vacation

    his newest taxpayer jacking has now been upgraded from 4 -7 million dollars!


  23. Anonymous11:07 AM

    Field negro said...

    "Good morning Mr. Beck."

    I'm digging a cave right now...and I have a couple bags of silver coins,that ish is heavy though! ;p

    Anyway, I just read that those lawmakers are calling each other bad words in public like "go f*** yourself! Tsk,tsk,tsk. What an example they set!!! Wow

  24. "As Vitalism reaches its peak, the final stage of Nihilism starts to appear. This is the Nihilism of Destruction, “a rage against creation and against civilization that will not be appeased until it has reduced them to absolute nothingness.”

    We are getting there Field."

    Man tried to use religion as a cure for “Nothingness", but I don't think it is working.

  25. We are getting there Field."

    We were there a hundred or so years ago.

  26. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Black Angus, "Black people have a number of reasons to celebrate life in 21st century America. A president has been re-elected - receiving more than 98 percent of the national Black vote - that looks like them (although he doesn't sound like the majority of Black people)."

    Not only does Obama not sound like 90% of Blacks, he doesn't think like them or want to be in their company. To date, he has done less for Blacks than any other President. Highest unemployment, lack of recognition of our existence, silence on the killing of black kids...he has shed not one tear for any of them, he has gotten irritated at the CBC for asking about black interests...hence, he has basically told the black race to get lost.

    One can surmise from his behavior and non-action toward us that he was elected President as a black man, which is enough. That is fair enough, and that is all us Negroes are going to get. ...carry on.

  27. Anonymous11:36 AM

    "Man tried to use religion as a cure for “Nothingness", but I don't think it is working."

    Field, you need to stop showing your own prejudice against religion. Stop knocking religion. For some of us, it's the only hope we have left. Especially if you are poor and Black. Show some compassion.

  28. Auster12:16 PM

    field negro said...
    "Man tried to use religion as a cure for “Nothingness", but I don't think it is working."

    It used to work. Modern liberalism, which is reaching its culmination today in nihilism, had its beginnings in the rejection of Christianity in the 17th and 18th Centuries. The West was Christian for 1000 or 1500 years. In fact, what we now call the West was born in the act of becoming Christian (i.e. the Christianization of the Germanic peoples of Europe following the fall of the Western Roman empire), and was called Christendom. The present movement for homosexual marriage is just about the final knife in the body of whatever remains of Christian society.

    Americans and their country have already abandoned belief in a higher truth, especially a Christian truth. Since the uglier stages of Nihilism are logical outcomes of that abandonment of truth, Americans have NO philosophical basis with which to counteract radical expressions of Nihilism, which they still instinctively may have a distaste for.

    One doesn’t need to be a Christian, but if one does not at least have a _sympathic understanding_ of Christianity and Christendom, then one’s whole civilizational perspective begins with modernity and liberalism, and one has no other ground to stand upon, no alternative standards to appeal to, besides some variant on liberalism itself, such as modern conservatism.

  29. Anonymous2:14 PM

    I have a question: Who voted for these people?

    The voters who gave Mitt Romney credit for killing Osama Bin Laden. (15%, in an Ohio poll) The voters who believe the earth is 6,000 years old. The voters who can't find the U.S. on a map. The voters who held up signs saying, "GOV'T OUT OF MY MEDICARE." The voters who can't name the three branches of government. The voters who can't name the Vice President of the United States. The voters who think Obama is a Muslim.

    Well, you get the idea.


  30. Anonymous2:22 PM

    You must pay more so they can Buy iPads With Food Stamps

    In the aftermath of the catastrophic 2012 election, given that Obama has clearly established his unfitness for his position, many have been wondering just who the hell would vote for the guy. The answer:

    According to Louisville police, [Tracy] Browning went to the Valley Station Walmart and tried to purchase two iPads with an Electronic Benefit Transfer card. When the transaction was denied, she assaulted a store clerk, pushed another employee to the ground and fled from the store with the merchandise.

    Investigators say Browning went to another Walmart in the area a short time later and again attempted to buy several iPads with an EBT card. She was apprehended at the scene while attempting to flee with the merchandise.

    Any liberals want to explain the moral difference between this behavior and empowering Obama to redistribute other people’s wealth?

    Cultural debasement and government dependency are turning us into a nation of Tracy Brownings.

    Tracy Browning, archetypical 2013 American.


  31. Anonymous2:24 PM

    field negro said...

    "As Vitalism reaches its peak, the final stage of Nihilism starts to appear. This is the Nihilism of Destruction, “a rage against creation and against civilization that will not be appeased until it has reduced them to absolute nothingness.”

    We are getting there Field."

    Man tried to use religion as a cure for “Nothingness", but I don't think it is working.
    If you believe that government is God, capitalists are devils, and it’s possible to create a heaven on earth, then welcome to the Church of Progressivism!

    You might just be confusing the moral and social decay of America from decades of liberal corrosive policies as religion.

  32. Anonymous5:54 PM

    that ruthless evil bankster hobama's fiscal "deal" = curse of more taxes and less income for all of us


    see your new ssi tax increase on your next pay stub!

    most of us will never even see any ssi benefits as elders because hobama has nullified it in 10 yrs to fund hobamacare!!!

    we will all pay more for less
    cc his hobamacare casino




  33. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Auster, thank you for your comments. It's too bad Field lacks depth and understanding of what is happening to Americans.

    The deterioration on American society continues...and folks like Field celebrate. Frankly, it's quite frightening, considering the number of people like him.

  34. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Dear Mr Field, fyi, Sullivan is leaving The Beast. i knew you would want to know because you follow him so closesly. He is an important figure and a powerful voice in the blog media.

    Mr Field, what do you think is going to happen to The Beast, and what do you think an awesome talent like Andrew Sullivan will do?

  35. Anonymous7:55 PM

    Field, please do a post on spirituality and sin. We need to wake up before it's too late.

  36. Anonymous8:07 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Dear Mr Field, fyi, Sullivan is leaving The Beast. i knew you would want to know because you follow him so closesly. He is an important figure and a powerful voice in the blog media.

    Mr Field, what do you think is going to happen to The Beast, and what do you think an awesome talent like Andrew Sullivan will do?

    Oh that's easy, find someone who wants a blowjob.

  37. ?Field, please do a post on spirituality and sin. We need to wake up before it's too late."

    I would love to do it. Will you take up a "love offering" for me. :)
