Saturday, February 09, 2013

The pariah.

So the Tavis Smiley Negro shunning continues. This time it's his former friend, Tom Joyner, saying less than flattering things about him.

"On Inauguration Day, television personality Tavis Smiley and his friend former Princeton professor Cornel West lashed out at President Barack Obama for using a Bible belonging to Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. for his swearing in. (Never mind that the King family gave Obama the Bible, and attended the Inaugural to witness its use.) That same day, Smiley’s onetime friend and host of the show that made Smiley a household name among many black Americans, slammed Smiley’s comments, saying his former protege is “fascinated with his own legacy.”

Noting that Smiley said in his latest attack on Obama, this time on CBS Sunday Morning, that “Obama is a politician, and a pretty good one, but King was a prophet. And while I can appreciate the president’s fascination with King’s legacy of unarmed truth and unconditional love, I’m feeling some sort of way about King being used symbolically for public pomp and circumstance, but disregarded substantively when it comes to public policy,” Joyner had this response:
… I believe that Tavis is the one fascinated with Dr. King’s legacy, but more importantly Tavis is fascinated with his own legacy, and that’s not good. He wants more than anything to be remembered the way Dr. King was, and to some how make that kind of mark on the world.
Dr. King wasn’t concerned about how he would be remembered, he was concerned with doing good and doing right. In the end, that made him great. Tavis has done a lot of good things but his obsession with becoming great is destroying him. The whole issue with the inscription on the King Memorial illustrates the differences between Tavis and Dr. King. Days before he was killed, believing that death was imminent, Dr. King dealt with it publicly in his Drum Major speech.
Dr. King knew good things would be said about him in death and he was humbled at the idea of it. Tavis is afraid of what will be said about him and it’s driving him crazy. …
Smiley became a regular commentator on Joyner’s top-rated, syndicated morning radio show in 1996, but he and Joyner parted ways in 2008 in the wake of scathing criticism of Barack Obama — who Joyner actively supported — by Smiley, including during his daily commentaries. Joyner has since become a fierce critic of Smiley and West, who have taken every opportunity to attack the Obama administration and the president himself, often in very personal terms.
Much of Smiley’s enmity toward Obama is said to stem from the then-Senator rebuffing an invitation to attend Smiley’s annual “State of the Black Union” panel, which was held on the same day Obama announced his presidential campaign in Illinois. Tavis has denied that, and said he is simply attempting to hold the nation’s first black president accountable." [Source]

I don't think that you can find 20 black people in America who believe Tavis. Of course he is mad because O didn't kiss his ring. And so are a lot of other traditional black folks in the civil rights establishment game. (I see you Cornel)
Obama was smart; he knew that black folks would support him no matter what and that the folks who like to take the lead on civil rights issues would become irrelevant once he gained a national profile. He didn't need their money (not that they have any); he got plenty from left leaning liberal white folks. And he sure as hell didn't need their organizations to help him organize a ground game and help with manpower. He had young white folks and true believers -of all colors- to do that for him as well.

Then, of course, there is the ultimate trump card: his wife. No matter what Obama does he will get a pass among black folks because of his wife. They know that, at the end of the day, they will always have that person whispering something like this in his ear at two o'clock in the morning: "Barack, you know that's f****d up right, you know that should have gone to that little girl's funeral. But don't worry, I will go.

Sorry Tavis, as long as O and Michelle are doing the whole Ashford & Simpson bit, your hater-aide is only going to get stronger with each passing day for the next four years.

*Pic from



  1. Fly Joke11:20 PM

    Another Tavis Smiley hatchet job? Nobody is slamming down the haterade more than you.

  2. Runaway11:22 PM

    "I don't think that you can find 20 black people in America who believe Tavis"

    That says worlds more about the zombie-like state of Black America than it does about Tavis Smiley.

  3. Wesley R12:49 AM

    I've always liked Tavis Smiley but Tom Joyner has a point. I think Smiley thought in his mind that he was going to be the next leader of Black America but Obama leaped over him. Since Obama became President, folks like Tavis can no longer play the victim card.

  4. Nobody is slamming down the haterade more than you."

    I wouldn't know what "haterade" looks or tastes like.

    "I think Smiley thought in his mind that he was going to be the next leader of Black America but Obama leaped over him."

    Yes, when you are a legend in your own mind this will happen to you.

  5. This is one of those rare times when we will have to agree to disagree my friend. What you and Tom Joyner are accusing Tavis Smiley of doing is what you are doing to him with the name calling, personal attacks and insults. It's political not personal. The sooner we realize that, the better off we will be. This is why nobody, and I mean nobody in the Obama administration is paying attention to black folks, because the Field Negroes are being told the STFU and STFD.

  6. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Smiley didn't think he was going to be the next leader of Black America,. Like Jesse Jacskon, he believed he would have a say in who would become the next leader. He didn't have a say in it and he's mad. He thought he was entitled to help choose the next leader. He wasn't.

