Monday, February 11, 2013

Mr. Nugent goes to Washington.

One GOP lawmaker has invited Ted Nugent to be his special guest at the State of the Union address. Yes, that Ted Nugent. The man who has called for the president's assassination and the overthrow of the government. I hope the Secret Service gives him the business before they allow him in the House Chamber.

“I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama,” Stockman said in a statement. “After the address I’m sure Ted will have plenty to say.”

Having plenty to say is what got The Nuge in hot water in April 2012 at a National Rifle Association convention. His controversial comments even rated the outspoken gun-rights advocate a visit from the Secret Service.
At that gathering, Nugent had declared, “If Barack Obama becomes the president in November, I will either be dead or in jail by this time next year."

Well Ted, O is the president, but  you are not dead or in jail; at least not yet.

Speaking of guns, some nut job shot up a court in Delaware this morning and killed two women (one of them his estranged wife) before getting his own wig split. It seems that we have at least one of these every day now. This is not news anymore to us here in the land of the free and the Glock.

This one was a little too close for comfort for the kid.

So are we going to have armed guards to protect armed guards now?

"The man entered the lobby of at the New Castle County Courthouse around 8 a.m. and began shooting, said State Police Sgt. Paul Shavack.
He acted alone, Shavack said, and the shooting was not an act of terrorism.
The two who are dead are women, but Shavack declined to give details about them."
Not an act of terrorism? Tell that to the families of the two dead women and the workers who were in that courthouse this morning.
Your move Mr. LaPierre.


  1. I can't decide if Nugent sods it for the publicity, because he's a wing nut or both. Doesn't matter. End result is the same. I just wish we didn't give extremists like him column inches.

  2. Dr Ben Carson8:38 PM

    I wish Ted Nugent were President.

  3. Anonymous8:44 PM

    "Your move Mr. LaPierre."

    LaPierre was right. The only thing that will stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun. What happened at the Delaware courthouse is real life proof.

  4. Anonymous8:46 PM

    Nugent, the draft-dodging Michigander, whom this Detroiter ain't claimin', was a monumental disappointment in that he didn't off himself, as promised, like that Tanning Salon owner in Florida who wrote "Eff You" BHO on his Will. Here's hoping some agent with really LARGE hands gives him a total body cavity search, replete with a DRE, a digital rectal exam.

  5. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Well theyve made him the proverbial offer that he cant refuse :) He's damned if he does and hes damned if he doesn't !

    I certainly hope if Mr. Nugent attends, he'll behave like a gentleman!

  6. Anonymous9:05 PM

    field, why haven't you said anything about the resignation of our Pope? It is quite a shock for many of us. This world is crumbling.

    And no, it is NOT time for a Black Pope. Catholics are not prejudiced as any good Catholic will tell you, but it simply just isn't time. Whites need more time.

  7. Wesley R9:48 PM

    Nugent should be at the Westminster Dog Show as a participant not the State of the Union.

  8. Anonymous10:07 PM

    As for your perceptively accurate comment, Field, that, "It seems that we have at least one of these every day now. This is not news anymore to us here in the land of the free and the Glock," people, Black people, MY people, seem to be in denial about the role of this dismal economy and, as Truman stated, with whom the "Buck stops," as being the chief catalyst in this wave of violence.

    This Detroiter (and Independent) remains in agreement with the implications of NYT, Pulitzer-prize-winning Economist and Democrat, Paul Krugman, calling to no one in particular (but we know it was to the POTUS who could have done so by Executive Order) on either Bill Maher's Real Time, "to end this recession now!"

    The implication is that BHO could have ended this Depression/Recession at any time, which is true. But then, the POTUS told Univision a month or so ago that he, more or less, is a moderate republican, which is just how Krugman, Andrew Sullivan (Newsweek, The Daily Beast), and Jeremy Scahill (The Nation) said he has governed on Bill Maher's Real Time last April.

    Now that this POTUS has been re-elected, can Black folk see past reTHUGlican obstruction and opposition to see that this POTUS has made decisions, like deciding NOT to put forth a LARGER 2nd New deal, in lieu of the republican "austerity measures" better known as BAILOUT and TARP (See Also, Matt Taibbi's Rolling Stone article, "The Real Housewives of Wall Street"), that could have positively affected this economy and, perhaps, stemmed this rising tide of violence? Huh, Field, whaddyya say? Can Black people see past the vile, extreme racist opposition to see this POTUS for the indifferent, Nero-esque Opportunist-in-Chief as he appears to this Black Independent Progressive with FDR leanings?

