Sunday, March 10, 2013

Bush again!

I never thought that I would agree with a Bush, but Jeb was right about the press: They are a bunch of "crack" and "heroin addicts". But we all knew that. And we all know that the politricksters out here are their drug dealers.

Everyone is already getting in line for 2016, and from the looks of things America is going to have to deal with another Bush for another election cycle. (Memo to Jeb: Your name will weigh you down like checked bags on a commercial flight.) I am pretty sure that we are going to have a Clinton in the race as well. But 2016 is a long way away in politics.

And speaking of the press, there is some disturbing news coming from over at Essence Magazine. It seems that yet another strong sister [in pic] is being forced out by the corporate suits for not toeing the corporate line. I have said this before but it bears repeating: Until you Negroes in America start owning and controlling your own media outlets, you will always be a slave to Mr. Charlie's message.

Finally, tonight my racism chase takes me to the country state of Texas.

"A Texas mom is furious after middle school bullies handed her son a fake invitation to a KKK-themed birthday party 'with lots of fun and games.'
Tahiyyah Howard said that this wasn’t the first time her seventh grade son Justin has been the target of racial bullying. She told ABC News that several white classmates have repeatedly picked on the Tomball, Texas student just because he’s black.

"I'm just, really, you know, sick of it," Howard told KTRK.
In another incident, a female classmate wrote the words “Black Justin” on the board.

'My son was really upset,' Howard said.

Officials at Tomball Junior High School confirmed that the note was written, but said that a teacher picked the note up before Justin could see it. Administrators then contacted Howard and disciplined the two students responsible.

Just them being kids. Just human beings, Theresa Ellis told KTRK.
Falisha Tanner, another parent, wasn’t too surprised. 'That's the norm here,' she told KTRK. 'We are the minorities and we're treated as the minorities.”' [Source]

Ms. Howard, it might be time to consider relocating. Hopefully it's not too late and your son has not already been permanently scarred by the emotional trauma that accompanies experiencing racism and bullying at such an early age.


  1. Anonymous9:23 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Black Sage said, "By the way assAnon@12:16, Chief Sullivan is a white man. Therefore, he is not a racist."

    12:37 PM
    My name is Mr. Anon and you should address me as such.

    If Chief Sullivan is White, it does not absolve him from being a racist. You think like a white person, when it comes to racism. Therefore, you are either not Black, or you are an uncle tom jiggin on FN. Which is it?

    FYI: Name-calling shows immaturity and lack of wisdom. Grow up, white boy.

  2. Well, we used to own Essence, but sold it so....


  3. black jaque10:23 PM

    "strong sister" usually means a psychopathically incorrigible black woman who can't get along with anyone who isn't praising her for being a "strong sister".

  4. Reggin Esaelp10:38 PM

    Justin Howard is lucky. If he were the only white kid in a black middle school, instead of having his teacher intercept offensive notes before they reached him, he'd get his head kicked in every day by large groups of his fellow students while the teachers ignored it. He could only dream of the day when they'd give him a fake invitation to a Black Panther birthday party instead

  5. Anonymous10:41 PM

    I was just a ten year old walking home with my fourteen year old brother when four young men wielding iron rebar surrounded us, called us "white boy", "white paddy" and "white mother****er". They laughed as they hit us on the legs, back and arms as we tried to block the blows. But that is nothing compared to the heartbreak of this mother whose son almost received a fake birthday party invitation. I'm weeping.

  6. Anonymous11:22 PM

    "Ms. Howard, it might be time to consider relocating. Hopefully it's not too late and your son has not already been permanently scarred by the emotional trauma that accompanies experiencing racism and bullying at such an early age."

    Oh please, you and I both know he won't be that scarred, he'll end up dating a white girl eventually.

  7. Anonymous1:35 AM

    Dear Mr Field, it is quite evident that you are moderating the shit out of FN--so much that NO ONE can have continuity of comments.

    This sucks, Mr Field. Won't you consider putting in MORE real time? Can't you stay up a couple hours longer at night and get up 2 hours earlier? That way, there will be some continuity and I am sure all posters will be grateful.

    I personally will pray for your entrance into heaven if you will just sacrifice a few hours of sleep, which you probably don't need anyway. Try it, and you will see.

