Monday, January 14, 2013

No more Mr. Nice Guy.

His Oness gave a press conference today that was full of ireful words.
I can't say that I blame him. These far right folks have been just batty of late.
I wonder if right before his presser he read a copy of "Armed & Dangerous: The Rise of The Survivalist Right" by James Coates. That's some scary stuff. That would put any president (especially one of color) in a foul mood.

Or maybe he has been listening to Mark Levin.

"He keeps telling us he won re-election,” Levin said of the president.

“Congratulations! But guess what, the Constitution wasn’t up for election, it wasn’t for a referendum,” he continued, before rattling off the list of ways he believes the president has expanded his office into an “imperial presidency,” including “unilateral action” on immigration, the tax implications of ObamaCare, “attacks on religious liberty,” and the potential use of executive order on gun control.

“What the hell is this?” Levin continued. “He was elected president. Congratulations. This guy makes Richard Nixon look like a man who followed the law all the time. I think we have an imperial president. He sounds imperial, he’s arrogant as hell and I’m furious about this.”

 “People better wake up to this. This is not what Bush did or what anybody else did. This president is different and in a very, very negative way and the fact that a lot of people voted for him, that’s extremely troubling, but the Constitution, as I said, that wasn’t up for grabs and it’s still not up for grabs....

“You would think that the Constitution is just another statute for these guys to play with,” Levin said. “This is why I’m furious. Once we lose the Constitution, and we’re losing it big, what’s left? How do we keep these people in check?”He concluded by saying it will “not be very pretty” if Obama invokes executive order in dealing with gun control."

Take a deep breath, Mark; you look like a heart attack waiting to happen. If I were you I would try to stay calm.

But back to President Obama's press conference. Dude was so mad he was telling congress to pay their bills. (When was the last time you heard a black man talking so publicly about paying his bills?) He declared that the Tea Party folks in congress wanted to collect "a ransom" in exchange for not crashing the economy. He did not seem happy about having America's credit rating taking another hit under his watch.

 “The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip.”

“While I’m willing to compromise and find common ground over how to reduce our deficit, America cannot afford another debate with this Congress over how to pay the bills they’ve already racked up,”  [Source]

It was more like a lecture and a dropping of the gauntlet than a Q & A with the White House press corps. And when they asked questions he evaded them and tried to get back on message.

I think I prefer this Obama to the old one. This Obama is acting like a guy with nothing to lose. No more kissing babies and begging rich dudes to write checks so that he can get elected. I guess he learned that playing the nice guy role wasn't going to change how the other side feels about him.

This is your last four years Mr. President. It's Time to grow a pair. You better take a look around you and see how unhinged your enemies have become.

“People that are fed up with a power hungry, radicalized, abusive federal government intruding into every aspect of our lives,”

“People are going to say they’re fed up, and states are going to want more liberty and more freedom. They’re not going to want to tax their citizens to death anymore. If this pattern continues and gets worse and worse and worse, I can see at some point the states saying, ‘Forget it. I don’t want to be a part of this union anymore.’”

Hannity said if things continue on this current path he sees a possibility of conservative states leaving the union.

“There is a tipping point in all of these debates,” [Source]

All this because the black man told you to pay your bills?


  1. White Foreman9:22 PM


    Purple Cow said, "Did you know that in an eleven man team there are 40 million possible batting orders?"

    Okay, I actually checked that out and you are quite right. 40 million permutations - yep, I wouldn't have figured anywhere near that many. Imagine putting them all down on paper.

    Also, anybody choosing to write what you have at the top of your blog about the goal of the struggle... well, that's very well said and it proves that you can't be all bad. Tell you what: I apologize for calling you that 'pillow-biter' thing. Sorry. You seem to be the only black racist here with some class. You are wrong about global warming, though :)

    Besides all the many problems with 'environmentalists', the biggest one remains in the refusal to criticize the tremendous hypocrisy of poster boy Al Gore.

    [Edit: I just saw your reply... no I'm not IYam whoever that is, no I don't get what you mean about 'difficult', I am an honest person always --- but what you say seems smartass to me... -- so back to the trenches, eh mate? :) too bad ]

    Anyway let e know if you read this. Wayne is glued to his boob tube all night watching others play sports. Frig it all.

