Saturday, March 30, 2013

"Post racial" blues.

More tales from "post-racial" America. These unbelievable stories come to us from the land of gumbo and brass bands.

The set up for the first story goes like this: An African American female contractor is down in Grand Isle, Louisiana, monitoring hurricane clean up and...well read it for yourself. (h/t Cedric for this story) 

"GRAND ISLE- A contractor from Plaquemine monitoring hurricane cleanup in Grand Isle was spit on and called the "N" word, and captured the entire assault on her cell phone.

"It was humiliating," Brandi Worley told News 2. "It was just so hurtful."
Worley said two of her other coworkers were also hit by the man, who was arrested after the incident. Grand Isle Police identified him as Josh Jambon, and said he was charged with battery.

As Worley began recording the racial slurs on her phone, Jambon noticed she was recording him with her phone. That's when the video shows him going into a rage.

"I'm pleading with him not to touch me and leave me alone," Worley said. "Nothing was said to him to upset him, then he goes and spits in my face. He did the cruelest thing he could think of to demean me, break me and make me feel less than human."

When News 2 reached Jambon by phone, he defended his character but acknowledged his arrest.

"I'm a really good guy," Jambon said. "I'm a really good businessman."
When asked if he used racial slurs and the "N" word, he said, "I'd like to talk to you in front of my attorney."

When asked who is attorney was, the line disconnected.
Attorney Cleo Fields in Baton Rouge watched the video News 2 obtained. He said it clearly shows a hate crime.

"There's no place in our society for that type of behavior," Fields said. "I think he acted totally inappropriate."

As Worley tried to forget about what happened, she said her family is helping her get through the bigotry she encountered in Grand Isle.
"I'm crying today because I'm upset," Brandi's mother, Susan Worley said. "I haven't slept all night and the fear is just in me."

Police Chief Euris Dubois said further charges against Jambon could be coming." [Source & Video]

Then there is the following story from the Big Easy. (h/t Nordette)

"The I-Team first reported on the existence of the video recordings late last year. At the time, they were under seal by order of a federal judge overseeing a wrongful death case filed by the family of Brian Harris.
That seal was lifted late Friday when Judge Sarah Vance dismissed the case, finding "the use of deadly force objectively reasonable" and citing legal precedent.
The attorney who filed the lawsuit said he would appeal that finding.
On April 10, 2010, Harris was fatally shot by NOPD officers in his bedroom in the 7700 block of Allison Road in New Orleans East.
Harris' wife had called police, saying her husband needed medical help and noting that she was concerned for his safety.
Harris locked himself in a bedroom and is seen in the video holding a pocket knife. NOPD officers fired a Taser to subdue Harris twice, then shot him as he lay in his bed.
Attorney Jason Williams, who represents Harris' family in a lawsuit against the city, said he has wanted the public to see the two videos from the incident, which "clearly shows what transpired."
One video from the Taser's camera was given to WDSU Friday afternoon." [Source & Video]
Poor Mr. Harris found out the hard way what living in "post racial" America can mean.
BTW, I don't even know if these rogue cops were black or white. It doesn't really matter. Self hate is just as a insidious and harmful as the hate brought on by others.
Finally, how can we teach our children  to cope and survive in "post racial" America when the very people charged with teaching them are a bunch of cheaters?
"ATLANTA -- Juwanna Guffie was sitting in her fifth-grade classroom taking a standardized test when, authorities say, the teacher came around offering information and asking the students to rewrite their answers. Juwanna rejected the help.

"I don't want your answers, I want to take my own test," Juwanna told her teacher, according to Fulton County District Attorney Paul Howard.
On Friday, Juwanna – now 14 – watched as Fulton County prosecutors announced that a grand jury had indicted the Atlanta Public Schools' ex-superintendent and nearly three dozen other former administrators, teachers, principals and other educators of charges arising from a standardized test cheating scandal that rocked the system.

