Thursday, January 17, 2013

Notre Shame!

I think Manti Te'o's girlfriend was at the RNC this past summer. That was her in Clint Eastwood's chair. Let me stop. This is not funny. You can't even trust your heroes anymore. First Lance Armstrong and now this dude.

I love how Notre Dame is in full spin mode. Why didn't they let us know about this alleged "catfishing" hoax weeks ago? Shout out to Deadspin for breaking a story that the so called "real" journalist in this country were afraid to touch.

And then, of course, there is Lance. He will be on Oprah's couch tonight crying a river and coming clean to America. (At least we hope he does. He certainly didn't come clean to his staff.) He is hoping that Americans will be in a forgiving mode and that all the  good things he did to raise money for cancer research will overshadow the fact that he is a fraud who made millions on a lie.

Let these stories be a lesson to you gullible souls out there: nothing is ever as it seems.

And this just in: It seems that Lance did confess to Ms. O. I have to catch that on my tele tonight. Now if I could just find her network.

Finally, happy birthday Mrs. First Lady! I hope that you have many more. Hopefully your husband will be around to enjoy them with you. Unfortunately if these wingnuts have their way he will not.



  1. "I think Manti Te'o's girlfriend was at the RNC this past summer. That was her in Clint Eastwood's chair. Let me stop."


    About the last line of your post, I just wish the Prez had made history and had a seat. I STILL worry about him.....................

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    "Anyone not lining up with Obama is racist if white and a porch monkey if black. How brilliant".

    Well if the underoo's fit............

    Depends....for your anal leakage Granma.

    Granma - thats right you are an ancient one - like a dusty bitter dried up thang. All those things you were gonna be just passed you by.

  3. Et tu Field? I think the embarassment Manti and the Domers will get on this is enough punishment. I can feel his pain but that is a lesson you learn nowadays in college, everything you say in social media can and will be used against you. Kinda glad we didn't have FB and all that when we were in school. It would have made hooking up easier but it would have made any relatioship impossible.

  4. Anonymous9:23 PM

    "Let these stories be a lesson to you gullible souls out there: nothing is ever as it seems."

    Field, I swear this life seems like a dream. I am in my sixties and I swear I was in my twenties yesterday!

  5. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Wow, I am watching Oprah interview Lance Armstrong and I must say he is quite a man to come clean before the world in the manner he is doing.

    It takes a great man to do what he is doing. Barry Bonds could never do that.

  6. Yeah, Happy Birthday Michelle Obama!

    You are the loveliest and classiest First Lady in history.

    Capricorns RULE.

  7. Anonymous9:55 PM

    Field, Lance reminds me of you with your great success and great following. When are you going to come clean to those FN Negroes like Purple Cow and Uts and Dr Reine, Dr Nuwang.

    I bet Dr Queen will go ape shit when she finds out that you tricked her. I mean, everyone knows on this blog that Dr Nuwang is a very honest person, maybe too honest.

    But her honesty comes from her pursuit of becoming a great doctor.

  8. Anonymous,

    Armstrong was caught dead to wrong. He had no choice but to fess up and hope he doesn't get prosecuted.

    BTW I don't recall McGwire, Clemens or Palmiero coming clean about juicing.


  9. Anonymous10:06 PM

    My God, I can't take this grueling riveting interview by Oprah on Lance Armstrong. She ought to be ashamed of herself. I have to go take something to calm me down.

    It's not fair that Lance should be subjected to such questioning. It's triggering my depression. I can't take it.

  10. Anonymous10:34 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I feel bad for Manti Te and Notre Dame. You see, I am a devout Catholic much like the many good folks at that great institution of higher learning.

    One of the drawbacks of being a good Catholic is that you tend to trust people who are basically non-Catholics. That's what happened to Manti Te. Catholics should stay away from non-Catholics.

  11. Anonymous10:35 PM

    My assonymous need's underoo's said:
    It takes a (white) man to (LIE, then cover it up) and do what he is doing.



  12. Anonymous11:29 PM

    Blogger uptown steve said...

    Yeah, Happy Birthday Michelle Obama!

    You are the loveliest and classiest First Lady in history.

    Capricorns RULE.

    I especially loved her work in star wars.

  13. Anonymous11:31 PM

    Lance is showing to the world that anyone can be redeemed provided they are willing to tell the truth.

