Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Dorner's last stand?

As one of my tweeter fam said, it's the "state of the Dorner coverage" on the news tonight. Sorry Mr. President, but this is like a real live Hollywood movie playing itself out in SoCal.

I know that a lot of my cousins are cheering for Dorner because dude is getting Robin Hood love from certain quarters, but I hope that these folks remember that he started his killing spree by killing a brotha.

I am pretty sure that this will not end well. This guy doesn't strike me as someone who wants to be taken alive, and I am pretty sure that the cops out in SoCal are going to make damn sure that he isn't. (Another one of their brothers just died)

There are certainly a lot of interesting developments around this. CNN and other news outlets are telling folks to stay off twitter and other social media outlets. (Yeah right. I will be on my iPad as soon as I finish this post and I will be tweeting my ass off as this thing plays itself out.) The LAPD is reporting that they have resources available to them and they will be ready to use them as soon as the local police departments ask for their assistance. (MOVE anyone?)

It's sad that it took this dude snapping to have this conversation again about corrupt police departments and the folks who run them, but the scrutiny is always needed. Especially on those boys in blue out in Los Angeles. I mean they do have a history.  

Now we have to ask ourselves, how many more Christopher Dorner's are out there?

Anyway, I am watching CNN now as it starts to get dark out West. This real live drama will be better than any fiction on television tonight. And if his Oness was hoping for a captive nation to listen to his address he better hope that this thing ends before nine o-clock.

One person who we know will be listening is Ted Nugent. Ted, of course, like  a certain ex LAPD cop, loves his guns.

"National Rifle Association board member and conservative columnist Ted Nugent reportedly said that a Democratic congressman who criticized Nugent's invitation to the State of the Union and was paralyzed in a firearms accident has "s**t for brains."
Nugent's comments are hardly surprising given his long record of offensive invective.
Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI) has urged more than two dozen lawmakers to invite survivors of gun violence as their guests to the State of the Union.
Langevin has personal experience with gun safety. As ABC News reported:
As a 16-year-old, Langevin was critically injured while working with the Warwick Police Department in the Boy Scout Explorer program. A veteran officer handling a .45-caliber semiautomatic pistol, not realizing a round rested in the chamber, pulled the trigger, bouncing a bullet off a metal locker and striking the teenager in the neck, severing his spinal cord.
After a Republican congressman responded by inviting Nugent to attend as his own guest, Langevin reportedly criticized the invitation, citing Nugent's history of violent rhetoric. At a February 12 press conference, Nugent reportedly responded as follows:
"He probably has s**t for brains," he said of Langevin.


"I couldn't be more proud of myself, what I stand for, and for this pompous ass to claim that he cares more about a family that lost a child than I do is a perfect example of the brain dead critics of Ted Nugent," he said."
Last week, Nugent said that President Obama is "promoting" racism and that his administration has a "racist agenda." [Source]

I take that back. Maybe the State of the Union address will be worth watching.


  1. Anonymous7:35 PM

    "It's sad that it took this dude snapping to have this conversation again about corrupt police departments and the folks who run them, but the scrutiny is always needed."

    What's sad is you taking the news of yet another dead officer as a cue to talk about corrupt police.

    I hope you get what you deserve.

  2. Anonymous8:29 PM

    well.... Field, look at it this way. If that "brotha" wasn't engaged to that girl, he would have been alive today. Just saying. Next.

  3. Dorner is what you get when you teach black people that all of their problems are due to 'racism'.

    The crazier ones will lash out in paranoid violence.

    People like PilotX idolize Dorner because in their hearts they fantasize about killing all the white people. We even celebrate this in the culture now with movies like Django.

    With the election of Obama, blacks feel empowered to act on their violent dreams.

    I know this: If black people were in the majority, they would exterminate white people.

    But God only gives us the power we can handle.

    Someday a real rain will come...

    1. Don't ever speak for me again. I'm more than capable of doing that for myself or didn't you get the memo some of us negroes are capable of independence from massa?

  4. Anonymous9:10 PM

    Aah yes, the hobnobbing , lovin it. I always try to figure out who's sleeping with who on the hill. Hehehe...

  5. So far....

    Boehner, trying hard to stay awake, is worth the watch. He has this incredible vacant look in his eyes.

  6. Another combat-armed madman with a grudge adds himself to his game-bag. I'm only surprised it's still so rare, as fucked as everyone is & easy as it is to gather a berserker-load of killing power. You'd think they'd have to cover it like weather on the news "heavy psychopath activity in the valley today, clearer at the coast."


  7. Desertflower said...
    Aah yes, the hobnobbing , lovin it. I always try to figure out who's sleeping with who on the hill. Hehehe...

    9:10 PM

    I doubt (m)any of those wrinkled old sweaty trolls are bumpin junk with each other. That's what host staff on lobbying junkets is for.

  8. Looks like they burned Dorner just like the Klan used to back in the day. The only thing missing was the noose.

  9. The LAPD is gonna loose their drones on L.

  10. Wesley R10:50 PM

    The Brother (Dorner)is toast now.

  11. Anonymous10:58 PM


    Dorner is just the opposite. He's the ignorant, sometimes willfully ignorant Black person who probably didn't know the sordid, racist history

    of the LAPD, like how Deadwyler was shot dead trying to get his pregnant wife to the hospital back in '61. Of course the cop wasn't indicted

    and Johhnie Cochran lost the wrongful death suit. I'll bet Dorner had never been arrested nor has gotten in any trouble. They tried to paint

    him wrong by saying that his last three relationships ended in legal action, but he was the one trying to get restraining orders on the women.

    Dorner is just one of those sad ignorant Black men who believe in the system 'til it FAILS him, completely, deliberately, and then being

    unemployed under the moderate republican governance of BHO's America simply PROVED to much to bear.

    I got the Dorner treatment, being fired for reporting a white boss at a Board meeting and a Black male Board member did the railroading. The

    difference was that I knew whites for the virulent subspecies of mutant humanity so I expected it. While it's cost me plenty of jobs, I've

    never hesitated to speak truth to power. Moreover, I know America isn't worth fighting for nor dying over as long as the native inhabitants

    still get the shaft on a regular. As long as they're getting no justice, who are we to expect justice from these creatures?

  12. Hey Travis, are posts like yours what we get when we teach whites all of their problems are because of us negroes?

  13. Anonymous11:11 PM


    Mutants, er, whites are genetically predisposed to being racist, as it, as well as sexism and xenophobia, is an existential angst response to being

    genetically recessive as well as being a minority, globally speaking, and having problems reproducing in accordance with all of natures mutations.

    In the ferile cllective mutant mind, you all must do what you must to ensure Darwinian survival, which includes lie continuously and perpetually

    deny, deny, ,deflect, and then, deny some more. It's taken me a while to figure out that the mutant is not human, but rather a subspecies of

    African human, as said mutant's melanin deficiency is due to color mutation, not albinism. If Dorner knew this, he would've gone into reporting

    a white woman superior with his eyes wide open. It's too bad. I heard that the paranoid Schitzophrenic claim that he was indeed kicked, but

    then, "allegedly" said he wasn't but then told his father that he was indeed kicked. No, Dorner was one of those dudes who believed in white

    America (and he probably dated white women, too), but then got the business as most brothas have. Oh, how the mighty fall when they inhale the dragon's dust cooperatively!

