Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Land of the guns.

My friends, we live in crazy times. If you are a law abiding citizen and just want to go about your business and pursue happiness in the land of the [some are] free, you have to wonder if it isn't time to just find another country. (You can't even enjoy a pleasant night out with your family without some gun nut spoiling your evening.)

Honestly, here in America, the gun nuts are starting to scare me as much as the criminals. At least with the criminals we know their terrain, what they are looking for, and who they are targeting. With these gun nuts you just never know.

"IT WAS THE phone call gun enthusiasts feared under President Obama's America, and it came unexpectedly on a Thursday for one South Jersey man sucking down some cold ones at the local Applebee's.

Come home now, the police are here. They want to take a look at your guns.
Police in Carneys Point, Salem County, said Shawn Moore was "ranting and waiving," "aggressive" and acting "arrogantly" when he rushed home from the restaurant March 14 to find them there, asking to look at his firearms because of an anonymous call they had received about his children's safety.
Moore later apologized for his behavior, police said, and his wife, Julie, told them he was still reeling from Obama's election in 2008. 
"While we were waiting, Julie stood and spoke to us stating, Shawn has not been the same person since President Obama was elected. She stated he is obsessed with gun control, owning weapons and his right to bear arms," an officer wrote in the police report, obtained Tuesday by the Daily News. "Julie seemed embarrassed at her husband's behavior, however, she did not seem surprised."

Moore made national headlines last week after it was reported that someone saw a picture on Facebook of his son holding the military-looking .22-caliber rifle he received for his 11th birthday and called both police and New Jersey's Division of Children and Families. Moore wrote about the incident on an online firearms forum afterward, and the story went national after Glenn Beck's conservative news site, The Blaze, picked it up.

The police report said the anonymous caller had expressed other concerns as well, claiming that Julie Moore instructed her son to shoot "anyone who breaks in to their home" and that Shawn Moore had "issues with alcohol" and multiple DUI offenses.

When Moore got home, police said he smelled of alcohol and he definitely had an issue with officers and DCF workers being there. Moore had spoken with noted firearms attorney Evan Nappen on the phone before he arrived and immediately asked the officers and DCF workers to leave.
From the News Desk
"I tried to explain to Shawn that no one wanted to remove his firearms, to which Shawn rebuffed that there is legislation going through Congress to ban his firearms," one officer wrote. [Store]

Now maybe you see why I am scared for this country's future. Maybe it will all end after O leaves office, but somehow I don't think it will. Unfortunately the more threatened these people feel about their position in Amurderca is the  more unhinged they become. 

Greg Thrasher wrote a very thought provoking essay after visiting a gun control rally in Maryland, recently. Here are some excerpts from his article:

"The supporters of gun control were diverse in hue and gender while the supporters against gun control was almost 100% white males. This raw visual has now informed me to pen this commentary.
Recent media accounts have reported and documented that during the Obama presidency unlike any other modern day presidency the gun sales in our nation have been brisk with sales of guns in excess of 65,000,000. The overwhelming purchasers of these guns have been white males. The proliferation of guns in our society has been stunning and staggering . America even before the election of its first person of color was and remains the number #1 Arms Merchant on the planet. Our arms industry is the greatest manufacturer in the world when it comes to armaments and weapons of destruction. The gun lobbies from the NRA to those who shill to supply the Defense Department is unparallel.(sic) There is right now in the country a frenzy surrounding guns it stings the air with fear and in many venues a giddy aroma.

America is where democracy is exported our Department of Defense's budget comes close to a trillion dollars a year every year. Our society is a culture where violence is worshipped and exported . In America the gun is worshipped as a sacred artifact. The fervor for guns is beyond any sense of reason and borders on insanity. Gun violence not only destroys lives but the health costs of gun violence is in the billions. The reality of suicides and gun mishaps in the homes of families is tragic and senseless.

It is critical that as a nation and culture we must take a life altering posture and position towards the possession and ownership of guns especially in communities of color where the carnage of guns is creating killing fields. Many have even uttered the words that in Black venues folks are engaged in a self destructive community inflicted ethnic cleansing . Into this gun abyss the staff of PLANE IDEAS has endorsed the total confiscation of all guns. We support government mandated gun confiscation ASAP.

For Black folks in many venues across the country we need to have a calibrated examination and analysis of gun confiscation. What is more lethal for the Black community and progressives gun ownership where the majority of guns are owned by the majority population( read Whites) or the absence of all gun ownership even guns owned by Blacks.

