Wednesday, March 20, 2013

A sheriff wishes death on the president, and a newspaper buries the story.

Tonight my racism chase takes me to that very blue, very Yankee state of Massachusetts, where the heart of a racist (that's the big guy to the right) is just as malevolent as the heart of the racist living in the heart of Dixie.

 "A sheriff in Massachusetts is refusing to apologize for joking that President Barack Obama could best serve the country by being assassinated.

Plymouth County Sheriff Joseph D. McDonald, Jr. made the joke during a local St. Patrick’s Day breakfast for Republicans on Sunday. He said that the ghost of Lincoln appeared to Obama in a dream and advised him to go to the theater, where the former president was shot in the head."

Of course this is a bit troublesome, because our ignorant friend in Massachusetts happens to be a sheriff. Hey I know that I blog about them, but I don't worry about the garden variety racist. (Like the the ones who posts anonymously on the Internet, or this guy.) But racists in positions of power are a different story.

Of course our friend is doubling down, and he doesn't see anything wrong with a law enforcement official wishing death on the president of the United States.

"It was absolutely in jest,” he told The Patriot Ledger. “It was a joke. It wasn’t a new joke by any means.”
McDonald claimed it was “absurd” to be offended by the joke because it had existed since the late 19th century.

“The basic concept of it has been around since the Andrew Johnson administration,” he explained to Patch. “The radical Republicans wanted him to take a much harder line on Reconstruction of the South, and the joke was that Johnson should have gone to the theater instead of Lincoln.”
McDonald also accused liberals of hypocrisy, saying he heard similar jokes told about former President George W. Bush." [Source]

Of course our cerebrum challenged friend is wrong with his analogy. I am quite sure that he can't find an instance of a democratic sheriff wishing death on former president Bush.

Now as troubling as this story might seem, there is an even more troubling aspect to it.

"The blog Blue Mass Group notes that The Boston Globe removed the joke from their report of the event, without explaining why. A source at The Globe confirmed, to Mediaite, that there was no question about the accuracy of the account. The source did not further explain the editorial decision."

I guess the globe didn't want to chase the Big R. But I thought that the press was supposed to report everything that happens. Shame on the Globe!

But don't worry folks; you don't need newspapers like the Globe, I have your racism chase covered right here.


  1. Sic semper tyrannis7:59 PM

    What's the 'racism' angle here field? Can't the guy just wish the President dead on ideological grounds?

  2. I think this shows why they are trying to get that part of the Voting Rights Act repealed. Northerners can be/are just as racist as Southerners, so it doesn't really make sense that one geographic region should be under special scrutiny. Scrutiny for all, or scrutiny for none.

  3. Anonymous9:03 PM

    Quit talking already, Mr. McDonald, and just say you're sorry for the stupid remark you made. What a jerk! When you're in a hole already, stop digging.

  4. Anonymous9:10 PM

    The scrutiny is like parole for offenses already made and continued probation when you re-offend. Go ahead and add some more offenders to the list if they are identified, but why just give them all free rein to go back to their shenanigans? Everybody is on notice for future crimes, but those of us who have already committed them get more just scrutiny, don't we? Especially if we haven't learned anything and continue to reoffend. It's not jail for all or jail for none. It's jail for offenders, freedom for those who obey the law and play fairly. Nice try though.

  5. Anonymous9:24 PM

    What if people started jokingly referencing to Keystone cops who had been shot and killed?

    What if these people started emailing this sheriff/part-time comedian?

  6. myblackfriendsays said...
    Scrutiny for all, or scrutiny for none.

    So you must be for requiring an ID to vote, right?

  7. Anonymous10:33 PM

    myblackfriendsays said...

    I think this shows why they are trying to get that part of the Voting Rights Act repealed. Northerners can be/are just as racist as Southerners, so it doesn't really make sense that one geographic region should be under special scrutiny. Scrutiny for all, or scrutiny for none.

    Equality and accountability for all or equality for none. End all racial set asides, substandard standards, re-instate testing standards and qualifications for all. End affirmative action and any links now.

  8. Anonymous11:53 PM

    Field, "But don't worry folks; you don't need newspapers like the Globe, I have your racism chase covered right here."

    Mr Field, you are worse than the Globe. YOU spend an incredible amount of time moderating every comment on FN for no good reason other than to block out news. Hence, readers miss a lot of comments posted on FN because, like the Globe, you remove them.