  9. Patriotism being the last refuge of scoundrels, the motor-city klansman isn't just any draft-dodging chickenhawk tbagger; he's a perfect mascot for the repugnantklans.

  10. If Dorner turns himself in does he get to keep the million large?

  11. I co-sign with Wesley R.

    Anon@9:05 pm is funny. Do u think the Catholics will make that African guy Pope? That would cut the Catholic population among white folks in half overnight. :)

    Anyway, as for the Pope stepping down, as a friend of mine said, we did "natzi this coming."

  12. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Blogger field negro said...

    I co-sign with Wesley R.

    Anon@9:05 pm is funny. Do u think the Catholics will make that African guy Pope? That would cut the Catholic population among white folks in half overnight. :)

    Yeah maybe we need our first democrat pope.

    How Al Sharpton? We could call him Pope Racist resist we much or the first rev to omit god from the pledge of allegiance.

    Or Obama - Pope Marxitrillion The Destroyer

  13. State Police Sgt. Paul Shavack said. “He acted alone, Shavack said, and the shooting was not an act of terrorism.

    I’ll chalk this one up as the good Sergeant not knowing the meaning of the word terrorism. Damn …. Get it together white folks and settle your collective feeble minds. When white deranged people kill, they’re either patriotic, have a brain disorder, emotional problems or they’re mildly Autistic in an attempt to explain their ghastly act. Timothy McVeigh, Brian Lanza and Ted Nugent come to mind immediately and let us not forget the Neo-Nazi, Klu Klux Klan and those rabid Skinheads. Simply put, it’s DOMESTIC TERRORISM, you idiots!

  14. Desertflower said .....I certainly hope if Mr. Nugent attends, he'll behave like a gentleman!

    Sorry, the vast majority does not know how to behave. That's not within their character. Hell,.... he just may pull a Joe Wilson (SC) and call Halfrican Hobama a LIAR as well!

  15. Nugent isn't the anarchist, field, you are. You don't believe in borders,the constitution or property rights. I'm much, much more afraid of you.

  16. till death do us part9:26 AM

    field says:

    Not an act of terrorism? Tell that to the families of the two dead women and the workers who were in that courthouse this morning.

    Oh. Was the shooter a muslim who killed two Jews? Or was the killer a muslim who killed two uncooperative women who refused to obey him?

    Was there a political motive to the killings? Or just one angry and abusive nut who, in a jealous rage, shot his wife?

    And the shooting occurred in a courthouse? Wow. That's gotta mean the shooter was black.

  17. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Hmmm. Not a peep re da Pope stepping down "for health/age reasons" *wink-wink* in the face of the in-coming tsunami of accusations of catholic priest-based pedophilia and sex abuse?? The beast of catholic priest-based pedophilia bleeds at the feet of this pontiff. Stepping down is a smart, but tardy move. Good riddance... Now, perhaps, the obscenely wealthy Catholic Church might begin to clean up its ranks.

  18. "Anyway, as for the Pope stepping down, as a friend of mine said, we did "natzi this coming."

    Evil always tears down good.

    You mark yourself by your words.

  19. Lt. Commander Johnson10:55 AM

    Wait just a minute! Isn't Dr. Ben Carson one of you Negro's favorite heroes? You trot him out all the time as an example of the superior blah man:

    Look like he want to stay up in the House! We've got room for him in the House; it's a Big House!

    1. Nah, he's Bush's boy. Any man of science who doesn't understand evolution has no place in science. Neil Tyson is a better example. Notice Carson hasn't been featured or spoken about lately except when dimwitted conservatives need an "intellectual" to trumpet religion or to bash the prez. Trust, he's been in the house for a while.

  20. My hope tonight is Obama does what only a black President can do and calls for the end of Affirmative Action and government mandated racial preferences.

    There should be no artificial barriers to a black man with the necessary chops becoming a surgeon and, conversely, there should be no shame in a black man being a janitor, and whites should not cherry-pick the Talented Tenth out of communities where they are most needed. A sure way to frustrate the process by which people have naturally sorted themselves for millenia is to enact a compulsory 'civil rights' regime which takes away peoples' safe harbors, from which they can associate or not associate as they see fit.

    We can't unring the bell on multi-culturalism. Travel has become easy, people have money and leisure and want the benefits of international trade. But if 'diversity' really is a social good then we need to think hard about what generates diversity in the first place. The rest of the world developed rich, viable cultures in which diverse peoples freely sojourned all on their own before the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

    1. Can't, white male affirmative action has skewed the landscape too much.

  21. james, with all due respect, u do not get to determine what is good and what is evil. Although I think that we can all agree fhat molesting children is evil. Or can we?

