Wednesday, February 27, 2013

"Those who ignore history are bound to repeat it."

Don't look now, but key provisions of the 1965 Voting Rights Act are about to be struck down by the supremes. This, of course, is not big news to many of you Negroes in America; you are all way too busy having fun to care.

I won't bore you with a bunch of inside baseball and lawyer talk, but the bottom line is this: There is a section of the Voting Rights Act which requires certain states -with a bad history when it comes to treating us black folks as equals- to get a preclearance from the feds before they can do any funny stuff with voting procedures in their states. Now a County in one of those states is suing because they didn't like how Congress renewed key provisions of the law a few years back. That's pretty much it in a nut shell.

"Shelby County’s lawyer Bert Rein argued that Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act – which Congress renewed for another 25 years in 2006 – is unconstitutional because the formula used to determine which states are covered is outdated – based on voter turnout and registration data from 1972.

The blatant racial intimidation and discrimination in voting procedures that prevailed in states such as Alabama when the law was written in 1965 and renewed in 1970, 1975, and 1982, no longer exist, the county says."


Not only does it still it exist, it has expanded to other states such as Pistolvania.

Anyway, it's not looking good for Section 5 of the Act, because those conservative judges and their boy Stephen actually seemed to be mocking the very idea of the law. (Well, not Stephen, he never talks, but we all know how he is going to vote.)

One Judge actually called it a "perpetual racial entitlement". Huh?

"It’s an old disease,” Justice Stephen G. Breyer said of efforts to thwart minority voting. “It’s gotten a lot better. A lot better. But it’s still there.”

Not only "there"; it's everywhere.

Finally, if this next story doesn't stop you Negroes from sneaking into movies I don't know what will.  You all really need to stop doing what you see white folks do. They can get away with this kind of crap. You Negroes on the other hand, not so much.

"Lendsey and Delilha Harbin ... are facing felony theft charges for allegedly “movie-hopping” last Saturday night at a Portage, Ind., multiplex. The couple is accused of paying to see only one film, then sneaking in to another without paying another admission fee, according to The Smoking Gun.

Reportedly, the hitched pair sprung $6.75 to see the new Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson film, “Snitch,” but when they exited the movie and snuck in to the zombie thriller “Warm Bodies,” they failed to pay.

Two off-duty policemen were moonlighting as security at a nearby IMAX theater and just happened to be standing outside when “Snitch” was letting viewers out. One officer reportedly remembered Lendsey’s bright attire when he first entered theater No. 13, where “Snitch” was playing, and then noticed that the man was nowhere in sight. The second officer thought he had seen the Harbins previously “sneak in to movies without paying.”

The officer reportedly decided to search for the Gary, Ind., duo and found them in another theater waiting for the film “Warm Bodies” to begin. When the law enforcers asked the couple to produce their stubs for the second movie, they could not but admitted to police that they had previously snuck in to movies at the multiplex at least three or four times prior.

When further pressed, they also confessed they had been to a funeral earlier in the day and were not in their right minds.

The Harbins’ excuses apparently fell on deaf ears and they were taken in to custody and placed in a county jail. The pair were later released on their own recognizance." [Source]

Oh lawd! I think I am going to have to stop slipping those munchies into Mrs. Field's handbags. I kid, I kid.

Anyway, at the end of the day, it's the theaters that ought to be charged with a felony for robbing patrons with those outrageous prices for their nasty ass nachos and popcorn.



  1. Thank you. They don't make money on tickets anyway.
    I was also wondering what your take was on the VRA. Do you think if it does go away it'll hurt voter participation or make more people actually go out and vote like in FLA? I think it may not be as bad as it seems.

  2. Anonymous9:39 PM

    Oh lawd! I think I am going to have to stop slipping those munchies into Mrs. Field's handbags. I kid, I kid.
    Seeee,the women have to carry the loot! Nice, very nice!


  3. Anonymous10:04 PM

    Sherrilynn Ifill was giving some good info on how Sect 5 was used to thwart voter suppression measures in FLA that kept them from changing the hours on early voting etc. None of the pundits seemed to think that there was anything remotely positive to come out of this attack, as section 5 also combats attempts at gerrymandering (they cited Alabama, most recently).

    Contextualizing the gutting of VRA within this, the WORLD'S LEADING INCARCERATOR, speaks to a repression and tyranny that not only puts China and Russia to shame, but makes the empire, officially, a democracy in name-only. Said in Keith Olbermann's voice: "The worst place in the world!"

  4. Wesley R10:13 PM

    The black media needs to do an all out assault on Clarence Thomas for the rest of his time on The Court. When conservatives try sticking up for him, do what Keith Ellison did to KKKlanity. Go at them like 'we aren't even try to hear your bull'.

    Scalia thinks that the only people who have a 'right' to vote are White Conservative Men. It's an entitlement for everyone else. This is the court who gave us George W. Bush. For the Obama haters, if the Surpreme Court had not cheated to put Bush in, Obama would not be President today.

  5. Anonymous11:00 PM

    dear brother PilotX, what does VRA stand for, and is it really that important to us? I mean, our folks never really cared about voting. So, after Obama leaves office who in the black community will give a shit?

