Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The gun debate takes an ugly turn.

"Why white folks focus on dogs and yoga
While people on the low end tryin to ball and get over
Lyrics are like liquor for the fallen soldiers
From the bounce to the ounce, its all our culture
Everyday we hustlin, tryna get them custom rims
Law we ain’t trustin them, thick broads we lust in them
Sick and tired of bunchin it, I look on the bus at them
When I see them struggling, I think how I’m touchin them
The People"

I love those lyrics from Common, because they adequately represent, from a rapper's perspective, how we get down here in America.

This brings me to Ann Coulter. Ms. Coulter weighed in on the current gun debate and she declared that the reason we have so much crime in America is because of minorities. Of course what people like Ann Coulter and other ignorant racist on the right don't realize is that poverty and crime pretty much go hand in hand. There are proportionately more poor people who happen to be people of color in this country than white people, so guess who is going to commit more crime?

Ms. Coulter might want to take a trip to Moldova, Albania, or anyone of those Eastern European hell holes to see how white folks get down when they don't have s^%*.

So anyway, I am still waiting for one of her black ideological soul mates to check her on her statements. Of course we all know that this will never happen. Allen West, Michelle Malkin, Mia Love and the other house dwellers who wash Ms. Ann's clothes and clean her house would never speak out against the ignorant crap that she says.

Sadly, though, this debate over guns in America is going to get a lot worse before it gets better.

And speaking of the gun debate, the convicted felon, James O'Keefe, punked my man Touré, recently.

"James O’Keefe, the undercover videographer behind Project Veritas, published a new video Tuesday in which his crew visits the homes of journalists who have published or defended the publishing of the names of local gun owners in New York and New Jersey. Pretending to be an anti-gun advocacy group, O’Keefe’s crew asks those journalists if they would display a sign which declares that their home is “proudly gun-free” – the journalists all declined.
One of the people that O’Keefe’s group met up with was MSNBC host Touré . Despite his advocacy for stricter gun laws and his defense of the outing of gun owners, Touré also refused to display the sign.

“I agree with you in terms of gun control,” Touré told O’Keefe’s faux-gun control activists.

“We can assume that you’re not a gun owner yourself,” an activist asked.
“No,” Touré replied. “I’m not a gun owner.”

“What are the chances we can get something on this door,” another activist asked. “Something that just says, you know, ‘this building is proudly gun free?’”
“I’d have to talk to my neighbors,” Touré replied. “I honestly don’t know if they – what they feel on this issue.”

“Good luck, you guys,” Touré concludes after rejecting the activists’ proposal.
Touré protested the Project Veritas video on Twitter, saying that he treated the individuals who came to his home with nothing but respect.

O’Keefe responded by defending the public’s right to know whether Touré has a gun in his home or not." [Source]

Poor Touré learned the hard way; never be kind to a wingnut stranger.


  1. It's LONG past time right-wingwhite men are profiled at gun shops and shows, and upon entering ANY public place, especially schools and movie theaters.

  2. Enbrolio10:16 PM

    " the reason we have so much crime in America is because of minorities. Of course what people like Ann Coulter and other ignorant racist on the right don't realize is that poverty and crime pretty much go hand in hand"

    No, not really. Race correlates much more strongly than income level across almost all crime categories.

    When it comes to modern American murder statistics, there is some truth to the fact - Guns don't kill people; black people do.

  3. Coulter's a 1 trick pony. He pretends to be an sophisticated urban northeastern white woman (with an infinite collection of black cocktail dresses) while shouting whatever fighting-word nonsense is au currante on the paleo-right so that he can monetize the resulting attention. Happens every 3-4 months rain or shine.

    Speaking of lying whores skillfully monetizing their 1trick; O'Queefe and ambush journalism.

    Toure burns assorted tools, jerkoffs, wankers, losers, gobshits and mental midgets on twitter pretty much every day, kweef's just 1 more.

  4. Ace Freeley10:20 PM

    "Poor Touré learned the hard way; never be kind to a wingnut stranger."

    The only thing Touré learned was that conservatives are starting to learn liberal tactics.

    It should be noted that Touré only treated the activists with respect because he thought they were liberals, and he felt the need to plaintively explain his hypocrisy to them. After all, they were members of the Moral Elite, like himself.

