Sunday, February 10, 2013

"Going back to Cali"? Or did he ever leave?

Oh lawd! That "Uncle L" looking Negro out in L.A. is in trouble now. They have a million dollar bounty on his head. His days on the run might be numbered. There is nothing that motivates Americans to become good citizens like money. His own mama would turn him in if she knew where he was. I sure hope, for his sake,  that he doesn't have any friends, because that million dollar bounty just changed the nature of that friendship.

"The reward comes on the fourth day of a manhunt for Dorner, who has left Southern California on edge after he allegedly went on a killing spree last week to avenge his firing from the police force. Dorner outlined his grievances in a 6,000 word so-called "manifesto" and said he will keep killing until the truth is known about his case.

Dorner's threats have prompted the LAPD to provide more than 50 law enforcement families with security and surveillance detail, Beck said.
Authorities are chasing leads, however they declined to say where in order to not impede the investigation.

Dorner's burned-out truck was found Thursday near Big Bear Lake, a popular skiing destination located 80 miles northeast of Los Angeles.
Investigators found two AR-15 assault rifles in the burned-out truck Dorner abandoned, sources told ABC News."

A six foot 200 plus pound Negro in the snow and mountains near Big Bear Lake and they still can't find him? *shaking head* If you are a citizen of Southern California this cannot make you feel good. To make matters worse they are acting more like "Keystone Kops" with every passing day. Now there is the report that they shot at another innocent citizen who was just going about his own business. No wonder some of their fellow cops who are on Dorner's hit- list are afraid to leave their house.

"David Perdue was on his way to sneak in some surfing before work Thursday morning when police flagged him down. They asked who he was and where he was headed, then sent him on his way.

Seconds later, Perdue's attorney said, a Torrance police cruiser slammed into his pickup and officers opened fire; none of the bullets struck Perdue.

His pickup, police later explained, matched the description of the one belonging to Christopher Jordan Dorner — the ex-cop who has evaded authorities after allegedly killing three and wounding two more. But the pickups were different makes and colors. And Perdue looks nothing like Dorner: He's several inches shorter and about a hundred pounds lighter. And Perdue is white; Dorner is black.

"I don't want to use the word buffoonery but it really is unbridled police lawlessness," said Robert Sheahen, Perdue's attorney. "These people need training and they need restraint." [Source]

Mr. Perdue might as well head over to Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles because he is now officially earned his black card.

Anyway, right now I am watching the Grammy Awards show on television and there is LL Cool J hosting it.

Honestly, if you ask me, I think that Negro has a death wish.


  1. Officer Doorknob8:46 PM

    "I don't want to use the word buffoonery but it really is unbridled police lawlessness," said Robert Sheahen, Perdue's attorney. "These people need training and they need restraint."

    Well, you can't evwerything, can you? Either you have a mostly white police force that gets called racist, or you get a bunch of affirmative action hires that go around shooting up the wrong pick up trucks.

    What's more important, competence or equality?

  2. Anonymous8:55 PM

    Who LL or Dorner:D

    But seriously, omg, he does look like him...

    BTW, I think he's holed up underground somewhere,because he's obviously been preparing for this for quite some time now. It takes a long time to write out a manifesto that long.

    Or he's already killed himself.

  3. Mama Dorner9:01 PM

    "They have a million dollar bounty on his head."

    Is that dead or alive? This dude is too dangerous to try to catch, but I'd consider a head shot for a million bucks.

  4. NSangoma10:27 PM


    2 in custody in connection to Chicago teen's death

    CHICAGO (AP) — Two men were taken into custody Sunday as "persons of interest" in the fatal shooting of a 15-year-old Chicago girl [Hadiya Pendleton], a Chicago police spokeswoman said.

    Chicago Police Department spokeswoman Melissa Stratton said the two men, ages 18 and 20, were taken into custody early Sunday morning and are being questioned. She said no charges have been filed.


  5. Officer Doorknob said …….What's more important, competence or equality? (When referring to the racial makeup of LAPD).

