Friday, February 01, 2013

White and scary.

Oh lawd! Please tell me that the race war isn't here already. I honestly wasn't ready for this. At least give a brotha a chance to get his papers right so that he can head back down to the Islands. You Aryans are no joke. Note to self: Stay close to well populated urban areas with a large minority population.

When you (allegedly) start gunning down officers of the court, we might just have a problem.

"A prosecutor was killed after getting shot five times near the courthouse in a small Texas town on Thursday morning, and two suspects remain on the loose.

The victim has been identified as Mark Hasse, 57, an assistant district attorney for Kaufman County.

Hasse was exiting his car on his way to court in Kaufman, a town of fewer than 7,000, when he was approached by two suspects just before 9 a.m., the Dallas Morning News reported.The shooting took place in a parking lot where many prosecutors and judges park. Hasse was taken away in ambulance, though it remains unclear whether he died at the hospital or en route.

...It remains unclear whether the assistant district attorney was investigating members of the Aryan Brotherhood at the time of his death. Sources told the Morning News that Hasse was "heavily involved" in investigations regarding the white supremacist group.

District Attorney Mike McLelland confirmed that his department has been involved in Aryan Brotherhood cases in the last two years. McLelland, however, told the newspaper that his 13 attorneys handle about 380 to 390 cases at a time and that, as far as he knew, Hasse was not investigating any such cases at the time of the shooting.
Mark Potok of the Southern Poverty Law Center said the shooting would have dire consequences if it was connected to the Aryan Brotherhood.
"If this really was an assassination by the Aryan Brotherhood of Texas, we are about to see a war begin," Potok told the Daily News on Thursday. [Source]

"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."

If it was the Aryan Brotherhood who killed this poor man as is alleged; he must have been a "tyrant".

Still, there is one person who we know that folks like the Aryan Brotherhood and their friends on the right view as a tyrant: Barack Obama.

The wife of one elected official in Idaho did a wonderful job of describing how people of her ilk see the president.

"Brent Regan (pictured), a Coeur D’Alene, Idaho, school board trustee, recently apologized for recalling a private conversation he had with his wife to an audience of politicos and the general public, where he said his spouse likened President Barack Obama to a rifle and described him as being “Black and scary,” reports KHQ News."

That's funny, I see the Aryans as white and scary, but my fear is justified.

"Black and scary"? Naw, I don't think so, if I may go back to Django for a minute; you are just not used to seeing a "N****r on a horse."

(h/t Tia)



  1. This is all just a fiendish plot by the Kenyan Socialist, a false flag operation, to take away our guns.

    I read this on the internet so it must be true.

  2. Larryan Brutherhood7:44 PM

    "...It remains unclear whether the assistant district attorney was investigating members of the Aryan Brotherhood at the time of his death"

    Not unclear enough for Field to put a (unrelated) picture up and move right on into speculating about a race war! Who needs facts?

    Good thing you are not a judge, dude.

    And everyone knows the SPLC is a legitimate source of information....

    Besides, the race war is not supposed to start until April.

  3. Anonymous8:19 PM

    if I may go back to Django for a minute; you are just not used to seeing a "N****r on a horse."
    Or eating nothing but "white cake"

  4. Anonymous8:29 PM

    So by your comments about all whites being of the Aryan Brotherhood and no doubt republicans then we can surely speculate that all Blacks are Black Pampers and you want to Kill ‘All White’ Men, Women, Babies, Blind, Cripple, Fa**ots, Lesbians & Old Crackers, Says New Black Panthers Vile Radio Opening; Then ‘Dig ’Em Up’ & ‘Kill ’Em Again’ as they say.

    This game you are playing is getting serious. It used to be easy to ignore the everything is racist meme. Now with Blacks murdering and attacking whites around the country and not a peep from anyone Black and this rhetoric of every White is racist especially if they are are conservative maybe it is time to stop the bullshit and make thine enemy known.

