Sunday, February 03, 2013

The B Bowl.

It looks like it might be a second Super Bowl for Ray Ray and the boyz. Might. You never leave the opera until the fat lady sings, but it's just not looking good for the more hyper of the two Harbaugh brothers.

I just caught Beyonce's half time show. (They are calling it the Beyonce Bowl on twitter.) That Louisiana mama can sure shake her "money maker" and work those heels. If she lip- synced this time I didn't even notice. I loved the Bogle routine and the Dancehall number. Nice to see the Jamaican influence in full effect. This performance should quiet the haters for awhile, B.  

Speaking of Jamaicans, I also finally saw that VW commercial with the white dude faking the Jamaican accent because he is happy. I am still trying to figure out where this happy Jamaican stereotype came from. It's not those silly Red Stripe beer commercials, the perception started way earlier than that. Maybe it was that stupid ass "Cool Runnings" movie, or the Jamaican Tourist Board pushing the "Jamaica, no problem mon", slogan.

Now, to be fair, it is totally plausible that a very white dude could be Jamaican. I went to high school with German, Syrian, and Chinese Jamaicans who were all very proud of their Jamaican roots. The motto of the country is "Out Of Many One People", so it's not that far-fetched that a white dude could be speaking in deep Jamaican patois. Still, I suspect that the folks making the ad on Madison Avenue did not know this. Their motivation was the idea of the happy- go- lucky Island man who doesn't have a problem with anything.

Anyway, as I tweeted earlier, if you think that all Jamaicans are happy all the time, take a trip to Tivoli Gardens, Grants Pen, or Arnett Gardens. (These guys aren't rapping about being happy.) You probably won't want to buy a Volkswagen when you get home.



  1. B did a GREAT job at half-time.

    Now that GQ cover? ABSOLUTELY TACKY!!

  2. Field Said:

    happy Jamaican stereotype came from.


    I may be reading too much into the VW tout, but I thought it was code for spliffing the stress away. But then I guess thats somewhere near where the stereotype came from too.

    49ers by 4

  3. Anonymous10:47 PM

    Harry Belafonte. Frank Worrell and team in Australia, 1960. Garry Sobers and the British press.

  4. Wesley R11:17 PM

    It looks like David Stern taught the NFL a thing about rigging a game when it starts to get out of control. Lights go out, 49ers get back into the game, ratings stay up.

  5. Slob Marley11:18 PM

    "Anyway, as I tweeted earlier, if you think that all Jamaicans are happy all the time, take a trip to Tivoli Gardens, Grants Pen, or Arnett Gardens"

    You are right Field, the stereotype of the happy-go-lucky Jamaican is a myth. In truth, they are a hateful and violent people, just like all those of African heritage.

    Thanks for setting the record straight.

  6. I think Beyonce looks a hell of a lot better since she became white.

  7. Obama is a real Amurrican!:

  8. Anonymous12:18 AM

    "Speaking of Jamaicans, I also finally saw that VW commercial with the white dude faking the Jamaican accent because he is happy. I am still trying to figure out where this happy Jamaican stereotype came from."

    Dear Mr Field, I am Jamaican also and I KNOW where the makers of the commercial got the happy Jamaican from.

    It came from happy Jamaican cab drivers in NYC, Chicago, Atlanta and Seattle. Everybody knows this...I am surprised that you don't know this, brother. Either you have forgotten your roots or you have never paid attention to a fellow Jamaican cab driver. I am sure they have some in Philly too.

    Either way, you have become too damn Black, the American way--if you know what I mean. Yep, I'm afraid that you've lost the Jamaican touch.:(

  9. Anonymous1:11 AM

    Do they have any beautiful women in Jamaica by white standards? I don't think so.

    Here in America Beyonce is considered beautiful 'because' Whites says she is. White opinion is always the standard we Negroes must go by in the West. It's a damn shame. No wonder so many of our peeps hate being Black.

    And, no wonder bm want to marry White, like PC has done. And no wonder bm want to marry light skin women from Louisiana like Jay Z did.

    I know of other bm who have married light skin women from Louisiana. However, because I am known for my integrity, I have decided to protect his anonymity- because he is a blogger on FN.:)

    I hope I get credit for this by some FN fans, esp from the blogger whose name I have not mentioned.