  22. Till death....u might wanr to check your facts on that shooter. Shhhh, I won't tell.

  23. YouCrime.com1:57 PM

    Is this what blacks mean when they talk about the Bible belt?

    Police hunt for suspects in viral video of naked teen being whipped on Newark street

    James Queally/The Star-Ledger
    on February 12, 2013

    NEWARK — The video is barely two-and-a-half minutes long, but each second is more disturbing than the one before.

    Somewhere in Newark, a teenage boy can be seen removing his clothes, stripping completely naked while he is berated and cursed at by another man in a black hat and black T-shirt.

    A pack of men surround their cornered victim, laughing and commenting on the situation.

    As the boy stands there with his shoulders slumped, the man in the black shirt screams about a debt owed by their victim's father.

    As the boy cowers, the leader of the group grabs a belt from one of his sidekicks and screams at the victim.

    "Where my money at?" he howls.

    "I don't know," the victim responds meekly.

    What happens next has infuriated law enforcement and city leaders. For 90 seconds, the boy is mercilessly whipped with the belt while the group continues to laugh at him, demanding he tell the camera that it's a "dog eat dog world."

    At the end of the video, someone announces the amount of money that sparked the vicious attack — a measly $20.

    The video, which contains some disturbing images and abusive language, has attracted nearly 38,000 views on YouTube as of Monday night.

    Newark Police Director Samuel DeMaio said he was infuriated by the video and dispatched three separate detective squads to find the man holding the belt in the clip, which he called "sickening."

    "You don't know how bad I want to see the kid who did that taken into custody," he said.

    Newark City Council President Anibal Ramos echoed that sentiment.

    "The perpetrator as well as those who stood idly by laughing and videotaping this act of savage brutality should be brought to justice," he said.

    DeMaio said police have an idea of where the attack took place and are closing in on the assailants.

    Investigators are aware of a Twitter account that has been associated with publicizing the videos, according to DeMaio, who declined to comment further.

    Dozens of furious tweets linking to the video identify someone owning the Twitter handles @440BoyRiqBubz and @RiqBubz as the person who began promoting the clip online.

    DeMaio said the attackers will likely face aggravated assault and weapons charges.

    He said the victim of the attack appeared to be a teenager, but would not say if police contacted anyone seen in the video.

    Newark Police Director Samuel DeMaio said he was "sickened" by a viral video that shows a young Newark man forced to strip naked before he was whipped by a belt over a debt of twenty dollars.

    For the director, who has a young son of his own, the investigation is taking a personal turn.

    "To see him stripped down naked and taken advantage of and abused like that, it was sickening to me,” DeMaio said. “I pictured somebody doing that to my son … the people that did that need to be brought to justice for sure."

  24. Anonymous2:27 PM


    or less making the call to end Affirmative Action [A.A.] panders to the passive-aggressive low class, marginally educated white/mutant

    person who's afraid to miss the "white/mutant people's cut." While A.A. sucks because it is white/mutant "non-economic liberalism" that

    still is dependent, largely, upon white largesse in terms of employment down the road, it is a necessary evil until Blacks/humans can exact

    reparations or rise up and abandon this shit-hole and watch it collapse for lack of an NFL, an NBA as well as a host of other music and

    entertainment. The beauty of leaving America is knowing that the depth of mutant self-loathing as we've seen in Aurora's James Holmes and

    Sandy-hook's Adam Lanza will result in America's most invasive species (just ahead of the Burmese Python that's decimating the Everglades and the

    Asian Carp that's eating the native fish population of the Great Lakes to extinction) in mercifully wiping itself out. At least, that's what any

    knowledgeable human, particularly, of Native American ancestry would wish, hope, and pray for.

  25. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    james, with all due respect, u do not get to determine what is good and what is evil. Although I think that we can all agree fhat molesting children is evil. Or can we?

    The first thing that comes to mind with your point is this:

    Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!


    and we can agree on Pedophilia being evil, Until your liberal masters give you different orders and redefine those who are against pedophilia as bigots and extremists - Just like so many other cultural atrocities have been "normalized" Liberals are working on that now.

    Then, despite being a part of the evil, you pause wonder and look around and wonder why things have turned out so bad, never noticing the details of the things you wanted.

