Wednesday, January 02, 2013

War on Kwanzaa?

Will Bill O'Reilly  start talking about the war on Kwanzaa like he does the war on Christmas? I mean it seems to be that Kwanzaa is under attack as well.

 "Wisconsin state Senator Glenn Grothman (R-West Bend) slammed Kwanzaa, characterizing it as a “supposed” holiday and saying, “Almost no black people today care about Kwanzaa — just white left-wingers who try to shove this down black people’s throats in an effort to divide Americans.”

“Why must we still hear about Kwanzaa?” Grothman asked, according to Patch. “Why are hard-core left wingers still trying to talk about Kwanzaa?”' [Source]

The man is a liar. I know lots of "white left-wingers" and not one of them celebrates, or, for that matter, cares much for Kwanzaa. Just sayin.

Finally, I guess that republicans found a way to get their revenge on Governor Krispy Kreme.

 "New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie unloaded on House Republicans and their leader, John Boehner, Wednesday afternoon, calling the group "disgusting" after the group delayed a vote on much-needed Hurricane Sandy disaster aid.
"This is not a Republican or Democratic issue. National disasters happen in red states and blue states – in states with Democratic governors and Republican governors," Christie said.
"We respond to innocent victims of natural disasters not as Republicans or Democrats but as Americans. Or at least we did, until last night."'

Apparently this was a political move by Mr. Tan Man and he yanked the emergency aid bill to get back at Eric Cantor for breaking from him on the fiscal cliff talks. Oh what a tangled web....

Anyway, I suspect that republicans don't care much for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Those poor folks all live in blue states. 


  1. Calaban8:59 PM

    "Finally, I guess that republicans found a way to get their revenge on Governor Krispy Kreme."

    Another lie. The bill was shelved because it was stuffed full of pork that had nothing to do with Sandy relief.

    Here's an idea, Field: Why don't you try thinking for yourself and asking honest questions about events rather than just merely repeating Media Matters talking points? It wouldn't be quite as easy, but you would feel better about yourself.

  2. Ronald9:02 PM

    I gotta admit Field, the only people who I know who pay any attention at all to Kwanzaa are guilty feeling white people.

    I have no use for it. The guy who made it all up was a criminal and a FBI informant.

  3. Anonymous9:11 PM

    Field, in Wisconsin most Blacks celebrate XMAS, not Kwaanza. So do any Africans from Africa. So, in a sense the Senator was right, considering he logically came to his conclusion by the Blacks in Wisconsin.

    I have often wondered why Blacks are so silent and docile in WI. It's difficult to get a Negro to speak up there. Hell, it's twice as hard to get one or two of our folks to blog. But that's probably because our folks there in Milwaukee have a Christian sense of "humility".

    BTW, you some humility too. It could save you some humiliation in court.:)

  4. Anonymous9:14 PM

    Dear Mr Field, yesterday I suggested that you buy some GOLD/SILVER. Well, it popped today and you had better get on that gravy train before it's too late. I am sure you don't want to find yourself back on the Ben Franklin Bridge, do you?

  5. Anonymous9:17 PM

    "New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie unloaded on House Republicans and their leader, John Boehner, Wednesday afternoon, calling the group "disgusting" after the group delayed a vote on much-needed Hurricane Sandy disaster aid."

    The problem with the GOP, it has no soul. It cannot "feel" like normal human beings. They are heartless and therefore are only half-human.

    I predict Boehner will be fired from his job soon.

  6. Anonymous9:54 PM

    "Anyway, I suspect that republicans don't care much for the victims of Hurricane Sandy. Those poor folks all live in blue states"

    Field, judging from your demeanor you clearly have gotten wrong information again. I know this because an intelligent man like yourself, with integrity who knows that every action brings repercussions... you wouldn't willingly spread lies and propaganda.

    Allow me to help.

    The Sandy bill somehow got mysteriously packed with pork/fraud and even more spending by some democrats on its way to appropriating more money to help the people in New Jersey.

    Why does the bill include $2 million to repair roof damage at Smithsonian buildings in Washington, D.C.?

    Why does the emergency bill include $336 million for Amtrak-related expenses?

    Why does the emergency bill include $8 million to buy new cars for federal agencies.

