Sunday, January 20, 2013

They only appreciate their guns.

I love the concept of a day of service that flows from the celebration of MLK Day. Here in Philly we do a pretty good job with this particular day, and I hope that we continue down this road. Giving back to your community is a good thing.

Anyway, as the gun control debate rages on here in America, folks on one side of the debate are giving us some comic relief to go along with all the talking points.

 "Gun Appreciation Day hasn’t gotten off to such a great start: two people were shot in Raleigh, North Carolina after a gun accidentally discharged at a safety check point before the show. Both victims were taken to a hospital immediately and the fire department shut down the show for the rest of the day.

Officials at The Dixie Gun and Knife Show called emergency crews to the scene at 1 PM Saturday. A witness told WRAL that the victims were one man and one woman. The man was hit in the hand, according to the victim’s report, and the woman in the side." [Source]

I am thinking that the NRA needs to start spending more money on teaching their members about safety.

And then there is the case of the armed school guard leaving his weapon in the bathroom of a school that he was hired to protect. It gets better. Dude was a retired police weapons inspector. "So field, what's your issue with armed guards in schools?"

"Young [the school director] said the school has been in contact with local authorities about the matter and wouldn’t discuss any possible repercussion for the officer, calling it “a personnel matter.” Young also declined to name the security officer.

Experts on gun violence believe that armed guards are unlikely to deter or head off school shootings. Guards also have a track record of abusing students, often in a racially discriminatory fashion." [Source]

Finally, O was sworn in today, and tomorrow he will take the oath of office with MLK's bible (not the Koran as wingnuts are alleging) which is a nice touch. I think he will use Honest Abe's bible as well. I love the symbolism. And it should be a proud moment for the country. Unfortunately it will be a proud moment for only 50% of the country. The other 50% will be cleaning their guns, stocking up on food, and preparaing to move to Glenn Beck's new territory within America. 

Good luck with that.


  1. You're right. The symbolism of the two Bibles & the inauguration taking place on MLK's birthday and it being President. Obama's 2nd wonderful. I still have hope the country will find more commonality than during the first term.

  2. zimmerman9:37 PM

    "still have hope the country will find more commonality than during the first term."

    No fucking way.

  3. "And then there is the case of the armed school guard leaving his weapon in the bathroom of a school that he was hired to protect. It gets better. Dude was a retired police weapons inspector"

    He must have been black:

  4. Shooter9:45 PM

    field negro:
    I love the symbolism. And it should be a proud moment for the country. Unfortunately it will be a proud moment for only 50% of the country. The other 50% will be cleaning their guns, stocking up on food, and preparaing to move to Glenn Beck's new territory within America.

    You are all about the symbolism, aren't you? Fuck actually accomplishing anything positive.

    As for the inauguration, count me in on the half who are stockiing up on ammo and looking to ride out these years of occupation.

  5. "As for the inauguration, count me in on the half who are stockiing up on ammo and looking to ride out these years of occupation."

    There are some beautiful places in Canada.

    1. Anonymous10:18 PM

      Yeah and I hear Liberia is nice this time of year.

  6. Shooter10:16 PM

    field negro said...
    "There are some beautiful places in Canada."

    My ancestors built this country. My descendants will retore it. BRA cannot stand much longer.

  7. Anonymous10:25 PM

    Will Blacks be allowed in Glen Beck's new town? I bet it will be very safe for all Americans....Sorry, but FN Negroes need not apply.

  8. Wonder if teacher appreciation day will be as popular.

  9. Gunny makes a good point, we have a RIGHT to own a gun but not a right to education and health care. What could possibly go wrong in a society like that?

  10. Wesley R11:11 PM

    Drudge still hasn't 'reported' any of the Gun Appreciation Day shootings.

  11. "My ancestors built this country. My descendants will retore it. BRA cannot stand much longer."

    My ancestors benefited from others building this country....

    I am sorry; I thought you might want a translator.

