Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Dirty old man.

Just when I thought that dumbocratic and republican politricksters in Washington were equally sleazy, along comes former Senator, Pete Domenici.

"Former New Mexico Senator Pete Domenici revealed today that he fathered a son in an extramarital affair with another senator's daughter more than 30 years ago and has kept the secret since then, only telling his own family in the last "several months."

In a statement to the Albuquerque Journal, the 80-year-old Republican, who represented New Mexico for more than 30 years, said the mother of his son "made me pledge that we would never reveal that parenthood and I have tried to honor that pledge and so has she."

Domenici wrote that he was worried about the privacy of his son, a 34-year-old Nevada lawyer named Adam Laxalt, as well as the potential impact on Laxalt's mother, Michelle Laxalt, 58. Domenici has eight other children with his wife Nancy." [Source]

Why Pete you old devil you. You kept a jump-off for 30 years?!

"My family has been aware of these events for several months. I have apologized as best as I can to my wife, and we have worked together to strengthen our relationship. I deeply regret this and am very sorry for my behavior. I hope New Mexicans will view that my accomplishments for my beloved state outweigh my personal transgression."

Michelle Laxalt, the daughter of former U.S. senator and Nevada Gov. Paul Laxalt, is a former government relations consultant and lobbyist. Paul Laxalt was a U.S. senator from Nevada from 1974 to 1987 and served as chairman of the Republican National Committee."

Oh what a tangled web.....

Finally, I sure hope that John McCain didn't think that his faux outrage over Benghazi and the Hagel nomination would get him brownie points with the wingnut base.

"During a heated town hall gathering in the Phoenix suburb of Sun Lakes, McCain said the border near Yuma is largely secure, but he said smugglers are using the border near Tucson to pump drugs into Phoenix. He said immigration reform should be contingent on better border security that must rely largely on technology able to detect border crossings.

McCain said a tamper-proof Social Security card would help combat identity fraud, and noted any path to citizenship must require immigrants to learn English, cover back taxes and pay fines for breaking immigration laws.
"There are 11 million people living here illegally," he said. "We are not going to get enough buses to deport them."

Some audience members shouted out their disapproval.
One man yelled that only guns would discourage illegal immigration. Another man complained that illegal immigrants should never be able to become citizens or vote. A third man said illegal immigrants were illiterate invaders who wanted free government benefits." [Source]

Good luck with that Latino outreach.



  1. Anonymous9:28 PM

    Yeah and that jump off was 22 years younger than him :)

    I knew it they're all scr3c(n8 each other!

    But what made him 'fess up now?

  2. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Dear Mr Field, the title of your post, "DIRTY OLD MAN" is disingenuous. Pete made a mistake and has admitted it and has asked for forgiveness. That does not sound like a dirty old man to me. It sounds like an honorable respectful man who was human and made a mistake.

    I have been thinking about our noble congressmen who have engaged in extramarital affairs through no fault of their own. It becomes clear that these men would have never done so had it not been for 'some' willing woman. In other words, these men were take advantage of!

    Therefore, the media and bloggers like YOU are blaming the wrong gender. There should be a law to protect these men from such women of temptation.

  3. Anon@10:28 said ……… I have been thinking about our noble congressmen who have engaged in extramarital affairs through no fault of their own.

    Huh, another asinine comment from another assnon! When whites in this country commit sadistic, immoral or an extramarital act, it’s usually because of some extraneous or external stimulus. It’s never the fault of their own internal defect. On the other hand, when a person of color does something that could easily point towards outside external influence like racism (Christopher Dorner), then corporate media and silly, feeble minded whites like you attempt to broadcast a wide net that points towards something internal. Puhhleeeeze! Damn white folks, get your sh#t together and make your minds up!

  4. So he can only keep a secret for 35 years?

  5. Anonymous9:38 AM

    Previous poster has it right. Should we also consider that Ms. Laxalt made a conscious decision to have some kind of sexual affair with a married man? Does she deserve some form of shame on bad judgement in purposely having sex with a married man (at least once)? This was her decision to do this as much as his. Plus, were there any psychological issues with having sex with a man over 20 years older than her, about her father's age? I must admit thinking very poorly of her morals and lack of respect for marriage.

