Thursday, February 07, 2013

Los Angeles, we have a problem.

So this LL Cool J look-alike is picking off cops and innocent civilians out in L.A.

This is not good. I don't like when you Negroes go rogue. (Especially not big bald headed ones.)Cops already have the trigger finger and they are shooting innocent people who aren't even big bald headed black guys. (If you happen to be reading this in the L.A. area and drive a Nissan Titan, you might want to put that bad boy in the garage for awhile.)

This dude is doing his best John Allen Muhammad impression, because according to his manifesto, the LAPD did him wrong. Like Muhammad, this Christopher Jordan Dorner fellow was trained in the military, and like Muhammad, he clearly has some other issues.

The thing is, I believe a lot of what he wrote in his manifesto about the LAPD being less than on the up and up, but that doesn't give him the right to take the life of  the innocent child of one of the people who he thought wronged him, or to act as judge and executioner towards the others 

The LAPD chief says "he knows what he is doing" because they trained him, well, for their sake, I hope that they didn't train him too well.

Hang on East Coast; I think another storm is coming our way. In Baaastan they are expecting 2 feet of snow. Good luck with that. I love living on the East Coast, because I like the changing seasons and I love getting ready for the spring after the cold winter months. I am from Jamaica, but I am no fan of darn near the same weather pattern 365 days of the year.  I am still not sure why folks retire to places like Florida and Arizona. "Field, it's to get away from the snow that's about to wallop you".

Still, all these winter storms are getting to be a bit much. I honestly think that I might have to reconsider my retirement plans.  


  1. Well, the LAPD has a long history of violence against citizens and hiring violent individuals so only a matter of time before something like this happened. In a bit of foreshadowing the last episode of Hawaii 5-0 had a similar plot with a disgruntled ex-con with a sniper rifle picking off the cops who "wronged" him. Maybe a wingnut with an assault rifle will end this.
    Good luck with that snow storm though it looks like you won't get the worst of it.

  2. Did you know that Officer Dorner was a big democrat/liberal media fan? He listed his heroes as Obama, Hillary, Soledad O'Brien, Piers Morgan, Chris Matthews, Joe Scarborough, Pat Harvey, Brian Williams, Wolf Blitzer, Meredith Viera, Tavis Smiley, Tom Brokaw, the late Peter Jennings, and Anderson Cooper, to whom he sent his manifesto.

    He was also a big gun control guy, and wrote about Sandy Hook:

    If you had a well regulated AWB, this would not happen. The time is now to reinstitute a ban that will save lives. Why does any sportsman need a 30 round magazine for hunting? Why does anyone need a suppressor? Why does anyone need a AR15 rifle? This is the same small arms weapons system utilized in eradicating Al Qaeda, Taliban, and every enemy combatant since the Vietnam war. Don't give me that crap that its not a select fire or full auto rifle like the DoD uses. That's bullshit because troops who carry the M-4/M-16 weapon system for combat ops outside the wire rarely utilize the select fire function when in contact with enemy combatants.

    I guess we know now why he wanted people to be disarmed.

    Do you think the Lamestream media he adores will play up Mr. Dorner's politcal views, like they would if he had ever gotten near a Tea Party rally? Like they tried to blame Sarah Palin when Gabby Giffords got shot by another liberal wacko? Do ya?

    BTW, there is yet another liberal maniac in the news. Yesterday, Floyd Lee Corkins II pleaded guilty to three criminal counts involving his August 2012 attack on the Washington D.C. headquarters of the Family Research Council. He told the FBI that he picked his target from a “hate map“ (!) on the web site of the Southern Poverty Law Center. That’s the liberal group that is frequently used as a legitimate source in news reports.

    OK, so we have a real criminal who cites a real “hate map” as a key factor in his violence. How do you suppose the media treated that story?

    Why they ignored that connection too, hmmm.

    Are you senseing a pattern, Field?

  3. Jeremiah Johnson11:02 PM

    Dorner will be dead in the next 24 hours, unless he's lucky enough to fall asleep and find himself captured.

    Of course, he may go out like Adam Lanza in CT, who ended his spree with a shot into his own head.

    Does this nut think he's Rambo? Heading off into the woods as though he can actually outlast his pursuers?

    If he's awake when they close in on him, he'll probably do himself in. He'll probably do it happily if he learns his manifesto has become an Internet hit.

    His diatribe is more popular than the one written by the Unabomer.

    Maybe, if Dorner is taken alive, the two can share a cell.

  4. They are going to give him Hell when catch up with him smh...this blog is STILL one of the most insightful (and funniest) years after I came across it..

  5. Anonymous12:04 AM

    The Best Super Bowl Commercial - God made a Liberal.!

  6. Anonymous1:29 AM

    Nope, uh uh, the weather patterns in the islands are quite noticible . You've been away too long.

    Good luck with that freezing snow and the mittens and boots and hats and earmuffs. The slipping and sliding on the ice.

