Saturday, February 23, 2013

Family feud, and two slaves plus two slaves equals....

I am no fan of wrestling, and with all due respect to Hulk Hogan, Andre The Giant, and Eddie Guerrero, I have never been one. But this feud between Glenn Beck and the WWE is getting really interesting.

"The WWE’s Jack Swagger® and Zeb Colter® have hit back hard at Glenn Beck after Beck referred to them as “stupid wrestling people” on his show. In a video posted online Friday, the two men perform a promo as their over-the-top Tea Party-inspired personae, before breaking character to address Beck’s comments directly.

Beck had taken offense to the WWE characters, who he said were out to “demonize” the Tea Party. “Maybe that’s the way WWE people view the Tea Party,” Beck said on his show. “Maybe they love to hate the Tea Party.”
Pulling back to reveal the green-screen artifice of what they do, Wayne Keown (Colter) and Jake Hager (Swagger) explained to Beck that they are merely entertainers, with no larger political agenda.

“We aren’t in the political business, or the immigration business. We are in the entertainment business,” Keown said. He went on to attack Beck directly for failing to give his audience credit when it comes to the general understanding that pro-wrestling is fake. “Many of your followers are WWE fans and they understand the difference between reality and entertainment,” he added. “Are you out of touch with your audience Glenn? Or are you just a ‘stupid political commentator?’”

Keown once again extended the invitation for Beck to appear on Monday Night RAW this coming week, offering him five minutes of unedited air-time to offer a rebuttal. Beck has already rejected the offer once, saying, “Unfortunately I am currently booked doing anything else.” Will Beck’s desire for self-promotion over-take his reluctance to degrade himself by appearing with the “stupid” WWE? We’ll have to wait until Monday to find out."

Folks, this is ironic, since many would argue that Beck's schtick is the political equivalent to the WWE. Maybe this is why he finds what they do so offensive. Too close to home. There is only room for one Ringmaster in the circus.

Finally, the people of New York are outraged at two Manhattan public school teachers who used slavery to teach math. The fact that the teachers were white and that they were teaching mostly white kids had folks even more upset. (Get on your Air R track shoes Field, I feel a racism chase coming.) Tonight there will be no chase, because I have no problem with these teachers using slavery to teach math in the way that they did.

The problem with some folks here in America is that they want to pretend that slavery never existed. And when children are forced to deal with the horrors of slavery in a teachable way they become outraged.

 "School statistics show the student body at the E. 56th St. school is 60% white — higher than the city average — while just 5% of students are African-American.

Parents at the well-off school were shocked by the flap. “I don’t think that’s reflective at all of what the school is about,” said one parent who asked not be named.

Principal Adele Schroeter said she was “appalled” by the incident and ordered sensitivity training for the entire staff.

Youn and Vitucci will face disciplinary action, said schools spokeswoman Connie Pankratz. She would not provide details or say whether the teachers will remain in their classrooms." [Source]

Slavery was shocking; teaching it to children is not. The sensitivity training is being offered to the wrong people; it's the parents of those children and the Principal who should be forced to go to sensitivity training, not the teachers who tried to remind the students about their country's history.



  1. Anonymous8:32 PM

    Field, I disagree with you re: teaching math by using slavery. We are post-racial America and people keep wanting to go back to the days of racism. My God, it's the 21st Century, for crying out loud. Let stay in this century and move forward...forget about slavery...IT'S OVER!

  2. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I believe I heard that Beck was contemplating getting in the ring with one of those stupid WWE wrestlers. Now that would do wonders for his ratings.

    Not only that, I bet 100% of the Black race would watch.

  3. Anonymous8:51 PM

    "Principal Adele Schroeter said she was “appalled” by the incident and ordered sensitivity training for the entire staff."

    Mutants predisposed to amorally doing whatever to further what they perceive to be their self-interest will be impervious to "sensitivity training."

    Absent mutants nationwide dispensing economic redress for the Holocaust of Enslavement, one shouldn't expect these remorseless cretins to care one whit what anyone thinks about their passive aggressive attempt at insult.

    When these remorseless creatures do such a thing, they reinforce what their biological origins prove.

  4. Anonymous8:54 PM

    I don't know, those were fourth graders, more or less nine years old.

    As a topic in Social Studies it is necessary, but perhaps hammering it home as well in mathematics may be overkill.

    Would it be fair to use the Holocaust as a comparative analogy? Citing examples of how many people were killed daily or similar situations.

    My thoughts are that the teachers explore the subject in the Social Studies class and then the parents can fill in at home.