Former Superintendent Beverly Hall faces charges including conspiracy, making false statements and theft because prosecutors said some of the bonuses she received were tied to falsified scores. Hall retired just days before the findings of a state probe were released in mid-2011. A nationally known educator who was named Superintendent of the Year in 2009, Hall has long denied knowing about the cheating or ordering it.

During a news conference Friday, Howard highlighted the case of Juwanna and another student, saying they demonstrated "the plight of many children" in the Atlanta school system.

Their stories were among many that investigators heard in hundreds of interviews with school administrators, staff, parents and students during a 21-month-long investigation." [Source]

Good for Juwanna. At least we know that she will be able to deal with the Josh Jambons of the world.

*Pic from Bilgrimage blog.


  1. Iwanna Out11:22 PM

    Good for Juwanna. At least we know that she will be able to deal with the Josh Jambons of the world.

    Juwanna Guffie? What's a guffie? Can you get one for $15?

    This nonsense would end if we would just drop the fiction that the black-white education gap can be closed.

    It can't. It was one standard deviation 100 years ago, and it is one standard deviation today. In 100 years, it will still be one standard deviation.

    Blacks will never be proportionally represented at the highest levels of academic achievement, just as whites will never be proportionally represented in the NBA.

    People are different.

    Left alone, the NBA will never again be 75% white. Left alone, the student body at American Universities would not be above 5% black.

    Is it anti-white racism that accounts for the fact that 99% of American sprinters at the highest level are black? No. Is it racism that accounts for the fact that out 800 winners, there has only been one black person who won a Nobel Prize other than Peace or Literature? No.

    People are different.

    It's okay.

    Forcing a false equality across groups is causing a lot of harm. Let's jst stop and let individuals be judged on their own.

  2. Anonymous11:30 PM

    Race chasing thin? Sep 2012 and 2010?

    Here I thought you were going to post about the two yoofs who executed the toddler mom and auntie getting arrested for covering for the kids they raised.

  3. Anonymous11:32 PM

    Field, lighten up. It's Easter. Christ will arise and so will post-racial America. You really need to chill, brother.

    Any contracter, who is Black, working in Louisiana can expect to be a target of racism. Surely you know this, considering your Mrs. Field is from L.A.

    Have a Red Stripe and go to church...again, it's Easter. Who knows? you just might have a spiritual experience in church instead of hoping for a 'post-racial' experience from a bunch of humans loaded with the 7 Deadly Sins. experience. Your faith and priorities are misplaced.

  4. Heavenly Balls11:36 PM

    Fulton County prosecutors announced that a grand jury had indicted the Atlanta Public Schools' ex-superintendent and nearly three dozen other former administrators, teachers, principals and other educators of charges arising from a standardized test cheating scandal that rocked the system.

    Why they making them kids take them tests? It's a waste of everyone's time. They should be focussing on providing preparation for traditional black fields of employment like:

    1. Survival Advisor Cabrini Green
    2. Educamator
    3. DNC Sexual Harassment Coordinator
    4. Director of Loud Voices in Public
    5. Vice President for Running in WalMart Aisles
    6. Community Disorganizer, Firearms Division.
    7. Headmaster, Barrack Obama School of Empty Rhetoric
    8. Cadillac Escalade Crash Test Dummy
    9. Wardrobe Malfunction Specialist, Droopy Pants Response Team
    10. Freebase Cocaine Self Immolation Prevention Leader

  5. The UN laments Arizona's anti-illegal immigration law and at the same time they cry over high black unemployment. You are correct that there is a direct correlation between these two situations but blacks will not win in an argument with America's new favored minority. Not that an argument will happen because everyone knows solidarity of "people of color" against the white man is DWL priority number one.

  6. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Education has failed us. Blacks used to engage in real work, productive work, when they lived in the South. It was just about all agricultural work. Nothing wrong with that. After WW2 Blacks started their great migration North and the employment magnet was factory jobs. My family had a factory (light industry) in a Northern city and all races worked there. In other cities Blacks came north to work in automobile related industries and steel. Most of that is gone now. We have a lot of (bullshit)pretend jobs in the service sector. Black men aren't so well suited for sitting in some office cubicle or working retail jobs. They get ridiculed by friends if they work at McDonald's. So what kind of work will black men do in today's modern economy? A lot of it seems to be criminal in nature, scamming, hustling or living off of girl friends....