We have to ask, as change agents, which is safer and more secure for us as a people and a community. Clearly the loss of life at the hand of guns owned by the majority against Blacks is greater than the loss of life by Blacks against Blacks. Gun confiscation means a longer mortality and morbidity in the face of gun violence. Our communities are more secure and safe from gun violence with the absence of guns than the ownership and possession of guns in our homes and in the community ."

Well Greg, I suspect that you Negroes are safe for now. But if the bad apples among us keep showing out, what do you think will happen when the unhinged mobs from the "majority" population come to drive us out because of a perceived threat? Shawn Moore is just one of many.

If the President's daughters can have their safety compromised by a right wing rag, what do you think will become of the rest of us Negroes?

You Negroes better grab some books and start reading about Rosewood, Florida.


  1. It's better to have and not need than to need and don't have. Oh bullets are hard to get.So....?

  2. Anonymous9:59 PM

    From the previous thread:

    Desert said, "But that's not me Bubba! that;s never been me and never will be either! and don't ask me why I just called you Bubba, Are you related to Bill Clinton? are you Southern? I bet you are!

    Anyway I had my target practice pics in the damned laptop that burned, but as soon as I find them I'll post them on my blog! Just for you! Cuz I like you :)))"

    7:03 PM
    Yes I am Southern. How did you know? How in the hell did your laptop catch on fire? Strange things happen in PR.

  3. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Field, "You Negroes better grab some books and start reading about Rosewood, Florida."

    Ahh Field, nothing to worry about. Any time they want to wipe us out they can do it fairly quickly, wouldn't you say?

    Rosewood is NOTHING compared to what they did to us Negroes in Tulsa Ok 1921. Actually, it was common for Whites to lynch and shot us like animals during that time.

    Fortunately by the grace of God, Whites have become more humane and hasn't done any mass murdering of Blacks since. However, we all know if they wanted to, there is no one to stop them but their conscience. That's the scary part about living in America as a black person.

    I'm thinking about moving to PR or even Jamaica where Blacks are safe!

  4. George Zimmerman Lawyer Calls Brother’s Racist Tirade ‘Inappropriate’

    Mar 27, 2013 4:45 AM EDT

    A stream of racist tweets comparing Trayvon Martin to alleged baby killer De’Marquise Elkins? Robert Zimmerman Jr. is doing his brother no favors, George’s lawyer tells Winston Ross.

    If there’s one takeaway from the racist tirade Robert Zimmerman Jr. launched on Twitter over the past few days, it’s this: he and his younger brother are not sharing the same public-relations playbook.

    The elder Zimmerman kicked things off by tweeting an “uncanny” image of Trayvon Martin—the 17-year-old unarmed black teenager George Zimmerman shot and killed last year in Sanford, Fla.—next to a picture of another 17-year-old black teenager, De’Marquise Elkins, who stands accused of a horrific crime: shooting a 13-month-old baby in the face last week in Georgia.

    Robert Zimmerman Jr.’s caption: “A picture speaks a thousand words. Any questions?”

    Then came this tweet, for clarification: “Teen to West (the baby’s mother): ‘Do you want me to shoot your baby?’ #TrayvonMartin to #GeorgeZimmerman: You’re gonna die tonight Motherf**ker.”

    The backlash that ensued was swift, and fierce. User @Tisha Starr tweeted: “@rzimmermanjr I just saw 20 pics of teens of all colors flipping the bird, I wondered which one of them will kill tonight!”

    “C’mon,” Zimmerman tweeted back. “That’s not the point.”

    So what is? In more tweets, Zimmerman walked from one position to the next, from “the way people choose 2publicly portray themselves (with middle fingers) speaks volumes about their character” to “Lib media shld ask if what these2 black teens did 2 a woman&baby is the reason ppl think blacks mightB risky” to the same media’s so-called hypocrisy in highlighting the race issue in the Martin case and supposedly ignoring it with Elkins.

    After several requests, Zimmerman replied to an inquiry from The Daily Beast on Tuesday with a direct message: “It’s my birthday, will do the best I can 2 reach U... Thanx4 writing.” His followers had plenty to add. @GreatThee: “17 year old De Marquise Elkins shot a 2 year old baby in his carriage last week. Where is the liberal/black outrage?” And this, which Zimmerman retweeted, from @Talkmaster: “Trayvon Martin story exploded in media. White baby shot in face by black teenager—not so much. We all understand why.”