    And speaking of Jesse, George Curry is right in saying that Obama should let bygones be bygones and invite Jackson to the White House.

  7. Field, I've never understood why Tavis is/was accused of trying to upstage the President, NEVER!
    Sure he thinks a LOT of himself, but what's wrong with that?

    As for Dr. West, I'm an eternal fan of his and believe his criticisms of the President are and have been, RIGHT ON POINT.

    The idea that Blacks HAVE to be monolithic political thinkers is simply the dumbest thing I consistently hear about Black folks. And this reminds me of the flack I got and STILL get for supporting McCain on 2004, "roll eyes".

  8. NSangoma11:03 AM


    ... Barack, you know that's f****d up right, you know that should have gone to that little girl's funeral. But don't worry, I will go. ...

    What??!! What about Heaven Sutton, was she too dawk for you field Negroe?

    You so called field negro Negroes want to be in the house wid the yelluh gals, right field booty?

    Your wife one of them yellah Creole gals, field booty?

    Piss on the funerals of all the Black babies murdered across the land; but be sure make dat yelluh gals funeral, POTUS!!

    How much whidte blood you got field booty?


  9. Obama was smart; he knew that black folks would support him no matter what and that the folks who like to take the lead on civil rights issues would become irrelevant once he gained a national profile.

    You're right, and this is the sign of a true politician. He also knew that being seen at too pro-Black would cost him a second term.

    I had hoped that once his place in history was sealed, he would adopt agendas more beneficial to the Black community. But clearly he realizes that if he does, congress would NEVER pass it.

    Given this FACT, the least he could do is pretend to past some pro-black agenda's. But that could very well get him killed given that he's had more death threats than ANY other President in history.

    If there were ever a case of a "catch 22" presidency, President Obama's presidency is the epitome of it!

  10. Thank God that men of principle like Smiley and West still exist..Virtually every constituency in the Democratic party has been the recipient of targeted legislation and policy..They didn't just vote, they organized and demanded something in return for that vote.

    Not Negroes..that bunch is content with bullshit symbolism and being pushed off the political scale altogether..In this era of the desperately ignorant Black populace being led by spineless, self-interested "leaders", there is a need for more folks like Smiley..Some of us still have balls.

  11. elenna12:22 PM

    Dr. King was a prophet but Obama is God. As Chris Rock said, he is the missing father for all Black Americans.

    All hail our lord and savior, Barack Obama!

  12. Tim Das12:27 PM

    Slavery existed for thousands of years before white people. It was Africans who sold their own people into slavery. And it was arabs and Africans who fought the Royal Navy most zealously when the British Empire acted to end the worldwide slave trade. The entry of white people into the slave trade is the best thing that could've happened for enslaved blacks worldwide. And that's the truth of it.

  13. Paul Kersey1:29 PM

    Hadiya Pendleton might be a symbol for Chicago's gun violence/gangland violence today, but the ongoing, "senseless" acts of Spontaneous Blackness in the Second City - which have taken the lives of many other honor students - is a reminder of the true legacy of the 'Great Migration'.

    This senseless, tragic killing is just another glimpse into the type of community black people have created in Chicago.

    It seems every couple of weeks or so, one of Chicago's rising 'honor students' is gunned down in an act of 'senseless violence', when it is really nothing more than a reflection of the type of community black people create. In the absence of whiteness, darkness fills the void.

    As the Chicago Tribune wrote 20 years ago after a 7 year old boy had been killed on his way to school:

    Taken as a whole, the list is a tragic novel of epic proportions. It is a tale of a society that-in its inability to perform a fundamental duty, the protection of its most vulnerable members-is yielding its claim to the term "civilization."

    Black people in Chicago are yielding the term "civilization" to the barbarism of their own devices, their own creation.

    Because black people are using guns to commit such vicious acts of terror in Chicago, the Obama Administration is hoping to convince Americans to willingly disarm themselves and scrap the Second Amendment -- of course, in 1982, Chicago did scrap the 2nd Amendment because the demographic changes in the city brought unprecedented levels of violence to the city.

    Black violence.

    And what better way to highlight the violence then by discussing the death of an 'honor student' like Hadiya Pendleton, whose limitless promise was snuffed out because white people in Arkansas want to be able to purchase guns without background checks.

    After all, Chicago is a city where the black population has made high school basketball games so unsafe, that only parents are allowed to attend the games. Civilization in Chicago? Please...

    Freedom has failed.

  14. Anonymous2:24 PM

    The last comment from the previous thread, which, "coincidentally" is Field happened to write his post about(THIEF):

    Anonymous said...
    From the sidebar:


    Field, Field, Field. Do you really think Obama would go to anything Black? To this very day, he has ignored Blacks to the extent that our peeps and the rest of the nation have accepted it as common practice by a President. That is, Obama has set precedence on how a President can ignore us and STILL GET THE VOTES.