  12. Good point Field.

  13. PilotX said...
    Gunny makes a good point, we have a RIGHT to own a gun but not a right to education and health care. What could possibly go wrong in a society like that?

    You cannot have a right to education and healthcare without making slaves of teachers and doctors. If it is your right, the provider of these services cannot withhold them from you, whether you pay them or not. They would be compelled to provide you services whenever you demanded them.

    You have the right not to be killed, molested, unjustly imprisoned, to say what you want, to defend yourself, and to keep and use your property.

    You do not have the right to demand others provide you property or services. That would make them your slaves. Better paid probably than the slaves of the old south, but slaves nonetheless.

    Why do you want to re-institute slavery?

  14. Shooter12:09 AM

    field negro said...
    "My ancestors benefited from others building this country.... "

    You must be talking about yourself. Point to one thing standing in America in 2013 that black people have "built". The signature handiwork of BRA is the rotting ruins of the great cities they inherited a half century ago. Detroit, Flint, Gary, Cleveland, Buffalo, Rochester, Birmingham, Atlanta, Milwaukee, Newark, Camden, St. Louis - all destroyed by BRA.

    White people exist today just to pay for it all. Think of the lesson of history represented by tomorrow's holiday. As we have painfully learned over and over again, injustice cannot stand forever. It is almost time for this chapter to end.

  15. Anonymous12:28 AM

    ield negro said...

    "My ancestors built this country. My descendants will retore it. BRA cannot stand much longer."

    My ancestors benefited from others building this country....

    I am sorry; I thought you might want a translator.

    If "others" built this country; can they lend a hand to all the "other" Black countries that are waiting.

    When they crossed the U.S to go west, were the horses and pack mules the real pioneers?

  16. Anonymous12:31 AM

    PilotX said...

    Gunny makes a good point, we have a RIGHT to own a gun but not a right to education and health care. What could possibly go wrong in a society like that?

    That tired argument? Billions are wasted in Black communities and the gap hasn't closed one bit. You can't educate those who are not interested or do not have the ability. Besides no one is forcing any taxpayer to pay for their personal protection, but everyone is paying for the utter failure of our Public School systems since integration, as evidenced by your post comparing personal purchases to public funding.

  17. Anonymous1:40 AM

    What do you think of the new "Creepella Gruesome" `do Michelle is rocking?

  18. BARBBF6:57 AM


    1. Indefinite detention of Americans without trial: In 2012, Obama passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which allows him to put any American citizen behind bars indefinitely. Furthermore, he can do this without trial and without notifying the prisoner (or their family) of their charge.

    2. Guantanamo Bay: First, the Sixth Amendment recognizes the right to a "speedy and public trial, by an impartial jury," but Guantanamo prisoners are oftentimes given trials long after their arrest and without an impartial jury. Even when cleared for release, prisoners are sometimes detained for years and tortured. But the worst part about Guantánamo is that the president promised to close the detention camp time and time again, but didn’t.

    3. Warrantless search and seizure: In 2008, Obama signed an extension of warrantless wiretapping ­ via the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act. Then, in 2012, Obama signed an amendment to this bill that allows the government to intercept e-mails and other communications – again without a warrant.

    4. Domestic drone surveillance: The FAA estimates that there will be as many as 30,000 drones flying over the U.S. by 2020. This may seem harmless enough, but this too violates the Fourth Amendment. These drones are allowed to film anything – they do not need a warrant to film and they do not need to film "particular" places or persons as per the Fourth Amendment so long as they have "reasonable suspicion" that a crime is being committed.

    5. Military action in Libya: Under the War Powers Resolution, the President may only send forces into action for sixty days (with a further 30 day withdrawal period) without an authorization from Congress or a declaration of war. But President Obama ordered engagement with Libyan forces for over sixty days without Congressional approval. Thus, he violated the War Powers Resolution and thereby the Constitution under Article 1, Section 8.