  5. Anonymous10:13 PM

    "While we were waiting, Julie stood and spoke to us stating, Shawn has not been the same person since President Obama was elected. She stated he is obsessed with gun control, owning weapons and his right to bear arms," an officer wrote in the police report, obtained Tuesday by the Daily News. "Julie seemed embarrassed at her husband's behavior, however, she did not seem surprised."

    Now see? This is the reason I didn't want Obama to have a first term as President, let alone a second. It makes Whites crazy and it's just a matter of time before all hell breaks loose.

    When it does, Field your tailored suits will be ripped to shreds by Whites you never would have suspected. Then they are going to make your black ass run down Broad St buck naked! That won't be so bad since you owed the world that naked run anyway.

  6. Anonymous10:19 PM

    Field, the more I think about that story in Dover, DE, the more I realize that it was a long big ass lie by some Negroes.

    You were a fool for posting it. BTW, don't you think that Rev Al and Jessie Jackson would have been on this if it were true?

    This is the kind of consistent BS that comes out of the black community that damn near everyone, Black and White just don't respond to anymore because we Negroes LIE, LIE and LIE some MORE. It's disgusting.

  7. Anonymous10:42 PM

    Dear Mr Field, I have been a resident in Detroit MI for some time. Today, however, I asked for a transfer to Philadephia, City of Brotherly Love where I can feel safe.

    You have raved about how cosmopolitan and international Philly is. So I am looking forward to moving there. What part of the city do you recommend?

    Maybe we can have one of those pretzels with mustard on it together? I would like to take a photo of us together to send to friends in Michigan. In Detroit, you are more famous than you are at Breitbart, Beck, Stormfront or Fox News. Sorry to make the comparison but I wanted you to know how famous you are in the Mid-West.

  8. Anonymous11:09 PM

    You Negroes better grab some books and start reading about Rosewood, Florida.

    Hope there are no big words considering that the majority of Negroes are functionally illiterate in this country.

    Remember one thing - tell your gangbanger friends that you seem to ignore while focusing on those who get upset because they have their rights violated that the thing on the top is a sight and it helps you shoot straight - it don't go sideways.

  9. How much time do you give Dr. Carson before he 1. Says somthing stupid and the GOP throws him under the bus or 2. Realizes he is surrounded by neo-confederates and says something blah and gets thrown under the bus. I say 2 months.

  10. Anonymous11:24 PM

    The gun nuts are scaring you? You must scare easily. There are plenty where I live and they don't do anything. The other gun nuts (gang bangers) are the ones you should be worried about as they are poppin' off rounds (without much aiming going on) on a daily basis. Prioritize your fears a bit better.

  11. In the same vein as Rosewood check out the documentary "Banished".

    Good post because the two white guys on a recent flight were all about "gun rights". I feel ya on this man,funny how after 2008 they suddenly want to oppose such an oppressive government. When Bush was reading their e-mail they didn't say shit.

  12. Simply put, genetically recessive whites are already armed to the teeth and now people are insisting that all weapons should be confiscated. What will happen to the people that are not armed and ultimately fall for the fallacy that all weapons were in fact confiscated? Perhaps we’ll begin to have other incidents like the Tulsa, OK race riot in 1902 and Rosewood, FL. in 1923, again. Who were the primary targets? BLACKS!

    Why did these race related incidents deteriorate to the nadir point of slaughtering, banishing and hangings happened? This tragedy happened because of their skin color and whites were fully aware of the fact that blacks were not armed and were therfore easy targets and unable to defend themselves.

    The sickness continues!

    Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it - George Santayana

  13. NSangoma12:16 AM


    Aw Lawd-duh, the po' culludz of Rosewood, Florida.

    One might wonder what was done to the AmerIndians who used to live in what is now Florida, to get their land from them.

    Po' punk crybaby Negroes.


  14. Anon@11:09 pm, those gangbangers are more than likely more literate than you are. I am just judging from your comments. I hope I am wrong.

    Sorry Anon@10:42 pm, something about u says wingnut to me. I don't associate with wingnuts. You are still welcome to come to Philly,though.