    One might say that is a 'black' mark on the President's record, but it is not. Instead, it is a 'Black' mark on us! Hell, Obama hasn't had to do anything to get our votes. In fact, the more he mistreats our masochistic black asses, the more we love him. BTW, that is WHY we are powerless and ignored....We have no dignity.

    Field, why haven't you and the likes of PilotX, Dr Nuwang, Desert, and UTS joined the honorable and courageous ranks of Tavis Smiley and Cornel West? Are some of you FN folks that weak and afraid?

    9:39 PM
    Field, your posts the 'next' day or two continues to follow my comments. I am flattered but you need to be honest about it. At least give a h/t or shout out to the poster.

    I am constantly amazed by your sdlf
    -righteous judgments about Tavis and Cornel, which, COINCIDENTALLY, fit your self-centered WRONG BELIEFS. Have you ever considered that you might be wrong about Tavis and Cornel?

    One thing ALL Blacks can agree on: that Obama continues to ignore us. He hasn't said a damn thing nor done a damn thing for the Black race and won't during his Presidency.

  15. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Field, "I don't think that you can find 20 black people in America who believe Tavis. Of course he is mad because O didn't kiss his ring. And so are a lot of other traditional black folks in the civil rights establishment game. (I see you Cornel)"

    You are wrong on all counts. Tavis and Cornel are not alone...There are millions who stand with Tavis. And as Obama moves through his last term as 'President of ALL THE PEOPLE'(EXCEPT BLACKS), millions more will join Tavis.

    REMEMBER: It's not so much Tavis's motives. It's about the Truth...the 'truth' of what Obama has done for our race, which is NOTHING--which is a insult. On that, i.e., the Truth--Tavis and Cornel are doing the right and necessary thing.

    Your 'sidebar' explanation 'why' Tavis and Cornel are calling attention to what's happening to the black race is IRRELEVANT. What is RELEVANT is 'what' is ACTUALLY happening TO US, not what you 'think' or 'feel' might be happening.


  16. Deadeye and the good Doctor, we can agree to disagree on this one. I respect your opinions and somewhat agree with you that we need folks to call out O, but sorry, Tavis is not that dude.

  17. Dear Black America,

    we are a leaderless class of people. The black folks that you see today that self-describe themselves as a black leader are really nothing but legacy chasers. They have no intentions on doing anything about presenting your plight or conditions to the powers that be. Therefore, stop wishing or demanding that Halfrican Hobama, Al Sharpton, Benjamin Jealous, Melissa Harris-Perry, Eric Dyson, Eric Holder or any other self serving pimp like Tavis or West to act on your behalf. Besides, demands are usually put forth prior to an event (election), not after. We as a people haven’t had REAL leaders since the 1950 and 1960s. The last of our true leaders were Malcolm X, Dr. King, Rosa Parks, Huey P. Newton, Bobby Seale, Fred Hampton, Pete O’Neal, Geronimo Pratt, H. Rap Bown, Stokely Carmichael, Eldridge Cleaver, George Jackson, Angela Davis and a host of others deserving honorary praise that were literally willing to place themselves within the line of fire. Accept no substitute and do not be hood-winked,…..again! Do not accept those from academia turned political analyst for MSNBC or any other corporate owned media outlet to speak truth to our collective, historical grievances. Today’s so-called chatter leaders are not only politically impotent mutations of leaders, but in other ways as well.

    Our failure to ORGANIZE as a people, not those want to merely want to bask in hobama’s political glow is the reason why we collectively rest at bottom of the socio-economic cistern. We’re at the bottom of many social issues not because we want to be there, but because we’re not organized and there is a sustained counter effort on many levels to keep us from progressing and organizing as a people. It’s this way because Amerikkka is not only a freedom denying empire, (especially for blacks) but because of an abundance of fear of truly seeing black people as a sovereign group, governing themselves. This is why there is always a need to employ those from the so-called “black community”, (there is no such thing, it doesn’t exist) who are nothing but glitterati adorned, suit wearing, bobble-head, contemporary House Negroes. If you’d recall the people who I believe were true black leaders listed above, none of them capitulated to “the man” in an effort to merely give the appearance that our grievance are being considered.

    Therefore, I say to you: be suspicious of any black that works for the “the system” who are bought and paid for already. They cannot speak the truth to power when they are getting paid by the very system in some capacity.

    To further this theory, you don’t see MSNBC or CNN attempting to hire Louis Farrakhan as a political analyst. You didn’t see Fox News attempting to hire H. Rap brown as a Commentator prior to him getting arrested in 2000 for murder. In short, “the system” doesn’t hire black leaders that refuse to kowtow to their script and speak the truth. The house negroes listed above are the same people who’ve bent over in a serving position to the needs of the hiring authority. No names need to be mentioned here because there are plenty of these clowns walking around grinning for no apparent valid reason.

    In sum, organize, organize , organize!

