Saturday, February 23, 2013

Free for now, "hell hath no fury", and blackmail at the Vatican.

Ladies of South Africa please watch your back, the "Blade Runner" is out on bail.

"Pistorius is getting back on the track, his coach said Friday, before a skeptical South African judge decided Friday that the disgraced runner was not a flight risk and released him on bail.

“I think that will be a very good thing to do. I think just to get his mind clear,” said coach Ampie Louw, adding that Pistorius could resume training as early as Monday. “The sooner he can start with a bit of work, the better.”

But Pistorius, who became a national hero when he competed in the London Olympics last summer and a national disgrace after he killed his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day, has had his wings clipped.

A condition of Pistorius’ bail is that he can’t leave Pretoria without a probation officer’s permission.

Pistorius was whisked off in a Range Rover to an “undisclosed address” after posting 10% of his $113,000 bail, authorities said."

"Wings clipped"? I don't think so. Dude is pushing off in a Range Rover after putting up a little over $11,000.00, and he has all of Pretoria to roam. That doesn't sound like a guy who has had his "wings clipped" to me.

Meanwhile, here in America, there is another high profile murder trial going on. Some girl named Jodi Arias stabbed her boyfriend 27 times. (Dyaam!!) I guess she just had to make sure that he was dead.

Now she is looking at the death penalty if convicted, and Nancy Grace and some of the other cable news outlets are treating this like the it's O.J.  redux

The American psyche is a very interesting thing; you just never know what we will obsess over.

Finally, as I suspected, the Pope's resignation had less to do with him being physically tired than him just being tired of some of his peeps and how they behave.

"Pope Benedict’s stunning resignation is being linked to a bombshell report exposing a secret gay conclave at the Vatican being blackmailed over acts of a “worldly nature” with laymen.

The 300-page dossier — compiled by three cardinals investigating the theft of Vatican documents — was given to the Pope on Dec. 17, the same day he decided to resign, an Italian newspaper reported Friday.

Just days after receiving the report, Pope Benedict railed against gay marriage and homosexuality, calling it “the manipulation of nature.”

The probe uncovered a number of factions within the Vatican, including one whose members were “united by sexual orientation,” La Repubblica reported, citing passages from the report." [Source]

I don't think I can read anymore.




  1. Anonymous12:39 AM

    I also read that the companies he sds for will be standing by him ! Don't know if that's changed by now but last I read that's what they said. Nice huh!

    I'm following that Jodi Arias trial too! And wow, it's a real life fatal attraction ish! This chick is psycho and a half!

    I don't know what they're gonna do with her she really belongs up there with Andrea Yates.

    Ain't nobody gonna want her for a cell mate, and have to sleep with one eye open..)D

    She looks like she would love to jump up and strangle the prosecuted!

    I was glued to the TV all week. Thank God they don't have court on Fridays. I was able to clean and grocery shop! ;))))

  2. Anonymous2:38 AM

    "Pope Benedict’s stunning resignation is being linked to a bombshell report exposing a secret gay conclave at the Vatican being blackmailed over acts of a “worldly nature” with laymen."

    Dear Mr Field, you and your FN fans must not judge the Pope, the Vatican, or Catholicm for its alleged factions of homosexuality. You see, with the legalization of same sex marriage this is what happens...Religion takes a downturn because unnatural acts of nature by some humans is tearing down the moral fibers of human decency and divine law.

    I don't blame the Pope. He understands the end of the world is near. It says so in Revelations that when men are sleeping with men in the Church, the end is near.

    It also says that when people like you support homosexuality against God's Law, the end is just around the corner.

    Mr Field, you have no moral compass. You are a lost. You have sold your soul to the devil.

