Monday, February 04, 2013

"Black Mystery Month".

Black History Month, once again, is upon us. I personally prefer how my twitter fam is choosing to highlight it. They have a little thing called "BlackMysteryMonth" that has been trending and folks have put some interesting tweets out there around it.

Here are some of my favorites:

"Ferrari Sheppard @stopbeingfamous
Why do black people have to constantly reassure a violent aggressor that they themselves will remain nonviolent?
Rozan Ahmed@IamRozan
why is the general relationship between Africa and *African* Americans so distant?
Catherine Jane @catherinecochra
Did not watch the overrated money hungry game of football. Why don't we discuss how it's a form of modern slavery?
World Trade @RoyKinsey
They better not kill Muhammad Ali this month. Last year it was Whitney.
Lorena Bobbitt@LorenaBobbitt__
Why do you have 3 kids by 3 different people and never had the commitment of marriage?
What did black people believe in before they became Christians and Muslims? "
There are lots of black mysteries out there.
Seriously, the fact that we still have a Black History Month in America speaks volumes.
But back to twitter for a minute.
"During last night’s Super Bowl, former South Carolina GOP executive director Todd Kincannon sent out a flurry of racially-charged tweets, stirring controversy among social media users.
Kincannon’s tweets largely involved “jokes” about Trayvon Martin, dick-sucking, Hurricane Katrina, and black people.

'This Super Bowl sucks more dick than adult Trayvon Martin would have for drug money'

After receiving much criticism for his Trayvon Martin remark, Kincannon dug in deeper, thrice more invoking the shooting victim’s name as a punchline:

'Hey what's the difference between Trayvon Martin and a dead baby? They're both dead, but Pepsi doesn't taste like Trayvon.'

And, given the mid-game blackout, Kincannon took the opportunity to make a “joke” about the arena and its use as shelter for the “poors” among New Orleans’ majority black population during Hurricane Katrina. There are more tweets. [Source]

I am still waiting from that official statement from the South Carolina (or any) GOP disowning this clown, but so far.... *crickets*. How about one of you conservative black folks? Any takers? Mr. Scott, you are a Senator from South Carolina, any comments about your fellow South Carolinian? *More crickets.*

Just a thought, but you republicans might want to lay off twitter for awhile.



  1. Anonymous9:12 PM

    "During last night’s Super Bowl, former South Carolina GOP executive director Todd Kincannon sent out a flurry of racially-charged tweets, stirring controversy among social media users."'This Super Bowl sucks more dick than adult Trayvon Martin would have for drug money'"
    Wow, thems fighting words Field! It just seems more and more like a war :(

    Is there a possibility that his Twitter account could have been hacked?

    I mean , because, you just don't talk like that. That's just too mean and crazy! Wow, incredible really.

  2. jesse jacksonian9:31 PM

    That Kincannon guy is pretty funny. He's got my vote!

  3. Michelle Robinson9:36 PM

    Here's a "Black Mystery": Why has 50 years of affirmative action had zero positive effect on actual black achievement?

  4. "Here's a "Black Mystery": Why has 50 years of affirmative action had zero positive effect on actual black achievement?"

    Because of folks like you who believe that there really has been "affirmative action" for the past 50 years.

    "That Kincannon guy is pretty funny. He's got my vote!"

    I am sure he does.

  5. I just don't see the south kakalaki reptilians having a problem with Klancannon's jokes field. In fact I'm pretty sure that they & everyone THEY know finds them harmlessly amusing.

    To me, February is the month that we cracka's piss & moan, our level of anxiety directly proportional to our historic ignorance, that we don't have a "white history month" to ignore too.

    Anyway, even if Mr. Scott isn't laughing along, he aint about to dis his benefactors, that's NOT a black repugniklan's game.

  6. Anonymous10:36 PM

    Brother Field, why do you write posts on crap like that? As an AA you have GOT to know that everyday in America there are racist words thrown at us all the time.

    Hell, we even throw racist words at ourselves too-and they are the most vile words that even Whites can't use. In fact, we have reserved the dirtiest nastiest words 'ever' for our own private use against ourselves.