  18. Sienna3:37 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    The idea that Blacks HAVE to be monolithic political thinkers is simply the dumbest thing I consistently hear about Black folks.

    But that's the whole theme of this blog, isn't it? Either you are on board with everything the democrat elites want and get to be a "Field Negro", or you have a differing opinion and you are a "House Negro".

    Tavis Smiley is not on board, he has to be isolated and marginalized.

    Ideological conformity is enforced in the black community with a ruthlessness bordering on psychotic. Liberalism has locked up the black population on their plantation better than any slave owner ever could. And for what?

  19. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Black Sage said...
    "Our failure to ORGANIZE as a people, not those want to merely want to bask in hobama’s political glow is the reason why we collectively rest at bottom of the socio-economic cistern"

    We have been organized, except it's been by Jews and for their socio-economic interests, not ours. Think about it.

  20. Woodrow3:50 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...
    I had hoped that once his place in history was sealed, he would adopt agendas more beneficial to the Black community. But clearly he realizes that if he does, congress would NEVER pass it.

    Given this FACT, the least he could do is pretend to past some pro-black agenda's. But that could very well get him killed given that he's had more death threats than ANY other President in history.

    Bush received many times the death threats Obama has. They even made a movie about killing Bush!

    And why should the President favor one group over another. Shouldn't he do what's best for everyone?

  21. Dr. Whitebama4:06 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    I had hoped that once his place in history was sealed, he would adopt agendas more beneficial to the Black community

    Um, Obama is President of the United States, not King of the Negroes.

    What do you want, 10% off your tax bill for every shade darker you are than Beyonce? Free McRibs? Automatic admission to medical school?

    The answer is no.

    You will have to pay your taxes like anyone else should you ever get a job, you will be charged $1.99 for each of the three McRibs you have for lunch every day, and you will never be a doctor.

  22. Anonymous4:13 PM

    "Have you ever considered that you might be wrong about Tavis and Cornel?"

    Like you were WRONG about me?

    Go sit 'yo self-aggrandizing, judgemental without all the facts, ass down somewhere!!! Field don't give a damn about a loon who comments without all the FACTS!


  23. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Wow! The comments today are smoking! Great points made by all!

    @Dr Whitebama: "$1.99 for each of the three McRibs"

    $1.99!!!!! Gottdamm!!!!! We have to pay 3.99 for that sucker over here! And alone not in combo!!!! Shiiiugar!!!

  24. Anonymous5:41 PM

    And the fish sandwich, which I love, I pay $3.29, alone!

    Shouldn't have said I love it, the price'll prolly go up now:(

    Snow and frost beginning to sound appealing.......

  25. The President appears to be afraid of his Praetorian Parade Guard:

    Take a close look at the M-14 rifles the Marines where carrying at Obama’s second inauguration. The bolts have been removed from the rifles rendering them unable to fire a round.

    Apparently Obama’s Secret Service doesn’t trust the USMC. Simply searching each guy to make sure he didn’t have a live round hidden on him wasn’t enough, they had to make sure the guns were inoperable. Remember all those times George Bush (miss him yet?) traveled to Iraq to meet the troops? Troops who had working rifles slung on their shoulders, with loaded magazines in pouches on their belt. I can’t recall ever seeing the troops with weapons in hand when Obama paid them a visit and after seeing this, if anyone can find such a photo, I’d have to bet that the bolt carriers had been removed prior to Obama’s arrival.

    It’s painfully obvious how much contempt Obama has toward the military and the feeling is mutual…and the Secret Service knows it too.

    From a purely symbolic perspective, this strikes me as a very last days of Rome motif. What sort of Commander-in-Chief doesn't trust the men he is commanding? And why doesn't he trust them?

  26. @Anonymous 3:41 said ……. We have been organized, except it's been by Jews and for their socio-economic interests, not ours. Think about it.

    Your response is exactly my point. If we’re being organized and political strings are being manipulated by the Jews, then WE, (We, being the operative word), ARE NOT ORGANIZED!

  27. Vox, I do miss W. I haven't had a good laugh in a long time.

  28. tavis has never lied about hobama!!!

    with all the global evil that hobama does

    u hobama nazis pretend that tavis is lying?


    that mlk loved wars and
    slaying poor people?

    that mlk loved joblessness and homelessness and global war/drones for oil gold and opium?

    cc africom/wwiii/ndaa etc

    u deaf blind soulless nigs are as demonic as your false hitlerish blackish satanic god hobama

    hobama did not send michelle to sandy hook

    cc chiraq!

    what a truly gd shame!!!

  29. only u racist blind hobama nazis slander ashford and simpson when u gaze at the fugly evil hobama and michelle

    those of us who see them clearly
    see hobama's hero ronny...and nancy raygun in blackface/covered with feces

    hobama's designer poverty is the new crack
    the PIC is the new contra war

    "just say no" =
    "stop whining u mongrels" =
    let them eat diet cake"


  30. only u racist blind hobama nazis slander ashford and simpson when u gaze at the fugly evil hobama and michelle

    those of us who see them clearly
    see hobama's hero ronny...and nancy raygun in blackface/covered with feces

    hobama's designer poverty is the new crack
    the PIC is the new contra war

    "just say no" =
    "stop whining u mongrels" =
    let them eat diet cake"


  31. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Thank Goodness there are other Black folk online who know the deal!