    FYI: my prayers are very powerful. I can guarantee your acceptance into heaven at death. Trust me.

  8. Anonymous1:55 AM

    Brother Field, why are listing O'Reilly as a House Negro? O'Reilly has spent a life time bringing Americans news and political insight. And, it has been fair and balanced.

    Brother Field, I just don't get it. Why are you coming down on my man, O'Reilly. He is a sincere and honest man who has strict moral and ethical values. He calls it like he sees it.

    You and I both know that Obama is wrong but because he is Black, we over look the wrongs he is and has done. But Mr. O'Reilly has spent his career sounding off on politicians who are blatantly wrong.

    Please remove O'Reilly from your side bar as a House Negro. If anything, he needs to be honored by FN as a true American and an Honorary Field Negro.

    Mark my words, O'Reilly will win a Nobel Laureate Prize in the near future. He is a dedicated smart man.

  9. Anonymous11:49 AM

    "een year old brother when four young men wielding iron rebar surrounded us, called us "white boy", "white paddy" and "white mother****er". They laughed as they hit us on the legs, back and arms as we tried to block the blows"
    Lol "iron rebar" lol! That must have been those spongy floating tubes you use in the pool, cuz rebar woulda fractured your bones! Lol!

    Scuse me for laughing,I'm really sorry they attacked you with flotation tubes, musta been really scary, you sure you weren't at the pool though? ;)

  10. Until you Negroes in America start owning and controlling your own media outlets, you will always be a slave to Mr. Charlie's message. - Field Negro

    I concur and I feel hear you Field Negro!

  11. Anonymous12:26 PM

    "Mr Field. Won't you consider putting in MORE real time? Can't you stay up a couple hours longer at night and get up 2 hours earlier? "
    Lol, You might want to add not do anything on Saturdays and Sundays just stay glued to the blog ;)

    I don't like the moderation either. I would very much prefer a running uninterrupted commentary like we had before.

    There are very intelligent people on here with very interesting and diverse points of view that lead to great debate and conversation at the 'table' so to speak, because a blog can be considered someone's "cyber home" if you will, except that it is on public display, very public.

    However I can also understand that Field cannot allow the debate and valid interchange of ideas and viewpoints to be reduced instead into an obscene and vulgar name calling street fight.

    As tolerant and understanding as The Field Negro is as pertains to this blog, there are still those who would aspire to disrespectfully sully and degrade the space he has provided for dialogue for the entire world to observe.

    There are ways of besting an opponent other than reducing oneself to vulgar words and insults.

    End of rant. We now return you to the program in progress. ;)

  12. Desertflower, it's a constant dance.

  13. Anonymous1:18 PM


    Then put on yo' dancin' shoes, bruh, lol! Gotta concur wit Lady D, Field!

  14. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Lady D

    Way to call that mutant out for lying regarding the mutant alleging that IT was beaten with an iron rebar. These creatures will tirelessly run their subhuman psyche games to trap the unsuspecting. They are a crafty, albeit scurrilous subspecies, that's for sure! It's a treat hearing you chin check the cretin from, P.R.!

  15. Ok, I will get them out, but if I don't like the music I will put them right back in the closet. :)

  16. Anonymous6:41 PM

    Afroloid said...
    "Way to call that mutant out for lying regarding the mutant alleging that IT was beaten with an iron rebar. These creatures will tirelessly run their subhuman psyche games to trap the unsuspecting."

    I think the "subhuman" is the one who calls other people "IT" to objectify them for the purpose of rationlizing blacks beating a 10 year old with rebar. You, Desertflower, and anyone else who does so is a vile piece of shit.

  17. Anonymous4:40 AM

    Silly mutant,

    Haven't you been following/stalking my posts? Are you feigning ignorance regarding my previous posts? Of that, I'm sure. Anyway, I have been doggedly, deliberately consistent with my scientific contention that you are not human, but rather a mutant/subspecies of African human based upon scientific fact, coupled with the heinous atrocities members of your ilk still perpetrate against humans of Native American and African ancestry on these shores and abroad.

    The point is, no one believes that b.s. However, I'm grateful for your mutant, subhuman posts, as they're excellent case-in-points for humans that you mutant creatures are DIFFERENT...

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