Saturday, February 02, 2013

A setback for the "Skeeters"?

That Barack Obama sure is one sneaky dude. Now, to quell the controversy over his alleged skeet shooting at Camp David, (I see you Erin Burnett. I am still wondering why you aren't over at the FAKE NEWS station.) the White House has released doctored photos of him....skeet shooting.

"By DARLENE SUPERVILLE, Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Two days before President Barack Obama's first trip outside Washington to promote his gun-control proposals, the White House tried Saturday to settle a brewing mystery by releasing a photo to back his claim to be a skeet shooter.

Obama had set inquiring minds spinning when, in an interview with The New Republic magazine, he answered "yes" when asked if he had ever fired a gun. The admission came as a surprise to many.

"Yes, in fact, up at Camp David, we do skeet shooting all the time," Obama said in the interview released last weekend, referring to the official presidential retreat in rural Maryland, which he last visited in October while campaigning for re-election. Asked whether the entire family participates, the president said: "Not the girls, but oftentimes guests of mine go up there." [Source]

Those are some powerful people in the White House, they even have the AP in on the scam with them. But, unlike the birthers, these Skeeters will not be played. We need Donald Trump to spend some of his loot and get some experts to check those photos right away. I bet they are as fake as that phony birth certificate that he tried to run by the Donald.(Just watch, they will change the narrative now to how often he actually went skeet shooting.)

Seriously, if those photos are in fact real, I personally have to wonder why they (the White House) even bothered releasing them. I don't like the imagery, O. Pandering to the gun nut crowd is not cool. A picture of you at Hadiya Pendelton's funeral would have been more like what I wanted to see. That, and a* stirring eulogy along with a call for all of us in the black community to start taking responsibility for our children. You should be working overtime from the bully pulpit on that issue, but instead you are trying to prove to wingnuts that you actually shoot skeets every now and then. *scratching my very bald head*

Skeet shooting and bowling? Man the things you do to make some folks love you.


  1. Anonymous9:58 PM

    Obama will do 'anything' to win white approval. For black approval, Obama does 'nothing" and he gets 98% of their vote.

    FN Negroes you are suckers.

  2. Obama must know the gun control thing is going nowhere, so he puts this picture out to show he's on the right side. What a loser.

    Here's a better one:

  3. Anonymous10:48 PM

    I think the President thinks that at some point he can convince the Tea Party folks/ Birthers to like him. Which is why he does stuff like this.


  4. Anonymous10:59 PM

    Aw Field, don't be so hard on the gunners:)

    I love to target shoot, loove it! Don't do much anymore but it's a blast, pun intended;)

    You.really outta try it sometime. By the way, over here lawyers have permits to carry and they do. It's just too dangerous not to.

    Guns for hunting food are a good thing. Nothing better than freshly killed goat fricassee!

    Over here they allow hunting on the Isle of Mona and the men hunt goats and deer and pigeons and iguanas.
    Yes, some people still roast and eat iguanas. They are called 'tree chickens' or 'gallina de palo'

  5. Anonymous11:13 PM

    FN said, "Man, the things you do to make some folks love you."

    Isn't that the truth? One would think that having been through his first term, he would know that, try as he might, some folks will NEVER love (or even compromise) with him.

  6. Anonymous12:04 AM

    You called Marino HNB? Marino has always assumed full responsilbility taking care of his child financially and emotionally.

    Brother Field, you have no business trashing Marino when 80% black children are born out of wedlock and abandoned by their fathers.

    People in glass houses should NEVER throw stones.

  7. I'd like to take this occasion to wish everyone here a happy "Why Don't We Have A White" history month.

  8. Well if the White House did not release the photos, some where along the line they would surface and some one would have accused him of some sort of cover up and being two faced about gun usage.

  9. StillaPanther21:10 AM

    Brother Field...Amen, why? That need to placate is deep in his psychic...Not a good characteristic for a leader. Understand that he felt the need first term to have a second term.

  10. Desert, easy with the goat talk, I am jonesing for some curry goat right now.:)

  11. Anonymous9:33 AM

    Awww Field, how about some warm ocean air in your lungs and the hot caribean sun on your skin right about now huh? Can you dig it? YEAH! Some roti from a roadside vendor? Sound good? Take a break from the frozen tundra babay! Come on down, the waters good!

    Bet you're really jonesing now;))) hehehehehe

  12. Desert, you are one cruel sister. :)

  13. Anonymous10:25 AM


    May I ask for your support:

    The folks in Philly would love this...


  14. Ray Sitzcracker12:04 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    I'd like to take this occasion to wish everyone here a happy "Why Don't We Have A White" history month.

    We don't because white people don't need affirmative action when it comes to history; we actually make it ourselves.

  15. Anonymous7:13 PM

    I wouldn't get upset by this or view it negatively. Skeet shooting is something people do at Camp David. And often political figures who have armed guards end up at the range with them and will get some introduction to guns. Simply because they are around them at all. And let's not forget that Obama went to a school in Hawaii that has both an indoor and outdoor range.

    Frankly I don't think it's "pandering" I think he set up the gun nuts to look dumb as rocks, as well as the birthers. Any sort of upscale lodge is going to have a firing range, it's just as common as a driving range. Only the insane would think he never fired a gun. I personally don't really like golf, and I don't hunt. But if given the chance at a club I'll drive a few buckets and shoot some skeet because it's fun, but I won't go out of my way to do it.

  16. Field, I was thinking the same thing.

    @Desert, Philly is downright tropical compared to Chicago. I was gonna go there to get some heat;-)

  17. Anonymous8:56 PM

    PilotX said: Desert, Philly is downright tropical compared to Chicago. I was gonna go there to get some heat;-)
    Yes, I've heard about that cold Chicago weather!
    Y'all need a tropical vacay and soon! :)

  18. Now that right wing nutcases have seen the President with a long gun in his hands, I fully expect them to do a 180 and start pushing for the repeal of the 2nd Amendment.

  19. what a fake gd shame!

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