    Because for a nine year old who is developing intellectually and emotionally this may be too much information to process and absorb.

    I know the educators on this blog will have a more knowledgable opinion.

  5. "Let stay in this century and move forward...forget about slavery...IT'S OVER!"

    Forget about [The Civil War,the Holocaust],IT'S OVER.

    Doesn't read quite the same now does it?

  6. Anonymous10:04 PM

    "The problem with some folks here in America is that they want to pretend that slavery never existed. And when children are forced to deal with the horrors of slavery in a teachable way they become outraged."

    Field, if it's used to teach math, that's no different that the "Two trains-leaving-the-station" scenario being used and such scenarios within math instruction teach NOTHING about trains, either.

    The thing is, mutants simply do things that humans know are crazy, wrong, amoral, inhumane and sometimes insane.

    Humans simply need to extricate themselves from the madness of these shores because being here is unjustifiable.

  7. Field, you need to change yo' Blogs name to "House Knee-Grow"...
    Cause you referred to (the Late)Las Vegas Ass-piring Rapper Kenny Clinch as "a Pimp"(dey be sumthin' wrong wit's dat?)
    Seriously, are you Bull O'Connor(a DemoKKKrat BTW)returned from the Grave?
    And here's a hot tip, What former NFL Running Back/Actor/Aquitted Wife Murderer is in jail in Nevada?
    And did you know former LAPD Goon Mark Furman drives a Black Range Rover?
    OK, he's got Idaho Plates, still, I'd check him out, bet he's a little fuzzy on where he was 4am Thursday...


  8. Apex Hominid10:27 PM

    Afroloid said...
    "When these remorseless creatures do such a thing, they reinforce what their biological origins prove."

    That they can do math?

  9. Al Sharpton on the pressing debate of the day:

    Last month, MSNBC's Al Sharpton conducted a spirited debate about whether Obama belongs on Mount Rushmore or instead deserves a separate monument to his greatness (just weeks before replacing frequent Obama critic Cenk Uygur as MSNBC host, Sharpton publicly vowed never to criticize Barack Obama under any circumstances: a vow he has faithfully maintained). Earlier that day on the same network, a solemn discussion was held, in response to complaints from MSNBC viewers, about whether it is permissible to ever allow Barack Obama's name to pass through one's lips without prefacing it with an honorific such as "President" or "the Honorable" or perhaps "His Excellency" (that really did happen).

    I would absolutely love to see Obama added to Mount Rushmore. The ears alone would be hysterical. Given that the great destroyer of American liberty is already up there, it seems only fitting that the penultimate consequence of his actions should be memorialized in stone there as well.

    However, I don't think Mount Rushmore is sufficient memorial for Barack Soetoro-Soebarkah-Obama. I think he merits a "Chairman Mao" style statue of the sort that the Chinese carved for Martin Luther King. The bigger, the better. I want future generations to be able to see precisely how far the nation descended before its final collapse. Ideally, it would be atop a square platform decorated by a carved frieze featuring 1) the Folsom Street Fair, 2) a squad of female Marines going into action, 3) an image of 9/11, and 4) Mexicans crossing the border.

  10. NSangoma11:05 PM


    Counting bullets.

    I got guns, you got guns, we all got guns:

    Police name suspect, impound car after fatal shooting, crash on Las Vegas Strip


  11. Anonymous12:29 AM

    I feel an Andy Kaufman moment coming on.

  12. too much money in the holocaust. it will be forever remembered. no money in the holodomor, it will never be well known. no money in remembering white slavery. no money in truth & facts. Germar Rudolf & Fred Leuchter

  13. Anonymous1:51 AM

    "Let stay in this century and move forward...forget about slavery...IT'S OVER!"

    Field replied, "Forget about [The Civil War,the Holocaust],IT'S OVER.

    Doesn't read quite the same now does it?"
    9:06 PM
    Of course it doesn't read the same. You mentioned slavery, not the Civil War or the Holocaust. You are comparing apples to oranges. Stay with the subject.

    There's been very little attention given to the Civil War and the Holocaust and too much attention to slavery, which happened "Centuries" ago. IT'S OVER, WAAAY OVER!

  14. "Of course it doesn't read the same. You mentioned slavery, not the Civil War or the Holocaust. You are comparing apples to oranges. Stay with the subject."

    As usual,logic flies way over the head of the wingnut.

  15. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    "Principal Adele Schroeter said she was “appalled” by the incident and ordered sensitivity training for the entire staff."

