Thursday, March 07, 2013

The infringer!

I hope that all of you gun nut freaks saw this one:

"Attorney General Eric Holder said in a letter Tuesday that Obama administration believes it could "hypothetically" carry out drone strikes against Americans on U.S. soil, but "has no intention of doing so."

So the next time you think about taking up arms against the "tyrant" living in the White House, think about that for a minute. There is nothing like a little drone strike from Uncle Sam to get your attention. One minute you are in the family room watching FOX News and the next minute you are saying hello to your maker.

It's actually kind of scary if you think about it. Some geek in Northern Virginia with a joy stick is now Rambo. All the automatic weapons in the world won't help protect you from the geek and his toys. "Hey Billy Ray, did you get the guns? Sure did, Bubba. I would like to see that Obama fellow come and get us now...wait, what's that sound?" I don't mean to make fun of my right wing friends, because if I am going to be totally honest, that Obama fellow has me scared, too.


Anyway, look at this picture, all those people mourning the loss of their "evil dictator." Man I would sure hate to see how they would have reacted if Hugo Chavez was a good guy. You know, kind of like the leaders we elect in this country. The ones who care about the people and not the corporations who bankroll their campaigns every election season.

Finally, WTF is up with the po po in this country treating children like hardened criminals?

"An 8-year-old girl was handcuffed and jailed for two hours after she apparently threw a tantrum at her elementary school, KMOV-TV reports.

Jmyha Rickman‘s journey to her town’s city jail began at Love Joy Elementary School late Tuesday in Alton, Ill. At some point, school officials called the Alton Police Department to help handle the situation. It is not clear if the cops immediately took the child into custody or if they tried to calm her down."

Hmmm, "Jmyha Rickman", let me guess.....

"Eventually, she was handcuffed, placed in the backseat of a police car and driven to jail, where she was held for two hours. The little girl said she was not allowed to put on her coat before being taken into custody. Neheniah Keeton, Rickman’s guardian, says the cops manhandled her.

'Her eyes were swollen from her crying and her wrists had welts on them,' Rickman said. 'They cuffed her feet too and she asked to use the restroom several times and was ignored.”' [Source]

I know that she is only eight, but you are never too young to be introduced to our criminal justice system.




  1. WV is a purple state. It could swing back blue. Besides those Mountaineers are poor and somewhat uneducated, but they aren't all stupid.

    Now, Texas, on the other hand...

  2. More Black folks need to follow the current Drone surge of the "O" Administration. I'm a little miffed as why it took the Ramblings of Holder to get some (one) in the Black-Blogesphere to got on this.

    (We can Blast a Magazine Cover all-month..but not this...smh) It seems to be too sensitive for Black folks to digest that it has now become (in my view) one of the biggest 'Black Elephants' in the room!!!

    If you follow the 'REAL NEWS' (NOT CNN or FOX) on current foreign drone strikes its even more scary Field!!!

    FACT: 'O' has been killing far more 'ENEMY Combatants' and Innocent Civilians than Bush with drones. From a legal perspective ('International War Law'), if a country has not declared war and then they Drop Bombs on specific individuals in your country...Ahhh isn't that still war?? So if 'O' (skirts Congress)doesn't declare war and just sends an 'unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV') and kills about 35 folks, including the one 'cat' he was looking for (the one cat that he really had no hard proof on to even have the legal justification to kill...its like playing God)...You know were this will be going very soon....China got drones, Iran got drones, Russia Got drones and quite a few other arms dealers! The Drone Industry is BOOMING...including...itty bitty drones that can look in your second floor bedroom window that Bubba can purchase for home use..(that's another issue)

    It must be REAL SCARY for innocent Afghanistan families living day to day...looking in the sky, wondering this could be the day that I die.... from a drone guess is that we too (and many other folks in other countries) will have those same feelings...

    The precedent has been set...

    This is a World Human Rights and American Rights to privacy issue... so Field..Be Afraid...Be very affraid!

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The fear of 'gun nuts' is hilarious. Nobody is actually afraid of them which is why everyone can freely mock the poor souls without fear of social sanction. Nobody is dying by way of gun nuts, except for the hundreds of thousands of gun nuts call 'gang bangers.' But dey be dope so holla back yung 'anz!

  4. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Because they would NEVER use a drone against people that were not racist rednecks...OH WAIT, they already have. I could just imagine if a Republican was implementing this..I am sure you people would be "demonstrating" everywhere.