  7. Wesley R12:19 AM


    Corporations are going to take over the education in the hoods because parents don't care. This goes back to your post about Chicago a few days ago. We don't get it and they take advantage. Charter Schools are coming to a hood near you.

  8. Anonymous1:50 AM

    Regarding the Atlanta teachers; I just don't know how something like this was not going to happen. Politicians, Oprah and that fraud Michele Rhee have been running around saying how terrible teachers are for years now.

    Then school systems tie teachers jobs to test scores and you have a situation where teachers are so desperate to keep their jobs that they cheat.

    Obviously teachers cheating is a very bad thing. But, what do we expect when we allow them to be scapegoated?

    Teachers are not the problem, the communities where these under-performing schools are located are the problem. Most of these kids come to school suffering from PTSD and because of that are not teachable.

    These communities must be fixed before students will improve. But, improving these communities is not something America really cares about doing.

    So, we just go round and round with all this craziness about how to fix the schools and of course nothing works.

    These communities should be Free Trade Zones. Tax breaks should be given to bring in manufacturing and other low or no skill jobs.

    Fix the communities then you will fix the schools.


  9. Is anyone really surprised and if so why?
    I have always known that the white man has no other agenda than to debase demean and otherwise humiliate An AFRIKAN WOMAN and to conquer confuse and cast out the Afrikan man Why? fear, his own trepidation and forbodeing
    YES! he knows whats is coming

    Once social change begins if cannot be revered.
    You cannot un educate the person who has learned to read.
    You cannot humiliate the person who feels pride.
    You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore

    But I would wage $$ that the racist businessman would have done more to the sister had he not been taped, including drop his pantalones asnd choosing a Quercus virginiana)

    Just sayin


  10. "Have a Red Stripe and go to church...again, it's Easter. Who knows? you just might have a spiritual experience in church instead of hoping for a 'post-racial' experience from a bunch of humans loaded with the 7 Deadly Sins.."


    Nope, heading to the church of LA Fitness.

    Staying true to 1st Corinthians 6:19-20.

    But if you know where I can get some good Jamaican bun & cheese for Easter please holla.

  11. Anonymous said...
    Race chasing thin? Sep 2012 and 2010?

    Here I thought you were going to post about the two yoofs who executed the toddler mom and auntie getting arrested for covering for the kids they raised.

    Why Anonymous they never killed any baby duh!

    You know that that is a set up by the racist GA klan po po Just another Silly Susan Smith story
    I watched the woman tell her story and my grandson asked where are the tears?
    So i hit replay and watched her and listened. The GRIEVING white woman told 2 stories How many here have paid attn?

    We use stories like this one to educate our family, so that they know their rights when being questioned by the po po
    Moreover, as parents and grandparents we continue to spktruth2power and we assure them that they do not get 3 strikes

    I would have loved to defend this case

  12. Have a Red Stripe and go to church...again, it's Easter. Who knows? you just might have a spiritual experience in church instead of hoping for a 'post-racial' experience from a bunch of humans loaded with the 7 Deadly Sins.."
    Field said:

    Nope, heading to the church of LA Fitness.

    Staying true to 1st Corinthians 6:19-20.

    But if you know where I can get some good Jamaican bun & cheese for Easter please holla.

    At home FIELD! Bun and cheese And yes I am also headed for Tampa Fitness IE LA There will be no,liars standing in front of this sistah dancing down the aisles wearing my $$

  13. NSangoma8:37 AM


    Good for Juwanna.

    Juwanna!!, field booty.

    Surely ju-jest.

    Ju-jiving, ain't ju-jack/


  14. Anonymous9:30 AM

    tnb is low iq negroes murdering white 13 month old human baby.sorry field but you are not a human but you are closer to muslim sub-humans.

