Friday, January 18, 2013

This was not a part of his dream.

Every year around this time I have to say this: LITTLE GIRL SCOUT PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! I DO NOT WANT YOUR DAMN COOKIE!

So anyway, as we approach MLK day here in America, let us not forget, my American friends, that it is also Gun Appreciation Day, tomorrow.

Calm down Negroes, I know that MLK lost his life because of a gun, but the leader of this grand exercise says that MLK would have approved and that he is just honoring his legacy.
Now clearly this is one hell of a stretch, and yet, I am willing to let it slide. Consider the source.
But sorry my wingnut friends, I cannot let the latest news about one of the sponsors of Gun Appreciation Day go without commenting.
"It’s Gun Appreciation Day Eve, the day before some Americans will mark the Martin Luther King Day/Obama inaugural weekend by visiting gun ranges, gun stores, and gun shows armed with copies of the U.S. Constitution, American flags, and “Hands Off My Guns” signs “to send a loud and clear message to Congress and President Obama.”
Although Gun Appreciation Day chairman Larry Ward assures people that Martin Luther King would have approved of his demonstration, the group’s sponsors include a White Nationalist party called The American Third Position, which “believes that government policy in the United States discriminates against white Americans, the majority population, and that white Americans need their own political party to fight this discrimination.”

The Southern Poverty Law Center has designated A3P a “white nationalist hate group,” and the Anti-Defamation League calls them a “white supremacist political party.”

Also from the Anti-Defamation League:
Publicly identified leaders of the A3P are its chairman William D. Johnson, a California lawyer who has run for office in Wyoming, Arizona and California; and four directors: Kevin MacDonald, an anti-Semitic professor of psychology at California State University-Long Beach; James Edwards, a Tennessee-based white supremacist who runs the Political Cesspool radio show; Tomislav Sunic, a white supremacist author and radio show host and Don Wassall, a white supremacist who founded the racist and anti-Semitic American Nationalist Union.
American Third Position is one of dozens of Gun Appreciation Day sponsors, and although there is no fee to become a sponsor, Gun Appreciation Day’s approval is required:
Obama, Feinstein and the rest gun grabbing, opportuniists are dead set on passing Gun Control Legislation this Month.

This is the ‘line in the sand’ moment for those of us that love the Constitution. Americans need to make a powerful statement that will put the fear of God in our politicians that are thinking about infringing upon our Second Amendment Rights.

If you have an Political or Member Organzation, Non-Profit, For Profit, PAC, Blog, Newsletter and/or Facebook Fan Pageand want to help spread the message of the first ever national Gun Apprecation Day we want to add your group to our website as a sponsor.

No cash required (we will accept contributions to help us buy ads Online and On Air) , we just ask that you spread the word to your memebers, fans and followers every day until and including January 19, 2013...
Most of the Gun Appreciation Day sponsors are gun retailers, or other firearms-related businesses, along with gun advocate groups. Oddly, GAD was able to snag the sponsorship of Men Who Support Women Against Gun Control, but haven’t yet landed Women Against Gun Control. The Angry Pepper, a Connecticut-based food company, is also a sponsor, as is Puerto Rico Armed Citizen, which appears to have signed up before American Third Position did." [Source]

Show me your friends and I will show you who you are.

Finally, this racism chasing is getting out of hand. First Colin Powell and now the folks at West Point.

"A study for the Combatting Terrorism Center, a think tank associated with the United States Military Academy at West Point, warns of the threat posed by rightwing extremists. It identifies the potential for violence in groups defined a “far-right,” and provides a “[C]onceptual foundation for understanding different far-right groups and then presents the empirical analysis of violent incidents to identify those perpetrating attacks.”

“In the last few years, and especially since 2007, there has been a dramatic rise in the number of attacks and violent plots originating from individuals and groups who self-identify with the far-right of American politics,” the report’s executive summary reads. “These incidents cause many to wonder whether these are isolated attacks, an increasing trend, part of increasing societal violence, or attributable to some other condition.”