  5. Anonymous8:42 PM

    The prosecutor must have been Black. Nevertheless, you just don't mess with those KKK's and Stormfront people.

    Mr Field, I worry about your safety. I have heard that there is a large group of White Supremacists in PA.

    I sometimes wonder if our country would have been better off if Jim Crow laws had remained legal up to today? I don't know, I just don't know. I am still wondering if I should buy a gun. I don't think it would be of much use against white supremacists. They are just too powerful and, as Field said, "scary".

    Electing Obama hasn't helped at all. the country is far more dangerous than ever. However, I have to hand it to Obama...he is a courageous man.

  6. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Mr Field, who is that young white boy in the photo? there is nothing scary about him. He looks like any other kid.

    It's those black kids on the street who scares the hell out of everybody, including Blacks. You know it's true. Hell, nobody comes out after 7p in the black community for fear of being shot to death.

    I have said it many times: Field, you are a racist. Why don't you try to do something about it and become a better person?

  7. Anonymous9:12 PM

    I am thinking I need to buy a gun pretty soon. What is FN's opinion about this?

  8. Lt. Commander Johnson9:38 PM

    field, decent white folks think those guys are just as crazy as you do.

    Did you ever see the movie with Edward Norton, American History X? If not, you should. I think even Mrs. Field will like it. She'll like it better than that Django crap, I promise you.

    And, that goes for all you negroes.

  9. Lt. Commander Johnson10:27 PM

    You turn that guy's face black, he looks like your average NBA player. Admit it.

  10. Lt. Commander Johnson11:32 PM

    Just what, do you consider an "Aryan"?

    Folks who can prove their blood line has no African in it?

  11. Kersey1:23 AM

    There's a quote in Richard Wright's Native Son that cuts to the heart of why urban, inner-cities are "no-go" areas for whites in 2013 America and why segregation is still such a pronounced part of life. On p.14, the main character of Wright's story, Bigger Thomas, is contemplating robbing a white guys store with some of his black buddies.

    Set in the south side of Chicago in the 1930s (as wave after wave of black migrants remake the city in their image), Bigger Thomas thinks to himself:

    Holding up Blum ought not take more than two minutes, at the most. And it would be their last job. But it would be the toughest one that they had ever pulled. All the other times they had raided newsstands, fruit stands, and apartments. And, too, they had never held up a white man before. They had always robbed Negroes. They felt that it was much easier and safer to rob their own people, for they knew that white policemen never really searched diligently for Negroes who committed crimes against other Negroes. For months they had talked of robbing Blum’s, but had not been able to bring themselves to do it. They had the feeling that the robbing of Blum’s would be a violation of ultimate taboo; it would be a trespassing into territory where the full wrath of an alien white world would be turned loose upon them; in short, it would be a symbolic challenge of the white world’s rule over them; a challenge which they yearned to make, but were afraid to.

    And the Chicago Reader once asked why white people feared black people... a lot of people today believe that the 'disintegration of the black family' is at the root of the dysfunction, violence, and breakdown in the black community, but they'd be wrong; the "violation of the ultimate taboo" Wright wrote about in Native Son is the reason cities like Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Louis, Baltimore, and Detroit are in such dire situations.

    Blacks no longer fear white people, or reprisals from the white-controlled government ("the state"), because the 'full wrath of an alien white world' was usurped in the 1960s; there is no symbolic challenge of the white world's rule to challenge anymore, because black people burned the white man's cities in the 1960s and then democratically took over places like Detroit and Birmingham.

    Completely remaking each city over in their own image, going as so far to put a symbolic black fist statue in Detroit and peppering Birmingham with statutes glorifying the black victory over white civilization in the 1960s.

    Why might white people (and Hispanic/Latinos) not want to live around black people in 2013? Probably the same reason they didn't want to live around black people in 1933.