    6. Ordered death of a U.S. citizen without due process: In 2011, a U.S. citizen who was never charged with a crime was killed by a U.S. air strike in Yemen, far from an armed conflict zone, as was ordered by the president. This clearly violates the Sixth Amendment as this U.S. citizen was not allowed a trial nor was he charged with any crime.

    7. Gun Control: According to the constitution, "…the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." The President recently proposed a series of measures that infringe upon citizen rights in this respect. (We know controlling people’s access to guns is a poor remedy for stopping the violence which is perpetrated by our culture, media and government)

  19. Shooter, I guarantee you that your pathetic life will come to an end before the end that you claim is coming to your "great civilization".

  20. Dieter9:28 AM

    >Field Negro Tell me which part of Africa and what tribe did your slave ancestors come from.We are talking over 150 years of history of which I am sure you are totally aware.Not!

  21. Anonymous10:19 AM

    hobama is pissing on the grave of mlk today

    hobama has failed and barely won

    hobama is a racist global warlord and a bankster

    cc no black agenda ever/new ebt millions/new poor/jobless/homeless/global drones/africom/hobamacare layoffs/wwiii/civil war ii/ndaa/martial law/cbc diss/"mongrels" slur/gun grabs/false flag osama & sandy hook/etc


  22. Anonymous10:31 AM

    what "symbolism" fn?

    it is sheer blasphemy slander and hypocrisy

    mlk had a dream
    hobama has drones

    mlk loved and died for poor people
    hobama is a millionaire bankster who robs and slays the poor
    to pay peer banksters
    cc no black/poverty agendas

    mlk hated war
    hobama is the worst war prez ever

    abe freed slaves under duress
    abe actually won and ended a war
    massa hobama has enslaved us all anew
    hobama is an endless global warmonger for oil/opium/gold

    cc his 7+ wars/global drones/own libyan gitmo etc
    cc wwiii/africom/ndaa/swindleus/jp morgan's ebt billions

    how dare u hobama nazis see the blackish cia hoax hobama piss on mlk's legacy and mission each day and call it rain???


  23. Anonymous10:36 AM

    i am proud that 50% of the country is awake and sane!


    rip mlk
    we miss u and we love u
    and we need u so

    we know u would NEVER support that racist ruthless elitist serial child killer/global warlord/drone loving bankster hobama

    mlk and abe are both spinning in their graves as hobama disgraces them both!!!


  24. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Enjoy the inauguation. It is a sacred moment for ALL Americans. Except the racists, of course.

    The coming four years will be the greatest human progress in American history. Let not the racists deter you for they are prejudiced lost souls, unable to see their connection to humanity.

  25. Frustrated Negro11:09 AM


    You have been outrageous with these last few posts regarding MLK and the choosen ones re election....

    First of all MLK wouldnt support Drone Bombing other countries..

    No matter how many U.S. casualities they supposedly prevent.

    Vietnam was America's War at the time, and Martin was extremely opposed to it.

    Im sure he would be against our Democracy Drones Now....

    You usually leave my posts without a comment or assertion...

    I CHALLENGE you to discuss

    and how that changes the entire playing field of this stupid gun control debate...

    Do you declare War on printers? declare War on the Internet??

  26. Anonymous11:31 AM

    so the checks have stopped ALREADY????


    see his grammar
    "weather" is not whether...

    may sl buy a big box of condoms and a dictionary asap!

  27. Anonymous12:11 PM

    that racist bankster hobama is false god and a fake king
    only to blind racist fooled fleeced court jesters


    may the real king rip
    rip mlk

  28. Anonymous12:36 PM

    ALICIA BANKS, why are you so full of hate on MLK Day?

    "Like an unchecked cancer, hate corrodes the personality and eats away its vital unity. Hate destroys a man's sense of values and his objectivity. It causes him to describe the beautiful as ugly and the ugly as beautiful, and to confuse the true with the false and the false with the true."
    ---Martin Luther King Jr.

