Monday, January 21, 2013

The most depressing day of the year?

Today, as some of you might or might not know, has been declared the most depressing day of the year. Something about it being a Monday, and dreary, and all of the holiday bills coming due around this time.

Of course, if you are an Obamaholic, -or a Ravens or 49ers fan- today isn't so depressing for you at all. Now if you are a racist, on the other hand, you probably can't wait for the day to end.

Today is MLK Day and that Obama fellow just got sworn in for his second term to be your leader. (Loved the anthem Mrs. Jay-Z.) I hope the guns are locked away. It's enough to make any god- fearing racist want to put one of them to his head. Over at FOX NEWS they are beyond depressed. Imagine having to cover the inauguration of the guy who you have been trying to get rid of for the past four years.

It must be tough being a wingnut these days. Hang in there people. Four years is not such a long time in the big scheme of things.

Finally, one of the things that President Obama spoke about in his inauguration address today was gun control. And with that in mind, I want to touch bases on a case out in New Mexico that has not been getting enough news attention as far as I am concerned.

So there is this 15 year old boy who allegedly took an AR-15 assault rifle and slaughtered his entire family.

 "Police described a “horrific” scene after they arrived at the New Mexico home where a teenage boy allegedly killed his two parents and three siblings late Saturday night.

The five family members were found in their rural home outside Albuquerque. Police identified the victims as Greg Griego, 51; Sarah Griego, 40; and their children Zephania Griego, 9; Jael Griego, 5; and Angelina Griego, 2.
Their alleged attacker was identified by police as another family member, 15-year-old Nehemiah Griego, the Associated Press reported.
The boy was arrested and charged with two counts of murder and three counts of child abuse resulting in death, according to the Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department. He has been placed in a juvenile detention center, according to police.
Police found multiple weapons, including an AR-15 style semiautomatic rifle, near the scene of the shooting, according to the AP.
“The victims all had multiple gunshot wounds, and there appeared to be multiple weapons, including an assault-type weapon,” Bernalillo County Sheriff’s Department deputy Aaron Williamson told Reuters.
“There’s no other way to say it, except that we have a horrific crime scene down there that we are working on it,” Sheriff Dan Houston said on Sunday.
While little was known about the alleged shooter, a picture began to emerge Monday of his father. Greg Griego, identified as a pastor at Calvary, a local church, was remembered as a caring family man.
“Greg loved his family, he loved his church, he loved God, and was very involved with and had love for people in prison,” Calvary executive director Brian Nixon told NBC affiliate KOB-TV. “He headed up our jail ministry, he had a passion for people and to help them.” [Source]
Apparently he loved his guns as well. I guess he didn't read the part in the book of Exodus that talked about his God being a jealous God. 


  1. Anonymous4:26 PM

    go ravens!
    go lupe!!!!!!!

    only hobama nazis cheer 4 more years of failure and fleecing via hobama


    hobama has done NOTHING that any sane person wants 4 more years of...

    u too shall soon

    cc fema/dhs/ndaa/wwiii/civil war ii/designer poverty etc

    king had a dream

    that court jester bankster hobama is his nightmare
    a hoorid warmonger
    a global thug for oil/opium/gold
    a serial global child killer
    a racist global warlord
    a ruthless amoral rabid elitist etc

    shame on the sheeple who piss on mlk today via that blackish nightmare hobama

  2. Anonymous4:26 PM

    hobama's drones slay teen boys daily...


  3. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Of course, if you are an Obamaholic, -or a Ravens or 49ers fan- today isn't so depressing for you at all. Now if you are a racist, on the other hand, you probably can't wait for the day to end.

    I don't understand, how is today a bad day for all the Black racists celebrating skin color?

  4. Anonymous4:40 PM

    tavis is a classy hero

    he has been far too king to that evil fake mf hobama:

    yet-deeply-divided America.

    In the spirit of MLK, it's time for President Obama to deliver a major policy speech on the eradication of poverty in America. He ought to tell us how the richest nation in the history of the world is going to confront the scourge of poverty.

    In the spirit of MLK, President Obama should rethink the random use of his favorite weapon - the unmanned aerial vehicle, better known as "drones," which have killed too many innocent women and children.

    In the spirit of MLK, President Obama should not continue to feel boxed in by his blackness, but feel liberated in a second term to find ways to push back on the most intractable issue in America -- racism.

    The president wants to channel King so badly that he's decided to use Dr. King's Bible at the inauguration ceremony tomorrow.

