Friday, March 29, 2013

Mr. Young, you just blew ten million dollars, and a real mess in Texas.

Don't you just love when bigots are exposed as bigots and other bigots scramble to distance themselves from them? This Don Young dude is a perfect example. In a moment of honesty and candor, he revealed that his daddy owned a farm back in the day and hired "wetbacks" to work for him.

"I used to own - my father had a ranch. We used to hire 50 to 60 wetbacks to pick tomatoes," said Young, 79. "You know, it takes two people to pick the same tomatoes now."

Poor Don, his friends in the GOP are running away from him faster than Usain Bolt in the second half of a 100 yard dash. (All except the Hispanics in the GOP house who remain silent.) 

This is not good for a party that's spending 10 million big ones to get Hispanics to love them. You get no love when one of your own starts throwing around slurs on the radio.

"I apologize for the insensitive term I used during an interview in Ketchikan, Alaska," he said. "There was no malice in my heart or intent to offend; it was a poor choice of words. That word, and the negative attitudes that come with it, should be left in the 20th century, and I'm sorry that this has shifted our focus away from comprehensive immigration reform."

It should have been left in the "20th century", and you should have stayed there with it.

Finally, I got my latest issue of Sports Illustrated (SI) today, and while trying to get away from the troubles of the real world by turning to the world of sports, the big R and big S smacked me in the face from the pages of my SI.

"Former University of Texas women's track coach Bev Kearney has filed race and gender discrimination complaints against the school with federal and state officials, the first step toward her pursuing a lawsuit.

Kearney, who is black, filed complaints Tuesday with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the Texas Workforce Commission. By law, those agencies must have the case for 180 days before she can sue.
Kearney resigned Jan. 5 as Texas prepared to fire her for an inappropriate relationship with one of her athletes in 2002. Texas later revealed that assistant football coach Major Applewhite, who is white, was allowed to keep his job after having an inappropriate relationship with a student trainer on a bowl trip in 2008. Applewhite was reprimanded in 2009 by athletic director DeLoss Dodds and his pay was frozen for a year.

University officials did not immediately respond to requests for comment Saturday.

"We think there is a double standard at the University of Texas, giving men the opportunity to engage in inappropriate relationships without fear of being caught or punished,'' Kearney attorney Derek Howard said Saturday.
Howard said more details on Kearney's complaints would be released Monday.
Kearney, who was hired at Texas in 1993, won six national championships with the Longhorns. She had been recommended for a large raise until the relationship was reported to the school in October and she was suspended in November.

Although Kearney and the school described the relationship as consensual, Patti Ohlendorf, Texas vice president for legal affairs, said in January the school could not condone a coach having a relationship with an athlete, saying it "crosses the line of trust placed in the head coach for all aspects of the athletic program and the best interests of the student athletes on the team.''

School officials have said they don't believe Kearney had any similar relationships with other student athletes.

In Applewhite's case, his relationship with the student trainer wasn't publicly revealed until 2013. According to a 2009 document in his personnel file released by the school last month, Applewhite was ordered by Dodds to undergo counseling and warned that a repeat offense would have more serious consequences." [Source]

Hmmm, Mr. Applewhite was a married man with children when he got his wild thing on with a student. Ms. Kearney, on the other hand, was not.
Mr. Applewhite gets a raise and a promotion, Ms. Kearney is told to resign or be fired.

Stay tuned folks. It looks like someone might be in the process of "hooking em horns".



  1. Reggin Esaelp11:53 PM

    Every time a black female gets fired because of misconduct, it's grounds for a race and gender discrimination lawsuit.

    And you wonder why no employer in their right mind wants anything to do with black people?

    The only likely discrimination here is the government-mandated sort that got her hired to work at a university in the first place.

  2. Anonymous12:02 AM

    What race is a wetback? I thought it was a name used to disparage those who deserved it - illegals swimming the rio grande to sneak illegally into the U.S.

    What did the wetback say? Get out of Compton we here now my niggaz

  3. When Don Young and his daddy were hiring "half the (migrant labor) he'd have to hire now" to "pick tomatoes" they actually hired "padrones" (labor contractors who shook the laborers down for about half their wages for products & services needed and unneeded) to provide X number of bodies at the old "agricultural minimum wage" (about 2/3 of the then Fed Min), worked them 17 hours a day in the Summer sun, and let them shit in the fields, wash in the irrigation ditches and sleep in shanties behind the barns (if they were lucky). And the only reason it's any different today is because of the state and federal regulation that he and his ilk hate so fiercely. "Wetback" really does say it all doesn't it.