    Why does the bill include $150 million for fisheries in Mississippi and Alaska.

    Why does the bill show $4 million for repairs at the Kennedy Space Center?

    Why does the bill have over 20 billion for "miscellaneous" when Katrina only got 9 billion?

    Where is all this funny money that needs to be borrowed being sent and who is getting it and why?

    I know you care about the American poor who will soon be unable to buy much because the skyrocketing prices caused by this corruption, graft and printing. So look forward to your correcting the record or letting us know what you think, now that you know the truth and not the lies and propaganda you mentioned here.

    1. Anonymous10:14 PM

      Name any other bill that this doesn't happen to.

  7. "Here's an idea, Field: Why don't you try thinking for yourself and asking honest questions about events rather than just merely repeating Media Matters talking points? It wouldn't be quite as easy, but you would feel better about yourself."

    I give nothing but the facts here.

  8. Anonymous9:57 PM

    The man is a liar. I know lots of "white left-wingers" and not one of them celebrates, or, for that matter, cares much for Kwanzaa. Just sayin.

    Hey that's not true, why Harry Reid had to put off his Kwanzaa celebration for a bit, but I just saw him heading out with his curling iron and duct tape he is going to celebrate Kwanzaa in its truest forms and torture the next black woman he sees, making her suck on his hot curling iron just like Karenga did, when he made up this racist holiday.

    Happy festivus.

  9. Anonymous10:05 PM

    Dear Mr Field, as an anon rightwinger dedicated to changing you, FN, and POCs for a better America, I want to apologize for the sordid actions of John Boehner and the GOP regarding the disaster bill so desperately needed by Americans living in NJ and NY. That was very very unAmerican of Boehner and Republicans...Please accept my apology.

    Also, I would like to apologize for the insulting and heartless comments regarding Hillary's concussion. That too, was sordid and disgusting and very very unAmerican. Please accept my apology.

    Finally, I want to apologize for John Boehner using the "F-word" to Senator Reid. That was totally uncalled for. I think the pressure is getting to Boehner and he is pissed about it.

    I don't know which way the GOP is headed--which, as you know, is ruled by the Tea Party. IMO, we should break up into two separate parties, thereby creating a much needed three-party system. I am sure there are discussions about this because we are tired of looking like unpatriotic fools- and liars.

  10. Anon@10:05, apology accepted.

  11. Happy festivus, let's see now....the Catholic church came up with the idea of Christmas as we know it, and... was from a Pagan festival to make pagans accept Catholicism.

    So was Karenga worse than these guys?

  12. Anonymous10:22 PM

    "So was Karenga worse than these guys?"

    False relativism.

  13. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "Here's an idea, Field: Why don't you try thinking for yourself and asking honest questions about events rather than just merely repeating Media Matters talking points? It wouldn't be quite as easy, but you would feel better about yourself."

    I give nothing but the facts here.

    I know you are a moonbat but again allow me to help you. False accusations, lying by omission, twisting the truth, name calling - these are NOT arguments based on fact. They are liberal loony tunes. If you had facts, they would speak for themselves and you wouldn't need to cry unfair and racism how some people don't care about some people wahhhhhhhhh. You could simply qoute the budget numbers even though the democrats have not produced one since Obama has been in office, not one.

  14. field negro said...
    I give nothing but the facts here.

    The liberal media's role is no longer to question Democratic political authorities, or express any skepticism whatsoever about their claims, but to act as their Public Relations arm simply claim that everything a Democrat says is true -- "from a certain point of view," as Obi Wan might say. See, for example, the most egregious "fact checks" of 2012, where true claims made by Republicans are deemed false, because the liberal "fact" checkers don't like the implications made, and where false claims made by Democrats (especially Obama) are deemed "true," because, well, they must be.

    Much of our method of flattering ourselves is by favorable comparison to others -- to look at others, deem what others do "bad," "stupid," or "crazy," and set ourselves up in opposition to that, thus reassuring ourselves that we are good, smart, and reasonable.

    Apart from the surface-level bias at play -- the obvious intellectual dishonesty, where "fact" checkers invent the category of "true but false" for Republicans and "false but true" for Democrats -- there is a deeper, psychologically rooted bias at play. Because conservatives have been so "Otherized" by liberals, virtually anything a conservative does is definitionally bad, stupid, or crazy.