The report warns of three categories of rightwing extremists that represent terroristic threats: “[T]he Racist/White Supremacy Movement, the Anti-Federalist Movement, and the Christian Fundamentalist Movement.”
The report notes that it focuses only on those groups that have perpetrated violence and not political causes which are deemed extremist but have no violent incidents attributed to them.
The federal government has been wary of coordinated rightwing violence since early in President Barack Obama’s first term. In April, 2009, the Department of Homeland Security authored an unclassified 9 page report entailed “Rightwing Extremism: Current Economic and Political Climate Fueling Resurgence in Radicalization and Recruitment.” [Source]

Oh lawd! I don't know what to tell you Negroes. These extremist are serious. Maybe you all need to be loading up on some automatic weapons as well.
MLK wouldn't be pleased, but desperate times ...



  1. Anonymous6:33 PM

    Those little girls are just doing the"American way" Field!
    The lemon ones are passable (almost) and Field, everybody buys at least one . C'mon, it's tradition;)))

    Desert :)

  2. Chairman Obamao7:16 PM

    "The federal government has been wary of coordinated rightwing violence since early in President Barack Obama’s first term."

    Well of course they have, the leftists who control the government know who their real enemies are, not Islamists or communists or Occupy saboteurs, but conservatives who might get in the way of "Change".

    Say what you want about Bush, he never targeted his political opponents for state sponsored violence or claimed to have the right to arbitrarily execute American citizens.

    Obama is a wretched fascist, just itching for the moment he can eliminate dissent permanently.

  3. Dead Eye7:35 PM

    As is abundantly clear by citing the international firearms homicide statistics, guns are quite clearly not the problem. In the U.S., gun homicides have been decreasing since the first Bush administration. The percent in 2011 was the lowest on record. I want to repeat that: The homicide rate in 2011 was the lowest on record since 1960.

    It is absolutely impossible to reasonably claim, with a straight face, that the Obama administration's push for gun control has anything whatsoever to do with reducing gun deaths in particular or the violence in general.

    This is obvious because regardless of whether one looks at Western Europe, Latin America, Australia, the UK, or US cities such as Chicago and Washington DC, gun bans have reliably led to more violence, and often, more firearms homicide. The logic is not compelling, it is conclusive and inescapable.

    And it leads one to the next question. Since reducing the rate of gun deaths and criminal violence is obviously not the objective of pursuing increased restrictions on firearms and further infringing upon the Second Amendment rights of the American people, what is the real objective? It cannot be anything be anything but the eventual disarmament of the American people.

    Since homicides and firearm homicides have already been dropping for more than 20 years with or without the assault weapons ban, why are various government officials suddenly so desperate to disarm the American people?

    Karl Denninger explains the mystery: "The people on the left are telling you in plain English that if you disarm you will be slaughtered. Exactly as occurred in Germany, in Rwanda, in Guatemala and in countless other parts of the world. These people are not anti-gun. They are only against you being able to defend yourself against them, and they intend to kill you if you first disarm and thus make it possible for them to do so. That's the history of the "anti-gun" people worldwide over the last 100 years and it is happening again right here, right now, today, in America."

    He is right too. No one ever wants to believe that their elected officials or their fellow citizens literally want to kill them. But considering how many times it has happened throughout human history, and how many times it happened in the 20th century alone, the American people would have to be blitheringly stupid to imagine that those attempting to disarm them are doing so for any reason except to be able to kill them at will.

  4. RIP James Hood!

    It's just a d*mn shame that not much has changed with Southern, state universities.

  5. Anonymous9:13 PM

    blitheringly stupid says

    Dead Eye you're dead on!

  6. Anonymous9:27 PM

    I think before you buy a gun you should be given a drug test

  7. Anonymous9:40 PM

    I was just thinking about those olive green scout uniforms with all the medals. Aren't they all very military looking??? As if they were being trained to be little soldiers? Never really thought much about it before...

    Desertorchid :)

  8. buy thin mints, they're the best.

    oh, ok, i'll buy them myself

  9. buy thin mints, they're the best

    oh, ok, i'll buy them myself

  10. Anonymous10:21 PM

    Field, Puerto Rico Armed Citizen as a sponsor on Guns Appreciation Day is a big surprise. Quite frankly, I don't understand why Puerto Ricans would do that.

    In fact, I don't believe it. I bet the great island of Puerto Rico does not have bigots. The PR government probably wouldn't stand for it.