    Field: Before I take you to task for being wrong about the twenty, I want to thank you for having the courage for printing all of this glorious Black dissent! It's made my day! Oh, and Tom Joyner's as wrong as two left shoes, too!

    Add me to the Twenty! I was alone amongst my boys - all of us have graduate degrees and PhDs from elite universities - who was adamantly opposed to BHO from the VERY outset of his first term, as I was living in DC and witnessed, firsthand, then-candidate Obama, on day #1 of his declaration, snub the BLACK HARVARD LAW ALUMNI & Senator Emeritus Edward Brooke of Mass. YES! BHO refused to meet with each of them on day #1. What kind of candidate snubs such a vital part of his core constituency and should anyone want a job that requires them to snub their own? Furthermore, could one imagine Jews doing that to their own? When I weighed that with BHO singing genocidal mass murderer, through state sanctioned drug-pushing, Ronald "Iran Contra Affair" Reagan's praises, I knew he'd be no friend to Black people and, in fact, be just the opposite. Being that I had a gun put on my nose in 1980 and buried many friends as a result of drugs pushed in Reagan's America, as chronicled by Dark Alliance (whose Foreword is written by Maxine Waters), no way I would vote for someone who was an advocate of Reagan's. Thus, this formally trained political scientist stayed home from a presidential election for the very first time! Finally, this POTUS has snubbed Black folk like a republican and has completely governed as a moderate republican and many Blacks are simply willfully ignorant, deliberately uninformed and are in abject denial.

    In just one example, One of the most damaging things this POTUS has done to Black folk (bigger than not using his vaunted ground game to ensure democrats in governorships in Michigan and Wisconsin and keeping unions strong) was to facilitate the demise of the Libyan leader and former head of the Organization of African Unity [OAU] who was the ONLY real friend to Black Africa among the Arab countries. I'll expand on the potential importance, later.

    Lastly, any president who spouts/baits with "Yes We Can!" and dresses up as FDR for the covers of both Time and the New Yorker Magazines, only to turn around/switch and basically say, "No We Can't" by FAILING to leverage the republican "austerity measures" better known as BAILOUT and TARP for a more inclusive 2nd New Deal that also bailed out Main Street---while making $7 to $10 million off book sales and EXTENDING the Bush Tax cuts to ensure he'd keep every penny of it is, be honest, bruh, a (fill in the blank).

    Tell the truth and shame the devil!

  32. Anonymous4:09 PM

    Field: I'd like to ask Tom - how do you side with someone who simply appeared on the scene, a veritable nobody in 2003, who's ignored not only Chicago, but my hometown of Detroit since he's been in office? This POTUS now muses about establishing a legacy, but he blew that on day one (see aforementioned comment). What bigger way to establish a historical legacy than to channel FDR?

  33. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Field: They are a (fill in the blank) scoundrel...

  34. Anonymous10:49 PM

    Exactly! He's a dirty rotten scoundrel, but we Black folk, many of us, simply don't get it. However, I attended a presentation on Henrietta Lacks at the Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History, yesterday, in Detroit and I can assure you that many Black folk are starting to see this POTUS for just who he is, despite the racist opposition.

    Field: I have been excoriating the POTUS, like I've written, from day one, but, then, university-trained as I've been and working as an analyst within the beltway gave me a vantage point unlike most. He's cost me friends, especially after I said that Fanon was right. Only one of my boys has expressed buyer's remorse and conceded that I was right. So, how can you continue to rep this cat after what all you know? It's a shame that Tavis was left hanging by the silence of the Black Harvard Alumni and Sen. Emeritus Brooke (MA), as they were snubbed by this POTUS on day numero uno! What do you think, Field, of this news, this bombshell revelation, that must be a bit of a shock to you?

  35. Anonymous10:51 PM

    Field: No digga, no doubt!

  36. Anonymous11:01 PM

    Pariah, indeed. Oh, did you know that BHO even snubbed, around that time Black North and South Carolinians who had yet to receive assistance for, get this, Hurricanes Hugo and Andrews (yes, you've read correctly, but I cannot find the reference, presently)?

  37. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Can you tell me just what stopped this POTUS on Day #1 from telling, yes, telling the reTHUGlicans (during this historic game of chicken/leverage that FDR would've probably KILLED for) that the POTUS won't bailout Wall Street without, DOLLAR-FOR-DOLLAR, bailing out Main Street and more or less creating a 2nd New Deal, as well?