    Yep. You sanitize the hell out of your blog. I remember the days when you vowed to never censor anyone because everyone needed to be heard. FN used to be quite unique.... Now you are censoring damn near everything. The Globe can't even come close to FN when it comes to censorship.

  9. Huh, I highly encourage Sheriff McDonald to stay away from the local donut shop. So, what is he going to do now, envoke a “donut defense” and say that one too many donut that particular morning made him utter that ignorant comment?

    Indeed, the sickness continues, not only in the nort and south, but across the whole darn Empire of States!

  10. What's the 'racism' angle here field? Can't the guy just wish the President dead on ideological grounds? – Sic semper tyrannis

    Tyrannis, what the devil are you talking about? NO,….. he (Sheriff Mickey D) cannot “just wish the President was dead on ideological grounds.” Sheriff Mickey D states that no one should be offended because his asinine comment existed since the late 19th century. Did Pres. Lincoln die due to an ideological death (if there is such a thing) or did he expir due to being shot in the back of his head?

    Sheriff Mickey also states that the DemoMobs are hypocrites because similar comments were made regarding former Pres. George W. Bush. Puhleeeeze! What black Sheriff wished death upon George W. Bush? Hmmm,…….none!

    Sheriff Mickey D, …….. you’re an overweight idiot, now put down that seventh donut!

  11. ODS. At least he saved us from the affirmative action president jokes.

  12. Bacopa1:28 AM

    When yokels from New England talk this smack, you know there have already been a few serious attempts on Obama's life. The Secret Service aint like the DHS or FBI, they do not boast of their successes. Effective counter-terrorist agencies never boast, and the Secret Service is pretty damn effective since Obama is still alive even as fairly mainstream press has called for his death.

  13. All this guy had to do was say the joke was tasteless, it's always been tasteless, & apologize for telling it. Instead, he gives a history lesson. Plymouth is not a rural county in western MA. He may pay for that joke when he runs for reelection.

  14. "I remember the days when you vowed to never censor anyone because everyone needed to be heard. FN used to be quite unique.... Now you are censoring damn near everything. The Globe can't even come close to FN when it comes to censorship."

    I remember them as well. But unfortunately racists (such as the stormfront and SBPDL crew) came in droves to launch personal attacks on other folks coommenting. I will allow anything to be posted about me, but not other readers.

    Besides, I censor less than 1% of the comments here.

    "Sheriff Mickey also states that the DemoMobs are hypocrites because similar comments were made regarding former Pres. George W. Bush. Puhleeeeze! What black Sheriff wished death upon George W. Bush? Hmmm,…….none!"

    Pass the offering plate.

  15. Statements such as the sheriff's remind me of the day when the people in authority had the authority to say such. Having lived long enough to be in this "new age" the stench displayed by the sheriff reminds me of "Mister" Bull Conner. When he spoke my raced cringed......thank God that racism is/? no longer in the hands of people in position of authority. When I saw this sheriff's pic.....I instantly went back to the 60s. Thank God for the gave rise to a "mental state" where some of us no longer cringed at the Bull Conners of our times. StillaPanther2. Let me refocus. The owner of this blog was very tolorant to free speech, enough was enough!! The sheriff should be dismissed. His standards should be much higher than the peoples'.

  16. Anonymous8:02 AM

    field negro said...
    But unfortunately racists (such as the stormfront and SBPDL crew) came in droves to launch personal attacks on other folks commenting. I will allow anything to be posted about me, but not other readers.

    Really? The jealous natured comments about my impending matriculation in medical school seem to ALWAYS make it through. And the comments about my genitalia always make it through too. Now WTF does THAT have to do with Black empowerment?

    So I'll say it again, YOU or ANY other Black man could EVER go to stormfront or any other site frequented by white men and get away with the same thing about a white woman. Now why is that?

    Sure, I'll bet you screen most of worst of them but leave the rest for what, more clicks on google counter?

    I mean hell, I can't even post/link in my profile about the minority STEM initiatives I've got going on in metro DC around here because of a cyberstalker runs the comments sections around here.

    Freedom of speech my ass.


  17. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Big deal. "Youths" rape old white women all time and those stories get lost in the ether. Consider it even.

  18. Johnny Ninepack10:03 AM

    Bacopa said...
    "When yokels from New England talk this smack, you know there have already been a few serious attempts on Obama's life. The Secret Service aint like the DHS or FBI, they do not boast of their successes. Effective counter-terrorist agencies never boast, and the Secret Service is pretty damn effective since Obama is still alive even as fairly mainstream press has called for his death."