    Obama is a politician, and a pretty good one, but King was a prophet. And while I can appreciate the president's fascination with King's legacy of unarmed truth and unconditional love, I'm feeling some sort of way about King being used symbolically for public pomp and circumstance, but disregarded substantively when it comes to public policy.

  5. Anonymous4:45 PM

    and how about racist black churches...jeremiah wright comes to mind. and don't forget the two murders of homosexual men tied to obama in wright's church.

  6. That's what happens in a country that loves guns more than people.

  7. The people over on misfitpolitics are forever telling me that they are not racists or misogynists, but today they are hating on your first lady in a way that I suspect even the KKK would balk at…

    "I so hope the bangs are real. They go perfectly with the loveliest-First-Lady-ever’s too-long arms, cartoonish skull structure, and retired-linebacker build."

  8. How many times can the conservatives make hysterical prophesies that never happen and still be taken seriously? How long have we heard about blah helicopters and re-education camps and the government disarming everybody? Still nothing. I'm willing to make a bet with the wingnuts that in 20 years the constitution will still be the governing document in this country and Barack's blah panther army still won't have plantations full of white slaves.
    I for one am still waiting for my white slaves during B's second term but it might not happen.
    But back to the bet, I'll go Romney and say $10,000 but then again how many ignorant racist trolls can come up with that much money in 20 years?

    1. Anonymous12:39 AM

      You must be the dumbest person in america to equate conservatives and conservative principles with racism. You have convinced me that liberals are only capable of a Pavlovian style of reasoning.

  9. Anonymous7:46 PM

    “Greg loved his family, he loved his church, he loved God, and was very involved with and had love for people in prison,” Calvary executive director Brian Nixon told NBC affiliate KOB-TV. “He headed up our jail ministry, he had a passion for people and to help them.” [Source]

    Field added, "Apparently he loved his guns as well. I guess he didn't read the part in the book of Exodus that talked about his God being a jealous God."

    It's too bad that happened. However, my understanding that being a child of a minister can have dire psychological consequences about the way one thinks about one's parents and religion in general. For instance, the daughter of a minister can be quite promiscuous, and the son can have an aversion to God and religion. In some cases, he declares himself an atheist.

  10. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Mr Field, I am surprised that you did not mention the First Lady's eye roll at Boehner during the Inaugural Luncheon. I have seen that eye roll numerous times growing up in a black family. Watch:

  11. Anonymous8:04 PM

    I went to see "Last Stand" this weekend and came away thinking I need to by a gun. Yet, I am still not sure.

    I have repeatedly asked FN posters for their advice. That is should I or should I not buy a gun? However, I get no answer. In fact, I am not even acknowledged. Field, why haven't YOU or some of your FN friends offered some advice?

    Why haven't you written a post about owning vs not owning a gun?

  12. "Mr Field, I am surprised that you did not mention the First Lady's eye roll at Boehner during the Inaugural Luncheon"

    I saw that. Dude was probably drinking too much again and said something inappropriate.

    "For instance, the daughter of a minister can be quite promiscuous, and the son can have an aversion to God and religion. In some cases, he declares himself an atheist."

    Not in this case. Never said I was an "atheist". I wouldn't be so dogmatic. Look up the difference between being an agnostic and being an atheist when you get a chance. When you get a chance. I wouldn't want to pull you away from those Here Comes Honey Boo Boo reruns.

    "I have repeatedly asked FN posters for their advice. That is should I or should I not buy a gun? However, I get no answer"

    We are afraid to tell you to get one because you might have some issues. Show us proof of your background check.

  13. Anonymous9:16 PM

    "I have repeatedly asked FN posters for their advice. That is should I or should I not buy a gun? However, I get no answer"

    Field replied, "We are afraid to tell you to get one because you might have some issues. Show us proof of your background check."

    8:14 PM
    Field why do you keep fucking with me? I am trying to make a conscious decision but you keep messing with me. And your regular FN ID's like PC and PilotX or even AB or Dr Nuwang haven't said shit.

    I would have thought PilotX would have some very good advice, seeing how he lives in Chicago where guns are all over the place and our peeps are using them like no tomorrow.

    But Philly is no slouch either.

  14. Anonymous9:47 PM

    Blogger The Purple Cow said...

    The people over on misfitpolitics are forever telling me that they are not racists or misogynists, but today they are hating on your first lady in a way that I suspect even the KKK would balk at…

    "I so hope the bangs are real. They go perfectly with the loveliest-First-Lady-ever’s too-long arms, cartoonish skull structure, and retired-linebacker build."