  29. Shooter12:37 PM

    field negro said...
    >Shooter, I guarantee you that your pathetic life will come to an end before the end that you claim is coming to your "great civilization".<

    Yes, rejoice Field, the leftist goal of destroying American civilization now seems invevitable. It’s your country now—a country in which, among other things, the birthday of a man who originally symbolized black equality of rights but now symbolizes black equality of results, black empowerment, black rule, and the destruction of Anglo-European America along with its constitutional republic is the most important holiday of the year.

    If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever.
    George Orwell

    Happy MLK Day.

  30. "Yes, rejoice Field, the leftist goal of destroying American civilization now seems invevitable. It’s your country now—a country in which, among other things, the birthday of a man who originally symbolized black equality of rights but now symbolizes black equality of results, black empowerment, black rule, and the destruction of Anglo-European America along with its constitutional republic is the most important holiday of the year."

    Methinks you project too much. Just relax and enjoy what's left of your life. I promise you that the black bogeyman is not coming to get you.

  31. Anonymous1:39 PM

    suicidally ignorant assnon:

    “Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity. “

    “When you are right you cannot be too radical; when you are wrong, you cannot be too conservative. “

    “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. “

    Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

    hobama is gwb 3.0/bragamus/mabus

    those who hate hobama even more than they hated gwb are conscious and consistent

    no nig like u ever asked me why i hated gwb!
    how dare they ask me only why i hate his blackish more racist and bloody bankster clone hobama!!!!!!!

    hobama has infected this day with an eternal cancer...ditto for the nobel "peace" prize....


  32. Anonymous1:48 PM



    Abe MLK and Orwell are all spinning in their graves today.

    Hobama is pissing on them all!!!

    While his blind deaf fans call it rain!

    Cc wwiii/civil war ii/ndaa/africom etc


  33. Shooter1:50 PM

    field negro said...
    >I promise you that the black bogeyman is not coming to get you.<

    Of course it's not the black bogeyman, blacks are mere pawns on the board used by leftists in their relentess attack on individual liberty. If you cannot see the creeping hand of tyranny falling over this land you are not looking. I have no animus towards black people in America. Blacks act rationally within the framework that exists to maximize their immediate best interests. Black people are not my enemy; leftists are.

    In the short term you may celebrate receiving the white man's money, cheer the step by step dismantling of the constitution - disarming the citizenry, institutionalization of voter fraud, expanding the franchise to non-citizens, elimination of the electoral college, and expropriation of the means of production. You may even be heartened by social engineering projects like forced normalization of homosexuality and pedophelia and mandated state transfer of resources to females, because after all it's only "fair", and what could it hurt? But once the project is complete and you aren't needed as a prop any longer, then your pedestal will be gone and you'll be back on the floor, except this time the floor will be much lower.

  34. Anonymous3:02 PM

    did u edit this cc fn???



    mlk would hate hobama the racist global warlrod!!!

    "The greatest purveyor of violence in the world: my own government, I can not be silent.” MLK

  35. Anonymous4:39 PM

    Congratulations to Mrs. and Pres. Obama, their family and the patriots who participated in our election process.
    To me the First Family represents America's first significant move toward a more racially harmonious society.

    Today's youth have the advantage of seeing thru the untruths of last century's racial stereotypes and therefore not burdened by the guilt of their parents and their parents parents. Therefore I'm looking forward to the future with optimism.

    Thankfully, we won't be wasting time debating all the bubble spit spawned by the MSM's depiction of black americans...and work toward a unified America.
    Historically, their lives will witness the benefits of the constant hard work elegantly performed on their behalf by Pres. Obama.

    I trust, now that he has attempted to improve the nations health care system and reduce our military presence around the world and to address the economy, that his legacy as a great president will be solid. However,I fear that this gun issue is just some more bubble spit to sidetrack what he's trying to do.
    What type of lives are you living where you need to walk into a retail establishment with loaded weapons?

