Thursday, February 28, 2013

The last day of Black History Month.

I am sure that if someone had the cajones to ask if it was such a good idea to publish the recent cover of the Bloomberg Business Week magazine he would have been laughed out of the room by the rest of his lily white colleagues.

This is what happens when you live in a homogeneous racial bubble, you tend to do stupid s**t.

Now that the cat is out of the sheets we are getting all kinds of regrets from the main actors in this latest American racial faux- paus.

"Bloomberg Businessweek is taking a beating from critics who say the magazine's recent cover—featuring a cartoon illustration of what appears to be a black family rolling in cash from a housing rebound—is racist.

"Our cover illustration got strong reactions, which we regret," Josh Tyrangiel, Bloomberg Businessweek's editor in chief, said in a statement to Yahoo News. "If we had to do it over again, we'd do it differently." 

Poor Josh. Josh, this is why you need to be like the people on those commercials
and get yourself a black friend. Your black friend would have told you that this wasn't cool. (Well, unless your black friend happened to be a HN like this guy. I see you JC, way to jig for Mr. Charlie when he wants to put down another brotha.)

"The Feb. 25 cover depicts the cash-grabbing family members as stereotypical caricatures inside a two-story pink home above the headline "The Great American Housing Rebound."

"Flips. No-look bids. 300 percent returns," the subhead reads. "What could possibly go wrong?"

"The claim that minorities are creating a housing bubble through flipping, no-look bids, and 300% returns is simply not reality," Jacob Gaffney wrote on "Flipping is a form of fraud and not a typical transaction. No-look bids are not exclusive to Hispanic and African-American investors. No one is making a 300% return."

"Businessweek Warns That Minorities May Be Buying Houses Again," Matthew Yglesias wrote on"

"This is a common refrain among [right] wingnuts and conservatives: the housing crisis was the minorities fault. Businessweek was just playing along with the narrative. Let's just forget about the fact that it was the big banks in America and their greedy enablers who allowed this all to go down.

Finally, I hate to bring this story to you on the last day of Black History Month, but today my racism chase takes me to Kentucky.

"After tagging Cordia (Hazard, Ky.) High players Emmanuel Owootoah and Marlon King -- both Canadian transfers of Caribbean descent -- in Facebook and Twitter posts featuring a burning flag and a noose hanging over the oh-so-creative phrase "[Expletive] Canada," Knott County Central (Hindman, Ky.) High students began chanting "USA!" prior to a district championship game between the two schools on Friday, according to reports published on and (h/t Big Lead).

They should have better class than that, man," Owootoah told after dropping 24 points in a 66-60 loss to their rivals 20 miles down the road. "But at the same time, I thought it was funny. I don't let stuff like that get to my head."

The Knott County Central principal told LEX 18 News the chants are "open to interpretation," since his school's mascot is the Patriots. Good one. The principal knows only of one student who was involved and says the taunting goes both ways between the schools. OK, then. Nothing to see here, I guess.
But what about the fact that Eduardo and Jessica Flores, who serve as guardians to both Owootoah and King, have bullet holes in their back door, a smashed mailbox and report "repeated" attacks on the children, according to the report?

Might want to address those issues instead of trying to bury them under a rug by claiming the least egregious of all the acts -- the "USA!" chants -- are "open to interpretation." Especially since the teams may meet again with a regional title on the line this week.

Not a good look, especially since the University of Kentucky has scouted Owootoah. He might think twice about the Wildcats, even if the acts of a select number of folks from Hindman don't reflect the opinions of most other Kentuckians.

Likewise, as the Big Lead notes, No. 1 national recruit in the Class of 2013 Andrew Wiggins is expected to choose between Kentucky and his father's alma mater, Florida State. Wiggins is both black and Canadian." [Source]
Yes, just keep teaching those kids how to be racists and xenophobes and our republic will be just fine.



  1. Black Angus8:08 PM

    Field Negro: "the housing crisis was the minorities fault."

    I think you are being too harsh on minorities, Field. Everyone wants to own their home. You shouldn't blame people who were just trying to take advantage of an opportunity to better themselves. The fault lies with the government, who forced banks to ignore underwriting standards and to increase lending to minority applicants, whether or not they could really afford it.