    This puts them in a position, far more incredible and lunatic than any position they're seeking to define themselves against: that liberal politicians simply do not have the human capacity for deception or self-dealing behavior.

    Is the conservative paranoia about Obama being a Manchurian candidate with malice in his heart excessive and unhinged? Perhaps. But is the liberal reverse paranoia -- what is the word? -- that Obama is constitutionally incapable of selfishness, deception, and self-dealing any more reasonable?

    It is in fact less reasonable: For we know many humans who are in fact selfish and dishonest, but we know of not a single person still living on earth who is by definiton incapable of either sin, to the point where, as their claims carry them, to simply question Obama's, or Hillary''s honesty is to give evidence of a form of mania.

    What a remarkable transformation of liberal views -- just 5-6 years ago they considered the theory that the American President had deliberately permitted the murder of 3000 citizens in order to secure a short-term political advantage a theory which, while unproven, was no strong mark against its proponent, to a new theory, upon the Apotheosis of Barack Hussein Obama, that the American President and his lesser ministers have simply not told a single untruth in their lives and to suspect them of doing so is a mark of lunacy.

    Many of the exact same liberal fans of Hillary's, who give her such props for the Machiavellian play of letting Susan Rice destroy her career by carrying the false Benghazi claims to market, while she herself had other Duties Unspecified, are the same people who now insist that the girl just don't have a devious bone in her body, and anyone who tries to tell you otherwise is a stone-cold nutter.

    So that's where we are.

    This is a dangerous moment. This may sound alarmist, I do think Tyranny is in the air. When the press, of which you are part, decides that our Dear Leaders are above suspicion, and any suspicion is evidence of both mental illness and treason simultaneously, we're living on the cusp of Chavez-like times.

  15. Anonymous10:46 PM

    field negro said...

    Happy festivus, let's see now....the Catholic church came up with the idea of Christmas as we know it, and... was from a Pagan festival to make pagans accept Catholicism.

    So was Karenga worse than these guys?

    Go for it, embrace your racist side and celebrate Kwanzaa. Who cares. If that is who you are and you can embrace what it is and stands for and make it one with your soul - go for it. It will define you.

  16. field negro said...

    So was Karenga worse than these guys?


    Karenga is the flawed inventor of a superficial religion.

    Those "guys" were the flawed practioners of a great religion.

  17. I celebrate Kwanzaa. I celebrate blackness. I know many black people in communities which celebrate Kwanzaa, and do not seek anybody's approval to do so.
    Halloween is a made up holiday.
    Valentine's Day is a made up holiday.
    Easter is a made up holiday.
    Mother's Day.
    Father's Day.
    All of these are "made-up" holidays. I don't hear white men calling for the abolishment of those energy sucking, financially draining, contrived and vapid examples of holidays.
    When a Black Male(Karenga) uses his most creative thinking for the liberation of Black people against the mindless participation of so-called holidays, created by White people; I think that is straight up Field Negro behavior!
    Black people creating constructive activity and thought for Black people should be supported and defended against racist attack.

  18. I'm as white & as left as they come, and I've never known anyone, black or white, who celebrates or even cares about Kwanza. I have, however, no problem with anyone who does, especially on the grounds that it's a "made up" holiday. What holiday isn't, after all "made up?"

    Yeah, Christy-Creme's got some payback coming but I think it's more the traditional contempt that the western-southern rural white Baptist GOP base holds toward Catholic/Jewish multi-culti majority-minority urban northeasterners reasserting itself. The NYC fetishization during the war years after 9/11 were an anomaly that definitively ended when the Tklan erupted.

    As for Boner & Can'ter, tomorrow will tell, I suppose, weather the latter still needs a dancing clown.

  19. Wesley R12:39 AM

    Some wingnuts still think it's their civic duty to tell Black Folks how to think. Sad thing is there will be some Black Folks who will defend the wingnuts comments.

    Democrats need to be more like Republicans and plan for the next election and find candidates to run in 2014 and BACK those people.

  20. Anonymous1:22 AM

    field negro said...