    I ask this as a Black man whose 87 year old mother was a recipient of the New Deal; who wouldn't have acquired a professional set of skills courtesy of FDR and probably wouldn't have moved across the country, met my pops and brought me into existence.

    Can you tell me why this POTUS didn't have his AG convene a Special Investigation to formally bring the Bush Cabinet up on War Crimes charges when the International Criminal Court in the Hague, Netherlands, the same place that charged the Nazis and Charles Taylor, has issued standing arrest warrants for the ENTIRE Bush Cabinet, just like Joseph Kony?

    Can you tell me why this POTUS's administration has yet to be bothered with pressing up the Saudis for some $20 trillion in financial recompense for the nosedive the U.S. Economy took as a result of 19 of their countrymen's role in 9/11?

    Can you tell me why this POTUS hasn't called for an audit of the Penta"con" when $6.6 Billion, IN CASH, was STOLEN, 30 foot stack by 30 foot stack, using wheel barrels and hilos, from the Green Zone (surely making it one of the greatest heists in U.S. History befitting its very own American Greed episode) under the Pentacon's auspice during Bush's WMD Iraq Fiasco (when, most embarrassingly, crazy ass teabagger, Rand Paul, has already done so?

    Is there anything worse than trying to defend the indefensible?

    While the above questions aren't rhetorical, I'll understand completely if you balk at answering the questions.

    Thus, of the democratic nominees, only Former NATO Commander, Ret. Gen. Wesley Clark was fit for the suicide mission that was and is the U.S. presidency.

  38. Anonymous1:49 AM

    Field: The answer to Dr. NUwang's conundrum should've been resolved by this POTUS on day one of his first term through a 2nd New Deal. Unfortunately, as chronicled by Matt Taibbi, in his Rolling Stone article, "The Real Housewives of Wall Street," and articulated by Tavis, as well, this POTUS committed the monumental error of putting monies earmarked for JOBS directly in the hands of reTHUGlican governors, which they (as well as my home state Democratic Governor, Granholm,) DELIBERATELY used for other things. This administration DID learn from this monumental, inexcusable error (given reTHUGlican history) and later, DIRECTLY, disseminated GPS tracking and listening devices many misidentify as a Government phone in exchange for information-gathering, database-compiling info that's achieving what the Census folk have been unable to accomplish.

    Another answer remains this POTUS passing a second stimulus through Executive Order, but he's using and threatening to use it on anything and everything but jobs; thus, keeping the ox carts (healthcare, gun control, cyber-crime/terrorism, etc.,) squarely ahead of the ox of JOBS.

    Do tell how Audacity and Hope has morphed into Timidity and Nope?

  39. Ok Anon, you make some interesting points. But ask yourself this question: What would the other guy have done?

  40. Anonymous3:17 PM


    Well, being privy to some conversations while residing in DC, I was aware of a wing within the Pentagon that wanted to go after the Saudis shortly

    after 9-11, which was why I was backing Gen. Wesley Clark. Just as Eisenhower (a republican, mind you, who actually ran on a peace platform in

    '57-'58 (See Also Thom Hartmann's, "Can republicans win presidential elections without treason & Fraud," on Youtube) shored up many of FDR's New

    Deal measures, as cited in Joan Walsh's work, "What's Wrong With White People: Why We Long For A Golden Age That Never Was?", Clark STILL represents

    the very best opportunity to resolve the outstanding issues that I raised via queries above that "Simon-the-Likeable (a reference to a "Get Smart"

    TV show character that you might not get if you're under 45)" or the Opportunist-in-Chief or, my personal favorite, the Bait-and-Switch-in Chief,

    has chosen to pusillanimously ignore in the name of political expedience necessary to weasel one's way to two terms. Thus, I'd like to think that

    Clark would've exhibited leadership and addressed those issues head on, but with WAY more support than this POTUS had. In fact, Clark wouldn't have

    been in the hip pocket of Wall Street and probably would've convened a Special Investigation into all of the Predatory Lending Mortgage fraud on

    Wall Street and sent some folk to jail. In closing, Clark would've exhibited leadership by holding Bush and Wall Street ACCOUNTABLE, whereas "Simon-

    the-Likeable" has not, cannot and will not.

    The only thing "Simon," this POTUS represents is time for Black folk to figure out QUICK where else in

    the world we can be, en masse and, with the rise of China, we actually have a friend with whom we can partner (for protection) as we move back

    through the Diaspora that can provide protection from the West (just attended a Chinese New Year (Year of the Snake)celebration where a lot of Black

    and Chinese folk commingled [I was gettin' my Mandarin on Nee HOW? Nee How MA?]) cuz these mutants won't take kindly to losing their NBA and NFL

    and moneymaking-world leading prison population!

  41. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Field: I'm sorry but Tavis was precisely the guy to call this POTUS out, precisely because he annually put on the State of Black America (and

    memorably buying out the lone Black-owned hotel, the Royal Palm in Miami on the beach, too!)and he

    at least put forth that Covenant---both of which are WAY more than this POTUS has done to date, yet, somehow this POTUS who didn't stand up to Joe

    "You Lie" Wilson and Jan "Finger-in-his-face" Brewer, and who insulted the CBC is somehow viewed as a leader---for what?????????????????????