    There would have been no "respect" had they declared themselves political opponents.

    Also, Touré is very dumb. That's just something to keep in mind. His brain is dumb, and he thinks dumb things.

  5. NSangoma10:21 PM


    Leave the Philippine Negrito, er uh, Asiatic Negroe, er uh Oceanic Negroe Michelle Maglalang Malkin alone.

    The Asiatic Negroe, they know how to act around white folks, whilst you Island Negroe and American Negroes lack such coping skills.

    There is 60,000 years of genetic drift between the African Negroe and the Asiatic Negroe, that is, no exchange of bodily fluids betwixt the African Negroe and their out-of-Africa Asiatic/Oceanic brethren for 60,000 years.

    Oh, if only you North American Negroes were as civilized as your distant relatives of New Guinea, the Philippines, Asia, and Oceania.

    Field booty, the word Polynesia means many poly islands nesia.


    What do you call Oceanic Negroes who have been miscegenated?



  6. Anonymous10:30 PM

    ann c is a rabid racist


    look at chicago/chiraq/compton etc

    what color are the boys killing clones???

    only rainbow fools will allow that banksyer hobama to pimp their guns away

    i respect the truth from any source

    cc crips/bloods/fema camps/dhs ammo etc

    shame on the robbed doomed bilked fooled fleeced deaf blind racist hobama loving sheeple!!!


  7. " because they adequately represent, from a rapper's perspective, how we get down here in America."

    In the mind of a greasy, hate filled Klansman.

    Stay a piece of shit, Mookie.

  8. Aren't Coulter's 15 minutes over yet?

  9. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Field, every time I see Ann Coulter, I am captivated by her beautiful long blond hair. Oh, alright, she's beautiful, ok? There I said it.

    I would love to date her but I sense she is prejudiced against Blacks.

    Nevertheless, I'm going to pray to the God of Love for the courage to ask her out. Field, are you with me?

    BTW, I'm one of your "new" black trolls. How do you like me so far?

  10. Anonymous12:22 AM

    Brother Field, I am not from your generation so there are some terms rappers use that I don't know such as:

    "Sick and tired of bunchin it, ...."

    Seriously, what does that mean?

  11. Anonymous12:27 AM

    Field, "Sadly, though, this debate over guns in America is going to get a lot worse before it gets better."

    That sounds ominous.

  12. James O'Keefe should be treated the same way most people treat a Jehovah's Witness or a flock of reporters at a court hearing - "no comment."

    The man redefined the term "ratfucker" and took it to an entirely new level.

  13. I wish that those who claim they’re fighting for “equality” didn’t act as if they’re fighting to win a war instead. I wish that “justice” wasn’t merely a dishonest way to say “revenge.”

    I wish that “white privilege” came with more perks than the dubious honor of being constantly blamed for everything bad throughout world history.

    I wish that the driving forces behind modern leftism were finally and irrevocably revealed for what they are—insanely sheltered and absurdly pampered elites who are working out their own creepy guilt complexes at the expense of the less fortunate, all while pretending they’re helping the little guys.

  14. People who want gun reform have to settle in for a long fight. What needs to be changed is American gun culture, which has gone way crazier than when I was kid. New laws need to be passed, & existing ones enforced. But this will be like women's suffrage, abolishing child labor, establishing occupation safety, ending Jim Crow, extending voting rights, & marriage equality. The opposition will say, "It can't be done, it's impossible," & offer many reasons why. But it can be done, with patience, time, dedication, & by allowing to the opposition to refute their own arguments with their own behavior. This is about much more than banning a few classes of outrageously powerful & deadly firearms.

  15. Anonymous2:32 AM

    Field, "This brings me to Ann Coulter. Ms. Coulter weighed in on the current gun debate and she declared that the reason we have so much crime in America is because of minorities. Of course what people like Ann Coulter and other ignorant racist on the right don't realize is that poverty and crime pretty much go hand in hand. There are proportionately more poor people who happen to be people of color in this country than white people, so guess who is going to commit more crime?

    Ms. Coulter might want to take a trip to Moldova, Albania, or anyone of those Eastern European hell holes to see how white folks get down when they don't have s^%*."

