Thursday, March 21, 2013

See Michele run, and "cowards" in Washington.

I have been looking for the "Drop Squad's number ever since I was on with my man Jesse Lee Peterson on Tuesday.  That Negro done lost his mind. Sadly, they have a lot of Negroes like Jesse in America. Now I see why Sean Hannity loves him so much.

I bet Jesse has love for Michele Bachman. Now there is someone who has lost her mind. (Did you see her running away from Dana Bash?Priceless!) It's gotten so bad with Michele that even her fellow conservatives are telling her to dial it back a bit.

"Bachmann claims Bo Obama has a full-time dog handler, but he doesn’t, White House groundskeeper Dale Haney has voluntarily walked every presidential dog since Nixon’s (he likes dogs); she says Air Force One has five chefs, but it’s more like cooks, and White House staffers need to pay — $20 per meal — out of their own pockets to eat; she claims 70 percent of the money spent on food stamps goes to bureaucrats, which just isn’t close to true.
CNN congressional corespondent Dana Bash tried to ask Bachmann Tuesday about her the inconsistencies in her speech. It didn’t go too well, as she explained to Anderson Cooper last night. Bash, who has gotten pretty good at chasing Bachmann in heels, tried to speak with the Tea Party Caucus chairwoman in the basement of the Capitol, but the congresswoman took off running. Bash kept pace, valiantly trying to keep up her questions as they careered through the narrow corridors, but Bachmann refused to play ball.
Finally, the congresswoman stopped, squared her shoulders to Bash, and unleashed a tirade. How dare you “talk about dog handlers when we have four Americans killed in Benghazi,” she demands. Bash replies by noting that it was Bachmann, not her, who brought up the dog handlers in her CPAC speech. Bachmann takes off again, leaving Bash holding her microphone in thin air, saying, “but you’re the one who brought it up.”

Sadly, Mrs. Bachmann pretty much represents the type of politician that the Tea Party has been churning out these days.

Finally, it looks like another teen has become a victim of bullying.

This kid was in the 8th grade and he put a 40 caliber handgun to his head and took his own life.

"Police locked down the school temporarily before parents were asked to pick up their children around 9:15 a.m. Classes were canceled for Friday and will resume Monday.

“It got pretty emotional with the adults. They need a lot of support right now,” Grusecki said. “We could see it in their faces. It was difficult for all of us.”
Police are determining who owned the gun and how the student obtained it.

Does it matter? There are so many guns in Amurderca that he could have gotten it anywhere. I am guessing that he got it right there at home from under daddy's old Playboy Magazines.

Good luck Mayor Bloomberg. It's going to take every penny of those billions you have to win this fight. Unfortunately, though, you will not be getting any help from the "cowards" in Washington.



  1. Wesley R9:38 PM

    I didn't know Bachmann could run that fast. She could line up next to Allyson Felix and Veronica Campbell and give them a run for their money. Just ask her about something stupid she said, line them up, shoot the gun and watch her go.

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    You want to talk about bullying Field? Why have you ignored the case of a kid from the Philly area, Bailey O'Neill? Bailey was a 12 year who died after being beaten up at school.

    I guess he looks like the wrong kind of person's son.

  3. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Dana Bash is just another lickspittle journalist doing her part to Speak Power to Truth.

    Kind of like you.

  4. Robert Steed9:57 PM

    "Good luck Mayor Bloomberg. It's going to take every penny of those billions you have to win this fight."

    Adam Lanza commits a crime, and I’m supposed to grovel and plead for my rights and explain to you that my firearms are kept safely? I keep hearing the word “solution”… you’re not going to find a solution, it doesn’t exist. You can’t find a broad brush solution to evil.

    Our government is now coloring outside the lines of constitutional parameters. That’s the bottom line. You are trying to marriage up public safety with constitutional rights. The Constitution did not guarantee public safety, it guaranteed liberty. And sometimes what comes with liberty is tragedy, unfortunately. But certainly that pales in comparison with the tragedies that would follow the forfeiture of liberty.

  5. Field,
    Surely you're aware that the Congresswoman Michele Bachman character is an ongoing performance art piece? Yeah, she and her fiance came up with the whole idea, including the gay dancing queen husband named Marcus, back when they were in college, but it took a while to launch it as a project. I heard they were going to retire the character as played out after the presidential primary in '12. Perhaps the runaway success of the Herman Caine Experience made them decide to keep it going. Who knows.

  6. Anonymous11:09 PM

    Field, Jesse is 100% correct. Most of us Blacks are racists. Once again, Jesse Lee Peterson waxed your ass.

    Most, but not all, Blacks have a broken moral compass. Jesse is correct.

    Field, you are waaay off in your perception. You aren't even close to reality. You are in profound denial about our race. We are killing each other every day. We are robbing each other everyday. We are having babies out of wedlock everyday.