  3. NSangoma4:18 AM


    It is said field booty; that when you point your finger, 3-fingers are pointed back at you, culluds:

    2 teens busted for goading little girls into fight in park,AAABn85dTWk~,hshY0h_F_c_NI_Zgu515f8b4SrruijZD&bctid=2176281847001


  4. Field!
    you're leading with this Lame-O(seriously, had you ever heard of this dude before?)story??
    What about the Ass-spiring rapper cut down in his Maserati, Two-pack style on the Vegas Strip?(Guess what happens in Vegas really does stay in Vegas).
    Shooters were in a Black Range Rover, Tinted Windows, Black Custom Rims, English Soccer Hooligans no doubt, didn't take kindly to Young Cheezy wearing Manchester United Colors...

    Frank "Puttin the "N" in the "N-Word" Drackman

  5. "What about the Ass-spiring rapper cut down in his Maserati, Two-pack style on the Vegas Strip?(Guess what happens in Vegas really does stay in Vegas)."

    I thought he was a pimp. I don't want to glorify the pimp game.

    "Mr Field, you have no moral compass. You are a lost. You have sold your soul to the devil."

    Nope. I tried, but he wanted to write me a check.

  6. Anonymous8:01 AM

    Per the FBI files, there have been 242,000 black on black murders in the US since 1972, stunning! The depravity, violence, and total mayhem brought to the US by blacks, hundreds of once beautiful and safe cities destroyed, yet never a word of......242,000!

    1. How many white on white murders since '72?

  7. Before he was Pope, Benedict was the chief enforcer and read hundreds if not thousands reports of priestly sex abuse which he then did his best to cover up.

    He probably resigned because if he stays within the Vatican, he can't be forced to testify by the IOC criminal complaint against him

  8. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Such hypocrisy in churches!

    Last Sunday in San Juan there was a demonstration by thousands of peopke of all denominations. The call themselves "pro family" and were protesting against gay marriage or rights of any kind.

    I wonder, is it possible that they do not have one gay person in their family? A brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, or a son or a daughter?

  9. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Regarding the Republic of South Africa's [RSA's] Blade Runner, in the state of Michigan, anyone facing a Capital Crime is, in fact, INELIGIBLE for bail. Furthermore, the murderer won't be facing a jury trial and, thus, only has a judge to buy off. Wow!

    Perhaps the single most disturbing thing around the whole matter is that pumping four slugs through a bathroom door that was locked from the inside can somehow be justified---on ANY level.

    If a homeowner has a potential intruder trapped in their home, does the homeowner have the right to summarily execute said intruder?

    Does this murderer being allowed out a bail in a prima facie capital murder crime send a message that EVEN a white woman's life, even for global, genetic minorities whose numbers are diminishing, no less, just ain't worth that much to white males who nonetheless depend on their women as their collective slowly dies out?

    Here's hoping that fellow racers boycott his races on general principal.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Desert, "I don't know what they're gonna do with her she really belongs up there with Andrea Yates."

    Who is Andrea Yates? Do you follow all off the chart killers? Whoa.

  11. Tacitus11:49 AM

    Desertflower said...
    Such hypocrisy in churches!

    Last Sunday in San Juan there was a demonstration by thousands of peopke of all denominations. The call themselves "pro family" and were protesting against gay marriage or rights of any kind.

    I wonder, is it possible that they do not have one gay person in their family?

    Don't you see what a homosexual subculture has done to the Catholic Church?

    There is a reason all successful cultures over all times have discouraged homosexulaity.

    All of the pedophile scandals that have rocked various institutions have been homosexual pedophile scandals.

    Within ten years of the gay liberation movement we had the global AIDS epidemic.

    It is liberalism that exalts homosexulality and makes the acceptance of the practice a "civil rights" issue, as if what you decide to do with your genitals is equivalent to your race.

    A healthy society discourages depravity and decadence, and exalts life. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, and gay marriage is a big paving stone.

  12. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Desertflower said, "I wonder, is it possible that they do not have one gay person in their family? A brother, sister, aunt, uncle, cousin, or a son or a daughter?"

    9:48 AM
    Yes it IS possible and it DOES happen. Whether it does or doesn't, do you understand that gay marriage is against the tenents of ALL religions with a Godhead?