    The, ugh, slush when all that snow begins to melt. Even though it is beautiful when it falls...specially at a winter wonderland, and so quiet it gets....

    Oh heck I'm getting homesick!

  7. Anonymous2:00 AM

    "This is not good. I don't like when you Negroes go rogue."

    Are you kidding? Negroes have been going rogue every day in our communities.

    I guess you don't count all the black on black murders in the streets as rogue?

    Mr Field, you think like Whites.

  8. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Borner's manifesto indicates that racism is rampart in the LAPD. Isn't that what the problem was during the OJ trial? Wasn't the N-word used then?

    Some things never change.

  9. Desertflower, let's trade places.

    To all of u writing me about that dude in Philly, yes I am quite familiar with the gentlemen. He happens to read this blog. I understand his frustration, but the KKK garb......not a good look.

    Black Salvage, thanks for the kind words. We try hard out in these fields.

  10. Those two women who the LAPD lit up weren't driving a Nissan. They were in a Toyota; the cops saw "dark-colored truck" and opened fire.

    Luckily for them, panicky cops don't seem to shoot terribly well.

    Remember all of those stories from Iraq of trigger-happy soldiers shooting up the cars of Iraqi families? Our chickens have come home.

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Comrade Misfit said...

    Those two women who the LAPD lit up weren't driving a Nissan. They were in a Toyota; the cops saw "dark-colored truck" and opened fire.

    Luckily for them, panicky cops don't seem to shoot terribly well.

    Remember all of those stories from Iraq of trigger-happy soldiers shooting up the cars of Iraqi families? Our chickens have come home.

    You be right Rev.

    Now get them chickens out the yard so the yung'uns stop copying them when they learning to Walk.

  12. Typical Spook, kills another Spook, I hope they never catch him...

  13. Dorner’s grudge against the cops comes from being kicked off the force when he tried to push his race-based victim ideology too far by making false allegations. He has been killing people for being supposedly racist.

    From evil seeds grow evil weeds.

  14. Sup Frank? Glad u finally made bail. We missed u.:)

  15. whats up?? the number of future Officer Dornans that don't make it past the first Trimester, some 50,000,000+ since 1973 last time I checked..Yay Abortion!

    Frank "Pro Choice" Drackman

  16. Anonymous1:46 PM

    "Desertflower, let's trade places"
    Yeah, now that the storm is upon you right;)

    But hey, I do know someone who can give you a lift!

    How much do you know about sailing? :)))

  17. Read Dorners Manufisto, hey a dude who likes Jennifer Beals, Natalie Portman, and Kelly Clarkson can't be all bad...
    and it wasn't his fault the chink/spook he shot had nothing to do with him, they all look the same...honest mistake

  18. Django Unbrained3:40 PM

    Hey Field, looks like your peeps are gettin' in the Django spirit of things:

    See, movies can inspire people! It's great to see how many young folks have got the message that it's cool to kill white people. It's a little confused to be giving props to Dorner, since his two victims are not white, but it's the thought that counts. Quentin Tarentino has made a difference.

  19. There are no surprises here! LAPD and pretty much every law enforcement agency within this empire is inherently racist. What was Dorner thinking when he joined LA’s finest? That the red carpet would be rolled out for him and that he’d be treated differently due to his size, skin tone, tactical and writing skills. Dorner Negro, puuhhleeze!

    The nature of the vast majority of whites is to seek freedom for themselves while everyone else remains either a slave or at least a ward of the state in some capacity. Dorner, the reason why they treated you differently when you were a member of the police force is because you’re not white. It’s just that simple!

    Now, your failure to get a grasp of this Amerikkkanconcept has turned you into a cop killer, killer cop. Judging from your writings, you should’ve been smarter than that.

    The concept of Amerikkka being a free, democratic society is in fact an illusion. The U.S. Constitution amounts to a collective white manifesto celebrating white supremacy. It appears that you, Dorner, bought into this notion that we’re a free nation and all races would be treated equally. Sorry Dorner, this empire is as racist as the day the slaves were supposedly emancipated by gay-ass Abe Lincoln in January 1863.

    Yeah, that’s right, Abe slept with his military aide/bodyguard, Captain David Derickson.

  20. Anonymous5:08 PM


    How do you stomach all of these mutants,these ghastly pale subspecies of African Humanity, to be precise, that self-identify as "white" by their unstinting bigotry on your blog? Just curious. Then again, I guess if I had an unusually small phallus, no sense of rhythm, and the Sun reminded me daily that I didn't BELONG on this planet, I suppose I'd continuously invade places where I wasn't wanted, as well. After all, if I was bereft a melanin because I was an accident, I suppose I wouldn't stay quarantined on stormfront or redstate, either.

  21. Black Angus6:02 PM

    Black Sage said...
    There are no surprises here! LAPD and pretty much every law enforcement agency within this empire is inherently racist

    Reality is racist.