    " Happy festivus, let's see now....the Catholic church came up with the idea of Christmas as we know it, and... was from a Pagan festival to make pagans accept Catholicism.

    So was Karenga worse than these guys?"


    “America is like a healthy body and its resistance is threefold: its patriotism, its morality, and its spiritual life. If we can undermine these three areas, America will collapse from within.”
    — Field/Joseph Stalin

  21. Anonymous3:47 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Name any other bill that this doesn't happen to.

    The bill of rights, stop accepting this corruption and bribery. It brings Detroit, Atlanta, Birmingham, Camden.....

  22. Anonymous3:48 AM

    field negro said...

    "Here's an idea, Field: Why don't you try thinking for yourself and asking honest questions about events rather than just merely repeating Media Matters talking points? It wouldn't be quite as easy, but you would feel better about yourself."

    I give nothing but the facts here.

    Politics is the only thing Leftists know about. They know nothing of economics, history or business. Their only expertise is in promoting feelings of grievance

  23. Why does the ridiculous white guy care enough about Kwanzaa to even comment on it? Actually, Kwanzaa had had the effect on some African-Americans I know of inspiring them to add colorful African decorations to their Christmas decorations & choosing African art themed holiday cards, that's a neat thing to do. I have personally have never celebrated Kwanzaa, or asked an African-American to celebrate it. Nor have I ever taken offense at someone wishing me Happy Holidays. For all they know, I celebrate Saturnalia like most Americans do, the wild Roman festival of profligate spending, gift-giving, drinking to excess & gluttonous feasting.

  24. ?Karenga is the flawed inventor of a superficial religion.

    Those "guys" were the flawed practioners of a great religion."

    "What a fool believes he sees."

    Their only expertise is in promoting feelings of grievance"

    The only thing I am grieving for now is the rebublican party.

    "celebrate Kwanzaa. I celebrate blackness. I know many black people in communities which celebrate Kwanzaa, and do not seek anybody's approval to do so.
    Halloween is a made up holiday.
    Valentine's Day is a made up holiday.
    Easter is a made up holiday.
    Mother's Day.
    Father's Day.
    All of these are "made-up" holidays. I don't hear white men calling for the abolishment of those energy sucking, financially draining, contrived and vapid examples of holidays."

    Bing bing bing bing!!

  25. Anonymous6:31 AM

    The guys that celebrate Thanksgiving slaughtered almost all the native inhabitants and stole the country. So what's your point?? Senator Grothman if you don't like Kwanzaa, don't celebrate. How's about staying out of "Black" folks business for a minute or two??? Appreciate it!!

  26. Anonymous6:46 AM

    "I know lots of "white left-wingers" and not one of them celebrates, or, for that matter, cares much for Kwanzaa."
    I guess that would describe me: white left-winger.

    I'm also not Irish-American, nor Italian-American, nor gay, nor a believer in any particular religion nor Chinese-American, etc. So I don't "celebrate" Kwanzaa, or St. Patrick's day, or Columbus day, or gay pride day or Christmas or Hanukkah, or Chinese New years. On the other hand, good on you if you do celebrate any of these holidays, and if you should invite me to celebrate with you I'll accept the invitation graciously and enjoy myself. - Particularly if there's food or drink involved.

    Holy crap, the things people get themselves worked up about!

  27. Anonymous11:40 AM

    field negro said...

    ?Karenga is the flawed inventor of a superficial religion.

    Those "guys" were the flawed practioners of a great religion."

    "What a fool believes he sees."

    Their only expertise is in promoting feelings of grievance"

    The only thing I am grieving for now is the rebublican party.

    "celebrate Kwanzaa. I celebrate blackness. I know many black people in communities which celebrate Kwanzaa, and do not seek anybody's approval to do so.
    Halloween is a made up holiday.
    Valentine's Day is a made up holiday.
    Easter is a made up holiday.
    Mother's Day.
    Father's Day.
    All of these are "made-up" holidays. I don't hear white men calling for the abolishment of those energy sucking, financially draining, contrived and vapid examples of holidays."

    Bing bing bing bing!!

    Who knew that most Holidays were only for Whites.

    You just explained the Democratic party. Like Kwaanza it might be nothing more than shit on a stick, but at least they convinced you it's your shit and it's sticking to you. Or is it your sticking to it?? Anything that supports your hatred of other races.