  14. dorner in a corner11:16 PM

    Dead Roasted Duck:

    Dorner’s Remains Apparently Recovered From Burned Out Cabin Following Deadly Standoff

  15. Anonymous11:23 PM

    When breaking news went live in So Cal today, I muted the TV and said a silent prayer for you Chris. I thank you for your very important message, BUT I don't like how you delivered it. We all got to know you a little from what has come to be your "dying declaration". I hope to meet you in spirit someday. Like the Bible says, those who live by the sword will die by the sword. I don't think you had any doubt. Now, go to your rest and RIP....

  16. Anonymous11:36 PM

    So, Field, just who will write, who will perform "The Ballad of Christopher Dorner?"

    It will feature a poor deluded, intelligent, yet ignorant wretch with a sterling career smiling blissfully in front of the American flag that may

    as well have been the Stars and Bars. He lost his career by trying to do the right thing. Then, found himself unemployed seemingly forever in

    BHO's America. Wither Icarus...

  17. Immediately after the New York Times headlined "Shooting Suspect’s Racism Allegations Resound for Some," the chief of the LAPD announced the department would re-investigate why Christopher Dorner was fired.

    As usual, the opposite question from the one being obsessed over in the media seems more worthy of investigation: Why was this highly defective individual hired in the first place? Why did the LAPD, which is big enough to afford the most sophisticated screening processes, ever give this man a badge and a gun?

    And how did this cretinous looney tune pass the necessary psych tests to get into the military?

    Easy answer: affirmative action, which ignores the candidates lack of qualifications and mental pathology. There is more to this story, and eventually it will out. Obviously, if Nidal Hasan could become a major in the army despite expressing terrorist sympathies and communicating with known terrorists, then this clown could easily slip into the police academy.

    Notice that this LAPD washout still had an incredibly high sense of self esteem despite being a total failure in life. He is a monster of the Left's creation and there are literally millions like him. They are more dangerous than any white supremacist with an AR 15.

    Guns don't kill people, affirmative action does.

  18. Anonymous11:58 PM


    You don't think if Native Americans had a chance to exterminate white people that they wouldn't jump at the chance, just as many are trying to

    exterminate those other invasive species on these shores such as the Burmese Python that's presently laying waste to the Everglades or the Asian Carp

    that extirpating the native fish in the Great Lakes? I mean, it's not as if you all act like humans. You all act like the subspecies of humans that

    you are - introducing the world to the term 'genocide' and extinction, like the Taino Indians that Columbus first encountered, there, in the West

    Indies when creatures such as him first infested these shoes.

    Travis, what Blacks and Native Americans know is that the depth of white's/mutant's self-loathing is that you all, through the likes of Adam Lanza,

    James Holmes, Timothy McVeigh and Philip Kehoe, [who perpetrated, in Bath, MI, the GREATEST mass killing of Whites in a school (38 children, 6 adults,

    and injured 58) in U.S. history] will KILL YOURSELVES OFF, IF LEFT TO YOUR VERY OWN DEVICES because you all are virulent mutants, for real!

  19. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Another combat-armed madman with a grudge adds himself to his game-bag. I'm only surprised it's still so rare, as fucked as everyone is & easy as it is to gather a berserker-load of killing power. You'd think they'd have to cover it like weather on the news "heavy psychopath activity in the valley today, clearer at the coast."

    Affirmative Action for real jobs rarely ends well. He expected to keep getting passed and flipped when his evaluation told the truth and then the race card ticket didn't work.

    Is he a crispy critter?

  20. Anonymous1:42 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy, "Another combat-armed madman with a grudge adds himself to his game-bag. I'm only surprised it's still so rare, as fucked as everyone is & easy as it is to gather a berserker-load of killing power. You'd think they'd have to cover it like weather on the news "heavy psychopath activity in the valley today, clearer at the coast."

    9:52 PM
    You took the words out of my mouth. I like the weather analogy, it's funny.

    BTW, aren't you from Cali? Do you think any investigation into the LAPD about corruption?

    I have great faith and trust in the LAPD. I think FN folks like Mr Field are dead wrong, if they think the LAPD is corrupt. They cleaned themselves up during the OJ trial. There is NO RACISM in the LAPD! L.A.'s Latino mayor has made sure of that.

  21. if cd is killing cops who have dogged him...
    why does the black skin of his 1st kill matter?

    cc the skin of the blackish hobama/clarence t etc

    u r blinded by racist ignorance fn

    see deeds
    not colors



  22. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Anon@10:58 said …. The difference was that I knew whites for the virulent subspecies of mutant humanity so I expected it. While it's cost me plenty of jobs, I've never hesitated to speak truth to power.

    I feel you Anon, your post is near and dear to my heart. Pf course brother Dorner was wrong for the killing of innocent people. My heart goes out to the surviving families.This is how this warped, supposed democratic country works. They always attempt to paint you/blacks with a broad brush. And they always get some nincompoop black-lacky to assist with the railroading of those who stand up for what’s right and therefore, deem him or her as being the problem. NO, …..the so called system is the problem and those whites who think that they have an inherent right to harass, terminate and railroad innocent people at will, simply because of their skin color.

    We are dealing with some very sick white people in this country. They never deal with things from the perspective of how racist this Empire of America truly is and how they provoke people into doing wrong in striking back at the system. Instead, they deal with things from the point of where you begin to disintegrate and act upon your actions in response to the system’s BS.

    F&ck you white America! Land of the Slaves, Home of the Weak!

  23. Anonymous7:52 AM

    PilotX said...

    Don't ever speak for me again. I'm more than capable of doing that for myself or didn't you get the memo some of us negroes are capable of independence from massa?

    Yet everything you say was spoonfed to you or a proxy by some white limousine liberal - go figure.

  24. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Some Black hero...boy got taken down by Fish & Game Wardens...BAHAHAHAHA !!!

  25. Can't wait for the Movie,

    "D'orner'ango, burned to a Crisp"

    and I was 1/3 right about finding him at a KFC...
    got the "Fried" part right..


  26. Dr. Charbroil9:56 AM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    Looks like they burned Dorner just like the Klan used to back in the day. The only thing missing was the noose

    Just when you think her game is slipping, Queen comes up with breathtakingly stupid and morally vacuous post for the ages

    Is that what the Klan used to do, hunt down vicious psychopathic murderers? I guess the Klan got a bad rap, they were just doing society a favor.

    The only thing missing from your quest to get into medical school is an IQ north of 90. That, and the type of demeanor necessary to handle a job with the responsibilities of a physician.

    Hood rats need not apply.

    You will never be a doctor.

  27. Whites9:57 AM

    PilotX said...
    Hey Travis, are posts like yours what we get when we teach whites all of their problems are because of us negroes?

    Y'alls doing a great job.

  28. It so interesting hear all the little weak white men talk about this man. They were CLEARLY threatened by the man based on how they're characterizing him in death.

    In reality, Black men like Dorner are a weak white man's worst nightmare, stronger than they are (physically), more accomplished than they are(naval officer, marksman), and up until he started killing innocent family members, more morally conscious than the are( standing up to moraless pigs in uniform).

    When I was growing up, I learned not to wrong others not just because it's amoral, but because someone I love may pay the price for my ill deeds.

    Dorner is a demonstration that: 1) not every Black person takes racism sitting down 2) some cops DO look out for those they're sworn to protect 3) if you piss off the wrong person, your KID may pay the price.

  29. Anonymous said...
    Some Black hero...boy got taken down by Fish & Game Wardens...BAHAHAHAHA !!>>>>

    No, burning a man alive is just a throw back to what their ancestors used to do.