    My dear Brother Field, you know damn well that Ann did not say what you laid on her. She only spoke about demographics, and said nothing about Blacks. Why must you make more than is necessary? You like victimizing our peeps, don't you?

    Secondly, why should Ann have to go to Albania to see poor Whites acting badly like us HERE in America? HERE IN AMERICA Blacks are responsible for most of the crimes, while poor Whites lag far behind. Yet, they outnumber us 2:1... THAT IS A FACT. So what difference does it make if the entire Albanian nation are killers, crooks and thieves? How does that change things HERE?

    Are YOU, Mr. Field, implying Whites should be silent about the truth about Blacks, like we do in our own community? Personally, I think that is why we continue to have growing problems in our community because NOBODY says shit.

    You really ought to consider posting WHAT the REAL problem is and it ain't Ann Coulter.

  16. Then we have the well-known correlation between poverty and violent crime, every 1% increase in poverty leads to a 2.57% increase in violent crime (Taylor, 2006).

    You do the math.

  17. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Michelle Malkin is not black.

  18. There is one cause of urban violence that has been widely ignored by the media, despite the now overwhelming scientific evidence of its validity.

    It seems almost to ridiculous to be true, until you examine the evidence.


  19. NSangoma5:53 AM


    Anonymous 3:45 AM

    There plenty of BLACK Filipinos, they are called Negritos (little Negroes); look it up.


  20. "Yet, they outnumber us 2:1... THAT IS A FACT. "

    "US"? I don't think so. You are not one of "us". :)

    Sup PC? I see that my Gunners went down to Man City at home.What's up with that?

    "Michelle Malkin is not black."

    Yes she is. She just thinks she isn't.

  21. NSangoma5:57 AM


    Oregon sheriff: 'Unconstitutional' gun control laws won't be enforced
    Mueller sent a letter to Vice President Joe Biden this week saying he won't enforce any federal regulation "offending the constitutional rights of my citizens." He won't permit federal officers to come to his county to enforce such laws either, he said.


  22. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Truth is racism.

  23. Trust me. If black and latino gangbangers were shooting up white neighborhoods, schools and theatres, the Rethugs would vote unanimously to reform gun laws. And Horseface Coulter would be leading the charge.

    1. Anonymous5:04 PM

      You know why people don't shoot up white neighborhoods?

  24. Anonymous9:37 AM

    painful truths:

    black men kill each other like white men kill deer/ducks...

    hobama could not care less about killers
    his gun grab is ONLY about control
    cc his fema camps

    cc the global children that serial killer hobama murders each day via drones etc

    cc HUNDREDES of black children dead in chicago/cali/DC det etc whom hobama has never even mentioned/named

    shame on that racist bankster hobama/gwb 3.0/hitler!!!!!

    shame on the blind deaf suicidal sheeple!!!

    cc hobama's newly armed guards for life/martial law for the homeless jobless hungry/ndaa/wwiii/fema/dhs etc



  25. Anonymous10:29 AM

    hobama is a global serial killer

    he is coming for all of our guns and bullets and the net!

    cc dhs ammo/his lifetime armed guards


    rip as


  26. Anonymous11:04 AM

    cc ann c

    these brutal racist psycho kkkillers used no guns



  27. Ironomous11:05 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Speaking of lying whores skillfully monetizing their 1trick; O'Queefe and ambush journalism.

    Let me guess: You are a big Michael Moore fan, right?

    You poor, dumb son of a bitch.

  28. Victor11:27 AM

    Bob said...
    People who want gun reform have to settle in for a long fight. What needs to be changed is American gun culture, which has gone way crazier than when I was kid. New laws need to be passed, & existing ones enforced. But this will be like women's suffrage, abolishing child labor, establishing occupation safety, ending Jim Crow, extending voting rights, & marriage equality. The opposition will say, "It can't be done, it's impossible," & offer many reasons why. But it can be done, with patience, time, dedication, & by allowing to the opposition to refute their own arguments with their own behavior. This is about much more than banning a few classes of outrageously powerful & deadly firearms.

    Jeez Bob, been reading a lot of Antonio Gramsci lately? You describe the long march through the institutions designed to turn a free society into one where all power is invested in the elites who control the State.