    Field, please wake up..

  7. Anonymous11:21 PM


    @7:30 As for my comments, Field posts them comments 99.9% of the time. I have a LIFE outside of the net including preparing for med school, so I've got FAR more important things to do in a day than post here all day, everyday like some of you.

    U just about done preparin? It's only been five years.

  8. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Bullying in schools has got to stop. It's no longer bullying, it is intimidation and psychological violence which no child can withstand. This is probably the greatest sin of America.

  9. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Brother Field, have you REALLY looked at Michele Bachmann? Isn't she a knockout? Pretty face, beautiful hair, excellent speaker, gorgeous smile, honest, and open-minded. What more could a man want in a woman?

    I wish you would just stop picking on her. Michele hasn't hurt anyone. Just leave her alone. She's just trying to live her life like everybody else.

  10. Anonymous11:46 PM

    there are a ton of black racists in the black race, including you, Mr Field. Look how you have labeled Jada Pinkett as a HN for her idea about diversity. If there ever was a color aroused Negro about Whites, it is YOU, Mr Field.

    You see, we must get beyond race. but listening to yu on JLP's show, you are stuck and confined to a very narrow way of racism. You and Stormfront should hook up.

  11. Great job with Jesse. I just don't know how you just don't bust out laughing at him. He sounds just like Uncle Rukus. "You Blacks this, you Blacks that", does this fool not know he's one of us? He compares himself to Rush and Hannity? Does he not know they laugh at this fool? "You Blacks are immoral and racist". The man is a joke and instead of appearing on his show he needs to do some appearances on some Black shows. Let's see how big his are, he chides liberals for being scared to come on his show let's see him defend some of his beliefs about "us" to us instead of a friendly white audience.

  12. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Not looking for the number to the Drop Squad!! lol

  13. Wesley R8:52 AM

    Remember Ken Hamblin from the 90's? They used to call him The Black Rush Limbaugh. He ended up running his mouth too much and his contract wasn't renewed. The same thing will happen to Jesse Lee Peterson. He'll say or do something out of line and the next thing you know he'll be off of radio. He thinks he's one of them but he'll soon find out he's not.

  14. @Asshole:
    U just about done preparin? It's only been five years.

    Is it too hard for your retarded a$$ to NOT bring comments from other posts into a new one? Guess not.

    BTW, I'll be "preparin" for the next "X" years until I graduate. I'm VERY clear that sharing specific details of my academic/professional life on THIS blog is a dumb a$$ idea THANKS to all the racist, hatin' mutants in these here parts. :)

    In other words, you won't get to do to me what you did to Steve.

  15. These words from Thomas Jefferson dovetail perfectly with the gun control debate:

    ”I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.”

    It's nice to see Field out there advocating for slavery like a good Democrat.

  16. Ironomous11:16 AM

    PilotX said...
    chides liberals for being scared to come on his show let's see him defend some of his beliefs about "us" to us instead of a friendly white audience.

    Are you saying black people are violent?

    What's with blacks and the constant threats? I guess some stereotypes are true.

  17. Rangerskippy11:21 AM

    Keep in mind, Obama, Hillary, Feinstein…. do not want less crime, or they would say so. They want your guns, and it comes out in their speech, their vote, and their previous records.

    Feinstein and Obama want your rifles, but we know that last year in America rifles were used in less than 4% of murders. Why do they want the rifle?

    Last year, of all murders in the US, 50% were committed by black Americans. Half of all murder victims were black. If we could lower black murder rates to the same as whites, we would lower the national murder per capita rate by almost 40% and save a lot of black lives. I want to save black lives. I believe the MSM, Obama, Hillary, Feinstein…. do not give a rip, or they would address this problem

    Let us not forget, these same democrats have economic policies that they support that parallel or coincide with socialism. They are the same politicians clamoring for our guns.

    Read history. Socialists throughout history redistribute wealth, but they also take away guns. These same socialist throughout out history also have a record of murdering millions of their own people Stalin, Mao, Castro, Hitler….)

    America owns more guns than any nation in the world. We have 88 guns per 100 people. There are 27 nations with higher murder rates than us. Honduras owns 6.6 guns per 100 people, and has the highest murder rates.

    If we can get control our out of control black on black murder rate, then we will drop the murder per capita rate and be on par with most European nations. This is easy math. Democrats do not want you to know it, and republicans are two afraid of political correctness to say it.

    Racism is claiming people commit crime because of the color of their skin. Foolishness is ignoring murder because of skin color.

    There is no such thing as a genetic criminal. It is learned behavior. Listen to the rap music, look at the video games, wake up, and see reality.

  18. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Great debate with the Reverend!

    Sometimes he sounds as though even he doesn't believe what he says!