  10. Anonymous1:14 AM

    "You never leave the opera until the fat lady sings, but it's just not looking good for the more hyper of the two Harbaugh brothers."

    Just what do you mean by "it's just not looking good for the more hyper of the two Harbaugh brothers?"

  11. Anonymous1:18 AM

    The Superbowl was one of the best games in history. Field, I am surprised you haven't even mentioned anything about the game...seeing how you claim to be an NFL lover.

  12. Anonymous2:05 AM

    "I just caught Beyonce's half time show. (They are calling it the Beyonce Bowl on twitter.) That Louisiana mama can sure shake her "money maker" and work those heels."

    Field, I admit that Beyonce is talented but why do you over-hype her? Let me answer that for you: Because Beyonce is Black. I mean, she is talented, but she isn't THAT talented. My God, man you need to get a grip.

  13. Anonymous2:06 AM

    Beyonce routine used up all the power in the Mercedes Dome! Or could it have been some remaining Katrina JuJu? As far as a half-time show, I got my money's worth!

    As far as the VW commercial, I found it interesting that the opening line is: " I hate Mondays." White people working in the service industry expose the use of MONDAYS as code for Black people. i.e. waitress at a restaurant doesn't want to wait on a table of black people might say "I hate Mondays" to a coworker, right in front of the customer.

    Didn't Bobby McFerrin do a song "Don't worry, be

  14. " Frank Worrell and team in Australia, 1960. Garry Sobers and the British press."

    Ahh yes, Frank Worrell and Gary Sobers, two of Barbados's finest. How Jamaicans must dream of being able to produce cricketers of that quality.

  15. Anon@1:18 AM, because the Iggles weren't in it. Could care less who won.

  16. Anonymous4:55 AM

    Beyonce looked great. I didn't realize she was mostly white with that beautiful long blonde hair and light skin.

  17. "Do they have any beautiful women in Jamaica by white standards? I don't think so."

    We have our own standards, and you obviously don’t get out much.

    "I think Beyonce looks a hell of a lot better since she became white."

    Actually, Kelly Rowland is prettier.

  18. Anonymous7:10 AM

    "I think Beyonce looks a hell of a lot better since she became white."

    Field said, "Actually, Kelly Rowland is prettier."

    5:22 AM
    You have GOT to be kidding.

  19. field negro said...
    Actually, Kelly Rowland is prettier.

    True, among these three DC members.

    But Letoya and Farrah were the prettiest of all of them which is probably why they were kicked out, LOL!!

  20. Well far be it for me to engage in such blatant sexist objectification of women, but if you want beautiful look no further than....

    ....Julee Djoulde Bocoum

  21. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Blogger Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    field negro said...
    Actually, Kelly Rowland is prettier.

    True, among these three DC members.

    But Letoya and Farrah were the prettiest of all of them which is probably why they were kicked out, LOL!!

    Dat be after the fake hair and 12 inch eyelash or b4?

  22. buck shot11:31 AM

    Obama and his shotgun?

    He's not shooting skeet. In skeet shooting, the clay pigeon is thrown up in the air, requiring the shooter to aim well above the horizon.

    Not what Obama is doing. He's aiming at the horizon, almost as though he's target shooting with a shotgun, which is perhaps the case.

    More likely he's shooting "trap", a sister sport to skeet. In trap shooting, the clay pigeon goes sailing much closer to the horizon.

    It's also possible he's shooting at nothing. He might have pulled the trigger for no other reason than to show him firing a shotgun at empty space.

    Sadly, however, I think something entirely different has just happened.

    As you might have read, G W Bush's dog, Barney, died a few days ago. He died after suffering a long illness.

    Something tells me the dog was enjoying a last visit to Camp David that included some walking in his old favorite romping grounds.

    However, because the old dog was sick, he had trouble controlling his bowels. It appears Obama saw the old dog dumping a large brown pool out on the beautiful green expanse, and the sight so enraged Obama that he let old Barney have it with both barrels of that 12-gauge Browning. Big mess, of course.