    Mutants predisposed to amorally doing whatever to further what they perceive to be their self-interest will be impervious to "sensitivity training."

    Absent mutants nationwide dispensing economic redress for the Holocaust of Enslavement, one shouldn't expect these remorseless cretins to care one whit what anyone thinks about their passive aggressive attempt at insult.

    When these remorseless creatures do such a thing, they reinforce what their biological origins prove.

    Stop abusing words, it's clear you don't have a grasp of the language but are trying so hard to sound intelligent, it's not working.

    We can easily tell you are a she boon who will never be a Doctor.

  16. Anonymous10:53 AM

    @Apex Hominid

    It's Mutant Slayer, to you, as I was born to seal-club mutants, particularly, when they seek to trivialize heinous atrocities (utilizing academia) that they perpetrate, which clearly comes as natural to them as the air that they breathe.

  17. Anonymous11:16 AM


    Ultimately, Jews aren't having to hear Germans tell them that the Holocaust is OVER while STILL residing in Germany, whereas Negroes (to utilize your coinage) are hearing mutants, here, as from the commenter telling you above, that the Holocaust of Enslavement is WAAAAY OVER!

    When will Negroes see that STAYING in this land shackled to the name America remains an exercise in both futility and insanity? You know that great (via Jamaica and my personal favorite) leader, Marcus Garvey, would concur, don't you?

  18. Anonymous11:18 AM

    @Anon 9:49AM

    Your hard-on for the good doctor has been duly noted, AGAIN! *smdh*

  19. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    @Anon 9:49AM

    Your hard-on for the good doctor has been duly noted, AGAIN! *smdh*

    I never visited the Zoo and got a Hard-on and she is not a Doctor.

    Wish to try again?

  20. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    @Apex Hominid

    It's Mutant Slayer, to you, as I was born to seal-club mutants, particularly, when they seek to trivialize heinous atrocities (utilizing academia) that they perpetrate, which clearly comes as natural to them as the air that they breathe.

    Look at that mouthful of nothing. I would actually pay money to hear you try and pronounce these words and then to try and explain the gibberish you think they mean when you string them oh so loosely together.

  21. Anonymous1:27 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...


    Ultimately, Jews aren't having to hear Germans tell them that the Holocaust is OVER while STILL residing in Germany, whereas Negroes (to utilize your coinage) are hearing mutants, here, as from the commenter telling you above, that the Holocaust of Enslavement is WAAAAY OVER!

    When will Negroes see that STAYING in this land shackled to the name America remains an exercise in both futility and insanity? You know that great (via Jamaica and my personal favorite) leader, Marcus Garvey, would concur, don't you?

    Don't let the door hit you in that curved spine pending evolutionary development ass.

  22. Anonymous1:41 PM


    Ultimately, Jews aren't having to hear Germans tell them that the Holocaust is OVER while STILL residing in Germany, whereas Negroes (to utilize your coinage) are hearing mutants, here, as from the commenter telling you above, that the Holocaust of Enslavement is WAAAAY OVER!

    When will Negroes see that STAYING in this land shackled to the name America remains an exercise in both futility and insanity? You know that great (via Jamaica and my personal favorite) leader, Marcus Garvey, would concur, don't you? “Employers in the U.S. may soon have to hire more workers with criminal backgrounds under new equality guidelines issued by the federal government.

    Oh no, what would America do if you weren't here?

    "The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s guidelines warn companies against rejecting minority applicants who have committed a felony or other offense, recommending that those companies eliminate policies which ‘exclude people from employment based on a criminal record.’

    According to the EEOC, civil rights laws already prohibit employers from selectively hiring job applicants who are of different ethnic backgrounds but have matching criminal histories. …

  23. Hunter2:06 PM

    American politics can be summed up as one group of Whites based in the Northeast, Upper Midwest, and West Coast aligning themselves with non-Whites to gain an electoral advantage over a rival group of Whites who are based in the South, Interior West, and the Lower North.

  24. It's time for y'all to leave that plantation and be full partners in America:

  25. Black Angus2:37 PM

    Last week I purchased a burger at a fast food restaurant for $1.58. The counter girl took my $ 2 and I was digging for my change when I pulled 8 cents from my pocket and gave it to her. She stood there, holding the nickel and 3 pennies, while looking at the screen on her register.

    I sensed her discomfort and tried to tell her to just give me two quarters, but she hailed the manager for help. While he tried to explain the transaction to her, she stood there and cried.