    It was no risk to to the banks, who could pocket the origination fees and just pass the shaky loans off to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae. The Democrats running Freddie and Fannie didn't care, because they had ACORN funnelling CRRA program money back to the party and were personally getting rich off the whole deal (look up Franklin Raines or Jamie Gorelic).

    The Bush administration, initially all-in on cheerleading minority home ownership, eventually tried to enforce some restraint on the program, but Barnie Frank and CBC had a tantrum declaring that there "was no problem" with the CRRA.

    It all worked out great for the Democrats, who managed to pin the collapse of their boondoggle and the resultant financial crisis on G.W. Bush, and thus pave the way to get a community organizer who had worked with ACORN with zero professional accomplishments and name like a terrorist elected President.

    It didn't work out so great for all those people who were given mortgages that they couldn't afford, and wound up losing everything, or for the rest of us, who lost jobs and investments saved over a lifetime. And now the Community Organizer in Chief wants to do it all over again, counting on the fact that if he could fool people into blaming "greedy bankers" (mostly unnamed, of course) last time, he can probably pull it off again.

    Oh well, we get the government we deserve.

  2. Steve8:27 PM

    Of course, the reason the Racism Sniffers are out in force is the nagging thought in the back of the head that, uh-oh, the Sand State (CA, AZ, NV, FL) Housing Bubble of 2003-2006 and subsequent Bust did involve a whole lot of borrowing by minorities. Indeed, the people behind the Housing Bubble, such as George W. Bush, Angelo Mozilo, and Henry Cisneros, constantly trumpeted that the way to fight racial inequality was to undermine traditional credit standards. Here, for example, is Countrywide Financial's January 2005 press release in which Mozilo and Cisneros promise a trillion dollars in minority and lower income lending:

    A trillion here, a trillion there ...

  3. Fresno8:42 PM

    "If we had to do it over again, we'd do it differently."

    Yes, a cover that featured plenty of white people instead.

    When one tries to point out the explicit anti-white message built into so much visual media, various liberals will snort contemptuously saying something like: "I've worked in advertizing for years I've never seen a memo dictating that white people be shown negatively. You're just a conspiracy nutcase"

    But the quote from the article gives the game away. Everyone in that business understands that minorities cannot be shown in a bad light. The easiest way to do that is to show whites in a bad light by contrast with non-whites.

    The beauty is its never done positively, no one has to be told to do it they just need to know there is no penalty for anti-white bias.

  4. clarice9:10 PM

    The fuss over this cover is just political correctness run wild. Relax people.

  5. Anonymous9:12 PM

    Field boldly said, "(Well, unless your black friend happened to be a HN like this guy. I see you JC, way to jig for Mr. Charlie when he wants to put down another brotha.)"

    You have some 'nerve' calling someone a 'tom' when you jig almost everyday for your Obama and white Dems.

    Field, you depress the hell out of me. You make being a bm in America pure hell. It is depressing.

    depressed Negro

  6. Gilbert9:33 PM

    And here I thought that they were just trying to illustrate Americans of a different hue than the majority! If they had shown only white people, surely that would be racist too.

  7. Anonymous9:41 PM

    The Businessweek cartoonist turns out to be a Hispanic, so you can't fire him. It's still a good story to get all angry and self-righteous about though.

  8. Anonymous9:45 PM

    I was a witness of this in the Central Valley of California in the 2000s. I could only afford to purchase a small condo in Santa Clara county, there were immigrants at my work that had lower positions than me that were able to get a government secured loan at a lower interest rate. I chose to buy a place in the Central Valley and commute. In the early 2000s, I noticed numerous new latino homeowners in the Valley, many of whom I never heard speak English. It was a mystery of how they could afford $300K-$500K homes. All of those I noticed foreclosed about 2008.

  9. "The fuss over this cover is just political correctness run wild. Relax people."

    at the black little heart of PC is female supremacism, and despite the propaganda we constantly hear, female supremacism has been a thorn in the side of the species almost since the get-go; it is not new, and it is extremely powerful and ingrained in the species

    thus, bc PC is centered in maintenance of female-superior cultures, only vast and consuming change, effected by God through nature, will budge woman off the pedestal of the nations, and the nations off their knees in worship of her

    PC and the Fempire is invulnerable to political change, as it long ago co-opted all the potential change-elements within the system, and turned them to its own selfish, and self-destructive, purposes

    the victims of the past half-century of PC/Fempire already are shooting up your classrooms and cubicles, you dont have “a number of decades” to casually sort-out and rectify the damage while everybody goes on with their comfortable lives

  10. Anonymous10:13 PM

    Dear Desert, I know you want to sell more cakes around the world. I have found the perfect 'famous' motivational teacher to help you sell cakes by the thousands. This speaker will not fail you. With her, you have the potential to become filthy rich! Watch:

  11. These first few posts prove your point Field. Them poor blahs were responsible for sinking the economy. Those banks were happy to bundle those mortages, they didn't need the government to put a gun to their heads.

