Thursday, February 21, 2013

He has had enough.

This is a tough time to be a conservative here in America.

If you don't believe me, please consider the case of my man Rush Limbaugh. Poor Rush. He has declared that for the first time in his life he is "ashamed" to be an American. I know I know,  you are all reading this and thinking that America is "ashamed" that Rush is an American, and you would love it if another country (say the Dominican Republic) would just adopt him.

I am not sure what has Rush's depends in a bunch these days, but knowing Rush I am sure that it doesn't take much. If you ask me conservatives need to follow S.E. Cupp's lead and call out Rush. Of course we know that this will never happen. Rush is to the republican party what the Pope is to true blue Catholics. The man is untouchable. Forget the fact that he (and others like him) is damaging the brand big time. As long as the "ditto- heads" are a more powerful force than the real thinkers in the  party, they will continue to have their issues.

And then there is the case of one of their news outlets making up the news to fit their narrative and the elected officials in the party buying into it.

"On February 7,'s Ben Shapiro reported that Defense Secretary nominee Chuck Hagel (according to "Senate sources") received money from a group called "Friends of Hamas." The report spread quickly through the conservative media as damning of Hagel, until Dave Weigel at pointed out a salient fact -- there's no evidence that "Friends of Hamas" exists. Now, New York Daily News reporter Dan Friedman is claiming that a joke he shared with a GOP source is the provenance of "Friends of Hamas." In response to their story falling apart, Shapiro and -- who angrily and self-righteously demand accountability from the rest of the media for every slip-up, real or imagined -- are lashing out and refusing to accept responsibility for publishing a report based on a falsehood.

Before getting into Shapiro's defense of himself for running with the "Friends of Hamas" rumor, it's worth looking at how treats other media outlets that print stories that end up being untrue. A couple of weeks ago, Washington Post blogger Suzi Parker reported that Sarah Palin, newly free of her Fox News contract, had signed on with Al Jazeera. The story was not true: Parker had picked it up from the Daily Currant, a parody news site, and the Post issued a correction.'s John Nolte ripped into Parker in a February 12 post, letting fly with a barrage of sexist invective ("isn't she precious?") and slamming her journalistic acumen:
But never one to let facts get in the way of a good Narrative, the "we-meant-to-do-that" Post merely added a correction, changed the headline to "Sarah Palin tries to stay relevant," scrubbed the Al-Jazeera references (the original post can be read here), and still ripped Palin for, uhm, being so desperate to stay relevant.
If Parker had a shred of self-awareness, integrity, and dignity, she would have changed the headline to "Too Good To Check," and under it posted an essay about how shallow, smug, bitterly angry partisanship can blind you to common sense.
But that would require having a soul to search.
Nolte was back at it a few days later, demanding that Post media writer Erik Wemple investigate the Parker-Palin screw-up and attacking the Post's "too good to check" mentality:
If Suzi Parker had the power to publish on her own, it's understandable that someone so bitter and joyless could believe what she so desperately wants to believe. But thanks to the Post's own ombudsmen, we now know a Post editor also fell into "too good to check" mode.
Because Parker and this editor obviously didn't know the Daily Currant is a parody site, that means they published a story based on information from a site with which they were unfamiliar. How did that happen? Who was the editor? Has any disciplinary action been taken?
Now has been caught in their own "too good to check" fiasco -- one that had greater ramifications than the employment prospects of a former vice presidential candidate. Instead of explaining how it happened, who edited Shapiro's piece, and the attendant disciplinary actions Shapiro might face (the same accountability standards Nolte demanded of the Post), the conservative news outlet is flailing at Hagel, Weigel, and the New York Daily News, and refusing to acknowledge that Shapiro's story is false."

Made up news stories that become accepted as fact? No wonder Rush is "ashamed" of America.



  1. Anonymous9:34 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I don't understand why so many of you on FN attack Rush. What has he ever done to you? As I recall, he has never 'once' used racial slurs or invective toward Negroes.

    Rush is ashamed to be an American because of the downward spiral of morality in our country: abortions, murders in the streets of Chicago, Detroit, Philly, etc. The incarceration rate has escalated and minority education has been an abysmal failure.