  30. Massa Chusetts10:43 AM

    "F&ck you white America! Land of the Slaves, Home of the Weak!"

    Your problem is that you are fit only to be a slave. You can't handle freedom.

  31. Reparations or DNA11:02 AM

    I was glad to see the republicans recognize the need for color as they responded to Pres. Obama. Don't have to go too far back to see Africa in Rubio.

  32. Dr. Ionu1:12 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    ...up until he started killing innocent family members, more morally conscious than the are( standing up to moraless pigs in uniform).

    Dorner is a demonstration that: 1) not every Black person takes racism sitting down 2) some cops DO look out for those they're sworn to protect 3) if you piss off the wrong person, your KID may pay the price

    What a sick, pathetic person you are. Idolizing a crazy murderer as validation of your own twisted worldview.

    Law enforcement should be keeping an eye on you. You should be among the first to have their guns confiscated.

    When that day comes when it finally sinks into your thick skull that there is no way anyone is ever going to grant you a medical degree, your feeble intellect, stoked by the resentment of your betters, will convince you that your failures are all due to 'racism', and that somebody's KID deserves to pay the price.

    You should be locked up right now, you evil piece of ghetto trash.

    You will never be a doctor.

  33. thrasymachus1:28 PM

    Dorner seems to have overestimated the ability of the grievance process to get him what he wanted. I think this is common among blacks, who hear a lot about successful lawsuits while not hearing about the vast majority that go nowhere. I’m not surprised that his own lawyer was in on it- they always are, they get paid either way.

    Frankly, I think a lot of what he said is likely true. Political correctness and affirmative action don’t make people less hostile toward other races, it makes them more. I think the police HR screening process is now very intense and screens out normal people and lets through sociopaths who know how to manipulate the system.

    What the sysyem doesn’t get is brave, principled people willing to take personal risks to protect the innocent. The shoot ‘em ups of two only somewhat similar trucks, driven by two Hispanic women delivering papers and a short, skinny white guy going surfing are well-noted. These are gross violations of police procedure for using deadly force but dismissals, the dead minimum appropriate response, are unlikely.

    The system, in particular the people they employ to use force to maintain their control, is not looking good in this incident. We know the police can’t deal with rioting- in all Western countries they step back and let it burn out. What we now see flummoxes them is any serious, direct attack against them. Suspect whites who attack the system as criminals burn to death in their houses or die in a hail of bullets. Dorner crossed the red line. He should have been quickly killed in a hail of bullets in a burning building, on live TV, to make the point you don’t screw with the police. That it took this long is a clear sign of weakness.

    Any serious disorder that includes targeting police officers- at least if it doesn’t involve whites- could push the law enforcement system to total collapse.

  34. Anonymous1:41 PM

    Dear Desertflower, on yesterday's thread you commented that the comments were 'smokin'.

    Do you still think they are 'smokin' today? You see, yesterday was a freak accident. Today is the norm. FN folks like PilotX, and the brilliant Dr Nuwang cannot keep 'smokin'.

    Their minds just can't handle it.

  35. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Do you still think they are 'smokin' today?
    Not so much today. But i've been kinda busy and if hey're not interesting with good points on either side of the Issue/debate, I honestly just skim through :)

    Gotta make a chocolate cake for DD's unit for Valentines lunch tomorrow.

  36. Hey Field, you know it's kinda interesting that a response to my 10:16AM post was recorded BEFORE that 10:16 post was made public.

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmm

  37. Dear White Amerikkka,

    I’m not a behavioral studying Psychologist, nor am I a peescription writing Psychiatrist. But as a friend, I want you to know that you’re in need of long term, intensive psychotherapy. My hope is that this long term treatment as a patient will bring you back into the fold of humankind. Currently, you behave like Sleestaks from Land of the Lost. You think like cretins from a dark cave somewhere in northern Europe. Please, for goodness’ sake, get some counseling.

    You profess that you have an affinity for life and liberty, but yet, you are still an occupying force in Somoa (sa mo ni*gas) and Puerto Rico. You also enunciate your hatred for tyranny, but yet, you practice it right here at home and abroad. You assassinated brother Filiberto Ojeda Rios simply because he wanted independence from this Empire of Amerikkka. You bombed the Vieques Island for years and forcibly removed Puerto Ricans towards the center of the island so that the U.S. Navy could utilize a substantial portion of it as a bombing range. You occupy Iraq, Afghanistan and you’re fighting proxy wars on the continent of Africa simply because of the continent’s natural resources (gold, diamond, bauxite).

    On the home front, racism is still alive and well and quite rampant. You killed brother Dorner yesterday in So.Cal. Although I do not condone the murders he committed. On the other hand, I understand his actions. By the way, does the word PROVOCATION mean anything to you? By the way, if Dorner had committed these killings in Australia, he would’ve spent only a few years in prison due to their recognition of provocation laws. Perhaps LAPD and the state should be sued for wrongful death as well. Oh, I’m sorry, I forgot, Amerikkka isn’t really a democracy, it’s a corporatocracy, controlled by an oligarchy.

    Amerikka, get some freaking counseling!!!

  38. Dr. Teneteen4:01 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    Hey Field, you know it's kinda interesting that a response to my 10:16AM post was recorded BEFORE that 10:16 post was made public.

    You are paranoid. And retarded.

    You will never be a doctor.

  39. Anonymous5:13 PM


    Anon@10:58 said …. The difference was that I knew whites for the virulent subspecies of mutant humanity so I expected it. While it's cost me plenty of jobs, I've never hesitated to speak truth to power.

    "I feel you Anon, your post is near and dear to my heart... F&ck you white America! Land of the Slaves, Home of the Weak!"


    The problem is we Black folk need to get serious about Science as the POTUS implored. The number one graduate degree that Black folk get is an

    M-Div, which is sad. Between Anthropology, Archeology, and Genetics, we have it confirmed that these creatures act no diffrent than the Asian Carp

    and the Burmese Python, as they are the most invasive (sub)species on these shores. Every day, the Sun in the sky and the threat of melanoma let

    them know that they simply DO NOT BELONG ON THIS PLANET. Indeed, it's a helluva thing when the simple truth stings like an insult!

    When we REALLY internalize this SciFi horror flick that we live in, we'll truly see the lunacy for getting mad at them the way Dorner did, when

    they, due to their "Psychopathic Racial Personality," are no different than snakes or fish/sharks or any other Apex predator ---and just as it

    makes no sense to get mad at fish or snakes, it makes not a bit of sense to get mad at these ghastly pale DOPPELGANGERS of African Humanity. When

    you internalize the fact that "whites" (read: mutants) are NOT human, through no fault of their own, you won't waste anger and rage on them as

    Dorner did. You simply would've extricated yourself from this land shackled to the name 'America'. You should check out Animal Planet's "How

    Polar Bears Mutated From Grizzly Bears," and realize that the name of that Ice Age was the Wurm Ice Age, which the Germans identified as spawning

    the Aryan subspecies. Like I said, they know they are NOT human and they know/knew they needed Black women (their Mammies) to humanize them, 'lest

    their knowledge of them being a mutant subspecies feeds their SELF-LOATHING, which, like "Blade Runner Replicants" triggers them all to eventually

    morph into their Adam Lanza, James Holmes, Timothy McVeigh, the Columbine Boys, Philip Kehoe, and all their serial killers. Fortunately, their

    SELF-LOATHING rightfully teaches them to destroy other mutants like themselves. If Dorner was ARMED with this understanding, he would've seen the


    THE PLANET, BAR NONE, and done things differently. Once again if you're not gonna get mad at fish(sharks and carp) and snakes, what sense does it

    make to get mad at these creatures that self-identify as "Whites"?