    What you have in Chicagoland is a black population of children, some overgrown children, some elderly children, but all children nonetheless -- free of the burden of " trespassing into territory where the full wrath of an alien white world would be turned loose upon them; in short, it would be a symbolic challenge of the white world’s rule over them; a challenge which they yearned to make, but were afraid to."

    Freedom Failed in Chicagoland; it started during the early stages of "The Great Migration," when the seeds of 'Manifest Destruction' were planted. Today, the black violence in Chicago is protected underneath the shade of the very trees that have grown from those seeds.

  12. Yudhishthira was the eldest among the five Pandavas. His mother was the Yadava princess Kunti. He was born as the first son of Kuru king Pandu who was childless. It is believed that he was born by the practice of Niyoga by which a king obtains son to inherit his kingdom through his queen by the help of qualified sage like men.

    Yudhishthira was born and brought up along with his younger brothers Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sahadeva in recluse of sages, in a forest surrounding the valley of Satasringa mountains, believed to be somewhere in Uttaranchal. This life in a forest along with sages had a great impact on him. He lived his whole life with sage like qualities even while living as a king in his royal palace and became later known as one among the royal sages. He lost his father figure Pandu during his childhood days, a loss that he shared with all his younger brothers. Pandu died probably due to some chronic heart disease. After the death of Pandu, Kunti took his children and lived in the palace of Hastinapura. There he was raised by Kuru elders like Bhishma, Dhritarashtra and Vidura. Vidura was especially affectionate to Yudhishthira and protected him like a father throughout his life. It was Vidura who protected Yudhisthira and his brothers from all evils of Duryodhana, the son of the king Dhritarashtra as Duryodhana competed with Yudhishthira as the next heir to the throne of Hastinapura. There is an interesting speculation, that Vidura was indeed the biological father of Yudhisthira (by Indraajeet).

    At Hastinapura, Yudhisthira became well versed in various modes of warfare under the able guidance of Kuru preceptor Drona who was a Brahmana in the clan of Bharadwaja. His specialization was in the use of the javeline weapon. Yudhishthira was virtuous right from his childhood and was affectionate to his younger brothers and to some extent even to Duryodhana who was always envious of the Pandavas including Yudhishthira. However he possessed some selfishness, or rather some hidden fears in his mind. His younger brother Bhima chose Hidimba as wife, while Yudhishthira stayed a bachelor. Later his next brother Arjuna, younger to Bhima, chose Panchali as wife and Yudhishthira stayed still a bachelor. This caused much insecurity in the mind of Yudhishthira and hence he made it sure that Panchali become his wife too, by the pretext of fulfilling the casual words of mother Kunti about sharing what was obtained in alms. Thus Panchali who was obtained by Arjuna in the self-choice (Swayamvara), became the shared wife of the five Pandavas including Yudhishthira. This was never meant by Kunti when she asked her five sons to share what is obtained in alms. Thus the five Pandavas marrying a single woman Panchali became a rare case of Polyandry in ancient Indian context. Another vice that possessed Yudhishthira was his unnecessary interest in playing dice, well exploited by Duryodhana. Duryodhana, with the help of his uncle Sakuni exploited this weakness of the king Yudhishthira and succeeded in usurping all his wealth and kingdom and in banishing the Pandavas out of their kingdom.

    Another blemish on his character is his famous half-lie about the death of Ashvatthama, the son of preceptor Drona during the Kurukshetra War. In order to stupify Drona he acknowledged in front of him the false information that Ashvatthama was dead in battle, while it was an elephant of that name which was actually dead. He also had a small quarrel with his brother Arjuna during the war when he was shamefully defeated by Karna and Arjuna failed to defeat Karna even after many days of battle. This quarrel was however quickly dispelled by the intervention of Krishna.