  5. I've been warning readers about this for years. No body is hardly listening. What about the 2717 light armored tanks DHS just bought and fitted for street us. Can't someone see the big picture.

  6. Well some of my right wronged friends hipped me to the youtube video how to shoot down a drine so I'm good. Funny thing is if we are all heading down the road to dictatorship why do we know so much about it? Kinda like secret societies, how secret can they be if you know about them?

  7. Frustrated Negro11:39 AM

    Lehigh Valley Black News Network said :

    More Black folks need to follow the current Drone surge of the "O" Administration. I'm a little miffed as why it took the Ramblings of Holder to get some (one) in the Black-Blogesphere to got on this.

    STEPHEN: FKA "Field Negro"
    refuses to discuss such issues...

    Unless its about those Rascaally Racisst Republicans....

    Talking bad about O...

    Never once will STEPHEN call into question ANY of O's policies which mimick Bush to the T...

    If you wanted to see blatant O worshipping...

    Youve found the right blog....

    Come on STEPHEN... tell us why we NEED those drone bombs to keeep the American Citizens in line....

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Frankly, I support use of drones - particularly in Afghan and Pakistan... In fact, on our way out of Afghanistan next year, we should do as much damage as we possibly can - because they have never been our friends and allies. Use drones to destroy the poppy fields while we are at it.
    Second, I welcome use of drones here at home to combat urban terrorists as well as domestic hate-group terrorists... Yeah, I said it.

  9. NSangoma12:40 PM


    NSangoma at 06:56-AM


    And, then let US know if you think we should be concerned about ...

  10. Black Angus1:27 PM

    The Obama administration continues Bush adminstration policies to a tee, right down to the exact Iraq withdrawal timeline negotiated with Maliki, ramps things up in Afghanistan, eschews further "enhanced interrogation" but utilizes waterboarding info to get bin Laden (per Leon Panetta), and now asserts the right to kill American citizens anywhere, even on American soil, without trial, and the Mainstream left is basically silent.

    Kind of makes you think the whole Bush=Hitler thing of the last decade was just partisan hypocrisy, doesn't it?

  11. The police arresting that girl was incredibly stupid, but our whole government school scene today is retarded. The girl was probably acting pretty feral, and this inappropriate use of police was just an attempt to avoid a lawsuit and or getting bit. Probably failed on the lawsuit side.

    Some other school in Baltimore just suspended a seven year old boy because they thought his half-eaten poptart had the shape of a gun. No shit.

    The government schools are the point of the spear of Anarcho-tyranny.

  12. Troy Davis1:44 PM

    I can confirm that Hugo Chavez is in hell.

  13. If you wanted to see blatant O worshipping...

    Youve found the right blog....

    Because we need one more anti-obama site. There can never be enough.

  14. Anonymous4:41 PM

    So are we condoning the use of drones against gang banger? Or only hillbillies with incorrect opinions?

  15. "I can confirm that Hugo Chavez is in hell."

    Yes, right along with Ronald Reagan and Tricky Nixon. But thanks for the update, Troy. Sorry you have to be mixed up with that crowd. You should have gone to church like your mama told you to.

  16. Dronio5:23 PM

    Obama is asserting the right to kill Americans in America, forcing senior military officers to confirm that they are willing to order troops to fire on American citizens, having all federal agencies buying huge amounts of ammunition and weapons, and disseminating Department of Homeland Security training that identifies "conservative, Tea Party-types concerned with Constitutional rights", veterans, and gun-owners as potential security threats.

    It's not paranoia if they are really out to get you.

  17. PilotX said...
    "Because we need one more anti-obama site. There can never be enough."

    When you have a Lamestream media slavishly devoted to serving Power by speaking Lies, yes, you need as many voices of opposition you can get.

    This craveness was exemplified yesterday by CNN, who pretended the filibuster over Obama's insistence on the right to kill whomever he wishes was simply ignored. Jeff Zucker has turned CNN into MSNBC without Al Sharpton, or "MSNBC White".

    The network that once gave serious coverage to Code Pink (when Bush was president) now thinks Rand Paul is just a silly boringhead who's boring.

    This is important to MSNBC White for several reasons. The most important reason is helping CNN's liberal audience -- which likes to consider itself enlightened and Deeply Concerned about civil liberties -- cope with the cognitive dissonance of supporting Barack Obama, who asserts the right to kill Americans on American soil even if there is no ticking-timebomb urgency and Dick Durbin, who objects to a Sense of the Senate Resolution stating that the president is not allowed to murder people.