    I hope a lot of my peeps are watching the interview and learn to be honest.

    Dr Nuwang, and UTS, are you learning and listening? There is a ray of hope for you provided you come clean.

  14. Anonymous11:32 PM

    I think Manti Te'o's girlfriend was at the RNC this past summer. That was her in Clint Eastwood's chair. Let me stop. This is not funny. You can't even trust your heroes anymore. First Lance Armstrong and now this dude.

    I love how Notre Dame is in full spin mode. Why didn't they let us know about this alleged "catfishing" hoax weeks ago? Shout out to Deadspin for breaking a story that the so called "real" journalist in this country were afraid to touch.

    Don't understand why this is all over the news literally everywhere and people are outraged? At what? the guys an idiot and a ball player...that's it...he plays ball...who cares.

  15. Armstrong is a sociopath. A very slick sociopath. It's not guilt, or a therapist making his come clean. It's his lawyers. "Do this or won't have any lawyers. Not good ones."

  16. One of the drawbacks of being a good Catholic is that you tend to trust people who are basically non-Catholics. That's what happened to Manti Te. Catholics should stay away from non-Catholics."

    Stop it! My wife is Catholic.

  17. "I STILL worry about him....................."

    Dr.,you are not alone.

  18. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Anonymous said...

    My assonymous need's underoo's said:
    It takes a (white) man to (LIE, then cover it up) and do what he is doing.




  19. Anonymous10:20 AM

    no shock here...amorality reigns supreme

    pookies with no scruples rule the entire world...

    cc that amoral bankster pookie prez hobama et al....

  20. Anonymous10:26 AM

    lance is a disgraced pookie liar

    but because he is a wm

    he is getting FAR more mercy and money than marion jones etc


    cc that post racial blackish racist cloned coddled cia liar prez hobama...

  21. Anonymous10:30 AM

    how many poor people have had their birthdays horridly ruined by hobama since 2008?

    how many more will be ruined far beyond 2012?

    what a gd shame.

    "let them eat diet birthday cake!"


  22. Anonymous11:25 AM

    hobama is the new hitler

    and his new hitler swagger is on full global display

    cc taxes 4 the poor/africom/libya lies/fried Rice/ndaa/wwiii/gun bans etc

    kudos to ted c!!!

  23. Anonymous12:16 PM

    uptown steve said...

    Armstrong was caught dead to wrong. He had no choice but to fess up and hope he doesn't get prosecuted.

    BTW I don't recall McGwire, Clemens or Palmiero coming clean about juicing.


    10:00 PM
    Brother Steve, it's YOU who is the racist. Lance didn't have to admit shit. Hell, he went a decade vehemently denying he took steroids...much like Barry Bonds who hasn't admitted shit. I noticed you left him out in your list of drug abusers. WHY?

    Because you ARE, and have ALWAYS been a racist against every race except your own. Now, that is being dishonest and disingenuous, which, only a racist can justify.

    Lance came clean BECAUSE his conscience was beating the shit out of him to the extent he couldn't live with himself anymore.

    Of course, a devout black racist like you, Mr UptownSteve-- would not have the slightest idea about a conscience.

    Lance is redeeming himself with himself and with God. He is a great teaching on what not to do, and what to do. You should learn from him what a conscience is, and how it can lead you out of the darkness into the light.

  24. Negrosteria12:17 PM

    Let these stories be a lesson to you gullible souls out there: nothing is ever as it seems.

    Except of course our infallible and most Holy Dear Leader, Barack Hussein Obama.

  25. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Dr Nuwang, "About the last line of your post, I just wish the Prez had made history and had a seat. I STILL worry about him....................."

    8:07 PM
    You are so right. Nobody is talking much about it but I bet many are worried. I pray for his safety as well as his family.

    But you can bet the GOP AND the NRA, in addition to others, are NOT praying for him, his wife or his children. The latest commercial involving his children is proof that the NRA and the GOP is willing to go ALL out.

    Obama is a courageous man and a man of great sacrifice. At least AB ought to give him credit for that.

  26. Chairman Soetoro12:40 PM

    "Hopefully your husband will be around to enjoy them with you. Unfortunately if these wingnuts have their way he will not."