    True to the spirit of the epic Mahabharata, it records the nature of men and woman not as black and white but in gray as every men and women possess good and bad. Yudhishthira and even Krishna is no exception

  13. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Take a look at this video regarding skeet shooting. The media is after him for lying:

  14. Actually Lt. Commander, he looks like just another NHL player to me.

  15. Anon@8:29pm, we already know our enemies.

  16. Anonymous10:30 AM

    "This game you are playing is getting serious. It used to be easy to ignore the everything is racist meme. Now with Blacks murdering and attacking whites around the country and not a peep from anyone Black and this rhetoric of every White is racist especially if they are are conservative maybe it is time to stop the bullshit and make thine enemy known."

    What do you mean by "the everything is racist meme."?

    FYI, Blacks are speaking out against attacks and killings all the time. YOu just aren't paying attention, which is typical of Whites.

    And neither is Obama paying any attention, either. He has said NOT ONE word about the death of the young 15 year old in Chicago who was in his inauguration. The killings of Blacks BY Blacks on the Southside of Chicago is out of control...It's a 'war zone' for those Americans. And there is not ONE of them who doesn't have PTSD because of it! Furthermore, PTSD is generational. Blacks in war zones like Chicago must be hyper-vigilant AT ALL TIMES.

    Yet, Obama ignores those deaths. However, he will speak to the nation about the Connecticut killings, cry and take action in an effort to prevent something like that happening again.

    Anon, why is it that you only notice a few attacks on Whites but the DAILY killings of Blacks across the nation esp in Chicago you and your white brethren and the President say nothing about it?

  17. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Field, "Anon@8:29pm, we already know our enemies."

    7:07 AM
    Brother Field, you are so right. We DO know our enemies. And IT IS US!

  18. BARBBF11:12 AM

    Scary? This is scary....

    During the 8 years of the Bush administration 54 drone strikes were made. During the 4 years of the Obama administration over 400 drone strikes have been made in Pakistan, Libya, Afghanistan, Yemen, Somali.

  19. Very interesting conversation,but what's with all the movie references? If you want to discuss a serious issue, don't bring a fairy tale world into it.

  20. Sic semper tyrannis2:27 PM

    "That's funny, I see the Aryans as white and scary, but my fear is justified."

    Justified by what? There is no more marginal movement in the US than white supremicism.

    However, an anti-white racist is President of the United States.

    White fear of the government is justified. We know who our enemies are.

  21. Lieutenant Commander said…., “Folks who can prove their blood line has no African in it?

    Hahaha, stop it Lieutenant, you’re killing me! The definition of race goes far beyond one’s skin tone, so should your thinking as well. The ideology of race is truly a social construct to leverage disdain against another group due to perceived, long held threats. Moreover, scientists have already proven that human beings are 99.9 percent identical. At bottom, race encompasses and is thinly defined as biological, political and social ideas. Take the case and point of Native Australians. They are usually dark-skinned with curly, dirty blonde hair color. Now, would you categorize these people as Negroid due to their skin tone or as Caucasian due to their hair color? Again, this just goes to show how silly it is to adamantly state that race is simply defined by race alone or the type of crime an individual or group engages in, is truly an attempt to indict the entire group from which he or she belongs to.

    People like you generally like to lump all people together from a and political and social stand-point as opposed to a human stand-point because of their own personal or groupuscule insecurities. This is where the sickness of your love and others like you, would love to continue the domination of others ominously presents itself. I understand that people like you feel a sense of imperilment. Therefore, your faulty premise of race as the foregoing element to those more prone to violence and criminality is not only farfetched, but overreaching as well.

    Furthermore, to say that, “Folks who can prove their blood line has no African in it?” Damn, … humor me immensely. Therefore, I highly encourage you to continue posting your baseless, ranting claims. This statement is mighty asinine for you to say. It’s already been proven that Africans populated the world through migrations. The issue of race is further complicated with people’s skin adapting to either their close or distant proximity to the equator. People that inhabit regions above the equator are generally light-skinned or white in skin tone and people below the equator are generally brown or black in skin tone.

    In sum, I personally believe that the honorable thing for you to do here is for you to self-demote yourself from Lt. Commander to Private First Class. At least then, your comment will reflect someone with a low military rank as supposed to someone with a higher rank who is generally thought of as being much wiser than to post such a comment as you did above.