    Yes and this persons response to YOU was perfect. He owned your ass.

    D.W.Robinson says:
    January 21, 2013 at 9:19 pm

    The observations and criticisms in this article could be said about anyone of any creed, culture or class.

    In a free and open society, they can.

    The only racial motivation here is from the comments of the intellectually inbred collectivists who must rely on racial division to control the speech of others in an attempt to silence criticism.

  15. Anonymous9:52 PM

    @purple Twat

    this one was the funniest

    D.W.Robinson says:
    January 21, 2013 at 7:27 pm

    All bow to the Sacred Bangage of the Holy Mother FLOTUS.

    Behold! The bitter harpies of self righteous redemption hath descended upon the heathen sinners of coiffure bashening in their holy wrath.

    Grovel for forgiveness lest ye be cast into the fiery hair bin of eternal damnation.

  16. Anonymous10:07 PM

    "Mr Field, I am surprised that you did not mention the First Lady's eye roll at Boehner during the Inaugural Luncheon"

    Field replied, "I saw that. Dude was probably drinking too much again and said something inappropriate."

    Are you saying Boehner is an alcoholic? Field, that is a pretty low shot. Boehner is a Republican and they don't drink very much liquor. It's against their religion to drink to much. You don't much about Christians do you?

  17. Anonymous10:14 PM

    ield negro said...

    "Mr Field, I am surprised that you did not mention the First Lady's eye roll at Boehner during the Inaugural Luncheon"

    I saw that. Dude was probably drinking too much again and said something inappropriate

    Yet the mooch never stopped shoveling it in her food all those wite peopel I hates paid for it...hurry eat you new wig is slipping.

  18. Alexander Hambone10:25 PM

    PilotX said...
    "I'm willing to make a bet with the wingnuts that in 20 years the constitution will still be the governing document in this country"

    The Constitution is already not the governing document in this country. Obama does whatever he wants - fight a war without getting congressional approval, kill American citizens without trial, compel citizens to buy a product whether or not they want it, refuse to enforce laws he doesn't like, stonewall legitimate congressional inquiries, make illegal recess appointments, attack states for upholding federal law and usurp congressional authority by granting citizenship to millions who have come here illegally.

    If the Constitution was still the governing document in this country, Obama would have been impeached and removed from office some time ago.

    You lose.

  19. Ace Polock10:34 PM

    @Field: Did you notice how partisan the inaugural address was? The typical inaugural speaks in the broadest themes about the core of America, those things which are not generally disputed; this speech was more like a State of the Union, with a partisan political agenda and Designated Villains.

    Throughout his address, the President maintained his voice in a near-shout. This was not an historic address, a reflection on a moment in history; it was an exhortation to political action, in contrast to the political reality of a divided Washington, in defiance of the profound economic challenges still facing the American people.

    It was a declaration of political war on individual liberty.

    Obama has always considered himself the Anti-Reagan -- he would not only undo the Reagan coalition and the Reagan era, but do what Reagan did but for the left, create a semi-permanent liberal majority.

    Obama is on the way to accomplishing that, but for one thing: Reagan's presidency was a great success. Obama's is not. Success tends to attract fans; that's why people ask celebrities for autographs and read biographies of superstar athletes and innovators like Steve Jobs.

    Obama has had many political successes, but he's had no non-political successes except for the assassination of Osama bin Ladin (and that of course was built on the earlier efforts of Bush, and was a longstanding bipartisan goal).

    There is nothing he's done yet that a non-political person, or someone opposed to his politics, can point at and say "That's a good thing."

    He won't seal any kind of deal until he manages that, and I don't think he will. The trajectory of socialism is failure. And yes, Obama is a socialist. And so history says he will fail.

  20. Hammond Beanes10:50 PM

    The most depressing day of the year?

    Today Is Day One Of 1,460 More Days Of Obama As President.

    If there is anything left by the end of that run, I will be one surprised cracker.

  21. That's a Fact Jack11:29 PM

    "Mr Field, I am surprised that you did not mention the First Lady's eye roll at Boehner during the Inaugural Luncheon"

    Without a doubt, Michelle Obama is the meanest, nastiest, least classiest First Lady in American hisory.

  22. Anonymous11:46 PM

    "I have repeatedly asked FN posters for their advice. That is should I or should I not buy a gun? However, I get no answer"

    We are afraid to tell you to get one because you might have some issues. Show us proof of your background check.