    Wow, this is one of the most asinine statements I’ve ever seen someone post. When LAPD beat the crap out of Rodney King in 1991, the police department was 61 percent white. Is this the competence you’re referring to, Mr. Doorknob? Furthermore, there wasn’t one brown or black face pummeling Mr. King with their baton either. Are you telling me that white officers are inherently imbued with an abundance of competence and therefore have a monopoly on this characteristic? Huh!

  6. Glad you find humor in this story, field. Speaks volumes.
    Funny, I don't, "hope" anything "for his sake."

  7. Anonymous11:33 PM

    Rihanna looked so beautiful with that red dress! Spectacular!

  8. the lapd has re-opened his case

    so maybe cd is not so crazy as

  9. Wesley R11:53 PM

    I don't think this will be the last story of someone who has been in the service snapping.

  10. Anonymous1:51 AM

    $1million? Get real. That won't get a response from no one:

    Whites aren't going to mess with that Negro, he's just too angry and dangerous. But maybe some KKK and skinheads will team up and go after him. They have the weapons and the skills to do it when it comes to Blacks.

    Negroes aren't going to do shit. They never have done shit so don't think they are going to moved by this shit. Hell, Negroes would rather try the Lottery than go looking for Dorner in those cold-ass snow-packed mountains with bears and mountain lions roaming around.

    I don't know about the LAPD. They just seem dirty and now Dorner has exposed them in many ways-- including incompetence.

  11. Anonymous1:56 AM

    Field, you have an ignorant troll by the name of Black Sage that needs to be excluded from this blog. He is just too damn stupid to make a sensible comment.

    His name belies who he really is. But then again, most uncle toms are too dumb to know who they are. Lawd have mercy that Negro is lost.

  12. He's a goner, if there's one thing the LADP can do is kill negroes.

  13. Hey Field, do you think we'll finally get a Yawdie Pope now? 'Pope Gladstone the 1st', or something?

    I bet the Vatican are pissed he didn't quit a month ago when Pep Guardiola was still available.

  14. Anon@1:56 said ……. Field, you have an ignorant troll by the name of Black Sage that needs to be excluded from this blog. He is just too damn stupid to make a sensible comment.

    Hahaha, be a man or woman, transvestite, homosexual or perhaps RuPauls's brother, but don't engage in simplistic, childish name calling when you're not even strong enough to stand behind your own name or at least a pseudonym. You may exit the closet now, I promise you, I won't bite, therefore, don’t be scuurrd! (country grammar). It’s obvious that I place an abundance of fear in your heart without even being in your face.

    If you’re unable to stand your ground on the porch with the big dogs, I suggest that you leave and do not return, MR. ANONYMOUS, making a vitriol post at damn near 2:00am in the morning!

    By the way, learn how to punctuate your sentences!

  15. NSangoma8:08 AM


    Hindu holy men, be smoking that ganja!

    Ganja - Sanskrit, Hindi for hemp, marijuana, hashish.


  16. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Is anybody interesting on what dorners agrievance are.hell migt have just cause

  17. Stupid Idea to offer $1,000,000 reward,,,
    Now "Free KFC for Life!"????
    Sheeeee-ittt....Oprah would turn his Fat Black Ass in...


  18. Officer Doorknob9:56 AM

    Black Sage said...
    "Are you telling me that white officers are inherently imbued with an abundance of competence and therefore have a monopoly on this characteristic"

    Do I really have to tell you? Why do you think we need affirmative action in the first place?

    Competence is relative. Lower your standards too far and you get cops shooting up the wrong make pickup trucks.

    And as regards the good old days of a white-majority police force, the LAPD should have beaten the black out of Rodney King's ass after what he did.

  19. Anonymous11:36 AM

    The problem with the reward is that whoever assists and claims it better be THE most upstanding citizen on earth. Because they'll prolly turn around and arrest him as an accomplice just to not have to pay the reward! Lol!

    What we need here is 'Dr.King Schultz and Django bounty hunters USA!


  20. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Officer Doorknob said...
    And as regards the good old days of a white-majority police force, the LAPD should have beaten the black out of Rodney King's ass after what he did.

    So doorknob, you advertising that every MAN gets a turn, you nasty hick?