  2. Wesley R9:47 PM

    These KK Krackers are nuts. Mr. Powell was 100% correct. I love hearing for the past 4 year about what President Obama was 'about' to do. He hasn't done any of what these clowns claim he would. One thing he didn't do was ignore threats made against the country which cost over 3000 lives.

    One thing he should do is cut a deal with big business who have trillions of dollars off shores to allow them to bring their money back into the country for a small fee, say 5% to fund the infrastructure bank and job training for American citizens only to fill those millions of jobs.

  3. SixTrillion Dollar Barry10:22 PM

    “The full faith and credit of the United States of America is not a bargaining chip.”


  4. There will be blood10:26 PM

    Levin is right. This administration has completely flouted the Constitution from the start, and are now moving to suspend it. If Congress does not assert its authority by impeaching Obama, there will be revolution in the streets.

    Live free or die.

  5. Kersey11:23 PM

    Most Americans encounter D.W. Griffith’s film The Birth of a Nation—if they encounter it all—in a class on “Pop Culture and Film” in college, where they learn how insidious this movie was for daring to show a far different take on the Reconstruction Period than that currently disseminated throughout the American education system. (Which, coincidentally, is basically what Django Unchained preaches: white people were already prepared to join the Ku Klux Klan in 1860 and were always prepared to unleash vicious dogs a la Bull Connor in Birmingham on black people to keep them in their place).

    Perhaps you’ve read about the NAACP Boycott of The Birth of a Nation or President Woodrow Wilson’s alleged remark—after viewing the film in the White House—that “it is like writing history with lightning.”

    It’s a shame Jamie Foxx didn’t garner an Oscar nomination, since his depiction of Django is a useful update of Richard Wright’s tormented white-girl killer in 1940’s Native Son—Bigger Thomas.

    In Wright’s novel, black dysfunction is a byproduct of the white power structure and of white racism. This has become the dominant view of race relations in America, epitomized by the 1968 Kerner Commission that blamed white people for the 1960s black uprisings in Chicago, Watts, and Detroit. Our culture is dominated by white managerial elite who view the world like To Kill A Mockingbird’s Atticus Finch. They really believe white privilege dooms black males to the fate of Wright’s Bigger Thomas.

    At a time when the Department of Justice releases data showing a growing number of attacks on white Americans—when Colin Flaherty documents in his book “White Girl Bleed a Lot ” that 21st Century Djangos have indeed been unchained and make increasingly public attacks on whites—when Attorney General Eric Holder states that hate crimes laws don’t protect white Americans—we get to hear Jamie Foxx bragging about enjoying “killing whites” in Django Unchained on NBC’s Saturday Night Live.

    As the crowd that beat that white family in Akron, Ohio over Independence Day in 2009 chanted: “This is a black world.” [Akron police investigate teen mob attack on family, By Phil Trexler, Akron Beacon Journal, July 7, 2009]

    The reality of the Django Unchained release should convince anyone with half a brain that those controlling the U.S. government (and entertainment industry) are systematically displacing the world (and people) who produced Birth of a Nation.

    Django Unchained is simply the visual manifestation of the new world we all live in.

    James Baldwin once wrote, in a book called Notes of a Native Son: "No American Negro exists who does not have his private Bigger Thomas living in his skull.” Perhaps we can now paraphrase that: “No black American exists who does not have his private Django living in his skull, always prepared to enact justice in the name of Trayvon Martin.”

    As President Barack Obama put it: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon.”

    That’s what you call “writing history with lightning.”

    Times change, people change, countries change. But, remember, the America that flocked to see The Birth of a Nation ultimately went to the moon. The America that flocks to see Django Unchained has produced 2013 Detroit.

  6. Wedgeworth11:27 PM

    Wesley R said...
    One thing he should do is cut a deal with big business who have trillions of dollars off shores to allow them to bring their money back into the country for a small fee, say 5% to fund the infrastructure bank and job training for American citizens only to fill those millions of jobs.

    You know why he won't? Because that's a Republican idea. Obama won't do it because Romney said he was going to do it. That's how petty he is.