    The second reason is simply to support Obama. Obama always gets the Tone of Seriousness and Heroism in CNN's reporting; anyone who challenges him gets the Tone of Comedy, of Ridicule, of Triviality.

    It doesn't matter what people do or say. We're accustomed to watching movies and TV, in which the what a character says or does is only incidental to his Heroism. The main determinant of whether someone's a hero or villain is simply how the movie treats him tonally.

    Only the Designated Hero Wins Applause. AP edits out the standing ovation Paul received at the conclusion of his filibuster:

    Even though Paul is making the same objections AP (and Erin Burnett) used to make -- and considered themselves quite Heroic for so objecting -- he can't be the Hero because we already know King Barack is the Hero.

    So Paul must be the Clown or the Villain. A movie can only have one Hero.

    Everyone must watch the same movie, and everyone must applaud.

    It is Evening in America.

  18. Anonymous5:48 PM

    The last Gasps of Fearless Chavez: ‘I don’t want to die. Please don’t let me die’

    All the slobbering media eulogies of this psychopath remind us that he was a so-called strongman. On the contrary, he was your typical sniveling leftist pussy, full of bully and bluster but a coward until the end.

  19. BARBBF8:58 AM

    FN you figure it...I can't! An 8 year old is handcuffed and taken to jail and kept there for 2 hours, and thousands of illegal immigrants who had been arrested are released from jail.

    Are we really better off today than we were 8 years ago?

  20. Frustrated Negro12:06 PM

    Pilot X... I usually wont comment on your many instances of blatant O worshipping....

    Im sure you love your symbolic pres...

    He starting to become the symbol of everything wrong in America...

    His legacy will definitely be that of a War criminal...

    Just as his predecessor...

    I feel no shame criticizing this employee of the Military Industrial Complex ....

    Heyyy its all subjectve anyway right??

    I say dead children you say collateral damage....

    Whatever makes you feel better while you suppoort this pres...

  21. Anonymous12:50 PM

    @Troy You've confirmed it for us. "Troy" is another pseudonym for Lucifer. If you've actually seen Hugo yo' ass best be worried because your realm is in jeopardy. Hugo has vexed the GREAT SATAN for the past 14 years. He's one hell (no pun) of a revolutionary and will definitely shake things up wherever his spirit goes!!

  22. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Anon. wrote "The last Gasps of Fearless Chavez: ‘I don’t want to die...he was your typical sniveling leftist pussy..." Carry yo' wimp ass to the library and see if you can find one head of state overthrown by a USA-backed coup and within 48hours the people rose up and kicked Unca' Sugar and his bootlickin' lackeys out and restored the peoples' President! Using your term that must be some mighty good "pussy"! Vive CHAVEZ!!!

  23. Anonymous3:35 PM


    Read this. Stop supporting CHavez because he was democratically elected. was Hitler, and he did do good things for the majority of Germans...does that make him good?

  24. Anonymous1:42 AM


    Mutants remain vexed that Hugo had 37 Heads of State and 50 delegations to pay their respects. FIFTY! Seriously, FIFTY! Could you imagine any U.S. POTUS getting that kind of love? Picture the drug-dealing, genocidal Bushes getting even half that coming to this crumbling empire. I don't think so. That's why I call them mutants, Field, because they don't care, just what you'd expect out of a bunch of non-humans. Mutants are SO disturbed that the rest of the world sees them as they are: the prison capital of the world. This sh/thole now incarcerates, on a for-profit-basis, 2.3 million, with over 60% being of Black and Brown extraction----the very same extraction that Chavez has been laboring to lift up, mind you. Yo, Field, Bloomberg News even had the audacity to question whether Venezuela's elections have been fair when the last election---according to Thom Hartmann in "Can republicans win presidential elections without using fraud & treason?" on YouTube---the republicans won, without resorting to fraud &/or treason, was with Eisenhower in '57-'58! I mean, yo' boy, THIS PRESIDENT, BHO, will go down as the VERY FIRST republican president FAIRLY elected( not that Rove didn't try to sabotage it, according to ANONYMOUS) since Eisenhower!

    I'm REALLY, REALLY enjoying that these creatures REALLY took personal Hugo's "waving away the sulfur" diss, personally, and that they're upset that the civilized world remains in mourning. The former major of London really gave it up to Hugo, too. He's definitely one of those rare mutants that didn't get the memo. He's gonna try and be a human, by golly!