    ..........Ms. Levine says she was “misunderstood” after a news article last month quoted her saying a boy’s sexual experience with a priest “conceivably” could be positive.
    “Do I advocate priests having sex with their child parishioners? No, absolutely no,” she said in a telephone interview. However, she said, “The research shows us that in some minority of cases, young – even quite young — people can have a positive sexual experience with an adult. That’s what the research shows.”
    Featuring a foreword by Clinton administration Surgeon General Dr. Joycelyn Elders, Ms. Levine’s book endorses a Dutch law, passed in 1990, that effectively lowered the age of consent to 12.
    Ms. Levine cites research about “happy consensual sex among kids under 12,” and writes: “America’s drive to protect kids from sex is protecting them from nothing. Instead, often it is harming them.”

  26. Ben Carson went afield when he went hyper-religious a few years ago. He's following the Alveta King road to fame, sad.
    Anyhoo, the Nuge will chicken out and keep his mouth shut during the SoTU. Kanye has more balls than him but as one poster noted he is the perfect symbol of the conservative right wing, a chickenhawk who needs a gun to feel anywhere close to being a man.

  27. Stainmaster3:11 PM

    Black Stain said...
    Sorry, the vast majority does not know how to behave. That's not within their character. Hell,.... he just may pull a Joe Wilson (SC) and call Halfrican Hobama a LIAR as well!

    Joe Wilson has proven right, many times over. You will hear many, many more lies from the Sacred Halfrican tonight.

    Oh, and you are a racist piece of shit.

  28. James3:25 PM

    field negro said...
    james, with all due respect, u do not get to determine what is good and what is evil. Although I think that we can all agree fhat molesting children is evil. Or can we?

    Are you saying the pope molests children?

    Do you know that teachers molest children at many, many times the rates Catholic priests have?

    Do you know that Jewish rabbis have been involved in more pedophelia cases than have Catholic priests?

    Do you know that black children are molested at many, many times the rate non-black children are?

    The Catholic church mistakenly allowed homosexuals to become priests, and has paid an immense price for it. But they are singled out for scorn not primarily out of a sense of moral outrage at the mistreatment of children, but to serve a political agenda.

    This pope is a decent, Godly man who has been a force for good in the world. For you to casually smear him as a Nazi and a child molester betrays an intellectual laziness and a viciousness of character. You know not of what you speak.

  29. Thess a**holes have the notion that the Constitution gives them the right to overthrow the government. Yes. They actually believe that the government gives them the right to overthrow the government. Actually, that's treason.

  30. The Church is withering everywhere in the West; done in by it's resistance to modernism and, ironically enough, it's own moral relativism / coverup culture. Conversely, it is booming in Africa -albeit with heavy subsidy from the still fantastically rich Western church.

    There's not much that the next bishop of Rome can do, short of actual contrition and accountability (& how likely is that?) to change it's fortunes in the West, but the Sub-Sahal African multitudes are still it's for the taking. Logic dictates a Nigerian or Ghanaian or even a JP2-esque Zimbabwean choice to focus the Church's energy on it's strength & future. An African choice does carry dangers though. African priests are famously non-celibate, many having monogamous relationships and families, some even polygamous relationships / families. Then there's the completely unexamined child abuse autocracies that intuition says must be every bit as bad, if not worse, in the Mission Church as it has been in the establishment. That & more will all come front & center with an African Pope. How much more revealed hypocrisy can the Church survive? That has to be one of the questions the red heads will be asking themselves

  31. uptownsteve4:13 PM

    What's really funny is how these head scratchin Uncle Tom black conservatives are spinning Nugent's invite to the SOTU speech.

    "If Jay Z can come, why not Ted Nugent?"

    Because Jay Z never threatened the President's life you pathetic ass kissin porch monkey.

  32. father bruce4:46 PM

    Ted Nugent? Who cares what he says? He's just a gasbag entertainer.

    Meanwhile, what about Christopher Dorner?

    Maybe he did make a break for Mexico and get his sorry and huge ass over the border.

    How long will it take for the word about the million-dollar reward to spread around the Mexican countryside? Then Juan, Jose and Manuel will start making plans to find him and get their hands on the loot.

    Tiajuana ain't no Casablanca, and he ain't no Humphrey Bogart, so there's about a million reasons anyone he meets south of the border is likely to put the Federales on his trail.

    Maybe Dorner will go down like Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid when they were surrounded in Bolivia?

    Black pope? Yeah, that's the ticket. Turn the Vatican into a public housing project. And think about the design possibilities for all those church robes, shoes and headgear.