    Thanks for the love on the post, tho!

  40. SPEAK THAT, Black Sage!!

  41. "but I hope that these folks remember that he started his killing spree by killing a brotha."

    Only in the diseased mind of a shit-eating Klansman could such a fact have any relevance.

    May you rot in hell, you subhuman bigot.

  42. "The problem is we Black folk need to get serious about Science as the POTUS implored. The number one graduate degree that Black folk get is an M-Div, which is sad".

    I don't have words for how difficult it is to get Black folks to consider careers in STEM subjects, but I keep at it anyway! And there are a LOT of obstacles in the way, not the least of which is that there aren't enough of us in the field willing to mentor the next generation. But I need to correct you on one thing, this isn't really a "Black problem" because Africans and Caribbeans are reasonably well represented in STEM, Black Americans not so much.

    BTW, bravo for such a timely post!

  43. BARBBF6:20 PM

    When I heard this morning that Dorner was dead..and then that the cabin he was in was consumed by fire..I was more than a little suspicious....then I read this...FROM THE VERY LIBERAL COUNTERPUNCH WEBSITE:

    February 13, 2013

    The State of the Union Amidst the Ashes of Extrajudicial Death
    The Execution of Christopher Dorner


    If the murder of Oscar Grant on an Oakland transit platform marked the dawn of the Obama era, the cold-blooded murder of former Naval reservist and Los Angeles Police officer Christopher Dorner might just mark the end of whatever optimistic hope people can muster in his administration. Whether an innocent young man just trying to get home, shot in the back after being racially profiled and slurred, or a man driven to his breaking point after being fired from a similar police force that operates according to its own warped morality and overarching objectives, the state of the union is a powder keg whose wick has gotten shorter due to decades of looking the other way.

    Just minutes before Barack Obama began his state of the union address, San Bernardino County Sheriffs, knowing full well what they were doing, burned Christopher Dorner to death. From police brutality and racism to political unaccountability, from lack of economic opportunities to the extrajudicial murder of anyone deemed an enemy of the state, Dorner’s life and death offers us a much clearer picture of the state of this union than last night’s speech or media commentary.

    In the years between the murder of Oscar Grant and Dorner’s last stand, March of 2009 to be specific, we were among those observing the case of Lovelle Mixon in Oakland, a parolee who decided he was not going to return to prison, opening fire on police at a traffic stop, killing two. Police went in to execute Mixon, not expecting that he would be holding an SKS. Two more cops died as a result. The logic of Dorner’s desperation, and the chain of events that led to his ultimate death, parallels Mixon’s; proud men without hope, cornered, deciding to go out fighting.

  44. Apex Hominid6:43 PM

    "The problem is we Black folk need to get serious about Science as the POTUS implored."

    That would be like asking a Grizzly bear to get serious about living out on the polar ice sheet.

    You just can't do it.

    You do not have the merest understanding of the scientific gobbledegook you spew.

  45. clarice6:48 PM

    Ms.Nǚwángsheboon said...

    Things that make you go hmmmmmmm


    Do you drool when you say hmmmmmmm?

  46. That black people consider Christopher Dorner a hero, O.J. Simpson innocent, and Barack Obama competent tells all you need to know about why they are going nowhere.

  47. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Whoaaaaa! ( Singing, dancing, snappin my fingers!) Go baby baby, baby baby, yeah, babeh babeh!

    I like it when you talk puertorican to me! Speaking the truth to power! Yeaah!

  48. What can anyone expect from a billy from a hill..The cowboy wants validation

  49. Anonymous8:37 PM

    @Black Sage

    Excellent piece! The science piece I kick is why they won't, cannot change. How they came into

    existence shapes their zero-sum-game mentality that simply doesn't concern itself with being

    human. Racism is hardwired, biologically-determined defense mechanism that this collective feels

    is necessary for its genetically recessive, procreationally challenged (which is consistent with

    all mutations) survival. Nietzsche's right. The collective mutant psyche is clinically

    insane---and your words will fall on deaf ears, but I loved them!

  50. Thank you Anon@8:37pm !laria10 601

  51. Anonymous12:48 AM

    @Apex Hominid

    The Germans have identified the Ice Age that spawned you. Are you calling them liars?

    The mapping of the Genome/DNA has pinpointed the "whiteness" marker as coming on the "genetic drifting" scene some 6,000

    years ago. In fact, they've named it. What? Do you believe that you all just spontaneously generated?

    I'll give you mutants credit. Through John Carpenter's (1980) "The Thing," you all do try to tell everyone where you come

    from. Frozen in the ice, indeed.

    You simply cannot accept being either an exogenous or an endogenous aberration or accident (like the villaness, herself white, admitted in "Person of Interest, referring to you all as "accidents, Bade Code," which, incidentally was the name of the episode). Do you know just what that means?

    Do you even understand Natural Selection and Adaptation because the processes explain your phenotypic existence?

    "Proclamation without demonstration" is the province in which you dwell.

    It must truly bum you out that the jig is up.

  52. Anonymous1:03 AM

    @Apex Hominid

    I will readily concede that of the other apex predators, here, who also constitute an invasive species (such as the Asian Carp and the Burmese Python), like yourselves, and, who also have no natural enemies and likewise don't belong here, you all execute a depraved amoral indifference that makes you, not only fundamentally indistinguishable from the python and the carp, but indeed makes you all the world's apex predators.

  53. Anonymous1:33 AM

    Dr. NUwang,

    Thanks for getting me to cast the wider Diasporan net on the issue, as I wasn't trying to exclude the Diasporan fam from the issue. It's just that if Black folk, here, in particular, mapped the behavior of the mutant and understood its amoral, psychopathic/sociopathic nature, the socially engineered criminality and destruction of Black folk here wouldn't be so successful. We wouldn't even respond with anger from their comments, as we'd be all fully aware of their hardwired, biologically-determined tendencies. Being that this is the EVIL EMPIRE of the world in that it imprisons a staggering 2.3 million, of whom over 60% are of African-ancestry when we barely make up 13% of the total population, it remains imperative that we all know the nature of this creature that has set up this "Slavery By Another Name," and "The New Jim Crow" reality---and why Garvey needs to be revisited.

  54. Apex Hominid10:08 AM

    "You simply cannot accept being either an exogenous or an endogenous aberration or accident"

    Yes I can.

    You can't understand that maybe the Polar bear learned something out on that ice. Maybe having to survive for thousands of years in an unforgiving environment made him smaerter, tougher, and better suited to an increasingly unforgiving environment.

    Evolution is driven by mutations. Beneficial mutations propagate. Archaic forms decline.

    Grizzly bears today survive only on the scraps of the Polar Bears. Don't push it.

  55. Anonymous11:59 AM

    wow... you guys are into some heavy stuff... i'm entertained by all the racist comments. yet sad that the LAPD wasn't able to capture him alive to hear the full story. race is a factor in how the story played out. you don't have to be black to see that. the dude felt he had no other options and he went to take people out. it's as simple as that. white people do it all the time.

  56. Anonymous3:03 PM

    While this is all very interesting reading indeed, can, might we be able to entertain the idea that with so many colors of skin and phenotypes on this earth, we were all put here simultaneously and not one mutating from the other?

