Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Safety first.

I am guessing that the poor guy in this story is now thinking that his risk/ reward assessment of gun ownership didn't work out quite like he planned it.

You load up with your guns to protect your family from the Barbarians at your gate--- and the government coming to get you in their black helicopters--- and you end up splitting your own ten year old son's wig.

'He was careful with it,' Robert Simmons, the boy's uncle, told Carolinalive.com. 'I don't think he meant to hold it in that direction. There must have been a bullet lodged in the chamber and it fired and hit him.'

The father dropped his gun and rushed his eight-year-old daughter to another room.
His wife, who had been making dinner when the tragedy happened, called 911. Paramedics arrived at the home and pronounced the child dead on scene.
No charges have been filed in the case."

This is happening way too often. Why aren't these gun owners taking gun safety classes?

A quick check of Google and I get this, story, this story, and this story. The NRA is clearly not doing enough to teach their members about proper gun safety.

Speaking of the NRA, those wonderful people are now making robo-calls to the residents of Newtown, Connecticut, and they are urging them to oppose any gun control laws being proposed in Washington.

"'The National Rifle Association has also been sending out postcards — and in some cases actually calling Newtown residents — and telling them to urge their local legislators to vote no on “dangerous anti-gun legislation.'

But the gun group may have shot themselves in the foot.
Local politicians targeted by the NRA say most the calls they’ve gotten are from people angered by the NRA’s heartless tactics."

"Shot themselves in the foot"? I don't think so. Unlike their members the NRA never misses their target.


  1. Field, surely you remember that guns don't kill people, people (who put bullets in to guns) kill people.

  2. Anonymous12:28 AM

    from the previous thread:

    "Ps. To the poster who claimed Field isn't doing anything, he works in Philadelphia, PA, as an attorney, not Dover, DE.

    6:30 PM
    Any attorney that close to Dover, DE KNOWS people in Philly who KNOW people in Dover....GET IT? Field can do something IF he wanted to. In fact, I would venture to say that Field has friends in Dover.

    Let's face it. NOTHING will be done because people like you make excuses for Negroes NOT to do anything.

  3. Anonymous12:54 AM

    I am amazed at the number of people with guns who are so reckless with a weapon that kills. Some of these people shouldn't own guns--they are a danger to their own children's lives. Such ignorance and carelessness!

    The women in PR especially shouldn't own guns either. They should be baking cakes and taking care of the house. Women with guns are an accident waiting to happen! Very dangerous. PR should have a law against that.

    Desert, you know I'm right so don't even try it.

  4. Field, surely you remember that guns don't kill people, people (who put bullets in to guns) kill people. – Whitey’s Conspiracy

    Of course guns kill people, even more so when an unsafe idiot pulls the trigger, whether it was intentionally or accidentally.

  5. Anonymous2:13 AM

    Whitey's Conspiracy said...

    Field, surely you remember that guns don't kill people, people (who put bullets in to guns) kill people

    95% of which are Black people whose culture has been destroyed by disingenuous white people.

  6. Unfortunately, the people who need guns the most are the ones not in structured households and having the ability to have such a dangerous tool-if misused-around. Many homes in my world have not the ability to have ownership of weapons as demostrated by the human toil I am witnessing on a daily basis. Saturday night about one mile from my residence a young man was murdered,,,,the fifth in my small world. The "gunsmoke kids" are creeping closer by the years. It time again to move to a buffer zone; a time frame that grows shorter as I age. How/where do these guys get the guns....at some point there was/is a transfer point- adult to child. This should be the target also. The majority of the national gun conversation has left my world out....therefor as a scared citizen I must hold on to my guns and hope for the best....after all I walk my dogs at night. My prayers with the parents that have lost their child. A nation that can't protect the children....

  7. Any attorney that close to Dover, DE KNOWS people in Philly who KNOW people in Dover....GET IT? Field can do something IF he wanted to. In fact, I would venture to say that Field has friends in Dover.

    Let's face it. NOTHING will be done because people like you make excuses for Negroes NOT to do anything. - ANON 12:28am

    Hahahaha, OMG, you’re killing me softly. Are you telling me that Field Negro has been secretly selected as a gun safety police, unbeknownst to him and is therefore responsible for the actions people who are careless with firearms? Indeed, quit embarassing yourself because you don’t even make an ounce worth of sense.

  8. Oh irony, why do you fly right past so many?

  9. Anonymous11:13 AM

    the nra has done more to reduce accidental deaths of children by 70% while you niggers have increased the deaths of children by 100%.take a look at the nigger in white house's home town of chicago because they won the murder champianship of america.this was done by niggers despite all the anti-second amendment laws which don't stop niggers from murdering each other.but this is nigger culture all over the world and there is nothing that can change niggers in to humans.