    Wait background checks are being deemed illegal for Negroes because they might have a prison record and with so many being criminals this has a disparaging impact on Negroes - no one wants to hire them.

    Also - Banks are being forced to lend to Negroes with bad credit even on welfare (here goes the housing bubble again)

    So then will it be made illegal for a Negro to be refused a gun resulting from a background check? Domestic violence, felonies and all we know there will be a "disparaging impact" in this area.

    Amazing Negroes screw up everything in their life and then demand society accepts them.

  23. Anonymous11:52 PM

    Field, what ever happened to your good friend, Jodie in Philly?


  24. Climate Science Day on Capitol Hill

    26-27 February, 2013

    The purpose of the visits is to provide Members of Congress the best possible access to scientific information on climate science when making policy decisions. This non-partisan event, organized by the Climate Science Working Group (CSWG), does not subscribe to any particular policy or course of action.

    February 26 will consist of an afternoon preparation briefing to begin at 12 pm; the Hill meetings will take place Wednesday, February 27.

    Participating organizations will work jointly to assemble multi-disciplinary teams based on geography for the day of Hill visits. The participating organizations will also work together to prepare the teams for their visits and to provide the materials for the meetings.

    Participating organizations are members of the CSWG and include American Association for the Advancement of Science, American Chemical Society, American Geophysical Union, American Meteorological Society, American Society of Agronomy, American Society of Plant Biologists, American Statistical Association, Council on Food, Agricultural, and Resource Economics, Crop Science Society of America, Geological Society of America, National Ecological Observatory Network, Society for Conservation Biology, Soil Science Society of America, University Corporation for Atmospheric Research, and others.

    How to Participate:
    AMS is seeking volunteers with relevant expertise to participate in a Congressional Visits Day focused on climate science. Participants will be selected based on expertise in climate science, scholarship, geographic location of residence, and future potential to contribute to the federal policy process, among other factors. The AMS is not able to provide financial support for travel and lodging expenses for this event.

    Volunteers should submit their name, contact information, and a short biography (no more than 200 words) to Caitlin Buzzas at

    Participation in Congressional Visits Day is a great opportunity for experts in our community to interact directly with Congressional members and staff. It is an invaluable experience for those who would like to learn more about and have greater involvement in the policy arena.

  25. Wesley R1:52 AM

    Foxnews haters cried all day that The President did not 'reach out' to the wingnuts lol.

    There's a study released by the nonpartisan Commonwealth Fund that says we can save 2 trillion dollars over the next decade on health care costs by congress using their power to say health care cost don't up faster than the gross domestic product. Google it and check it out.

  26. "Field: Did you notice how partisan the inaugural address was? The typical inaugural speaks in the broadest themes about the core of America, those things which are not generally disputed; this speech was more like a State of the Union, with a partisan political agenda and Designated Villains."

    FOX News will be proud of you. You got the talking points down.Good wingnut.

    "Field, what ever happened to your good friend, Jodie in Philly?"

    Still here and doing amazing work with her firm.

  27. BARBBF7:58 AM

    Why just gun control? Why not drone control?

    Associate professor of journalism and mass communication at Morgan State University and author of I MiX What I Like: A MiXtape Manifesto, Ball said today: “Not even the Hollywood distortions of Lincoln and Django out-perform the political myths being planned for this week’s inauguration. One hundred and fifty years since the Emancipation Proclamation and 50 years after the March on Washington, Barack Obama will use both the bibles of Abraham Lincoln and Martin Luther King, Jr. as part of a ceremony that is as much about obscuring or preventing progressive change as were the real politics of Lincoln and those falsely ascribed to King. It is as doubtful that Lincoln meant by colonization of blacks back to Africa the eventual return of Africans to sit in this country’s highest offices as it is that King meant to fight for an equality that would allow black people the same right to perform drone strikes. Lincoln and King represent important dialectical, hostile and very unequal political opposites. Obama’s symbolic merging of the two in fact works to impose a false unity to what each represented and disrespectfully aligns King with a political tradition he was killed trying to eradicate.”