    What makes you think they are wrong and YOU are right? Already we are seeing the destructive forces of homosexuality in the Vatican, the height of Christianity. Yet, some of you FN Negroes want to pass man-made laws to make homosex and homomarriage legal? That is morally insane.

    That's the extreme of Liberalism...."anything goes." Mother Teresa was right: "Once the mother can legally kill her own unborn child, then anything goes."

  13. As is so often the case with the left-liberal failure to accurately predict the consequences of their policies, America's increased diversity and vibrancy is not going reduce racial tensions and polarization, but increase them:

    "Now, as you get further down, you see outliers, where the GOP’s share of the white vote is far higher than the GOP’s overall performance: for example, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi. These are states typically in the Deep South, with large black populations. Obviously, there’s a strong degree of white solidarity to keep blacks from taking over the state.

    For example, Mississippi went for Romney 56-44—and the way he won was by getting 88 percent of the white vote. Why did he get 88 percent of the white vote? Well, Mississippi has the largest black population of any state and according to this Reuters-Ipsos poll, blacks in Mississippi voted 100 percent for Obama (sample size = 38)

    This is what “diversity” gets you in the long run. Lee Kwan Yew of Singapore says, in a multicultural democracy, everybody ends up voting on race.

    But probably the two most interesting states that Romney won are not in the Deep South: Texas (76 percent of white vote) and Arizona (66 percent).

    Texas is not really an old Deep South state by any means. It has had a huge influx of Americans from all over the country since oil was first discovered in 1901, and it has its own culture. It shows the possibilities of what a state could do in terms of going heavily toward Republicans as a bloc vote: 76 percent is a pretty amazing number, but that’s what it took to keep rapidly-Hispanicizing Texas handily Republican."

    Not being a Republican, I'm not at all concerned about Republican electoral prospects. But it is worth noting that many Democrats have already fled their vibrant former neighborhoods for white strongholds are soon going to find themselves voting for what has effectively become the White Party whether they like it or not, not out of racial solidarity or because they have learned a strange new respect for Republican Party policies, but because the Everybody Else Party is going to abandon its feigned interest in equality as soon as the Latinos, Blacks, and Asians realize they have the numbers to quit playing poor helpless minority with the white left-liberals who previously dominated it.

    So you see Field, future electoral politcs are going to look a lot more like Alabama and Arizona, and a lot less like Wisconsin and Ohio.

    1. Doubtful. As the country grows more urban and suburban the GOP will lose it's strongest support base, white rural males. All demographic trends point to less national influence by repubs, not more. No self respecting person of color will join forces with a party that outwardly rsents them and tries to prevent their participation in the democratic process.

  14. @Vox, I didn't know that a portion of the DemoMob's platform was to accurately predict the consequences of their policies and to reduce racial tensions. Hmmmm! Well then, are you telling us that the RepubMafia party is more accurate when predicting the outcome of their policies?

    If that's the case, how come Romney loss?

    By the way, I don't give a sh*t about either parties because they're both ripe with an obscene amount of corruption. In any event, help me out because you placed me in a state of perplexation.

  15. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Anonymous said...

    Per the FBI files, there have been 242,000 black on black murders in the US since 1972, stunning! The depravity, violence, and total mayhem brought to the US by blacks, hundreds of once beautiful and safe cities destroyed, yet never a word of......242,000!

    8:01 AM


    Since 1970, the U.S. Prison incarceration rate has exponentially grown by 700% and, of it's WORLD-LEADING INCARCERATION (read: tyranny and repression), wherein 2.3 million are imprisoned (dwarfing the prison systems of the Communist/Socialist boogeymen of Russia and China), over 60% of those imprisoned are African American or of African ancestry. The Take-away?

    As a direct response to the Civil Rights (and Hippie) Movement of the 60s, George Bush Sr., under the auspice of the CIA, FLOODED America's inner cities with Cocaine and Heroin and GUNS supplied via Laos and Cambodia (as anecdotally observed through "American Gangster" and explored in Sam Yette's "The Choice") using his oil platforms as drug depots. State sanctioned drug-running was most glaringly exposed in the Iran Contra Affair that Bush Sr. covered up by pardoning the Reagan administration of which he was Veep and undoubtedly supplied the intel to distribute and sell drugs.