  11. Anonymous10:31 PM

    Dear Brother Field, I don't own a gun and never was interested in owning one because they are lethal. I'm not sure I could kill another human being.

    However, after watching the spectacle going on with Congress, the GOP and the increasing number of white extremists across the country-- threatening us, I am now 'considering' buying a gun.

    I really don't want to buy one. SERIOUSLY, please advise.

  12. Dr. King would have approved, without enthusiasm, of the right to the demonstration, not of the cause.

  13. Anonymous11:18 PM

    I can't believe they indicted Mayor Nagin! This is nothing but in-your-face racism by the white establishment in New Orleans.

    Mr Field, how much more suffering must Blacks endure in NO? I am surprised that you haven't taken on the cause in NO.

    Why haven't YOU and FN Negroes like UTS, PC, PilotX, and the esteemed Dr Nuwang cried out about this injustice?

  14. Wesley R11:49 PM

    All is not lost for the wingnuts. I read Glenn Beck wants to start his own society. The total cost will be 2 billion. So wingnuts give him all of your money and you may reach the 2 billion goal. And I'm sure he will give you the perfect place to live. Just remember, dont drink the kool- aid

  15. Dr. Wallace12:16 AM

    Ms.Notháng said...
    RIP James Hood!

    It's just a d*mn shame that not much has changed with Southern, state universities.

    What? Nothing has changed since 1963, when blacks were not even admitted to the University of Alabama?

    Nowadays, even retarded blacks like you can spend their ENTIRE FUCKING LIVES at the University of Alabama earning one useless degree after another. If you weren't such a breathtakingly stupid piece of ghetto trash, they would even let your black ass into medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  16. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Field, I was just wondering if you would honor Oprah on FN for the outstanding interview she did of Lance Armstrong. It was truly amazing.

    Also, Lance is quite a man. Very few great athletes could come clean with the grace that he did. Barry Bonds, Michael Vick, or any of the NFL or NBA players could never have the moral fortitude to do so.

  17. Ray Nagin was a fraud who supported Bobby Jindal and he was put in power by the NO white establishment.

  18. "Those little girls are just doing the"American way" Field!
    The lemon ones are passable (almost) and Field, everybody buys at least one .."

    Not happening. I am sick of those little terrorist. They are in the grocey store, the train station, my job...enough already.

  19. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Yeah, well, and we don't see them that much over here. They usually sell at their families workplaces and not door to door. They are disliked here also. One feels obligated if a co worker is pushing them on you.

    What they do here that's a real pisser is on Saturday's and Sunday's you see kids with cans in the middle of busy traffic asking for money so they can go to Orlando Fla. to play "baseball". And the fat assed parents, whom you recognize as having good paying government joins, sitting on the sidelines! Say what!!?! Yeah right! Puble

    Puhleeeeze, get your @$$ outta the way 'fore I run you over!

  20. Anonymous8:58 AM

    "Field, Puerto Rico Armed Citizen as a sponsor on Guns Appreciation Day is a big surprise. Quite frankly, I don't understand why Puerto Ricans would do that.

    In fact, I don't believe it. I bet the great island of Puerto Rico does not have bigots. The PR government probably wouldn't stand for it."

    Except for a few towns such as Loiza, you see very few black people here. The majority have inter married with the different races here and we have the gamut of skin, hair and eye colors.

    The race issue here is quite complicated and even though on the surface it may not be apparent, it doesn't take much digging to see it.

    The ruling class has always been "white". Protests and dissent are highly frowned upon and quickly squelched, in this wonderful, peaceful and idealic tropical paradise. Just the palm fronds swaying in the warm breezes. Yeah... umhmm.

    And yes, almost everybody I know is armed.

  21. Anonymous10:25 AM

    Desert, "The ruling class has always been "white". Protests and dissent are highly frowned upon and quickly squelched, in this wonderful, peaceful and idealic tropical paradise. Just the palm fronds swaying in the warm breezes. Yeah... umhmm.

    And yes, almost everybody I know is armed."

    8:58 AM
    Wow, I had no idea. You know, there must be something to this "White" thing. Everywhere I go, White seems to be the preferred color when it comes to power in society. In Japan, White is considered pure.