  12. Anonymous10:39 PM

    Field, will you and some of your FN fans be a part of the Selma march with Rev Al Sharpton and VP Biden? I am sure brother "A Panther Forever" will be there, making 'history' as though it were the 60s.

    March on. March on! Go get em Field You'll look good in that march. AB will be there.

    PS. There won't be any Bull Connor or dogs this time. But could be somethin else?

  13. Anonymous11:34 PM


    You cited:

    "They should have better class than that, man," Owootoah told after dropping 24 points in a 66-60 loss to their rivals 20 miles down the road. "But at the same time, I thought it was funny. I don't let stuff like that get to my head."

    Mutants are as they do. Owootoah sounds as if he knows mutants.

    The Mutant chant is fundamentally no different than Scalia's Taneyesque pronouncement, as both hint at a certain segment of society figuring that they're taking their country back. What better way for mutants to take back their country, despite being a dying collective due to their LETHAL MUTATION status, than to gut VRA?

    Regarding your "racism chase," if the late Harvard Professor Dr. Derrick Bell's decree issued in the title of his work, "The Permanence of Racism" is correct, which is, in fact, entirely consistent with white's mutant status and their bigotry more or less being encoded within their DNA, then your "racism chase" is, in fact, permanent, as well. Are you truly up for all that, Field?

  14. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I guess I'm confused. For years we've heard blacks whining and sniveling that they aren't adequately represented in commercials, tv, film, print ads etc. Whine, whine, whine.

    So they make the cover of a Business mag and now it's raaaayyyyyccccciiisssssss!!!

    Yep. Every black family is the Huxtables. Anything less is "stereotyping".

    It's helping a lot with my buying decisions. Got rid of cable because every commercial had to have a happy magickal Negro. Once I see black, I don't buy that.

    Make up your minds.

  15. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Who paid for their visas and is floating their note? Like Kentucky needs to import blacks.
    I guess this is typical dem spread the trouble around.

    I note that the recruiting interest is "medium".

  16. The Housing bubble was built on political correctness hoping minority deadbeats would become responsible if only they owned a home and had a stake in things. Anybody who's ever tried loaning THOSE PEOPLE (yes I said it) money and expected them to pay it back knows in reality, deadbeats are deadbeats. Lack of opportunity isn't what keeps them broke and quasi-criminal, it's the lifestyle they choose.

    Best Regards,

    White Men

  17. Anonymous12:28 AM

    9 of the top 10 largest counties with highest rate of foreclosure are also 9 of the top 10 counties undergoing fastest change with white majority to white minority, translation for low iq liberals......non-whites (primarily hispanic) did indeed cause the housing bust by buying houses way beyond their means.

  18. Agent Down12:37 AM

    We have been trained well. What's 'wrong' with the Business Week cover is that it suggests a negative fact about minorities that we aren't supposed to know or think about. It's evil because its true.

    If it wasn't true, it wouldn't be controversial.

  19. Fresno said...
    The beauty is its never done positively, no one has to be told to do it they just need to know there is no penalty for anti-white bias.

    Actually what communicates the anti-white party line is demonstrations - like this one - that there is a huge penalty for portraying non-whites as human beings (venal like everyone else). If your friends in advertising demand to be shown "the memo," then show them this story. It is the memo. And it's only one "memo" of many that the culture-critiquers have issued over the years.

    A lot of industry people got "the message" with this one, I wager.

    And look at the cowards apologizing, bowing and scraping before their true masters. And people still think (or only claim?) that the media aren't controlled.

    I am absolutely sure that the editor and everyone on staff had no thought whatsoever that this cover could be considered "racist." It looks like the standard, ubiquitious illustration of "an America that looks like America," the kind of illustration that has been legion for about 20 years.