    Why do I tell you this? Because of the evolution in teaching math since the 1950′s:

    1. Teaching Math In 1950′s

    A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price. What is his profit?

    2. Teaching Math In 1960′s

    A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is 4/5 of the price, or $80. What is his profit?

    3. Teaching Math In 1970′s

    A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80. Did he make a profit?

    4. Teaching Math In 1980′s

    A logger sells a truckload of lumber for $100. His cost of production is $80 and his profit is $20. Your assignment: Underline the number 20.

    5. Teaching Math In 1990′s

    A logger cuts down a beautiful forest because he is selfish and inconsiderate and cares nothing for the habitat of animals or the preservation of our woodlands. He does this so he can make a profit of $20. What do you think of this way of making a living?

    Topic for class participation after answering the question: How did the birds and squirrels feel as the logger cut down their homes? (There are no wrong answers, and if you feel like crying, it’s ok.)

    6. Teaching Math In 2009

    Un hachero vende una carretada de maderapara $100. El costo de la producciones es $80. Cuanto dinero ha hecho?

    7. Teaching Math In 2012
    Who cares, just steal the lumber from your rich neighbor’s property. He won’t have a gun to stop you, the courts will find in your favor because you needed it worse than he did, and it’s OK anyway cuz it’s really just a redistribution the wealth.

    8. Teaching Math In 2013
    If a slave got whipped five times a day, calculate the number of whippings he received in a month. Oh sorry, that's offensive. All the Black students get A's and the White kids get F's. The entire staff will have to undergo sensitivity training from a newly hired permanent Director of Diversity which will be paid for by eliminating the wrestling team and a federal grant. All Hail Dear Leader Obama, Amen.

    Let's change something, people.

  26. Apex Hominid2:40 PM

    Afroloid said...
    It's Mutant Slayer, to you, as I was born to seal-club mutants, particularly, when they seek to trivialize heinous atrocities (utilizing academia) that they perpetrate, which clearly comes as natural to them as the air that they breathe.

    Just like math.

  27. Anonymous said
    Your hard-on for the good doctor has been duly noted, AGAIN! *smdh*

    Unfortunately, phalanges like genitalia aren't appealing to 99.99999% of women, which is why Black men were often castrated by racists mutants before becoming "strange fruit".

  28. Anonymous3:22 PM

    You mutants are absolutely hilarious! You've devolved and consequently have NO curve in the spine, just like those of the simian persuasion. In fact, it's illegal to shave monkeys because they're melanin deficient, just like mutants. In the 50s, my Pops pointed out how you mutants put on a program comparing human physiques and mutant physiques to see who bore closer resemblance to monkeys, gorillas, etc., but the mutants STOPPED with the comparison when they much more closely resembled their hairier brethren. Furthermore, on some college campus, whose name escapes me, someone shaved a monkey, put a diaper and bonnet on it and implored one of you mutants to come get YOUR lost child. Trust me, you don't want to really go down the path of just how you creatures shrivel up and look a thousand years old, prematurely. Really, you don't wanna go there, ha-ha!

    I'll leave you with this gem: A mutant female co-worker had a baby within a day or two of a human female co-worker of the African ancestry. Being close acquaintances, the mutant noticed that the human child began walking and her child was still crawling, as though it were still in a cave or something. The mutant went to her doctor, asking why her child hadn't started walking, yet, as though something was wrong. Her mutant doctor informed her that human children, on average, start walking SOONER than mutant children!

    So you see, in so many little ways, you mutants are constantly confronted with being nature's biggest mistake/accident and these little ways constitute a death by a thousand cuts, leaving most humans, of Native American, Chinese, and African ancestry, just where is the salt and lemon juice when you need it!

  29. Boss Hogg5:48 PM

    Afroloid said...
    the Holocaust of Enslavement is WAAAAY OVER!

    It is. 148 years over, to be exact.

  30. Apex Hominid5:57 PM

    Afroloid said...
    "In fact, it's illegal to shave monkeys because they're melanin deficient"

    This is America, where we are free to shave our monkeys.

    And monkeys develop quicker than humans. Human evolution has been driven in large part by neoteny, but then again you wouldn't know that.

    Thanks for the example, though. It's amusing to watch you try to think.

  31. Dr. Shaft6:04 PM

    Ms.Mǚtantwáng said...
    Unfortunately, phalanges like genitalia aren't appealing to 99.99999% of women

    Likewise female genitalia that looks like some three-week old seafood makes most men run for the hills.

    When you factor in your intellect and personality, well, that's strike three baby.