    1. Grab a handle and stick around and then we can chat.

  6. Anonymous11:09 PM

    In the previous thread, Black Sage said,

    "What you should more importantly be asking is: Why is it that Amerikkka has such a high propensity for control not only mere individuals, but an entire nation? Is it because this is what makes the collective white population across the globe feel good about themselves?"

    7:51 PM
    Black Sage, you obviously don't understand human nature. If you did you would understand that you can only give so much freedom to people. Otherwise, they will go crazy with abuse. They 'must' be restricted from acting out their selfish self-centered human nature. That's why nations have laws: to protect people from themselves.

    YOU of all people should know this, considering you live in the hood. Shit, most of the time it isn't safe to stand on the front porch without someone taking a shot at you. Have you heard of the hell Chicago Blacks are living in? And that's a city where guns are outlawed. That gives you a good idea why we need more policemen, military and CONTROL.

    Wake up, man!

  7. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Brother Field, I have looked through the archives for the past 25 years, and I haven't been able to find a photo of the one you have posted. Did you fabricate this picture? What the hell does it mean?

  8. Anonymous11:20 PM

    There's been some negative talk about my man Kayne. He is right in his views about JZ and the President....end of story.

  9. The main problem with Negroes today is that the vast majority of them are not conscience; slumbering blindly within a racist political system that has rendered their voting power impotent, precarious and impermanent. WAKE UP NEGROES!

    Additionally, Halfrican Hobama is not going to do any thing for you as Negroes either. Why? Well, he's overwhelmingly too busy chasing his legacy and sopping for conservatives.

    Politics is war without bloodshed, and war is politics with bloodshed. - Fred Hampton (Black Panther)

  10. control+halt+delete12:46 AM

    It's amazing to me that one of the justices asked if racism was worse in the north or south. If this act was designed to remedy discrimination and if kkkennedy acknowledges racism in both the north and south. It only follows that Black President or not, we're not there, yet. I would also hope he recommends congress expand it because it has become outdated.

  11. "This is the court who gave us George W. Bush. For the Obama haters, if the Surpreme Court had not cheated to put Bush in, Obama would not be President today. "

    That's an interesting take on our history.

    "The main problem with Negroes today is that the vast majority of them are not conscience; slumbering blindly within a racist political system that has rendered their voting power impotent, precarious and impermanent. WAKE UP NEGROES!"

    Easy Sage, you know some of us love our sleep.

    "Brother Field, I have looked through the archives for the past 25 years, and I haven't been able to find a photo of the one you have posted.."

    Keep looking, you will see some in color soon.

  12. To ANNON 11;13pm, That picture is from a time before "25 years ago". That picture and hundreds more arr imprinted in my memory bank. Just like a lot of people having the 10+ years 9-11 imprinted in their minds/psychics. Their response about those scenes are the same as mine for the pictures I saw and was in.Get a copy of EBONY or Jet magazine during the 60s. This is the history that Blacks have turned their backs on. The white man"s milk whiter than anybody else"s

  13. Frustrated Negro10:42 AM

    (Formerly Known as "Feld Negro")

    You forgot this part....

    Additionally, Halfrican Hobama is not going to do any thing for you as Negroes either. Why? Well, he's overwhelmingly too busy chasing his legacy and sopping for conservatives.

    Just to make sure you know ...

    His oneness will not lift a finger regarding this Rouge political activist judge....

    He will blame republicans.....

  14. Black Super Genius11:03 AM

    "That's an interesting take on our history."

    No, that is a distorted view of history. The Supreme Court stopped the democrats from cheating to win the 2000 election, something that inspired the democrats to up their cheating game. They will not let a fair election happen again.

    Black Stain is right to the extent that George Bush was so bad it allowed the media to elect the Obamanation. But it was massive voter fraud that got him re-elected.

  15. Anonymous11:06 AM

    Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.

    Those girls should have been beaten for stealing from that movie theater. It's for their own good. If you don't teach black people limits, they revert to savagery.

  16. Anonymous11:38 AM

    you negroes are stupid fucks because your boy bongo could give a shit about bush was a better president to negroes than negroes are the biggest racists in america today.we need voter i.d. laws to keep negroes and national socialist democrats from voting more than once.i do agree with you that those two who went in to see another movie should never beed detained by the shit head cops.

  17. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Just wanted to add a comment about something that was said about Puerto Rico in tha comments from the last post.

    Puerto Rico is a commonwealth of the US and is strategically located on the global map which makes for an ideal satellite military base.

    Not mooching federal monies, as we are very hardworking and produce professionals in every field.

    The island is an integral and necessary part of the defense and military of the United States.

    Not to mention all the Boricua blood that has been shed on foreign soil proudly fighting for our America.

    Thank you.

  18. Bull Connor12:08 PM

    That picture reminds me of an old joke:

    Q: Why does a police dog lick his butthole?

    A: To get the taste of negro out of his mouth.

    LOL. That was a real knee-slapper, back in the day.