    Yes, wiser heads saw it after publication and their inner alarm bells went off: "Non-whites are being portrayed as doing something non-saintly - crimethink alert! And the subject is the housing bubble and foreclosures (which we know were non-white skewed, from White House policy on down) - DOUBLEPLUS UNGOOD! Scotch this, and quick."

  20. Frustrated Negro10:09 AM

    Im glad that your starting back on the correct track ....

    This post is Field Negro Behavior....

    Now heres where you went wrong at....

    You shouldve mentioned all the failed programs this administration has propped up as a quick fix for this problem.

    You shouldve also noted how many crappy settlement agreements to remedy wrongful foreclosures the "Too Big to Fail" Banks recieved as a result of a weak Justice Dept...

    This is a good start Field.... Hopefully you dont stray too far...

  21. Apex Hominid10:57 AM

    Afroloid said..
    "Mutants are as they do. Owootoah sounds as if he knows mutants."

    Why do families like the Oompaloopmas choose to move to "mutant" societies like Canada and the U.S. in the first place? It must be better than staying in their wonderful human societies. Why do failures like yourself seek to denigrate members of another race as a means of rationlizing your shortcomings?

    You are sounding extra incoherent today, Loid. Today is the first of the month, and your EBT card will work again. I suggest you use some of your mutant largess and refill the prescriptions of your most essential meds.

  22. Yeah, some editor approved that cover because he misjudged the exceedingly fine line between being inclusive of melanin-enabled folks (like the rule that all doctors, lawyers, computer geniuses and so-forth on TV are black or 'vibrant', unless they are evil), and mocking them.

    If the folks caricatured on that cover had been white, that editor would be in trouble for under-inclusiveness (racism). He avoided that crime but he allowed the artist to over-egg the pudding. In the future (if he keeps his job) he will remember: for each two black figures in an illustration add one hispanic (a darkish asian may be substituted) and one white. The white must look foolish or wicked, and the blacks must look noble or at least jovial.

    No deviation from the Narrative will be permitted in Black Run America.

  23. Anonymous11:27 AM

    " This speaker will not fail you. With her, you have the potential to become filthy rich! Watch:"
    Poor crazy kid ! :) nah , don't think so...

  24. Auster11:42 AM

    This dust up over a minor magazine cover is good illustration of how the liberal order uses its muscle to advance a system of anarcho-tyranny.

    Liberal society condones or approves all kinds of behavior that once were disapproved and suppressed and should be disapproved and suppressed, while it suppresses behaviors which it should be indifferent to or actively approve. For example, it condones and approves massive illegal immigration, homosexual promiscuity, black violence in schools, and many other kinds of outrageous and destructive behaviors. Yet liberals, being human, are not happy with the notion that they don’t believe in right or wrong, that they don’t stand for anything. They need to show moral/social judgement in some form. So they forcefully suppress, for example, smoking, or wildly trivial instances of politically incorrect speech, and are extremely self-righteous about this, even as they allow general moral chaos to run riot in society.

    Thus anarcho-tyranny means the moral inversion that has been effected by liberalism, in which things that society should disapprove are allowed, and things that society should be indifferent to (or even approve) are fanatically and inhumanly suppressed .

    It comes down to the fact that liberals do not believe in the good, they believe in freedom. Anarcho-tyranny is their non-normative and bureaucratic substitute for the moral and social order they have destroyed.

    In one of his last essays, Samuel Francis explained the concept:

    What we have in this country today, then, is both anarchy (the failure of the state to enforce the laws) and, at the same time, tyranny—the enforcement of laws by the state for oppressive purposes; the criminalization of the law-abiding and innocent through exorbitant taxation, bureaucratic regulation, the invasion of privacy, and the engineering of social institutions, such as the family and local schools; the imposition of thought control through “sensitivity training” and multiculturalist curricula, “hate crime” laws, gun-control laws that punish or disarm otherwise law-abiding citizens but have no impact on violent criminals who get guns illegally, and a vast labyrinth of other measures. In a word, anarcho-tyranny.

    Francis argues that this situation extends across the U.S. and Europe. While the government functions normally, violent crime remains a constant, creating a climate of fear (anarchy). He says that “laws that are supposed to protect ordinary citizens against ordinary criminals” routinely go unenforced, even though the state is “perfectly capable” of doing so. While this problem rages on, government elites concentrate their interests on law-abiding citizens. In fact, Middle America winds up on the receiving end of both anarchy and tyranny.