    Mayfair would be an area that I am sure you would feel most comfortable in.:)

  15. Field
    I bet anon has had at least 4 early morning incidents and at least 3 incidences of stained sheets since you spoke to him here
    He has finally got his wish LOL I bet he is the one the same anon up on spitting curse words and other misinfo about bro Malcolm Poor thing

    Serious though
    I am a gun owner in fact we have a few including a shotgun
    we are licensed and trained and Field we/i have no fears.
    If i /we are/am to die I want to die with a gun in my hand fighting back

    Yes these white boys are more treacherous than any Afrikan i know, or any which i have ever known including those i defended and saved from death row.

    Also I will tell you that no matter what this is just a testing time
    Get the book SLAVERY BY ANOTHER NAME This will tell you about all of the Afrikans killed who were unknown to us OH! yes its still happening

    And the rambling comment about Tulsa?

    Old on to your seat

  16. Anonymous

    What proof do you have that the GOOD white man has not murdered any Afrikans since Tulsa?

    Rosewood is NOTHING compared to what they did to us Negroes in Tulsa Ok 1921 HOW DO YOU KNOW
    You were not there so where did the WE" come from
    Anonymous said:
    . Actually, it was common for Whites to lynch and shot us like animals during that time.

    Actually since then anonymous it is common NOW in 2013

    Anonymous said:
    Fortunately by the grace of God, Whites have become more humane and hasn't done any mass murdering of Blacks since.

    I ask you Anonymous:
    Fortunately for the grace of whose GOD and what GOD? And how have whites become more humane when they are still figuring out civil rights, the voting rights act and women's rights, right now as I stand here in DC?

    Next anonymous said WE all know?

    Anonymous if that is so why don't you know this
    YOUR GOD cannot stop them not their conscience

    However, we all know if they wanted to, there is no one to stop them but their conscience. That's the scary part about living in America as a black person.

    Now family
    What makes Anon think or believe that there have been no mass killings of Afrikans since Tulsa?
    Does anyone think that he is simply trying to be in the mix?
    Tulsa, what does he know about Tulsa perhaps as much as he doesn't know about mass murders of Afrikans in amerikkka since Tulsa

    I say!
    There is nothing scary about living in amerikka as an Afrikan son There is more fear of living in amerikkka when someone opens their mouth and spills mis info
    Anonymous claims to be an educator, i do not question that but who is he educating?
    How can a person teach anyone if they are still clueless and come here faking the funk as an Afrikan

    Oh trust me i get it

  17. Anon@11:09 pm, those gangbangers are more than likely more literate than you are. I am just judging from your comments. I hope I am wrong.

    Sorry Anon@10:42 pm, something about u says wingnut to me. I don't associate with wingnuts. You are still welcome to come to Philly,though.

    Mayfair would be an area that I am sure you would feel most comfortable in.:)

    4:45 AM
    Field i see how careful anonymous is he definitly does not want to be booted
    The sadness is the level of misinfo he posts Here is an alleged educ who is simply willing to dump the children and come to Philly? What would he do there possibly get into Mayfair and collect aluminum?
    I suggest he try Boston hehehehe


  18. Question for all intel thinkers here
    What is Anonymous so afraid of?

    Shoot he says he lives in Detroit, and possibly comes from the mid south? Hmmm Perhaps its his Appalachia roots that scare him most?
    Why would a white man choose DETROIT?( i get it)
    Afrikans don't unless they have ROOTS there and then only under very temp conditions

    Detroit which has been headed from the refuse can for over 25 yrs and is not a place where Afrikans choose to migrate TO!

    Is this dude really who he says he is, is he homeless out there struggling without love or warmth or that extended family tie?

    I ask because his writing skills always seem to make me believe he is a member of whitewatch
    I mean there are several anonymous's but there is one core theme with them
    They always relate to the Afrikan as the other or the third party What conscious Afrikan does that?
    Unless he is light bright and darn near white and pissed off because of it Is there a possible DSM connect here?

    Also when speaking of the Afrikan its always "them they" and or blacks
    Very seldom "we" HOLD it I bet he changes that now lol I will await his response (or not) and make my final comment

    I am a chess player and a dominoes player the walls are cracking ya;ll

    Just saying

    Ps Field he is not coming to Philly LOL

  19. Field negro said...
    Anon@11:09 pm, those gangbangers are more than likely more literate than you are. I am just judging from your comments. I hope I am wrong.