  19. "Gunny said...
    These words from Thomas Jefferson dovetail perfectly with the gun control debate:

    ”I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” "
    Of course what Jefferson actually said (in the form of a proffered motto) was: "Malo periculosam, libertatem quam quietam servitutem" which is properly translated as, "I prefer the tumult of liberty to the quiet of servitude." Which, in his context as a lifelong slave-owner, misogynist, white supremacist and classist, was relevant only to other propertied aristocratic white men like himself. He never extended his democratic vision beyond his own peers.

  20. @Rangerskippy,

    I like your post as it relates to black on black crime. However, you must peer further into the annals of history to further grasp the horrors of the black experience in Amerikkka.

    I'll levae you with a quote by Pres. Lincoln: "Every drop of blood drawn with the lash, will be paid by another, drawn with the sword."

    Think about it!

  21. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Dr.Nǚwáng said...

    U just about done preparin? It's only been five years.

    Is it too hard for your retarded a$$ to NOT bring comments from other posts into a new one? Guess not.

    Why would you say something so stupid. There is no running conversation so I wanted to leave a post for you. So?

    BTW, I'll be "preparin" for the next "X" years until I graduate. I'm VERY clear that sharing specific details of my academic/professional life on THIS blog is a dumb a$$ idea THANKS to all the racist, hatin' mutants in these here parts. :)


    None of us that I can tell ever wanted to hear your tall tales, you were always the one making things up, bragging and challenging people - We replied. Don't want anyone to answer - don't ask.

    In other words, you won't get to do to me what you did to Steve.


    Is this how you cover your lies of preparing for five years? By all of a sudden getting modest? The biggest mouth on the blog who shares her genital information and penis size you are modest and couth? LOL. I don't think so.

    But anyway be great to hear nonsense about your going to school, we all know you will never be a Doctor and now five years later you are ready for Geritol not 20 hour days of studying something you could never understand.

  22. Dr. Mǚtánt2:12 PM

    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    I'll be "preparin" for the next "X" years until I graduate

    You tell them, Nǚwáng. There's no hurry. In fact, in just a few more years you can start collecting Social Security, which should help with those medical school costs.

    Just make sure you are prepared not to ever graduate from medical school. Just in case.

    You will never be a doctor. But there is nothing wrong with that.

  23. What Michele Bachmann NEEDS to do is find another plastic surgeon. That face is starting to look a little "Joan Rivers" ish, ROTFL!!!

  24. Gunny3:37 PM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...
    Which, in his context as a lifelong slave-owner, misogynist, white supremacist and classist, was relevant only to other propertied aristocratic white men like himself.

    Sorry Whitey, but you are wrong. The concepts of freedom and inherent rights are universal. Liberty applies to everyone.

  25. Black Sage said...
    I'll levae you with a quote by Pres. Lincoln: "Every drop of blood drawn with the lash, will be paid by another, drawn with the sword."

    Every drop of blood drawn with he lash has been repayed with a lake of blood drawn with the sword.

    The Tuskegee Institute has recorded 3,446 blacks (and 1,297 whites) were lynched between 1882 and 1968.

    Blacks kill that many whites every two years.

    In the last 30 years, 170 million violent and non-violent crimes were committed by blacks against Whites in the U.S.

    600,000 white men died in the war that freed the slaves.

    White people owe black people nothing.

  26. Anonymous3:51 PM

    Dr. Mǚtánt said...
    Ms.Nǚwáng said...
    I'll be "preparin" for the next "X" years until I graduate

    You tell them, Nǚwáng. There's no hurry. In fact, in just a few more years you can start collecting Social Security, which should help with those medical school costs.

    Just make sure you are prepared not to ever graduate from medical school. Just in case.

    You will never be a doctor. But there is nothing wrong with that.

    2:12 PM
    ROFLMAO! I love the push-back on The 'future' Dr Queen of Lies.... LOL

  27. Black Sage said...
    I'll levae you with a quote by Pres. Lincoln: "Every drop of blood drawn with the lash, will be paid by another, drawn with the sword."

    Is this what you had in mind?:

    Because that's how young blacks think.

  28. @Justice is coming

    Hahaha, obviously, you lack the required comprehension skills to decipher a simple post. You're quite funny, please humor me some more.

  29. Victor said, ......"White people owe black people nothing"

    I could easily take your comment and dissect it in many ways. However, I'm not in a tutoring mode at the moment. Furthermore, you're in need of comprehension skills as well and I'm not going to assist you with that either. Therefore, I highly suggest that you brush up on your skills prior to making another asinine post.

  30. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Field, so what now, you getting chummy with Jesse Lee Uncle Ruckas Peterson?

  31. "Field, so what now, you getting chummy with Jesse Lee Uncle Ruckas Peterson?"

    The "Drop Squad" sent me. They thought they would give it one more shot.