  10. dead-eye12:26 PM

    For that dummy baggage handler -- pilot ex-lax.

    Wall Street Journal
    Juan Williams: Race and the Gun Debate

    The No. 1 cause of death for African-American men between the ages of 15 and 34: being murdered with a gun.


    This week much of the talk about gun control concerns New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's $12 million ad campaign to put pressure on senators in key states to support legislation that he backs. Or the talk is about the National Rifle Association's pushback against the Bloomberg campaign. Then there was last week's mini-tempest over Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's decision not to include Sen. Dianne Feinstein's assault-weapon ban in a comprehensive gun-control bill the Senate will take up next month.

    One thing you don't hear much about in the discussions of guns: race.

    That is an astonishing omission, because race ought to be an inescapable part of the debate. Gun-related violence and murders are concentrated among blacks and Latinos in big cities.

    Murders with guns are the No. 1 cause of death for African-American men between the ages of 15 and 34. But talking about race in the context of guns would also mean taking on a subject that can't be addressed by passing a law: the family-breakdown issues that lead too many minority children to find social status and power in guns.

    The statistics are staggering. In 2009, for example, the Centers for Disease Control reported that 54% of all murders committed, overwhelmingly with guns, are murders of black people. Black people are about 13% of the population.

    The Justice Department reports that between 1980 and 2008, "blacks were six times more likely than whites to be homicide victims and seven times more likely than whites to commit homicide."

    The dire implications of these numbers is evident in a Children's Defense Fund report that included a chilling historical perspective: The 44,038 black children killed by guns since 1979 (when national data on the age of gun violence victims was first collected) is "nearly 13 times more" than all the black people killed by lynching in the 86-year period of 1882 to 1968.

    This awful reality explains why support for gun control in the black and Hispanic community is overwhelming (71% among blacks and 78% of Hispanics, according to a recent Pew poll).

    That is a marked contrast with national polls on new gun laws. Those polls show 46% of Americans of all races backing the right to own guns versus 50% who agree to the need for more limits on gun owners. Apparently, the heart of opposition to new gun regulations is in the white community. Yet white people face far less daily violence with guns.

    The debate over gun control too often seems a matter of abstractions about the meaning of the Constitution and the permissible capacities of ammunition magazines. Why is so little time spent on a question of more immediate concern—namely, why are so many young black people using guns to kill their neighbors?

  11. dead-eye12:28 PM

    For pilot ex-lax:

    Juan Williams commentary in teh Wall Street Journal:

    President Obama, a hero in black America as the first black president, has been remarkably quiet on this issue until recently. It was only in December, after the mass killing of mostly white school children in Newtown, Conn., by a white man, that the president took the political risk of backing new gun-control legislation.

    Young blacks' violent deaths from handguns hadn't moved him to such action. The president spoke publicly about that matter only after the recent gun murder of a 15-year-old girl from his hometown of Chicago who had performed at his second inaugural. "Last year there were 443 murders with firearms in this city and 65 were people under 18," Mr. Obama said. "That's the equivalent of a Newtown every four months. This is not just a gun issue. It is also an issue of the communities that we are building."

    In speaking about social breakdown in those minority communities, the president put the gun issue in the context of high rates of out-of-wedlock births that lead to high rates of childhood poverty. "I wish I had a father who was around and involved," the president said, in words that echoed loudly through black and Latino neighborhoods nationally because he revealed a pain so common, yet so rarely confessed, among young people of color.

    The shame and silence is enforced by civil-rights leaders who speak in support of gun control but never about a dysfunctional gangster-rap culture that glorifies promiscuity, drug dealers and the power of the gun.

    "Loving, supporting parents . . . [are] the single most important thing," the president told his audience of young, mostly minority children at Hyde Park Academy High School in Chicago. He made the case for parents as the key to giving children a sense of self-esteem beyond the barrel of a gun.

    Almost 50 years ago, when the 1964 Civil Rights Act was passed, the national out-of-wedlock birthrate was 7%. Today it is over 40%. According to the CDC, the out-of-wedlock birthrate for white children was just 2% in the 1960s. Today it is 30%.

    Among black children, the out-of-wedlock birthrate has skyrocketed from 20% in the 1960s to a heartbreaking 72% today. The Hispanic out-of-wedlock rate, which has been measured for a much shorter period, was below 40% in 1990 and stands at more than 50% as of the 2010 census.