    Your not wrong and that is scary reminds me of an article i posted earlier

    Entitlement, cynicism and fear coupled with a cultural history of white male violence lead young white men to sexually assault, beat up, or kill their girlfriends because they are not receiving the sex, deference, and services they feel they deserve. These feelings lead them to commit gay bashing and racist hate crimes because they believe that homosexuals and people of color are the cause of their problems. And they lead to relentless male-on-male competition, put-downs, fights and other forms of violence because every other white male is perceived to be in the way of one's success and a potential saboteur of one's efforts to succeed. Even the use of violence—the perception that one has the right to control others and force them to do what one wants—comes from a sense of white male entitlement. This is scary but so isn't a trained shooter I will not die in fear or begging for my life
    Talk about a shooting of a baby by an accused Afrikan you ain't seen nothing yet

  20. In the same vein as Rosewood check out the documentary "Banished".

    Good post because the two white guys on a recent flight were all about "gun rights". I feel ya on this man,funny how after 2008 they suddenly want to oppose such an oppressive government. When Bush was reading their e-mail they didn't say shit.

    Its a good doc but its time now to get armed and licensed If we must die we die standing UP even without a lic
    Don't talk about it be about it Its past time
    Alebit Afrikan thugs have virtually hurt our agenda they have not nor will racist ghosts catch me naked

  21. Field

    I am keeping the story of the LYNCHINGS on my site and all that i belong to
    We have also taken a letter to the white house and to Joes office
    We hand delivered it
    Talking is over!, its time to organize

    I am in DC with my grandson a third yr law student who works the hill. He is hoping to get a position with my the IP Maryland Pa or Va and my goal is to assist before he grads

  22. NSangoma9:16 AM


    PilotX 2330-PM


    FCUK Banished!!

    What about the Trail of Tears and the Trail of Death, Negroe?

    Punk crybaby Negroes.


  23. How much time do you give Dr. Carson before he 1. Says somthing stupid and the GOP throws him under the bus or 2. Realizes he is surrounded by neo-confederates and says something blah and gets thrown under the bus. I say 2 months. - PilotX

    Co-signing with "Da Pilot" here!

  24. FN

    Much respect!! your integrity with regard to publication of alternative views is appreciated here at Plane Ideas.

    Our premise is transparent guns kill and the majority has more guns than we will ever have so universal disarmament simply makes sense and ends the carnage in our communities.

  25. "The supporters of gun control were diverse in hue and gender while the supporters against gun control was almost 100% white males...It is critical that as a nation and culture we must take a life altering posture and position towards the possession and ownership of guns especially in communities of color where the carnage of guns is creating killing fields...We support government mandated gun confiscation ASAP."

    This is all over the place. How about if your mamma gov't takes all of the illegal guns out of the hands of your infantile nation, and leaves the legally obtained and knowledgeably utilized weapons of our nation alone.

  26. Frustrated Negro2:36 PM

    You want Negos to read about Rosewood...yet you support these stupid ass gun control measures...

    Your face should be permanently put on the "House Negro" slot...

  27. GrannyStandingforTruth3:04 PM

    The NRA proved without a doubt that the President was right when he said certain folks cling to their guns.

    I think those folks owe the President a written apology.

    Shopping is one of my favorite pastimes, but I don't do malls anymore because those folks who cling to their guns kids might show up and decide to take out their anger with their parents on innocent people. I'm getting too old to hop fences, railings, jump over escalators, and run track through the malls.

  28. parvenu4:28 PM

    The present white gun lovers in America are all hung up on the old west cowboy images when it comes to hanging onto their guns. Hollywood was even more responsible for the current Gun ownership craze than the NRA.

    Back in the day when the NRA was a useful magazine published to provide rifle hobbyists with construction and ballistic articles about American rifles, Hollywood was busy reinforcing its new "talkies" movie technology with a heavy dose of one cowboy movie after another. Hollywood produced so many western movies that its general script theme that the "good guys in white hats" will always win out over the "bad guys in black hats" became synonymous with the precept that these were the actual principles that being an good American stood for.

    Now you may say that many of the current gun hoarders may never have seen a western shoot-em-up movie,so how can you equate the past decades of Hollywood cowboy movies with the current gun craze? Easy - the idea of rule by the gun gets into the genes and comes down quietly in the procreation background from grandma and grandpa to mom and dad to the current feverish gun toters.