    Effective counter-terrorist agencies never boast, but Obama always does, even compromising national security and the lives of Navy Seals to boast about the successful bin Laden operation. You know that if there was a credible attempt on Obama's life, we would have heard about it ad nauseum in the sychopantic mainstream press.

    And as to your assertion that the mainstream press has "called for his death", please provide just one example.

  19. Dr. Honorable10:24 AM

    Ms. Queen's Delicate Ego said...
    "So I'll say it again, YOU or ANY other Black man could EVER go to stormfront or any other site frequented by white men and get away with the same thing about a white woman. Now why is that?"

    Because I doubt that any white women are going on stormfront and falsely claiming that they are a doctor in between posting racist, derogatory comments.

    Stormfront is a nasty, close-minded site that doesn't allow the kind of give-and-take permitted here.

    And believe me, Field is censoring comments directed at you. Comments, good (not) doctor, that are designed to help you get over your pretentious asociality that compels you to attack the educational credentials and economic status of others in a mean-spirited, racially antagonistic manner.

    Can't we drop the whole charade? Just because you are not going to graduate from medical school does not make you less of a person. There are many honorable professions one can pursue that are within one's grasp.

    You will never be a doctor...but that's okay.

  20. Amazing Mensa Rob, the lazy-eyed genius here again!

    I just want to say (as a cognitive elitist openly biased against stupid motherfuckers) that this Sheriff story is actually a very good example of why we should invest in edjumacashin here in our country.

    This guy is a racist, true, but he is also too stupid to know it.

    He thinks he's got something really profound there about the joke being from the 19th century. I believe he genuinely lacks the abstract logic to make the connection between racism and making the joke (which is why his little self-justification there doesn't fly, you know).

    He also evidently lacks the cognitive ability to realize it's a tasteless joke to make about the President in any case, that he as Sheriff has no business telling tastless jokes or really being partisan in a professional capacity at all, etc., etc. Yep, that guy is one stupid son of a bitch. It makes me queasy to see him wearing a badge.

    But, like his joke, stupid people in power are nothing new, are they?

    And what side of the fence are the stupid people on? Conservatives, and by inclusion Republicans consistently test lower on IQ tests than Liberals and Democrats. That's a true, verifiable fact and it has been confirmed in numerous highly reputable scientific studies.

    That's why they come up with stupid shit like the 2nd Amendment meaning everyone deserves their own nuclear bombs, or how going back to before labor unions wouldn't mean child labor, or seceding from the Union, etc., etc. All just stupid crap that has already been tried and failed at miserably.

    When we pay our police and teachers low pay and value them about as much as we value our garbage men we get low performance.

    So, yes, the dude is racist, but even more importantly he's a moron.

    Trust me, I can spot stupid people from a mile away - though I can't tell them apart very well sometimes because they all look alike to me. You know, the thick brow, the beady eyes, the dull, glazed mildly frustrated expression . . .

    Well, sorry, but stupidity HURTS, so it can't actually be tolerated.

    Don't think I'm talking about retarded or dyslexic people here, either. That's not the stupidity I'm talking about. That stupidity is innocent, for the most part, and the good part is those folks don't get elected Sheriff . . . so far.

    I'm talking about the Sarah Palin, Anne Coulter, Rush Limbaugh brand of stupidity that is dangerous precisely because it passes for average intelligence these days - or smart "enough" when you throw some designer frames on it. Trust me, Mr. High IQ they are actually glaringly, painfully stupid. Confusing what they have with opinions does too much damage, I've got to speak up.

    So please folks, yes, understand this guy is a racist, but also understand he's stupid as fuck FIRST.

    The poor creature never belonged in a position of authority in the first place. I wouldn't put him in charge of a dunking booth at the town fair. Seriously. He end up shooting at the target with a shotgun, or some stupid shit like that, trust me.

    I think it's very important to understand - as evidenced by his own comments in response to the backlash - that this guy is just dumb. Because we can then very clearly see what a PRODUCT, what a TOOL, what a PUPPET he is - capering like a monkey in a bellhop's cap to the very dangerous and much more malignant Conservative organ grinder half the country is dancing to these days.

    Gotta stop letting stupid people have power, folks!

    I wanna see a Tyson - Kaku ticket in 2016. It will never happen, though - they would never take the pay cut.

  21. I wish all evil things gone. All evil people to drop dead. Is Barry evil? Then I wish he would drop dead, sooner than later.

  22. Thank you Field! Please keep chasing the big R for us. Because of you, and other bloggers like you, the MSM can't hide the truth of what is happening!