    It makes me wonder if the world is made this way. That is, everything is exactly the way it's suppose to be with White being at the top of the psychological, emotional, spiritual and financial chain.

    Of course, those at the bottom will vehemently deny this, even though it is quite obvious in reality. I mean, my brothers like Field, UTS, PilotX, and my off-the-wall sisters by the name of Dr Nuwang and AB scream "victimization" or imply "superiority" of our peeps everyday. But it's obvious in American society that it's not true.

    You see, if we were indeed superior or in power, there would be no need to shout it from a tower, or look down on others cause everyone knows it. That's why it's so amusing to Whites that Blacks like Dr Nuwang and Purple Cow and other leftist FN Negroes like Field try to turn racial power upside down. Yet, Black-on- Black crime, killings, gang-banging, and drugs go on "increasingly" everyday....

    Some of my peeps are quite delusional.

  22. BARBBF11:29 AM

    I Have a Dream vs. I Have a Drone: Dr. King v. Barack Obama
    Posted by Jared A. Ball on January 18, 2013

    Margaret Kimberley, senior editor and commentator with, joined us this week to honor Dr. King and discuss the many attempts to construct a fraudulent lineage between King, the movement to which he belonged and Barack Obama.* As Obama and his handlers attempt yet again to pose the president as an heir to King’s legacy many of the important differences between the two continue to be submerged beneath that powerfully false construct. Kimberley helped greatly in making clear those differences as she described the the suppressed realities of both men and the politics they represent.

  23. "That's why it's so amusing to Whites that Blacks like Dr Nuwang and Purple Cow and other leftist FN Negroes like Field try to turn racial power upside down. Yet, Black-on- Black crime, killings, gang-banging, and drugs go on "increasingly" everyday...."

    Give it up white by, you're convincing nobody.

    Firstly, there's no such thing as black-on-black crime, there's only crime. Secondly crime is not increasing in America.

  24. Anonymous12:12 PM,0,31078,print.story

  25. Anonymous12:44 PM

    Field may I suggest you update your post to read you don't want her cookie(s) from you don't want her cookie.

    You shouldn't be touching on any underage girls cookie let alone a innocent girl-scout.

    I read somewhere recently:

    "Show me your friends and I will show you who you are."

    thus given the liberal agenda of pushing all sorts of depravities to become the norm and accepted you might want to stop touching on little girl scouts cookies....we know who your friends are.....

  26. Anonymous1:36 PM

    Aaaaah my beloved anon! As usual your words bring a smile to my lips, and I feel laughter bubbling up inside me! :)

    But I beg to differ! I only wish I were on my pc and not the mobile, which I know you will say is invented by whites also hahaha!

    Because the mobile is difficult for me and I'm suffering from a herniated disc and excruciating pain at the moment I cannot refute you as I would like, but later when my DD infects me, believe me, I will get you,... er ...I mean debate you ;)))

    Meanwhile continue on with the funnies!

  27. parvenu2:54 PM

    Field, there was a recent report that stated that the increase in deaths in the Philippines due to Gun violence over the past two years directly tracks with the increase in Gun deaths in the U.S. for the same period. Is this due to the fascination and obsession with Guns inculcated into the Philippine population by Americans since the earlest days of American occupation?

  28. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Field, why does the blog have to be moderated Saturdays and Sundays too?

    Wouldn't it be easier for you to just let us have at it?

    Geez, I'm old, by the time it's posted I forgot what I was thinking! ;)

  29. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Desertflower said...
    Field, why does the blog have to be moderated Saturdays and Sundays too?

    Why? Because racist, stalking, malevolent cracka' a$$holes NEVER take a day off!


  30. no org and no person and nothing could disgrace mlk more than hobama and his 2nd selection celebration day...

    hobama is a racist global warlord

    cc africom/libya/mali/sudan/ndaa etc


  31. Anonymous10:20 PM

    @DQAE: oooooh, I'm so askeeered! Why look at me, I'm shaking in my heels!



  32. Anonymous4:56 AM

    Although Dr. King wouldn't approve, Malcolm X sure would.

  33. I've not heard of A3P until your post. I did hear the remark about Gun Appreciation Day. How ludicrous these people are. When I was a kid it was the John Birch Society spewing rascist, gun toting, white supremacy crap.