    We are after all pretty similar on the inside. All blood, bone, organs, muscle, etc., same color, shape, function. Just sayin:D

  57. Anonymous5:58 PM


    The facts are as they are and it is simply the truth as to how this reality unfolded. What's your beef with the truth?

    Desertflower, shouldn't ALL Black/African-ascended people as well as Native Americans who are STILL OPPRESSED,HERE, understand where those who self-identify as "white" come from and JUST HOW THEY CAME INTO EXISTENCE, AND HOW THEIR RESULTING (Romulus-and-Remus-suckling-on-the-breast-of-a she-wolf-inspired) PATHOS AND ETHOS UNDERGIRDS THEIR DARWINIAN WORLDVIEW DERIVED FROM THAT (ICE AGE) CRUCIBLE DROVE/DRIVES GENOCIDE, SLAVERY, COLONIALISM, NEOCOLONIALISM, DEPENDENCY, SUBJUGATION, USURPATION, AND HEGEMONY?

    They know LOTS about Africans, from Leakey and his Olduvai Gorge to Davidson, Budge and others attempts to expropriate Black/Nubian African authorship of the critical ancient Egyptian Dynasties, save for the later Aryan Ptolemaic Dynasties.

    So, why shouldn't the OPPRESSED people on these shores LEARN EXACTLY, PRECISELY WHY THEY ARE SO PUT UPON?

    Thus, Desertflower, when you have a group of creatures exhibiting subhuman low-grade genocidal behavior towards you because you are simply the parent human species and they had to DEVOLVE, quite by accident, mind you, and said creatures aim to wipe you out through disease and disproportionate imprisonment, drugs, and guns, you better understand why they are the way they are.

    The DIRE reality of Black folk and other melanated peoples on these shores, in particular, was presciently seen by Aesop who aptly summed up the Black/Native American, melanated peoples perilous experiences in relation to the Caucasoid as being akin to the "Tortoise and the Scorpion." Notice, Lady D (can I call you Lady D?), he wisely didn't use two tortoises or two scorpions, as culturally, the commingling of the two has been akin to oil and water, as both the aforementioned melanated groups cultural aspects have been exploited with ruthless acumen.

    So, was the late great Lakota Sioux Warrior, Russell Means, wrong for essentially attempting to divulge the very same by arguing in his landmark speech in 1980, published in Mother Jones, in a title that says it all, "For The World to Live, Europe MUST Die?"

  58. Anonymous6:20 PM


    You said: "While this is all very interesting reading indeed, can, might we be able to entertain the idea that with so many colors of skin and phenotypes on this earth, we were all put here simultaneously and not one mutating from the other?"

    You know you made me think of Rodney King's plea, "Can we all get along?"

    Once again, if "simultaneously" simply isn't the truth, why should we embrace a fantasy that does NOT address or EXPLAIN the "ass-kicking" that Native Americans, Blacks/Africans, and other melanated peoples ARE presently taking as well some of our best and brightest amongst us, like Dorner, snapping because they completely and utterly FAIL to see the BIG PICTURE?

  59. Anonymous7:30 PM

    @Apex Hominid

    Yes you can?

    So you're ACTUALLY saying that you accept the fact that just as Polar Bears mutated from Grizzly Bears, YOU CORRECTLY understand (as also confirmed by the Grimaldi Man find) that so too has the Caucasoid, in fact, MUTATED from the Negroid/Africoid, as well? Well, kudos to you because you are in the EXTREME minority amongst your group.

    "You can't understand that maybe the Polar bear learned something out on that ice."

    AH, it learned to be amorally ruthless and remorselessly cunning (otherwise known as rape, pillage, and plunder) and it's sorely mistaken its depraved indifference as "intelligence."

    This reality makes the process that brought you all into existence not one of evolution, but rather, of DEVOLUTION.

    You all have devolved and that reality doesn't change, even if you all succeed in killing off all the Grizzly Bears.

    "Beneficial mutations propagate."

    Beneficial mutations? Surely you jest! If that isn't the mother of all oxymoronic appellations bestowed upon your collective, lol, I don't know what is! Come on, you're not HATED and generally REVILED the world over by being a beneficial mutation! That's positively delusional and being steeped in denial.

    You may as well come to grips with it.

    You all have simply "devolved" and that reality doesn't change, even if you all succeed in killing off all the Grizzly Bears.

  60. Anonymous7:54 PM

    I have heard the theory before that all life began in Africa and humans then migrated across the world evolving phenotype as they adapted to the particular surroundings.

    It seems plausible, it's just that I've never read anything that definitely proves it.

    The study of ancient civilizations is so sketchy, and that "missing link" and the rest of it.

    I know we're superior. Anthropological findings have shown that :).

    But people from the Northern hemisphere are more savage.

    Lady D. (I like it;)

  61. Anonymous8:41 PM

    @Apex Hominid

    Last questions:

    Why do mutations have problems reproducing (much to the chagrin of, primarily, republicans) and why, like viruses, will mutations eventually "run their course" and simply die out if there's anything REMOTELY beneficial to them?

    With Demographers, in the 50's, forecasting the declining numbers of the Caucasoid that AIDs, drugs, guns, disproportionate conscription to 'Nam, and disproportionate incarceration hasn't balanced out, despite America's prisons growing by 700% since 1970 as a direct response to the Civil Rights Movement of the 60s, do you anticipate a weaponized, airborne (as was reported in the media within the last 5 months or so) version of Ebola Contagion being loosed within America targeting non-whites? It was done to the Ottawa Indians via Smallpox-laced blankets by the U.S. Gov't around Fort Pitt (now Pittsburgh) and Black men via the Tuskegee Experiment from the 40s through 1970?

  62. Apex Hominid9:59 PM

    Beneficial mutations? Surely you jest! If that isn't the mother of all oxymoronic appellations bestowed upon your collective, lol, I don't know what is! Come on, you're not HATED and generally REVILED the world over by being a beneficial mutation! That's positively delusional and being steeped in denial.

    You do not understand natural selection.

    The inferior always hates the superior.

  63. Apex Hominid10:04 PM

    "Why do mutations have problems reproducing"

    Grizzly Bears were 14% of the population in 1860, they are 14% of the population today.

    Don't believe everything you read.

  64. Anonymous12:46 AM


    All of what I've independently put together, unless I codify it, will NOT be found in ANY one place and its hard to keep humans, Black people, Native Americans, and other melanated peoples subjugated if they know the real deal holyfield! This is EXACTLY why Black people MUST financially underwrite their OWN educational system the way the Jews do their Hebrew schools because, as a former educator, there's absolutely NO WAY they'll let any of what I've been able to extrapolate, discern, glean and empirically determine and put down here be taught in a Public School and, in point of fact, Apex Hominid is the very first Caucasian whom I've seen in print concede this basic truth. This truth would be deemed too radical and, the likes of Skip Gates and others who do DNA searching KNOW ALL OF THIS! The truth will stimulate the HELL outta Bloom's Taxonomy of Higher Order Critical thinking in our kids straight through the roof! Believe me, I've seen it, firsthand. Please believe that the simple truth is far more lethal and meaningful than Dorner's guns.