    So please. Give it a rest. You've even got poor Desertflower all up in arms looking for a war when we all know Negroes in America aren't going to do shit. We are all mouth (like Dr Nuwang), and everybody knows it, esp Whites down South. We are probably the most fearful people on the planet for the past 400 years and that's a fact. So lighten up, and stop whining.

    Talk about something Beyonce and her Illuminati sign while performing during half-time at the SuperBowl. I don't hear you and Desert complaining about that shit.

  7. Affirmative Actions accomplished what it was designed to do......ask the white female in America. Gender discrimination kept the white women in a subordinate role in America society. So AA has been good to the segment of the population that the pols were willing to concede to. Now as far as theAfrican American, Afrimative Action showed white Americans that their fears were valid. As far as our accomplishments in American again as usual......if you were living/existing in the would know the advancements of a race of people. TOday in America you see the only the bad of a race. If you walk with me for one day, I promise you would see Blacks that are just like the people that you love. The aforementioned word "fear" in no way reference violence. The white man has never had fear of any form of violence from the Black race. He has always had the upmanship of weapons with his non-white foes. The following statements were made from first-hand experiance.

  8. Anonymous10:44 PM

    My personal favorite is: with the mapping of the Genome/DNA, when will Black people realize that Animal Planet's, "How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears," actually tells the story of how white people MUTATED from Africans, making whites actually a subspecies of African humanity due to color mutation, not albinism?

  9. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Field, can't some of you FN folks take a joke? I mean, really? It's all done in good fun. It's all good.

    It's just a Southern White trying to make a connection with Blacks. We're all one family, brother Field. You black leftist liberals are just too sensitive. We black Conservatives don't get that upset over nothing.

  10. Good idea, I like it.

    About your boy, 1. It's South Carolina and 2. He's former GOP employee.

  11. Anonymous11:28 PM

    The late Dr. Derrick Bell, a giant in the pantheon of the Civil Rights struggle and one of the POTUS's former professors, argues convincingly that the greatest recipients of Executive Order 11246 (Affirmative Action) were white women.

    Black Mystery question: When will Black people underwrite their very own education system the way the Jews do theirs via their Hebrew Schools?

  12. a nihilist12:27 AM

    I think we should move Black History Month to January to get the full slate of 31 days.
    In addition now that the descendants of the real americans are returning home we should celebrate their heritage as well. How about March? Then the Asians can have July, the Indians August...did I leave anyone out?

  13. My family is 125 years out of Ireland. Part of that family came here via Liverpool, where many Irish lived. There is no contact in my family with Irish relatives. Except for some of my grandmother's superstitions, all the Irish culture I know is from books. African-Americans have been here for 300 years, were forced to come here in chains. When they arrived here they didn't even know where they were. But I probably can, without going through a "Roots" experience, by making a few inquiries, find distant relatives in Ireland. One in England from the Liverpool branch found me. It's no great mystery why African-Americans & Africa are not closely connected. Africa is as alien to most African-Americans as it is to me. African-American culture may be the only truly original American culture, aside from Native Americans.

  14. Reparations or DNA9:21 AM

    "Why do black people have to constantly reassure a violent aggressor that they themselves will remain nonviolent?"

    I don't know of many blacks who have mr. charley's ear like that. Mr. c has some problems psychologically and can't be convinced that there is not some grand conspiracy by blacks to rape and pillage and soil their delicate little white flowers.
    Furthermore, we do have to address mr charley's thirst for violence and understand that some of them do want a race war. Here is where we have to be careful. We have a duty to get our house in order...stop the violence in the hood...make sure our children are competitive in science, technology, engineering and math. We must also align ourselves with the new power brokers. Mr c sees his house crumbling and is becoming more volatile and unstable. He will continue to push us and intimidate us. He's even going to try to bed the hispanic man (yeah, I said it!)to replace us...that's called the end around. Unfortunately for him, people of color see thru the ruse and we will wait patiently as our numbers grow. You gotta luv this!

  15. Reparations or DNA9:44 AM

    "why is the general relationship between Africa and *African* Americans so distant?"