  28. Anonymous9:52 AM

    re: "racists"...

    whites who voted for hobama in 2008
    and refused to do so in 2012
    are not racists

    those sane whites are just smarter than blind foolish suicidal black racists who voted twice for that racist bankster hobama...

    hobama has ignored bilked and bamboozled poor racist black hobama nazi drones since 2006...yet they are still satiated by his mere photos and tees....tragic.

    good news is:
    now we all get to watch these black nazis become rudely and swiftly awakened...

    they will be as shocked as the nazi scientists that hitler executed after their equally loyal and fatal services...

    it will be sheer belated bliss to witness as karma is real...

    do stand by to watch the drones perish...
    the blackish cia hoax hobama's american idol party is over indeed

    cc hobama's 2nd black agendaLESS term/africom/designer poverty/hobamacare casino/martial law/ndaa/wwiii/civil war ii etc...

  29. Anonymous10:22 AM

    kudos to nola!!!!!!

    ray nagin was the hobama of katrina I

    just as hobama has been to katrina II/haarp's sandy

    may rn enjoy his lesser prison fare...,d.b2I

  30. Anonymous10:49 AM

    "Amazing Negroes screw up everything in their life and then demand society accepts them."

    11:46 PM
    Since when has society accepted Negroes, I mean, N----rs? As for your acceptance I can do without. It's your racist attitude that tries to tear down my value and dignity as a human being--THAT is what I can't stand. And yes, I DO demand THAT, which you refuse to do because YOU are not so human yourself....Go fuck yourself.

  31. Anonymous10:54 AM

    "Field, what ever happened to your good friend, Jodie in Philly?"

    Still here and doing amazing work with her firm.

    6:03 AM
    Thanks for the info. I am glad to hear that she is doing well. She is a good soul...I miss her insightful comments.

  32. You Don't Gots Mail10:59 AM

    No wonder the Post Office is going broke:

  33. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sad. I have never, that I remember anyway, seen such cruel criticism of a first lady's dress and hairstyle.

    As all women the world over, she wanted a new do, a nice dress, and mind you not by a fancy european designer either, to attend her husbands activity. As all women are wont to do when attending a celebration of any kind!

    And yet some of the cruelest, mocking comments I have ever heard have ensued!

    How sad, that people can have such hatred in their hearts poisoning their lives is a truly sad thing.

    Lord have mercy. I'm sad


  34. Willy Wonka11:07 AM

    Remember Chocolate City Ray Nagin, the incompetent, mentally troubled, crime-endorsing Democrat mayor who presided over the Katrina mess that the media managed to blame on Bush? He is back in the news:

    Former New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin was indicted Friday on charges that he used his office for personal gain, accepting payoffs, free trips and gratuities from contractors while the city was struggling to recover from the devastation of Hurricane Katrina. …

    The federal indictment accuses Nagin of accepting more than $160,000 in bribes and truckloads of free granite for his family business in exchange for promoting the interests of a local businessman who secured millions of dollars in city contract work after the 2005 hurricane. The businessman, Frank Fradella, pleaded guilty in June to bribery conspiracy and securities-fraud charges and has been cooperating with federal authorities.

    Nagin, 56, also is charged with accepting at least $60,000 in payoffs from another businessman, Rodney Williams, for his help in securing city contracts for architectural, engineering and management services work. Williams, who was president of Three Fold Consultants LLC, pleaded guilty Dec. 5 to a conspiracy charge.

    The indictment also accuses Nagin of getting free private jet and limousine services to New York from an unidentified businessman. Nagin is accused of agreeing to wave tax penalties that the businessman owed to the city on a delinquent tax bill in 2006.

    Maybe Nagin has foreshadowed our national future. See if this doesn’t remind you of someone:

    Strong support from black voters helped Nagin win re-election in 2006 despite widespread criticism of his post-Katrina leadership. But the glacial pace of rebuilding, a surge in violent crime and the budding City Hall corruption investigation chipped away at Nagin’s popularity during his second term.

    Nagin could not seek a third consecutive term because of term limits.

    Replace Katrina with the continuing economic crisis, give Nagin goofy-looking ears, and you could have the story of the next several years.

  35. field negro said...
    "Field: Did you notice how partisan the inaugural address was? The typical inaugural speaks in the broadest themes about the core of America, those things which are not generally disputed; this speech was more like a State of the Union, with a partisan political agenda and Designated Villains."

    FOX News will be proud of you. You got the talking points down.Good wingnut.

    I guess you weren't listening, just mindlessly chanting O-BA-MA, O-BA-MA, O-BA-MA,O-BA-MA....

  36. Dear Anonymous 9:37 and 9:42

    Had you stayed on to the end of the show you would have seen that I kicked Dee Dubyah's fat, wobbly ass.

    As usual.