    Moral and ethical deterioration is so bad that our Holy Pope has resigned, leaving this sinful earth to Lucifer. Mr. Field, things are damn bad and you are missing the signs of doom for the human race on earth. Did you notice how close the last meteor came to us? All of this info is Revelations. The end is near. How near I don't know but I suspect Mr Limbaugh can feel it, and he is ashamed of us. Brother Field, I can see his point, as I am sure you and others do also.

    Mr Field, I have often wondered if many of the Negroes on FN have a sense of right or wrong? In other words, do YOU and 'some' of FN folks have a moral compass?

  2. control+halt+delete10:23 PM

    This reminds me of when Puss Lintball remarked about First Lady Michelle O'bama's declaration of pride in this country.His comments seem to have come full circle.(insert joke here) What he's ashamed of 'merica? Puleeze.How can anyone take him seriously? (h/t to Henny Youngman)

    It seems to me he's finally run out of material and should consider retirement. I would say put him out to stud but so far I can only assume he's shooting blanks (get it! 4 marriages...shooting blanks, no new blankes...anyway)

    The wear and tear on his body may have just become too much to handle. He's lost his hearing,(vicodin, contributing cause?)had heart problems, morbidly obese. Sometimes I wonder if he's still all there. (insert joke here)

    Listening to him is like listening to the 3 Stooges after Curly left... you know...still kinda funny but just not the same. I hope he can pull himself together...all of him, so he can feel better and we can get the ol" limpback.

  3. NSangoma10:43 PM


    field, you Negroe.

    Damn field booty, you Jamaican Negroes and those Cuban Negroes, did not know how to act.

    Slave Rebellions:

    Jamaica: 1673, 1678, 1685, 1690, 1730–40, 1760, 1765, 1766, 1791–92, 1795–96, 1808, 1822–24, 1831–32

    Cuba: 1713, 1729, 1805, 1809, 1825, 1826, 1830–31, 1833, 1837, 1840, 1841, 1843

    The Negroes that shot Kenneth Cherry Jr. -- a rapper also known as Kenny Clutch, in Las Vegas did not know how to act either.

    Rush Limbaugh only deals with high-yelluh Dominicans when he is down there; the darker ones, do not know how to act either.


  4. the right wing understands: never admit a mistake, never apologize. this is what their followers love about it so much. it makes their own pathetic, mistake prone little lives feel so much better. "i'm not a failure! i'm not stupid!" even tho they are one SSI and couldn't spell correctly for two sentences in a row and think obama is a marxist.

  5. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Conservatives are having a tough time in America because the sitting POTUS, hijacker of the party of Democrats, is a moderate, Reagan-loving republican whose Rumsfeldian drone foreign policy program has largely mirrored his acquiescent domestic republican austerity program, in that he rubber-stamped both the Bush-authored Bailout and TARP and extended the Bush Tax cuts in his first term, not to mentioned that he balked at holding the Bush cabinet or Wall Street criminally responsible for their crimes.

    It doesn't get more republican than that.

    The republican's oppositional behavior---borne of existential, racial angst regarding this POTUS---has pushed them, most notably Rush, beyond a point of reason. S.E. Cupp isn't exactly reasonable and she gets called on her b.s. on a reg on the Cycle. However, the internecine strife that she has sparked, undoubtedly with the blessing of her Newspaper employer, is a sign of the impending "storming of the Bastille" of unabashed ignorance that is Rush---and Rush may rue that he doesn't remember the very serious warning of Randolph Hearst that, “You can crush a man with journalism.”

    Sure, the grass suffers as the elephants tussle.

    Ultimately, I must say that it is an unqualified pleasure watching the republican party morph into the Donner party.

  6. Anon, 9:34 pm, if you have a church don't let Rush in. He has done far worse things than us FNs.

    Anon@1:50 am, what you said about O is true. He is, for the most part, a right leaning moderate. So why the "angst"?
    I know why. That was a rhetorical question.