  28. Anonymous11:42 AM

    kwanzaa is not an african holiday
    and i have no respect for its creator ron k...

    ron k was akin to hobama v. BPP
    no issue for me



    the fake illnesses failed for hc

    impeach hobama now!!!

  29. Anonymous11:48 AM

    field negro said...

    "Here's an idea, Field: Why don't you try thinking for yourself and asking honest questions about events rather than just merely repeating Media Matters talking points? It wouldn't be quite as easy, but you would feel better about yourself."

    I give nothing but the facts here.

    No doubt. Remember when you said the Bush tax cuts were for the rich and for 10 years hated what he did? Glad to see you changed your mind and now agree with Bush and acknowledge that the tax-cuts did in fact benefit the middle class.

    You don't have to worry about anyone calling you hypocrites or highlighting your hypocrisy or even of having an original thought to save your lives, just stay out of the way whilst adults really run things.

  30. The "adults" ran things for 8 years and, thanks to them, thousands of young people died.

    I love all races except the wingnutsapien.

  31. "Holy crap, the things people get themselves worked up about!"

    Nobody cares if black people make up their own holdidays. MLK Day, Juneteenth, Devil's Night are all legitimate expressions of black culture. But Kwanzaa was specifically created by a criminal with a political agenda to seperate blacks out from the common culture's celebration of Christmas. Most black people had the sense to reject this bit of nonsense out of hand, but it has been relentlessly pushed by white liberals as a way to sow further division and chip away at the culture they hate.

    The dude who came up with this fake holiday was convicted for kidnapping two of his female employees and tortuing them with pliers and a soldering iron. He was also an informant for the FBI who helped put black activists in jail.

  32. Know Your Enemies1:12 PM

    field negro said...
    "I love all races except the wingnutsapien"

    This is the sickness of liberalism: they hate their fellow Americans with which they disagree more than any enemy of the country as a whole.

    Al Gore just sold his Current netowork to Al Jazeera. He said they had carefully chosen who to sell it to and were happy they could find a buyer who shared the same basic ideology. Co-founder Joel Hyatt said they agreed to sell to Al Jazeera in part because “Al Jazeera was founded with the same goals we had for Current,” including “to give voice to those whose voices are not typically heard” and “to speak truth to power.” They reportedly received $200 million for the network.

    Al Jazeera is the mouthpiece of the government of Qatar. Al Jazeera ran all of the propaganda pieces run by Al Qaeda and openly supported Osama bin Laden.

    Prior to Al Jazeera's offer, Glenn Beck's The Blaze approached Current with a $250 million offer, but was rebuffed, being told that they could not sell their network to someone with his "point of view".

    An former Vice President of the United States just openly declared that he stands with the supporters of Islamic terrorism against the United States over a conservative American media group.

    The lines are getting clearer and clearer.

  33. Anonymous1:13 PM

    field negro said...

    The "adults" ran things for 8 years and, thanks to them, thousands of young people died.

    I love all races except the wingnutsapien.

    Thank God Obama wasn't president during 9/11 you would be wearing a big black burqa by now as he proceeded to tell the country it was our fault for not making sure the terrorists didn't get angry; a typical moonbat stance.

    But as for your lack of love, conservatives don't hate democrats who are now communist/socialist/exteme leftist stalin lovers, we tolerate you and look upon you as children with stunted growth who just don't understand the world and think that playing with your easy bake oven and stamping your feet while calling others names will make the fabric of reality change.

    The hate, the intolerance, the violence, the extremism is ALL from the left.

    Facts, reality, empirical evidence endless historical proof of failure of your views causing depression, death, carnage and suffering supporting none of your views - it's all you have - Hatred and hypocrisy.

    But we love ya like the mentally stunted little gnomes you are.

    It does get tiring having to make sure all the outlets have covers so you don't stick your tongue in them though. You see conservatives teach their children not to lick electrical wires so they can think. Liberals try and outlaw electricity because they don't have very much faith in you, albeit understandably so.

  34. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Wesley R said...
    Some wingnuts still think it's their civic duty to tell Black Folks how to think. Sad thing is there will be some Black Folks who will defend the wingnuts comments.