    In my opinion the incessant brainwashing of these two populations has been quite effective. AA's have been torn away from the motherland and up until now have had no way of establishing a direct connection with her people outside of identifying with the "continent."
    Africans have been fed the "lazy am negro pablum and have eaten it up.
    Divide and conquer.
    So now we must increase our awareness of and presence in the motherland and become citizens of the planet unfettered by psychological boundaries that have kept us amotivated and separated from our history of being the first kings and queens.
    We need to reach out to our brothers and sisters overseas and reconnect, as we both come to the table with much in common and much to share. One foot in Africa and one in America...damn,that's beautiful....

  16. Anonymous9:59 AM

    @Anon 10:36,

    My pathetic home state, this is the reason why I moved out of that racist ass state and haven’t visited in 20 years. You’re correct Anon, all Ni@@as do is talk shit! What each of us as blacks need to do is grab Glocks and Mossberg 500 Persuaders and commence to firing! F^ck these crackers! We’ll see if they think it’ll be funny, if one of these tools is pointed at their cranium!

    Black All the Time

  17. Anonymous10:11 AM

    "So please. Give it a rest. You've even got poor Desertflower all up in arms looking for a war "
    :) Nope, I'm jes sayin, "it seems like one"

    Imagine if someone wrote something like that about your son, who was not killed while breaking, entering, raping, robbing, stealing, blaspheming, or doing anything other than walking around a new neighborhood where his daddy lived while bringing a candy and soda pop to share with his brother! A TRAGEDY!

    That mom and dad will never see their son again
    And here someone sullys him in a future tense that he will never have!

    When I read that, as a mom, I know that both his dad and I would want to go and personally break that mans face in!

    As a parent, I'm sure you can understand.

  18. Anonymous2:57 PM

    As I sat watching this program last night Slavery by another Name on PBS I was reminded of my Grandfathers and Grandmothers who suffered so much. And how easily we have forgotten and minimized their experiences. One of the primary things I know of my great grandfathers is that he was an alcoholic and abandoned his children. As I watched this program I remember my grandmother saying that she had seen him on a chain gang. I wonder now why, how long did he serve, and all those questions. Knowing that his abscence continues to affect this family today. I am getting emotional as I write this. It has been too easy to discount his life and experiences.

  19. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Desertflower said...

    "So please. Give it a rest. You've even got poor Desertflower all up in arms looking for a war "
    :) Nope, I'm jes sayin, "it seems like one"

    Imagine if someone wrote something like that about your son, who was not killed while breaking, entering, raping, robbing, stealing, blaspheming, or doing anything other than walking around a new neighborhood where his daddy lived while bringing a candy and soda pop to share with his brother! A TRAGEDY!

    That mom and dad will never see their son again
    And here someone sullys him in a future tense that he will never have!

    When I read that, as a mom, I know that both his dad and I would want to go and personally break that mans face in!

    As a parent, I'm sure you can understand.

    What if your son was a thug - was high and was bashing some mans head in? Should Zimmerman have let him kill him because Trayvon didn't like being looked at while he was peering in windows smoking a blunt and gettin ready to go mix his lean with his skittles and watermelon juice?

  20. Anonymous3:56 PM

    @A Black Panther Forever

    You said: " So AA has been good to the segment of the population that the pols were willing to concede to..."

    which is absolutely correct and, in fact, dovetails perfectly with Dr. Bell's point, in The Price of Racial Remedies, where Bell argues that whites will not support civil rights policies that may threaten white social status. Thus, it was vitally important that shortly after the enactment of that Executive Order that Bush Sr., while in the CIA in the 60s, oversaw U.S. Covert Domestic Policy to FLOOD America's Black communities with drugs (heroin and cocaine) via Laos and Cambodia using Bush's Oil Platforms as drug depots (Former fellow CIA agent, the late Philip Agee came to my alma mater and broke it DOWN shortly before the U.S. revoked his citizenship (or after?) and Yahoo actually has a decent recap/obit piece on him that can be datamined for references. Add to that, disproportionate conscription to 'Nam as articulated by Wallace Terry's "Bloods" and Sam Yette's "The Choice" and a picture unfolds how the both the criminality and destruction of Black folk, in direct response to fighting for Civil Rights, was in fact socially engineered---right down to LBJ's Social Programs that sought to pull the remaining Black men out of homes. Thus, the sum total of the aforementioned, insured that many Blacks wouldn't be in a position to be considered as an AA recipient, for what Dr. Bell, I believe, argued was merely a substandard and inadequate policy of Non-Economic Liberalism that fell woefully short of what, say, Reparations or the Blair Education Bill (proposed in the 1880s by Henry Blair that would've ACTUALLY provided EQUAL FUNDING for schools in the South that happened to be segregated), as examined by Harold Cruse in Plural But Equal.