    The laws that are enforced are either those that extend or entrench the power of the state and its allies and internal elites … or else they are the laws that directly punish those recalcitrant and “pathological” elements in society who insist on behaving according to traditional norms—people who do not like to pay taxes, wear seat belts, or deliver their children to the mind-bending therapists who run the public schools; or the people who own and keep firearms, display or even wear the Confederate flag, put up Christmas trees, spank their children, and quote the Constitution or the Bible—not to mention dissident political figures who actually run for office and try to do something about mass immigration by Third World populations.

    Francis argued that anarcho-tyranny is built into the managerial system and cannot be solved simply by fighting corruption or voting out incumbents. In fact, he says that the system generates a false “conservatism” that encourages people to act passively in the face of perpetual revolution. He concludes that only by devolving power back toward law-abiding citizens can sanity be restored.

  25. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Wow, Detroit looks like Hiroshima in 1945, and yet you are talking about a magazine cover! One could only pray this would be the end of black history month.

  26. Anon. @1:17pm, if u pray with that ignorant mind the person u are praying to should tell u to f**k off.

    Piper, it is not "black run America" just yet. The guy running things is only half black.

  27. Depressed Negro, you are not a Negro. My Negro radar says you are a fraud.

  28. Anonymous1:50 PM

    Depressed Negro, you are not a Negro. My Negro radar says you are a fraud.

    1:29 PM
    i am 100% Negro and i am depressed about it because of heartless Negroes like you.

    Stop effing with my bm depression. You just don't want to own up to your own bm depression. You have profound D.E.N.I.A.L.

  29. Kersey2:19 PM

    field negro said...
    Anon. @1:17pm, if u pray with that ignorant mind the person u are praying to should tell u to f**k off.

    Piper, it is not "black run America" just yet. The guy running things is only half black.

    Black Run America (BRA) doesn't necessarily mean America is run by blacks, but that it is run FOR blacks.

    In truth BRA is actually run by Disingenuous White Liberals (DWLs).

    Despite every manager in every vocation bending over backward to promote Black people beyond their capabalities (or lowering standards to ensure Black people can actually be considered for the job); despite Hollywood inserting Fictional Black characters in movies to implement behavioral modification in the viewer; despite a media that excuses the mass killings of white people by a Black person because he claimed he was the victim of prejudice; despite a judicial system that actively works to suppress the rights of the historic majority population of America; and despite hundreds of organizations dedicated solely to advancing Black interests that are immune from the charge of “racism”… phew… Black people still believe a concerted effort is underway to keep them under the iron heel of white supremacy.

    Disingenuous White Liberals also purport to believe this myth, though it has absolutely no basis in fact. All American corprate, academic and governmental entities have the expressed desire to advance Black interests at the expense of the historic American majority population.

    Corporate America is in a crisis if Black people aren’t represented sufficiently within their payrolls; colleges and universities with poor Black enrollment can scarcely be called institutions of higher learning (though many of the Blacks at Predominately White Colleges merely attend to play basketball, football and run track); the media refuses to show the face of crime, a task left to sites like Thug Report; and government jobs and subsidies is the primary reason a Black middle class exists, with tax payers paying the salary for a bloated bureaucracy that has a disproportionately Black face.

    This, ladies and gentlemen, is the reality of Black Run America; a nation where every institution is entirely devoted to protecting and promoting the interests of Black people above all others.

    As we see with this latest pants-wetting over a cartoon, the delicate sensibilities of Black people always come first in BRA.

  30. One sign that the cover is likely to offend many Latino and black people is that I started laughing when I scrolled down to it.

    No kidding. I mean, that black guy leaning out the front window with a cheese-eating grin and a fist full of money -- really, if they'd hired a white supremacist artist to paint something satirizing minority-targeted home loans, could he have come up with something better?

    It's amazing how, when liberals are so well-insulated by like-minded people that they never ever encounter the kind of racism they claim is endemic to society, they can forget to recognize the warning signs. Only in an office where everyone is so liberal that they're convinced they could never do anything racist even on accident could something like this be approved.

    In an ordinary office where there might be some token conservatism to keep the liberals on their toes, someone would have spotted the problem with this immediately and blocked it, probably burning all copies in the parking lot just to make sure no one saw it.