    As also seen with the Native American (and even the Chinese, as evident by the Boxer Rebellion) Populations that have had their communities likewise FLOODED with alcohol (read: fire water), drugs and GUNS, Black-on-Black crime, even based upon the above stat supplied by some MUTANT commenter, nonetheless can be seen to have been IMPORTUNED by the U.S. Federal Government. Despite obvious mutant pernicious savagery and preternatural criminality, most do not see the Socially Engineered aspect of Black Crime (See Also Black Self-Hatred, Post Traumatic Slavery Disorder, and what Amos Wilson has termed, "mentacide")that by and large is a byproduct of the drug economy that the U.S. established during the 60s.

    Dr. Bobby E. Wright, within his important work, "The Psychopathic Racial Personality," submits the following:

    "Blacks kill Blacks because they have not been trained to kill whites..." so it's out of their frame of reference for Blacks or those of African ancestry exiled within these shores to EVEN see whites or, using the more correct appellation, MUTANTS, as natural enemies due to said MUTANTS psychopathic, amoral, genetic/racial conditions.

    Thus, until humans of African ancestry truly see MUTANTS for just what and how they are, said humans will never work towards abandoning these LETHAL MUTATIONS so that the MUTATION will kill it's self off as nature has intended.

  16. Anonymous3:24 PM

    Like the fellow invasive species in America such as the Asian Carp decimating the Great Lakes and the Burmese Pythons presently being hunted by, primarily, a fellow mutant subspecies of human within the Everglades, will these mutants EVER TRULY SEE THEMSELVES FOR JUST WHAT THEIR ACTIONS AND INACTIONS REVEAL THEM TO TRULY BE?

    Similarly, will these creatures, with the aid of an Indian judge, there, in the STILL mutant-occupied land referred to as the RSA, establish as precedent, that it's o.k. for a mutant to summarily execute someone, ANYONE, trapped inside said mutant's home bathroom without the trapped person firing or having any kind of weapon of any sort?

    Can someone, mutants included, explain how a mutant gets bail after executing someone, a fellow female mutant, TRAPPED in his bathroom?

  17. Anonymous3:38 PM

    Field said

    "Finally, as I suspected, the Pope's resignation had less to do with him being physically tired than him just being tired of some of his peeps and how they behave."


    "Pope Benedict’s stunning resignation is being linked to a bombshell report exposing a secret gay conclave at the Vatican being blackmailed over acts of a “worldly nature” with laymen."

    Sure seems awfully compelling the way you break it down, man!

  18. Chairman Soetoro3:55 PM

    Black Sage said...
    @Vox, I didn't know that a portion of the DemoMob's platform was to accurately predict the consequences of their policies and to reduce racial tensions

    Apparently, you don't even know that the "DemoMob's" platform is to increase racial tensions.

    The democrats owe all of their success to sowing divisions based on race, gender and class. Obama's campaign was a masterpiece of targeted messages designed to pit one group against another. He will be remembered as the the Great Divider, and his legacy will be misery and strife for decades.

  19. Wolverine4:00 PM

    The mutant-obsessed anon @ 3:03 that has been posting intellectually confused and historically and scientifically inaccurate paranoid ravings needs a handle. I suggest "Afroloid".

  20. Moexequatl4:04 PM

    Obama hates America. That has been his appeal from the beginning. A political neophyte with no real qualifications and an alarming personal history did not get elected only a few years after 9/11 despite having a name like a terrorist, but because he has a name like a terrorist. At every turn he has sided against America, its allies, and law abiding citizens and in favor of our enemies, tyrants, and criminals. This is why the liberals worship him.

  21. Father Guido Sore Douchie4:10 PM

    The Pope? That old gay boy? Did you notice he's sailing off into the sunset with his faithful pal Georg?