    Blacks get arrested more because they commit more crimes.

    You sound like a big, fat baby.

    And Lincoln certainly wasn't gay - that comes from a crackpot book that has been debunked many times over.

  22. Black Super Genius6:05 PM

    Black Fage said...
    The U.S. Constitution amounts to a collective white manifesto celebrating white supremac

    Really? How does that work in practice? The U.S. government amounts to a collective liberal dictatorship dedicated to pushing black supremacy.

  23. I think this guy is more like Clarence Thomas with a pinch of Rambo. Black on the outside but felt kinship to and EQUAL to all those whites he worked with, trained with, lived with, etc. He was truly shocked to find out racism was alive and well. He was especially shocked to find out going through the "proper" and that in the eyes of the whites he loved so dearly, he was merely a N----,

  24. The reason this guy is doing this in L.A. is because of the celebrity status. If we stopped glorifying these losers, the next loser would think twice.

  25. so far, it at least seems like a real psycho cop/real event

    rather than another false flag/darpa/mk ultra stunt by hobama and his dhs/fema goons...


  26. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Blogger joy316 said...

    I think this guy is more like Clarence Thomas with a pinch of Rambo. Black on the outside but felt kinship to and EQUAL to all those whites he worked with, trained with, lived with, etc. He was truly shocked to find out racism was alive and well. He was especially shocked to find out going through the "proper" and that in the eyes of the whites he loved so dearly, he was merely a N----,

    Dumb Negro somehow someway in dat brain you find way to blame YT.

    Yeah the guy is Black but he thought he was white because they thought he was a N - Word.

  27. Gotta go with the Sage on this one, the LAPD has a loooooooong history of racism.
    @ Super Genius, that's a good one, the constitooshun promoting blah supremacy. I guess that whole 3/5 representation was just to give whites a chance. Ha!

  28. blessings...
    May God help us all.

  29. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Desertflower, "But hey, I do know someone who can give you a lift!

    How much do you know about sailing? :)))"

    1:46 PM
    My dear Desert, I may be delayed by a couple days. My yacht was suddenly stuck in ice and a lot of snow. All this ice and snow looks like a bunch of folks in a hockey rink.

  30. Anonymous9:41 PM

    I saw some pictures of Beyonce that were so ugly that even her agent was trying to get them removed. I have always maintained that Megan Fox, Kristen Stewart, and a host of female actresses and singers, including Lindsay Lohan, are much more beautiful than Beyonce could ever be even with all of her makeup and hair dyes.

    Well those ugly photos prove it. But I know Field and some of you leftist fn Negroes won't admit it. However, I KNOW PC and Uts will admit it under their breath.

  31. Black Super Genius10:22 PM

    PilotX said...
    I guess that whole 3/5 representation was just to give whites a chance.

    You can stop any time Pilot Wrex, you have demonstrated your dim-wittedness quite enough.

    No one ever considered blacks 3/5 of a person. That was a compromise to keep the union together. Slave owners wanted slaves to becounted as whole persons in order to gain more representation in congress and to get a larger share of federal funds.

    The North originally wanted slaves not counted at all when it came to political representation, since slaves were slaves, and of course couldn't vote.

    Are you capable of understanding that, or do you survive on 3/5 of a brain?

  32. @Super Black Genius said….Really? How does that work in practice? The U.S. government amounts to a collective liberal dictatorship dedicated to pushing black supremacy.

    I’d be happy to enlighten you GENIUS, however, I’m not in the tutoring mode at the moment. Moreover, I highly encourage you to start with Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Articles of Confederation when all blacks were considered merely three-fifths of a man.

  33. Anonymous11:16 PM

    Anonymous said...
    My dear Desert, I may be delayed by a couple days. My yacht was suddenly stuck in ice and a lot of snow. All this ice and snow looks like a bunch of folks in a hockey rink.
    You're playing hockey now!!! Sheesh, and me here waiting with all these chores, mean shores that await us! Humph!

  34. If I shoot a Chink and a Nigger will ya'll make me a Hero???
    Can't wait for the Sequel,
    "Django, Hung from a Tree"


  35. Black Sage said...
    I’d be happy to enlighten you GENIUS, however, I’m not in the tutoring mode at the moment. Moreover, I highly encourage you to start with Article I, Section 2, Clause 3 of the Articles of Confederation when all blacks were considered merely three-fifths of a man.

    Do you know what "sage" means? Because you are the one who needs some tutoring.

    Counting the slaves as whole persons (5/5) would have given more power to the slave states - power and representation taken from the slaves and given to their owners.

    The Free states did not want slaves counted at all (0/5) for the purpose of apportioning members of congress, electoral votes, and disbursement of federal revenues.

    The North was finally sold on the 3/5 compromise because of the argument that withholding federal monies would likely adversely impact the slave population, who had it bad enough.

    Why is this simple concept so hard to understand?

    Even Wikipedia gets it right:

    Come on, man.

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