  31. Frustrated Negro2:33 PM

    "Depressed Negro, you are not a Negro"

    Where the hell did you see Depressed???....

    Im actually fairly upset you compared me to that name...

    Frustrated, and Depressed are two different things...

    You should be able to tell just by writing styles who is who....

    Your on the right track..Stephen..I mean Field...

    You never can debunk or debate the assertions I make regarding your precious Obama..

    Black people are not monolithic ...

    We do not all love this prez....

    Hes a status symbol for black people with no substance...

    Just a "Feel Good"

    Your on the right track ..

    Keep it up...

  32. Sequester Stallone2:40 PM

    President Obama went out today to make sure the media blamed whatever angst there is over the sequester nonesense on the Republicans. The sycophant press did their part by asking questions like "couldn't you just lock Republicans in a room and make them agree?" to which the President answered "I am not a dictator; I'm the president".

    Poor Barack. If only we had a totalitarian system like the one he so admires in China.

    Three months into his second term and the press still doesn't think he's responsible for a single goddamned thing that's happened on his watch.

  33. Anonymous2:49 PM

    The only ignorant person here is you! So inept and stupid that you can't see how dumb you are. You haven't the mental capacity to recognize the depravity of your race and how it has destroyed once beautiful, peaceful, and civil communities and turned them to crime, murder and rubble. No, you just whine on every day about some remote slight you searched high and low to find. All you can come up with is "f**k off", how ghetto! Darwin was right, so don't bother praying.

  34. Sam Gintas3:40 PM

    @ Auster: This is a good discussion to have, because I think the concept of anarcho-tyranny is very important and I would like to have a better grasp of it. My current understanding is that anarcho-tyranny is the social condition that arises when liberalism becomes institutionalized. It is the seemingly paradoxical condition where anarchy and tyranny co-exist. Hence, when liberalism is institutionalized, the government consistently fails to perform its most basic duty which is to provide security for its citizens. It fails to do this because to do so would be to impede the individual. And yet, at the same time, an anarcho-tyrannical government will aggressively punish trivial offenses against the social order such as remarks that can be labeled “hate speech.” For example, in Britain, the government fails for days to put a stop to widespread rioting and looting, but immediately exacts punitive measures against otherwise harmless people who utter racist remarks in public. This is the condition of anarcho-tyranny. It is anarchy because the government fails to protect the social order, and it is tyranny because the government aggressively punishes people who do not threaten the social order.

    Now, the reason that anarcho-tyranny takes hold in liberal society, is that liberalism wants to empower the will of the individual. And the will of the individual is impeded by social norms. Social norms are typically institutionalized at the local level, and through democratic means. Thus, the federal government must, in liberal society, have maximum power so that it can override the kinds of local norms that impede the wants and desires of individual citizens. But the government can only do this if it wields tyrannical power against the will of the people. Thus, in liberal society, the government permits all kinds of deviant behaviors that threaten the social order (anarchy) and aggressively seeks to suppress any norm that might limit the wants and desires of the individual (tyranny).

    The Republican capitulation to gay “marriage” seems to me to be a clear manifestation of anarcho-tyranny and false conservatism.

    Francis identified anarchy with the permissive attitude of the state towards non-white groups, unleashing increasing misbehavior. At the same time, it is ratcheting up the tyranny over whites, because it can, because we are hated by the elites—we are not liberals, we are Christian, we are traditional, we are rooted (all relatively). The unleashed anarchy is an attack on the white middle class from below; the tyranny is an attack on the white middle class from above. We are being squeezed in a vise grip of destruction.

  35. "All you can come up with is "f**k off", how ghetto! Darwin was right, so don't bother praying."

    No, that's not all. I also think that marrying your cousin was a bad thing.

    "Black Run America (BRA) doesn't necessarily mean America is run by blacks, but that it is run FOR blacks."

    Did u hear that Negroes? America "is run FOR" you. Who knew?

    And here I thought that this "grand experiment" was working.

  36. "This, ladies and gentlemen, is the reality of Black Run America; a nation where every institution is entirely devoted to protecting and promoting the interests of Black people above all others."

    Whatever this mickey fickey is smoking I need some. You sure he's not Jamaican Field?


  37. "Despite every manager in every vocation bending over backward to promote Black people beyond their capabalities (or lowering standards to ensure Black people can actually be considered for the job"

    Well that's been done for white males for ages so what's new?