    The two are the J. Edgar Hoover and Clyde Tolson of the Catholic Church.

    Homosexuality and its perpetual cover-up is at the core of the lives of priests, bishops, cardinals and popes.

    Remarkably, however, the Catholic Church is most vocal when it comes to expressing its abhorrence of homosexuality.

    Yet the church is nothing but a gay bath-house.

    Can't you see everyone in the College of Cardinals singing along and dressing up like Bette MIdler, Judy Garland and Barry Manilow?

  22. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Tacitus said: "All of the pedophile scandals that have rocked various institutions have been homosexual pedophile scandals"
    Pedoplilia is just as common involving women and little boys as well as men with little girls. As it also exists with grown women molesting little girls and men molesting little boys.

    Pedophilia is not exclusive to one sexual orientation or the other.. As we see and read of the many assaults on young girls by old men.

    The Catholic Church has long been a haven for persons who have viewed it as an alternative lifestyle where society cannot harshly judge and criticize them for their sexual orientation.

    Ostensibly they will be sacrificing their carnal desires but we know nothing could be further from the truth.

    The scandal is just actually some truths that are hidden from the critical glare of the world, oming to light. T

    God made us all and loves us all. Heterosexual or homosexual,, as long as you are a God fearing person and member of the community, the orientation is of no importance..

    You seem to be blaming the ills of the world on homosexuality. I would ask you to think of the many wonderful human beings you know that are not heterosexual.

    The closet is not a good place for anyone to be in, and yet because of attitudes such as yours many are condemned to live their entire lives in one.

    Kudos to those priests that have shown their humane side and uncovered the lies and hipocridy of the church.

    And as for Mother Theresa, well, maybe if the rich of that country gave more of a damn about their poor with that ridiculous 'caste' system of theirs, she wouldn't have had it so hard. And there's plenty poor here and in her native country, why couldn't she help here? There's a dyke if I ever saw one lol

  23. stop pulling my leg4:24 PM

    Pistorius? Where's he goin'?

    Flight risk? Naw. He's a suicide risk.

    Anyway, there's no chance he'll pull off an OJ. Everyone in the world knows he shot his girlfriend and no one on the jury will swallow his pathetic story about believing there was a burglar in the bathroom.

    He's headed for a long stretch in a South African slammer.

    By the way, South Africa, a nation of 50 million (10 million whites, 40 million blacks) tallies up about 50,000 murders a year.

    That's quite a leap from the US with 310 million people and 16,000 murders.

    Interestingly, there are about 40 million blacks in the US, and the black community in the US commits half -- 8,000 murders -- a year.

    In other words, if you're black, the US is the safest place in the world.

  24. Anon@3:03, well stated and good to se you my brotha!

    @Vox, you should be ashamed of yourself citing the FBI's data (alphabet police). That agency along with the CIA is one of the most corrupt agencies on,the face of the planet. They both rank right up there with former Soviet Union's KGB and Hitler's Nazi SS. Moreover, if this Empire of States was truly a democratic country, they would've both been abolished by congress by now, due to their high propensity for ruthlessnes against minorities, blacks in particular.

  25. Obama is not the problem. Our criminal media is the problem. Obama is a consequence of the problem. And make no mistake, the media will keep replacing him until we replace them.

  26. "Moexequatl", please help me out here. If Obama hates America, and "smart" people like you know it, why did Americans elect him to be their president twice?

  27. Wolverine said...
    The mutant-obsessed anon @ 3:03 that has been posting intellectually confused and historically and scientifically inaccurate paranoid ravings needs a handle. I suggest "Afroloid".

    @Wolverine, as opposed to criticizing Anon@3:03, why don't you give it your best shot and debunk him.

  28. Anonymous6:42 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...

    Like the fellow invasive species in America such as the Asian Carp decimating the Great Lakes and the Burmese Pythons presently being hunted by, primarily, a fellow mutant subspecies of human within the Everglades, will these mutants EVER TRULY SEE THEMSELVES FOR JUST WHAT THEIR ACTIONS AND INACTIONS REVEAL THEM TO TRULY BE?