    I guess you are saying that it is the State's job to change the culture to conform to the wishes of those who control the State? People should be forced to approve of the normalization of homosexuality and to applaud the revision of fundamental institutions to accomodate their wishes. They should be forced to live with people who they believe pose an intolerable threat of violence and criminal behavior against them. They should be not be entrusted with the means of self defense and should be forcibly disarmed by an armed State.

    Sure it can be done, but it can be resisted too. The greatest threat to freedom is fools like you who beg for chains.

  29. Dr. Bushmaster11:39 AM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    It's LONG past time right-wingwhite men are profiled at gun shops and shows, and upon entering ANY public place, especially schools and movie theaters.

    I'm all for it. Profiling is common sense. Let's start applying statistical analysis to all sorts of social problems - terrorism, street crime, welfare fraud, voter fraud, etc.

    Good idea Kim! You may never get into medical school, but that doesn't mean you haven't learned anything by being in college for 30 years.

    But you will never be a doctor.

  30. Massa Chusetts12:14 PM

    field negro said...

    "Michelle Malkin is not black."

    Yes she is. She just thinks she isn't.

    What does that matter? Are some races not allowed to hold certain views?

    Is she a House Negro, Field?

    You are quite the slavecatcher.

  31. Frustrated Negro12:15 PM


    Here you go again ....

    Even if it mattered what this Horse Faced commentator had to say

    She still is speaking to a sub set chunk of demographics that is in the minority...

    What will they do Ban Black People?

    Almost as foolish as banning assault weapons....

    You enjoy giving avowed racists platforms for dialogue.

    You feign hurt from the race baiters.... Then you show complete indifference to well known slights against black people from the Head House Negro ... The Chosen one...

    No mention of our Justice Dept ..Letting Banks run wild , and free with no consequences.. Hell just this week they ditched the foreclosure review in favor of a 550 million dollar settlement for wrongful foreclosures....

    If they admit 550 million dollars of culpability..How exposed are they really???

    Youre gonna have to do better STEPHEN!!! You must be admonished for blatant House Negro Behavior....

    You know better now....
    DO better....

  32. Anonymous12:53 PM

    kudos to the SOARING nra!!

    hobama/gwb 3.0 is a hitler-ish hypocrite


  33. "Sup PC? I see that my Gunners went down to Man City at home.What's up with that?"

    Field, Manchester City is one of the clubs that have the advantage of Billionaire owners who bankroll the clubs and their extravagant spending on new players.

    UEFA's 'Financial Fair Play' rules do not yet apply to the Premier League, if they did, owners would be restricted to covering losses of no more than €45million per year for the next two years. Arsenal are one of the clubs lobbying to apply the FFP rules to the Premier league, as they perceive that this would level the playing field in their favour as it were.

    Wenger is either

    a) Playing the long game, bringing on a new young squad in hope of cashing in when the richer clubs are brought in to line.

    b) Is a naive romantic who has lost touch of reality in a harder cynical world.

    Depending on who you believe.

  34. Lt. Commander Johnson2:03 PM

    Stevie, if Ann Coulter is a "horseface", then that must make Whoopi Goldberg a "retarded baboon's ass face".

  35. Anonymous3:04 PM

    that blackish hitlerish racist hobama is a liar and a global serial killer

    hobama is pimping dead white children in sandy hook for his nwo fascism/to FURTHER torch the constitiution

    cc fema/ndaa/dhs etc

    the truth hurts
    especially when racists speak it
    cc ann c




  36. Anonymous3:15 PM


    do u really love that prez thug hobama more than your very own safety/NECESSARY guns in killy??????



    what a gd shame.


  37. Anonymous3:33 PM

    UTS, "Trust me. If black and latino gangbangers were shooting up white neighborhoods, schools and theatres, the Rethugs would vote unanimously to reform gun laws. And Horseface Coulter would be leading the charge."

    9:36 AM
    You are so wrong in your assessment. Why are you wrong all the time? Do you enjoy being ignorant?

    And please show so respect to Ann Coulter. She is not a horse face. She is beauty that you can't admit to. However, if she were to beckon to you, you would be all over her and you know it.

  38. Anonymous4:24 PM

    more proof that jp morgan owns that bankster hobama!!!


    jd should be in jail!!!