    And the phrase is beat the Black OFF OF NOT out of, even your stupid ass should know that no one is "Black" on the inside!!



  21. The good old days of the LAPD? You mean the klanners without robes? Yeah, good times.

  22. Dr. Fuhrman1:41 PM

    Ms. Dairy Queen bejabbered...
    "And the phrase is beat the Black OFF OF NOT out of, even your stupid ass should know that no one is "Black" on the inside!!

    Beating the black OFF is what you do for crack money, honey.

    And I'll bet you are pretty black on the inside by now.

    The stupid apparently runs too deep to beaten OUT of your big black ass.

    You will never be a doctor.

  23. PilotX said...
    The good old days of the LAPD? You mean the klanners without robes? Yeah, good times.

    I'll bet those poor ladies out delivering papers who got their truck shot up wish the LAPD was whiter.

  24. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I am depressed. Why? Because lately we have a troll by the name of Black Sage who is no sage. He is such a phony. Phony Negroes are sooo depressing.

    It's a bitch being Black in America AMONG Blacks like that phony black so-called black sage. Please ban his butt from FN. He is such an embarrassment.

  25. charlie manson5:08 PM

    Dorner...Alive or Dead?

    It's tough to last long in the cold without a lot of preparation and equipment, and even if someone's done the prep-work and has the equipment, it's got to be carried into the woods, or wherever.

    With people on your trail, people who might be approaching you after you fall asleep, the paranoia builds, and this clown was seriously paranoid before he began his murder spree.

    How long can can he elude his pursuers before exhaustion gets him? Maybe a week.

    However, Dorner seems to have a cheering section, just like OJ. So, maybe, just maybe, he's pulled off an Osama bin Laden and been given a friendly place to hole up.

    Osama may have been in Abbotabad for close to 10 years. Seems certain he was there at least six years, all while US forces criss-crossed Afghanistan looking for him.

    Maybe he got a buddy to drop off the truck and torch it? Why torch the truck? It's irrelevant with respect to the murders.

    Best bet is to check the homes of everyone he knows. Is there a woman crazy enough to hide him?

  26. Anonymous6:00 PM

    Some of the comments sadden me about the LAPD. They are an honorable and honest organization. Today, they are completely integrated, very diverse and have POC in their higher ranks. You just didn't see them in the video or on TV. This was for political reasons.

  27. "Best bet is to check the homes of everyone he knows. Is there a woman crazy enough to hide him?"

    Queen would do anything to get a man.

  28. "Best bet is to check the homes of everyone he knows. Is there a woman crazy enough to hide him?"

    But would she pass up a million?

    I doubt it.

  29. Anonymous7:59 PM

    Field, "But would she pass up a million?

    I doubt it."

    Field, Field, Field. Where is your 'faith' in our women? Black women are very loyal. No amount of money will make them betray their man.

  30. "Queen would do anything to get a man."

    And apparently so will you, Mr. Doorknob!

  31. I went to Big Bear Lake earlier this year. April, I think. The weather was overcast and sprinkling in LA. I got halfway up that damn hill and had to turn back. And people drove like maniacs up the side of that mountain. It was unreal. I can't imagine what it must be like in February.

  32. Anonymous12:19 AM

    Field: Reading the late Johnnie Cochran's book on O.J., wherein he spent maybe 80% of the book laying out just how truly grimy the LAPD, especially, its infamous Rampart division, as well as the late Ronald "Iran Contra Affair" Reagan, was very sobering and makes it easy to believe that many Black folk there in and around LA who remember that in May of 1966, Cochran represented a young black man named Leonard Deadwyler was shot dead by police as he tried to rush his pregnant wife to the hospital. In other words, it isn't entirely inconceivable that some may harbor him, but I believe that he's in Mexico. As someone who sports a baldy, has a nose identical to Dorner's, is 6'0", but a svelte 210, I'm certainly glad I'm not in LA. I do wonder if LL's nervous as well as anyone who rocks a similar look?

  33. This is a sad day when two Afrikans who came via the same slave route(water) cannot get along
    No we may not agree on all things but there must be unity, or slavery by another name