    Why hasn't this POTUS, reppin' the Chi', no less, not called for a summit as a community organizer, NAH, a community LEADER might have done to

    address the outrageous crime that even outpaces us here in the D, despite us experiencing WAY more devastation and hardship? As you've pointed

    out, why didn't HE go to OUR beautiful daughter's funeral back home, who indeed looked like one if his daughters? Sometimes he's way beyond

    offensive that he is merely sad.

    Ultimately, My feelings for this POTUS, like Tiger Woods, are tempered by the fact that they are both no more than their mother's sons. And, if

    the hand that rocks the cradle rules the nation, then clearly, just as the Jews know that the mother, [(usually) the primary caregiver and culture-

    bearer], determines a child's Jewishness, neither are looking to rule OUR nation nor even be truly pivotal in making a meaningful and lasting

    difference within our collective.

    Once again, to date, Tavis has NOT embarrassed us and has shown he's more apart of a solution than this POTUS who couldn't even attend Ms.

    Henderson's funeral. Please help me to see different, Field, thanks!

  42. Anonymous4:55 PM

    @Black Sage

    You said, "we are a leaderless class of people, " and you cited, "Our failure to ORGANIZE as a people...", both of which are true because America

    kills and imprisons Black and Native American leaders (such as Leonard Peltier, of Wounded Knee) unlike any other place on the face of the Earth,

    which is why America reigns preeminent in tyranny and ruthlessness and, onerously leads the ENTIRE WORLD IN INCARCERATION.

    We've had the leaders we needed to have from whom we've vacillated during each civil rights cycle like a pendulum from assimilationist integrationist

    to Separatist Nationalist, respectively, and common sense, gleaned from all of the health disparities we face here unlike any other place in the

    world coupled with us being barely 13% of this population, but comprising over 60% of the 2.3 Million imprisoned, mandates that we update Garveyism

    and look to melt away into the Diaspora, especially to places within the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, Southern Africa [Ghana]), which represent

    the world's fastest growing economies. Additionally, it may bode us well to let go of nationalism, meaning full language acquisition and cultural

    immersion in the process and subsequently excising any vestiges of the ugly Americanisms that we many unwittingly cleave to.

    During Garvey's time, there was no Chinese superpower that could allow Africa to remain non-aligned and independent from the tyranny of the West, but

    now, can be a friend and protector from the West, from these creatures that intend nothing less than the genocide of our collective. Lastly, if Tina

    Turner can renounce her citizenship and former NBA ballplayer, Stephon Marbury, could spurn the New York Knicks invitation to return opting, as has

    Tracy McGrady, to go to China, then surely ordinary Black folk can plot their escape from these shores without the traditional structures of

    American-style bull's-eye-on-your-back Black Leadership. We may have to ORGANIZE as a group to coordinate and negotiate the terms of such an exodus,

    but, with being able to offer perspective locales massive revenue-generating sports leagues akin to the NFL and the NBA, it won't be impossible and,

    considering LeBron's mother, greatness can come from ANYWHERE, making everyone valuable. These conversations are taking place in Detroit, even

    amongst senior citizens in their 70s and 80s, believe it or not and they certainly need to be happening elsewhere, as well...

    certainly need to be had, elsewhere.

  43. Anonymous5:07 PM

    On the Democratic side, it's hard to imagine anyone doing worse than this president. Heck, Edwards was the ONLY candidate talking about helping the

    poor, which resonated with this Detroiter.

    There's an old saying that if you don't take care of the adults, then you're not gonna have to worry about the children---and mucking about or

    wasting political capital with healthcare by "nationalizing Romneycare" before insuring jobs via a second New Deal or Marshall Plan is a prime

    example. Did you see Benjamin Carson go off on yo boy the other evening? I need to check it out. It seems there's is a disagreement between fellow

    republicans, as nary a SINGLE PAYER OPTION is involved and Jim DeMint's uber conservative Heritage Foundation are still the architects. Thoughts?

  44. fn

    even as u slander tavis

    u cannot quote one lie he has told about hobama/poverty etc

    kudos to tavis!!!

    that bankster hobama has failed!!!!!!!

  45. Anonymous5:57 PM

    @Sista Banks

    I took the time to read your blog entry and while I don't disagree with your entries at all (actually, I agree with much of your work, especially,

    excoriating Tom for his betrayal of Tavis, who's speaking the pure, unvarnished truth, I would nonetheless implore you to reconsider the use of

    distorting his name by using the letters 'H' before his surname, as it's been popularized by his white detractors, who, unlike you, NEVER put any

    substantive analysis behind their critiques of him. As you can see by my above critiques of this POTUS, I am as adamantly opposed to BHO as one

    can be, but I simply will NOT allow what he's done to subvert my nature. Queen, while your beauty and passion cannot be denied, you besmirch them

    by using words leveled at him that these mutant humanoids deploy, making other Black folk on these pages less apt to peep what you're saying.