  39. This whole gun law debate just shows the ignorance of conservatives or why we have the right to bear arms to begin with. Quick history lesson, the USA was a colony, and we wanted freedom from England. That right to bear arms was for us to protect ourselves from an invasion, instead of relying on the volunteer army. That's the true reason behind the 2nd Amendment. Its not for some moron to load up on high powered weapons, because honestly who are you going to war with all that large magazine and high capacity weaponry? If you want to shoot automatic, high calibre, large magazine weapons, here's a thought. Join the Army and become a soldier and you can have all the power and ammo you want.

  40. "However, if she were to beckon to you, you would be all over her and you know it."

    I shouldn't speak for UTS, but I suspect he isn't sexually attracted to peroxide blonde stick insects either.

    [/blatantly sexist objectification]

  41. "I shouldn't speak for UTS, but I suspect he isn't sexually attracted to peroxide blonde stick insects either."

  42. Anonymous6:57 PM

    Anne Coulter is a cunt, let's just settle on that first off.

    I lived in a teeny tiny town on the Oregon coast for a few years, guess who shot each other most frequently....poor whites. Not the recently moved in hispanics, not the few blacks who passed through over time, just poor whites, pissed off on or over meth.

    Her "studies" ought to be done on an economic demographic, but that might not get her the tv time she gets far too often.

    cheers, gaz

    1. "Her "studies" ought to be done on an economic demographic, but that might not get her the tv time she gets far too often."

      I'd suggest Annie start with folks like Honey Boo Bbo, but doing so might hit too close to home for her.

  43. Anonymous7:29 PM

    PC, "I shouldn't speak for UTS, but I suspect he isn't sexually attracted to peroxide blonde stick insects either."

    You turd! How dare you make such a degrading statement about a woman who is looked up to by both Blacks and Whites and now, even Latinos. What the hell do you know about blondes? NOTHING! You have a habit of talking about people, places and things you know nothing about.

    FYI: Ann is a natural blonde, and I KNOW UTS would love dating Ann. You and Field are too prejudiced to accept the truth.

  44. Anonymous7:30 PM

    uptown steve so dumb it hurts said...

    Trust me. If black and latino gangbangers were shooting up white neighborhoods, schools and theatres, the Rethugs would vote unanimously to reform gun laws. And Horseface Coulter would be leading the charge.

    No whites are smart enough to know that your friends have illegal guns/don't follow laws and any gun control would just be rampage time for your fam. Don't let your dependent nature project onto others.

  45. Anonymous7:45 PM

    Blogger uptown steve said...

    This whole gun law debate just shows the ignorance of conservatives or why we have the right to bear arms to begin with. Quick history lesson, the USA was a colony, and we wanted freedom from England. That right to bear arms was for us to protect ourselves from an invasion, instead of relying on the volunteer army. That's the true reason behind the 2nd Amendment. Its not for some moron to load up on high powered weapons, because honestly who are you going to war with all that large magazine and high capacity weaponry? If you want to shoot automatic, high calibre, large magazine weapons, here's a thought. Join the Army and become a soldier and you can have all the power and ammo you want.

    GOD Why is it the empty heads make the most noise? When you cut back in the smarts department on this model couldn't you have also given it fewer radio channels to squawk it's static?

    The issue isn't 'automatic high caliber weapons'.

  46. Ironomous said...
    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Speaking of lying whores skillfully monetizing their 1trick; O'Queefe and ambush journalism.

    Let me guess: You are a big Michael Moore fan, right?

    Never been either a personal or professional fan, no. Ib fact when I saw "Roger & Me" it made me sympathetic to the douchebag stuffed shirt gm apperatchik he was (no doubt deservedly) pillorying. I haven't deliberately watched anything of his since then, but the trailers & slices that I couldn't miss look about the same.

    Good call on Moore & O'Queef though, they are about equal shitberries.

  47. Anonymous10:07 PM

    Ann Coulter dated Jimmie Walker for a time.

  48. the nra has never lied about hobama!

    cc sopa and the murdered aaron swartz...hobama and his net spies just got fatally MORE personal!!!...

    more proof that hobama is a serial killer and the lead rabid dog of the most evil prez regime EVER!!!!!!!





  49. truevoice4real8:33 PM

    Ann Coulter is a stupid butch...