  7. Whenever a winger quotes Washington, Lincoln or Jefferson, check the attribution. I read a Jefferson "quote" the other day that had never been heard of earlier than 2007 & is labeled "spurious" by the organization that maintains Monticello.

  8. There was another ominous Section 8 riot in metro Detroit over the weekend.

    Remember the average White household has a net worth of $97,000. The average Hispanic household has a net worth of $1,300 and the average black household has a net worth of $4,900.

    There will come a point in the near future when there are simply not enough middle class White taxpaying households to sustain the welfare state for the surging non-White tax consuming underclass.

    What do you suppose will happen in Detroit on The Day The EBT Card Stops Working?

  9. Anonymous1:47 AM

    “You would think that the Constitution is just another statute for these guys to play with,” Levin said. “This is why I’m furious. Once we lose the Constitution, and we’re losing it big, what’s left? How do we keep these people in check?”He concluded by saying it will “not be very pretty” if Obama invokes executive order in dealing with gun control."--mark levin

    It's already ugly and that's without an executive order. After the CT murders, people went right on shooting each other as if nothing happened.

    What is surprising (or maybe it isn't) is Mark is Jewish and he's trying his best to shoot(pun intended) the President down. I used to think Jews were for equality but I read more and more of their racist attitudes toward Blacks, esp in Israel.

    Anyway, Mark Levin can go fuck himself. He and Hannity deserve each other . May they both rot in hell.

  10. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Field, "But back to President Obama's press conference. Dude was so mad he was telling congress to pay their bills. (When was the last time you heard a black man talking so publicly about paying his bills?) He declared that the Tea Party folks in congress wanted to collect "a ransom" in exchange for not crashing the economy. He did not seem happy about having America's credit rating taking another hit under his watch."

    Field, why are ALL of your posts attack the GOP and favor Obama?

    You and some of your FN Negroes such as PilotX and Nuwang and Purple Cow need to take a deep breath and relax. We have the best political system in the world and things will work out like they always do.

    We also have the best justice system in the world, as you well know.

    Some of you FN folks don't have to worry about being left out in the cold because some of you 'already' have been left in the cold. Better try to become a professional Dr Reine, Dr Queen, and Dr Nuwang...LOL.

  11. Anonymous2:31 AM

    Mr Field, I find it hard to believe that the GOP actually believes some of the political rhetoric it says. I sometimes wonder if some of those old crusty merciless angry white men are actually real. I mean, they can't be serious. It's a joke, isn't it?

    Are Americans that dumb-- and violent? And if those Whites are that dumb where does that put us Blacks? I mean, Whites run the country and the world. WE are far behind. Please Field, explain why we are always bringing up the rear. It's pretty tiresome and depressing.

  12. Anonymous2:36 AM

    "Hannity said if things continue on this current path he sees a possibility of conservative states leaving the union."

    My God, I hope states don't start seceding from America.

    If I am not mistaken, Hannity is second only to O'Reilly when it comes to ratings. That means a lot of Americans watch and follow him.

    Mr Field, a mild suggestion from Hannity could start the seceding ball to rolling. OMG! what is going to happen to us?

  13. Listening to the president is a transcendant experience. I love that man so much. I could listen to him forever. Let's raise a glass to four more years of beautiful rhetoric! Now let's see if he follows through!

  14. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Purple Cow said, "Did you know that in an eleven man team there are 40 million possible batting orders?"

    Did you know butterflies taste with their feet?

    Or that Purple cow tastes with his ass?

  15. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Better try to become a professional Dr Reine, Dr Queen, and Dr Nuwang...LOL.

    Ironically, students pursuing terminal degrees ARE called professional students, so THANK YOU, for FINALLY knowing WTF you're talking about:

    "Direct Stafford Loans: The Department of Education offers unsubsidized Stafford loans for graduate/professional students that have better interest rates and loan terms than many private loans.”

    So it looks like even a dumb ass, barely educated, stalking buffoon like you, gets it absolutely right sometimes, LOL!!!! It's just too bad all that "knowledge" doesn't change a damn thing in your own pitiful existence!


  16. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Field, why are ALL of your posts attack the GOP and favor Obama?

    Cause Obama won't let you hump his leg unless you worship him and even satanists say good things about the Devil.