  4. What a shock that you jumped on this fool, field. Ya' know predictability makes you quite the bore.
    Your bigotry is on display daily here. You have more in common with him than you know.

  5. So what’s the problem now? Aren’t people who are undocumented usually get abused? These people know this fact prior to jumping the border. It’s not as if “the good” life was promised and a contract was intentionally reneged upon. There was no preconditions. These people come over here on their own volition, they were not coerced at gun point. To me, It’s a fair deal, you break the law in the process to get here and once you get here, you get called names and you’re essentially turned into a slave.

    It’s simple math, sometimes when you gamble, you may win here and there and sometimes you may also LOSE! Hell, ……. they should be happy they don’t lose their darn lives more frequently!

  6. "What a shock that you jumped on this fool, field. Ya' know predictability makes you quite the bore."

    I know wingnut.In your world bigotry should go unchecked.

    Kind of like it did BEFORE the Internet and social media.

  7. Hotep Field; /interested parties

    After a bit if research over the last few nights on Young's family my grandson uncovered his family's ties to slaves. via a book on our library shelves.
    Entitled " Inheriting the trade" written by the Thomas Norman DeWolf klan.

    Bottom line, as a young person growing to maturation in New England I had occasion to seek more info about our/my roots.
    So along with our father we set out to use the Cuban archives to do so ( Before the internet)

    What we re discovered was the DeWolf family ties to my family by way of Youngs fam.
    Our family has since met several members of the DeWolf family whom have traveled to Cuba to research their own story of shipping slaves to Matanzas(my home)
    'My point for this exposure is my continued belief and position position that many white people have only one goal, humiliate destroy and or annihilate as many Afrikans and brown people as possible by any means necessary

    It is uncovered that the Young family as late as 30 yrs after slavery ended in the US, and right before reconstruction, allegedly helped the De Wolf family ship slaves to Cuba.
    And if you watch or read Slavery by another name" you will also find his connect to the slaveowning historical family
    De Cepedes
    Which owned and freed my family
    as well as the fam who owned my grandmother''

    My father

    YES there is nothing like knowing who you are

  8. To the ignoramus who just left a comment of which I deleted. Just a little FYI: that will never happen. And as I always like to say, I am not hard to find. Whenever the spirit moves you please feel free to do your best Kermit impression.

  9. Not knowing the details of both cases, I think it is quite possible to punish two employees differently for the same violation without their being . . . no wait, without the double standard applied being unjustly discriminatory.

    After all, they ARE two different individuals. For one thing, the male coach's inappropriate relationship was kept secret for a long time. Considering they were consenting adults, while inappropriate the secrecy represents discretion and that is good for the school. The female coach was evidently not as discrete.

    There could be other factors, of course. Suppose one employee is sterling - and after many years of sterling job performance it's revealed that he violated some part of the employee code of conduct. Not a GREAT thing, but again only consenting adults were involved and the reputation of the school wasn't harmed as much, in that the coach's behavior didn't represent the idea of a culture of such behavior currently in effect at the school.

    A currently ongoing situation does just that - suggests that maybe there's an environment of coaches sleeping with their athletes. And, though again I don't know, it's not impossible to imagine that is just one more bad mark on an employee whose record has others.

    In those hypothetical situations we can see why the punishments would be different, and though there is a double standard being applied and there is discrimination they're both of the good variety, representing good judgment on part of the school in determining what is best for itself and its students.

    And, no, I don't think whether the coach was married has any bearing on how he should be disciplined. That fact does not effect the school or the other students.

    Further, can't we suppose the school itself has better or worse times for such an incident to occur? If something like this happens in good financial times when the school is doing wonderfully, the impact of something like this is less than if the school is going through very rocky financial times. The decisions might be different then, as well.

    Now, I'm not saying there ISN'T rampant sexism and bigotry happening at the school, either. I'm just saying it's POSSIBLE to punish two employees differently for the same thing without the cause necessarily being bigotry.

  10. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Black Sage7:40 AM
    Hell, ……. they should be happy they don’t lose their darn lives more frequently!
    Like the Dominicans who brave the treacherous waters of the Mona Straight to reach American shores. Many times losing their lives in the process.

  11. Anonymous2:37 PM

    quantum0d011:19 AM
    Now, I'm not saying there ISN'T rampant sexism and bigotry happening at the school, either. I'm just saying it's POSSIBLE to punish two employees differently for the same thing without the cause necessarily being bigotry.
    Women have always been held to a double standard in society's across the globe. Because they are the child bearers .

