Wednesday, February 06, 2013

Marco and Pac.

"Keep a vest for protection, from the barrel of a Smith & Wesson/ And all my n----s in the pen, here we go again/ Ain't nothin' separatin' us from a Mack-10."

Those are lyrics from Marco Rubio's favorite rapper, the now deceased (yes Negroes, he is dead) Tupac Shakur. I have to tell you, I have a new found respect for Rubio. He did a good job of defending his love and appreciation of gangsta rap and giving his take on the Biggie vs. 2Pac debate.

Watch out dems, this Rubio dude has some political skills. Now I even hear that he will be giving the republicans response to the State of the Union address next week. (Can that star rise any faster?) You better not blow this one Marco; your response can make you or break you. Just ask Governor Jindal.

Now if he can just get out of his own primary he should be a formidable opponent in 2016. Sadly for him, I am not sure how Bubba and Billy Bob will feel about their candidate for president liking rap music.  

"How do you want it? How does it feel?Comin up as a nigga in the cash game
livin in the fast lane; I'm for real"

Marco, I know you are for real, and I am guessing that Hillary isn't feeling too good right about now.

Finally, the next story falls into the truly sad category.

So let me get this straight,you have a three year old in your house, and you own a gun that happens to be pink, and yet the gun is not locked away to prevent the three year old from being able to get to it.

"Temorej Smith, a 3-year-old boy from Greenville, S.C., fatally shot himself with a pink handgun he thought was a toy, WYFF-4 reports. Police ruled the Friday night shooting an accident.

The boy was in the bedroom and his grandparents were in the living room when the gun went off. His parents were not home at the time of the shooting. Johnathan Bragg of the Greenville Police Department said that officers found that they boy had been shot when they arrived at the scene. No one is in custody but the investigation is ongoing. Police have not officially said who fired the weapon.

“If you have guns, if you own guns mostly we would prefer you have them in a lock box,” Bragg said. “At least have them out of the reach of children.”Jack Logan, a local activist who founded the group “Put Down the Guns Young People,” handed out gun locks at a Burger King, just down the street from where the young boy lost his life." [Source]  

*shaking head*


  1. Anonymous9:27 PM

    What race is Mark Rubio?

  2. Anonymous9:38 PM

    Rap music is not music at all, compared to R & B, waltz music, fox trot music or swing music or rock and roll or gospel music. Hell, anybody can rap.

  3. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Field, please update your Killadelphia Meter, it's low.

  4. "Marco, I know you are for real, and I am guessing that Hillary isn't feeling too good right about now."

    Um, sorry, Hillary is a lock. Ain't no way those Republiklans are ever going to win another presidential race. After 2016, Bill is going to have Obama carrying his bags again.

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Um, sorry, Hillary is a lock. Ain't no way those Republiklans are ever going to win another presidential race"

    Why are you being a killjoy to the poor republicans?

  7. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Christie will be the Republican nominee and Field knows it. In fact, Gov Christie will win in 2016 and the Dems know it. Besides, who says Hillary is running in 2016?

  8. Anonymous12:24 AM

    From the previous thread:

    "What the hell is cricket and why do you and Field care? "

    Field replied, "Actually, I like cricket, and all those London clubs who play in the EPL. (Thanks for the link, PC)
    Love those Reggae Boyz as well. (n fact, they are on ESPN2 right now playing Mexico."
    Field, that doesn't even make sense. How can you love football and cricket at the same time? One is for men and the other is for whatever. Countries who play Cricket have never won a war on their own.

  9. "Countries who play Cricket have never won a war on their own."

    There is hardly a country in the world that doesn't play cricket, I don't know of a single one off the top of my head.

    The war of supremacy for America's soul between cricket and baseball was a long and fierce one, which baseball didn't conclusively win until the end of the first decade of the twentieth century. America was a world power in cricket throughout the 19th century.

    In 1893 a team of players from Philadelphia defeated Australia - at the time considered the greatest cricket team in the world - in a game at Belmont cricket club. That the city of Philadelphia could raise a team to beat the greatest cricketing nation in the world sent shock waves around the planet.

    Statistically the greatest cricketer who ever lived was an American - Bart King, also from Philadelphia.

    This is an element of America's past that has been air-brushed from American history.

  10. Anonymous8:15 AM

    "Christie will be the Republican nominee and Field knows it. In fact, Gov Christie will win in 2016 and the Dems know it. Besides, who says Hillary is running in 2016?"

    A dead man can't be president.

    "Krispy Kreme" is a heart attack waiting to happen. And you'd better warn your mammy too.


  11. Hey Field, did you ssee this guy:

    Now that's a real Field Negro. Mr. King belongs in your sidebar.