    It's not about 'superiority' for me, but rather us simply understanding that we're human and distinguishing between human thought and mutant thought, which is the quintessence of self-determination (think the matrices laid out in Diop's Two Cradle Theory). Human is all we need to be, really. Being anything else sets us up for failure and 'superiority' for them masks true feelings of inferiority for their self-perceived ignominious origins and lack of cultural creativity. Think about it - if humans were inferior to mutants, why then, would they discriminate and put all these barriers and "move the goal posts," constantly? Think about their need for superheroes and comic books when we have real-life super-sized athletic heroes that do things that seemingly defy gravity and motion? We marvel at our human feats and mutants WORSHIP them, painting themselves at sporting events and everything that makes us look at them side ways, like, really? Conversely, the thing is - there are so many of us who are steeped into a false, slavery-induced low self esteem. The truth simply changes that. For instance, if Black/African women understood that everything about them is naturally occurring, whereas things they envy, like a certain type of straight hair, is simply NOT naturally occurring, but rather due to an accidental endogenous (like the Moon exploding out of the Pacific Ocean) event or an exogenous event (Haley's comet hitting the Earth or coming close enough to pull the Earth off of its axis those few degrees), then maybe they could be at peace with what they have? So you see, when I got done like Dorner, I saw it coming and I was able to take it in stride because I understand mutant behavior. I was leaving the country after I got railroaded and I still am. This place isn't worth fighting for and, if neither Malcolm nor Martin's martyrdom have gotten us anywhere, collectively, save for more of us dead, in jail, or illiterate, what good will going out like that do? It's easy, as a man, to die for what you believe, but it's considerably harder to truly LIVE for what you believe. I believe like Russell Means, which is why I'm outta here ASAP. If we all left, without the mutants to perversely worship us via Tennis, the NBA, or the NFL, not to mention all the other myriad ways we entertain and enthrall, I truly believe that they all will kill themselves off.

  65. "You all have simply "devolved" and that reality doesn't change, even if you all succeed in killing off all the Grizzly Bears."

    WOW!! As a Scientist with a strong background in molecular biology and genetics, I can really appreciate what you're saying in your posts.

    I sure do hope you blog somewhere or at the very least, have recorded your statements here. It would be kinda fun to read them in a book or on an iPad!!

  66. And it would be great if you got a username since a lot of what you say may be overlooked by folks like me who routinely ignore anon comments.

  67. Anonymous8:16 AM

    "It's easy, as a man, to die for what you believe, but it's considerably harder to truly LIVE for what you believe. "
    My friend, truer words were never spoken!

    What a truly sad situation when you think about it.

  68. Anonymous12:06 PM

    @Apex Hominid

    If you have to tell people you're superior, it's because you feel that the converse - that you're truly inferior (hence, the self-loathing) - is actually the case. Joe Louis and Jesse Owens made Hitler see the error of his thinking, but that Nazi/Republican thinking is steeped in denial. Your mutant subspecies, by definition, cannot be superior to humans and, yet, your mutant subspecies continue to ignore copious examples of this.

    In a strict biological sense, as I've stated ad nauseum above, you're collective is genetically recessive, which is a biological weakness. You all cannot reproduce yourself through any other group, of which this POTUS is a GLARING and EMBARRASSING example of this.

    Your mutant subspecies' problems with procreating, aside from you all's, on average, diminutive anatomical/phallic (under)endowment, lol, is, in large part due to the TYPE of mutation that you all are. Now, pay attention here, as a Morphological Mutation:
    you all are what's referred to as a LETHAL mutation, which, according to the link above is defined as:

    "Lethal mutations are also possible. As the term implies, the mutations lead to the death of the individual. Death does not have to occur immediately, it may take several months or even years. But if the expected longevity of an individual is significantly reduced, the mutation is considered a lethal mutation."

    So, now you know why you all are, in fact, dying out and just why, this past May it was publicized that there were more "ethnic" babies born that "white" babies.

    Your OWN collective, evidently, kept you in the dark, but tried to tell you, through Blade Runner's Replicants and Jurassic Park's Dinosaurs that you all have an expiration date, making you all fundamentally no different than a virus that will simply "run its course."

    Therefore, being that this, this virulent strain of invasive, melanin-deficient mutant humanity knowingly lacks physical, biological, and longevity advantages, the only thing it can do, following its warped logic, is to assert primacy to mask the converse. Do you understand the psychological glitch? Do you understand just why the superiority complex is actually an inferiority complex?

  69. " as a former educator, there's absolutely NO WAY they'll let any of what I've been able to extrapolate, discern, glean and empirically determine and put down here be taught in a Public School"

    I forgot to respond to this gem!

    I taught Chemistry for a year at an inner city high school from my COLLEGE chemistry textbooks. And the reason I only lasted a year ( besides the fact that I was accepted to grad school) is because my doing so REALLY pissed off the white administrators. The fact that I received great reviews from my students and didn't have one student earn a grade less than a "C" was equally infuriating to them!!!

    But I got a little entrepreneural "something something" on the back burner that will change some things as it relates to Blacks pursuing STEM subject areas!

  70. Anonymous3:48 PM

    @Dr NUwang

    I'll indeed get a logon handle and thanks for the love. As a former government analyst who started out in Chemistry, it's good to hear that my work more or less is generally in the ballpark, so to speak. I'm actually in the middle of a memoir and a couple of screenplays so I'm "stealing time," as it is. Once again, thanks...

  71. Anonymous4:13 PM

    Lady D

    It is indeed sad---and I walked that very same path. I left the government just as he had, sans any Top Secret Clearance, though, and I went to work, just as he had, for city gov't. Big mistake! I got railroaded for whistle-blowing, as well. Shit happens, then you move on.

    Even the physical resemblance between he, myself, and LL would be uncanny. But I meant just what I said; the really hard part is to truly live.

  72. I do believe that TWO Black Chemists on one Black blog just may make poor little racist Assnon's little pea brain EXPLODE, LOL!!!!

  73. Anon@3:48, I must say that reading your posts over the past two days have been a teachable moment for me. Your posts relate to things I've heard before but never before have I heard it with such clarity, passion and thought provoking morsels. Keep up the good work bro!

  74. @Dr. NUwang, I haven't forgotten about you. I highly encourage you to pursue you dream of getting more blacks involved in the STEM sector. The more blacks involved in cutting edge, scientific research, the better for us blacks as a whole.

  75. Anonymous7:50 PM

    An innocent man was lynched by the LAPD. Yes, I said innocent. Under our system of law, a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. No one knows if the allegations of murder made against Dorner are true. As for the mainfesto and facebook page - anyone could have posted that. I mean, cartoon characters have their own facebook page - doesn't make them real. Now, we won't know the truth because there will be no trial. This was a sad miscarriage of justice and the LAPD should be investigated by the justice department.

  76. Dr. Polar8:43 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    "WOW!! As a Scientist with a strong background in molecular biology and genetics, I can really appreciate what you're saying in your posts."

    WOW!!, you have really outed yourself once again as a fraud!

    You can't even discern that those nonsense posts from the pea-brained grizzly bear anon are the ramblings of someone who has absolutely no idea of what he is talking about.

    Your strong background in biology and genetics is limited to your excessively large supraorbital ridge and the hair on your back.

    I have never felt so sure of anything in my life as my belief that you will never earn a medical degree.

    You will never be a doctor.

  77. An innocent man was lynched by the LAPD. Yes, I said innocent. Under our system of law, a person is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. No one knows if the allegations of murder made against Dorner are true. As for the mainfesto and facebook page - anyone could have posted that. I mean, cartoon characters have their own facebook page - doesn't make them real. Now, we won't know the truth because there will be no trial. This was a sad miscarriage of justice and the LAPD should be investigated by the justice department.