  15. I have to tentatively agree with your hypothesis MatanzasGV. I've been watching this case since it broke & there's something not right with mom & her story. What's more, I think the investigation is digging into it behind the scenes. If she is, she'd be far from the first to scream "black man/boy" to cover up her own culpability.

  16. As a former teacher at an inner city school, I supported Michelle Rhee. And what I learned in the 1 year year I taught, was that many of the people with Science backgrounds who ended up teachers, couldn't cut it in other science fields. And bitter people are the absolute WORST kind of folks to work with and around.

    However, the fact is that inner city schools are crap because many of the parents are crap. And they don't care about the schools until someone threatens to close them down. And that's just stupid. Sure many of these parents are too busy worrying about living from day to day, but this is no different from what Black folks faced in the early part of the 20th century, yet they made it through by valuing education.

  17. "Tax breaks should be given to bring in manufacturing and other low or no skill jobs."

    What could possibly be manufactured in the hood that can't be manufactured in China for 1/10 the price?

    IMHO, blue collar jobs aren't the key to success for ANYONE in the 21st century, STEM and medical fields are where I'm predicting the majority of the career opportunities are going to be.

  18. Auster1:11 PM

    "tnb is low iq negroes murdering white 13 month old human baby.sorry field but you are not a human but you are closer to muslim sub-humans"

    MatanzasGV denying and raionalizing this act proves your point.

    Judgement Day approaches.

  19. MatanxasGV asked …… How do either of you know that any emigrant or human does not come here to this craphole under duress vs their own volition? Can either of you prove that? If so please enlighten us all when responding to Blakksage’s post, ……

    "These people come over here on their own volition, they were not coerced at gun point. To me, It’s a fair deal, you break the law in the process to get here and once you get here, you get called names and you’re essentially turned into a slave."

    A few of you on this blog like MatanzasGV are asking of me to answernonsensical questions. The vast majority of you should know by now that I do not respond to Anonymous posts or any other insubstantial questions like what MatanzasGV asked of yours truly. Simply put, your questions do not qualify for a response. If either one of you are going to step to me with a question regarding something that I posted, let it be a good question challenging me on the merits of my post. If in fact you prove me wrong, I’m man enough to accept that. Why? Becaused I’m also certainly able to appreciate any attempt to advance the conversation at large. And if either of you do asked me a silly question, you could bet your last dollar that you’re going to get clowned in response.

    Now, back to MatanzasGV’s above listed baseless question: “How do either of you know that any emigrant or human does not come here to this craphole under duress vs their own volition? Can either of you prove that? If so please enlighten us all.”

    Sshhhh, allow me to clear my throat once again. Perhaps I was misunderstood. Since when it’s been the practice of the Amerikkkan gubberment to force undocumented people at gun point to cross the border into this hell hole of a country? Can you prove that? Do you have video footage? I really don’t think so!

    If the Amerikkkan gubberment was truly coercing undocumented people at gun point across the border into the US, why in the hell are they building a 1,951 mile long protective fence, traversing many different terrains along the US – Mexican border? And at the same time, force undocumented people across the border at gun point. Puhhleeeze! Wouldn’t that be a waste of the tax payers money? And if they aren’t being foced to do so, well then, in the alternative, they’re crossing the border into the US upon their own volition as I first stated.

    MatanvasGV, do you feel me? Do you get my drift? Your question is hyper baseless and it simply doesn’t make any sense.

    Now, …… I return you to the original theme of Field Negroe’s insightful post!

    Happy Easter and cheers to my counterpart bloggers! NEXT!

  20. control+halt+delete1:58 PM

    Reality 101.
    Choose an answer from the following.

    1. "This nonsense would end if we would just drop the fiction that the black-white education gap can be closed."
    A. Opinion
    B. Fact

    2. "In 100 years, it will still be one standard deviation."

    A. Opinion
    B. Fact

    3. "Blacks will never be proportionally represented at the highest levels of academic achievement."