    When President Obama tried to speak to this crippling dynamic in 2008, he was basically told to shut up by Rev. Jesse Jackson. The Chicago-based activist said: "Barack was talking down to black people," then he added a vulgar threat about what he wanted to do in response. The moment revealed the high cost of speaking honestly about social breakdown in black America.

    I support gun control. But speaking honestly about the combustible mix of race and guns may be more important to stopping the slaughter in minority communities than any new gun-control laws.

  12. Lt. Commander Johnson12:30 PM

    field, my Dad taught me how to hunt, fish, and how to handle guns safely. I'm 52. I have never even come CLOSE to shooting another fellow being.

    I HAVE had to have a gun in my hand in two threating situations, but apparently, the sight of the weapon itself difussed the situation. Once, in New Orleans, which I believe you are familiar with.

    I am scared to think of what may have happend to my ex-wife, and secondly to my date, if I hadn't been armed. Even my mother preached to me to "take care of your women" That meant children, boys & girls, too.

    That's all I got to say.

  13. Lt. Commander Johnson1:21 PM

    field, I apologize. I was getting emotional, because I was scared to death after both of those "gun incidents", and I'm surprised I didn't unload on the perp.

    BUT. I didn't. You should put this into you equation, when pissing on all NRA members.

  14. Just flew with a dude and had another in the jumpseat who were very pro gun. The guy in the jumpseat proceeded to lecture me about the need for U S citizens to be armed just in case the government turns on us. The paranoia was astounding. My point is I'm more concerned about the wing nuts concerned about the government than the government. Funny how a blah man in the WH suddenly inspires concern but they mostly let the PATRIOT act go without a whiff of concern. Oh well, they're all over.

  15. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Black Sage said...
    Any attorney that close to Dover, DE KNOWS people in Philly who KNOW people in Dover....GET IT? Field can do something IF he wanted to. In fact, I would venture to say that Field has friends in Dover.

    Let's face it. NOTHING will be done because people like you make excuses for Negroes NOT to do anything. - ANON 12:28am

    Hahahaha, OMG, you’re killing me softly. Are you telling me that Field Negro has been secretly selected as a gun safety police, unbeknownst to him and is therefore responsible for the actions people who are careless with firearms? Indeed, quit embarassing yourself because you don’t even make an ounce worth of sense.

    10:35 AM
    Black Sage, as Anon indicated Anon's comment referred to the previous thread, which was about the hanging in Dover, DE. It had nothing to do with guns.

    Looks like it's YOU who doesn't make an ounce of sense. LOL

  16. This is not just a gun issue. It is also an issue of the communities that we are building." – Juan Williams

    Juan “Never stop lying” Williams never makes any sense. Seriously, I tell you folks, some of these people really need to join a comdeic circuit. I’m quite certain that all of these House Negroes will perform flawlessly, just as they have been doing for at least three hundred years or so. Since when has Juan Don Williams lived in any one of Amerikkk’s depressed cities? Surely, he dosen’t live on the east side of Oakland killa Cali. Surely, he doesn’t live on the south side of Chicago. And what community has he been attempting to build in response to the gun issue?

    As usual, these Negroe conservatives must make an appearance every so often merely to report to continuing obsequiosness to his slave master that he’s still on the job. However, they never state any thing of substance or any thing regarding reality. Just like he failed to report the location of the community that he’s attempting to build. Whew, …… get a life Juan Don!

  17. The defunding of schools and childhood social services since 1980, while we've lavished funding on police and prisons, is designed to make victims or convicts out of poor young black males instead of citizens. It takes heroic parenting, extraordinary perseverance and phenomenal luck for most such boys to escape to escape the only provision society's made for them: either a prison cell or their mirror image's ticket to one.

  18. Anon@11:13am, that "nigger" in the White House is your president. Get used to it. Tell the rest of your friends in the trailer park to get over it as well.

    From now on your moonshiine will be taxed.:)

  19. Anonymous7:03 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    "The women in PR especially shouldn't own guns either. They should be baking cakes and taking care of the house. Women with guns are an accident waiting to happen! Very dangerous. PR should have a law against that.

    Desert, you know I'm right so don't even try it."
    Yes you are right!

    But I'm going there anyway :)

    The majority of women yeah! The majority of these fat hags that all they do is gossip all day and have their noses up everybody's business! It's a miracle they get time to cook food for their fat alcoholic husbands!

    But that's not me Bubba! that;s never been me and never will be either! and don't ask me why I just called you Bubba, Are you related to Bill Clinton? are you Southern? I bet you are!

    Anyway I had my target practice pics in the damned laptop that burned, but as soon as I find them I'll post them on my blog! Just for you! Cuz I like you :)))