    The bottom line is that in a matriarchal society it matters not who the father of a child is, as the lineage will slways be with the mother.

    In a patriarchal society the lineage must be assured by men and the way to accomplish that is to have stricter norms placed on the women.

    It's a fact and reality of life and we all know the different ways that cultures utilize to accomplish this.

    The woman will always be held to a higher moral standard. And punished or rewarded accordingly.

  12. Victor2:46 PM

    Black Sage...
    "These people come over here on their own volition, they were not coerced at gun point. To me, It’s a fair deal, you break the law in the process to get here and once you get here, you get called names and you’re essentially turned into a slave."

    Excellent point.

    And today some may endure substandard working conditions, but they also get free healthcare, education, government assistance, and subsidized housing. The Obama administration has been running ads down at the border, in Spanish, telling undocumented Democrats that "applying for food stamps won't hurt your chances of eventually becoming a citizen". This salesmanship has resulted in close to 50 million people on food stamps, a large number of whom aren't even American citizens. That's just great.

    And as an anon pointed out, "wetback" refers to someone who came in the country illegally be swimming across the Rio Grande River. There is nothing racist about pointing out something a person actually did.

    The broader issue is that Mexicans, indeed anyone with a Spanish-sounding name, are now apparently entitled to all the benefits that were supposed to be there for black people. Were Mexicans slaves? Were they subjected to a century of segregation? How do people sneak into the country illegally and then become eligible for the same redress intended for people America actually owes something to?

  13. Anonymous3:38 PM

    want a laugh field watch 180 days it is about a high school in d.c.i think it was a comedy about negroes in school just wasting everybody's always have a lot to say about whitey but never any thing to say about negro low life about those fun loving negroes in brunswick ga.who shot a 13 month old white baby to death just for the fun of it.six negroes have been arrested for the crime so what have you got to say about this?i can't hear you field.

  14. Quantum0d0 said ……… Now, I'm not saying there ISN'T rampant sexism and bigotry happening at the school, either. I'm just saying it's POSSIBLE to punish two employees differently for the same thing without the cause necessarily being bigotry.

    If this post was an attempt by you to come across as a double entendre…. you’ve failed mightily. You weren’t even close to being succint, clear or perspicacious. Therefore, tell us how to punsh two employees for breaking the same said policy, with the two subjects being of different demographic without racism being at the forefront when the subjects are punished differently. Click, clock, click, clock …. I’m waiting!

  15. Steve5:16 PM

    It's fascinating how in the 21st Century, ancestry trumps just about everything else. It's kind of like the era of the divine right of hereditary monarchs in that who you are descended from seems to be considered the most important trait in determining your moral worth.

  16. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Desertflower said, "Like the Dominicans who brave the treacherous waters of the Mona Straight to reach American shores. Many times losing their lives in the process."

    2:22 PM
    Desert, maybe you can answer this question for me since PR's and Dominicans are so close: Why are they so racist against dark-skinned Blacks? Some of them are worst than Whites.

  17. Reality8:29 PM

    Desertflower said...:
    'The woman will always be held to a higher moral standard. And punished or rewarded accordingly.'

    Men can't get pregnant.

    A woman always knows the baby is hers.

    A man needs some guarantee of certainty of his paternity if he is going to be on the hook for 18+ years of support.

    It's not a double standard because it's not the same thing. Female infidelity is infinitely more costly to a man than the converse.

  18. Anonymous9:25 PM

    "It's not a double standard because it's not the same thing"
    I agree. And have you known or heard about women that have passed off children as their husbands when they are another mans. Only to be found out later on because of genetic and medical conditions. As well a gossip and/or plain old heavy conscience? I have.

    The consequences are psychologically devastating for all concerned.

    And as they say here"Los justos pagan por Los pecadores" (then the just have to pay the same as the sinners)

  19. Anonymous9:32 PM

    Anonymous said..."Desert, maybe you can answer this question for me since PR's and Dominicans are so close: Why are they so racist against dark-skinned Blacks? Some of them are worst than Whites.
    Why is anyone racist? Skin color seems to be such a subjective thing no?

  20. Victor said...
    Black Sage...
    "These people come over here on their own volition, they were not coerced at gun point. To me, It’s a fair deal, you break the law in the process to get here and once you get here, you get called names and you’re essentially turned into a slave."

    How do either of you know that any emigrant or human does not come here to this craphole under duress vs their own volition? Can either of you prove that?
    If so please enlighten us all

    lets really debate this without Wiki or any data the FBI posts Can we do that?