  19. Anonymous2:04 PM

    A Black Panther Forever, "To ANNON 11;13pm, That picture is from a time before "25 years ago". That picture and hundreds more arr imprinted in my memory bank."

    Brother Panther, I hear you. I think you might be exaggerating a bit, but I am not denying that 'something' did happened more than 25 years ago that worked against us. But it was no worse then than today.

    Brother Panther said, "This is the history that Blacks have turned their backs on. The white man"s milk whiter than anybody else"s"

    If what you say actually was that bad, then why aren't we taught about it? Are our black historians and teachers that ashamed, self-hating and non-supporting of our history?

    Maybe a sub-title of this post should have read:


  20. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "Brother Field, I have looked through the archives for the past 25 years, and I haven't been able to find a photo of the one you have posted.."

    Keep looking, you will see some in color soon.

    5:22 AM
    LOL. I love your jokes.

  21. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Wesley R said...

    The black media needs to do an all out assault on Clarence Thomas for the rest of his time on The Court. When conservatives try sticking up for him, do what Keith Ellison did to KKKlanity. Go at them like 'we aren't even try to hear your bull'.

    All Keef did was publicize that even though you are an elected official you might still be a loud disconnected low iq nation of islam idiot. It was almost embarrassing to see such a thing acting like a dumbass loud brother on the streets....No- you are....nah..nah..nah if this is the best you wonder.

  22. Auster3:28 PM

    Michelle Obama's appearence at the Oscars, flanked by Armed Service members used as props, was absolutely stunning. First, the President’s wife delivering the Academy Award for Best Picture; second, doing it from the White House; and third, doing it accompanied by Armed Service members. The lowering of the United States to the gaudiest level of pop culture is complete. The Obamas are saying that America is their toy to play with. This is what happens when you put in charge of the country blacks and leftists who are deeply hostile to it.

    America lies dead and prostrate under imperial-style rulers who despise it, who seek to bring it down as far as possible, namely to their own gaudy-celebrity level, and who get great pleasure from doing so. At the bottom of the cult of self-esteem is hatred of one’s society, hatred of the world.

  23. White people primarily use guns for defensive purposes (or purchase them with defensive scenarios in mind), while black people are in favor of gun control because blacks use guns for offensive purposes – such as for committing robberies, rapes, car-jacking, home invasions, or murders.

    Thus, white people are against gun control: disarming white people means they become potential targets for those same crimes black people – who use guns primarily for offensive action – commit disproportionate to their percentage of the overall US population.

    There is gun violence in our cities, because black people are responsible for said gun violence.

    The data doesn’t lie.

    Statistics don’t lie.

    You want to stop the gun viloence? Then there should be gun control for black people.

  24. parvenu4:23 PM

    Hey Field, doind a double sneak peek at the movie complex always enters my mind when I walk onto the concourse to where my movie is playing.

    I noticed that the movies with black themes or starring actors (like Washington or Perry) are always playing on the theater screen at the far back end of the hall. So as I walk past the screens of all those other movies it always comes to mind why couldn't I just go into another movie and take a seat as I walk back down the hall on my way out? They don't have ushers at the doors checking tickets so who would know the difference. However most of the time these other movies have had absolutly no interest for me, so it has made it easy for me to maintain my continuous record of honorable behavior.

    I bet this goes on a lot at most multi-screen complexes but the owners of these theaters most likely believe it is still cheaper to let a few "cheats" see a free movie than it would be to hire a bunch of new employees just to stand at each theater door and check tickets.

  25. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Blogger field negro said...

    "This is the court who gave us George W. Bush. For the Obama haters, if the Supreme Court had not cheated to put Bush in, Obama would not be President today. "

    That's an interesting take on our history.


    That's embarrassing, on a certain level, but oh so true.

    Who knew that America would turn around and unwittingly elect a scoundrel after the War Criminals that constituted the Bush Cabinet and said scoundrel's refusal to convene a Special Investigation into the War Profiteering and outright plunder of the U.S. Treasury of the Bush Administration (not to mention Wall Street) makes this President an Accessory, After-the-Fact, period. I guess the $10 million that he's pocketed since he's been in office has made it all worth it.

  26. Anonymous11:53 PM


    Will take that under advisement, although I do find it easier to relentlessly rip into mutants without one. The good doctor's advised me to do so as well. My problem is that if I do that, then, I'll probably spend more time here than I should, lol. Your handle makes me think of the Tuskegee Airmen and the movies of them, one of which with Fishburne that I've seen just Monday. It was an okay flick.

  27. ditto

    this is why hobama is a disgrace to mlk and abe l etc

    cc hobama

    and hitler/ndaa/wwiii/civil war ii etc

  28. that bankster hobama is the liar/sequesterer in chief

    who created the game he is coaching


  29. Anonymous10:08 AM

    The police shouldn't even be involved in a situation where people are movie-hopping! Unless the person is becoming belligerent or violent, they should be told to either pay up or leave. It's commonsense. It's just like cops coming to elementary schools to arrest children under age 10 for school yard fights or stealing. It's ridiculous! And as a white woman even I can see that it happens more often to black children & adults. As a country we should be ashamed that these types of things still occur!