  12. Rubio's a maybe, but Christie's temper & temperament & complete lack of discipline will sink him on the national stage quicker than Johnboy McCaine's did to him.

    Once, before I had kids myself, but still had little cousins around all the time, I found a little 5 shot .32 under my couch cushion. Took me weeks to find out that it was some slag I'd dragged home weeks before who had no idea where she'd dropped it & wasn't even looking for it.

    On another topic, are we still talking about hot African loking sistas? Cuz if anyone doesn't think that Shanola Hampton is smokin they're hopeless.

  13. Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I found a little 5 shot .32 under my couch cushion. Took me weeks to find out that it was some slag I'd dragged home weeks before who had no idea where she'd dropped it & wasn't even looking for it.

    You're a classy guy, Whitey.

    I'll bet stories like that help you "connect" to your customer base.

  14. I don't think 2016 is early enough to get the gop house in order. They still have to solve their civil war between the far right and moderates ie Rove v Demint. It will be interesting and the press will make it look closer than it will really be but the Dems will keep the WH barring unforseen circumstances.

  15. Anonymous4:11 PM

    Blogger PilotX said...

    I don't think 2016 is early enough to get the gop house in order. They still have to solve their civil war between the far right and moderates ie Rove v Demint. It will be interesting and the press will make it look closer than it will really be but the Dems will keep the WH barring unforseen circumstances.

    Or foreseen, such as poverty like we have never seen before.

  16. black in white5:56 PM

    One black guy with a sensible view:

    African-American Dressed In KKK Hood On Street Corner Sparks Controversy In Philadelphia

    February 6, 2013 11:38 PM

    Jericka Duncan

    By Jericka Duncan

    PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – In 2013, no one expects to see a man dressed in a Ku Klux Clan robe mid-morning in Center City, Philadelphia.

    “I think that’s nonsense,” said one woman on the street.

    “He needs to be committed to the jail system,” said another onlooker.

    The man, who stood on the corner of 13th and Filbert on Tuesday, is not out to lynch or kill black people. In fact, he is black.

    Thirty-five-year-old Sixx King says he’s using the offensive symbol to highlight a serious problem: black on black crime.

    “We’re bringing awareness to the black hypocrisy, complacency and apathy in the African-American community,” said King.

    According to the FBI, in 2011 more than 7,000 black people were killed. King’s sign reads that the KKK killed 3,446 blacks in 86 years, while black on black murders surpass that number every six months.

    “All my anger for my ancestors who went through that terror of a Ku Klux Klan hood and what that symbolizes to me, evoked anger,” said Philadelphia Councilman Curtis Jones Jr. “I was angry!”

    Councilman Jones took a picture of what he witnessed and posted it on Facebook. Hundreds have shared the image, and the comments were mixed.

    “You have to sit back and digest his message,” said Jones. “Sit back and understand the mother who was carrying the picture of her child. It’s not a statistic. It’s a human being with a name who will be missed.”

    “He was an exceptional football athlete,” said Javes Phelps-Washington. “He was in his second year in college. He was a good kid.”

    Phelps-Washington rallied with King. Her son, Christopher, was among the 324 murdered in Philadelphia in 2011. Police say 85% of those killed that year were black.

    Phelps-Washington is part of a documentary King recently produced about black on black crime.

    King told me he didn’t intend to offend anyone. When asked if he thinks standing on the corner in a KKK outfit will really make a difference, King said, “I don’t think it will stop someone from killing. But hopefully, it would make that person think.”

    “I don’t agree with that symbolization,” said Jones. “But you can’t ignore the message, so I support what he did.”

  17. I also was surprised to find that Rubio had a good understanding of the two rappers, and even spoke of the difference in Tupac before he signed with Death Row Records. That impressed me, cause not all supposedly diehard Tupac fans recognized the change in content after Pac started rolling with Suge Knight.

    Too bad Rubio is a Republican. For a minute there, I figured him to be a "cool" politician.

  18. "Rap music is not music at all, compared to R & B, waltz music, fox trot music or swing music or rock and roll or gospel music. Hell, anybody can rap."

    If that's the case, why isn't your mug on the cover of The Source or XXL Magazine right this very minute? Go churn out some rhymes and get at that cheddar, yo.

  19. "Too bad Rubio is a Republican. For a minute there, I figured him to be a "cool" politician."

    That's it Don, stay on that Plantation like a good boy. You was gettin' a little too close to that fence.

  20. a .357 or 44 magnum round will penetrate most vests, in any event, head shots the way to go...


  21. Anonymous8:27 PM

    i think rubio will be the next selected prez

    i also think he will never betray latinos the way hobama has betrayed blacks

    because they will never allow him to do so

    cc univision

    rip tupac

    tupac loved poor people
    and he was homeless for years

    tupac would hate hobama