    Whenever psychological stuff saturates society for a long time it invariably gets integrated into the very fabric of that social group, which is why some people freak out over the prospect of not having their guns ready for the "big shootout" whenever it comes. These gun hoarders preach the 2nd Amendment but it is not being ready for the big shootout at "high noon" that they are really worried out.

    All of these folks that are NRA supporters in this gun madness need to read up on their American history regarding the old days in America where everyone walked around with guns strapped to their legs in frontier towns. However there were a number of towns that were abandonded simply because all the unrelenting lawlessness and gun violence drove all of the productive citizens out from these towns. Drunken shootouts happening anytime of the day or night proved to be too much and people moved out, leaving the town to quickly become a ghost town.

    This was especially true of the many mining towns that sprung up along the western frontier. I predict the average American citizen will wait until he/she has had a personal experience ducking and running from some random gunfire before the public decides to shut the NRA down, and when it happens it will not be Congressional action, rather it will be mob action, just like in the old Tom Mix movies.

  29. "Says somthing stupid and the GOP throws him under the bus".

    I honestly don't think Dr. Carson is going to say something stupid to warrant the wrath of the GOP.

    He's going to say something they don't want to hear. Or show up at some Dem "flavored" event.

  30. Dr. NuWang confidently stated, …….. I honestly don't think Dr. Carson is going to say something stupid to warrant the wrath of the GOP. He's going to say something they don't want to hear.

    For Dr. Carson to say “something stupid” or in the alternative, say “something they(GOP) don’t want to hear” is in fact one and the same thing. And of course, we all know Dr. Carson isn’t going to say anything that’s not in locked step with his puppet master GOP homies. Why? Because House Negroes like Carson and YOU must strictly abide by the provided script. House Negroes are always obsequios, submissive and happy while in a state of servility. After all, isn’t this the House Negroes code of honor, to remain obedient at all times?

    A Prime example of this is Col. Colin Powell. As soon as he announced that he was supporting Pres. Drone ObomBer, the GOP immediately severed ties with him, Now, when any RepubMafia types speak of him, they allude to him as if was merely a toy soldier. When he enunciated that he was supporting a DemoMob presidential candidate, to the conservative ilk, it was the same as saying that you’re going to escape the luxury of a given PLANTATION. And the RepubMafias cannot have House Negroes frequently escaping the confines of the master’s house.

    In short, it’s best for YOU and Dr. Carson to always abide by the script, or get thrown under your master’s horse carriage!

  31. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Field, " Sorry Anon@10:42 pm, something about u says wingnut to me. I don't associate with wingnuts. You are still welcome to come to Philly,though."

    Field, why are you effing with me? You know damn well I am Black. So why are you unwilling to help me, or at least offer a pretzel with mustard on it?

    I swear. You and that sorry ass MantanzaGW aren't Negroes, you are N-words.

  32. Anonymous8:26 PM

    Black Sage, "In short, it’s best for YOU and Dr. Carson to always abide by the script, or get thrown under your master’s horse carriage!"

    You are exactly right. However, I wonder why you haven't said the same thing about Blacks and the Dem script? Obama and the Dems throw folks under the bus regularly. Just ask the ENTIRE black race.

    Or how about the script that Blacks must follow on FN or get thrown under the bus? Hell, I have been thrown under the bus dozens of times on FN by Field and his disciples... Negroes like that sorry ass Tommin MantanzasGW all because I don't fit their script of a Negro. Those Negroes are racists against their own kind. Uncle Toms, that's what they are. I think I'll stay in Detroit. Fuck Philly and the Negroes in it!

    BTW, Field and MantanzasGW are Jamaicans who hate AAs. Does that tell you anything? I hope like hell Jesse Lee Peterson will question Field about this. In fact, I just might contact JLP about this.

  33. Miight be too late Doc, Dr. Carson is saying some dumb shit.

  34. "You are exactly right. However, I wonder why you haven't said the same thing about Blacks and the Dem script? Obama and the Dems throw folks under the bus regularly. Just ask the ENTIRE black race."

    No, you are exactly WRONG and need to make up your mind about which side of your mouth you want to speak from.

    I've been OPENLY critical of BOTH Dems and Repubs on THIS blog for YEARS! So where the hell were you?

    BTW, the ONLY thing Black Stooge is "right" about is being a punk a$$ negro whose mammy didn't teach him to RESPECT Black women.

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