  17. Anonymous9:32 AM

    Ironically, students pursuing terminal degrees ARE called professional students, so THANK YOU, for FINALLY knowing WTF you're talking about:

    "Direct Stafford Loans: The Department of Education offers unsubsidized Stafford loans for graduate/professional students that have better interest rates and loan terms than many private loans.”

    So it looks like even a dumb ass, barely educated, stalking buffoon like you, gets it absolutely right sometimes, LOL!!!! It's just too bad all that "knowledge" doesn't change a damn thing in your own pitiful existence!


    Who you tryig to bullshit. You didnt' take out any loan, that woudl mean you have to pay it back.

    You are a lifelong student so you never have to show you can't finish anything and you keep getting free grant money designed to educate people like you because of the achievement gap that never gets any narrower. They say you should focus on your "cultural tradition" did you wind up getting a degree in being a single hoochie mama along with your African inventions of the world and pottery degrees?

    You aren't a has-been you are a never was or will be a Doctor.

    African American, Hispanic, Native American and Asian college students each enjoy access to grants and other financial aid that speaks to their heritage. If you are a minority college student, apply for general aid, but also target the scholarships and grants that take your cultural traditions into account

  18. Anonymous9:33 AM

    fyi fn:

    hobama robbed the poor to pay banksters/hobamacare...
    and he dares to speak about fiscal ethics now????

    hobama's horrid hypocrisies ONLY impress hobama nazis

    it is far too late for hobama to pretend to care about america
    and his own policies have bilked the masses
    as he flagrantly torches the consititution

    most americans' coffers and futures are already literal ashes

    shame on the sheeple who cheer the failed frantic hobama!!!!!!!

    cc all guns banned/ndaa/wwiii/civil war ii/hobamacare layoffs/jobless/homeless/foreclosed/hopeless/unchanged/


  19. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Anonymous said...
    Better try to become a professional Dr Reine, Dr Queen, and Dr Nuwang...LOL.

    Ironically, students pursuing terminal degrees ARE called professional students, so THANK YOU, for FINALLY knowing WTF you're talking about:

    "Direct Stafford Loans: The Department of Education offers unsubsidized Stafford loans for graduate/professional students that have better interest rates and loan terms than many private loans.”

    HA only a woman like you thinks professional student is someone good and is proud of being nothing and no-one.

    "A professional student is someone who has spent much more then the normal amount of time to complete their degree. Most people take 4-5 years, these people make a lifestyle out of taking one or two classes, failing a few, and never seem to be done. Most of them do not have jobs and rely on grants, loans and other federal money to pay the bills while they take their sweet old time!"

  20. Anonymous10:03 AM

    reps = dems

    right = left

    hobama has proven that since 2006...

    when will you learn/see it too fn????


  21. Anonymous10:45 AM


    reps = dems
    goldman sachs = prez
    jp morgan = veep

    hobama = celebutante bankster drone/colorized cia hoax


    kudos to ss!
    my new hero
    cc smith and wesson

  22. Frustrated Negro10:52 AM


    It sure looked like he had grown a pair in that press conference yesterday...

    Unfortunately...We all know its just a show...

    If he was really serious he wouldve implemented a 1% Wall St Tax on all Derivative Losses , and be done with the debt ceiling crap...

    This is all show to make him seem like hes not the horrendous push over he really is...

    It looked and sounded pretty cool... Ill give him that...

  23. Goobers are always making threats to leave when they don't get their way. I say if you're going, then hurry the fuck up about it. I say America would be better off without the Ted Nugents and Honey Boo Boos. They could elect Sarah Palin President of the New Confederacy and listen to Hannity and Limbaugh 24/7. Good riddance.

  24. Dr. GQ11:33 AM

    DQAE: LOL!!!! It's just too bad all that "knowledge" doesn't change a damn thing in your own pitiful existence!

    Like a contraceptive pad past its expiration date, you are a useless sponge.

    You will never be a doctor.