  21. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "What if your son was a thug - was high and was bashing some mans head in? Should Zimmerman have let him kill him because Trayvon didn't like being looked at while he was peering in windows smoking a blunt and gettin ready to go mix his lean with his skittles and watermelon juice?"
    You have a vivid imagination ;) and that is a whole other situation where if you're looking for trouble you're going to find trouble. But,as I recall the information, that was not the case ;)

    It was a tragedy, for everyone.

  22. Anonymous5:20 PM

    @Anon ("Slavery By Another Name")

    I feel exactly where you're coming from and am writing a memoir an 87 year old relative. It's imperative that as much of our stories can be told and researched. Just know that others indeed feel just where you're coming from and sympathize.agemeu 11101

  23. Anonymous5:42 PM

    @Michelle Robinson

    You said:

    Here's a "Black Mystery": Why has 50 years of affirmative action had zero positive effect on actual black achievement?

    I believe that it was Angela Davis who said, "For so long, we wanted what they had that when we got it, we realized that it wasn't worth having."

    For starters, the politics of domination on these shores mandate that the hegemonic group build in planned obsolescence into the "education" of the subjugated group, which is why the Jews don't rely on the larger society to educate their children, but rather inculcated the requisite values, mores, and critical thinking skills through their Hebrew schools and, believe it or not, around their dinner tables. It's hard, if not impossible to keep a people who are truly "educated" subject in a society that now has the world's largest prison population (eclipsing both the Russia and the Chinese, which we've been taught are the Socialist/Communist boogie men) wherein, despite being just less that 13% of the total population, Blacks comprise over 60% of the 2.3 million incarcerated. Thus, until Blacks financially underwrite their own education system wherein they control their own curriculum, relying on their hegemonic rulers for true education will never materialize.

  24. Evan Greenburg10:27 PM

    "despite being just less that 13% of the total population, Blacks comprise over 60% of the 2.3 million incarcerated"

    Bingo! You must understand!

    Black people are failing because they are trying to live to the norms of white society. A majority of them cannot. The solution is to keep locking up those who cannot live by civilized rules, or separate politically (different countries), or reinstitute most of the Jim Crow laws.

    Your call.

    Freedom has failed.

  25. "Your call.

    Freedom has failed."

    It certainly seems as if it failed you.

  26. Anonymous7:19 PM

    Evan - Only a mutant such as yourself would miss that this society, easily the MOST repressive and tyrannical empire on the face of the Earth (with your cousins subjugating the Palestinians as a not-so-distant second) for having the WORLD'S LARGEST PRISON SYSTEM THAT'S GROWN BY 700% SINCE 1970, deliberately IMPORTUNING that incarceration rate through FLOODING America's inner cities with heroin and cocaine (in that the majority imprisoned remain primarily non-violent drug offenders), courtesy of Bush Sr. (using his oil platforms as drug depots, please feel free to Google, BTW) and the CIA as direct response to the CIVIL RIGHTS (and Hippie) Movement during the 60s, through it's truly criminal "Two Tiered" Justice system enables the numbers. Thus, while America has successfully socially engineered the criminality of Blacks at the end of slavery through Sundown Laws and Jim Crow (told better through Blackmon's, "Slavery By Another Name," and Michelle Alexander's "The New Jim Crow,"), many are aware of the illusion of freedom that Black's being "internally colonized" here remain subject under. In that neither you nor anyone who looks like you are human, but rather a subspecies due to color mutation, not due to albinism (based upon the mapping of the Genome/DNA and Animal Planet's, "How Polar Bears MUTATED From Grizzly Bears," [which is why I correctly refer to you as being a mutant, but then, you probably know just what you are)] based upon how you've done and continue to do the natives of this land, as well, you're simply hardwired not to understand. Don't take your genetic disposition, personal. You're simply a mistake is all.