    Thus, I once again implore you to please reconsider using the language of mutants when referring to this POTUS, even though, as I've pointed out

    above, he, this president, is indeed a complete, out-and-out scoundrel, but we must not allow what all he's done---giving and dashing hope,

    amongst other things---to subvert who and what we are. So, while I feel your rage and share it, personally, deeper than I can communicate, here,

    we cannot make it make us look like less than the reasoned, human people that we are. These are just humble, sincere words from a fellow kindred

    spirit, who, heck, almost came to blows with several of the POTUS's supporters as Tavis and Cornel came to my city to speak and I sought to

    protect their ability to do so. We simply must be better than them.

  46. BARBBF6:29 PM

    Whatever Tavis says or does...or does not say...unlike Obama..he is not complicit in the deaths of more Africans than any US president in recent history

    “Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton appeared like ghoulish despots at a Roman Coliseum, reveling in their Libyan gladiators’ butchery.”

    Nearly eight months of incessant bombing by the air forces of nations that account for 70 percent of the world’s weapons spending, all culminating in the gang-bang slaughter of Moammar Gaddafi, his son Mutassim and his military chief of staff, outside Sirte. The NATO-armed bands then displayed the battered corpses for days in Misurata – the city that had earlier made good on its vow to “purge Black skin” through the massacre and dispersal of 30,000 darker residents of nearby Tawurgha – before disposing of the bodies in an unknown location.

    From Glen Ford, BlackAgendaReport

  47. Anonymous11:04 PM

    Preach, BARBBF!

  48. You know what, Field? President Obama gets a free pass with a HELLA lotta people because of his wife. And that includes the billions of Asians, Africans, and people of various colours. Which is, I suppose, as it should be. Just because some racist-ass white mufucks can't see our beauteous FLOTUS as anything but an African daughter of slaves, don't mean shit.

  49. Anonymous4:29 PM

    Obama's policies have done little for African-Americans. Tavis can get 20 people who believe him. I am one of them. We're fools jumping up and down for a man who ONLY gives us symbolism.

    I hope you post this and don't censor.

  50. Anonymous5:43 PM

    Field is the bomb because he doesn't censor, unlike Yahoo and The Root!

    As for the policies of the last four years, This Democrat-in-name-only [DINO], republican-governing POTUS has given us far more than just symbolism. The POTUS withholding his vaunted ground game from the Gubernatorial races in Wisconsin and Michigan, at least in Michigan, has only increased GREAT hardship in Detroit---with this governor taxing the pensions of the elderly. That most Black Detroiters remain staunch supporters, as this POTUS does absolutely nothing to rein in the Bank-owned blight, remains an unqualified mystery.

    I'm mystified why Tom Joyner would side with a POTUS whom Tom, himself, as well as Tavis have done more for Black folk. I mean, that this POTUS hasn't taken a direct role in stemming the gang violence in Chicago remains an indictment, any way we slice it. I can't even begin to characterize my frustration regarding Black folks continued support of him. I take that back. My mother's support of that other abject scoundrel, Creflo Dollar - that's on par, right there.

  51. Anonymous6:21 PM


    You are 100% correct!!!!! That's indeed what gave him a pass, but I predicted the nightmare that he's been: a moderate-republican governing POTUS---and he more or less admitted it to Univision, recently.

    Just like a good republican, he REFUSED to hold either Bush's Cabinet and/or Wall Street accountable for their crimes. MSNBC's "Hubris" is an indictment of this POTUS for flouting his primary responsibility in holding the prior criminal, murderous regime accountable, which makes him an accessory-after-the-fact, considering there are arrest warrants for the Bush regime issued by the International Criminal Court at the Hague. Regarding Wall Street, I'll never forget the director of "Inside Job," upon winning an Oscar simply stating, without thanking a soul: "And, still, no one has yet to go to jail!!!"

    This president has made one of my earliest childhood memories of sitting with my father, seeing his reel-to-reel tape recorder record to Watergate hearings a complete mockery. As such, saying that I despise him with every pore of my being is not a stretch. I'm glad that my father, a proud, Georgia Field Negro of the first order is not around to see this sorry, pathetic individual who looks like us, but truly is NO MORE than his mother's child. Someone amongst us should be ashamed of him sitting as Mother Rosa sat or gracing a shirt with Malcolm and Martin when he couldn't even stand up to Joe "You Lie!" Wilson, Jan "Finger-in-his-face" Brewer or submitting his "Long Form Birth Certificate" at the behest of the Orange Orangutang, Trump. I cannot help but wonder am I the only one outraged by this fraud who will nonetheless pocket $7 to $10 mil from book sales as his ONLY real legacy upon leaving office?