  7. Cmon, we all knew Rush's and Hannity's heads were going to explode if B was re-elected. Especially after every single conservative swore to us Romney was gonna win. You know skewed polls? Gotta co-sign Chicago, they can't admit mistakes only change the subject.

  8. BARBBF7:29 AM

    Wait a minute..I remember that not too long ago the now FL Michelle said something like...(after Obama was nominated for the Dems presidential candidate)..that for the first time she was proud of this country.

    I am not ashamed of this country. I am disgusted that the voters (especially the Black voters) seem to have been stupid and uncaring enough to re-elect as President s person complicit in the deaths of more Africans than any President in recent history. That they re-elected a man who has his own personal kill list, and who has increased the use of drones from the 52 attacks during the 8 Bush years, to over 300 during his first 3 years...which resulted in the murder of thousands of innocents..including 170 (probably under-reported) children.

    From Glen Ford...

    “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared like ghoulish despots at a Roman Coliseum, reveling in their Libyan gladiators’ butchery.”

    Last week the whole world saw, and every decent soul recoiled, at the true face of NATO’s answer to the Arab Spring. An elderly, helpless prisoner struggled to maintain his dignity in a screaming swirl of savages, one of whom thrusts a knife [4] up his rectum. These are Europe and America’s jihadis in the flesh. In a few minutes of joyously recorded bestiality, the rabid pack undid every carefully packaged image of NATO’s “humanitarian” project in North Africa – a horror and revelation indelibly imprinted on the global consciousness by the brutes’ own cell phones.

    Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.

  9. Anonymous10:57 AM


    Actually, both the 'existential' (read: they will rapidly cease to exist if they mate with non-whites) and the 'racial'(read: the POTUS's mother's genes were, phenotypically, genetically DOMINATED by the the POTUS's father) qualified the angst---or at least, communicating as much was my intent.

    Who knew that completely ignoring the plight of Negroes, which virtually assures his republican bonifides, and would also simultaneously occur in the downfall of Rush?

  10. Anonymous11:16 AM


    While this author opted to stay at home in '08 rather than vote for a mixed-race republican, this last go-'round for anyone seriously, wisely contemplating fleeing America, re-electing this POTUS, still, nonetheless represented the best chance to buy the most time. Were Mitwit Robme elected, there simply wouldn't been have time for one to liquidate their assets and be out of here in three years. There's absolutely no doubt that this POTUS has been a complete and utter nightmare for those whom he promulgated false 'Audacity' and false 'Hope', particularly those of us Black folk who have been beneficiaries of unions in Detroit, Michigan, as well as Wisconsin.

    With, just yesterday published in he Detroit Free Press and MSN, the FBI tracking and thankfully apprehending a white stalker (armed to the teeth with multiple assault weapons) of NAACP head, Wendell Anthony in Detroit and a Jewish leader in metro Detroit, certainly this POTUS's austerity program has many whites losing their minds and willing to mete out mass killings. The smart Negroes are gearing up to be somewhere else. It's a shame that we as a group cannot negotiate more favorable terms by leaving, en masse.

  11. Anonymous11:20 AM

    This POTUS is definitely every bit as right wing as Colin Powell and Condi Rice. About the only republican he's to the left of is Clarence Thomas.

  12. Anonymous12:54 PM

    You Negroes keep trying to equate what Michelle said about America and what Rush is saying today. They are not even similar, let alone equal. For one, Rush is White. Anybody in America or outside of America will tell you that being White in America counts a LOT more than being Black in America. Surely you know this by now. 400 years-- and STILL counting have proven this.

    Rush is depressed but if he holds on for four years Obama will finally be gone. Moral and ethical principles will begin to come back.

  13. Sadly, Rush Limbaugh is right here. In order to "change" America into a country in which his wife Michelle could be proud of, Obama has had to change America into a country in which thinking people are ashamed of. We are now broke, have had our credit downgraded for the first time ever, and headed for fiscal disaster. Obama has ended our manned space program and is unilaterally dismantling our military. The new Obama normal is endemic unemployment and zero growth. Our foreign policy has been as big a disaster as our economy. We are quickly becoming a second class shithole, and it is all due to the lack of leadership and the complete incompetence of the very small man we call President.