    Yes it's true that some Blacks defend the wingnuts' comments. I am one of them....Wingnuts are a lot smarter than Leftists.

    Wingnuts know everything and leftists like Field and some FN Negroes struggle to deny this great truth. History will show that most posters on FN commenting against wingnuts were deluded and dead wrong.

  35. Frustrated Negro2:18 PM

    You never cease to amaze me how much you enjoy looking at ridiculous comments, and arguments from avowed racists..

    In a effort to do what STEPHEN??

    Kwanza was , and is an attempt to inject African Culture into the decendants of slaves who were stripped of their culture.

    Heaven forbid we ask
    "How did they lose their culture....?"

    Who really gives a Rats Ass about what this knuckle head has to say about Kwanza??

    Just anything for a quick race bait right STEPHEN??

    Since you dont dare to talk about whats really going on with the Empire...

    No mention of the recent drone bombings 12/30

    No mention of the Foreclosure Review being scrapped for a fine "Of Course"

    No mention of the revolving door in this administration ,and the Big Banks

    I cant wait for B.A.R.
    (Black Agenda Report) to get off Holiday Break...

    Enough with the race politricks...

  36. "I celebrate Kwanzaa. I celebrate blackness. I know many black people in communities which celebrate Kwanzaa, and do not seek anybody's approval to do so.
    Halloween is a made up holiday.
    Valentine's Day is a made up holiday.
    Easter is a made up holiday.
    Mother's Day.
    Father's Day.
    All of these are "made-up" holidays. I don't hear white men calling for the abolishment of those energy sucking, financially draining, contrived and vapid examples of holidays."

    @anon 11:40 a.m. said:
    "Who knew that most Holidays were only for Whites."

    You said it, I didn't.

    "Like Kwaanza it might be nothing more than shit on a stick, but at least they convinced you it's your shit and it's sticking to you. Or is it your sticking to it?? Anything that supports your hatred of other races."

    Black people don't hate white people nearly as much as white children hate themselves and their parents.

  37. Retardo Montaliban3:05 PM

    Thankfully, the fact that Hillary Clinton is now brain-dead won't impact her prospects of winning the Democrat presidential nomination in 2016.

  38. Lt. Commander Johnson3:55 PM

    Ah, yes....St. Obama...looking out for the "little guy":

    Where's Granny, and her bitchin' about the Koch bros.?

  39. Anonymous11:09 AM


    that amoral lying bankster hobama fried Rice!...

    what proof do YOU have that hc is really ill???

    trust no politico

    especially inside hobama's entire legendary lying evil regime!!!

    impeach hobama NOW!!!!


    cc hobama's msm drones/the blackmailed yet defiant petraeus/libyan rebels against hobama's own global gitmos/wwiii/africom etc

  40. A year later and nothing has changed here.

  41. Anonymous1:39 AM

    Serious question for the ladies and gay guys: Do you find Gleen Grothman so hot that the mere sight of him makes you touch yourself in that DiVinyls way?

  42. Kwanza isn't a holiday. It's a celebration of hatred. None but scum honor it.

  43. BTW: If you've accepted the color brown as a religion, you're a subhuman bigot.

    May you rot in hell.

  44. So to a wingnut celebrating a holiday that unites us is "racist". Nice to see how they think. Maybe we should just celebrate white approved holidays, it seems to make them happy when we only do what they think we should do.

  45. @PilotX:
    You are very correct in your assessment about what white people want non-white people to do.
    You are incorrect about what makes them happy.
    They want everyone to be as miserable and inhuman as they are. Then maybe they will know happiness.

  46. I celebrate Kwanzaa.....

  47. Liger Bomb1:39 AM

    Thank God Obama wasn't president during 9/11 you would be wearing a big black burqa by now as he proceeded to tell the country it was our fault for not making sure the terrorists didn't get angry; a typical moonbat stance.

    Jerry Falwell told the country it was our fault because we made God angry.

    Dinesh D'Souza claimed that “I am saying that the cultural left and its allies in Congress, the media, Hollywood, the nonprofit sector, and the universities are the primary cause of the volcano of anger toward America that is erupting from the Islamic world.”

    Does "moonbat" mean religious right wing conservative? One of us seems to be mixed up.