    A. Opinion
    B. Fact

    4. "whites will never be proportionally represented in the NBA."

    A. Opinion
    B. Fact*

    Answer Key:
    If you answered A,A,A,B you're a genius

    If you answered B,B,B,B you are just plain weird

    *no credit for this answer because everyone knows this is a fact.

  21. Anonymous2:05 PM

    MatanzasGV said...

    Anonymous said...
    Race chasing thin? Sep 2012 and 2010?

    Here I thought you were going to post about the two yoofs who executed the toddler mom and auntie getting arrested for covering for the kids they raised.

    Why Anonymous they never killed any baby duh!

    You know that that is a set up by the racist GA klan po po Just another Silly Susan Smith story
    I watched the woman tell her story and my grandson asked where are the tears?
    So i hit replay and watched her and listened. The GRIEVING white woman told 2 stories How many here have paid attn?

    We use stories like this one to educate our family, so that they know their rights when being questioned by the po po
    Moreover, as parents and grandparents we continue to spktruth2power and we assure them that they do not get 3 strikes

    I would have loved to defend this case

    Oh my. Perfect example of why Black Communities and culture is what it is. 2 Black teens execute a baby. Mother and Aunt lie and hide them. And you say the mother who had her baby executed was faking her toddler getting killed so it's all some white mans plot and it's all good that the mother lied to the police to hide her baby executing offspring.

    God help the Black race. Nobody else can.

  22. Daughter Believes Mom Killed Her Own Baby for Insurance Money, then Blamed Black Teenagers

    The tragic shooting death of 13-month old Antonio Santiago has set a Florida community on edge. When news came out about the senseless killing, millions around the country mourned the baby’s death and wanted to see someone brought to justice for this heinous crime. The child’s mother, Sherry West, said that when she was unable to give money to the young men who robbed her, they shot her and then shot her baby between the eyes.

    But a story that hasn’t gotten nearly as much traction in mainstream media is one that puts the entire case into serious doubt. The daughter of Sherry West, Ashley Glassey, says that her mother may have killed the baby on her own in order to get the insurance money.

    Glassey says that her mother lost custody of her when she was eight years old. She speaks to her mother every single day and has forgiven her for the trauma she experienced when she was a child. But she is now stating that her mother’s reaction to the shooting of her own son has given her reason to be concerned that the wrong people are being blamed for what happened to the baby.

    Glassey says that on the night of the shooting, her mother was far from the grieving parent that many might expect after such a senseless tragedy. Instead, she was concerned about the insurance money.

    “How soon do you think life insurance policy will send me a check?” she allegedly asked her daughter.

    Glassey also says that her mother was not consistent with her emotions, crying one minute and fine the next. But her mother says that there were other witnesses who also confirm that the incident took place as she described it.

    “I spoke with the detectives and investigators and the evidence leads to many witnesses, not just me,” said West.

    But Glassey says that police should carefully look into her mother’s claims, since she has schizophrenic tendencies. As it stands, two teens have been indicted for murdering the child. It appears that this investigation is far from being over.

    Stay tuned folks!

  23. Winston Smith3:39 PM

    In control+halt+delete's stunted logic:

    racial disparity that favors blacks = fact

    racial disparity that favors whites = opinion

    This is the basis of the 'disparate impact' abomination that BRA uses to deform society and assert hegemony over the culture.

    We live in a world of lies.

    If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face — forever.

  24. Christianity is about the Divine becoming Man amidst blood and animal shit. Christianity revolves around an innocent man rejected by his people, despised by the elite, declared a criminal by the court, and murdered by the government under the false color of law. Christianity describes a world that is fallen, sinful, and ruled by an evil, sadistic, prideful, immortal liar.

    We Christians today are weak. We are soft, fat, and flaccid in our faith. We are the beneficiaries of the greatest explosion of global wealth and one of the longest periods of peace in the history of the world, and we are quite understandably daunted by the sober realization that this Golden Age is rapidly coming to an end. We are lotus eaters, hedonized if not entirely hedonistic, and the soothing whispers of Mammon have enervated our will, our strength, and even our faith. We are the sad and pathetic heirs of the Church Militant, an embarrassment to our predecessors and eminently unworthy of our Lord and Savior.