    Then Obama said it was an accident. After that he was heard saying how he was suddenly feeling like George Zimmerman.

  23. Anonymous12:17 PM

    While Beyonce does have a good singing voice, I like her ballads that's it.

    The thing that particularly detracts from her attractiveness is that it shows that she thinks she is all that!

    I could be wrong, and her aloofness be actually timidity?

  24. Great Moments in Black History12:47 PM

    Perhaps it’s fate that civil rights pioneer Rosa Parks would have turned 100 years-old today, during the holiest-of-holy months in Black-Run America (BRA), Black History Month.

    Remember, it was her courageous stand – backed by a powerful pr/marketing sympathetically supplied by the national media – that helped kill public transportation in America.

    Now in most major cities, public transportation is synonymous with transporting dangerous minorities from point A to point B, though any problem on these trains or buses can never be attributed to black people.

    Parks, after all, liberated them to ride public transportation without prejudice – no matter how much they cost the system (right Cleveland?).

    But that’s about the end of the history of Rosa Parks one gets in the official-sanctioned history of BRA: Parks refused to give up her seat for the good of mankind.

    A missing piece of the story of Parks is that she moved to Detroit (that thriving black metropolis), where in 1994 a black man beat her up for $53 [Suspect recognized Parks, police say, Toledo Blaze, 9-3-1994]:

    A man accused of breaking into civil rights pioneer Rosa Park’s house didn’t know she lived there, but he recognized her once inside, police said yesterday.

    “He said, ‘Aren’t you Rosa Parks?’ She said, ‘Yeah,’ and he went ahead and robbed her anyway,” Detroit police investigator Daniel Budz said.

    Joseph Skipper, 28, was arraigned yesterday on three charges: two counts of breaking and entering and unarmed robbery and one count of breaking and entering with intent to commit larceny. The charges involve three burglaries of elderly women’s homes.

    Magistrate Margaret Baylor entered an innocent plea for Mr. Skipper, who faces up to 15 years on the charges, and ordered him held in lieu of $150,000 bond.

    Mr. Skipper also had an outstanding $5,000 bond for failing to appear in court in July on a charge he had broken into a church on Christmas Day.

    Mrs. Parks, 81, was beaten Tuesday and robbed of $53. She was treated at a hospital.

    If she had been happy with riding in the back of the bus, maybe today public transportation would still be safe to ride and cities like Detroit wouldn't be ruined hell-holes where 80 year old women get beaten up for a few dollars.

    Just sayin'....

  25. Bwana Unchained2:24 PM

    Think you'll hear about this story on MSNBC tonight? (Or, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, etc.)


  26. Anonymous7:20 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    field negro said...
    Actually, Kelly Rowland is prettier.

    True, among these three DC members.

    But Letoya and Farrah were the prettiest of all of them which is probably why they were kicked out, LOL!!

    9:16 AM
    That is the trouble with folks like Dr Nuwang and Field. They have distorted perceptions where the ugly looks beautiful and beautiful looks ugly. Lawd have mercy.

    When you can find a black woman that's even close to the beauty Megan Fox or Lindsay Lohan, then maybe you have the right to talk. But untiL then, SHUT UP!!

  27. "When you can find a black woman that's even close to the beauty Megan Fox or Lindsay Lohan, then maybe you have the right to talk. But untiL then, SHUT UP!!"

    That was the funniest thing I read all day. Thanks for the laughs.

  28. Lindsey Lohan looks like a crack 'ho and Megan Fox needs to keep her fingers from the back of her throat after every meal.


  29. Glad u said it Doc. I was thinking the same thing. :)

  30. Anonymous10:53 PM

    Field: Do tell just how you stomach dialoging with this virulent strain of mutant humanity - in this "Anon" creature?

    That's a Black Mystery for you!

  31. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    Lindsey Lohan looks like a crack 'ho and Megan Fox needs to keep her fingers from the back of her throat after every meal."
    Zat may be because LL EEZ a partaker of zee craque?

    heaven forbeed Le Megan! And have zom actual meat on her bonz? O no, zees eez ztreectly forbizen een ze coolture! Zey like zee veemen bony, bony bony. Ze bonier zee better :)

    (my French accent;p