    "(though many of the Blacks at Predominately White Colleges merely attend to play basketball, football and run track);"

    Many? What is that in a percentage I wonder.

    Fact is white boys have been living off white privilege for ages. A real example is the airline we recently merged with. At this airline, the only major airline that didn't require its pilots to have a college degree. Guess what color and sex all the non-college degreed pilots are? Got it yet? All of us blahs and women are college educated but the dimwitted bubbas just finished high school and got a six figure job. How's that for white male affirmative action.

  38. "Whatever this mickey fickey is smoking I need some. You sure he's not Jamaican Field?"

    Nope. Not a lot of meth in Jamaica. :)

  39. Top Gun8:19 PM

    "All of us blahs and women are college educated"

    That's just I want, a bunch of psychology and Afrostudies majors operating technologically advanced equipment.

    A black guy who is there to fill a quota? No thanks. A woman who will freak out in an emergency situation? No fucking way.

    Give me a competent, professional white guy who is there because he knows what he is doing any day.

  40. "All of us blahs and women are college educated but the dimwitted bubbas just finished high school and got a six figure job. How's that for white male affirmative action."

    This is a VERY common occurence, especially with the federal government. White women in particular can get a GS-12+ gig with a high school diploma and 15 years of experience and the blah folks MUST have MS degrees and 15 years of experience.

    And blah folks will be paid less to boot!

  41. Shhh, Doc, don't ruin the troll's day with facts.

  42. Dr. Troll12:19 AM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    White women in particular can get a GS-12+ gig with a high school diploma and 15 years of experience and the blah folks MUST have MS degrees and 15 years of experience.

    Right...qualification standards are higher for blacks than for white women. That's a good one.

    What about white men? Do they get special favors too?

    The federal government exists to grant favortism to blacks in all facets of American life. But even with that, you can't get into medical school.

    You will never be a doctor.

  43. Anonymous12:47 AM

    While in the Uncle Sam's employ, Mutants "moved the goal posts" by removing the job title AND the Master's Degree from the job description because the mutants were not credentialed with a Masters, whereas I and other humans were.

    The mutant stalker, by his writing, repeatedly proves that he's marginally intelligent, at best, and the best mutants can do is sabotage.

    It must be a b/tch suffering from low self-esteem and an inferiority complex because one's an accident of the Ice Age.

  44. "Give me a competent, professional white guy who is there because he knows what he is doing any day."

    Too bad there aren't many competent and professional white guys. Seeing that you work the fries at Micky D's you actually might be right.

  45. Dr. Troll11:39 AM

    Afroloid said...
    "the mutants were not credentialed with a Masters, whereas I and other humans were."

    The fact that an intellectually-challenged loon such as yourself has a "Masters" in anything just proves how meaningless such pieces of paper can be. I'm guessing it's not in a disclipline that demands much rigor and it's not from MIT. Stop blaming your failures on the whites who outcompeted you. They are kind enough to support your ass.

  46. Anonymous said...
    While in the Uncle Sam's employ, Mutants "moved the goal posts" by removing the job title AND the Master's Degree from the job description because the mutants were not credentialed with a Masters, whereas I and other humans were.


    The severely undereducated and unqualified racist mutant is also openly jealous of our obvious superior skills and does everything in its power to undermine us.

    Thus, the long term goal of entrepreneurship is the ONLY way to go!!!

  47. Anonymous1:58 AM

    Doc said, "Thus, the long term goal of entrepreneurship is the ONLY way to go!!!"

    True Dat!!!!!

  48. Anonymous2:14 AM

    Doc said, "The severely undereducated and unqualified racist mutant is also openly jealous of our obvious superior skills and does everything in its power to undermine us."


    And they are TRULY such lowly pathetic wretches that if they weren't so savage and generally dangerous, they'd be worthy of pity. They're so pathetic, Doc, that once while waiting on the sideline in a pick-up game of basketball at my alma mater, an NBA-bound fellow student was playing on the court and the two mutants sitting on the bench were discussing how one of them somehow glimpsed just how well-endowed he was while he was exiting the shower. Hearing these mutants gush in this unnatural, yet non-homosexual way was quite eye-opening, such that I filed it within my memory bank as a distinct, peculiar mutant behavior for recall of just how twistedly envious and jealous the mutant in fact is. They are indeed bizarre creatures!