    And yet, we are who we are. We, who worship Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, are the remnants of the victorious Divine Invasion.

    On this day many centuries ago, there was little more than twelve frightened and despairing men. From that small and unprepossessing foundation, the Risen Lord Jesus Christ constructed a Church that brought the Good News to all mankind, that civilized barbarians around the world, that remains the oldest and greatest human institution, and that, despite its corruption and decadence, continues to resist the every-hungry Gates of Hell.

    If God could do that with men like Peter, the denier, and Thomas, the doubter who believed only what he could see, what can He not do with those He has blessed because we have not seen and yet have believed?

    Jesus never promised us a rose garden on this earth, ruled as it is by the wicked prince who killed him. He promised that we would be hated. He promised that we would be condemned. He promised that we would see our families and our nations divided. He promised that we would be persecuted. He promised wars and the rumors of wars. And yet, somehow, when what he promised comes to pass, we find ourselves troubled and our faith shaken by the very things that should serve to confirm it.

    It is not hard to see why so many people of every culture and creed around the world are frightened and losing hope. If you are not concerned, deeply concerned, about the state of the world today, you are either in denial or you are not paying attention. The rule of law is dissolving and the collective illusions upon which our civilization depends are rapidly fading away. We have lost our trust in our institutions, in our traditions, in our icons, and in our leaders. We have lost our confidence in the certainty of the Worker's Paradise, in the exceptionalism of America, in the inevitability of the shiny, sexy, secular scientopia, and in the idea of peace on earth through the good will of the globalist bureaucracies. We have lost our faith in Progress.

    We are rapidly coming to understand that there is no hope to be found in Man or the things of Man's making. But the truth is, the observable historical reality is, there has never been any hope but one. And the foundation of that hope is precisely what we Christians are celebrating today: the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.

    He is Risen! Christ is Risen!

  25. NSangoma5:04 PM


    Yallz peoples, yallz peoples:

    4-year-old girl shot dead in car in Miami

    Married parents? Or, the dreaded baby-daddy baby-mama combo?


  26. The racist anons are out in force today. I guess they can't find stories about the GA killing without coming here.
    Funny how high school dropouts who live in their mother's trailer wants to discuss racial intelligence on a site run by a successful blah lawyer. Irony is lost on the stupid.


  27. Black Sage said...
    MatanxasGV asked …… How do either of you know that any emigrant or human does not come here to this craphole under duress vs their own volition? Can either of you prove that?

    Black sage Happy Easter? is that all you have Now i really know that you have no proof
    Happy easter? These people hmmm sort of like YOU people huh?

    Sistah/bro I can see now that your debate skills need honing and until you get better there will be no more comments from littel i 2 big U
    Love ya though , but there will be no aproxima ;) You and i are done Checkmate

    Ps I always teach my grands not to argue with people because they will beat you down with their own ignorance

  28. Yada Yada yada and the news reported this and the news reported that but where are the facts and the proof ?? Who was there to see the child shot and killed. Where is the proof that any Afrikan shot the baby WHERE is the proof?

    So the po po went to a house and arrested family members, Did anyone here hear what the po po said to the people prior to the arrest was there intimidation threats fear?

    Now, i have never said seriously that the youth did not kill i ask questions So PROVE IT

    Is it true that past behaviour os a good example of future behavior PROVE IT.What is the past behaviour ?

    And ask yourself did Trayvons Martins killer stalk him and murder him? Or is it reversed

    Do most emigrants come to the US of thier own volition PROVE IT Give me proof.. Its easy to find its media proof

    Put on your thinking caps THINK of all possibilities not just your own anger and bias against immigrants Step out of your bias and the 'THEM PEOPLE" philosophy

    I have been on both sides of the bench And trust me i was never hesitant when it came to life sentences or other THINK!

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