  23. Anonymous2:47 PM

    Dr Queen, "Really? The jealous natured comments about my impending matriculation in medical school seem to ALWAYS make it through. And the comments about my genitalia always make it through too. Now WTF does THAT have to do with Black empowerment?"

    That's because you are insulting everyone else, you fool. Field is compromising his better judgment by posting your dumb ass comments and allowing others to respond to your condescending and LYING comments.

    I swear. You have GOT to be the most self-centered, selfish self-pitying person on the planet....maybe since Adam and Eve. In fact, you probably were Eve in a past lifetime, which is why you are suffering from low intelligence, and low's your KARMA in this lifetime.

    But look at it this way: you are FINALLY working off your karma from a long long time ago.

    PS. You will have to come back in another life as a snake to work off all the LIES you have told about your degrees, and Med School on FN. When will you ever learn?

  24. Thank you Field for posting my earlier comment, I REALLY needed to get that off my chest! :)

  25. Anyone else wanna see the comments that are to bad to post? Just say'n.

  26. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Dr Nuwang, "Thank you Field for posting my earlier comment, I REALLY "needed" to get that off my chest! :)"

    3:49 PM
    you are so needy.

  27. Obamanation6:00 PM

    Our rulers are telling us we need to give up our guns, as they stock up on arms and billions of rounds of ammunition. They tell us there is something wrong about the allocation of wealth in this country, and that they will decide where this wealth belongs.

    The Labor Department, using what they call “adjusted numbers” places unemployment at 7.9%. Real unemployment including U6 measurements (those people who are underemployed, and those people who have been unemployed for so long they no longer receive benefits and are no longer counted by the government) stands at over 20%.

    In 2009, 32 million Americans were enrolled in food stamps. Today, that number has grown to 48 million. That’s a 50% increase in only 4 years.

    Our official national debt stands at $16.6 trillion. In 2008, the national debt was around $10 Trillion, meaning, we’ve added over $6 trillion in only 5 years.

    Real national debt including entitlement programs and future obligations is estimated between $60 Trillion and $120 Trillion.

    They are intentionally engineering an economic collapse of America.

    Their argument is that this is "progress", long overdue for these shores.

    This argument is based on a series of lies, the first one being that American culture needs to “progress with the times” and shake off the dead skin of old and “unpopular” principles. Let’s set the record straight…

    Some principles, like the liberties embodied in natural law and outlined in the U.S. Constitution, NEVER become outdated. They exist in the heart of mankind, and will remain as long as humanity remains. They cannot be erased, and they cannot be undone. They are inherent and eternal.

    They can, however, be oppressed by those who seek to dominate the lives of others. This is what the establishment today calls “progress”. Their version of social order is not new, nor is it even clever. It is archaic, and has taken many forms, including oligarchy, aristocracy, mercantilism, monarchy, totalitarianism, despotism, fascism, socialism, communism, globalism, etc., etc. The goal is always the same; centralize as much power as possible into as few hands as possible while making the enslaved population as collectivized and dependent as possible.

    The Liberty Movement is not some dying vestige of America’s past clinging to an antiquated philosophy. We are the new wave; the messengers of an ideal of freedom that in the grand scheme of history has been around for only a blink of an eye. Constitutional liberty IS the progress that humanity has been waiting for. We have only been led astray by those who would sell us on our own bondage.

  28. Anonymous7:30 PM

    PilotX-"Anyone else wanna see the comments that are to bad to post? Just say'n."

    4:31 PM
    Since Field has started moderating, I have noticed that very few of your comments and very few of Dr Nuwang's comments have been posted.
    This proves that you two have been making unacceptable comments that are too bad to post.

  29. PilotX said...
    Anyone else wanna see the comments that are to bad to post? Just say'n.

    Isn't there already enough smut on the Internet?

    Or here's a question, if the comments were directed at your wife, would you be as interested?

    Just asking.

    @7:30 As for my comments, Field posts them comments 99.9% of the time. I have a LIFE outside of the net including preparing for med school, so I've got FAR more important things to do in a day than post here all day, everyday like some of you.

  30. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Dr Nuwang, "@7:30 As for my comments, Field posts them comments 99.9% of the time. I have a LIFE outside of the net including preparing for med school, so I've got FAR more important things to do in a day than post here all day, everyday like some of you."

    9:16 PM
    You are a very disloyal and ungrateful person. Field provided for people like you to post on and you show your ungratefulness. That's terrible.

  31. Bus as usual This is not surprising to me