    Dorner got Black man's "Justice". I knew as soon as he was holed up in that cabin that once they realized he was in there alone, they were going to burn him alive.

    EVERY Black officer working for the LAPD should go on strike. But given that so many Blacks are house n*ggas, that will NEVER happen.

  78. "@Dr. NUwang, I haven't forgotten about you. I highly encourage you to pursue you dream of getting more blacks involved in the STEM sector. The more blacks involved in cutting edge, scientific research, the better for us blacks as a whole."

    Thanks Black Sage, I intend to do that!

  79. @Dr. NUwang, I haven't forgotten about you. I highly encourage you to pursue you dream of getting more blacks involved in the STEM sector. The more blacks involved in cutting edge, scientific research, the better for us blacks as a whole.

    Thanks Black Sage, I intend to do just that!

  80. Dr. Peter Stem10:29 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    Thanks Black Sage, I intend to do just that!

    The best thing you could do help young blacks who are actually intelligent to get involved in the STEM sector would be to shut the hell up, stay far away from any academic institution, and stop using the unearned honorific "Dr." in front of your name.

    You typify everything wrong about affirmative action and false achievement. People like you poison the well for minorities of legitimate talent.

    Get over it.

    You will never be a doctor.

  81. Anonymous11:42 PM

    "Shit happens, then you move on. "
    I hear ya! But I'm glad you're over here now! Loving the knowledge you impart!

  82. @Dr. Polar, as opposed to engaging in petty vitriol, why don't you debunk what he's (anon) saying. Currently, on a scale of 0 - 10, your credibility is hovering right at zero.

  83. Anon@7:50 said ....This was a sad miscarriage of justice and the LAPD should be investigated by the justice department.

    Anon, the US Department of INJUSTICE will never investigate LAPD. They are one and the same. Another crackpot law enforcement agency that exist essentially to protect the status quo.

  84. Anonymous5:14 PM

    @Black Sage

    They have no answer because the source material is from the Caucasians, themselves, and they know it's sound. Furthermore, there's a nexus between the data and the observable behavior that they've exhibited and still act upon.

    The mapping of the Genome/DNA and the identification of the marker responsible for "whiteness" was the final nail in the coffin. Google or Bing will tell them what they need to know about the Wurm Ice Age and Animal Planet's science is incontrovertible.

    They just never thought anyone would put two and two, together.

    Dr. Richard King's "African Origins of Biological Psychiatry" cites how many Caucasoids, upon mutating, found themselves suffering from Rickets, which is said to be a Vitamin D deficiency. He notes that when Caucasians started eating fish, the Vitamin D contained therein.

    There's lots of compelling data out here, but not put in any one place.

    As I've argued, the truth is all that matters.

    Just imagine if every Native American and every Diasporan Black/African person understood just how these mutant creatures came into being and and if their behavior was mapped and could be anticipated.

    Everything changes.

    When they start talking about 'Superiority,' it would just be met with laughter and a resounding chorus:

    "But you aren't EVEN human, but rather a subspecies!"

    That's pretty rough, ain't it?

    Think about it: All they have is denial, deflection, and other stock, mostly republican "answer avoidance" techniques (which most should Google).

    The question begged is - why hasn't American Education contained an explanation as to just how creatures who self-identify as "white" have come into being if it was some other way than the inglorious, ignonimous, accidental way?

    In my opinion, they're just a virulent mistake; a scourge, if you will, that nature had the good sense of building in a self-destruct mechanism (and these are THEIR scientists and scifi writer's intel, mind you!) How beautiful is that, psychologically, for the put-upon melanated populations to mentally process?

    Admit it. Seeing them as psychopathic mutant creatures that are a subspecies of human changes EVERYTHING.

    Thus, If the Chinese and the Indians can keep the U.S. from goading them to fight each other the way the U.S. succeeded in getting Iraq and Iran to fight one another, as all four of them had/have HUGE standing armies, I argue that if Blacks abandon America and partner with the Chinese (and possibly the Indians), primarily, on the continent, but possibly other places throughout the Diaspora, we may actually survive and thrive, despite the genocide that we've faced upon these shores since before former NFL player Paul Robeson went before the U.N. charging the U.S. with genocide in 1951.

  85. Anonymous5:58 PM

    African women in America, perhaps as soon as you give birth especially to sons, you should invest in coffins. Seems most of the boys won't live past age 25. People just waiting to turn them into skeletons.

  86. "They just never thought anyone would put two and two, together."

    The problem is, you put two and two together and get eleventy.

    Do you understand evolution? The current human origins theory postulates homo erectus leaving Africa about 2.5 million years ago and spreading across Asia and Europe. Modern humans evolved in North Africa and spread out to Europe and Asia about 120,000 years ago. They interbred with Neanderthals in the Middle East and then spread to Europe, where more Neanderthal interbreeding took place, and to Asia, where interbreeding with another archaic Homo erectus descendant called "Denisovans" took place.

    Back in Africa, modern humans encountered many archaic hominid species, as Africa is the cradle of humanity. Much interbreeding took place.

    So you see, no one today is 100% 'modern' human. We are all "subspecies", carrying DNA from long gone hominid species in proportions ranging from 3-8%.

    If you are interested in real science, I suggest Razib's site as a good place to start:


    It's probably over your head, but I tried.

    Seriously, I'd run with that Chinese partnership idea. I'm sure they will be very receptive.

  87. Anonymous9:51 PM

    @Lady D

    Again, thanks for the love! I had been terrorizing folk over at MSN and Yahoo, but I grew tired of Yahoo's (and The Root's) censorship and just simply lost interest in MSN.

    Yes, my days are numbered on these shores, but I'd still reach out when and where I'll be situated within the Diaspora. Until I'm out, I'll wage war with mutants here when necessary, but only because I believe I have usable data for us that worth disseminating. It feels good to be well received by you, Black Sage,FN, and the good Dr. NUwang, too.

    These creatures/shit are a mistake/happened and now that we know this, it's simply time for us to move on, imho.

    I know that it's time for me to blow this joint. I have no kids and it's high time for me to have some, finally, in more hospitable environs.

    As for the knowledge, I knew as a young boy when I made "first contact" that there was something amiss about these creatures. I watched this one, a fellow classmate, put a cat in a Barbie Van and ram in into a wall absolutely as hard as he could and I just KNEW---and I've been curious just exactly WHAT they were ever since. Fast forward some 14 years when I was in undergrad, a fellow student, an Eritrean, whom I stumbled upon one late night on the doorstep was weeping. I asked him what was wrong. He told me that he was hanging with his "white" friends and they went visiting to a friend and somehow, someone put a cat in the microwave and he was held back and forced to watch. He was in shock and simply didn't understand, as he was new to the country. Then, there was the time I went over to a classmates dorm room and he had a large 5 gallon, near-full, jar of what looked to be some sort of ectoplasmic goo percolating in the sun on the window sill. When I inquired as to what it was, he told me that he and his friends had been depositing the semen from their "circle-jerks" for a month or so and they wanted to see how the sun effected it. He said it with a straight face as though it was perfectly normal. Now, I can't help but think of I am Legend when Will Smith walked into that huge circle jerk. Bet'chu didn't know what a circle jerk was, huh?