    The Pope-Mobile? A fur interior, super-wide whitewalls. Hot pink paint job. Yeah...

  33. Ted Nugent never called for anyone's assassination.

    Are you shit-eating Klansmen able to write a sentence that doesn't contain a bald faced lie? What do you get out of being such a worthless maggot?

  34. Anonymous4:50 PM

    @ black sage: Thats what I was thinking also, that he'd yell out something.

    He may not even be allied in though because of his rhetoric.

  35. two-minute warning4:54 PM

    News flash. End game underway:

    FLASH: CA police respond to 'hostage situation' in Big Bear...


    Will he surrender? Shoot himself? Or keep firing at the cops till they kill him?

    He's going to run out of ammo long before the cops.

  36. The difference between white gun nuts and blah. The whiteboy kills 30 unarmed kids, the brotha goes out in a gun battle with the LAPD.

    1. Anonymous8:01 PM

      What an idiot you are. I Guess Dorner is your hero. Fucking jerk.

    2. Am I right though?

  37. Oh ohh, Uncle L is surrounded. No need to come out with your hands up dude, they are going to take you down no matter what.


  38. hobama is the new hitler

    no word on ndaa yet?

    ted nugent has never lied about hobama

    and he has never called for his death

    but any reference to hobama that is not adoration like your blog fn = death threat

    what a gd shame

    cc hitler/martial law gun grabs/wwiii/civil war ii/africom/ndaa etc


  39. "Are you saying the pope molests children?

    No, you said that.

    I let the facts speak for themselves.

    "This pope is a decent, Godly man who has been a force for good in the world. For you to casually smear him as a Nazi and a child molester betrays an intellectual laziness and a viciousness of character. You know not of what you speak."

    Never called him a Nazi. I think I was quoting someone else. Methinks you are a bit sensitive to these charges. Is there a reason for that?

  40. James6:34 PM

    field negro said...
    "Are you saying the pope molests children?

    No, you said that.

    I let the facts speak for themselves.

    "This pope is a decent, Godly man who has been a force for good in the world. For you to casually smear him as a Nazi and a child molester betrays an intellectual laziness and a viciousness of character. You know not of what you speak."

    Never called him a Nazi. I think I was quoting someone else. Methinks you are a bit sensitive to these charges. Is there a reason for that?

    You are quite the bitch.

  41. PilotX said...
    The difference between white gun nuts and blah. The whiteboy kills 30 unarmed kids, the brotha goes out in a gun battle with the LAPD.

    PilotX proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that he deserves absolutely no respect.

    1. And how much respect should you be afforded?

    2. You're just mad the brotha goes out like a man while our paler cousins take out kids. Just say'n.

  42. Saddam Simpson6:50 PM

    If they hurry, Obama can have Dorner's head hanging on the wall tonight next to bin Laden's.

  43. @Stainmaster said ……Joe Wilson has proven right, many times over. You will hear many, many more lies from the Sacred Halfrican tonight.

    Hahaha, stop it StrainCrap, you’re killing me! As if all of Halfrican Hobama’s 43 white predecessors were all choir boys, devoutly religious and NEVER TOLD A LIE. Get a life, you little cretin!

  44. Dorner is what you get when you teach black people to blame all their problems on 'racism'. The crazier ones will lash out in paranoid violence.

    Dorner is a hero to people like PilotX because in their hearts, they fantasize about killing all the white people.

    This has reached a crescendo with the eleciton of Obama, and black people feel empowered to live out their violent dreams. We are even celebrating this now in the culture with movies like Django.

    I know this: If blacks were in the majority, they would exterminate whites.

    But God only gives us the power we can handle.

    Someday a real rain will come...

    1. When who teach "us" what? Yeah, in "our" schools we learn to hate whites. White paranoia is a bitch huh?

  45. Anon says 'field, why haven't you said anything about the resignation of our Pope? It is quite a shock for many of us. This world is crumbling.
    And no, it is NOT time for a Black Pope. Catholics are not prejudiced as any good Catholic will tell you, but it simply just isn't time. Whites need more time.'

    The world is crumbling? Jesus. Really? And let's see, whites can't get used to the idea of a brown pope in 2000 years? I don't think more time is going to solve that problem.

    Oh more related notes, how is it that Uncle Ted's arms can be so fat when he's not a big guy? They are NOT muscular. Curious minds want to know.

  46. Anonymous2:47 AM

    I Love Black Men. Here is my site

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