    Similarly, will these creatures, with the aid of an Indian judge, there, in the STILL mutant-occupied land referred to as the RSA, establish as precedent, that it's o.k. for a mutant to summarily execute someone, ANYONE, trapped inside said mutant's home bathroom without the trapped person firing or having any kind of weapon of any sort?

    Can someone, mutants included, explain how a mutant gets bail after executing someone, a fellow female mutant, TRAPPED in his bathroom?

    How can you tell when you dirty? By the smell cause you alway look dirty to me.

    De Kafir Darky cop was a normal darkie he was brought up on attempted murder charges for firing at a mini bus and being a typical darkie he was too stupid to do anything so botched it all up - you smelly sow.

  29. Anonymous6:47 PM

    @Vox, you should be ashamed of yourself citing the FBI's data (alphabet police). That agency along with the CIA is one of the most corrupt agencies on,the face of the planet. They both rank right up there with former Soviet Union's KGB and Hitler's Nazi SS. Moreover, if this Empire of States was truly a democratic country, they would've both been abolished by congress by now, due to their high propensity for ruthlessnes against minorities, blacks in particular.

    You dumb maroone. Blacks are the biggest criminals anywhere you go. Its genetic who you bullshitting with this thick skull negroid conspiracy bullshit. even a brutha knows never have a party and invite blacks, they gone rob you the next day when they see what you got - cept you they don't want no black pamper diapers.

  30. "Everyone in the world knows he shot his girlfriend and no one on the jury will swallow his pathetic story about believing there was a burglar in the bathroom."

    They won't have to. South Africa largely follows the Dutch judicial system so like the vast majority of the world's population he won't have to face trial by jury.

    My Dutch friends could never understand why I would prefer trial by jury. "You would let a complete bunch of amateurs who might hate you 'cuz your black decide if you are guilty are not??? Why not let professionals decide?"

    Good point.

    The one time in my life I went to court, I had been caught by the environmental police putting my garbage out two hours too early, the judge was very nice to me. In fact, I'm pretty sure she fancied me, she kept giving me the eye, and she only fined me €60.

  31. Tacitus7:28 PM

    Desertflower said...
    "God made us all and loves us all."


    You can hate the sin and love the sinner.

    God made murderers and thieves too.

    If I had a loved one who was homosexual, I would still love them, but I would not in any way abet their pathology by "accepting" it, as if I didn't really love them.

  32. Moexequatl7:36 PM

    field negro said...
    "Moexequatl", please help me out here. If Obama hates America, and "smart" people like you know it, why did Americans elect him to be their president twice?

    Because the people who hate America combined with the "dumb" people were in the majority. Or at least within the margin of fraud.

    The dumb people vote how the elites tell them too.

    The elites hate the bourgeoisie.

    American politics today is characterized by a classic High-Low coalition against the middle, spiced up with an Everyone Else coalition against whites and women against men dynamic. It's just wonderful what Obama has done for American unity, isn't it?

  33. PilotX said...
    No self respecting person of color will join forces with a party that outwardly rsents them and tries to prevent their participation in the democratic process.

    But that's the point. As "persons of color" gravitate more and more solidly to the Democratic party, and whites become less and less of a majority, they will be forced to defend their interests by the only means possible - vote Republican.

    It should be very interesting to see if Hillary Clinton is the Democratic nominee for 2016 or if she is again shouldered aside by a minority flag-bearer. If that happens, we can be fairly certain that we will have seen the last white Democratic presidential nominee.

  34. Anonymous8:05 PM

    PC, "The one time in my life I went to court, I had been caught by the environmental police putting my garbage out two hours too early, the judge was very nice to me. In fact, I'm pretty sure she fancied me, she kept giving me the eye, and she only fined me €60."

    7:08 PM
    Was she White? And how much is €60 in dollars? Speak proper American English, you'll be more successful.