    So you see, many of us humans have anecdotally observed mutant behavior that just simply isn't human, unless those humans have become acculturated to mutant ways, which we've seen. We see it daily in popular culture, especially in the movies. When, in Needful Things, a murderer asks the Devil, "I just killed my wife; is that wrong?" or, in Witches of Eastwick, Jack Nicholson, the Devil, bellows, "Women---were they an accident or did HE do it to us ON PURPOSE! I wanna KNOW!", we'd hear mutants working out their amoral angst all the time if we paid attention. I guess I swear by Maya Angelou's words, paraphrased here: "when 'others' tell you who and WHAT they are, believe them." And, all of the aforementioned has lead me to conclude that the greatest trick wasn't the Devil convincing humans that it didn't exist, but rather it was mutants convincing humans that it was not only human, but also a 'superior' human.

    Oh, Russell Means' Piece "For The World To Live, Europe Must Die should be required reading for all melanated peoples: http://www.dickshovel.com/Banks.html

    His argument regarding the mutant's glitch regarding "Being versus Gaining" hits the nail on the head. Hope you enjoy the read. Russell died the night of the 2nd presidential debate.

    Sus palabros sera abre los ojos!

  88. Anonymous10:50 PM

    @Dr. Polar

    "The current human origins theory postulates homo erectus leaving Africa about 2.5 million years ago and spreading across Asia and Europe."

    The mapping of the Genome/DNA tells JUST when your group came on the scene, which is only some 6,000 years ago, which trumps whatever you believe the theory (read: FAIRY TALE) holds and you all sought to deny the Grimaldi Man find, too.

    Are you calling the geneticists who mapped the genome/DNA liars?

    This mapping blows the theory out of the water, if that's what you're leaning on. Of course, you all being a subspecies, due to color mutation, not due to albinism (just like that white lion born in Mexico not too long ago) is just as definitive.

    Do you understand how you creatures got your color or the lack thereof?

    Just like those Polar Bears in the very same Wurm Ice Age and the Germans told you this. You're just in denial, which is part of you all's warped psyche. Deny, deny, deny.

    Of course, you'll just ignore being a LETHAL MUTATION, as you all die out. Ever wonder why Blade Runner's Roy Batty's soliloquy resonates SO much with those of your ilk?

    Think about it: why would nature bring into being such a savage, remorseless diurnal (non-nocturnal) creature into existence that has a such hostile relationship with the sun, other than being an abject aberration? That wrinkles up in a positively godawful way? No, you're an accident; a virulent mistake and your built-in expiration

    Anyone who Googles "Wurm Ice Age" will get this. Moreover, Michael Bradley's "Ice Man Cometh" weighs in some kind of way though I've not perused it.

    Then, also, "whites" have never left ANYWHERE (Australia, South Africa, New Zealand, North America, etc.) voluntarily so we KNOW that needs to be file under "crackpot" theory that now, modern science has inadvertently debunked---if you THINK that's how you all came into being. Seriously, you all don't leave anywhere voluntarily. You know that and that simply defies common sense.

    The "white-denial" theory simply doesn't hold up to the science FACT of the mapping of the Genome/DNA. So your just gonna ignore the Germans, altogether, huh?

    And, then, there's Animal Planet's give-away.

    So, you're saying that you all didn't mutate in that 40,000 to 100,000 (Wurm) Ice Age that produced the Polar Bears?

    It's over and you may as well give it up. The problem is that when you tell, no, spin a web of so many lies, eventually, you'll get caught up in them.

    Once again, the mapping of the Genome/DNA fits everything whereas the FAIRY TALE simply does not.

    But, hey, deny, deny, deny, deflect (we're ALL mutations, right!) and deny some more, lol!

    That's game set and match!

  89. Anonymous11:10 PM

    @Dr Polar

    You DO realize that all anyone need DO is grasp the inherent truth regarding Polar Bears MUTATING from Grizzly Bears? There's simply no plausibility of denial, here.

    Think about it. It's the mother of all smoking guns.

    You all slipped up. You told on yourselves.

    Remember: bells cannot be un-rung and only light bulbs and other such objects can be unscrewed.

    This is right up there next to solving the Rosetta stone, lol!

  90. Anonymous11:33 PM

    @Anon 5:58PM

    Mutants absolutely taught the world terrorism. Thanks for reminding us. I'll take comfort in knowing that your girlfriend telling you not to worry about condoms, but that a mere wad of gum will do, on top of the slow death your mutant horde is in, is the reason for you to spew your bile.

    So, do tell, what's it feel like being a rhythm-less, melanin-deficient creature for whom all the tanning in the world doesn't change your subspecies status?

    Dr. Polar doesn't get that creatures such as yourself are genuinely, "Exhibit A."

    So, feel free to revel in your subhuman, subspecies, mutant status while it lasst, as nature will have the last laugh!

  91. Anonymous11:44 PM

    @Dr. Polar

    You simply cannot accept being either an exogenous or an endogenous aberration or accident, but that meteor hitting Russia should give you a clue, seriously.

  92. Dr. Polar7:19 PM

    I really hope some responsible person is monitoring you medications.

  93. Anonymous2:30 AM

    Continue to cleave, as do most of your mutant horde, to your craven denial 'til one day you wake up and decide to off yourself or off a bunch of like-minded mutants because you cling to a fairy tale, in a futile attempt to keep that self-loathing at bay, that perpetuates your false narrative before you---like at least Apex Hominid---see the light.

    The Chinese had to kick you all out and the Indians had to kick you all out---but continue to lie to yourself and ignore hard modern science. At least you know that the shame of your denial is precisely why you mutants refuse to definitive put in place a CLAIM of how you all came to be because the b.s. you've run cannot stand up to modern scientific scrutiny. You should lay off that crystal meth or that molly and cede to what Apex already understands. I can imagine the shocked look you must have on your face that a human has actually figured you LETHAL MUTATIONS out and put you all on blast like this. All those vile comments your fellow creatures pot make perfect sense, no?

  94. Dr. Polar12:07 AM

    Um, no.

    Really dude, you need help.

  95. If that Afrikan had not been with that OTHER woman he would be alive also just sayin

  96. Anonymous2:48 PM


    They found a sniper rifle with a suppressor on it in his truck, which means that he should've been a good enough shot not to have shot the brotha, though. Quiet as kept, he should've gotten the girl's father, the person with whom he had beef.

  97. Anonymous2:58 PM

    @Dr. Polar

    Read the first five comments of Field's posts and you will readily see that there is no help for you and others of your ilk, plain and simple. Do tell, though, how does it feel to know that? Like that country singer McCready, how does it feel to know that the only help for your collective is a hollow point to the temple?

  98. Really? Could have should have and still Chris is dead along with many others Really? He killed a brother and this is not acceptable Just sayin

  99. Johnny Williams4:05 PM

    I loves the white wimmen!

  100. I am not interested now nor have i ever been interested in INTERRACIAL anything..The best that I can do is call RALPH ( you all know what that is);)

    Moreover, I will not spend time trying to overstand why some demand acceptance, or give creedance to anyone who makes any effort to justify being a traitor to AFRIKA. .

    .Lets be clear, I am not a racist rather I am a supporter of Afrikan men and women across the diaspora and their relationships

    . This is my opinion is therefore it is not debatable. So those who have a problem with my choice, (message) it would be in your interest to focus on what you care most about vs my thoughts feeling and beliefs.

    Last, call me anything you wish, but please do not call me late for dinner (vegetarian) ;)

  101. For those who like white wimmen They also demand that you have an adequate package which includes your small head