    Nobody wants to kill Obama, but half of the country wants nothing to do with the half that would elect him President. Why the big liberal consternation with those of their fellow Americans who long for self-determination and the ability to continue living under the traditional freedoms of the United States?

    For all that the left-liberal parasites claim, on the basis of tax revenues, that the big government states are producing a disproportionate share of the national wealth and they would be better off without the small government states, they will quite literally kill large quantities of people to prevent them from leaving the Union.

    Whereas the average small government individual would quite happily pay to see New York, California, and the New England states exit it. This, and not the pseudo-statistical bluster, makes it entirely clear who is parasitic on whom.

  27. Obama should be impeached, although there is no chance that the Democratic Senate would vote to remove him from office even if he barbecued the children he was using to sell his Second Amendment violations in the Rose Garden and ate them in front of the cameras.

    So the only option Congress has is to refuse to raise the debt limit. Obama can't continue his disarmament campaign against the American people if the government is in default.

    I don't expect the House Republicans to follow through on this, of course, they'll cave a third time, just as they did before. But if they actually intended to defend the American people against the metastasizing government in Washington, they would do so.

    What part of "shall not be infringed" does the administration not understand? It's not just "Congress shall make no law". Unlike the First Amendment, the Second Amendment means the Executive Branch is also barred from taking any actions whatsoever that limit the people's right to bear arms. There are no mental health exceptions; these 23 executive dictates collectively amount to straightforward unconstitutional dictatorship.

  28. Black Angus1:43 PM

    You know Field, they say politics makes strange bedfellows. Resistance to a tyrannical government that would disarm the population puts your very own icon Malcolm X on the same page as patriots:

    “The Constitution of the United States of America clearly affirms the right of every American citizen to bear arms. And as Americans, we will not give up a single right guaranteed under the Constitution. The history of unpunished violence against our people clearly indicates that we must be prepared to defend ourselves or we will continue to be a defenseless people at the mercy of a ruthless and violent racist mob.”

    The problem of ruthless racist mobs inflicting unpunished violence is more prevalent than ever, as documented in White Girl Bleed a Lot, which describes the current epidemic of large groups of blacks attacking whites out of pure race hatred.

    Whoever is the victim and whoever the aggressor, Mr. X was correct; the right of self-defense is unalienable. If you have been deprived of it, you cannot call yourself free.

  29. Dieter1:51 PM

    Most comments on this site are like fly shit on a window pane!

  30. Anonymous2:36 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I am surprised at the comments on your blog regarding the Oprah interview of Lance Armstrong. Not one of your FN posters(Negroes) said a word about the amazing interviewing skills of Oprah Winfrey.

    It as if FN Negroes refuse to acknowledge that she is the the world. Not even a top flight blogger like yourself has mentioned her unique effective style of journalism.

    What gives with you FN Negroes? I bet all the other black bloggers have already praised her. It's as if FN Negroes are on the peripheral of the black community. Of course, peeps like PilotX, Dr Nuwang, PC and UTS have not always known what it is to be Black.


  31. Anonymous2:53 PM

    One of the drawbacks of being a good Catholic is that you tend to trust people who are basically non-Catholics. That's what happened to Manti Te. Catholics should stay away from non-Catholics."

    Field replied, "Stop it! My wife is Catholic."

    5:43 AM
    OMG! What happened? How did you end up with a Catholic like Mrs Field?
    Obviously, she wanted to try to do something for humanity. Such is the pure heart of a Catholic.

    Field, you know damn well you married someone beyond your dreams. You luck stiff. But you had better start praying to her God to keep her because you are a leftist without morals. That won't sit well with the Church.

  32. I'm just glad Manti Teo is a Hawaiian. If he was white then he probably would have said his girlfriend was real and some black dude killed her.

  33. Lt. Commander Johnson4:39 PM

    Ray Nagin: The Chocolate City Dirt Bag

  34. uptown stephen said...
    You are the loveliest and classiest First Lady in history.


    Calling Michelle Obama "lovely" and "classy" is like calling her husband "competent" or responsible, or calling Lance Armstrong "clean" and "honest".

  35. Anonymous12:56 AM

    "I'm just glad Manti Teo is a Hawaiian."

    Manti Te`o may have gorwn up in Hawaii, but he is Samoan.

  36. Anonymous1:00 AM

    What do you think of the new "Creepella Gruesome" `do Michelle is rocking?