  25. Anonymous12:51 PM

    when has hobama EVER been "nice" to anyone who is not a bankster???????



    cc wwiii/civil war ii/the swindlues/vatican bank/hobamacare etc

  26. Co sign Steve, don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out. Funny part is these are so called "patriots" flying confederate flag talking about secession. If that's patriotic behavior I'd hate to see treason....
    Anyhoo seems conservatives have short memories. Bush and Cheney and the unitary executive anyone? They just forgot they might lose the next election.

  27. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Blogger uptown steve said...

    Goobers are always making threats to leave when they don't get their way. I say if you're going, then hurry the fuck up about it. I say America would be better off without the Ted Nugents and Honey Boo Boos. They could elect Sarah Palin President of the New Confederacy and listen to Hannity and Limbaugh 24/7. Good riddance

    You no doubt have three dimples on your skull in the wrong place.

  28. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    Co sign Steve, don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out. Funny part is these are so called "patriots" flying confederate flag talking about secession. If that's patriotic behavior I'd hate to see treason....
    Anyhoo seems conservatives have short memories. Bush and Cheney and the unitary executive anyone? They just forgot they might lose the next election.

    American liberals don't love America. They despise it. All they love is their own fantasy of what America could become. They are false patriots.

  29. Anonymous2:28 PM

    New law - effective immediately. Anyone caught with an illegal weapon to face mandatory life sentence.

    That should help.

  30. PilotX said...
    Funny part is these are so called "patriots" flying confederate flag talking about secession. If that's patriotic behavior I'd hate to see treason....

    Let these a$$holes secede! Give them MS, GA, and AL. It would be the BEST thing to happen to the US since the Emancipation Proclamation!

  31. Anonymous2:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    If you are a minority college student, apply for general aid, but also target the scholarships and grants that take your cultural traditions into account.

    Is this b*tch REALLY trying to give me educational advice when she dropped out of college to clean foreskins for the next 16 years?



  32. Ass-non,

    You always seem so upset.


  33. Django Unbrained3:55 PM

    uptown stephen said...

    You always seem so upset.

    You always seem so desperate.

    Although, I can't really blame you, since you lost your make-work job and your wife dumped you. It must be harder and harder to maintain the illusion that you are anything but a fraud, rolling on the floor laughing your fat blackish ass right off.

  34. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Blogger uptown steve said...


    You always seem so upset.


    Not at all. Every time I read one of your posts I get really cheery and thank God he didn't do that to me.

    It must suck to hate yourself so much and take away all credit for anything you ever did, tried and failed or failed to try on someone you never met, never will and who you hate.

    Why do you roll on the floor with your black ass so much?. Stop going overboard and just chuckle in your chair like a civilized person.

    Wanta play fetch? I got a brand new stick. I might even let you catch a frisbee.

  35. RumpledForeskin4:36 PM

    Anonymous said...
    If you are a minority college student, apply for general aid, but also target the scholarships and grants that take your cultural traditions into account.

    " Is this b*tch REALLY trying to give me educational advice when she dropped out of college to clean foreskins for the next 16 years?


    What a low life hoochie mama you are. Once again all you know is hoodrat lingo and references to penis.

    OK I know you are who you are and you are less than the brightest hoochie mama hoodrat in the get-toe, so allow me to help you with your reading skills.

    She was telling you what you DO, telling you who you are and how nasty you are. She wasn't challenging you that you know how to do it well and she wasn't challenging your status as queen of the hoochie mama hoodrat parasites. Nope, you won that crown and it is all yours, good to see you defend it though.

    So you both agree.

    And you know you will never be a Doctor. That we all know is a fact. You can't even read, how do you expect to understand complicated medicinal journals?

  36. Yeah, it's liberals driving around with confederate flags and talk of secession. SMDH
    Field, your trolls are stupid.

  37. "Field, your trolls are stupid."

    Heading to the troll farm now.

  38. Make sure to look under the bridge.

  39. Lt. Commander Johnson5:17 PM

    What's he gonna see under the bridge? You & uptown steve bumping your bolognas?

  40. Anonymous5:30 PM

    field negro said...
    "Field, your trolls are stupid."

    Heading to the troll farm now

    Better wear some thigh high protective boots for all the $hit you're gonna be walking through.