    You will never get a man.

    You will never be a doctor.

  32. Anonymous8:02 PM

    @Apex Mutant Humanoid

    You are, of course, wrong. Here in America, it is indeed illegal to shave a monkey as it will be considered Animal Cruelty. Look it up anywhere state side and feel free to check animal cruelty laws pretty much EVERYWHERE. Guess it would distress the monkey to imagine that it shares your ghastly pale hue or something. Go figure. Mutants clearly develop more slowly, have more body fat (like a whale to survive the cold, etc.), less muscle and flat glutes from probably a lot of things related the mutative process along with Natural Selection and Adaptation like, say, crawling around on all fours in a cave. You all just aren't naturally occurring and, once again, you all being a LETHAL MUTATION means that you all are in the process of dying off. Incidentally, many of your women have pretty much had it with you all and would just as soon bear some human's child rather bring another slow-developing mutant in the world. At least, that what more than a few have communicated to me. When you couple all of the aforementioned along with Russia no longer wanting this particularly virulent strain of mutant humanity to adopt any more of their kids because you all simply kill them, that's gotta suck.

  33. "When you couple all of the aforementioned along with Russia no longer wanting this particularly virulent strain of mutant humanity to adopt any more of their kids because you all simply kill them, that's gotta suck."


    I wonder how many HOURS racist mutant assnon has spent fruitlessly trying to decipher your posts, lol!!!

  34. Apex Hominid9:12 PM

    Afroloid said...
    "Mutants clearly develop more slowly, have more body fat (like a whale to survive the cold, etc.), less muscle and flat glutes.... "

    ...and higher IQ.

    You are getting there Loid, keep trying.

  35. Dr. R.M. Assnon9:29 PM

    Ms.Mǚtántwáng said...
    I wonder how many HOURS racist mutant assnon has spent fruitlessly trying to decipher your posts, lol!!!

    The fact that you claim to have deciphered that lunatic's nonsense proves your scientific illiteracy beyond all doubt. It also indicates you are sliding deeper and deeper into mental illness with each medical school rejection letter that comes in the mail.

    You probably shouldn't even be trusted with your glassware washing job. I wouldn't use anything you had touched.

    You will never be a doctor.

  36. Anonymous12:10 AM

    @Dr. Nuwang

    Doc, as W.E.B. Du Bois said in Souls of Black Folk, I've been "...beat(ing) their stringy heads..." for awhile and this requires, like all low hanging fruit, little to no effort. I guess someone should tell the mutant that I.Q. tests are designed to make mutants feel better about themselves because they suffer from very low to no self-esteem for the obvious reasons. And the mutant brought up neoteny, which was foolish in the context of explaining why the mutant suffers the misfortune and cruel indignity of developing slower than both humans and Simians. However, using the define feature in the Google search box (define: neoteny), the very first and relevant definition defines 'neoteny' as follows:

    "The retention of juvenile features in the adult animal."

    You think this was a reference to their anatomical shortcomings? I mean, this guy swears he's smart or something. He couldn't have possibly matriculated anywhere. What do you think?

  37. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Dr. Nuwang

    Wait 'til the mutant gets wind of the fact that Gerry Spence talked openly about just how they rig their tests in his work, "And Justice For None." Spence maintains that, while working for ETS, the makers of the LSAT, when they used experimental questions that mutants all missed, but humans answered correctly, the threw those questions out. The only thing to deduce from this is that they might've heuristically (trial and error)figured out their mutant cognitive pathways to knowing and manipulate them to make them feel better about themselves, seriously. The mutant is a very devious creature and deploys much psychological, smoke-and-mirror, warfare and humans must remain diligent. They're fairly easy to figure out, though. Just assume they're lying ALL the time.

  38. Apex Hominid10:32 AM

    The Afroloid said..
    "I.Q. tests are designed to make mutants feel better about themselves because they suffer from very low to no self-esteem for the obvious reasons"

    I guess "humans" avoided inventing things like reading, mathematics, metal working, chemistry, physics, electrical machinery, optics, thermodynamics, internal combustion engines, airplanes, space travel and medicine out of concern of harming the self-esteem of "mutants".

    Or something like that, right Loid?

    You are struggling with concepts you cannot understand. Obviously, you didn't do very well on those IQ tests, did you?

  39. "You think this was a reference to their anatomical shortcomings? I mean, this guy swears he's smart or something. He couldn't have possibly matriculated anywhere. What do you think?"

    I think you're on to something, ROTFL!!