  22. that racist global warlord bankster hobama is 23 trillion times scarier

    ditto for his charter school casinos and gun grabs


    not a soul in killy should love hobama

    why do u adore him so??????

    cc nclbii/jobless/homeless/gunless/schoolless/chiraq/jp morgan's ebt cards etc

  23. Anonymous5:33 PM

    field negro said...

    Anon@8:29pm, we already know our enemies.

    And now they know there are no legitimate grievances just racist hate. Good.

  24. "Mr Field, I worry about your safety. I have heard that there is a large group of White Supremacists in PA."

    Don't worry, I have a lot of people praying for me. Wait....never mind.

    "However, an anti-white racist is President of the United States."

    Yes, I bet he really hates that white mama of his.

    1. Glenn Beck posts here? Who knew?

  25. "I am thinking I need to buy a gun pretty soon. What is FN's opinion about this?"

    Don't do it. You will only use it to kill yourself. I am sure that they have 911 services in your town

  26. Come on dude. Stop with the race baiting. Need I post crimes that make blacks look like white haters? Because I have some truly horrific true stories I can post regarding that. Why not work with me to unite the races instead of helping the MSM set us at one another's throats? Jesus dude. I thought you were smarter than this :( Let's make Dr King's dream a reality, together. I don't follow your blog to hear an MSNBC diatribe.


    1. Yeah man, you and Hannity can wet your pants about all both of the Blah Panthers.

  27. Anonymous5:56 PM

    "I am thinking I need to buy a gun pretty soon. What is FN's opinion about this?"

    Field replied, "Don't do it. You will only use it to kill yourself. I am sure that they have 911 services in your town"

    5:47 PM
    I think I'll take your advice. I forgot about 911. Will the law respond quickly if a robbery or someone breaks into my house? I live in a black community in Philly.

  28. Sic semper tyrannis6:31 PM

    field negro said...
    "Yes, I bet he really hates that white mama of his."

    Oh, he did hate his mother for abandoning him, very much. He carried that resentment with him into adulthood and would not visit her as she lay dying of cancer in 1995.

    Interesting is well as the fact that he let his white grandmother die without visiting her, although at least then he had the excuse of being in the middle of a presidential campaign.

    He very clearly denies the white half of his ancestry, and seeks to atone for it by destroying white America.

  29. Anonymous7:13 PM

    field negro said...

    "Mr Field, I worry about your safety. I have heard that there is a large group of White Supremacists in PA."

    Don't worry, I have a lot of people praying for me. Wait....never mind.

    "However, an anti-white racist is President of the United States."

    Yes, I bet he really hates that white mama of his.

    And his white grandmother - read his books.

  30. "I forgot about 911. Will the law respond quickly if a robbery or someone breaks into my house? I live in a black community in Philly."

    Yes, you will be fine. Unless, of course, you happen to deal in illegal narcotics with a lot of cash hidden in your house.

  31. I'm sure that wasn't his wife's real comment about likening B to a rifle. That's just what she told her hubby. Once you go blah.....

  32. Anonymous8:25 PM

    Field, "Yes, you will be fine. Unless, of course, you happen to deal in illegal narcotics with a lot of cash hidden in your house."

    8:07 PM
    I don't deal in illegal drugs. My cash is in a bank. I am not a crook. I am educated and have a very good job that pays very well.

    Why do you think such negative thoughts about black men, your own kind?

  33. I'm not worried about dude in the picture, he'd never make it through a metal detector.

  34. Anonymous8:58 PM

    8 PM
    Blogger PilotX said...

    Yeah man, you and Hannity can wet your pants about all both of the Blah Panthers.

    Black pampers - heh...look over there chicken...wha...where...pow's over.

    But going by things said here, you think like All Black Pampers so we will consider you one of them when it goes down.

  35. can't wait for the Prequel,
    "Django Back in Chains"

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