  6. Anonymous9:52 AM

    80% of blacks are bastards and fatherless, and yet you ridicule this guy.

  7. Anonymous10:22 AM

    No live discussion?


  8. Anonymous11:42 AM

    Anonymous said...
    80% of blacks are bastards and fatherless, and yet you ridicule this guy.

    9:52 AM

    Anonymous said...
    No live discussion?


    10:22 AM

    After the two comments, you expect a lively discussion? We can't because it is very true. 70% of our children are born out of wedlock. We have a major problem but we prefer to look at you Whites 'whenever' you make a mistake. It helps us feel better about the unbelievable infidelity that reeks havoc in our communities.

    You nailed us. There won't be any lively discussion. Brotha Field, please put up another post and make it fast!

  9. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I can't tell if Black Sage is counter-trolling or is serious. Damn.

  10. Montana1:51 PM

    Republicans are such hypocrites! Family values my ass! I love reading their excuses! God bless them!

  11. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Blogger Black Sage said...

    Anon@10:28 said ……… I have been thinking about our noble congressmen who have engaged in extramarital affairs through no fault of their own.

    Huh, another asinine comment from another assnon! When whites in this country commit sadistic, immoral or an extramarital act, it’s usually because of some extraneous or external stimulus. It’s never the fault of their own internal defect. On the other hand, when a person of color does something that could easily point towards outside external influence like racism (Christopher Dorner), then corporate media and silly, feeble minded whites like you attempt to broadcast a wide net that points towards something internal. Puhhleeeeze! Damn white folks, get your sh#t together and make your minds up!

    Yeah one guy was screwin around, you are crazy serious. Chris dorner was a black affirmative action loser murderous psycho. He couldn't pass his patrol evaluations because he was a dumbass and like you never accepted his abilities but blamed lack of them on his skin color, he was correct, but it wasn't anyone but god and genetics fault.

    He died nice and krispy after he blew his own brains out like the BBQ chicken ass he was. If he was such a hero to you, why did he take the pussy way out? Cause he was totally out of touch with reality - just like you.

    Black Sage - now that's a hoot a holler and a pickle. Bout as dumb as Chris was after he blew his skullcap off and got deep fricasseed.

  12. Anonymous4:41 PM

    After the two comments, you expect a lively discussion? We can't because it is very true. 70% of our children are born out of wedlock. We have a major problem but we prefer to look at you Whites 'whenever' you make a mistake. It helps us feel better about the unbelievable infidelity that reeks havoc in our communities.

    You nailed us. There won't be any lively discussion. Brotha Field, please put up another post and make it fast!

    Live - real time - Not lively as in full of life and moving.

  13. Anon@8:52 am, I bet u don't know where your father is.

  14. control+halt+delete5:00 PM

    Great picture...Dom givin' up the Universal "thumbs up, yeah, I'm a player," player sign.The folks in the background seem mesmerized by it.

    He's 80 years old. It seems it turned out all right for the old man. His kid (I hope he did the DNA) had all the perks of "privilege" that only so few people get in normal life. As scandals go he's been out of public office so his only motivation seems to be to clear his mind and hopefully he's at peace.

    Personally, If what they say about italians is was the brother in him.

  15. "control+halt+delete" is a classic handle. :)

    But yeah, I hope he finally made peace with who he should be making peace with as well.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. A "government relations consultant". Ha!

  18. Nah, Dorner didn't shoot a class full of kids.that's pussy white boy stuff.

  19. i care less about the sex part and more about the fact that the Beltway Village is one big happy family, gettin it on and taking each other's money and knockin boots and otherwise living in an incestuous bubble that serves only the rich. with no understanding of what is happening to the rest of america, its lack of jobs, its disinterest in cutting SS and Medicare benefits (that a lot of you white conservatives who come here to hate, live off of and would die without) and our desire to bring the troops home.

    our duopoly and all their little tricks in the media and lobbying orgs are too busy acting like my (white) grandfather's family (a bunch of rapists, drunks and clowns) to actually focus on the difficult business of governing. it sickens me.

  20. Anonymous8:05 AM

    anom @8:52, my father was killed in Korea in 1951.

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