  37. Peter Galore11:18 AM

    While field negroes are busy high-fiving themselves over Obama's inaugural promises to spend more money the country doesn't have on progressive programs most people don't want, smarter commentators noted what was lacking in the speech.

    Here's the AP: "If there was a way to reconcile such spending with demands to stabilize the nation's debt, he didn't mention it."

    David Ignatius, after calling the speech "flat, partisan and pedestrian," noted: "If you were hoping that the president would set the stage for a grand bargain to restructure America’s entitlement programs and fiscal health for the 21st century, you wouldn’t have found much encouragement."

    Even Politico found that there was no indication that Obama's claim four yours ago that he would make "hard choices" on entitlement reform would come true in a second term: "His inaugural address promised an ambitious progressive agenda — and laid bare Obama’s deeply conflicted relationship with entitlement reform."

    We are not going to be better off four years from now.

  38. Anonymous11:37 AM

    "FOX News will be proud of you. You got the talking points down.Good wingnut."

    Thank you comrade for using the official party line. When anyone tries to discuss the truth and it is unflattering to dear leader - simply spout the talking point FOX - FOX.

    It's beautiful ; it itself is a talking point used on nearly every occasion. While you accuse others of using a talking point but get to completely ignore and dismiss reality with a shake of the head. Thereby never needing to engage in meaningful discussion; simply ignore reality and claim your blind partisanship is really someone else s'

    And the real beauty of it is, it all emanated from dear leader who tried to excommunicate Fox for being the only non cheerleader network.

    Beautiful. You have earned the gratitude of the party comrade. We will ensure there is an extra sheet of toilet paper in your monthly rations as reward.

  39. Frustrated Negro11:57 AM

    Finally... The pagentry is over...

    It looked more like a circus than a brief ceremony to commerate his election.....

    Maybe ... the choosen one will tell his Justice Dept to throw a Banker or 2 in jail this time around...

    Shouldnt take 4 years to do it either...

    (Formerly Known as "Field Negro")

    I see you only have the courage to address your usual plethora of racist trolls....

    Since you absolutely LOVE this Gun Control Debate, and the ensuing fruitless gaggle of legislation it will lead to...

    Why Dont you comment on


    I wouldnt be surprised if you didnt post this...

  40. Anonymous12:16 PM

    3000 more layoffs at blockbuster...

    millions more to come nationwide

    i wonder how many newly laid off drones attended hobama's 2nd selection party???...


  41. Anonymous12:27 PM

    if hobama was prez when mlk lived

    mlk would have been tossed into a ndaa cage/dna arrested etc...


  42. Anonymous1:06 PM

    field, a propos of the inauguration, you should read Charles Pierce today:

    Seems Virginia republicans pulled a fast one. What is the expression about the price of liberty being eternal vigilance? GodDAMN.


  43. Here are the thougts of a former Tiananmen Square activist in a speech given over the weekend:

    The past Monday I decided to visit the Minuteman Park in Lexington and pay tribute to Captain John Parker and his fellow minutemen. A thought came to my mind, that the founding fathers of the United States and Chairman Mao had one thing in common: they all realized that guns are important political instruments. Their similarities, however, ended there:
    "Chairman Mao wrote: ‘Political power grows out of barrel of a gun’, and he dictated: ‘The party shall command the gun’. James Madison and his compatriots, however, believing that the power of the state is derived from the consent of the governed, ratified that ‘the right to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed’."

    Obama and his fellow leftists ascribe to the idea that only those in power should have the power of the gun.

    True Americans believe everyone should have the power of the gun.

    I know which side I'm on.

  44. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Blogger Desertflower said...

    Sad. I have never, that I remember anyway, seen such cruel criticism of a first lady's dress and hairstyle.

    As all women the world over, she wanted a new do, a nice dress, and mind you not by a fancy european designer either, to attend her husbands activity. As all women are wont to do when attending a celebration of any kind!

    And yet some of the cruelest, mocking comments I have ever heard have ensued!

    How sad, that people can have such hatred in their hearts poisoning their lives is a truly sad thing.

    Lord have mercy. I'm sad

    I have no empathy, I remember all of the lefties being ruthless to A Romney even making fun of her diseases because she was everything they envied. They ripped her for her looks, her clothes her words, her sickness.

  45. Anonymous9:39 PM

    @Anon: Well, I dunno, the only thing I remember anyone saying about A Romney was about the stay at home mom versus working moms issue, and I did hear some criticism about $1,000 dollar blouses she wore, but nothing that compares to the things of the nature that they say about the FlOTUS.