  35. Kersey11:06 PM

    Field: I am surprised you have not commented on a pivotal moment in Black hisory, the imminent collapse of the Motor City.

    Recall that in the 1950s, Detroit was 85 percent white and perhaps the most important city in all of America -- it boasted a standard-of-living never-before-seen in world history, which was only a reflection of the type of community its white citizens could create, sustain, and pass on to their children.

    Today, Detroit is an 82 percent black city (almost 90 percent black in the core of the city) -- it boasts a standard-of-living in 2013 that makes it perhaps the poorest big city in the nation - with some of the highest violent crime rates - which is only a reflection of the type of community its almost entirely black citizenry could create, sustain, and pass on to their children.

    The image of Detroit today is the decaying buildings the white citizens of the city had once built to stand the test of time, they could not withstand the unforgiving hand of blackness.

    Detroit is one of the pivotal battles of an undeclared race war, and every citizen of the white Diaspora in what I've dubbed Black-Run America (BRA) - and what Lawrence Auster calls America 2.0 - must find the demise of black Detroit a moment on par with the moon landing in 1969.

    No... that's wrong. That's the wrong historical analogy.

    For it is in the ruins of Detroit, which black people have been custodians of since 1973, and in the news of the financial collapse of the city today that any belief in racial equality dies. More so than the Apollo Space Mission proved what white individuals can collectively accomplish when the state sets a course of action.

    For Detroit is a reminder of what black individuals can collectively accomplish when the state (the city of Detroit) sets a course of action emboldened by black power.

  36. Anonymous12:52 AM

    @Black Sage

    Way to keep the pressure on! Mutants cannot controvert facts.

    These mutants knew their numbers were dwindling way back in the 50s and the Civil Rights Movement as well as former NFL player, actor, and attorney, Paul Robeson, presenting the U.N. in '51 with a Petition charging the U.S. with Genocide (as well as voter suppression)simply pushed these creatures over the edge. So they borrowed a page of forcing the Chinese to sell drugs (See Also the Opium Wars), which, of course, brought on the Boxer Rebellion (1898-1901).

    The idiot mutant thought he was he was doing something citing those statistics that Nixon more or less put in motion with his so-called War on Drugs in '70-'71, but no such stats exist prior to America establishing drugs in the 60s. So prior to drugs being established in the 60s, there wasn't this level of crime or drug culture, which, once again, reveals these creatures for being the monsters that they are.

    Lastly, America managed to destroy Detroit and caused massive Black Flight due to violent crime directly related to drugs. That part of the fall of Detroit wasn't elucidated on MHP's show today.

  37. As someone who emigrated from Angola to SA and called it home before emigrating to Cuba and becoming a cit (after Fidel gave asylum many yrs ago) I know about the CJ shiptrem in SA and I told my assoc that this would happen..All women should be aware

  38. Anonymous12:01 PM


    Given America's penchant for destabilizing and overthrowing regimes, cities, and villages, it will be a travesty if the fall of Detroit is not viewed in that context. Additionally, Field, why do you suppose this city that has voted at a 95% clip for this sitting POTUS remains virtually ignored and left to the mercy of a republican governor? The Detroit Public Schools had a surplus budget that was absolutely plunder by the state (read: whites or mutants). When you couple that with years of suburban hostility, most usually played out via human rights violations through discriminant traffic stops, that remains UNEXPLORED by the DOJ, you'll see that Detroit has been under siege since the mid 60s, as I've mentioned before, when Bush Sr. and the CIA were setting up dope houses in Detroit in direct response to the Civil Rights Movement, particularly, in the 60s and, particularly, in Detroit.

    Lastly, particularly, for Black folk who are determined to stay in America, they must have no illusions about how white America has not only used Imminent Domain to destroy black economic development (and bombing the Black Wall Street from the air), but they must become exceedingly well-versed on "Dependency Theory," because many of the same things America does in Africa and Latin America, they've done the domestic equivalent here on these shores to Blacks, Latinos and Native Americans.

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