  36. So with national healthcare doctors would be slaves? Wonder if doctors in Canada, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Australia, ect know they're slaves. I'd hate to be the one to break the news to them.
    As far as billions being spent to close the education gap we're gonna need to spend even more to close the coming gap with China which will have 250,000,000 college grads.

  37. Really Shooter? You think the Constitution is being subverted and you're gonna be disarmed? Really? Where is this paranoia coming from? You think you're gonna end up in a re-education camp or something? My. Bet is you'll still be posting paranoid conspiracies 20 years from now. Wanna make a bet? As far as taking "white peoples'" money there are more poor whites taking my tax money so let's get off the racist BS.

  38. Shooter6:51 PM

    PilotX said...
    >Really Shooter? You think the Constitution is being subverted and you're gonna be disarmed? Really? Where is this paranoia coming from?<

    It's not paranoia if they really are trying to get you.

    Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York, one of the leading contenders for the 2016 Democratic presidential nomination, said last week:

    “Confiscation could be an option. Mandatory sale to the state could be an option. Permitting could be an option — keep your gun, but permit it.”

    >As far as taking "white peoples'" money there are more poor whites taking my tax money so let's get off the racist BS.<

    Regardless of where it goes, the BRA project is being funded almost entirely by white people. You know this.

  39. PilotX said...
    Wonder if doctors in Canada, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Australia, ect know they're slaves. I'd hate to be the one to break the news to them.

    Pilot, you're comparing apples and oranges here. The people in those countries you named go to med school for FREE from what I understand. When I graduate med school, I'll be 6 figures in debt. And medicare/medicaid reimbursements aren't squat, which is why many Docs don't see these patients.

    My question to you is, how you like your salary cut by 40% over what Pilots were making a generation before you? Forget a generation, how about 10 years before you?

  40. "As far as billions being spent to close the education gap we're gonna need to spend even more to close the coming gap with China which will have 250,000,000 college grads."

    If the US switches from the prison business to education, they may have a chance. Otherwise, fugetaboutit!

    One thing though, my kid WILL be prepared because she speaks fluent Mandarin (Chinese), courtesy of parents who had the foresight to see where things were heading a LONG time ago.

  41. Gunny8:32 PM

    PilotX said...
    So with national healthcare doctors would be slaves? Wonder if doctors in Canada, Denmark, Sweden, UK, Australia, ect know they're slaves.

    Those are services provided by the state.

    My point was that healthcare and education cannot be a "right" in the way that life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are without infringing on the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of doctors and teachers.

    A legitimate right is something inherit to your personhood, that everyone has equally, not a claim on other people's time or resources.

    If someone has a "right" to your labor or property, you are a slave, or at least a serf.

    Freedom is rare condition in human history. The only reason I can think to explain why liberals are so eager to give up freedom is that some people can't handle it.

    Do you fear freedom?

  42. Dr. Hugh G. Wang8:45 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    "If the US switches from the prison business to education, they may have a chance. Otherwise, fugetaboutit!

    One thing though, my kid WILL be prepared because she speaks fluent Mandarin (Chinese), courtesy of parents who had the foresight to see where things were heading a LONG time ago."


    Somehow I don't think our prison population is a goldmine of intellectual talent just waiting to be tapped. Like you, they are just not med school material.

    But at least your daughter will be well prepared to wash the glassware of her Chinese overlords. Do you think they will be nicer to her than the people you work for today?

    You will never be a doctor.

  43. California Moron8:57 PM

    For MLK day, my fellow Obamabots and I got together to sing songs about how Wonderful Obama's first term has been -- how he's solved every problem and made us all prosperous, free, and safe -- and how the next term, by gum!, will be even betterer.

    I'm really glad the unemployment rate has declined from 7.8% to 7.8%! The latter indicating 7.8% of a greatly diminished employment pool, by the way.

    Oh well, Forward!