  14. There is nothing new here! Limbaugh should be even more ashamed of his extremely low metabolism rate.

    RepubMafias and DemoMobs have long engaged in planting skewed stories within the corporate owned media in an attempt to paint each other into a politically strategic corner. The only difference is that when the RepubMafias do such a thing, it’s done while under the influence of steroids, it seems, thereby making even more of an impact adversely affecting the citizenry.

    Both of the major political parties within this Empire of States reek of corruption to the utmost.

    On the other hand, another thing overweight Rush should be primarily concerned with is the amount of high cholesterol antipasti that he consumes on a daily basis. If not, cardiac arrest is the early prognosis! Indeed, it’ll be good riddance of another racist, fat idiot!

  15. Anonymous3:35 PM

    chicago dyke said...

    the right wing understands: never admit a mistake, never apologize. this is what their followers love about it so much. it makes their own pathetic, mistake prone little lives feel so much better. "i'm not a failure! i'm not stupid!" even tho they are one SSI and couldn't spell correctly for two sentences in a row and think obama is a marxist.

    This is literary sarcasm at it's finest. Love the part where you said 'even "tho" couldn't spell correctly for two sentences and left out that big word "consecutively" while misspelling words and not capitalizing each new sentence.

    Great Job.

    What's with the Dog Collar?

  16. Hoisted by their own pewtard.

  17. Anonymous5:36 PM

    Blogger Hattie said...

    Hoisted by their own pewtard.

    Y are obama wummen so ugly?

  18. Hmmm, why do wingnuts have such ugly hearts?

    When not stalking the good doctor they are playing beauty police.

  19. Anonymous7:09 PM

    I love Ann Coulter's courage and willingness to speak up for the institution of marriage in front of hundreds of libertarian students. She ! literally took on the crowd and won! If Blacks had the courage and strength Ann has we would be free. But instead, we are rudderless.

  20. @Hattie, don't you pay any attention to assAnon@5:36. He's just a little boy that's unable to stand behind his own name or at least a pseudonym.

  21. Anonymous9:06 PM

    Ah, Field, this Anonymous guy with the insults is desperate for attention. Sad case.

  22. Co-sign with Black Sage. I also agree with the "little boy" part. :)

  23. Anonymous11:18 PM

    Looks like Anon5:36p struck a nerve. I am still trying to figure out what he said. Maybe Field or Black Sage can translate for me? That way I'll know if I have been insulted or not. Thank you.

  24. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Humans must really qualify the words of mutants so they don't respond to mutant words laced with pure unabashed envy. It really IS that simple. When you internalize that they are NOT human and try to tan away their unbearable whiteness of being, then there REALLY is no need in responding to them. Trust me, if the mutant wasn't wrought with extreme feelings of INADEQUACY, for instance, that most of them, unlike the FLOTUS, have no ass at ALL, then they wouldn't have, many years ago, upon observing Sara Bartmann aka, the Hottentot Venus, came up with high heels, corsets, and, most significantly, BUSTLES. For more info on mutant envy of the human physical attributes, see Sander Gilman's "Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness." Please, I implore humans to seriously study the mutant's ways so you're not goaded into their psychosis of maddening human envy.

  25. Anonymous2:16 AM

    Humans must really qualify the words of mutants so they don't respond to mutant words laced with pure unabashed envy. It really IS that simple. When you internalize that they are NOT human and try to tan away their unbearable whiteness of being, then there REALLY is no need in responding to them. Trust me, if the mutant wasn't wrought with extreme feelings of INADEQUACY, for instance, that most of them, unlike the FLOTUS, have no ass at ALL, then they wouldn't have, many years ago, upon observing Sara Bartmann aka, the Hottentot Venus, came up with high heels, corsets, and, most significantly, BUSTLES. For more info on mutant envy of the human physical attributes, see Sander Gilman's "Difference and Pathology: Stereotypes of Sexuality, Race, and Madness." Please, I implore humans to seriously study the mutant's ways so you're not goaded into their psychosis of maddening human envy.