  41. Pilot X, I think all those jumpers did their thing on November 7th.
    Those bodies have been removed. :)

  42. Zombie trolls? Interesting.
    Uh Johnson, funny what your mind comes up with. Your gay porn fantasies are a little out of place here. This is a family blog. Get yerself together man.

  43. Anonymous5:43 PM

    "You can't even read, how do you expect to understand complicated medicinal journals?"

    I read well enough to earn a high score on the GRE unlike your fugly, non-testing a$$, LOL!!

    And look stupid, NO ONE who reads peer-reviewed journal articles on a regular basis refers to them as "medicinal journals". So, I guess you really didn't learn a damn thing getting that useless marine bio degree from dumb-ass university.


  44. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Anonymous Lt. Commander Johnson said...

    What's he gonna see under the bridge? You & uptown steve bumping your bolognas?

    BrokeBlack mountain.

    HAHA Captain Skidmark and Captain Racial Set asides smacking helmuts
    and saying no this don't mean we gay, no I aint that I aint.

  45. "What's he gonna see under the bridge? You & uptown steve bumping your bolognas?

    BrokeBlack mountain.

    HAHA Captain Skidmark and Captain Racial Set asides smacking helmuts
    and saying no this don't mean we gay, no I aint that I aint."

    Wow a lot of homophobia here. I suspect that there is a lot of suppressed sexual anxiety.

    Maybe my troll friends should try to explore their sexuality a little more. :) Fellows, it's never too late to come out.

  46. " If I were you I would try to stay calm. "

    If you were him, you wouldn't be a greasy fucking Klansman. May you and every other hate filled bigot rot in hell.

  47. "May you and every other hate filled bigot rot in hell."

    That's not going to happen.I have been to heaven and I like it there.

  48. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "You can't even read, how do you expect to understand complicated medicinal journals?"


    I read well enough to earn a high score on the GRE unlike your fugly, non-testing a$$, LOL!!

    Well, very glad those lowered standards approved your feelings about yourself - for the rest of us you are still functionally illiterate. I mean really what the hell are trying to say "fugly, non-testing ass"" how stereotypical dumb ghetto can you get?


    " And look stupid, NO ONE who reads peer-reviewed journal articles on a regular basis refers to them as "medicinal journals". So, I guess you really didn't learn a damn thing getting that useless marine bio degree from dumb-ass university."

    Oh you poor hood rat thing. They are medicinal journals or journals of medicine, just because YOU have never heard anyone call them that doesn't change what they are. I am sure you have lots of DR friends (HA) who love to associate with a hoodrat that say I'MA gone read me this months peer-reviewed journals, yo. much of my money was wasted on your bullshitting the system that stupid could be educated out of that coconut head of yours?

    And we all know you know a lot about Marine Biology - especially that one you took care of behind the bodega on the corner when you was 12 about a "hunnet" years ago before you got nasty old and ugly.

    yet still after all this, you will never be anything, let alone a doctor.

  49. Anonymous8:24 PM

    "Field, your trolls are stupid."

    Heading to the troll farm now.

    4:54 PM
    Dear Mr Field, I tried to get you to pay a little more in your contract for a little more quality anons but you refused to pay the extra buck. As the saying in America goes, "you get what you pay for."

    Would you like to step up your contract for more quality? I'll be glad to talk to you about this. Going to troll farms won't improve your lot one bit because I have already combed them for the best.

    Anon, Inc.

    PS. My direct line is S-T-O-P-T-R-O-L-L-S. You may call me anytime. I am available 24/7, just ask some of your FN Negroes with ID. They call me constantly to complain. That is proof of the effectiveness my Anons from Anon Inc.

  50. "Would you like to step up your contract for more quality? I'll be glad to talk to you about this. Going to troll farms won't improve your lot one bit because I have already combed them for the best.

    Anon, Inc."

    Dear President of Anon Inc., please send me that new contract ASAP.

  51. Anonymous9:46 PM

    PS. My direct line is S-T-O-P-T-R-O-L-L-S. You may call me anytime. I am available 24/7, just ask some of your FN Negroes with ID. They call me constantly to complain. That is proof of the effectiveness my Anons from Anon Inc"

    What in the hell would you do with yourself all day (besides masturbate and watch pedophelia porn), if Field's blog didn't exist?

